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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 384x384, B2AC693B-24EA-4BEE-BE71-2B7840FDBC82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20137963 No.20137963 [Reply] [Original]

Now that everything that he said in his book is unfolding, is anyone still doubting that he is practically the only truth-speaker of our time?

>> No.20138026

I see a pattern here, Illimitable man next ?

>> No.20138056
File: 814 KB, 1001x2635, bronze-age-mindset-critique-strip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAP lied, people died..

>> No.20138092

If I call you a faggot it doesn't mean I predicted it.

>> No.20138100

>I will refute the notion of academics blowing faggotry in ancient times out of proportion
>proceeds to nitpick book fragments and blow them out of proportion
This isn’t the compelling case you think it is.

>> No.20138106

kek he posts this in every BAP thread. none of the arguments are as convincing as he thinks they are

>> No.20138121

Who's he?
>inb4 lurk moar
No, make your posts more informative faggot

>> No.20138125

Bronze Age Pervert, a right-wing bodybuilder who attracted a significant following on Twitter and published a book called Bronze Age Mindset before being banned from Twitter.

>> No.20138134

The only sources that mention the Sacred Band describe them as homosexuals from the outset. It is not nitpicking. Furthermore, I really should include the fact that BAP himself made forum posts saying Greek pederasty should be revived

>> No.20138156


>> No.20138223

>bodybuilding is philosophy

>> No.20138298

Made me suck off a biker in a bar. Totally worth it.

>> No.20138339

None of the sources that describe the Sacred Band as a bunch of homos lived in the time of the Sacred Band. It seems like a number of non-Theban sources playing on stereotypes of Thebes or rumors, like ancient gossip rags

>> No.20138353

Plato and Xenophon lived in the time of the Sacred Band. Thebes wasn't Sparta -- it was a readily accessible city.

>> No.20138371

>a right-wing bodybuilder
he’s never once posted physique

>> No.20138375

No no. That’s not his picture. That’s an avatar. He’s a regular looking dude in his forties or something.

>> No.20138379

I see. I just assumed that was him.

>> No.20138389

Was an organic intellectual for the bloodthirsty "neocon" faction of the Trump white house

>> No.20138403

bap is clearly gay

>> No.20138421

This image really isn't the epic own you think it is

>> No.20138624

That's because you're a faggot, very much like >>20138100

>> No.20138719
File: 156 KB, 1024x850, sqk-arhe.jpg medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if he reads BAP or enjoys anything from pic related, RED FLAG.

>> No.20138726

if a girl has the slightest idea of who BAP is, that would be a red flag for her

>> No.20138732

I don't get these accusations that he is a neocon. He's very open about the fact that during the Bush-era he was a neocon and that his views have evolved with time (shocking I know) after seeing the failures of Iraq and Afghanistan and how wars against an external enemy did nothing to revive a sense of vitalism in America.

>> No.20138747

He's probably the most interesting thing to come out of the American right since Buchanan.

>> No.20139153

waiting for the next book, did he post any updates on that erotica book for women he's writing?

>> No.20139234

>during the Bush-era he was a neocon and that his views have evolved with time (shocking I know) after seeing the failures of Iraq and Afghanistan
That's literally almost ever American. The majority of Americans supported neoconservatism and the wars in the Middle East in the wake of 9/11 but have now switched gears after seeing how it turned out. That isn't intellectual honesty, that's being an NPC. Only now, he isn't an NPC that automatically supports current thing, he's an NPC that automatically opposes current thing. The Russia/Ukraine conflict has really exposed these two groups of NPCs.

>> No.20139263

The majority of Americans were never neoconservatives. Wanting to invade Afghanistan post-9/11 is not alone sufficient to call someone a neocon. I don't know if you're just a retard or if you're being intellectually dishonest, but you should be smart enough to realize this. BAP's supposed dox was a Yale IR grad student who'd worked for a Straussian think tank. Again, you should be smart enough to see the difference between someone who's directly intermingling with what at the time were the intellectual elite of the Republican Party vs Cletus McBoomer who does whatever the TV tells him. Also
>m-m-my criticism isn't that he was a neocon anymore, now my criticism is that he's an NPC because he's NOT a neocon!
Yeah faggot, all of America is clambering to...agree with "Bronze Age Pervert". You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.20139307

What did he say in his book and how is it unfolding?

>> No.20139445


>> No.20139706

This but unironically. How could you think your opinion or take matters if you haven't read the book you're talking about? People are crazy.

>> No.20139723

if you ever supported the invasion then you're generally irredeemable, low iq, defective DNA.

>> No.20139744


>> No.20139762

Not reading your garbage book then

>> No.20139802

Nothing that doesn't just amount to
>russia is going to do what it has always done

The problem isn't that he's doing a mea culpa, it's that he hasn't actually learned anything from it. The whole Eujewius thing demonstrates that. He doesn't actually "disagree with the Iraq War" in the sense that he views the reasons for it having happened (that is: Zionism) as bad, rather he just thinks that the goal (Zionism) could have been achieved more adequately through other means.

