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/lit/ - Literature

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20154252 No.20154252 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books that had the largest impact on your life

>> No.20156251

dr suess
comfy pirate books

>> No.20156254


>> No.20156258

The Berzerk manga<img class="xae" data-xae width="29" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/7a95728b_Gigachad.png">

>> No.20156331
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>> No.20156409

I think you should talk to a doctor anon, looks like you've got a skin condition or something

>> No.20156413

listening to it right now on audiobook while running and I'm really enjoying it so far. Wondered how it was thought of on /lit/, I'm not a regular poster here.

>> No.20156414
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>> No.20156501
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>> No.20156602

Pic rel
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Brothers Karamazov
Runaway Horses

>> No.20156637


>> No.20156821

Bantu age mindset

>> No.20156843
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>> No.20157192
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>> No.20158580

just finished it, what a book

>> No.20158594


>> No.20158662
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I haven’t read it, but the adaptation was really good desu.
None of them had a good impact really. Mind that you asked about greatest personal impact, not good books or positive impact.
The Next Million Years: made me stop caring about eugenics
Pic related: first written description of sex; gave me some weird fetish/psychosexual fascination with the idea of humans with wings
Molymeme’s and Hoppe’s stupid books: made me a social pariah ancap edgelord as a teenager which stunted my social development
The Mood Cure: got less dependent on psych meds

>> No.20158683
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Kind of a lame pick but I guess since I don't read a lot of fiction it will do. Of course I'm far from my formative years and it basically just convinced me for the last time that blatant free markets don't really help the majority

>> No.20158691

If that's the biggest impact on your life you need to live life more.

>> No.20159305

I want to read it, can you explain the impact it had on you?

>> No.20159315

BAP is a big fella <img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/c69a1ef1_cia.png">

>> No.20159436
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>> No.20159485

OK ill bite. How did BAP change your life?

>> No.20159493
File: 674 KB, 1651x2481, external-content.duckduckgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Peace seems to allow so little space for belief in destiny, fate, God, or ghosts...but even discounting the iced down state of my senses...London seems a wasteland of spiritless order, the unvarying rhythm of its days somehow denying the possibility of any other dimension."

>"I wanted to throw myself into a war, hoping for either a metamorphosis or an exit. I wanted to reach a human extreme in order to cleanse myself of fear, and saw war as the ultimate frontier of human experience.

not to make a blogpost out of it anymore than it is but i read this at a very important time in my life which ultimately ending up in me failing monstrously. Lives of quiet desperation anons...

>> No.20159515

Brothers Karamazov

>> No.20159517
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>> No.20159522

These three emotes explain it pretty well
<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/24edafcc_wojakNPC.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="24" height="28" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/634a21ba_gachiHYPER.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="29" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/7a95728b_Gigachad.png">

>> No.20159525

I've not read it, it comes across as pre- Darwinian at best Am I missing something?

>> No.20159677
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Catcher in the rye helped me out of a bad spot when I was a teenager so that one is up here too but Ulysses both showed me that life is worth living and cemented in my mind that I could become an author when I was seriously doubting myself. No book will probably ever come close to it for me.

>> No.20159692

It's just Ayn Rand for the zoomer generation.

>> No.20159697

Pic rel made me realise how big of a pussy I am. It even got me laid, because after reading it in one sitting, I started to think and act with Iceberg's wit, I just thought he was really cool. But I have bulit a lot of character and became way less of a pussy after reading this. Another one would be How to be a motherfucking by pimp by Razzle Dazzle, that one is a fictional comedy, but it helped me learn how to read for fun, because I used to only read non fiction, now I also read fiction after seeing what wacky shit some people can come up with

>> No.20159704
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My low iq dumbass forgot to post the pic

>> No.20159727


>> No.20159732
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Pic related
I read it when I was 15. it is just some sf novel but to me at the time it was groundbraking, before reading it I hated lit so much (because retard school curriculum made me hate it). One scifi book lead to another and it was also kind of deciding factor making me go into stem later.

>> No.20159733


>> No.20159757

i read this last year, pretty good, the ending was a little weak

>> No.20159768

anon, why ar-?...

>> No.20160890
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>> No.20160915

Damn, I might read this. I've felt like this a few times. I'm a big coward who hates cowardice.

>> No.20160936


>> No.20161328

What exactly could a black person get from BAM? Go to the Congo and become a pirate warlord?

>> No.20161756

what does he say about Bosnia in it, since that cover is obviously a photo from the bosnian war.

>> No.20161786


>> No.20161802

Bhagavad Gita
Tao Te Ching
Van Gogh’s Letters
The Colossus of Maroussi
Montaigne’s Essays
Casanova’s Memoirs

>> No.20161817

What kind of inbred thinks mysteries is a useful explanation in literature about what book he read

>> No.20161829

I don’t know what you’re trying to say. I listed it because I love the character Nagel and think he is fascinating

>> No.20163332

nigger ... ?

>> No.20163737

you have something on your hand =(

>> No.20164342

bro i loved the first two maximum ride novels when i read when the wind blows. i felt like ascended into a new plane of consciousness than my peers. It fit perfectly with my obsession with Tool. I actually just purchased an autographed copy off biblio.

>> No.20164344

Taught me critical race theory

>> No.20164447

skip it if you are under the age of 60
it's boomer shit
you'll have to look up every cultural reference
it hasn't aged well at all

>> No.20164492
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I was in a bad place when I read it, and it completely changed my perspective; made me appreciate how much worse things could be.

>> No.20164549

I don't like "living" much. I'm almost 40, I think I've lived enough

>> No.20164659
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Pic rel basically laid the foundation for my worldview

>> No.20164663

After reading bap I picked up hiking and exploring as a hobby.

>> No.20164877

Hmm, is this chud or anti chud?

>> No.20164883
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Start using a planner (week/month) literally changed my life.

>> No.20164885


>> No.20165303

all the references are still relevant if you're not a zoomer