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/lit/ - Literature

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20165140 No.20165140 [Reply] [Original]

Now why should I bother going the extra mile and wasting my money on books when a smarter, better looking man will impress the girls I'm attracted to? My IQ is average and I'm a mediocre computer scientist anyway. I'd be dating a good looking normal girl if my face had the right proportions. What the fuck do I have to prove?

>> No.20165142

>not stealing all your books from the public library even though you won't read them

>> No.20165146

dude, shut the fuck up

>> No.20165147

>doing anything for women
>literally anything at all
You'll never make it with this attitude my man

>> No.20165152

You seem to think reading is only a tool used to make an impression on ithers. Based on that, I can say you are definitely below average IQ

>> No.20165159

>Now why should I bother going the extra mile when what I'm currently doing is not enough and I'm a miserable failure?
no idea

>> No.20165166

>My IQ is average and I'm a mediocre computer scientist anyway. I'd be dating a good looking normal girl if my face had the right proportions
you would not

>> No.20165172

Bullshit. Go outside.

>> No.20165175

Read for yourself. Better yourself and get fit. Woman will come to you. Do it for the gains not for woman. Woman is temporary. Gains, knowledge is permanent at least until you don't stop working on it. Good luck.

>> No.20165178

You probably don't know what you're talking about. I was clearly mentioning difficult material, not your top /lit/ charts.

>> No.20165182

just rape them

>> No.20165188

I'm already fit. I do read. I've been on this board since 2008. Thanks for the geberic advice, it was well meant.

>> No.20165189

The outside world is full of lonely 8/10-looking men without personalities, and just as many who are dating a fat retard.

>> No.20165191

dude, shut the fuck up.

>> No.20165192

okay then sit around and cry

>> No.20165193

All you said was "books", it's apparent you are a child-brained retard who expects everyone to read your mind.

>> No.20165195

Stupid cliché.

>> No.20165202

Nice try, anon. I'm not going to fall for your childish personal attack.

>> No.20165204

Things become cliches when you start to see them all the time

>> No.20165205


>> No.20165210

No, you really need to understand, everyone loathes somebody like you. Thats why you have to come onto 4chan and talk about girlfriends. People in your life, those near to you, loathe you. You are worthless.

>> No.20165216

That's not true at all lol

>> No.20165222

If it wasn't true then you would have had a girlfriend by now

>> No.20165227

I've had girlfriends in the past. I'm talking about well-read women.

>> No.20165231
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>> No.20165236

Why do you think you know anything about well-read women?

>> No.20165237

This fucking retard cant even see it. Once again, he sitting on an internet image board known for anti semitism and inceldom and where he is making a thread begging for attention talking about girlfriends. You need to reevaluate what is going on in your life and look deeper at your personal relationships, I can guarantee you most people in your life find your revolting. Change that.

>> No.20165250

I guarantee you it's not true.

>> No.20165255

I wouldn't kill myself over anyone.

>> No.20165260

Some of my friends have phds.

>> No.20165266


>> No.20165270

So you know women who are more educated than you and won't fuck you. For all you know, this is exactly what they're not fucking you.

>> No.20165276

LMAO, good one.

>> No.20165280

At the age I am now I cannot conceive of actually liking a woman.

>> No.20165286

you need to die, I firmly believe this now, as im sure your closest confidants believe. people fucking hate you, you need to learn to live with this because i dont think its going to change.

>> No.20165295

the older i get, the more i'm convinced women are demons and the love of men should be reserved only for other men

>> No.20165308

Because I post shit threads?

>> No.20165315

youve revealed much about yourself in your exchanges with the other anons, you are not fit to live.

>> No.20165320

Idk what you're going thru rn man but trust me simping is NOT the answer.

>> No.20165325

>reading books is simping
this tells us a lot about you

>> No.20165330

Why do you say these things?

>> No.20165343

That wasn't me.

>> No.20165345

We dont believe you.

>> No.20165349

Check for the samefagging then.

>> No.20165352

Respecting women is simping

>> No.20165431

>going the extra mile and wasting my money on books
>when a smarter, better looking man will impress the girls I'm attracted to

If you dislike reading, do something you actually enjoy. Don't read to attract a specific type of woman. That just makes you a phony, and you're getting her to love someone you are not.

>> No.20165477

I don't dislike reading. I mostly read novels althought I do buy textbooks and download other material. It all seems meaningless in then end as I started later in life. And you probably read stuff like this on a daily basis on this board. I don't see myself turning my weak-willed habit into something more serious when people I follow on goodreads devour literature. NO ONE in my circle seems to care I'm bothering to expand my knowledge. I'm convinced this wouldn't happen had U been raised into another kind of family. My dad stopped reading after 36 or so and he used to read a lot. He's a somewhat successful attorney.

>> No.20165524

sounds like you have bad blood in you, poor genes.

>> No.20165535

Can't change that now, can we?

>> No.20165555

be the start of a new breed

>> No.20165630

just read for the sake of reading. there's no point in wasting what little time you have to live by doing things that might garner you approval from your peers or others.