>> No.20139976

>t. younger than 40

He disagrees with the Iraq War in the sense that it did not accomplish what he says he saw as its intended spiritual goals for America at the time, namely to reawaken some kind of vitalistic nationalism via the struggle of a neocolonial war. War didn't reverse or even halt the moral decline of America into utter degeneracy, if anything it accelerated it. This sort of thinking is definitely something I've seen in far right circles before though, the whole "oh if only we had a war and everyone was veterans we'd get friekorps and fascists again just like the 20s" type of thinking.

Whether he's ever talked about the hypothetical "what should Zionists have done to accomplish their goals" means nothing, we could talk about that here and it doesn't mean dick as far as whether you or I are actual Zionists. I've entertained plenty of hypothetical historical what-ifs just for fun but that doesn't make me an actual supporter of whatever the hypothetical is. I've read and heard him enunciate his views on Israel and the Jewish diaspora pretty thoroughly in multiple places and none of what he says is kosher. Nothing I've seen him say/write is so heinous as to call it subversive, and overall what he's put out has had a positive impact on the space imo. So when I see people try to deride him as a neocon when he clearly isn't anymore, I can only attribute it to maliciousness.

>> No.20139986

if everyone is an NPC, no one is

>> No.20140272

>when he clearly isn't anymore
He supports Zionism and Jewish finance, that makes him a neocon. That's the entire point. He is against the Iraq War because, in hindsight, it didn't achieve the goals that he thought it would (benefit of Israel under a certain analysis).

>> No.20140401

Not everyone is an NPC, just the majority of people. Someone made a post a few weeks ago about something Hitler wrote. He said (I’m paraphrasing obviously) the majority of people are one of two types of NPC. The first type of NPC automatically believes whatever the media tells them. The second type of NPC automatically disbelieves whatever the media tells them. The former is more popular than the latter, but both are NPCs. It’s only a very small portion of the population that fit into neither of these two types of NPC. Only they are able to look at things with nuance and decipher the truth.

>> No.20140445

They're right. Anyone who supported the war was a retard. Same with anyone who supported Trump.
So BAP is a double retard.

>> No.20140524

Americans aren’t exactly having a good time riding with Biden. The Trump era was the best for common folks in this century.

>> No.20140584

>He supports Zionism and Jewish finance
He literally doesn't though, you're just making shit up at this point.

They're not right, they (and you) are the equivalent of "If I was alive 1XXX years ago I could have done a better job than they did". It does not get much more cringe than this.

>> No.20140870

He is a Putin shill who encourages Ukrainians to desert rather than defend their nation because elaborate theories about globohomo matter more to him than honour and loyalty to one's homeland. He's all talk no action. After being banned he made an alt like any other Twitter addict rather than slaying Jack Dorsey with the gleaming bronze spear.

>> No.20140885

yes why would a reactionary nationalist speak against fighting for ngo sponsored governments right???? it baffles me

>> No.20140892

Wow bending over and taking it in the ass from a foreign autocrat is totally based and red pilled. Dealing with your nation's government yourself? Too scary. Better let the foreign regime do it after they finish slaughtering your children. I'm sure they have your interests at heart unlike globohomo.

>> No.20140921

>what the fuck why aren’t you fighting for the pedophiles
Ukraine is under a foreign occupied government. Regime change wouldn’t be that big of a deal. It’d be another discussion if we were talking about a sovereign nation but, alas, we’re not.

>> No.20140923

If you would refuse to fight for your homeland, you’re not a nationalist, you’re a LARPer.

>> No.20140932

Life is a little more nuanced than that. It’s okay, anon. We’re not going to agree this time. Who knows? Maybe we will when we actually discuss literature on the literature board.

>> No.20140937

He makes the point of saying that homosexuality as it existed in the Hellenic tradition is drastically different, and that it was not celebrated in the way that it is now. I don't think anyone can really contest that without coming off as a dumbass.
Do you have any of these posts?
No, he's decried the last handful of US military expeditions as "police actions" without any real merit
God that's a horrifying prospect
>What is 9/11
>what is anger
He is absolutely wrong about Ukraine, they have every right to fight for themselves but serving GAE in doing so completely negates it. If Ukraine comes out of this with even a shred of sovereignty intact it must fervently reject GAE, aligning with right elements in the EU like Orban's Hungary and Salvini's Italian coalition

>> No.20140951

BAP and his book are not literature. He is internet filth just as much as any bluecheck. He claims to represent classical beauty but revels in modern vulgar humour. I despise the so called dissident right. They are nothing but contrarians, defined entirely but opposition to liberalism. The only true alternative lies in intentionally seperate communities like Amish or ultra orthodox Jews.

>> No.20140956

>"I want to crawl into a corner, curl up into a ball, and die."

>> No.20140957

You should know that it’s poor form to inb4 your own post.

