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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 975 KB, 2048x1536, 1648378382711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20143006 No.20143006 [Reply] [Original]

Speak up anon

Previous thread >>20136081

>> No.20143011
File: 18 KB, 306x306, 1644125101137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /lit/ think about Squid Game?

>> No.20143081


I don't have a social job and am not dating atm so I haven't watched it. Feels based being free from normie fascism for a period of time. I do not understand why there is a critical mass of people in this country that has an inner need to be fucking impressed by everything all the time. Like dude, movies suck. Fuck you

>> No.20143094
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My girlfriend made me watch it. It's the only cinema I've watched in the past year, but she insisted that I watch it.

>> No.20143099

The last Netflix production I've watched was the first season of Witcher back when it came out. I'm not giving them any attention ever again.
>dude but netflix&chill
No, women are even worse than Netflix

>> No.20143104

Not the bump limit duder

>> No.20143114


>> No.20143121
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>> No.20143129
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Why don't you use your trip any more?

>> No.20143130

It would be easier for me to learn French from my native tongue, but outside of one grammar overview, there are no language learning textbooks save for those "learn French in 7 days" scams and English-to-French courses.
Fucking hell, why does everyone here have to learn English or German...

>> No.20143141

I heard French in Action is good. Maybe there's something like LLPSI which is original-language-agnostic

>> No.20143190

Thanks, I'll look it up. What scares me is that because I am an ESL some things will get muddled up in grammar differences, because English doesn't have what French and my native tongue do.

>> No.20143203

It is a fantastic allergorical indictment of the tranny gender nonsense not being treated as the mental illness that it is.

>> No.20143208
File: 20 KB, 375x550, pepway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frogs have rights too my bro.

>> No.20143237

How are they related?

>> No.20143257 [DELETED] 

Interesting image. Could spark a lot of thoughts but sadly for me it doesn't, I'm so dumbed down or something, can barely think anymore. I miss the time when I could look at an image like that an be philosophical.

>> No.20143262

Interesting image. Could spark a lot of thoughts but sadly for me it doesn't, I'm so dumbed down or something, can barely think anymore. I miss the time when I could look at an image like that and be philosophical.

>> No.20143279

I think it's just sad. Beauty being desacralized and violated more and more every day.

>> No.20143291

It was okay. I didn't like all the scenes of them eating and talking with mouths full of food. Orientals are strange. I like some of them but they are often very disgusting and have hivebug behaviors.

>> No.20143328

that's because you're a brainlet

>> No.20143347

How so? Do you think Gothic architecture is on the same aesthetic scale as a consummerist item? Or is it because you hate the Church and love seeing it desacaralized with commercial ads? Develop your argument to demonstrate your intelligence.

>> No.20143358

The smartphone and the church have a lot in common. Church in the past was in a lot of ways what the TV was and what the smartphone is. Churches existed even before newspapers. Church is really just a medium. I sometimes wonder if the high priests which seem to have abandoned the masses haven't actually abandoned us but have just moved and are much more invisible now. Also there is something to say about advertizing and the whole economic aspect of it. Church is about spreading a message, just like advertizing, and I don't think Christianity could have grown and spread if there wasn't a profiteering aspect to it.

>> No.20143369

>it's ugly
is a very shallow analysis, maybe smoke weed sometime, but I doubt it would help for you

>> No.20143376

There is a fundamental distinctions between them: God helps man look towards a higher power, consummerism encourages man to obsess about themselves (narcissism).

>> No.20143397

You missed the point then because my point was not that it's ugly: it wasn't about a property or a state but about a process. It doesn't have to be deep if it's a correct analysis. If it's not correct, please correct me then.

>> No.20143427

I said an image like that used to make me philosophical. You said you just think it's sad. I said that's because you're a brainlet.
You're the type of retard who begins by making a statement, then loses the thread along the way and argues for something else, then for a third thing. Fucking learn logic.

>> No.20143466

I didn't know you were the same person who said he couldn't think of something when seeing that image because you switched to lowercase. If I knew, I would've ignored you because you're likely projecting.

>> No.20143476


>> No.20143772

Next time a stranger insults me on the street I'll just put my pants down in front of him and walk in underwear while making retarded noises

>> No.20143781

My brain is getting better at parallel processing

>> No.20143847
File: 268 KB, 750x750, 134493704949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm quitting my job in 4 months and I can't wait.
Makes work easiers, knowing you're going to stop soon anyway.
I look forward to having a NEET lifestyle temporarily like I used to have. It's all for a good goal though, I'm not quitting because of laziness. Although I will enjoy being lazy for a period.

>> No.20143905

I'm 29. I graduate in may and haven't applied for any jobs. I make 1800 a month from VA disability. I skip all my classes. Stress and anxiety (self inflicted) are starting to manifest physically. I foresee decades of the same miserable life I have been living for years. I need to change my perceptions. I am a very capable person but I have no motivation. I think potential homelessness and shame will motivate me to start applying for jobs soon. I can coast for awhile on savings after graduation. I feel sick and bored and lonely.

>> No.20143916

based janny gassing the datamining thread

>> No.20143959
File: 92 KB, 557x602, ViennaVibes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was there right now anon.
Pop quiz - who painted this?

>> No.20143968

A. Hitler?

>> No.20143995

I beat my porn addiction and only jacked off to my imagination for a couple of years only to be defeated by the porn ads on 4chan -_-

>> No.20143997
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>> No.20144012


>> No.20144053

Anyone here have experience using fetlife? I'm thinking about getting an account

>> No.20144063

Youtube vanced was shut down by google. Anyone know other good youtube apps with built in adblocker?

>> No.20144081

What's your fetish?

>> No.20144083
File: 94 KB, 655x487, EsTPIvFXMAA68rr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I hear in the news that someone passed away all that I can think is "good for him". I am so sick of this rat race of a life.

>> No.20144090
File: 35 KB, 290x202, a5c294db8f5654c54356f89c4174e02f5a11d4d8b88fc9dc321690c42e320fb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/ mods unbanned me. I knew Justice would prevail.

>> No.20144093

Bondage mainly. Master/slave play is fun too.

>> No.20144129

I don't think I'll live long and have a family.

>> No.20144162

According to the General Social Survey Americans are now unhappier than they've been since the Survey began asking in 1977. That number stands just above 20 percent now and has increased by over 5 points in the past 2 years.
What are the political implications of a major proportion of people being unhappy? How many people have to be unhappy before we see civil unrest?

>> No.20144409

You need a diagnosis of some kind.

>> No.20144414

I'm just realizing now that I have given up long ago.

>> No.20144418


>> No.20144423

On what

>> No.20144431

Great thing bro. Quit my job 4 months ago and don't regret a single thing. My confidence has boosted so much it's insane.

>> No.20144485

On gawd fr fr

>> No.20144490

I shouldn't have vacuumed my room before drinking my coffee.

>> No.20144497


>> No.20144503

My coffee has dust in it.

>> No.20144522

I thought vacuums were supposed to get rid of dust

>> No.20144530
File: 1002 KB, 2419x3226, 8kE0EgU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a lot of people here who dont understand that lots of European citys have LOTS of churches and cathedrals. They are expensive as fuck to maintain. It's either get funding for maintenance of the structure or let it degrade . It is ugly but something has to be done if the government wont pay for it.

copy and pasted straight from reddit after i google searched the image
god euros are such embarrassing cuckolds, i hope they blow up every church and replace it with a mosque, fucking faggots dont deserve to enjoy their own culture. they should be held down and forced to watch as these things burn into ash and rubble

>> No.20144551

Should have jacked off in it

>> No.20144578

>insufferable retard
>admits he's dumbed down
>thinks smoking weed is good for u
>can't understand the profundity of OP's pic
if this isn't bait then this poster should kill himself immediately

>> No.20144593

>held down and forced to watch as these things burn
It wouldn't affect them. They would probably think it's a good thing and then commend themselves for their impartiality.

