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20149832 No.20149832[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20149842

Religion will die out within 50 years, this is the last generation of believers. Its like seeing the last of the Roman Pagans.

>> No.20149844

Cadaver Synod

>> No.20149864
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This is actually an interesting thought to me. In 100 years, when St Peters Basilica will probably be turned into a Museum and the last Pope is leading his own band of loyal followers somewhere in Israel(if it still exists), how would the Catholic faith develop without the head of the Church leading it? Would secret Catholic cults develop? Would we see a underground society of Zealots?

It's kinda like I am Legend.

>> No.20149889

>how would the Catholic faith develop without the head of the Church leading it?
The western Church would become Orthodox again.

>> No.20149890

I'll probably be the last man to die a Catholic desu.

>> No.20149895

The Orthodox Churches are dying at a faster rate than Catholicism today, it'll probably perish before the Catholic Church.

>> No.20149904

And how many times has the Catholic church reformed itself?

>> No.20149914

You can only do that so many times.

Nobody believes in faith anymore. It's the age of rationalism.

>> No.20149917

keep dreaming, fedora.

>> No.20149923

> Nobody believes in faith anymore
Fedoras are deluded

>> No.20149941

>St Peters Basilica will probably be turned into a Museum and the last Pope is leading his own band of loyal followers somewhere in Israel
you have a laughably poor sense of reality. What kind of a prediction is this?

>> No.20149968



>> No.20149989

This is basically what happens in Camp Of The Saints.

>> No.20150004

>this is surely the century where the church finally collapses


>> No.20150029

If Protestant Sects which centered their entire doctrine around society can't get followers, what makes you think The Church with its even more backward doctrine will?

>> No.20150056

>Catholic Space Monks in the year 2200


>> No.20150274

>2 more generations!

>> No.20150276

Celestine V was a neo Catholic. That's why he died in prison.

>> No.20150806
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You don't really believe in trad-cath/ortho-larping because if you did you and you aren't a complete sociopath devoid of all empathy, you would be insane with terror every waking hour of every day until your last breath, knowing that billions of thinking living feeling human beings on this planet do not subscribe to your particular sect of the Christian faith and are therefore doomed to be eternally tortured by God if they do not convert

If you really believed what you claim you believe, you would not waste even a second shitposting on imageboards or making hilarious offbeat humor Twitter posts - you would be desperately, ceaselessly trying to get every single person within your reach to accept your religion by any means necessary with zero time for leisure or rest; certainly those things would be impossible to any halfway-sane person who sincerely believed that an unimaginably horrifying and inescapable eternity of pain and agony awaited the unconverted

Of course, one may believe that God is perhaps not quite that deranged and does love everyone enough to, eventually, rescue them from the abyss - but obviously such a clearly repugnant notion is tantamount to blasphemy and heresy among most stringent fake e-Christians and thus is off the table for any devotee of the "DOOS VOLT" tradition

tl;dr stop pretending to believe a religion you don't understand to look cool and countercultural on the internet

>> No.20150894

It's already dead. Society reflects that, even the pope is constantly backtracking and changing positions on shit that's supposed to be set in stone. There's no battle to be fought anymore.

>> No.20150938

>Religion will die out within 50 years
I doubt it. Even if mainstream organized religions were to die, people would just form new religions.

>> No.20151030

I can see the potential of a Neo-Catholic literary movement, I just need a good example.

>> No.20151056

Tradcuckery is worse than regular x-tian flavor. You basically have to be heretical.

>> No.20151090
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this will become a reality

>> No.20151263

we can only hope

>> No.20152055

God I can't wait until this tradlarping fad is over

>> No.20152074

>the Catholic Church has an "even more backward doctrine" than biblical literalists who believe the Earth is flat

>> No.20152087

>society should be completely static and run by a pack of estranged pedos who've memorized a book

Yeah that's pretty dumb

>> No.20152088

SOCIAL doctrine.

>> No.20152089
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I swear...here's your (you)

>> No.20152108
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>tfw wholeheartedly believe the in the Gospels, and believe the OT is a mixture of truth and parable (but it’s irrelevant to me which parts are which)
>also have a degree in biology and heckin LOVE evolution
Christianity and biology are both just so beautiful to me, I can’t give up on either of them

>> No.20152218

This is a 19th century meme. 20th century proved this wrong, especially after the failure of ideologies.

>> No.20152263

>It's the age of rationalism.
AHAHAHA faggots actually believe this. What part of cutting your dick off and pretending to be a woman is rational? But you actually got me to reply so here's your (You) rabbi lel ywnbaw <img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/8ea2d160_peepoClown.png">

>> No.20152295


Catholicism has alway reformed itself, since the time of Emperor Constantine. It's not a bad thing if the fundamental dogmas and belief remain untouched.

>> No.20152304

I've seen these kinds of /lit/ spergs on interpals and I wonder if I should post them here. They are just as dysgenic looking as you think they would be.

>> No.20152332

Ideology triumphed though. Liberalism is nothing but an ideological proposition, and one significantly more detached from reality than either of the other two options that were on offer. People less respectful of religion than me have gone so far as to call it one.

You don't actually believe liberal policy is evidence based, do you anon?

>> No.20152336
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nice discription
it began and it shall end in catacombs
be it against all odds of this world or odds that are of another

>> No.20152337

people simply add neo to anything to mean bad.

