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20160080 No.20160080 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most important books an American in 2022 should read to better understand how the world works/how the culture got to be this way?

My list includes:
>pic related
>The Madness of Crowds by Douglas Murray
>Program or be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age by Rushkoff
>Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Sowell
>The Great Degeneration by Niall Ferguson

>> No.20160094

>The Madness of Crowds by Douglas Murray
why would anyone read that when Le Bon already mastered this subject 100 years ago?

>> No.20160097

The Possibility of an Island by Houellebecq

>> No.20160109
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It's less about crowds in general and more about the West's "I support the current thing" mantra.

>> No.20160112

Here's my political reading list for this year.
>Why Liberalism Failed
>Poltical Parties By Robert Michels
>Age of Entitlement
>After Liberalism
>Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy By Schumpeter
>The New Industrial State
>TheTheory of Business Enterprise
>The Faces of Janus
>States and Social Revolutions By Skocpols
>Dept By Graeber
>The Tragedy of Great Politics
>On Power By Jouvenel
>World Systems Analysis
>White Identity by Jaored Talor

>> No.20160113

How is this book? I kind of like Jay Dyer but he's mentally unhinged. I don't think I'd read something by an e-celeb anyway.

>> No.20160117

I guess Lasch Revolt Of The Elites might qualify

>> No.20160125

Supporting Douglas Murray is so cringe. The furthest you'll get with him is conservatism, which has repeatedly been shown to fail. The guy is literally a faggot, a "classical liberal", who've repeatedly shown they're no match for the lefties politically.

>> No.20160148
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It's fine, so is the sequel, but it's like a series of film analysis. In terms of schizo analyzers, I think Rob Ager is more intelligent and makes better points

This vid makes a better case than Dyer does and uses evidence:

>> No.20160158

>Classical liberal
That's a defense tactic tho. Jewidpedia can't call him a right-wing extremist like they do with James O'Keefe.
> The furthest you'll get with him is conservatism, which has repeatedly been shown to fail. The guy is literally a faggot,
You're not wrong, but he still makes good points in his book.

>> No.20160198

>The Tragedy of Great Politics
This book does a great job analyzing Japan (1868-1945), Germany (1862-1945), Soviet Union (1917-1991), Britain (1792-1945), and the U.S. (1800-1990). Japan and the Soviet Union provide strong support for the theory. Before WW2 Japan was imperialistic and invaded Korea, China, and the Soviet Union. Its attempts to become an Asian hegemon inevitably led to its clash with the U.S. Russia has always been an imperialistic power and over the centuries expanded its empire from Europe to the Pacific coast. During the Soviet era, it grabbed Eastern Europe.

Germany is an example of how offensive realism can lead to disaster. After reunification in 1871, Germany started to flex its muscles and frighten its neighbors. By 1900 it had overtaken Britain to become Europe's largest economy. Russia, France, and Britain initially formed a defensive alliance, but this did not deter Germany, it just became more paranoid. Mearsheimer argues that it was inevitable that a powerful Germany would try to dominate Europe. However, historians like Margaret MacMillan believe that war could have been avoided had Bismarck still been around. Unfortunately for Germany, Japan, and the Soviet Union, they were not allowed to dominate for long. They became victims of their own ambition and this seems to be the main weakness of offensive realism as a survival strategy.

Britain is not a good fit for Mearsheimer's theory. It was never interested in dominating Europe. It controlled 59% of global wealth in 1860 but it never tried to conquer Europe. Mearsheimer claims that the English Channel made invasion too difficult. However, Britain's traditional strategy was to contain potential threats by manipulating either Germany or France. This did not stop Britain from aggressively grabbing territory in parts of the world where it faced little or no opposition.

Mearsheimer's whole book eventually leads to the big question: can China rise peacefully? Mearsheimer answers no but when the final chapter about China finally arrives he buries his own arguments by stating that conflict in both the Chinese South Sea, Korea and Taiwan is 'very unlikely'.

>> No.20160231

Nice list. Anything media manipulation?

>> No.20160336

I watched a few interviews and read his Strange Death of Europe, he seems like the typical neolib critiquing "wokeism" and defending classical liberal values.

>> No.20160363

That video is so weird. Guy sounds crazy.