>> No.20144603
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>> No.20144616

“The Marivaudian being is, according to Poulet, a pastless futureless man, born anew at every instant. The instants are points which organize themselves into a line, but what is important is the instant, not the line. The Marivaudian being has in a sense no history. Nothing follows from what has gone before. He is constantly surprised. He cannot predict his own reaction to events. He is constantly being overtaken by events. A condition of breathlessness and dazzlement surrounds him

>> No.20144629

> take a job in the country
> lose all friends, lose girlfriend, stop meeting people other than coworkers
> go remote
> don’t even meet new coworkers now

>> No.20144636

Saw a picture this afternoon of David Foster Wallce sitting on a dog cage with his dog in it. The dog was panting, and there were two huge jugs of water on top of the cage next to him, and the window was behind him and it looked sunny which made me think the apartment he was in was probably enormously hot.
He was smirking with the confidence of a smug Shounen protagonist and his hand hung loosely over his crotch so it almost looked like he was grabbing it. Nothing like the David I KNOW.

>> No.20144688

> if you’re just starting after 22 it’s too late

>> No.20144693

Post pic

>> No.20144699
File: 339 KB, 648x432, 80A820A3-1758-470C-B90D-C1ADE3087EFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can’t god just be “logic”?

>> No.20144711

I need to relax. Take a chill pill and wash it down with a glass of reality. I'm wound up tighter than a nun at mardi gras. Running like a hamster in a wheel driven by illusionary fears. Nobody is even paying attention, I have nothing to lose. I am as free as a bird and am responsible for nothing. It isn't going to last much longer so relax and loosen up your grip. Breath in and out, open your eyes and accept all that is coming your way. What's the worst that could happen? Let it happen.

>> No.20144715

People will assume.things about you as soon as they lay eyes on you, but the best thing to do is to divest yourself as best as possible from outcomes and the thoughts of others, and relentlessly strive for a sense of self, or awareness of one's abilities and desires. Build a fortress around that identity that can't be toppled, know your worth, and refuse to let the world make you feel worse about yourself.

>> No.20144716

preach brother!

>> No.20144730

Starting what?

>> No.20144738


>> No.20144751

Second breakfast

>> No.20144767

the 1900s were a mistake

>> No.20144768

God I hate that faggot so much it's insane

>> No.20144775
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>> No.20144777

No but you will be stunted
t. 23

>> No.20144786

I keep trying to set my black friend up with girls but none want anything to do with a black guy

>> No.20144795
File: 91 KB, 827x930, 1629239580917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the good discussions on this board can be found on the archive. Nothing good exists in this boards present or future. Some nights I just drink and look through the archive for past discussions on topics or books I'm interested in instead of trying to start a new thread

>> No.20144858

Their loss, black guys have huge cocks

>> No.20144873

you would know, fag

>> No.20144886
File: 124 KB, 964x531, Screenshot (146).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt start coming to lit until a few months ago but i feel you. i remember when /x/ was actually fun and spooky, and not just a never ending retard larp contest between schizos, christfags and zoomers obsessed with succubi

>> No.20144916

Sauce me to good discussions.

>> No.20144929

I have absolutely no idea how I'm supposed to learn how to love.

>> No.20144959

T-Pain and Lil Wayne can tell you a thing or two

>> No.20144995


>> No.20145036

I think I've learned from home that love is empty gestures. you can just bury shit in gestures. not even particularly personal gestures, you don't even have to know the person. this fulfills your obligation.

>> No.20145039

2b or not 2b?

>> No.20145050

I want other people to suffer

>> No.20145051

banana bread

>> No.20145077 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20145078

Oiii oiii oiiiiiiiiiii I came I came hard o what a moment of ecstasy, yes oh god yes this moving flesh, barely recognisable in the moment of heaven of how perfect would the world of immortal Orgasm be
Now more give me more I need more I want more, I cannot stop I must not stop

>> No.20145096 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 1127x108, somersault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20145152

are you jewish?

>> No.20145178


>> No.20145217

I got high and I don't like it. All my worry is amplified.

>> No.20145252
File: 73 KB, 1058x793, 444696B2-DC7B-4AAD-9541-3E454BB88255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one man be so wrong? It’s the only life worth living.

>> No.20145283

It's not without some shame that I admit our position.
For I cannot but fold my hand within our play pin.
How couldn't you blush? sunk into our dainty chairs, pink stools of plastic.
An alien saucer to hold our teacups, knees to rest above.

No, I know it now. I know how I got here.
And though I won't know why you bothered to join, you're here too.
And at this moment, our music stopped.

Do you wonder why you rarely see anything intelligible?
It is only because the outside world reflects your internals.

>> No.20145364

weed can make a retard like you who hasn't had a single deep thought in their life have a few, but in your case you're probably too retarded for that to help

>> No.20145370

that church is fucking ugly

>> No.20145392

How does one recover from getting cucked?

>> No.20145425
File: 89 KB, 512x960, 737A062E-0E1C-448D-9C7D-D3838C463782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it this pic?

>> No.20145434

Cucked or cheated on? Big difference. If the latter, just say that some bitches are crazy, and move on with your life. You always find another girl and get over a bad relationship. If the former, that’s on you to figure out..

>> No.20145446

>have a rudimentary knowledge of the most basic esoteric symbolism
>notice that several buildings on my university campus feature very prominently some symbols which couldn't really be construed as anything but these symbols
bros i REALLY don't want to be schizophrenic

>> No.20145455

There’s nothing that makes me feel more strength in my blue collar upbringing than walking through gay-friendly bike-friendly hipster throngs on vegan patio sidewalks. These people have fear in their eyes. Do these people have jobs? Where did they come from? I feel like every business is for the purpose of having cute store fronts and offering things nobody really likes. I don’t really care about gentrification because that’s how cities work, but God do I miss the Mexicans.

>> No.20145456

As someone who has had a few proximate experiences that fall within that general purview of cuckery (although it was more emotional cuckery than explicit cuckery, unrequitedness etc) I have a suggestion .

For me what helps is to mercilessly demonize the person who wronged you. They behaved dishonorably after all and are worthy of contempt. If you can hurt their feelings all the better. Go in for the kill. Chances are you're already bitter about it. There is no dignity in suffering in silence. Spread your pain.

Secondly, absolve yourself. You were most likely taken advantage of and had your finest qualities abused by someone undeserving. It happens. Matters of the heart are messy. This says more about them and their vile inconsiderateness than any sort of breach in your masculinity. Let yourself off the hook and do not allow yourself to feel shame.

Finally, let time do its work. This person will soon enough fade into obscurity. Feelings disappear. You will move on. Eventually, they will be nobody to you, as they always should've been.

That last point is key. You suffer to the extent that they mattered to you. So you mush diminish their significance in your mind. Burn their effigy. Let them die in your heart. Evict them from it. Banish them. Be done with them.

>> No.20145460

The word seems to have a far more nuanced meaning than its original usage. Now it just means any sort of abuse of trust or betrayal in favor of someone else at your expense.

>> No.20145466

>There is no dignity in suffering in silence
if you suffer in circles, certainly
if you contemplate and destroy illusions within the silence, that is far more dignified and a path to growing

>> No.20145505

Based and thanks.

>> No.20145509

if i can chime in, i would also let go of any expectations you have for people. it aint just women, people are fucking shitbags in general, theyre chimpanzees trying to behave like gods. assume that of everyone you interact with you and you wont be disappointed or upset when you find your "best friend" accidentally killed your cat after he promised to feet it while you were away. youll just realize that you were the fool in the first place for trusting a fucking monkey

>> No.20145514

>if you contemplate and destroy illusions within the silence, that is far more dignified and a path to growing
Easier said than done. That is certainly a more enlightened coping strategy . But I am a wrathful animal. Sometimes enlightenment seems to me a cheap and paltry thing. Who needs it when this stinger is lodged into my heart? Perhaps I just have a vindictive streak. If someone hurts me I feel an obligation to myself to hurt them back. That said, I measure the intensity of my retribution in proportion to which they express remorse.