>> No.20141147

>He makes the point of saying that homosexuality as it existed in the Hellenic tradition is drastically different
This is a charitable apologetic reading of the text, but not what he actually says. He is not making a distinction between Greek homosexuality and modern homosexuality (which is obviously and banally true) — he is saying there was no erotic component to the relationships he names, directly contradicting the primary sources from which we derive our knowledge of them.
>Do you have any of these posts?
I think people have posted screencaps in other threads, I’ll try to look for them

>> No.20141201

He makes a case for the distinction in one of the two episodes of his podcast on homosexuality, I am referencing that. It must also be said that he does not directly say that there was no erotic component, rather that "this is misunderstanding and exaggeration promoted by the homonerds of our time, for reasons I will explain later." I am far from a classicist, but from what I know of both academia and from my own reading of the illiad, I absolutely agree with the point he explicitly makes there. Modern gay and "ally" classicists and historians are more than willing to conflate modern homosexually with Hellenic homosexuality and pederasty in order to counter the narrative that homosexuality is unnatural or whatever other claims can be made against homosexuality's existence within modern society. I disagree with these attempts in that they are encouraging of a misunderstanding of antiquity and promote a warped view of how hellenic society functioned, rather than simply insisting upon homosexuality as it exists in modernity as its own thing.

>> No.20141227

Yikes. Wasn't too good for Russians, or anyone non-tranny.

>> No.20141232

That makes no sense. It was clear as day that America was in the wrong. It's been a shithole for a long time. So if you couldn't see problems then you would be unlikely to see them now.

>> No.20141254

There isn't a large enough mass of people that believe in the more hardcore Protestant sects or Orthodox Judaism for it to make a difference. Besides, we now have a collective "moral theology" centered around WW2, religious conservatives are ODing on copium because they don't like the direction religion took post-WW2.

>> No.20141272

this dude glows

>> No.20141317

You're projecting your own inability to grow as a person onto someone else.

>> No.20141320

>my own reading of the illiad
The Iliad is a Greek Dark Age text which (so far as we know) predates the emergence of Greek pederasty in the Archaic era so you can’t really gleam anything about Greek homosexuality from that.
>Modern gay and "ally" classicists and historians are more than willing to conflate modern homosexually with Hellenic homosexuality and pederasty in order to counter the narrative that homosexuality is unnatural
I don’t know. The most ‘pozzed’ schools of sociology (in /pol/ parlance), that is, postmodernists and queer theorists, have tended to emphasise the distinction between classical and modern homosexuality and in some cases deny any continuity between them whatsoever. I think the middle ground position is more reasonable. Also, even if they are unrelated phenomena, the existence of homosexuality in many historical societies is still relevant to arguments about homosexuality’s naturalness. I don’t really see classicists or academics doing any of what you say they do. It seems like something in your imagination, not something you’ve actually experienced

>> No.20141321

lmao. supporting trump and collecting gay porn is growth to you.
no wonder you lost.

>> No.20141344

If that's all you got from his book then you clearly are retarded. It's funny how the argument always shifts. First it's
then it shifts to
Even had that one retard before trying to argue that it's bad that his views evolved. Seems like the problem you have with him has nothing to do with whatever bullshit excuse you're claiming in the moment.

>> No.20141597

He doesn’t support either and he actively opposes globohomo finance. Idk what’s the obsession with zionism though, why the fuck would I care about Jews keeping Arabs out of their country? I’d rather have them as allies than enemies, I have more in common with your average Israeli than your average goat fucker

>> No.20141644

70% of the people in this thread either haven't read his book or are legitimately retarded. Most of the book is more philosophical than political. Here's a simplistic list of his main ideas.
>There's some kind of "force" beyond human comprehension trying to create the perfect being through evolution (but not just darwinian evolution)
>Some men are closer to this ideal than others, some races are/were closer than others
>Having both literal and other forms of space and freedom are essential for a man or animal to properly develop and live a fulfilled life
>Society, or more accurately those who run society, are successfully trying to spiritually subjugate men by taking space and freedom from them
>The best life is living purely on the basis on instinct and what is natural
Thread would be a lot more interesting if people actually talked about his work rather than pointless shit. He genuinely has new ideas even if most of them are shit which is incredibly rare

>> No.20142149
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>He genuinely has new ideas even if most of them are shit which is incredibly rare
Yes, a modern, but more retarded, discount Evola is so new and fresh.

>> No.20142158

>He makes the point of saying that homosexuality as it existed in the Hellenic tradition is drastically different
>"And yes, I know the rumors that these friendships were sexual, but I believe this is misunderstanding and exaggeration"
Holy copium, Batman

>> No.20142164
File: 492 KB, 226x200, 1637541174550.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mike Ma
>Delicious Tacos
>Nick Land
>Curtis Yarvin
>Logo Daedalus
>F Gardner
>Icy Calm
Yeah I'm thinking literature is back on the menu. Probably the best art movement since 1930s modernism.

>> No.20142216

Yuo are gay>>20142164
>>Logo Daedalus
Remove these two and we’re golden

>> No.20142221

Literally who?

>> No.20142222

The absolute state of rightoids or whatever adjacent twitter cesspit this is.
Not that leftits are any better in that regard.

>> No.20142225

What the fuck is that gif, dude, what the fuck. I'm so tired of the fucking internet.

>> No.20142245

Zoomers know BAP but not the greatest meme of all time.

