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/lit/ - Literature

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20132895 No.20132895 [Reply] [Original]

So there was a /pol/ thread about pic related’s author (I’ll talk about that later) and someone posted the description for her debut novel. I ended up downloading and reading it in one day. Holy shit I can’t believe this got a major publisher:

>About an Taiwanese-America PhD student who was forced to study a Chinese-American poet for 8 yearsbecause of her heritage
>She has a white fiancé and the arc of the novel is her learning to hate white men
>Everyone in the novel is a caricature
>There’s the Asian SJW the mc hates at first but later becomes friends with, her male feminist white fiancé turns out to be an Asian fetishist (It’s pretty obvious from the beginning), her Korean-American best friend who likes k-pop, the brother of the best friend who’s an /r/aznidentity poster (But can still get white AND Asian chicks), a professor that turns into Jordan Peterson, a redneck that thinks all Asians are commies, an Asian conservative student, etc.

The whole novel is literally the main character finding a note in the dead Chinese-American poet’s archive and it turns out he was a WHITE GUY IN YELLOWFACE FOR THIRTY YEARS! There’s a whole conspiracy where the professors knew this (And the Jordan Peterson professor helped write the fake poetry) so that Asian students wouldn’t form radical student groups in the 70’s. This leads to the main character realizing that most white people (and white men) are bad. There’s this insane scene at the end where she pretends to defend her dissertation but ends up exposing the whole conspiracy and gets attacked by the Jordan Peterson professor.

>> No.20132909

It’s pretty obvious the author was basically writing a Mary Sue main character based on herself (A PhD dropout). The whole last scene is like that scenario from a teen movie where the kid goes on stage shows off something that makes everyone like them. It’s insane.

Is Penguin’s publishing standards really this bad for non-white authors?

>> No.20132913

The novel’s official description:


>A Taiwanese American woman’s coming-of-consciousness ignites eye-opening revelations and chaos on a college campus in this outrageously hilarious and startlingly tender debut novel.

>Twenty-nine-year-old PhD student Ingrid Yang is desperate to finish her dissertation on the late canonical poet Xiao-Wen Chou and never read about “Chinese-y” things again. But after years of grueling research, all she has to show for her efforts are junk food addiction and stomach pain. When she accidentally stumbles upon a curious note in the Chou archives one afternoon, she convinces herself it’s her ticket out of academic hell.

>But Ingrid’s in much deeper than she thinks. Her clumsy exploits to unravel the note’s message lead to an explosive discovery, upending not only her sheltered life within academia but her entire world beyond it. With her trusty friend Eunice Kim by her side and her rival Vivian Vo hot on her tail, together they set off a roller coaster of mishaps and misadventures, from book burnings and OTC drug hallucinations, to hot-button protests and Yellow Peril 2.0 propaganda.

>In the aftermath, nothing looks the same to Ingrid—including her gentle and doting fiancé, Stephen Greene. When he embarks on a book tour with the super kawaii Japanese author he’s translated, doubts and insecurities creep in for the first time… As the events Ingrid instigated keep spiraling, she’ll have to confront her sticky relationship to white men and white institutions—and, most of all, herself.


>> No.20132917

It doesn't matter if a novel is Good (in the Europatriarchical sense, that is a purely structural evaluation of form and content) what matters (and what actually makes a book Good) is that it makes minorities feel Seen.

The Form-Content hegemony is finally being replaced by what could be called the school of Recognition.

>> No.20132918

>For readers of Paul Beatty’s The Sellout and Charles Yu’s Interior Chinatown, this uproarious and bighearted satire is a blistering send-up of privilege and power in America, and a profound reckoning of individual complicity and unspoken rage. In this electrifying debut novel from a provocative new voice, Elaine Hsieh Chou asks who gets to tell our stories—and how the story changes when we finally tell it ourselves.

>Elaine Hsieh Chou is a Taiwanese American writer from California. A 2017 Rona Jaffe Foundation Graduate Fellow at NYU and a 2021 NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellow, her short fiction appears in Black Warrior Review, Guernica, Tin House Online, and Ploughshares. Disorientation is her first novel.


The acknowledgments in the back shows that she got her Creative Writing MFA from NYU. If it’s true then their standards have gone drastically down.

>> No.20132924

Lol, it’s not even just that.

It’s obvious the author must had a failed WMAF relationship and is now trying to show Asian woman that white men are all secretly horrible.

