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20164702 No.20164702 [Reply] [Original]

Anti-directionbrain literature? I'm tired of contemporary political and the left-right discourse.

>> No.20164724
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>> No.20164739
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read fascists + dugin

>> No.20164741


>> No.20164871
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This book is great because it exposes the fact that the actual ideas of an ideology aren't important, simply its ability to satisfy the needs of a directionbrained retard. His comments on the Apostle Paul switching from fervent anti-Christian to fervent Christian remind me of the athiest to tradcath/ortholarper phenomenon on this board. You'll often see people flip between left and right depending on circumstances as well.

>> No.20165230

shut the fuck up

>> No.20165239

what are you then?

>> No.20165272

> More political bullshit
Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.20165340
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>anti meaning "as opposed to" or "against"
You're still thinking like a direction brain lmao "THAT DIRECTIOM BAD HOW I GO OPPOSITE DIRECTION"

>> No.20165353


>> No.20165360

i'd recommend looking into literature on the anthropocene. it's about nature and the soul.

>> No.20165396

kill yourself you tribalist ideology-brained retard, if OP's image triggers you it means you are philosophical scum and posess no ability to think for yourself
Why Liberalism Failed is pretty good in understanding the absence of true difference between "left" and "right", Deneen touches on a little of where to go from where we are now but beyond a re-emphasis of local community he doesn't have that much to suggest for the future, frankly i don't think anyone does
russian imperialism is not a brand new exciting ideology

>> No.20165417

Plato's Laws. He promotes both far right and far left ideas to a point where you have to recognise that the human brain is neither.

>> No.20165447
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Just decent scholarly nonfiction from your area of interest. Of course even academic authors have biases but when it gets into nitty gritty autistic shit like wheat production per hectare, politics takes a back seat.

>> No.20165512

>wahh wahh I'm being a pedantic loser
Don't care, dipshit

>> No.20165565

Anything specifically about how left/right discourse focuses near exclusively on controversial, emotionally charged issues that have little bearing on the republic while the actual life changing policymaking tends to be bipartisan in support, itself resulting in shadow bills being attached to must pass funding legislature or giant tomes of obfuscatory spending proposals that hide more sinister goals written behind closed doors with no public recourse?

>> No.20165686

Take the monarchism pill and realize that there isn't a line but a ray: the point being the "right" i.e. monarchy and the only direction being the sociological decay that is leftism.

>> No.20165696

this but anarcho-monarchism

>> No.20165703

Antonio Pennacchi - Il fasciocomunista (The Fashcommunist)

>> No.20165785

Try "The State" by Franz Oppenheimer
All of history has been dominated by the struggle between those who acquire wealth through the economic means(producing goods, mutual exchange,etc.) against those of the political means(coercion, theft, murder,etc.). Viewed in this manner we see that states are the ultimate exploiters bar none. Oppenheimer goes through the origins of the state and explains why some evolved and others did not, leading to the modern state. He uses examples not just Europe and Asia but also from the Americas.

>> No.20166047 [DELETED] 

>classical direction-brain
>is a retarded monarchist
Color me surprised

>> No.20166062

>classic direction-brain
>is a retarded monarchist
Color me surprised

>> No.20166083

>stop noticing patterns and trends, and categorizing them!
No. I'm not going to just ignore the obvious leftward direction of society towards death.

>> No.20166190

Stop lying, you can't notice patterns and trends when you're literally a fucking autistic larping monarchist

>> No.20166661

This is stupid, non-dualism is stupid, things do function in specific negative relations that are inextricable from social reality. Go ahead you Buddhists, you Hindus, you religious ones, prove me wrong!


>> No.20166723

Except Stalin does the same thing

>> No.20166735
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>> No.20166738
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>> No.20166759

fuck you I hate you now

>> No.20166762

Right and left are often arbitrary. Supporting free markets and believing in Jesus have nothing to do with each other and yet in America they're both "right wing"
The left/right sepctrum is one dimensional. Trying to place complex and multi faceted issues onto a one dimensional spectrum is retarded. Its why you get grifters like Dinesh D'Souza who calls nationalism left wing and liberalism right wing.

>> No.20166812
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You should be vertical/radical, and, whenever you can, strive to match the versality of your nondominant right/left side with that of its respective dominant counterpart.