>> No.20142271
File: 137 KB, 859x960, R (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the Human Pitbull BULLY SQUAD.

>> No.20142964

>There's some kind of "force" beyond human comprehension trying to create the perfect being through evolution (but not just darwinian evolution)
>The best life is living purely on the basis on instinct and what is natural
So why did this force guide us to evolve higher cognitive functioning and rationality if it’s superior to live on instinct? And what is his reasoning behind saying there is a force that guides evolution?

>> No.20144005

Read the book

>> No.20144049
File: 54 KB, 904x518, Gideon_Furry_259 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay faggot homo nigger jews? Time for me to do some pee pee poo poo? I make u cry i make u die??? Me am butt fuck u n u suck duck fuck buck muck shit fuck cock sock??? *casually buttfuck rapes u* FAGGOT

>> No.20144071

No shit, he went to Yale aka skull and bones aka CIA college.

>> No.20144098

Why should I read a neocon turned glowie?

>> No.20144146

Why would a glowie be supporting Russia?

>> No.20144160

Why can’t you just explain it? I’m not interested in reading a book written by a Twitter eceleb.

>> No.20144163
File: 408 KB, 1000x871, CAEC04DE-CF0C-4B0C-882D-F57641616642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20144179

I know some bapists and they're ultra chad. Their aesthetics alone prove they're right.

>> No.20144180 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 1500x1000, ET4_-JuWoAAt3JV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up stupid nigger faggot kike bitch. Say sorry and maybe I won't kill you and shove a cinder block up ur butt. *kills ur whole family, turns them inside out, and lines the walls of ur house with their bodies* Bet ur rly scared now huh, lil faggot bitch boy? Stupid gay nigger jew faggot bitch homo. Fuck u. /thread

>> No.20144191

Lol neocons seethe about bap taking over the scene

>> No.20144200

>changing your mind is NPC

>> No.20144202
File: 236 KB, 528x438, 2625A9E1-7D93-47F3-90A1-17DFF52D5C1F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20144214

The foriegn autocrats ass raping Ukraine are western Presidents and Prime Ministers. Russia is unironically liberating many people

>> No.20144216
File: 447 KB, 837x711, vlcsnap-2019-07-13-19h39m32s420 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHUT UP STUPID GAY HOMO NIGGER FAGGOT!!! *kills you, shits on your dead body. Smears some of the poop on your face, takes a picture of it, breaks into your parents' home and destroys/deletes all their photos of you, replacing them with the dead poop corpse photo of you so its the only thing they'll have to remember your face with*

Now what, bitch? Too late to be sorry

>> No.20144220

>Russia is unironically liberating many people
Yeah, liberating them from life by bombing them

>> No.20144222
File: 734 KB, 1106x1012, 6E036E58-F11D-4DD9-BC46-080E815AC8F9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20144226

Liberating Russians in Eastern Ukraine from being bombed by globohomo. Honestly if you think Ukraine is anything other than a ZOG puppet then you're a total brainlet.

>> No.20144233

He actually does talk about that

>> No.20144243

What does he say? Again, I’m not going to read a book written by a Twitter eceleb.

>> No.20144252

>Their aesthetics alone prove they're right.
Post their art if it's so good.

>> No.20144254

Then why do you care to ask?

>> No.20144261

RUB 0.05 has been deposited to your account. cпacибa!

>> No.20144273

A dildo has been deposited into your ass

>> No.20144274

I want to understand BAP because he and his followers constantly shill his book on here. However, I don’t want to understand enough to sit and read through a Twitter eceleb’s entire book.

>> No.20144282


Its true. The Ancient Greeks created the greatest, most masculine civillization to ever exist. Everything after it seems a low mark and a steady decline desu.

>> No.20144300

Wrong. America in 1950s LA is peak manhood.

>> No.20144335

Well thats pretty retarded senpai.

>> No.20144365

It's painfully obvious that we're not becoming Ancient Greece 2.0 just because we encourage people to fuck each other in the asshole. Dilate.

>> No.20144450
File: 54 KB, 500x400, pinhead-hellraiser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Mishimia and the book club

>> No.20144463

u gay son

>> No.20144504
File: 2.20 MB, 202x360, Lindsey Graham explosion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes unironically

>> No.20144536
File: 122 KB, 640x640, 33951D5F-971B-45C2-88E5-860346B934E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like Bataille?

>> No.20144685

Ok and what makes you feel so beyond reading a book written by a “twitter eceleb”? What do you read in your precious free time if anything? Ngmi

>> No.20144723

Did he take back all that stuff he did with Eugyppius? No? Then he continues to support Zionism.

>> No.20144739
File: 207 KB, 439x452, 68E3E882-C381-4321-AF21-A548FBAF2D43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAP nigger, you’re a nigger, nigger. You’re one big fat stinky ol nigger. You’re a nigger and JUST DISAPPEAR OKAY!!!!!!!!! Your book is shit, you dont even lift, and you spend all day advertising your book and pretending it’s not you… just go away, you have nothing important to say.