>> No.20132932

you know you literally don't have to care, right? there's thousands of years of extant literature you can read today, for free, without paying heed to whatever is deemed fit for print by the acolytes of contemporary fashions

>> No.20132935

And now for the other part. On /pol/ there was a huge thread about an article she wrote where she says that all white men with Asian fetishes are horrific monsters and that most WMAF relationships lead to murder.


I’ll copy and paste the article here.

>> No.20132940

Trust me, I know but I was just curious to see what is being published now. And the author’s article I’m about to post also made be curious, you’ll see.

>> No.20132946
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Her article lol


>What White Men Say in Our Absence

>By Elaine Hsieh Chou

>This essay contains graphic descriptions of murder, sexual violence, and racist language used online.

>When I graduated from college, I moved to Taipei to teach ESL. One afternoon on the train, I overheard two white men discussing Asian women with an unfiltered openness achieved only under the guise of total privacy. They’d assumed no one around them could understand English.

>The first man expressed his frustration about a recent date with a Taiwanese woman that didn’t result in sex. His friend gave him advice. “They use a code,” he said. “When I was living in Japan, I went out with this Japanese girl. The conversation sucked but at least she was nice to look at.” Though it wasn’t late, the girl kept saying how sleepy she was, he told his friend. “So I finally took her back to her place and well, she wasn’t sleepy, if you know what I mean.” The two men laughed. “See? They won’t actually tell you what they want.” The first man nodded seriously, his expression one of a child trying to memorize an important fact.

>By this point, I’d arrived at my stop. I froze, caught between arriving to work on time or telling them off for describing Asian women like sex robots whose operative functions include codes. At the last minute, I jumped through the train doors. I regret it to this day.

>> No.20132952

>I wasn’t a stranger to white male “expats” preying on Asian women. At the English school where I taught, all my white male co-workers exclusively dated or were married to Taiwanese women. In the teacher’s room, as we graded homework and prepped for classes, they never spoke about Asian women. At least, not in front of me. But after hearing the two men on the train, I realized I couldn’t assume anything about what they thought. After all, it’s my absence that makes all the difference. In my absence, they feel free.

>Eight years later, the incident on the train still troubled me. I was living in New York and writing a novel about a Taiwanese American woman with a complicated relationship to white men: She is both attracted to them and disgusted by her attraction. In this early version of the novel, my protagonist is married to a white man; together, they have two children.

>In an attempt to understand how their children might feel about their relationship, I stumbled upon the sub-Reddit /hapas. I don’t know what I expected to find, but certainly not what I did: an online community mostly composed of men with an Asian mother and a white father, abbreviated as “WMAF.” According to the sub-Reddit, WMAF couples doomed their children to mental-health issues because they were the product of a “white worshiping” Asian mother and a white father with an Asian fetish. Believing such pairings were inherently flawed, members exclusively shared posts that upheld this ideology.

>> No.20132958

>On sluthate.com, a white man fantasized about raping his half-Japanese teenage daughter, called “little geisha fuck doll” and “little neo-colonialist jewel.” On another forum, a white man asked in all earnestness if he could still be a white nationalist and fuck East Asian women. In the replies, men advertised us like an infomercial, touting our supposed pros over cons: “their pussies are really tight”; “their skin feels so nice”; “they open their legs easy.” Our supposed demeanor was touted as much as, if not more than, our supposed physical attributes: “you get sex when YOU want, not when SHE wants. They’re also happy to do all the housework, cooking, and other chores around the house. It’s so fucking easy, man.”

>A lengthy manifesto on a related blog declared that Asian women are destined “to be slaves to the White man.” It outlined 12 commandments Asian women must follow, including swearing to never let an Asian or Black man touch her. The final commandment reads: “If an asian woman becomes old, ugly, out of shape, disfigured, or diseased, then she should be divorced, abandoned, sold to someone else, or sent back to China or wherever she came from; and the White master can go back to Asia and pick out a new asian woman to replace her.”

>The monstrosity of this post had such an overwhelming effect on me that several drafts of my novel included it verbatim. I thought, people have to know this exists. In the end, I deleted it because I didn’t want this man’s degenerate words in my novel. Then again, here I am bringing attention to it.

