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20148787 No.20148787 [Reply] [Original]

What is the Nietzschean answer to rape?

>> No.20148794

Can't rape the willing.

>> No.20148798

He's a Kantian in regards to serious crimes.

>> No.20148821

is good if its aesthetic enough to justify itself.

>> No.20148836


it is exactly the same as his answer to cutting off the genitals of rapists, putting them in a blender, then making them drink it.

nihilism works both ways.

any more questions?

>> No.20148877

>trying this hard to be edgy
You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.20148908

Slave morality, being lead by lusts and a primal subconscious instead of letting the will triumph.
Nietzsche isn't a nihilist.

>> No.20148920

Take it like a man
Cut their throat when they sleep

>> No.20148953

And if the rapists are above the law, as is fairly usual?

>> No.20148958

>Slave morality, being lead by lusts and a primal subconscious instead of letting the will triumph.

>> No.20148968


>> No.20149307

Kant was a bastard?

>> No.20149473

>What is the Nietzschean answer to rape?
Sweden, yes.

>> No.20150216
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>> No.20151010
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Why do you care about philisophical opinions?

>> No.20151016


>> No.20151041

Darwin is the ultimate blackpill

>> No.20151217
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Reading that abstract made my dick hard. Am I a rapist?

>> No.20151221

You're a Nietzschean

>> No.20151226

Well I knew that much.

>> No.20151260

Since we're all good provocative philosophers here. Why should rape be illegal? Why is it? People normally say it's because it goes against consent, but is the definition of rape enough justification? It sounds kinda tautological. It doesn't help that anti-rape laws are older than our modern society and then they said it was illegal because it destroys a woman's innocence.

>> No.20151276

Would you like to be raped? Do you think most men and women would like to be raped? Rape is illegal because just like assault and thievery, no one wants it to happen to them.

>> No.20151284

The very idea itself that you shouldn't rape is a shit test designed by women to put another barrier between weak sperm and their uterus. The law is just another dimension to this (and a minor one at that). A woman cannot just invite any and all to plunder her vaginal canal, if you want to be taken then you must have your guards up elsewise you are giving.

>> No.20151297

No one wants to pay taxes. There must be a clear cut reason independant of perception that makes rape bad from a moral perspective.

>> No.20151303

>No one wants to pay taxes.
No one *wants* to pay taxes, but paying taxes is necessary for our societal benefits (like having police to protect them from getting raped), so they pay them anyways.

>There must be a clear cut reason independant of perception that makes rape bad from a moral perspective.
Rape is bad because it harms another person. Harming other people is almost universally considered bad.

>> No.20151316

Rape is good from a moral perspective by making future generations stronger and elevating mankind higher. That is why it must be illegal, to filter the cowards who fear the state.

>> No.20151319

Because it's tantamount to theft or vandalism of a valuable piece of property.

>> No.20151332

There's two main problems. The first is that the type of woman who asks for it and deserves it the most is not the type of woman you want reproducing. And the type of man who would do it, likewise, although that's not the second problem. Look at the study abstract posted above. The rapist is hostile towards women. The victim is vulnerable. The second problem is that the woman or women who make the man hostile often have nothing at all to do with the vulnerable woman or women who become his target.

>> No.20151339

Kant wuz a brony

>> No.20151347
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>sufficiently vulnerable female

>> No.20151352
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How fascinating
The literal schizophrenic isn’t internally consistent

>> No.20151375

Precisely my point, the more barriers to rape the better because it's a test of strength, both moral and physical. The greatest game is that which is most elusive. It's not about who deserves what, anyone only deserves what they can take, and anyone is wise to put up what defences they can. The law is little defence at all, better that a woman prepare to defend herself, from strong women we will get stronger men who will rape all the better tomorrow.

>> No.20151403

Wouldn't the cunning win as well?
We all expect the orc-like rapists who out-muscle their targets, but what about the goblin-like ones who use deception, betrayal, and ambush to get their victims?

>> No.20151419

Of course they would, that's a kind of strength of its own. Nietzsche recognised that the pan European aristocratic class of the future would count many Jews among their ancestors because there is no doubt of the power that their wits have won them.