>> No.20144742

He doesn’t support tax money just going to Israel like that, but he isn’t pro or anti Israel. Again, are you Palestinian? How the hell does this position bother you?

>> No.20144747

>okay so he doesn't support jewish finance and globohomo
>but he does
>and that's okay
Like clockwork.

>> No.20144761

ily BAP I will seek the heights of power

>> No.20144783

Yeah because if someone isn’t constantly crying about jews and how they’re the reason for all problems they’re an instrument of muh jewish finance lmao. Bap has literally talked about how the holocaust has been basically made into a religion and writes about ashkenazi neuroticism in his book, what the fuck do you even want? Stop roleplaying as a dead ideology

>> No.20144799

>noooooo you don't get it dude george soros is actually BASED and is going to fund a monarchist takeover!

>> No.20144804

>what the fuck do you even want?
A country where beaners like you aren't allowed in.

>> No.20144902

You are mentally deficient holy shit
You are also a dumb fucking mutt who has no concept of the world outside of his obese cnn watching glue sniffing culture

>> No.20144911

>You are also a dumb fucking mutt who has no concept of the world outside of his obese cnn watching glue sniffing culture
Bro you're brown lmfao

>> No.20144949

I’m from Eastern Europe, but okay

>> No.20145654

According to Plutarch, Philippes cursed those who accused them to be homosexuals, indicating it was probably slander. People who speaks about antic homosexuality don't realize it was more of the kind that is found in prisons, with a clear hierarchy bewteen actives and passives.

>> No.20145814

Nick Land is the only worthwhile entity on the list

>> No.20145828

So you’re a Gypsy (aka brown)

>> No.20145863

Why does OP always have to be such a faggot, expecting people to recognize some man by his backside?

>> No.20145918

it's a secret handshake sort of thing. op knows full well that this board is a "frogtwitter" haunt, and that the picture alone will entice the clientele he desires for a circlejerk session while leaving the clueless out of it

>> No.20145956

> According to Plutarch, Philippes cursed those who accused them to be homosexuals, indicating it was probably slander.
The quote is ambiguous and can be read in two ways. It can also mean that Philip cursed people who think their homosexual activity was shameful. That reading seems to make more sense, considering Plutarch describes them as homosexual

>> No.20145969

nice to see the two evergreens of the dissident right in the same thread: "my dad is a bigger jew-hater than you" and "fellas, were the greeks gay in a based kinda way?"

>> No.20145974

He is a Romanian twink. Not a body builder and overrated as fuck. It’s just shitty regurgitated writing from others like Mishima, evola, Nietzsche , hell even Might is Right is better written.

>> No.20145996

He's managed to inspire a pretty impressive following. Some of his core philosophy really resonated with young men

>> No.20146004

*damaged young men

>> No.20146019

Well of course many young men are damaged by the effeminate society that tries to neuter them. Why else would bap be so resonant?

>> No.20146033

when he was talking about frogs was he talking about us?

>> No.20146058

if they allow effeminate society to neuter them they weren't gonna make it in the first place. bap is pure copium

>> No.20146084

Which is why they're bapists. They're not allowing it. You're a little slow to follow.

>> No.20146093

I'm still not sure that this BAP guy isn't just something 4chan made up and decided to publish on amazon for fun.

There's zero chance this guy deserves his own Wikipedia page -- and yet, one of you wrote one... sigh...MSSPX

>> No.20146119

Again he may be repeating old slander from enemies of Thebes. There's really no way it's not shameful for Greeks (and Romans) to take it in the ass, because it means being effeminate.

>> No.20146130

but the fact that they needed a roadmap is the issue here. the world is full of superfluous men and most are fine with it; only pampered entitled westoids bitch and moan and become willing paypigs for grifting ecelebs because their parents forgot to tell them to learn a trade. shit's embarrassing

time will tell if the "bapists" of the trump era have any impact

>> No.20146134

What are you even talking about? None of that relates to BAP.

>> No.20146137

self-help grifting is literally made for this. if you are doing something whose whole aim is to gain a following and resonate with gullible young people there's nothing impressive in it

>> No.20146140

Implying BAM is a self help book.

>> No.20146144

ah yes, everyone with an opinion to air is self-help grifting. Why would they ever have an opinion otherwise?

>> No.20146154

nice try dude, but normal people don't get into reactionary online politics. they take up rafting or restoring vintage cars or whatever
>defending ebook merchants

>> No.20146172

I still have no idea what you're talking about or how it relates to BAP. Trump? Learning a trade? You're grasping at straws.

>> No.20146173
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Is it slander? Our first descriptions of it come from people praising the institution (Phaedrus in Plato’s Symposium). And it’s not like Thebes was an inaccessible state like Sparta. One of Socrates inner circle of students was a Theban named Simmias, who appears in Phaedo, Crito, Phaedrus and in Xenophon’s Memorabilia. Another Theban pupil of Socrates was Cebes. Pindar too was a Theban, and his odes, performed publicly, include dedications by men to their younger beloveds, with allusions to Zeus and Ganymede and so on. As for the issue of effeminacy, the Theban Band would have been comprised of older and younger males, rendering the issue more or less moot. Unlike the Romans, the Greeks didn’t consider it unacceptable for younger males to submit to their older partners, just so long as they did not do so lustfully and effeminately (the complex social rules and taboos governing male homosexuality are described in the Symposium). Anal sex was an uncomfortable topic for them due to its demasculinising connotations, which is why they prefer to talk about and depict intercrural (thigh) sex when discussing male homosexuality (Aeschylus makes Achilles describe his ‘thigh-intimacy’ with Patroclus, for instance).