>> No.20145527

Dear Liberals,

I will now shotgun this tallboy and consume an entire bag of spicy peanuts.

>> No.20145532

Not a bad point. The problem with romance is that it entails some form of vulnerability. You lend out your love to someone and love is a fragile thing. And we infuse what's best about ourselves into it. So harming it is a shock, a threat to one's self-image. At the same time it's all just hormones swirling in your brain and you must understand that you can chose wrongly. Accept it as best you can. Also, don't mistake a passing infatuation with true love. True love is earned. "Love at first sight" is a polluted myth. Love is built. Infatuation may be instantaneous but not love.

>> No.20145540

I started a corporate job months ago and although my coworkers are nice they definitely know I have some kind of social phobia. I just tell them I’m really introverted. I’m not a pariah but not well liked. I am so scared of people and don’t know why. I lift, look good, am attractive - i know this because I can get casual sex quite easily now with good looking women. To do this I can take being a normal functioning human being.. I can tap into the current cultural zeitgeist of what’s going on in my age group and make eye contact and do the song and dance. But I eventually slip up. I hate people but fantasize of acceptance often

>> No.20145560

On almost everything.

>> No.20145563

Are you using like a Shopvac?
Because if you put the pipe in the wrong port, it blows air out instead of vacuuming.

>> No.20145571

this should be considered as some mild kind of terrorism

>> No.20145619

i have made big decisions

>> No.20145642

Same. I'm going to stop speaking. I don't like what I say, I speak before thinking, and speaking gives fodder to those who talk about me behind my back.

>> No.20145643

Tell us two of them.

>> No.20145652
File: 161 KB, 1024x1366, tremble_and_despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interracial, or bestiality?
vasilene or coconut lotion?

>> No.20145658

There's this part of the crucifixion of Jesus that I can't stop thinking about ever since I read it. It relates to this.
In this quote he's up on the cross already shortly before dying. Matthew 27:46 "About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”)."
When Jesus was put through his suffering, even this God given human form thought he was forgotten. He lost his faith for a moment.
It's very distressing what to think about what that means for us normal humans. That the suffering of life was too great for even the God himself in flesh.
Now I don't want to disparage from what Jesus went through, his suffering is unique in a way no one can know for real.
But what can a normal human do about something that makes even God himself despair?
I don't know. It's scary to think about. Humans are so powerless.

>> No.20145672

It's a warning that the world is such a cruel bitch that even God incarnate questions the goodness of the world in his moment of truth, and that doubt is the essence of faith.

>> No.20145673

Seems like you're asking yourself serious questions but have not made any decisions yet.

>> No.20145810

l am drunk. My gf is in love with me the fool.

>> No.20145871


>> No.20145881

If she's worth it, then she's worth getting sober. Took me 7 years and 3 relationships to learn that. If letting her down doesn't devastate you, then she's not the one, or you just really need your fucking head adjusted.

>> No.20145892

What the fuck. Im blonde, I'm tall, I hve a nice face and a deep voice. Why do fags like you get a gf while I'm forever alone

>> No.20145898

you make people uncomfortable

>> No.20145899

genuinely despise drunks. when its your turn to get a liver transplant, do the world a favor and just kill yourself. youll save the american taxpayer thousands in medical fees (lol) youll save the person who coulda used that liver but wasnt a drunk retard like you, and youll save the rest of us having to deal with you

>> No.20145903

I know that but I can't figure out why

>> No.20145915

>full of contempt
>concerned about the taxpayer
youre not based, dont deserve your liver, and give it to me

>> No.20145927

>fall in love with younger virginal a+ student nerd
>groom her and make her succumb to my coomer fantasies
>she now loves sex and begs for daddys cummies
>no longer attracted to her
>ive done this twice
why am i like this

>> No.20145936

You're literally evil

>> No.20145937

>begs for daddys cummies
Hate girls pulling out the 'daddy' shit just makes me cringe.

>> No.20145940

i literally laugh and piss on drunk hobos, fuck you drunkard, your girlfriend should be raped in front of you

>> No.20145947

I can't market my book effectively because I have almost no reviews. I have no reviews because I can't market my book effectively.

>> No.20145976

knowing how to talk to people sounds nice

>> No.20145987

Just pull an f gardner

>> No.20146015

Can relate - I'm working a corporate job and hate it. After almost a year here, I've made no real connections and find myself suspicious of the people around me. I'm just too different from other people and don't understand the way they think or why they care so much about getting ahead in these meaningless jobs. My (unasked) advice is to look for connection outside of work. "The company is a family" is bullshit. True acceptance won't be found among random people who happen to be seeking profit together. I accept you anon <3

>> No.20146035
File: 67 KB, 540x722, 1577218620607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had the balding dream again

>> No.20146042

Want to buy two kindle books but don't have the money

>> No.20146048

i know a lesbian alcoholic who im not even attracted to but i want to fuck her just to prove some point but i dont know what it is

>> No.20146065
File: 2.10 MB, 1988x2048, 23401375822_3dca5ac5ce_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel was such a monumental shift and I can't imagine what it was like to paint it.

>> No.20146107
File: 311 KB, 1200x1200, zzzzzdsafsadf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual dogshit on a canvas
I can appreciate modern art if it's actually cool, interesting to look at, and takes talent to paint like my attached image. He plays with perspective, lighting, he uses uncanny shapes/patterns to create a disorienting effect, and the whole thing comes together as a great work of art.
Yours, on the other hand, looks like a mentally retarded faggot painted it with a paintbrush up his ass.
I think that's the real difference between modern art, and modern "art".

>> No.20146117

Beksinski is great. Talented, but not so beyond belief. But Picasso rode the line that only a genius could. Fine if you don't like it. But les demoiselles d'avignon changed art forever.

>> No.20146129

I respectfully disagree. Picasso is Kurt Cobaine, Beksinski is Joe Satriani. Popularity =/= talent, and as the saying goes, he who writes for fools will always have a large audience.

>> No.20146143

impressionists > minimalist > Maxell Blown Away Guy > Anything Else

>> No.20146170

Anyone remember the shitposting battle that took place here a year or two ago, where anons were making modern art in ms paint?

>> No.20146179

>his comparisons are pop rock
ok guy

>> No.20146182

Two musicians everyone is likely to know and who illustrated my point perfectly well. Which artists would a real patrician like (you) have used?

>> No.20146183

Oh no

>> No.20146185

id rather talk about beksinski and picasso, which i already did

>> No.20146188

>using analogy is bad
This is a literature board

>> No.20146211

youre reading too much into shit

>> No.20146220

It’s the same with me fried. I’m way too different from others. Wish I had the confidence to just own it but I can’t. Thanks for the kind works friend

>> No.20146241
File: 561 KB, 647x706, 1631335578520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the behavioral sink theory explain western decline?

>> No.20146251


Isn't that Koln, the best cathedral ever? God damn it.

>> No.20146266

pay me and I'll review it. In fact if you pay me enough and tell me who you think your audience is I'll make sure to write a 4/5 star review which has some mild criticisms, just enough to add credibility, but not enough to dissuade people from reading.

>> No.20146272

Poverty has always been the wealthy’s favorite effect of their lifestyle.
“Western decline” isn’t an unexpected event. These cycles have always been. Natural reality doesn’t seem to like “civilization” as we’ve designed it. Modern capitalism has been a thick grease working itself up to bring us to total human collapse. A global crescendo

>> No.20146292

analogy is bad. it reveals an inability to express yourself appropriately.

>> No.20146302

Don’t wait until you’re on the brink of homelessness to start anon. Try to find something, even if it’s just a mindless clerk job until you’re in a better mental state to look for something more permanent. I know that’s easier said than done anon, but if you don’t have a steady place to live it’ll really mess with you.

