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/lit/ - Literature

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20136534 No.20136534[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who are the best National Socialist / Post National Socialist philosophers? I'm not talking about Trad Right fans like Guenon and Evola, but materialist, naturalist, Might-makes-Right enjoyers. Philosophers like Nietzche, Adolf Hitler, Ragnar Redbeard, and Richard Spencer.

>> No.20136540

>Richard Spencer

this guy is a moron who ruined the alt right with his antics now acts like he is above it all and calls himself a racist liberal.

mega retard

>> No.20136544

Nietzsche wasn't a Nazi, you retarded nigger.

>> No.20136548

Ernst Junger

>> No.20136550

He was totally proto mah man. He just didn't realize the greatest was to become a superman is through the racial collective.

>> No.20136555
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Would you really consider Hitler a "philosopher"?

>> No.20136568


>> No.20136575
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unironically modern gender theorists and race theorists. everything the nazis saw in nietzsche is no different than the shit BLM and transgenders use today when they quote nietzsche or borrows his ideas in their works.

>> No.20136577

Fascists took Nietzsche's philosophy out of its original context just as they did with Plato. In any case, both Plato and Nietzsche share political philosophy, that is, they both supported the aristocracy (which is not the same shit as the statism of the fascists) just as they were both dissatisfied with politics.

>> No.20136678
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>Who are the best National Socialist /
The dead ones. No exceptions!

>> No.20136930
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Ernst Von Salamon was a writer who was part of the Freicorps after WW1 - he wasn't exactly NS, but definitely very close to it.

>> No.20136950

People still don’t know Nazis put peasants on a pedestal and hated the Prussian aristocracy. They often spoke of the superiority of the peasants over the nobility and they actually meant it. In fact, during 1942 they tried to impose egalitarianism onto the Germany army, which had traditionally been run by the Prussian aristocracy, which caused some confusion and mess in the army during the war.

>> No.20136960
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>materialist, naturalist, Might-makes-Right

>> No.20136963
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The aristocratic master class are pro-Christians. The peasant slave class are anti-Christian. What caused this?

>> No.20136968

I really suggest you rethink the importance of metaphysics for the right. You have to shed your autistic atheism, but if you wish to be truly right you have no other choice. For example superiority of races can't really be based on biology, but you can make quite a good spiritual argument for it.

>> No.20136973

>le nazis le took le nietzsche out of le contexterino
Faggot. This is what pseuds love to say, but you don't realize that there is more than one way of reading Nietzsche, and there is definitely a legitimate way of reading Nietzsche as a proto fascist if not Nazi. Im not even advocating for that reading, but it is one way of legitimately reading his philosophy

>> No.20136977

>They often spoke of the superiority of the peasants over the nobility and they actually meant it
So did Pol Pot

>> No.20136988

a poor education system and lack of understanding apropos history. your post and this very thread is a great case in point.

>> No.20137005

>materialist, naturalist, Might-makes-Right enjoyers
Hitler was literally a vegan lol

>> No.20137006

I’m honest. All aristocrats I’ve read about it have been pro-Christian: Stauffenberg, Tolstoy, Wilhelm, Winston Churchill, Otto von Bismarck

It seems like only peasants have a problem with Christianity in the west oddly enough.

>> No.20137007

yet another ebin false flag thread.

>> No.20137012

I actually unironically think that thread quality on /lit/ would rise if threads with pictures of Nietzsche as their OP were banned.

And I'm not even saying that as an attack on N's philosophy but just on the kinds of hollow discussion gets tossed around with his image.

>> No.20137019
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why have you limited yourself to this random segment of time? nothing before 19th century? nothing after 1945? i understand the history of human literature is short, but you have really handicapped yourself by just fixating on this one, tiny, specific epoch that started like eating a stale, dry, communion cracker and ended like a wet shart in church.

>> No.20137022

>might makes right
>jews btfo whites for thousand years
only counterargument you will ever get to this is "but duh jews are parasites and dishonest so it doesn't count". well don't base your ideology around survival of the fittest and complain about parasites when parasites make up like half of the earth's biomass. nigsoc conception of natural selection is bogus "le noble aryan lion king of the jungle"

>> No.20137036

Filtered, he is beyond the domain of petty politics

>> No.20137092

>jews btfo whites for thousand years
go back to Israel, the land you never owned

>> No.20137184

keep seething

>> No.20137254

>might makes right
There is no "might" makes right, when "might" can be defined only post-hoc. Oh, a bunch of morons ganged up on Caesar? Guess he wasn't that mighty after all LOL!

>> No.20137286

He literally called himself an "anti-antisemite" lmao.

>> No.20137558


>> No.20137563


>> No.20137567

You take Marx out of context when you refuse to be recognize that Capital is the worldly religion of the Jew and you refuse hate that Jewish nigger Lasalle.
I will take the shit I agree with from Nietzsche without the shit I don't and you will pound sand. Keep crying, I owe your Jewish ass nothing and you've proven time and time again that your lives weren't worth a world war.