>> No.20132961

>It’s doubtful these men would dare speak these thoughts aloud when faced with a living, breathing Asian woman. But these thoughts are actually voiced aloud all the time in polite society: I’ve never been with an Asian girl before. I have a thing for Asian girls. Behind these terribly unoriginal lines is another terribly unoriginal myth: that Asian women, in appearance and mentality, are somehow different from other women — so different as to be a separate species.

>Beyond the unnerving content of all these websites was the unnerving realization that they were written by someone I could know. The person behind them was likely someone functioning in society. They likely came across Asian women in their day-to-day lives. And when they did, be it at work or on a dating app, I doubt they opened with, “Do you agree your evolutionary purpose is to be my slave?”

>I wanted these men identified. I wanted their thoughts broadcasted above their heads. Because how can I move through the world knowing that the men who think these thoughts are real? They’re subway riders, salesmen, police officers, teachers, bosses, friends. They’re someone’s father. They’re someone’s husband. They’re someone’s lover.

>There’s a false comfort to online anonymity. We think that’s an exception, not a rule. We think, what those people say is irrelevant. Except it is relevant. It’s no mere exaggeration to say some of our lives are at stake.

>> No.20132968

>The post that disturbed me the most and threw me into a bad state for weeks was “List of WMAF Violent Crimes that Made the International News.”

>The most gruesome images haunted me: women dismembered and melted in sixty liters of acid, women stabbed 76 times in the chest, women sliced up and boiled in a pot, women choked and tortured to death, women sawed into eight pieces and stored in a locker, women molested and photographed in disturbing positions after they’d been killed. One hundred and three pornographic DVDs were found at one murderer’s home; 51 featured Asian women.

>I felt nauseous combing through each article, but I was possessed — even when I was physically trembling, I couldn’t stop. I felt I owed it to these women, that my discomfort was the least I could offer up to their suffering.

>In 2017, Quyen Ngoc Nguyen, a 28-year-old Vietnamese mother of two, was murdered in Blackpool, England, by William McFall and Stephen Unwin. “Are we raping the chink?” McFall texted Unwin. How much was said in that line — about hate and desire and a racism so banal it’s inaccurate.

>After luring her into Unwin’s home, they raped and tortured Nguyen for five hours. The two then wrapped her in a sheet, threw her body in her car, doused the car in gasoline and burned her alive. Leaving the scene, they took a smiling selfie together.

>> No.20132971

>Instead of working on my novel, I copied quotations from these forums and blogs and pasted them alongside summaries of the murders. Here was proof that believing “yellow pussy is always ripe for being raped,” as one online user declared, leads to dissolving an Asian women in acid. I needed to document it, not because I needed proof, but because this truth — a truth many Asian women and femmes know to be true from a young age — had been so obliviated in society, I was constantly made to doubt my own reality.

>In Minor Feelings, Cathy Park Hong questions why Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s brutal 1982 murder was severed from her rape, as though they two had no connection: “no one admits that Cha was also raped, an omission so stubborn I had to consult court records to confirm that she was also sexually assaulted.”

>The erasure of the circumstances around Cha’s murder speaks to another kind of relentless, daily erasure. “The Asian American woman,” Anne A. Cheng writes, “has absorbed centuries of the most blatant racist and sexist projections, yet she hardly registers in the public consciousness as a minority, much less a figure who has suffered discrimination.”

>> No.20132974

>All of this would be simpler if these murders were committed by masked strangers who chose their victims by happenstance. But here is a tricky truth: Most of the men who murdered these women were their romantic or sexual partners, among them several long-term marriages. A relationship, however flawed, existed before it ended, which raises the thorny question: Did hate live within love? Or did love live within hate? That the boundary separating them is so thin as to be transparent is what unsettles me. The oppressor’s desire for the oppressed is by no means new; it’s built into our country’s very existence. What we don’t talk about as often is how it works in the other direction.

>At first my rage was uncomplicated because I assumed none of these women had the slightest inclination about their partners’ true feelings until it was simply too late. But that’s an easy way out of a hard truth. New questions obsessed me: What if I knew and chose to stay? What if I’d sensed clues but tried to ignore them or reason them away? Would a “preference” for Asian women seem not only unproblematic, but harmless, even desirable?

>These questions obsessed me because they spoke to my own latent fears. When I was 17, a 22-year-old white man took me to his bedroom and produced a box of photos of his ex-girlfriends. He flipped through them while reciting their respective ethnicities: “Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, Japanese …”

>I wish I could say I ran. I wish, like Chris in Get Out, I understood I was in a horror movie. When Chris sees Rose’s box full of exes, his face contorts in fear. If my expression were captured on film, it would have been dreamy, even wistful. I wanted my photo in that box. I wanted him to choose me.