>> No.20166892

Dugin is just regurgitated Heidegger

>> No.20166896

I critiqued him in a video essay

>> No.20167120

The most annoying part about directionbrain is trying to figure out what the hell "right wing" is supposed to be.
Obviously left wing is all about equality but what about right wing?
It is used to refer to natural order (fascism, national socialism), individualism (capitalism, libertarianism), tradition (theocracy, monarchy); all separate things that change the entire political dichotomy based on context.
Engaging in directionbrain is bias towards leftism because leftism can be narrowed down to a single ideal, while there is no such thing as "rightism". You will be lumped in with people you don't want to be associated with.
Seethe. fpbp is right. You """freethinkers""" are fucking annoying.
The sky is blue. - That's not an original statement but it's the truth. Only a madman or a liar would say the sky is green or yellow. Truth doesn't care about "originality".
You treat ideology like they're pokemon cards. "Wow dude, look at my heckin brand new christian-strasserite-occultist-anarcho-syndicalist commune surely this is the ideology of the future!"

>> No.20167155

>You treat ideology like they're pokemon cards.
I don’t ascribe my beliefs to a specific ideology because ideologies are an inherently direction-brained reductionist phenomenon, there wasn’t a single mention of some alternative meme-name ideology in my post either so you’re either mentally ill or a sophist. The Russian ideology comment was a dig at dugin’s “fourth politics theory” which is just a realpolitik justification of Russian imperialism disguised as something with nuance.
>leftism can be narrowed to a single ideal
Except some people who self describe as leftists care more about freedom to do as they please and others do care most about equality, except many of the latter actually don’t care about equality they care more about superficial diversity/inclusivity, because these directions are not cohesive.

>> No.20167212

>actual ideas of an ideology aren't important,
Lapsed tradcath here, this is highly apparent in the larpers. It's like trying to fake being French by putting on a funny accent most of the time. In fact, it's more like trying to fake being from a tiny specific French town to someone who lived in that town their whole life by putting on a funny accent.
I suspect actual true believers would put more effort into convincing themselves of their larp.

>> No.20167238
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>> No.20167247

>ideologies are an inherently direction-brained reductionist phenomenon
Not really. Ideologies are about ideals, some of them are variants of greater ideals. I was criticizing the fake and gay dichotomy of equality vs ???
>some people who self describe as leftists care more about freedom to do as they please
To them freedom means equality, otherwise they'd be libertarians.
>the latter actually don’t care about equality they care more about superficial diversity/inclusivity
They do. They're just duped into thinking "diversity and inclusivity" is about equality.
In practice it's also a capitalist thing to signal to investors that they're conforming to the status quo. Imagine a company hiring only White men, that wouldn't make the bankers and financiers too happy...

>> No.20167480

Read works that focus on political power rather than explicitly ideological works - Dictator's Handbook by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith is a good intro. Machiavelli and Hobbes if you're more philosophically inclined.

>> No.20167759

fair enough--reading that Marcuse book right now actually. But just because the American political spectrum enforces a regime of one-dimensionality in the guise of opposition, doesn't mean that one should reject oppositions all together in an attempt to go "beyond" discourse--that only plays into the hands of a power that would rather have you chasing the permanent Object beyond the senses rather than acknowledge the objective truth of lived conditions. Truth only comes from a dialectical process, one whose logic is fundamentally oppositional.

>> No.20168104

>Obviously left wing is all about equality but what about right wing?
Typical direction-brain comment

>> No.20168113

fpbp. got all the midwits seething

>> No.20168116

Reminder this directionbrain shit only exists in the Anglosphere.

>> No.20168173

coping golembrain

>> No.20168176
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Because the Anglosphere are the only ones who still use plurality voting, which create two-party i.e directional systems. There will always be a 'left' and 'right' in these countries simply due to electoral selection pressures favouring a particular kind of campaigning.

>> No.20168203
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Read about the political trichotomy, it explains lot of things

There are two types of right wingers
For freedom and for stability

>> No.20168217

samefagging direction-brain

>> No.20168224

Reminder it doesn't. Ever since my country's independence more than 30 years ago it's been nothing but right-left shit-flinging while corrupt politicians, businessmen, and leading figures at certain institutions get richer.