>> No.20146194

you might be the one who's a little slow to follow here. not a huge surprise, you being a "bapist" and all

>> No.20146202

I'm not even a bapist. Boy you are slow.

>> No.20146204

Oh no no no, what are you?

>> No.20146230

>I'm not even a bapist.
sure thing kiddo

>> No.20146254

Oh look another strawman. I guess if it helps you cope.

>> No.20146276

i’m not the bap reader here

>> No.20146286

>n-no you!
Pathetic. Let me guess, bapists bullied you on twitter?

>> No.20146341

The dissident right is literally nothing else but opposition but the Jewish mafia. The more timid ones just oppose everything the JM does, while not explicitly naming them, making up some other name to use as a placeholder like "globalist", "the cathedral", "globohomo" etc. I'm not saying they're lying btw, most of them are unwilling to fully accept the JQ so they cling to this stuff. The Jews, you will notice, simply assume that labels like "globalist" refer to them, because functionally they do. One of those Twitter fags has a line that goes "the woke are more correct than the mainstream", well The Jews are more correct than the Dissident Right.

Every type of dissident rightist, from the monarchist to the patriarchy enthusiast to the fascist to the Christian is fundamentally defined by their opposition to the JM that supplanted the old royalties of Europe, set up fake republics, and inverted all of its cultural norms. This even includes the Jewish members of the DR, because they're not part of the mafia and are harmed by it as well, even if they get small nepotistic benefits. These guys for obvious reasons dont want it to be focused on Jews(nor can they really believe it's the fault of their own people), theyd get caught in the cross hairs. And indeed "the jews" is not a useful target, which is why it should be referred to as "the jewish mafia". This mafia is of course not exclusively Jews but at the top it is dominated by Jewish families and it springs up wherever the Jews go and start their banks and crime networks. Moreover it is very likely linked to Kaballah, though the line between the different spheres of the occult gets blurry.

After thinking about all this for a couple years I have come to the conclusion that the Jewish mafia simply deserves to win. Dont get me wrong, they're awful at ruling and/or theyre insane assholes, but the goyim just straight up are cattle, they just do nothing ever and blindly follow whatever the JM tells them, even the ostensibly "dissident" ones wont outright oppose them. So whatever, they win, until someone comes up with a better trick, or God comes down and seethes at whomever ends up having misinterpreted his meme books.

>> No.20146557

His message to people over the war in ukraine was retarded and pathetic

>> No.20146567

what did he say?

>> No.20146597
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>> No.20147454

Out of all the fascinating topics the ancient world provides us with, you choose male homosexuality...

>> No.20147487

>being ”on twitter”
unlike you baplords, i am not a faggot

>> No.20147633

>that list
fuck 4channel and fuck twitter desu

>> No.20147638

What ethnicity are you?

>> No.20147847

Oh really? I thought you were a twitter user for how bitchy and whiny you are

>> No.20148008

>everything I dont like is russian propaganda

>> No.20148120


>> No.20148206


Let me guess literal who and his schizo ramblings vaguely matched the schizo ramblings that conveniently excuse why you're a 'misunderstood' loser.

>> No.20148219

Seriously, I'm so tired of people pretending their lives suck because of "jews" or "capitalism"

>> No.20148313

it's almost like most of the lit posters are college freshmen or NEETs

>> No.20148361

I was strongly opposed to the war but America "being in the wrong" was not a good reason to be against it.

>> No.20148400

its almost as if you have no idea what its about and are projection shitposting

>> No.20148526

I don't read schizo blogpost anthologies, ty

>> No.20148531

then why post here? killing yourself would be more productive

>> No.20148684

No. It's funny how quick you are to seethe though

>> No.20148773
File: 308 KB, 1280x1280, Putin saves the white race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His book is still good, worth reading, interesting concepts, owned space, matriarchy being the norm in human history etc.
Rehashing Nietzsche is not a problem, there are still to few book that try to apply these ideas to real life and Nietzsche can be difficult to digest.
His podcast apparently has new and somewhat interesting topics but I can't stand that fake accent. On top of that these podcasts are a waste of time, I would prefer eading that stuff in 5-10min than listening to it for 30-60 min, even with 2x speed. But I somehow a lot of these paypigs love podcasts and are willing to pay for their stars, be it on twitch, onlyfans or gumroad when they see and hear them. Blog articles aren't profitable I guess.
His twitter account was weird, reposting memes all day- I mean this guy that is telling others to go outside and enjoy the sun, become strong and have sex and fight and conquer.
>Now that everything that he said in his book is unfolding, is anyone still doubting that he is practically the only truth-speaker of our time?
I don't get his pro-russian stance. This guy has been pro war and closer to neonazis and white nationalists than anything else, especially on his twitter account. Based on the 'past' BAP he should be a) pro-war, seeing it as a great adventure and b) pro Ukraine, that is fighting against the asian masses which are being dumped on them by Putin. Obviously the amount of neonazis in the Ukrainian military is overblown and there is a considerable amount neonazis in the Russian military as well (such organizations attract these people in general), but why align with the other 'alt-right' shills?