>> No.20132979

>As Jenny Zhang has written, “My only choices, I thought, were to be invisible and ugly or to be exoticized into worthiness.” Rather than turning away from someone’s fixation on my race, I grasped it the way a drowning person grasps a lifeline. This man told me in no unclear terms who he was, without me having to look up his online history or overhear him talking about me. But I didn’t run. Eyes wide open, I stayed.

>One night when I was 24, a white man stared at me at a roundabout, circled it twice, and followed me. He circled another roundabout at the end of the street, then slowed down before fully stopping the car, his headlights blinding me. On either side of the street was nothing but dark water. I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran. When I reached home, I hid behind the kitchen counter in the dark, terrified I’d see his shadow in the window.

>Another time, a white man pulled over in his car in broad daylight and, when I looked in the window, his pants had been yanked down to his ankles. He grinned at me as he furiously masturbated before he asked, “Do you want to —” I didn’t hear the rest of his question. Again I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran, not stopping until I saw his car drive away.

>When I was waiting in the street for my friend one evening, a white man pulled over next to me. He rolled down his window, a confusing exchange took place and, when he realized I wasn’t a sex worker, he quickly drove off in embarrassment.

>In Paris, more than one Asian friend told me men would come up to them and demand, “Combien?” which means, “How much?”

>> No.20132982

>On March 16, 2021, a white man targeted and killed Daoyou Feng, Hyun Jung Grant, Suncha Kim, Soon Chung Park, Xiaojie Tan, and Yong Ae Yue because he believed Asian women were “temptations,” and a flood of urgent and necessary essays on the subject of how fetishization is in fact murderous filled the Internet. I wondered how to feel about a private fear being catapulted into public discussion, at long last released from the cognitive dissonance of being gaslit. Grateful? Relieved? Affirmed? But mostly all I felt was frightened and tired of feeling frightened.

>More tragedies followed: Michelle Alyssa Go was pushed onto the subway tracks and died. Christina Yuna Lee was followed into her home and stabbed to death. A white man assaulted seven different Asian women in a single day. “It was a little surprising that it was him,” the employee who identified the culprit said. “He’s usually kind of quiet and to himself.” Not all of these perpetrators were white. A white-supremacist myth works like a drop of poison in a well; sooner or later, it infects everyone.

>Online, more Asian women shared their stories and tips on how to stay safe. We recycled the same language we’d used in 2021 and 2020. I couldn’t tell if we were shouting into the void. I wanted to ask if things would change this time around, but the answer stung too much to consider. If we cannot identify these men by invading their private thoughts and tracking down their IP addresses, we’re left waiting for society to change as a whole, to once and forever disentangle notions of Asian women from notions of being submissive, hypersexual, and weak. To finally see each of us as individuals who, from the outset, you can assume nothing about.

>How long must we wait? And how many more of us will die in the meantime? And so the onus falls on us to not be raped, to not be killed.

>> No.20132985

>I researched where to buy pepper spray in NYC. I started keeping my back against the subway wall (again). I walk down stairs with my hand over the handrail, fearful that someone will push me down the steps. At night, I startle when a shadow appears behind me. I haven’t stopped thinking about the woman who had acid thrown on her face — how could she have prevented it? What precautions could she have possibly taken? I can’t think of a single one.

>I wonder if the men who attacked and killed us are the same men on the Internet who argue that we make better wives because we don’t talk or fight back and that we make for easy sex because we are, after all, such easy prey.

>Men have looked at me with many emotions: kindness, desire, annoyance, rage, total and complete apathy. But one emotion I have never been looked at with is fear.

>The night I heard about Christina Yuna Lee’s murder, I started texting a friend, “I understand now why people buy guns.” Because if I cannot inspire fear, at least a semi-automatic can. But I quickly backspaced, ashamed, and never sent the text. If any of these men had looked at the women they hurt with fear, would they still be alive?

>Here is what I wish I’d said to the two white men on the train: Be careful what you say. I’m listening. And I’m not going anywhere.

>Elaine Hsieh Chou is the author of Disorientation.