>> No.20146304

I should be finishing my American Lit paper, but I’ve been putting it off all week. Instead I’ve been reading a lot—poems, mostly—poring over all of my old favourites again. Some of them make me feel sad and then maybe I cry a little, but there’s no real catharsis in it, so I write instead. Why am I so stuck? I always do this: retreat into myself entirely and hide from everything that’s worrying me, as though that’ll make it all go away.

I haven’t been sleeping much, lately. I pace around my living room at night, or if it’s not too cold then I walk down to the pier, or out past the causeway to see the city lights. Sometimes I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, as the wind howling outside lulls me into a sort of vacant stupor. In those bleak hours after midnight, I often think of these lines from “Preludes”: “you dozed, and watched the night revealing / the thousand sordid images / of which your soul was constituted.” I never see myself as dispassionately as I do when I’m alone with my thoughts at 3:00 am, and I never despise myself quite so much.

I can’t confide in anyone about this, because they wouldn’t understand. I don’t even understand it myself—why I’ve been so listless and sad lately, why I feel so strangely nostalgic for this time last year. It wasn’t a happy time for me at all: I was a frantic, anxious mess, and my whole life seemed stressful and overwhelming. But somehow writing to him, or talking to him, made me feel better about everything for a while. I still did all the same things, but the monotony of my days was briefly transfigured into something new, because in the back of my mind I’d sometimes be thinking of him and imagining what he might be doing and wondering whether he might also be thinking of me. I really looked forward to hearing his thoughts about things, back then. I was nervous the first time that we talked, but right away there was this sense of familiarity, as though he was someone I’d known for years. I hadn’t expected that.

He has an authenticity that I really miss; genuine and unpretentious. Articulate and precise, yet a little bit unpolished in an endearing way. Serious and hesitant and reserved, sometimes, but surprisingly funny and playful, too. I remember a sense of warmth and steadiness that felt very soothing and reassuring. There were moments where one of us might ramble on about something for a bit, but it was almost a pleasant awkwardness. It usually takes me so long to open up to anyone, but it wasn’t like that with him. Was it all in my head? Was he just humouring me because he liked the attention and had time to kill? I don’t know. Maybe I did something wrong and ruined it. Maybe I’m naive and stupid. Maybe I’ve built it up in my mind to be more than it was, but at the time it didn’t seem that way.

>> No.20146306

ok genius i guess that's why memes are so ineffective

Virgin literalist vs Chad analogy enjoyer

>> No.20146310

Yep, that’s the one. Saw it on some earlier thread.

>> No.20146313

I thought about him a lot, anyway, and there’s always the fantasy that goes along with that— of intimacy, of closeness. Perhaps the fantasy is what I miss, since I only really knew whatever small part of himself he decided to share with me, although I was curious about the rest. He seemed so sad and conflicted at times, but in this closed-off, half-hidden way. It made me want to reach out and touch him very gently, to try to soothe him a little. I would’ve liked to try to know the real him— the imperfect, flawed, complete person behind it all. What hurt the most was that he didn’t even want to try to know me, in the end.

Even if he had been interested, I’m not sure that I would’ve been able to act. I really thought that it would be different with him, but it’s always been like that for me in the past, with everyone—even if they say they don’t mind waiting. Whenever anyone goes to touch me I hesitate and start to get all skittish. I get excruciatingly self-conscious and want to hide, or I stiffen and shy away, anticipating pain. In our conversations I could be teasing and talk candidly about what was on my mind, but face to face? I probably would’ve been too anxious to even look him in the eye. I can fantasize about these things, but when the moment comes I can never go through with it. So I retreat into my imagination, because in my thoughts I’m always in control of the outcome. What I want most is to give up control for once, but I’ll probably always be too afraid.

As time goes by, some of the details start to fade. I suppose I should welcome it, because forgetting might make it hurt less, but somehow the thought of losing those memories is even more painful than the alternative. So maybe it’s my own fault that I’ve been struggling so much— even though it hurts to think about him, I can’t seem to make myself stop. A few weeks ago, when I was all out of sorts, I wrote that I wished I’d never met him. But that was whiny and immature of me, and I don’t really wish that. I should try to appreciate that I got to know him a little, even for a short time, despite how it ended.

I keep reminding myself that my future will be full of worse disappointments than this, so I should toughen up and get used to it. Still, I miss him so much, and everything’s been so hard lately. I just wish that things could be different between us, and that he’d reach out to me again. But so much time has passed, and I doubt that he even thinks of me anymore. Against my better judgement, I waste time dreaming of things that I know will never happen, thoughts consumed by someone who’s already forgotten me.

>> No.20146314

i never said it was ineffective. i said it reveals an inability to express yourself appropriately. an intelligent writer does not need to use simile or analogy to express an opinion. it is a format for people with low intelligence and lower attention spans.

>> No.20146317

>these cycles have always been
>Modern capitalism... global crescendo
Are you saying some other economic model would be immune to collapse? Otherwise I agree with your post, and i think it's compatible with behavioral sink theory. Human scale reaches its limits, most people can't cope, systems collapse takes place and many people die, those whom natural selection favors go on to create another better more complex society

>> No.20146320

are u the girl that talked about how painful it was to see this guy that didnt like you back on campus

>> No.20146333
File: 85 KB, 610x607, 1629786100542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it's effective, why not use it?

>> No.20146346

nice trips. because it shows the authors inability to express themselves appropriately. it reveals the author lacks the capacity to effectively write their thoughts, feelings or ideas down.

>> No.20146348

>inability to express
But that's just your opinion. I think it packs meaning into fewer words. Brevity is wit.

>> No.20146354

that was implied.

>> No.20146356
File: 1.01 MB, 600x1052, 1641955306871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well your opinion is wrong.

>> No.20146359

>reveals and inability
"Reveals". Hmmm. That sounds like an analogy to me.
Why do you have an inability to express yourself appropriately?

>> No.20146366

Another analogy.
Nothing is physically being seen with the eyes, your using a analogy about visually apprehending abstract concepts to criticize the use of analogies.

>> No.20146368

never said I was above doing it.

>> No.20146369

I love it when someone smarter than me shows up to annihilate my opponent

>> No.20146374

I need to lose 20 pounds so I can wear tight-fitting black tees and wear eye makeup but I've completely stalled at 140lbs for months now.

>> No.20146376

That is not the only definition of "shows" or "reveals".

>> No.20146377

they write like a girl so probably

>> No.20146385


>> No.20146390
File: 229 KB, 878x1200, shaft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a long time artfag and college art student, i agree
picasso is a fucking no talent hack and only kikes like you prop him up as anything more than childlike retard , what line is he riding? how did it change art forever? pretentious nothing words

>> No.20146394

how stop my screen from being red. kinda jew anti-alcolhic shit is this.

>> No.20146397

you couldn't paint les demoiselles

>> No.20146399

>In 1782 Blake met Catherine Boucher when he was recovering from a relationship that had culminated in a refusal of his marriage proposal. He recounted the story of his heartbreak for Catherine and her parents, after which he asked Catherine: "Do you pity me?" When she responded affirmatively, he declared: "Then I love you."
I'm thinking about a woman who loves me despite my nerves (I am a reincarnation of William Blake)

>> No.20146405
File: 331 KB, 1200x843, hr_giger_diskurs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i could, it doesnt even look hard, i could paint a flawless reproduction in a few minutes if i wanted to waste canvas and paints on that garbage

>> No.20146410


>> No.20146411

i think i pissed off a picasso fan

>> No.20146414

At best that means you're not expressing yourself appropriately. Worse still you could be a hypocrite. And even worse you could be picking an arbitrary aesthetic caveat to be contrarian (I emphasize the qualifier "could" - I don't know or care for your motives)
I disagree, those particular words have expanded their meaning by way of analogy. At their root they are still analogous and have connotations that reflect that.
We say "it shows that you don't have ability", we don't say "it washes that you don't have ability" or "it smells you don't have the ability" because 'shows' is a more appropriate analogy than 'washes'. However we may say "it stinks of you not having the ability".