>> No.20152349
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>if the fundamental dogmas and belief remain untouched
anon you might get some very wild news soon

>> No.20152588

>t. Jesus' early followers

>> No.20152837


>> No.20152849

Stop reading my mind faggot I'm trying to keep my scifi pure

>> No.20152881

>What part of cutting your dick off and pretending to be a woman is rational?
What part of believing in cloud jew is rational?

>> No.20153018

>cloud jew

>> No.20153046

Can you not read the reply chain?
He's arguing it's NOT an age of rationality so religion won't die.

>> No.20153492

>If the Catholic Church is really holy, let it save itself!
You are on the wrong side of Calvary.

>> No.20153790

Zoomers are so absolutely fucking dead inside that they would rather LARP as an idealized version of Catholics that never existed for internet clout than just develop an actual personality. Watching this group of complete fucking morons develop over the last 5 to 7 years has been an exercise in disappointment.

>> No.20153817

Because people actually want the "backwardness" because it's different from what they already have. Liberal Christianity doesn't really offer anything since the novelty of a church supporting gay marriage and female priests died out decades ago.

>> No.20153863
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what would you recommend?

>> No.20154159

just outright wrong, the novelty didn't wear off yet, look at Germany.
this. It's probably just for the imagined trad wife. Which, I'm sorry to tell you anons, but catholic girls are usually just as huge sluts as regular women.

>> No.20154169

What do you mean?

>> No.20154373

Only the most rational minds believe in God as there are ample reasons to believe and worship.https://youtu.be/aCeSJw3Qzls your not so subtle jewish subversion and self replies do not fool the rational mind

>> No.20154387

Same link but properly posted https://youtu.be/aCeSJw3Qzls

>> No.20154406

well put

>> No.20154419

Did these most rational minds figure out already which God is the correct one?

>> No.20154437


>> No.20154446

Great! Which one was it? Allah or Ahura Mazda?

>> No.20154471

Who converts more souls--a hermit or a crusader?

>> No.20154473

Of those two Ahura Mazda of course, Islam is probably the most ridiculous abrahamic faith.

>> No.20154480

Yes, God according to the one true faith traditional Catholicism I invite you to watch the video I posted jew your question would have been answered.

>> No.20154481

Our propensity for irrationality is what sets us apart other animals and is the reason we’re in this position today. To lose our ability to create myth and religions will sever our connection to our niche, which will mean doom. Everything in human culture has a sense of the irrational. The fact we all have names (mouth noises and scribbles) is kind of silly and thats just the beginning of human culture.

>> No.20154482

Hermit. Inspirational and holy figure.
Crusader. Hated invader and murderer.
idk anon this is close.

>> No.20154493

So, if, as you say, a Hermit converts more souls, then how is leisure inconsistent with the fact that all those who reject God will suffer for eternity?

>> No.20154502

In much of the world it is already dying, look at how few “Christians” attend church regularly now, the same quickly happens to the descendants of Muslim and hindu immigrants to the west. I’m not a Christian but I give money to some of the churches in my area because they are quite beautiful and I don’t want them to go away. That being said, really they aren’t irreligious, most atheists have as much zealotry and dogma as the most adamant catholic, look at Marxism, a secular religion for many modern atheists, Marxists even foretell “the revolution” the way that American evangelists foretell “the rapture”, with the same lack of actual occurrence, and even some Marxists pay lip service whilst truly espousing liberal values, just as many modern Christians do.

>> No.20154506

>Would secret Catholic cults
This is an oxymoron. There cannot be Catholic plural anything as there is only one Catholic (Universal) Church.

>It's already dead
I would say that Christianuty and Catholicism have been through much worse and more uncertain periods than this. It is like looking at all of Western society and saying it is already over, when you can look out the window and see it (assuming you live in the West of course). Is it in decline? Possibly. Is it the end? Maybe.. Is it
>already over
Obviously not.

>> No.20154515

Christianity began with Christ, not in any catacombs. Take your meds.

>> No.20154579

>Christianuty and Catholicism have been through much worse and more uncertain periods than this
Not since the first century. A new ~2000 year aion is approaching.

>> No.20155720

you know that the original founding day of the church was considered to be pentecost?
you recall the story after - fate of the apostles?
seems like we're going straight down the same pit

>> No.20155746

>Not since the first century.
edict of medialamum was in early 4th century

>> No.20155965

>>founding day of the church was considered to be pentecost
I see you are talking about the Church, whereas I was talking about Christianity. I guess I didn't consider a difference between them, but there obviously is a categorical difference. You may be correct about your knowledge of the scriptures. Satan knows a lot about the scriptures too. You will be going to the pit, as things stand now. I hopefully won't be joinging you, haha.

>> No.20155981

based attention span cultivater, mine has been wrecked to oblivion and back, following years of imageboard overuse

>> No.20155982

>the year is 2022
>krauts are still schimastics

>> No.20155984

lel retard

>> No.20156082

Germany is an outlier because of church taxes. Nobody goes to these liberal churches, but they stay afloat because they get tax money for doing nothing. Liberal activist bishops are what keeps non-religious people identifying with Catholicism on their taxes, even though the very small minority of people who actually attend church in that country are not pleased with them.

>> No.20156087

<img class="xae" data-xae width="24" height="24" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/857a9ea0_MarisaFace.png">

>> No.20156104

A hermit is not leisured.