>> No.20148792

He provides a valuable perspective. It's unique and tailored well to his medium of choice (Twitter). But I think his poor English is a pretense that belies insecurity in his own beliefs. No, you're not too 'chad' to string a proper sentence together. If he thought his ideas were valuable and worth communicating he would make a serious effort to organize and communicate them.

>> No.20148827

The Book Club is gone! :'(

>> No.20149010

who is bottom left?

>> No.20149014
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You have ideologically replaced the whole post-war industrial capitalist aparatus with some Jewish families. In this regard you are the same as the dissident right which apreciates might = right in every case. So the whole comprador goy european, anglo, and american bankers/elites get relatively scott free , when in every case east coast elite families like Rockefellers hire pinkerton to bash workers requesting the 8 hour work day.

This is your brain on vitalist nihilism, unable to see the forrest for the trees, the "unknown X" of why the western techno-feudalist world is so shit has to be the qualities of the Jew, this is ideology replacing rational judgement. I suspect many rightists like yourself in the future will get down on their knees and suck Blackrock, the EU, Silicon Valley and "based new Republican" (who will likely be a Zionist crypto neo-con) when they promise you even a tiny morsel of power.

>> No.20149019

also who is in the middle?

>> No.20149066

The thing is if you name Rockefeller or "western techno feudalist world" nothing happens to you. No consequences. So you're not being very brave at all are you. Whereas if you name the Jews every single institution comes down on you. Might mean something...

>> No.20149102


>> No.20149105

Wiggerstani. He was so radical that of his material has been memory holed in der unterweb.

>> No.20149545

Please redpill me on this guy

>> No.20149564

I just ignore people like the one you responded to. They read Carroll Quigley once and think that replacing the typical DR narrative about Jews with "Anglos" makes them seem smart and nuanced.

>> No.20149880

>last reply was over an hour ago
>still on page 2

>> No.20149952

>oh yeah? well my strawman of you does THIS!
Don't worry bro I'm sure if you keep it up you'll get over that Elite Overproduction thing and land a job at Harvard any day now.

He isn't pro-Russia, in fact as you pointed out he's anti-NATO. NATO, as per Churchill, keeps Germany down, Britain up, Russia out and America in. But the longer that America is in (Europe), the longer it takes before Jewish finance can ship out of America and move to Israel. When it does so, it will need technicians to run its empire over the Old World. Who will those technicians be? White men, specifically Eastern Europeans taken from minor European shitholes (especially fake countries like whatever the fuck "Romania" is) and sent abroad. He essentially wants to turn Europe into a Janissary farm.

>But what does this have to do with Russia?
After NATO kicks the bucket ZOG just dismantles Russia.

>why align with the other 'alt-right' shills?
For the same reason that everyone in the Weather Underground who mattered was a terrorist before becoming a tenured professor (obtained by virtue of being Jewish): street cred." I'm an edgy shaker and mover, but I don't actually threaten the status quo" (remember that despite the whole FIZEEK GO FIGHT CONQUER REJECT ARTICLES AND CONJUNKSHUNS thing he believes in the moral legitimacy of Jewish finance) is how you make a name for yourself in academia. Taleb did it, Shulgin did it, Kissinger did it, etc. "I'm so cool, make me comfy and I might just stick around".

Some beaner is going to chimp out about me calling BAP a Jew, and I'm not, this is just how all academic rockstars work and have always worked.

>> No.20149996

what’s your solution

>> No.20150022

To what? I don't think BAP's prediction here is wrong, I think he's totally right that it's going to happen, and while I seethe and cope about the fact that I can't stop it and institute some kind of global aryan imperium or whatever, he is right that it's going to happen. I'm an American, so my "solution" would be to find people that you can agree with and get ready for when the Jew pulls his schmeckle out of our schmgutz because when that happens the "United States Federal Government" is totally cooked. I don't think that we'll see a sort of neo-Germanic migration period, but rather a re-barbarizing of the Amerikaner (the American colonization of North America is incomplete, hence why this is able to happen, combined with the rock-bottom civilizational capacity of mestizos).

If you're in Yurup, I don't really see any way out of what's coming next other than doing Hitler 2.0, because the infrastructure for a collection of meaningfully independent European polities just isn't there. Europe WILL be Byzantium 2.0, the question is going to be who gets to define what that means.