>> No.20146428

Is it safe if I used to do a bunch of coke

>> No.20146429

all jokes aside, i think i probably could paint a reproduction of les demoiselles. you can see the brush strokes. it just looks sloppy. i'm not even shitposting i really think i could paint that.
it's like he just gave up halfway through his career because he realized people care more about novelty than quality

>> No.20146431
File: 71 KB, 1200x675, picassos-love-of-women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20146434

is he learning to walk again after a stroke? maybe the stroke responsible for les demoiselles?

>> No.20146442
File: 57 KB, 547x800, portuguese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20146449
File: 3.43 MB, 4236x2400, Sistine_ceiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm finally getting my own life together and now whenever i talk to my gf it ends in a fight. she stayed and helped me and supported me for so long when i was so fucking depressed and anxious and paranoid and suicidal. i feel like i just can't talk to her. everything i say is inflammatory, she gets caught up in the aesthetic of the words that she doesn't see the meaning. i can't talk plainly or directly anymore, she doesn't challenge me intellectually like she used to, only emotionally. and she still helps, she sends me books, asks me how my day was, texts and calls me first. and this is the first night that i'm just too fucking tired to play the game and apologize and explain myself to her. i shouldn't have to fucking explain myself to her. she knows me. does she know me? am i keeping her out? i've been honest, not cheated or been deceitful. i couldn't cheat and i never did. feels like i'm just not understood. this is happening more, again, as i leave my cave and interact with the ludi plebeii of las vegas, they laugh at my jokes but after 5 minutes they know something is wrong with me. fucking dentist tried to get $3800 for a fucking root canal and a filler. insane shit. i need to go back to school and get the student health insurance, at least it covers dental.

>> No.20146464

Am i going to have to buy paint and canvas just to prove i can draw this shit?

>> No.20146468

now this, this is art. Look at the fucking horsies. They look so lifelike. I feel like i'm going to get run over.

>> No.20146482

Yeah— it’s been a while, so I’m surprised that you actually remember reading about that.

>> No.20146483
File: 74 KB, 580x880, image1087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats exactly what happened, pic related is his last good work, and one of his least appreciated ones. thats how you know most picasso fans are full of it

>> No.20146486

I wonder if someone has ever boiled down using words to incite others into violence to its most efficient and primeval form. Well, other than the CIA and other three letter agencies, as while they have a method, it's still far from being both condensed and efficient.

>> No.20146487

Pretty easy. Just say nigger to a nigger

>> No.20146489


>> No.20146494
File: 299 KB, 429x570, cubism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you're wrong, clearly cubism is a superior art form. You just don't understand it.

>> No.20146495

>the keep is enclosed

>> No.20146498

the end of the havamal in the poetic edda has a long poem about various spells that odin knows, one is a spell that stirs people into great rage and frenzy, another calms them like a storm turning to daylight. so yes shitposting is technically a type of magic

>> No.20146501

Kinda jealous of people who enjoy RPG video games because they're so vocal about how much they love them, but when I play them I'm just like "ehh it's okay"

>> No.20146502


>> No.20146508
File: 120 KB, 650x805, girl-before-a-mirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very true. Just look at the juvenile, unsophisticated technique. It's not art, it's arts n crafts. It's like he purposely destroyed himself, in a blasphemous defilement of art itself.

>> No.20146510

ik so fucked u9 . I cnat bwlieve i work tommrow what the fuck. I smoked so mucb weed . Fuck.
im such a fuck up.
whhatever .im going to smoke e mkre weed akd pull a hair of theb dog tommorow . Thats rhe only way ill ever make it..

>> No.20146514

if you cant paint this ill pay you $1000 USD

>> No.20146515 [DELETED] 

Stop ruining your own life over weed, dude. It’s not worth it. Reading your posts is like watching a train wreck. Try going to NA meetings and committing to sobriety.

>> No.20146516

go find something you do enjoy. then both of you can share something you enjoy, with the other person. also, people who enjoy jrpgs, typically enjoy the memories they made as a child. the enjoyment is linked to nostalgia, even if they don't consciously know it.

>> No.20146517

Stop fucking up your life by smoking weed, dude. It’s not worth it. Try going to NA meetings and committing to sobriety.

>> No.20146518

Well, I can't not paint it, so I guess I'm out $1,000

>> No.20146522

i cant tell whose trolling me, the one supporting picasso posts a god awful example of cubism, and the one agreeing with me posts a relatively decent example. at least theres ass...

>> No.20146524


>> No.20146525

no shit

>> No.20146533
File: 9 KB, 274x184, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20146543
File: 21 KB, 267x263, girl-before-a-mirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah, look at that ass

>> No.20146544

Marijuana junkies are disgusting. They're equally bad as alcoholics, porn addicts, caffeine addicts and heroin addicts. They fail to notice the detrimental effects of marijuana and deny it being an addiction. They get offended whenever their drug is criticized and fail to see that too have fallen for pharmaceutical companies ploy. They usually respond with a link on how marijuana cured seizures or the horrors of caffeine addiction or some remark about boomers or standardized medication. But they're missing the point. They are all junkies, equally bad. Marijuana addicts imagine they're this counter culture revolutionary or o.g. thug or free thinker because they become intoxicated on marijuana and listen to music.

>> No.20146545

Guys, I'm currently reading Herodotus and there's a passage that I don't get at all. Maybe it's a shitty translation or maybe I'm retarded. But tell me what this means.

>Then, when he had subjugated all the Asiatic Greeks of the mainland and made them tributary to him, he planned to build ships and attack the islanders; [2] but when his preparations for shipbuilding were underway, either Bias of Priene or Pittacus of Mytilene (the story is told of both) came to Sardis and, asked by Croesus for news about Hellas, put an end to the shipbuilding by giving the following answer: [3] “O King, the islanders are buying ten thousand horse, intending to march to Sardis against you.” Croesus, thinking that he spoke the truth, said: “Would that the gods would put this in the heads of the islanders, to come on horseback against the sons of the Lydians!” Then the other answered and said: [4] “O King, you appear to me earnestly to wish to catch the islanders riding horses on the mainland, a natural wish. And what else do you suppose the islanders wished, as soon as they heard that you were building ships to attack them, than to catch Lydians on the seas, so as to be revenged on you for the Greeks who dwell on the mainland, whom you enslaved?” [5] Croesus was quite pleased with this conclusion, for he thought the man spoke reasonably and, heeding him, stopped building ships. Thus he made friends with the Ionians inhabiting the islands.

I'm reading the Landmark version but the Tufts public domain translation isn't much better.
What is the wise revelation here? I get that they are islanders and not good at fighting on land. So then why make peace with them if they plan to fight on land? I feel like there's a crucial piece of logic that I'm missing here. Again, apologies for being retarded. I've been reading for like 9 straight hours.

>> No.20146546
File: 9 KB, 300x168, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funami FM faster than sound

>> No.20146552 [DELETED] 

Peter Cubism is dead.

>> No.20146553

dont subtext/pseudo-reply me bro, if you have something to say to me just say it.
i am an honest man and will reply to the best of my ability.

>> No.20146555

Croesus has to build ships to attack the islanders. That guarantees a naval battle will be necessary. Croesus is as disadvantaged in naval warfare as the islanders would be on land. Therefore, Croesus decides to make peace, instead of fighting a losing battle.

>> No.20146556
File: 72 KB, 750x587, the-temptation-of-st-anthony.jpg!Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, superior spanish surrealist painter coming through
theres ass in this one too but its gay ass

>> No.20146558

>landmark version
>not the superior Rawlinson translation
They omit the word 'barbarian' in order to be woke, even though barbarian is derived from the Greek 'barbaros'. It's a mockery of foreign languages, in which the Greeks felt they sounded like "bar bar bar". It's a very Greek word, and omitting it from the text in order to be woke is enough reason to get the Rawlinson instead. I think you're still in the beginning of the book so it's not too late to switch.