>> No.20137569

Good thing whatever I want to label myself at any given moment while my underlying values remain exactly the same.

>> No.20137648
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To all idiots in this thread claiming Nietzsche’s alienation from Nazism and his intimacy with it: you are both wrong and right, that is, this is not so simple an issue as you retards want it to be (although I think the ones claiming Nietzsche’s anti-anti-semitism, etc. show how the thing with Nietzsche is more subtle and nuanced). Nazis had a racial delusion (founded on spiritual idealism) concerning the so-called Aryan Man, as an Adamic species not plunged into earthly impulses. There is really a gnostic substratum beneath this idealism, a quest for a return to the Adam Kadmon. Now the Nazi means to it is worthy of respect, since they affirmed the ancient secret knowledge of means (wille) to power, despite their télos. And how foreign to the dionysian spirit and consciousness is this, the God of impulses, the underlying God.
Races are not pure, but become pure.

>> No.20137653

Filtered brainlet take.
The idea of "might makes right" isn't an endorsement of bullying or whatever, it's an acknowledgement of the natural world and how the dominant will dictate narratives, true or false. If you want to survive in the world, you need to realize natural law and play by it's rules instead of believing in fairy tails like 'goodness' always winning in the end due to Providence or something like that. It also doesn't apply to purely material power and certainly doesn't mean "lol just accept domination by a group that is currently on charge because they're obviously just meant to be there."
You need strength of body, will, and spirit to avoid destruction, decadence and corruption from sweeping you aside from the world. And struggle is how that happens. If you don't struggle you become weak, weak willed, and without purpose. And struggle can be anything from overcoming a rival to overcoming gravity and going into space or overcoming corruption as a society or making beautiful art and infrastructure.
It's not enough to "wish" to overcome, you have to "will" it.

>> No.20137657

>Fascists took Nietzsche's philosophy out of its original context
just shut the fuck up
when are we going to be finished with "NNONONO MY THINKER WASN'T LE NAZERINO" bullshit? who fucking cares. every thinker has to be distanced from LE MOUSTACHE SATAN at the expense of all nuance or reason.
Nietzsche didn't care if people misinterpreted his works anyway.

left: traitor sharted out of the right vagina
right: went from homeless war veteran painting postcards to supreme leader of the german nation

>> No.20137714

>just as they did with Plato
National socialism followed Heraclitus' idea of struggle. They rejected the allegory of the cave and metaphysics. This is where Nietzsche got his will to power from as well. They didn't take anything out of context.

>> No.20137736

>nothing after 1945
Seems irrelevant as aristocracy was fully dead by then as any political force.

>> No.20137737

Nazism appealed to the masses in order to establish itself, it was and has always been driven by populist politics. In spite of noble values cherished, interesting aesthetics, it relied on lower means to acquire power, and obviously, on idealism.

>> No.20137782

>when are we going to be finished with "NNONONO MY THINKER WASN'T LE NAZERINO" bullshit?

When you stop being retarded. He thought nationalism was nonsense, he thought anti semitism was shit, and wrote letters to other great European powers to attack Germany before it was too late. Oversimplified interpretations of his thought help nobody.

>> No.20137822

National socialism stems from the Nietzschian philosophy, but it is not the same and it’s retarded to classify Nietzsche as a national socialist. It is similar to calling Diocletian a Croat because he was born on what today is Croatia. Also if anyone has read Nietzsche they will know his thoughts on anti-semitism and on German culture. I hope you actually read some of these works instead of just regurgitating /pol/ based books lists, the very fact that you grouped Richard Spencer with someone of the magnitude of Nietzsche shows that you have not read any of the latter. A better name for this thread is reactionary, Nietzschian, or right wing dissident philosophy. National Socialism is an arbitrary manifestation of the root of this thinking, in a way also a perversion depending on who you ask.

All right, I’ll stop ranting, as for recommendations I highly recommend reading Bronze Age Mindset, and also listening to the author’s podcast, Caribbean Rhythms, which discusses a lot about ancient history, philosophy, human nature, etc. If you want a good introduction to Nietzsche’s philosophy this is a good way, I recommend episode 100 of Caribbean Rhythms where BAP talks a lot about the development of ideas and how he came to Nietzsche, and what he really is about.

>> No.20137949

Nietzsche's not a materialist but to answer your question Dominique Venner

>> No.20138135

How are Jews BTFO'ing white people

>> No.20138717

Oh no no no no no, bros... what is this?

What is good?—Whatever augments the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself, in man.

What is evil?—Whatever springs from weakness.

What is happiness?—The feeling that power increases—that resistance is overcome.

Not contentment, but more power; not peace at any price, but war; not virtue, but efficiency (virtue in the Renaissance sense, virtu, virtue free of moral acid).

The weak and the botched shall perish: first principle of our charity. And one should help them to it.

What is more harmful than any vice?—Practical sympathy for the botched and the weak—Christianity....