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File: 16 KB, 261x400, 9780141439518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20159185 No.20159185 [Reply] [Original]

Should I read it? Will I be excluded as I am a male? Seems like the kind of thing made for the fairer sex

>> No.20159203

>the fairer sex
First of all, I need to know if this was ironic.

>> No.20159210

yes, you should read it if you want a more complete experience of the western canon.
that said, it's pulp trash for girls.

>> No.20159228

one major difficulty with Jane Austen is that she presents a tiny uppermiddle class world where adultery is the worst possible crime, and extramarital relations are utterly inconceivable. motivations and characters' sense of proportion in this respect differ so greatly from ours that it all gives a lie to the claim that the themes are universal.

>> No.20159249

>a tiny uppermiddle class world where adultery is the worst possible crime, and extramarital relations are utterly inconceivable.
Sounds based to me anon. Anything else I should know going into it?
But it is enjoyable? Or it is just that pure pulp trash? I don't know if I can struggle through 400 pages if it's not at least a fun read

>> No.20159257

Don't waste your time. It's dumbfoundingly shallow. A book equivalent of upper middle class young female gossiping. There's literally fucking nothing in this book. It's completely empty.

>> No.20159258

many people - some smart, some stupid - think it's the best book ever, some people read it over and over again, and it's consistently in 'best novels' lists. actually, it's not too bad.
Post back when you've finished it, and tell us what you think, OP.

>> No.20159259

that’s how normal people still live and think

>> No.20159264

>But it is enjoyable?
It's physically readable, like, the language is fine. But the content is absolutely absent.

>> No.20159267
File: 45 KB, 1240x1290, 1144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is in many ways a fair review

>> No.20159275

What? How does that make any sense? Can you not relate to the struggles of the characters because you think their problems could be solved by going out and fucking?

>> No.20159298

yes, that's exactly what I mean. you idiot.

>> No.20159309
File: 1.34 MB, 800x946, 1648145606924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here I'll give it a read then. worried I'm about to get hardore filtered.
Hopefully there is some kino in here and hopefully I'm able to find it more importantly

>> No.20159312
File: 59 KB, 599x418, our future is so bright that i don't even need eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look at the image
>Instantly think "that's some Paris Hilton tier shit"
>Google it
What the fuck.

>> No.20159316
File: 37 KB, 976x549, et tu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pride and Prejudice
>Hopefully there is some kino in here
Oh lol. You have been warned, anon. You won't be able to get back the time you will waste on this.

>> No.20159394

I like it in part because it's a competent work by a woman and I'm often starved for that sort of thing that doesn't immediately make me want to shoot up the block. It can be frustrating because like others have said it's really gay regency era minor nobility gossip and intrigue but Austen definitely has a good read on people and the characters are believable. It's not Tolstoy but it's decent

>> No.20159531
File: 300 KB, 446x382, 1648661803524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 chapters in
What the fuck is Miss Bingleys problem? This bitch headed for a slap
I would think Mr Darcey is the writers self insert if it was written by a man

>> No.20159552

It was fun. <img class="xae" data-xae width="28" height="27" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/08b66b75_FeelsOkayMan.png"> I recommend if you want a break from the super-serious philosophical/non-fiction/White patriarchial non-inclusive canon.

>> No.20159587

>Will I be excluded as I am a male?
OP why are you so dumb.
Its a book who is going to stop you

>> No.20159649

Pride and Prejudice is undoubtedly part of the white patriarchal non-inclusive canon.
furthermore, Darcy and Bingley and everyone else probably inherited their wealth from slave-owners

>> No.20159654

>a break from White patriarchial non-inclusive canon
You're retarded on so many levels.