>> No.20146560

Oh yeah, doh. That's pretty simple. I didn't associate that the Lydians would be just as weak at sea. Thanks m8.
I guess that's why he's a wise man and I'm not!

>> No.20146563

My pleasure :) wisdom comes with age, frend

>> No.20146566

Yeah it's unavoidable. But I have a good radar to detect PC bullshit.
Also, this translation was in that 90s I think, so that's not terrible. And I'm reading for the first time so I need the maps and footnotes.

>> No.20146574

That "relatively decent example" is by Pablo Picasso himself, you plebeian

>> No.20146578
File: 208 KB, 800x1381, 800px-Trinidad_El_Greco2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i know dumbass, i dont care because el greco is better

>> No.20146579


>> No.20146583 [DELETED] 

>I [sic] think [?] therefore I [sic] am [?]

>> No.20146592

what is the philosophy that some people just operate on instinct whereas a select few have a rational understanding of their environment?

>> No.20146601


>> No.20146603

it's the bell curve. instinct is best

>> No.20146604

oh ok, I guess

>> No.20146607

I dunno man, leaving humans to instinct would just create anarchy with nothing novel ever attained. that's at least what I posited in my essay I wrote.

>> No.20146608

The Matrix

>> No.20146611

this is what I wrote:

One might wonder why I never really talk much, or at all, about a "philosophy of mind" or "philosophy of self" Well those who might be wondering, after some long consideration, the long and the short of it. When Descartes posited the "mind-body problem" in his treatise, "Meditations On First Philosophy" he essentially saw that the body, as an independent organ of the mind, were wholly separate entities that functioned independently of one another. For one, the mind was an entity that was capable of doubting which affirmed the existence of the "I", the ego, cogito ergo sum, the problem of doubting one's own self affirmed the self coming into existence, the body. Now imagine that the body and mind are connected, but only in your existence, everything else observed is just bodies without minds, essentially an entire world of bodies on autopilot, that are observed through a veil of ignorance, that is, a posterori, you see only what your senses allow you to see, touch or hear, everything observed is bodies essentially operating as robots, with no conscience, one hearkens to the concept posited by social media as the "non-player character" phenomenon. These bodies can interact with you, but they have no soul or intellect and are only responding to your existence, which proceeds from an essence that gives all things animation, an ideal, or God himself, the ideal man, with woman being a subtraction of man, and everything else a derivative (animals, plants, objects) as Baruch Spinoza (I'm assuming) supposed.

>> No.20146613


But there is no intellectual communication between you, as the mind-body monistic entity that you are and the amount of non-intellectual bodies that respond to your voice or your gestures, since your empirical perception is only what your senses allow you to experience. Lets also say your mind is a switchboard that regulates pain and pleasure and that everything that surrounds you is only there to affect these qualities yet, again, there is no actual soul or mind in these bodies that is animate. The ideal "incel" world would function as this as to give us complete free will control of our environments that the current "realism" of today's society will not, or shall not. The ability to manipulate your surroundings so that we, as a collective of mind-body dependent creatures from our distinct point of view can have absolute control over regulating our pain and pleasure receptors without having to deal with the "intellectual realism" of current everyday life where our supposed "superiors" try and control and convince us of their supposed "superiority" which increase our agony and pain. many people in the community are convinced that people are predetermined to increase this pain and we are "doomed to existence". I think adopting my aforementioned "thought system" will placate our egos as the judgers, not the judged of society, as stated in my book, however, these minds must come together as "thinking things" that outsmart the rest of the "unthinking bodies", to increase our sense of worth and decrease our sense of empathy towards the non-thinking bodies that comprise most of who is against us. a form of social panpsychism if you will, the larger the mass, the greater the impact, in the form of Emile Durkheim's " collective consciousness" No one has to be predetermined to fail, and sticking together as the hive-mind of supreme gentlemen, as more men grow disillusioned with reality and join us, we shall be unstoppable.

>> No.20146614
File: 1.10 MB, 3156x1674, j_GoCEF33H95u6wwylW154j1UsF5CyzwTHSFQwXuVyg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could live alone and isolated. True freedom comes from being alone. It's always other people who tell you what you can and can not do. It's always other people who complain about the consequences of your actions. It's always other people who invade your privacy. It's always other people whom you have to clean up after. It's always other people you have to bend over backwards for. It's always other people you have to make an unreasonably difficult effort to not offend. If I lived alone I could be free. There would be no social pressures or shitty rules. I could live my life in peace.

>> No.20146617 [DELETED] 

I wish I was born (this is the text speaking).

>> No.20146622

replying to your post I had three options.
>who cares?
>detailed argument

a retard doesn't fully understand the question or the implications of the question. they only react based on past life experiences. at some level your question has merit, but the retard doesn't understand the merit. the retard only understands power.

an average person wants to appear more intelligent (what I'm doing right now and did in my first reply) so they explain the concept in more detail, but MISS certain points. the average man understands there is some merit to discussing and understanding the world around them but they fail to recognize it doesn't matter. only power matters. they also go to great lengths to nullify counter arguments that may be raised as I am doing here.

the genius knows your question doesn't matter. only power matters. cope

>> No.20146627

I think I worded it wrong.

basically the gist of the essay is that some people can make something of their existence while others just kind of go with the flow and those with a mind geared towards thinking and problem solving should rule over those who do cannot do either.

>> No.20146628

Most of them? The overwhelming majority of philosophies are based on the idea that they are the esoteric holders of the secret rational knowledge.
What is easier is to describe the opposite like Bounded/Ecological Rationality which suggests that most people do the best they can with the information and that many Heuristics out perform rational analysis, or even Divination and Oraclism which presumes that the rational understanding is beyond us, and arguably Psychoanalysis where there's a presumption that your subconscious already has figured out what's best for you

>> No.20146632

well I also criticized the concept of "cope" as well so your answer falls on deaf ears.

>> No.20146633

thats dumb. if those problem solvers were so smart, than why are the majority of them followers and not leaders? because clearly they are not as smart as they thought.

>"haha the smart man knows that not all men can be leaders"



>> No.20146636

I would say that most people tend to fall into the former category. I'm not saying trusting your instincts is bad per se, but knowing what to do with those instincts is a different story. I'm prettty sure most people just operate on autopilot and only do what society expects of them, and the rest of the population is able to make distinctions between what is "right for me/others" and "wrong for me/others"

>> No.20146641

well I guess that's just a matter of opinion

>> No.20146645

here's the other essay

"Cope". We've all heard the word used on certain forums and such, that its meaning is often lost to us. But what is "coping"? From what we have attested, its "the act of dealing with something that is outside our own control". But is everything outside our control? Our own lives, despite what thinkers like John Calvin may believe, are not planned out before us. In our moments, we have as much control over what we do in our personal lives as anyone else. The acting of "coping" is relegated to us not engaging the situation full-on, instead seeking things that step aside our lives and relegate us to pure contemplation, such as masturbation or any form of pleasure-seeking activity, when the least we could do would be to rise to the occasion and try to make something of our situation. All these forms of pleasure-seeking are, in a word "side quests" that lead to nothing actually accomplished other than serving ourselves in the most base sense of desires. A lot of existential thinkers such as Jean-Paul Sartre suggest we make the most out of ourselves and create meaning for us, as individuals, if as he puts "if you do X, you do X for all men". Despite Mr. Sartre's denial of life affirming lordship in our present universe, he does make a valid assumption here. The main issue, is how do we try and reconnect the "will-to-be" with innate existence? Everything passes through an unchangeable, undisturbed force that is nature, the core of which is the alpha and omega of all things man and creature, that in turn, creates an ever-multiplying group of cells that are intrinsic to the lifeforce of this universe, galaxy, planet, down to the invisible charges of negative and positive energy that shapes reality unto itself, you would think that because of this awe-inspiring arrangement, everything has its place and finds meaning in its own existence. I have disregarded existentialism in the past due to its overemphasis on being-in-itself, since everything on earth, at the very least, has defining characteristics that place itself along the chain-of-events that proceed from the one true God, variations on a single theme that can be perfected in thousands, if not millions of separate ways, but God gave us free will to exercise to our own abilities so that we may find our own internal purpose.