>> No.20160376

The guy won X-factor and had a music career. Not a huge celebrity, but I think he's seen some shit.

>> No.20160415

But why is he talking to me like I'm a little kid? Weird delivery makes it seem fake and hard to watch.

>> No.20160440

Dude auditioned for X-factor. He's probably a narcissist who thinks he's smarter and better than everyone else. Doesn't make what he's says fake. I especially like the part where he says if something happened to him in the next two years, he's been framed or killed.

>> No.20160486
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Everyone who gives even a fraction of a fuck about the republic and its future and how it got so bad should read pic related. Scarier than horror-fiction.

>> No.20160525
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>From the writer that brought you "The Gender Citation Gap in International Relations" comes a whole new book

>> No.20160881


>> No.20160901

He's right about a lot of things, but his understanding of Roman Catholicism is completely warped because of the Dimond Brothers.

>> No.20161060

He’s a fundamentalist in the worst sense. Thinks his particular denomination is the right one and all others are blasphemous and heretical etc.. I’m a Catholic and I respect Orthodox a lot, despite our disagreements (boiling down ultimately to the papacy), but for people like Jay the world is just black and white.

>> No.20161106

>smart woman bad
>me no like when she draw attention to uncomfortable topic

>> No.20161156


>> No.20161162


>> No.20161434
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>he's mentally unhinged.
Nah, he just has an ego and does impressions 2 minutes after they've stopped being funny.

He slaps puss tho.

>> No.20161463
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>the republic

>> No.20161505

Listen to his debates. The guy talks over everyone and barrages them with the same talking points over and over. He doesn’t even listen to what his interlocutor is saying; it’s like he already believes he’s got everything figured out, so all he needs to do is wack his opponent over the head with the same points repeatedly until they surrender.
The prime example of this is his debate with the atheist T Jump or whatever his name was. Dyer didn’t even let the guy finish a sentence once, it was truly disgraceful. The worst part was the constant straw manning. After Dyer said “you can’t make universal claims about reality if you don’t have access to all of reality”, the atheist responded with the counterexample: “reality is reality”. This was meant to show that you can in fact make universal claims about reality without having access to all of it. But Jay completely misrepresented him, and still uses the “reality is reality” line out of context in his streams today to show how absurd atheists are. I’m not even saying the atheist’s point was a good point but the way Dyer strawmans him is shameful.
So yeah, this guy is completely intellectually dishonest and uncharitable. He reminds me of a guy who reads a lot and regurgitates information but can’t actually think for himself and assimilate the information into his own unique thought. All of this makes him unhinged.

>> No.20161574

>Listen to his debates
I only watched the first hour of his debate with Dillacunty, but left as soon as Matt used his infamous I'm-not-convinced (((argument))) and that was probably in early 2020.
>The guy talks over everyone and barrages them with the same talking points over and over. He doesn’t even listen to what his interlocutor is saying; it’s like he already believes he’s got everything figured out, so all he needs to do is wack his opponent over the head with the same points repeatedly until they surrender.
Yeah man, that's ego.
>So yeah, this guy is completely intellectually dishonest and uncharitable. He reminds me of a guy who reads a lot and regurgitates information but can’t actually think for himself and assimilate the information into his own unique thought. All of this makes him unhinged.
Idk dude, I only care about his content on movies, because outside of Ager and MetaIntent, I don't know many schizoid movie channels. I'm at the point in my life now where I think watching e-celebs debate about anything is cringe, mostly because 99% of them are shit debaters.

>> No.20161748

Cool synopsis. Will check it out

>> No.20162066

kek nigga think he Plato

>> No.20162242

>A novel

>> No.20162362

Public Opinion by Lippmann
Public Relations by Bernays
Mechanical Bride and The Medium is the Message by McLuhan
Technological Society by Ellul
Crisis of Modernity and Age of Secularization by Del Noce
The Need for Roots by Weil

>> No.20162494

On Democracy in America - Alexis de Toqueville
Revolt of the Masses - Jose Ortega y Gasset
The One-dimensional Man
Tragedy and Hope - Carroll Quigley
The Culture of Narcissism - Christopher Lasch
Revolt of the Elites - Christopher Lasch
Reality: From Metaphysics to Metapolitics - Mynand de Beer
Crisis of the Modern World - Rene Guenon
Yuga: An Anatomy of Our Fate - Marty Glass

>> No.20162507

Is all of this relevant to today?