>> No.20150198
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>the goyim just straight up are cattle, they just do nothing ever and blindly follow whatever the JM tells them
Taking advantage of high trust societies is an unremarkable trick, and the social checks on graft at this titanic scale are beyond actionable reach once we're out of small polities-- whatever the character of the sovereign political class(es), they are the most biologically and morally unfit to lead mankind toward anything resembling a eusocial and eugenic direction. And the danger faced at this moment is fundamentally Maoist: the followers of Mammon can stack all the ill begotten gains in their vaults,-- it's second hand control over the real power, which is MIC tech and guns. The David Rockefellers of the world miscalculated with their Sino-Soviet pets, and it's showing.

>He isn't pro-Russia, in fact as you pointed out he's anti-NATO
The US is every bit in the death grip of the coterie that iced JFK as the 'former' Sino-Soviet block is being driven by legacy Party contingency planning good cop, bad cop, opossum act until the West fed sold/transferred sufficient market economy 'rope' to go back to trying to hang them with it. . . . put it this way -- this brain tumor isn't excised without lobotomizing the patient or worse, same goes for petrodollar reserve currency status. If things go sufficiently South, moves will be made on the Lower 48 in a manner that is irrevocably terminal for geopolitical backwater Europe and 'the West' in general as anything other than Russia's appendix. That one 'only democracy in the middle east' will be the Last Man standing at the center of the world island as the Belt & Road belt buckle, laughing. The "better the devil you know" element is in play here, and it's ill considered to push this from any other angle other than nihilist body builder exhaustion.

>> No.20150772
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We're coming after those who damaged us.

>> No.20150795

>thread full of ‘Nietzscheans’
>seething about Jews

>> No.20150812
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>We're coming after those who damaged us.

>> No.20150828

I'm no subscriber to BAP blogposts (or whatever) and I think no one in their right minds should expect that there was no homosexuality whatsoever in Greek Society. Why should that be the case? However, I think the argument that it was widespread, accept or even celebrated is what is at issue here. The truth is that the Greeks would rape young slave boys in their basements, but they were ashamed of this practice. Homosexuality was a fringe and discredited practice mostly. No one in their right minds should look to the Greeks as some kind of green light to excuse their pederasty.

>> No.20150832

* that it was widespread, accepted or even celebrated is what is at issue here

>> No.20150869

It was widespread and normalized among families that wanted their sons to receive an education. The entire point was to exchange sexual service for mentorship and to foster a closeness which would benefit the younger throughout their life.
It was significant enough to garner discussion in a Socratic dialogue, where it's treated ambivalently. I think attitudes toward it probably shifted but it was never such a major issue as to be banned for good.

>> No.20150891

Thats not the only thing that was widespread lamo

>> No.20150897

>The truth is that the Greeks would rape young slave boys in their basements, but they were ashamed of this practice.
Not really. I’m pretty sure committing ‘hubris’ against slaves was a crime or at least very looked down upon. It’s obvious you haven’t read any Greek texts. They had an entire institution of pederasty between younger and older free males. Even a cursory reading of Plato’s dialogues would familiarise you with it. If it were shameful we would not find it depicted so often and with positive connotations

>> No.20150910

>getting banned for saying the gamer word on twitter is like being shelled and gassed in a filthy trench
absolute state of baptards

>> No.20150988

can i get a rundown on them? and what is their best work?

>> No.20150995

first time off /b/?

>> No.20151049

>Probably the best art movement since 1930s modernism.
Yes, written by people who understand that they are between crises and not in a new normal.

>> No.20151335

If you believe the russians truly are liberating the people of ukraine you do believe in literal russian propaganda. Nothing more retarded than believing they liberate people by killing them and destroying their country.

>> No.20151353

>If it were shameful we would not find it depicted so often and with positive connotations
It was not depicted often (and most depictions are doubtful at best) and Plato was anything but ambivalent about it.

>> No.20151404

i'll liberate your asshole from its virginity, faggot

>> No.20151435

> It was not depicted often (and most depictions are doubtful at best)
There’s about 1,000 surviving pots with homosexual scenes. More than that, there are many ‘kalos’ inscriptions declaring that boys are beautiful, that x man is in love with y boy and so on — way more than there are for women. Furthermore, it’s quite difficult to read a Greek text without bumping into a mention of pederasty somewhere. Their myths, their plays, their history books, their philosophy. Half of Plato’s dialogues feature lover pairs and homosexual infatuations. Socrates gets a boner from a boy. This is a very homoerotic culture

>> No.20151642

>source: some third hand pop history book written by a -berg

>> No.20151760

>learn a trade
Imagine falling for this in 2022.

>> No.20151774

>he thinks it’s just a meme

>> No.20151789

it became a meme after they overclocked the money printer.

>> No.20151834

>Doing any form of actual work in 2022.
My plumbers back, knees, joints are all blown out. Divorced of course' his father dead at 55 also plumber and divorced. Actual work, hard work, is for masochists.

>> No.20151839

I like him but we're both philosophers. I'm not much of a current-events guy and just write what I feel like

>> No.20151845

I was a neocon during the Bush era I don't see how that delimits a thinker's potential.

>> No.20151901

I used to work in a factory lifting crates of metal pieces back in the oughts

>> No.20152100

If you'd had a classical education like in the old days this would all be obvious to you

>> No.20152105

the 'learn a trade' meme is for easily manipulated betas