>> No.20146649


None of this, be it art, religion, or finding purpose in your craft, your gaming habits, or intellectual theories, etc etc. is anything close to "cope", its your meaning that you have made yourself as a way of placing yourself in the ever-changing cells of society, earth, any galaxy, or the entire universe. Hope you understand.

>> No.20146651

Fat people are disgusting. They reek of excrement and sweat. Their fat bulges push and pull at clothes two sizes too small. Beneath their rolls of fat lingers crumbs of pizza crush and cheeto dust. Fat people cope inversely to the manner in which people from small towns cope. Well I'm fat but that guys fatter compares to Well I'm from a small town but that towns smaller. COPE. The world would be better off if fat people died.




>> No.20146654

I could have written this.

>> No.20146677

Ecological Rationality has proven that heuristics outperform analysis in high-uncertainty environments. While 'complex models' are better for more stable environments with lower uncertainty.
>I'm prettty sure most people just operate on autopilot and only do what society expects of them
That's a very loaded statement and probably a not very accurate one. I think it's grossly oversimplifying to imply that the majority people would choose to defy society's expectations if circumstances were different.
You might want to look into 'Fundamental attribution error' if you haven't already. It's interesting how we can see how our own choices are rational, but being outside observers perceive other people as not.
If I understand you right you think that there's a small minority of people who are more rational than the rest and that this fundamentally means two things 1. they don't operate on 'instinct', 2. they don't follow Society's expectations.
However I think that you're grossly underestimating that in fact the vast majority of people have no choice but to follow society's expectations, that the most rational choice they can make is to follow it. And even if it wasn't, then I think you're making another assumption with your loaded "autopilot" description: people still are making active and deliberate choices.
Choice doesn't always imply people make good/rational choices.
However it's still a choice and not autopilot.

>> No.20146701

alright, I'm just trying to work on my theory of mind

>> No.20146707
File: 96 KB, 800x961, dora maar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys, the other day I was rereading Finnegans Wake. I was ruminating over the lines...
"Or be these wingsets leaned to the outwalls, beastskin trophies of booth of Baws the balsamboards?"
I got up, closed the book, turned turned on my speakers to Trout Mask Replica by Captain Beefheart, and in a dreamy synchronicity my gaze turned to the print of Picasso's Dora Maar au Chat hanging on my wall (pic related). Then it happened -- the transcendent, the sublime, the eternal and essential being in all things appeared before me in a cloudburst of sensation, and I could feel the turning of the world in all its ages in an indescribable ecstasy -- and in a brief instant, it was over, and I was left with only a memory's shadow... not enough to truly remember but just to remind me of the fleeting majesty of what I felt that day. It changed me, this playful phantom, this eternal secret; it made me a spiritual being and a fuller man. And I owe it all to Pablo Picasso's divine masterwork, Dora Maar au Chat.

>> No.20146735
File: 39 KB, 1012x582, Screenshot_20210618-121829_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be raised by a society that tells me that White Supremacy, Patriarchy, Imperialism, etc. is bad and evil
>Realize that I benefit from those things and therefore it is in my interests to uphold and maintain them
>Still feel some moral guilt about it, even though I also do not believe in God and therefore see no reason as to why I should feel guilt for simply pursuing what makes my monkey brain happy
What gives? How can I ditch this moral guilt that's been implanted into me?

>> No.20146755
File: 41 KB, 960x630, 960x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20146770

I forget the movie, but the underage daughter mind swaps with her mom and has (tries?) sex with her boyfriend. If underage girls can't consent, then the boyfriend is raping her even though if she were slightly older she'd be raping him.

>> No.20146787

>Fundamental attribution error
>Ecological Rationality has proven that heuristics outperform analysis in high-uncertainty environments.
Useful things to know. Thanks, Anon.

>> No.20146803
File: 74 KB, 689x1024, bluecasso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barnes Collection, Philadelphia

>> No.20146848

What is the biggest paradox or question that is bugging you about it. I can't promise you an answer of course, but I do like seeing what questions other people are wrangling with as it sometimes provokes my own thought.
Oh there's plenty of those, just spend 30 minute wiki hopping. Now this is what's off the top of my head:
Normative Decision Theory is very related and so is "Prospect Theory" which I'm sure you're already aware of.
Pluralistic Ignorance and Preference Falsification which refer to the majority of people erroneously holding beliefs about what the majority of people believe in and people quite simply hiding their 'preferences' for social harmony (now where it becomes interesting is when people Preference Falsify because of their Pluralistic Ignorance).
Related to that is the Abilene Paradox which is basically how you end up with everyone being displeased with the consensus choice. There's a lot of similar paradoxes in electoral theory.
And then finally there is the idea of the Narrative Self which kind of underpins this. I know Dennett is unpopular on /lit/ but he's not the only one who sort of proposes that the idea of 'self' is a semi-fiction that allows us to maintain a useful continuity between the diverse and contradictory behaviors and events that comprise a human being's life.
I find it very interesting to hear the choice of language people use to describe how they came to choose their actions.
Of course you could go for 'the mind is flat' theory of Nick Chater, which takes the idea to it's logical extreme and says all instinctual decisions are improvised and that hardly anyone is consistent.

>> No.20146851

fucking can't get a job in this shitty gay country no matter what I do

>> No.20146864

Well yes, but there is an argument to be made that since she's in the body of an older woman that gives her more authority and social standing which increases her agency and reduces the power differential.
Now, does that reduction make up for the lack of emotional maturity and the naivety that might mean she is vulnerable to psychological exploitation... who knows and it doesn't matter since it's a dumb little magic-in-the-everyday film.

>> No.20146874
File: 199 KB, 800x903, 800px-El_Greco_View_of_Toledo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always love his blue period art despite not liking his later stuff

>> No.20147227
File: 19 KB, 680x382, 2e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically dreamed last night that my ex laughed at my lack of masculinity

>> No.20147231

>But Picasso rode the line that only a genius could
I fucking despise the 1900s desu

>> No.20147257
File: 403 KB, 600x399, 1600897563989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

upon which I unironically did pushups before breakfast. I have no idea if we're gonna make it bros.

>> No.20147424

When I was younger I used to confuse South African and New Zealand accents. South Africans tend to sound 'posher' but that's not how I tell the difference now.
It's interesting how when you meet an East Asian person in a Australia, if they have a 'native' accent, or if they have that weird pseudo-American international accent which I usually assume means they come from Singapore.
Speaking of which, why is it that all wogs have the exact same accent? Slavic, Arab, Greek, Turk... they all end up speaking with the same blunted consonants, with the same Sylvester Stallone type resonance? Moigawd, I shit you nawt mate, is this the true lasting legacy of the Ottoman Empire?

>> No.20147501

---- Lake Natron ---


Treefrog oratiorios, the apotheosis of Homunculus,
The charm of jumping spiders or
Haydn atmospheres:

We are bantering by a 500 year old oak on snow suavely smooth as theory
And while I'm slightly irritated by his lack of commitment
To such sublime beauty, he will do for now,

For he is the best guardian I have ever found, sweet as charisma is or seems to be.

>> No.20147514
File: 494 KB, 1536x2048, 20220210_150433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to enjoy reading books and drawing more than playing vidya. Writing, still not so much. I can't seem to get rid of cringing at myself when I reread what I wrote. It's not the same as looking at your art.

>> No.20147583
File: 65 KB, 271x183, 5314641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that painting really from 1596?
Looks way more modern.

>> No.20147610

My high school MILF teacher saved me from becoming addicted to lolis

>> No.20147667

Been there, friend. I've been writing for a long time though I've never published anything, so I had this big backlog of stuff from years ago, when I was still in high school. I recently picked it back up a few months back, and re-reading my old stuff helped me realize just how far I'd gone, so now, I love what I write.