>> No.20132990

Links in the article:

Archive link:


>> No.20132993

Also, I forgot to mention that the Jordan Peterson professor has a Chinese wife he met by going to a rural Asian village, but then she falls in love with another Chinese guy in America and the professors goes on a drunken rant about how meek and feminine she was and that American feminism ruined her.

But then later he threatens her deportation and turns into basically a 1950’s housewife.

>> No.20132995
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This is the author btw

>> No.20133004

And yes, I read an interview with her and she was inspired by that white guy who published poetry using a Chinese name.

>> No.20133019

What is some actually decent Asian-American /lit/ ?

All they taught us in high school was The Joy Luck Club.

>> No.20133025

the fact that that happened kind of makes her book less ridiculous than your mega ass blog thread you're rocking OP. kino cover btw.

>> No.20133031

To All the Boys I Fucked

>> No.20133046

>entire thread is one guy sperging out that an asian woman wrote a book
Looks like you came from /pol/. Do this board and the rest of 4chan a favor by staying there.

>> No.20133048

Yeah, but I’m the novel it was a thirty year long con that was prompt up by a conspiracy to stop Asian-American radicalism.

>> No.20133052

I just read the book and I couldn’t believe Penguin published it. I wanted to get my thoughts out somewhere so I thought /lit/ might be the best place.

>> No.20133061

well, do you see any Asian-American radicalism? the conspiracy obviously worked out quite will.
Penguin has no literary standards. Penguin wants to sell profitable products.

>> No.20133063

There’s also a subplot where the white fiancé is a Japanese-to-English translator even though he doesn’t know Japanese.

The book he translate is the memoir of a Japanese girl who was a happy ending masseuse. But then later it turns out it was all faked by the Japanese girl too.

>> No.20133070

>well, do you see any Asian-American radicalism? the conspiracy obviously worked out quite will.

There was an attempt after the Atlanta shooting.

>> No.20133087

>>More tragedies followed: Michelle Alyssa Go was pushed onto the subway tracks and died. Christina Yuna Lee was followed into her home and stabbed to death. A white man assaulted seven different Asian women in a single day. “It was a little surprising that it was him,” the employee who identified the culprit said. “He’s usually kind of quiet and to himself.” Not all of these perpetrators were white. A white-supremacist myth works like a drop of poison in a well; sooner or later, it infects everyone.

Lol how long are they going to try and keep up this cope? I bet you black-on-Asian crime has surpassed white-on-Asian crime at this point.

>> No.20133123

Literally the most twisted, fucked up people on God's green Earth.

>> No.20133232

shut the fuck up tranny, shotgun to the face right now

>> No.20133284

Thought that was a movie?

>> No.20133597

the key word here is 'novel'

>> No.20133667

I literally don't care

>> No.20133786

>So there was a /pol/ thread
Stopped reading there. Please go back.

>> No.20134132

It sounds kinda racist. I can respect that

>> No.20134201

>But when she asked Judith to be her senior thesis advisor, she was met with a cruel shock: Judith was leaving the English department for the Comparative Literature department.
>“C-Comp Lit?” she stuttered.
Wow. Riveting stuff.

>> No.20134211

“r-riveting stuff?” I stuttered

>> No.20134224

>“J—John,” she stammered.
>“Good seeing you,” he winked, and before she could say another word, he faded into the crowd.

>> No.20134352

made for BWC

>> No.20134357

I never read the book but it sounds interesting to me. Just by reading the summary, kind of bummed out the author didn't use the premise as a plot for like... seeing passed your racial differences. Like if she had spent all this time researching the author who many thought was Chinese-American, only to discover that he was white. If she spent 8 years on this, the character could have had a revelation that maybe the person's race does not really matter, and we all share some sentiments that are universal if the poem can be understood across cultures.

>> No.20134425

She must live a pretty cozy life if some random incels on reddit shock her to this degree. Lives in NYC, was doing a PhD, probably the daughter of a wealthy immigrant family with no real problems. Just take 1 race-fetishist blogpost and extrapolate that into "every white guy into asian women is a slavery-supporting nazi". So many Asian-Americans seem to have a weird complex on how they're viewed in society. You have to realize that white americans only really think about blacks, any other racial difference is a meme

>> No.20134440

This is why I ignore books based on the name of the author.

