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20162256 No.20162256 [Reply] [Original]

Who else to read after Peter Hitchens? I've read some other modern conservatives but none as comfy

>> No.20162679
File: 186 KB, 2048x1152, in-memoriam-sir-roger-scruton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read Roger Scruton?

>> No.20162726

Yes it seems those are the only two in our times. I don't really like Scruton's writing style though. Too dry for me.

>> No.20162935

tl;dr "Britain is fucked and I have no proposal for a solution, also racism is ghastly"

>> No.20162949

E. Michael Jones. The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Logos Rising.

>> No.20163035

Some authors that don't suck balls.

Peter Hitchens is almost the bottom of the barrel when it comes to cultural political thought, only slightly above the total dogshit like Michael Savage, Glenn Beck and Alex Jones.

Anglos are just trash. I'm sorry

>> No.20163076

And who's good? Chomsky?

>> No.20163090

>conserva-bubble core pweze

>> No.20163098

>durrrrr if ur not right ur commie!!!!1
How about some older authors. If you want pessimism, read Schopenhauer, if you want an actually good history of communism and how it went horribly wrong, read up on the history of the Russian Revolution/Lenin/Stalin, if you want to learn more about the conflict between Christianity and Islam, read up on the war between the Byzantines and the Persians, the war between the moslims and the Quraysh, and the Arabian conquests. Just don't rely on some piffler like Peter Hitchens to spoonfeed you this horrendously simplified version of the world that's designed for little more than generating clicks and views

>> No.20163162

Alain de Benoist.

>> No.20163173

I like him and own books by him but he's a faggot who can't just admit he is a fascist and also he's French

>> No.20163174

None of those guys are explaining the world in 2022. None of them had to deal with this level of decline. They didn't have the internet or this level of technology.

>> No.20163209

Douglas Murray. I'm not a conservative but I enjoy his writing and I think he's very witty. Sadly he has become overly seduced by America though.

>> No.20163245

That was a very bad post. It doesn't sound like you read much.

>> No.20163254

How many authors do you need to explain you today's world? You can just read /pol/ or r/askaconservative. Conservative is not about redefining itself every decade. You should be able to read Burke today and get more from him than from hitchens and scruton together. It doesn't sound like you understand much about conservatism, and reading more of the same won't help you either.

>> No.20163278

>You can just read /pol/ or r/askaconservative
Yeah these guys really understand the modern world. Redditors and low IQ wignats
>sound like you understand much about conservatism,
Please enlighten me

>> No.20163289

>Conservative is not about redefining itself every decade.
So conservatism is about just rereading old books about the French Revolution and 18th century political debates while the world is crashing and burning around you and all your political enemies continue to win but hey at least I reread what some guy in a wig thought about the French Revolution. Very helpful

>> No.20163310

Conservatism is simply not for you.

>> No.20163328

The fact you are not hysterical is why conservatism has always lost and will continue to lose. It's why every decade has been more liberal than the previous. You can be smug but being smug doesn't change anything.

>> No.20163344

Perhaps one of the most brainless things I've ever read on this board. Truly Reddit-tier levels of stupidity.

>> No.20163349

How is this your problem? You're not a conservative, so worry about your meme ideology.

>> No.20163356

>How is this your problem
It's your problem I'd love to hear the answer to it. All those books you read surely you have the solution or is your ideology hopeless and all that French Revolution talk not actually going help anything?

>> No.20163366

>It's your problem I'd love to hear the answer to it.
First of all, conservatism conserves one's national culture, so the solution is dependent on your nation. Secondly, the solution is the same as always: do your best to promote conservative values by legal means and bring in rationality and common sense among your people. Thirdly, you're a reactionay zoomer, so, once again, conservatism is not for you, so not sure why you're so angry and invested in something that doesn't concern you.

>> No.20163371

>Secondly, the solution is the same as always: do your best to promote conservative values by legal means and bring in rationality and common sense among your people
How's that been working out for you?

>> No.20163373

Not /lit/ but Scruton's 'Why Beauty Matters' documentary is peak comfy.

>> No.20163380

Just fine. Conservatism is notably growing faster than any other ideology at the moment. Hence your obsessive interest and your futile attempts to derail conservatism towards your reactionary viewpoints.

>> No.20163386

>Conservatism is notably growing faster than any other ideology at the moment.
Really where?

>> No.20163390

In the West.

>> No.20163393

Anywhere specific? I'd love to hear this place where conservatism is rising and the "conserving of one's national culture" is happening.

>> No.20163399

> where conservatism is rising
In the majority of Western countries. Check the opinion polls for their legislative/general elections, and you'll see conservative parties growing the fastest.

>> No.20163407
File: 87 KB, 750x563, lgbt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which ones. Let's take the Republican party you consider that conservative? The Tories? Which parties are conservative?

>> No.20163412

Yes, they're both fairly conservative albeit corrupt.

>> No.20163418

>Republican Party is good example of a conservative party
Never has a W been this easy. Good night

>> No.20163423
File: 1.36 MB, 1536x1571, external-content.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reactionary refuses to accept a party as conservative

>> No.20163482

>Zionism, sodomy, free trade and open borders are all expressions of conservatism
Glad that we agree on that

>> No.20163487

>join my purity spiral
How's fascism doing mate? Haven't heard much about you since '45.

>> No.20163526

There are more "fascists" as you would call them than ideological conservatives, your ideology is a placeholder to gatekeep racialism from politics until demographic shifts make white people politically impotent

>> No.20163531

Just admit that you're mad that he's not reading what you think he should be reading.

>> No.20163557

On the contrary, I think Burke would be lost on him.

>> No.20163757

Lol, someone got a bit toasty.

>> No.20164149

That's nice, come back when you win an actual war and create a society that isn't an embarrasing shithole that collapses in on itself without the need of any intervention

>> No.20164350

>Douglas Murray.
>classical liberal sodomite wants to maintain the exact principle that led us to the modern world
might as well read Andrew "Poz Pig" Sullivan

>> No.20164364

roger scrotum

>> No.20165218

>Who else to read after Peter Hitchens?
Jordan Peterson, Douglas Murray, Jocko Willink

>> No.20165251
File: 104 KB, 647x588, hitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The superior Hitch.

Peter is just a sad old man impotently watching his home go to hell. He has no answers, why listen to him? He's a defeated defeatist.

>> No.20165275

they are both jews so avoid them altogether.

>> No.20165472

>He has no answers, why listen to him?
He gives answers, you just don't like them and refuse to listen

>> No.20165491

This is like the Gang of Four of Middlecore

>> No.20165505

Quentin Letts or Douglas Murray

>> No.20165523

Give one example, I'll wait. He literally tells young people to flee Britain, is that what you call an answer?

>> No.20165762
File: 378 KB, 1080x642, 2040s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20165769


>> No.20165795

the butthurt seething from this post could power all of europe through the current gas crisis

>> No.20165800
File: 57 KB, 352x528, TheBestHitchens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should read the better of the Hitchens

>> No.20165843
File: 556 KB, 1080x1691, boris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20165853

>"read up on history"
>no book recs
Yeah I'm thinkin' it's a /his/ zoomer who gets his knowledge from YT & Wikipedia

>> No.20165863

>smartest conservative
Burke wasn't even a conservative, retard. He was the equivalant of the 2040 republican meme, i.e; a lib who wants to slow the train down.

>> No.20165869

>burke wasn't a conservative because he wasn't a reactionary