>> No.20162511

i am not watching youtube videos you worthless fuck.

>> No.20162521

Nietzche, Jung

>> No.20162538

Who gives a fuck what you'd do tranny? Fuck off and join the other 50% of your community

>> No.20162605

>Public Opinion by Lippmann
>Public Relations by Bernays
Propaganda only exists in authoritarian regimes to brainwash the masses into accepting the rule of dictators
>Mechanical Bride and The Medium is the Message by McLuhan
Lmao who watches TV anymore?
>Technological Society by Ellul
Luddite tract against technology from cowards too afraid to learn how their iPhones work
>Crisis of Modernity and Age of Secularization by Del Noce
Yeah modernity fucking sucks, I wish I got badly hurt in a time before penicilin!
>The Need for Roots by Weil
Home is where the heart is
>On Democracy in America - Alexis de Toqueville
Aristocrat chud gives his reactionary take on democracy
>Revolt of the Masses - Jose Ortega y Gasset
Elitist trash
>The One-dimensional Man
Long and boring
>Tragedy and Hope - Carroll Quigley
Conspiracy theory nutjob
>The Culture of Narcissism - Christopher Lasch
Ok Boomer
>Revolt of the Elites - Christopher Lasch
See above
>Reality: From Metaphysics to Metapolitics - Mynand de Beer
Schizo shit
>Crisis of the Modern World - Rene Guenon
>Yuga: An Anatomy of Our Fate - Marty Glass
These are the worst times to be alive because gays can marry!

>> No.20162625
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This book forces the reader to understand that not only does the government not give a shit about your freedom, it will actively work to oppress you whenever in in its best interests and it is given enough leeway.

All of it happened and sadly will probably happen again. Kent State is more relevant than ever.

>> No.20162638

>not only does the government not give a shit about your freedom, it will actively work to oppress you whenever in in its best interests

Is this not a fundamental axiom for every American? Are people really that retarded? Do zoomers actually trust the government?

>> No.20162641

Right wing psychos unironically think the National Guard firing on unarmed college students was justified.

>> No.20162642

Okay. What's your list?

>> No.20162742

If only you knew how bad things really were. I’ve got zoomer siblings who are completely unironic in their eagerness to suck fed cock, posting about how Biden has “kind grandpa energy” or some shit, not understanding that they are constantly being observed and profiled by the government for possible danger at every turn. Do you know just how few young people care or understand how fucked up the Patriot act is? How acclimated they are with everything they do being monitored for their own good?
It’s so much worse than you could ever imagine. So so much worse.

>> No.20162753

You have not read a single one of those books.

>> No.20162864

At least people listen to him.

>> No.20163059

Five hours of schizophrenic ranting? I’m a believer in Christ myself but let’s sum it up quickly. The world is evil. Leave it at that.

>> No.20164233

He provides proofs that celebrities are freemasons and freemasons are Satanists

>> No.20164322

patriot act expired in 2018 and hasn't been renewed, but i'm sure you knew this since you obviously care so much

>> No.20164340

Man they got you good

>> No.20164614

What about Marshall McLuhan and Noam Chomsky?

>> No.20165070

yes they are bound by the law and only have the explicit powers given to them by law if something ended on paper they can no longer do it and there are many government watchdogs who are tasked with ensuring that those who would overstep their powers face punishment and the public is made aware of these tresspasses

>> No.20165363


>> No.20165775
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Tammy Bruce predicted the rise of censorship and “the Woke Left” in 2001.

>”Our freedom to speak our minds is under attack. Like the Thought Police of George Orwell's 1984, powerful special interest groups on the Left are mounting a withering assault on our rights in the name of "social equality." Liberty has been turned on its ear as the rights of the few restrict the freedom of everyone. In The New Thought Police, author Tammy Bruce, a self-described lesbian feminist activist, cuts through the deluge of politically correct speech and thought codes to expose the dangerous rise of Left-wing McCarthyism. Provocative and persuasive, this book is a clarion call to anyone interested in preserving liberty.”

>> No.20167002


>> No.20167154

Good list. Seconding it.

>> No.20168409
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