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/lit/ - Literature

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20155025 No.20155025 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any authors that wrote in length about the fear of being consumed by narcissism and being blinded by your own self? Looking at how easy it is to end up having a messed up head trip through getting a certain type of consistent enabling from people and society at large, and just how quickly people lose sight of the world by doing an anal ostrich absolutely terrifies me. It gets even worse in the climate of hyper individual interactions in the realms of social media. It's one daunting beast. I try to observe those kinds of stories unfold from afar, but my vision isn't lucid enough.
Could be fiction or non-fiction. It just has to be good. I sense a back and forth about this subject on /lit/, with many affirming that the whole essence of the world lies within, a more ''empowering'' (as much as i dislike that term i cant think of another one at the moment) approach to the self ; and others asserting that it's necessary to achieve a type of detachment in order to find the true splendor of existence ; and so on with infinite positions scattered all throughout here. Having a discussion about this would be quite lovely, or at least that's what i hope for.

>> No.20155055

Dude it’s cliched and people will call me a schizo Christ cuck, but the Bible speaks of this thing you’re talking about very clearly in 1 John and the psalms. The problem is that it says we are already absorbed by self love and have to die to ourselves to truly be free. We are not designed to be selfish so when we are we are not running correctly, but we are designed to be focused on God. It’s kind of like how when you hear a good song you look up the artist and read about them. That’s what was suppose to happen with humanity, we were suppose to see creation and become obsessed with God, but because we sin we become obsessed with ourselves. So I say all that to say read 1 John and then Mathew Henry’s commentary on 1 John. God be with you in Christ.

>> No.20155065

>"Man has no individual "I". But there are, instead, hundreds and thousands of separate small "I"s, very often entirely unknown to one another, never coming into contact, or, on the contrary, hostile to each other, mutually exclusive and incompatible. Each minute, each moment, man is saying or thinking, "I". And each time his I is different. Just now it was a thought, now it is a desire, now a sensation, now another thought, and so on, endlessly. Man is a plurality. Man's name is legion"

- Gurdjieff

>> No.20155557

Why do you fear yourself anon kun? Is there something about you you do not like?

>> No.20155601

my diary contains a series in which i battle with myself as narcissist with the name "the great deceiver"

>> No.20156077

Absolutely based. Keep fighting it day in and day out.

>> No.20156287

Notes from the underground.

>> No.20156897

why wouldn't you be when it takes so little to go completely off the rails

>> No.20158283

It is scary to think that back in university I thought I was pretty much okay but objectively I was batshit crazy, twisted by porn, drugs and an irresponsible, immature outlook.
It feels like isolation and deep reflection is fundamental to living as a tolerable person - especially if you have any past issues or traumas to deal with. That said I think it's almost impossible to be a wholly complete person as we were in Eden, everyone is walking around in their own specific arrangement of brokenness.

>> No.20158339
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Sam Vaknin, you can read his books but I think his videos connect more to what you're looking for, specifically narcissism and the self and how it connects to society.

>> No.20158546

I dunno I can't help you. In fact I've made peace with my narcissism.

>> No.20158595

One thing that impresses me is how some people can smoke weed and seem to be totally clueless of their own behaviour. When I used to get high I became ultra-aware of myself to the point where I think it would take actual spiritual training to handle it. I'm surprised so many seemingly low-IQ people are able to smoke with ease for years and even seem to benefit from it. Perhaps they can relax into themselves more easily and are less uptight about it. There's probably a lot of value in that - just giving into your nature entirely.

>> No.20158609

I hate my nature and use copious amounts of extremely processed food to cope. Yes, I am well over 300lbs and am going to die of heart disease within the not so distant future. I dont care. My family is gone and I have no friends. I'm just waiting for it to end because im too pussy to do it myself. Oh well, back to more Genshin Impact and trying to learn French.

>> No.20158614

If you control your eating you will one day be able to fluently order a fantastic French meal in a fine dining restaurant. Something worth living for.

>> No.20158637

Dude have you been to France? I have. The France i could live for died when Vichy was born.

>> No.20158640
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You are neurotic. Some people are born like that, with hyper and meta self-awareness, other are thrown from the living-the-moment continuum and got to life with the scars of seeing what they were not built to. Gotta live with that, remembering the view out of the dome.

>> No.20158656

The sad part is that it delivers a hell of a lot of fear and confusion but rarely any insight.