>> No.20151495

>Wouldn't the cunning win as well?
I'm reminded of a news story I saw years ago out of western Canada, which may possibly have been a hoax but was not a dream or hallucination, where a small group of men had been raping women in their homes by inserting hoses into the windows at night and pumping a sleeping agent into the premises.

>> No.20151510


>> No.20151517

<span class="xae" data-xae="anger">&#x1F4A2;[/spoiler]

>> No.20151520

<img class="xae" data-xae width="22" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/eda6f332_cockmongler.png">

>> No.20152329


>> No.20152453

You don't even know what slave morality means.

>> No.20152480

The emotional and physical trauma that arise from rape often cause people to perform their societal functions worse. A history of sexual abuse restricts the formation of close relationships, thus damaging the eventual families that rape victims form, and can often restrict women that were abused from ever being able to conceive. Not to mention the vast array of mental illnesses that will crop up as a result.

>> No.20152508

Bite the dick off if I read my Zarathustra right. He got throated but bit the dick off and spat it out.

>> No.20152510

Society needs some sluts anon. Gotta crack some eggs.

>> No.20152530

It's a challenge like any other, some overcome it and become stronger, others are reduced to snivelling cowards.

>> No.20153125
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>> No.20153164

Stop having frustrated tantrums because you couldn't get pussy

>> No.20153451

Kind of but not really.

>> No.20153502

Any ‘trauma’ from rape is solely cultural. There is a tribe somewhere out in southeast Asia that was told about the idea of ‘rape’ and the women laughed at the researcher and said ‘It’s just a penis, how can it hurt anyone?’ Everyone knows that rape makes women wet

>> No.20153511

That's what 0 dialectics does a mfer desu

>> No.20153514

I am the law

>> No.20153518

>growing problem in many modern cultures

>> No.20153520

>What you have to understand is those are damaged goods, and I would like the ones with the seal intact to give le better social function
Virgin women aren't less crazy than rape victims or sloots. They're all still women

>> No.20153523


>> No.20154278

<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/6f5bc7e5_PillowYes.png">

>> No.20154284


>> No.20154363

>Slave morality

Nietzsche admired Lord Byron's poem, Manfred, regarding the character as an archetypal ubermensch for defying the gods / fates and committing suicide in rebellion. However, there is another Manfred in literature that fits the archetype, the character from Walpole's The Castle of Otranto, who also defies the gods / fates, and in no less a gloomy sense. Walpole's Manfred, who desires an heir, upon seeing his only son die on the day of his wedding, decides to marry his son's betrothed himself, and attempts to rape her that day. A painting of an ancestral patriarch watches over him in disappointment when he attempts this. Both characters are archetypal ubermensch, because they both affirm life in their darkest hour, both committing acts deemed blasphemous by the church / high society without insecurity.

Consider also The Night Song from Thus Spoke Zarathustra, which Nietzsche referred to as a Dionysian dithyramb in Ecce Homo, indicating for us how that passage is relevant to his conception of the Dionysian and consequently of the ubermensch, who is at the top of the Dionysian hierarchy of the will to power. In that dithyramb, the narrator (presumably Dionysus), having been exhausted by his constant giving of light and nourishment to others (a rather Luciferian image all around), thus starts to seek respite from his exhaustion in perverse sadism. Those he previously illumined, he comes to desire to hurt. That passage encapsulates the Dionysian circle of eternal recurrence better than any other in the whole of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, illustrating Nietzsche's sense for going beyond good and evil, and his ultimate realization that the concepts good and evil are echoed in all acts. Therefore, no act, even rape, is outside the domain of the ubermensch.

>> No.20154380

Harder, more willful rape. <span class="xae" data-xae="smirk">&#x1F60F;[/spoiler]

>> No.20154477

The desire to rape involves frustration towards impotence. Nietzche would see it as not good insofar as it expresses weakness, like a person singing very badly but forcefully in a manner that is motivated by the desire to feel powerful among people regardless of their appreciation of it.

>> No.20154498
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