I wish I could draw though. I'm kinda on the opposite side of the boat from you lol.

>> No.20147679
File: 163 KB, 882x1731, Image-Abdullah_bin_Saud_FSS2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God listens. My prayers are heard.
this anchors my personhood.

>> No.20147712

I didn't need to see that Reddit comment.

>> No.20147795
File: 1.02 MB, 1500x1000, 302767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ESL and quite a bit tipsy, but are you ever fascinated by the archetype of the savior? How could any being so love this world of ours that they'd dedicate their life towards the well-being of countless others who they've never met or know about? It's so beyond me personally that I can't help but be fascinated by the nonsensical nature of it.

>> No.20147801

it's hard to imagine, in truth, where the necessary drive would come from

>> No.20147803

Right? So bizarre that it can't exist anywhere but within the boundaries of wishes and fiction

>> No.20147807

You just posted my favorite character bro...

>> No.20147811

I think it can for sure, but only in the realm of religion. I believe it can but in honesty can not quite relate.

>> No.20147837

you will be glad to know you share the same insight as 60 year old tourists on tripadvisor

>> No.20147853

Do you guys ever feel that everybody is weirdly kind with and respectful towards you?
Maybe I just have a twisted preconception of human relations and behaviour

>> No.20147860

It's not moral guilt, it's peer pressure and preemptive shame.

>> No.20147867
File: 381 KB, 603x758, __aegis_persona_and_1_more_drawn_by_lor_roasyerizyonirapi__ab888f53fb3d6428a8724b1d5043e315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never could or want to be one myself, but to see such a strange thing exist, what an experience it could be! That anyone could love *this* world so, a notion beyond fantasy.

My nigga.

They're probably just being so for the sake of avoiding conflict. Convenience, it triumphs all but the basest necessities.

>> No.20147874

Yeah, even the most benevolent people I've seen seem to love some aspects of the world rather than the world overall and they seek to heal it.

>> No.20147909
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1080, 1595707299335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Precious little to love in this world, huh. Maybe that scarcity of lovability is exactly what makes those things valuable.

This weather of doom and gloom outside, I can't help but love it for being so serene. Makes me feel as if I'm one of those moody victorian novels. Did any ESL ever tell you, what the greatest boon of writing in a language that is not your own is? The emotional distance that it puts between you and the text, things you'd feel strange to write so plainly in your own tongue, they flow like downpour beating on sewer pipes in their tinny harmony, it liberates one like nothing else.

>> No.20147941

I meet someone
I am cheesed to meet them
I tell them I hate women so much it's unreal
They leave

>> No.20147951
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, d97a6c5cc77d51e782c7c456887393bc7001bd9ffcee22cea6e5f7079223852d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This darkness of the night when I go for a cig, I feel as if it's going to swallow me whole. Don't you ever feel it? The call of such gaping emptiness can't be anything but the call towards the death of one's ego. Awareness of one's ephemerality, it can't be good for any singular being in the long run. It's fun to play around with, like a man would with a woman, though, if for nothing else but to gain a perspective of one's self among the many. Guess that's why Tiamat, primordial chaos, was not a woman for nothing.

>> No.20147962

---- Lake Natron ---


Chartreuse and magenta chrysanthemum shells
Floridly detonate above a suburb too patrician for fame.

My favorite sister by my side, seeing everything through my delighted eyes
As I see hers through me, loving as
Lovers cannot be--

I'd give anything but my own happiness, to make her happy as I can be.

>> No.20147965

Every time a girl that I like likes a friend of mine more than me I get a crushing sense of embarrassment and shame and want to never talk to her or my friend ever again. I'm pretty good at hiding it and not acting on it but the fact that I feel it at all makes me feel even more shame and embarrassment. It pains me to think I'm this insecure of a person that even something this small send me into a tailspin.

>> No.20147967

I'm getting real frustrated not getting anywhere with my writing.

>> No.20147983

Whenever i want to create something i think of the internet and i know the stories and images available are funnier, more creative, crazier, than i could ever think of and theres too fucking much of everything. Im used to seeing the most insane shit through a screen yet it feels like its all unrelated to my life and i have developed nothing of my own. But i also cant pretend im unaware of what i saw over the years.
How can i cope with it?

>> No.20148002

Protip: Picasso stole everything from El Greco
Also Germ expressionists and even Jackson Pollock loved him.

>> No.20148016

To see things beyond mere appearances, yes, that's what I should write about. To express the ineffable! My fascination with the half-forgotten and the half-understood, it could not merely be the happenstance of the path I took here.

Nothing else but that is worth committing to paper, to be a testament to such things, even if only to be forgotten. Don't you ever feel strange, knowing the great infinite graveyard of information out there, lying in oblivion, how much was made, how much was created only to be forgotten with time?

>> No.20148033

I had a dream my ex was tempting me to sex and I declined

>> No.20148040

One thing about creations where the artist pours their soul into them is they're often overflowing with details you don't notice until much later. You can really feel that someone had passion for the work in these moments, the little things that tie it all together, while this stuff is conspicuously absent from corporate art.

>> No.20148044

I dreamed my long distance gf gave me a bj but she had a tattoo under her collar bone and i hate tattoos.

>> No.20148083

Since yesterday, anytime I eat or drink anything but water my stomach hurts immensely, like it's being twisted and crushed. I feel nausea too, like I'll throw up.

>> No.20148092

In all likelihood that quality can be chalked up to the specificity of the drive that made the creation of such a work possible in the first place. Vague forms of one's mind, twisting, shifting, and being churned through the filters of one's conscious self can seldom give birth to expressions more crystallized than themselves, in the sense that the original form must possess the seed of the ultimate expression in the very beginning if it is to form into something concrete with time and effort. And because corporate art lacks such an ur-form to begin with, it can not be anything but a creation so muddled and rudderless that it can not speak to any particular concept or particular person. Same goes for art created for no other purpose but to express an aesthetic : it is fundamentally, conceptually knee-capped.

>> No.20148112

theres no way this was written by a girl bc its the gayest shit ive ever read in my life. anon is either a faggot or a tranny

>> No.20148147

I'll never forget the cold. In a warm house the hard ground reminds me of the way the cold ground hates you. Under the hot sun the cool be breeze reminds me of how the wind claws at you, pulling your soul out of you. In the arms of a woman I remember the cold water, forcing life out of you to make room for death.

>> No.20148174

Today brings in yesterday's debris, and it leaves the shadow of tomorrow's worries.

>> No.20148182

I have been traumatized by bbc porn from /gif/. Is not that I can't stop thinking about the videos themselves but I can't stop thinking about the fact that I am traumatized for life and I keep reminding this to myself unconsciously every 10 minutes.

>> No.20148222

Traumatized how? By watching some videos?

>> No.20148229

--- Lake Natron ---


Imagine a palace of feeling.--
A heavy lens on the Pleiades or a car

Fit for a frail alien, indulging in ornate musical fantassy

>> No.20148237
File: 514 KB, 800x746, EBE20082-9A7D-497A-82F1-7F01D901C246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice painting edition

>> No.20148274

yes, it was like watching a monster raping an innocent being

>> No.20148433

it's the stephansdom in vienna

>> No.20149433
File: 457 KB, 1838x945, Aquinas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this be a satisfactory representation of the 5 ways from Thomas Aquinas?

>> No.20149605


>> No.20150155

here is what i wanted to reply to another thread
does this mean that you re a narcissistic freak?
anyway, you re right, i really get annoyed when bitches start bitching about their parents(it s never men only bitche) also everytime a bitch does this it just makes me know that she is an evil two faced manipulative bitch.
after a while i discovered that this kind of bitches complain in the same way about everything, it is never there fault it is always other people's(or thing) fault

>> No.20150389
File: 184 KB, 426x650, 9781852425845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to read an author's bibliography chronologically. I think I will do Houellebecq. I've read Submission and Serotonin and I enjoy his outlook and would like to see his thoughts over the years.