>> No.20168229

>It is used to refer to natural order (fascism, national socialism), individualism (capitalism, libertarianism), tradition (theocracy, monarchy); all separate things that change the entire political dichotomy based on context.
That's because right wing does not exist beyond a reaction to the commieshit.

So the entire discourse is literally commieshit and autistic screeching produced in responce to the commieshit.

Such cases.

>> No.20168234

Adding more axis and empty signifiers to your infographic monstrosity is still peak directionbraining.
Repulsive anglo shit.

>> No.20168236

>The sky is blue.
The sky can have many different colors tho. And when a man who sees a blue sky at noon, a man in a different place can see a red sunset, and another one a black night.

Really activates them almonds.

>> No.20168251

Retards like this is exactly why I made this thread.
Thanks to those who have braincells for the recommendations so far.

>> No.20168256

>Obviously left wing is all about equality but what about right wing?
It's not actually that obvious. All left/right distinctions have to be based on prior categorizations, otherwise they will inevitably escape the definitions we use (alternatively definitions will arbitrarily expand resulting in confusion, which is exactly what most people complain about). If leftism is about "equality", there are plenty of right wing groups which could be viewed as leftist on the basis that they merely value a different type of equality, or equality in a different sense. This means that you have to rely on concepts which are more concrete and less universal, because universal terms can be applied to any thing at any level, thereby making categorization according to universals very reliant upon perspective. What are some concrete concepts? Idealization of race, idealization of the state, idealization of equality between human beings, to name only three. How is one opposed to the other? Only in so far as they cannot be practically reconciled.
>while there is no such thing as "rightism". You will be lumped in with people you don't want to be associated with.
Do you think there are not leftists who hate being lumped in with other leftists? Stalin hired someone to put an icepick through Trotsky's brain many years after Trotsky had ceased to have significant influence. Or the perennial gulf between anarchists and socialists.

>> No.20168260

OK brainlet

>> No.20168281

People with an insufficient understanding of history, philosophy and literature (i.e. almost everyone today) tend to put too much weight on whatever new idea they learn. But don't be fooled, the left-right axis is real, or do you want to call Plato and Aristotle directionbrained retards too for ordering constitutions along one dimension? (Plato had governments ordered as aristocracy, timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, tyranny.) You might not like the left-right distinction, but it has existed throughout history.

>> No.20168375

one could apply ivan ilich's critique of institutionalized religion to any institution including political. mostly it says that the church has become to obsessed with what is (what ever institution, in his case catholic church) and what is apocrypha or heresy rather than thinking about whether or not something is true or right (at least in the spiritual / moral sense). Similar to political identity players who are too busy thinking in terms of what is or isnt in their camp to make any kind of nuanced judgement of what would actually be best for themselves and the people they live with.

>> No.20168399
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I would like to rec 2 of my favorite books that go well together to help balance out the mindset you describe. these books are...
>reasons to vote for a democrat by michael j knowles
>reasons to vote for a republican by michael p tierney
the best way to combat directionitous is to understand the key points of both directions and realize the similarities vastly outway the differences and that the people that expound the left right rhetoric are just using it as a tool to manipulate people that dont actually want to think to hard, but still want to feel like they are contributing to something bigger than themselves (even if it is just their opinions on twitter).

>> No.20168405

>the left-right axis is real
What are its coordinates? Can I call it up and ask it to lunch?

>> No.20168407


>> No.20168432

Stop reading about politics, it's a waste of time. We are powerless and always will be. Doesn't matter anyway when in 30 years a coronal mass ejection event from the sun is going to kill 90% of the world population. Read about subjects that interest you. Read Moby Dick and learn about whales.

>> No.20168439

Jonathan Haidt's 'The Righteous Mind' is the only book you need to read to understand political leanings. You can decide for yourself if you think it's 'direction brained'.

>> No.20168469

So is direction brain a left wing or right wing criticism?

>> No.20168485

This is my favorite directionbrain response. They are so thoroughly indoctrinated by the left-right continuum that the LITERAL only alternative they can even fucking conceive is being at the center of that continuum. You know, still ON the continuum. They literally cannot even imagine the possibility that it doesn't actually hold the secrets to all of human thought.