>> No.20134448

you already know

>> No.20134453

Getting on a major publisher does not mean much, they publish a good deal of shit to make a quick buck. This is how the major publishers subsidize worthwhile stuff which often does not make a profit before they loose the publishing rights. Also, descriptions are for marketing and often only marginally related to the book, they may play up the plot even though plot is just used to support theme and has an opposite point from that theme. Once again the /pol/tard shows they have little understanding of how the world works.

>> No.20134915

lmao every accusation he made can be proved by one of the paragraphs that was posted afterwards. not only that but he also provided that article that is basically the book minimized to a blogpost fit for an online article. you also said that they publish shit for a good buck when it is the complete opposite, they have no issues with money, it is an irrelevant constant, they push to push agendas. this is not limited to books, look at songs that lack popularity tv shows or movies, they don't even break even and they get a 2nd season or a sequel. money is not an issue at all, it's all about the message. what the fuck are you anyway, some friend of hers? get the fuck out of here with that gaslighting shit.

>> No.20134944

That's not gaslighting. Go back to twitter, zoomer. They're explaining how publishing works. Tldr: You don't need to be good. You just need to sell. Do you think Twilight was published because it was good?

>you also said that they publish shit for a good buck when it is the complete opposite, they have no issues with money

A publishing company whose business is selling books will prioritize profit. It's not that hard to understand.

>> No.20134964

>>On March 16, 2021, a white man targeted and killed Daoyou Feng, Hyun Jung Grant, Suncha Kim, Soon Chung Park, Xiaojie Tan, and Yong Ae Yue because he believed Asian women were “temptations,” and a flood of urgent and necessary essays on the subject of how fetishization is in fact murderous filled the Internet. I wondered how to feel about a private fear being catapulted into public discussion, at long last released from the cognitive dissonance of being gaslit. Grateful? Relieved? Affirmed? But mostly all I felt was frightened and tired of feeling frightened.
lol she's defending wishy-washies. Newsflash gook, he was ashamed that he kept fucking hookers, not asians.

>> No.20134992

Should clarify that these are massage parlors that offer sexual gratification, usually employing sex-slaves that have their identification burned upon arriving in America.

>> No.20135005

didn't read lol but imagine how good it would feel to have her luscious asian lips wrapped around your thick White cock while you're watching The Last Samurai. Then you shoot a load all over her weird eyelids and she says "xiexie arigatou". Hawt!

>> No.20135009

Once again the /pol/tard shows they have little understanding of how the world works.

>> No.20135055

>According to the police, Long described his actions as being the result of a sex addiction that conflicted with his religious beliefs.[44][47] Long had been a customer at two of the massage parlors, and saw them as sources of sexual temptation.[47] Police records show that two of the massage parlors had been the site of 10 prostitution arrests, the latest of which took place in 2013.[48] All three targeted spas appeared on an online guide to brothels.[49] Long claims to have initially thought about killing himself but instead decided to target the businesses to "help" others dealing with sex addiction.[46][47] According to the Cherokee County Sheriff's Department, Long wanted to "eliminate the temptation" by targeting spas.[50][51]
Asian women in upper-crust WASP circles love to ignore the reality of sex-trafficking so they can pretend they're in danger.

>> No.20135440

Nope, her main rival, the Asian SJW, turns out to be working on a dissertation that argues that the poet was in yellowface, but can’t definitively prove it.

>> No.20135463

/pol/ thread tried to see if she had a white bf but she hid that shit, good for her.

Also, Elaine Chou is a very common name for Taiwanese women.

>> No.20135543

The East and West should not meet.
Historically speaking, East Asians had more positive interactions with Persians and Indians rather than the Westerners.
I unironically agree with white nationalists about preserving their race and banning all migration because I want to isolate them and Jews from international affairs more.
There was evidence that a Persian or Sogdians was teaching math to the Japanese in 1000 CE.

>> No.20135624
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>> No.20135637
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It's literally this Josh Luna comic, the novel.

>> No.20135643
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>> No.20135675

so this guy can basically draw one face?
is this the asian version of that laney woman who shows up on /pol/ occasionally?

>> No.20135697

>So there was a /pol/ thread
stopped reading there go outside and touch grass faggot

>> No.20135711

>Asian men
>not misogynistic
yeah that's why they drown baby girls at birth in the West, unlike China and India.

>> No.20135727

How did they convince these girls that it’s bad to have a partner who’s attracted to your particular appearance? If you’re Asian, wouldn’t a partner who has an Asian fetish be a good thing…?

>> No.20135735

It doesn't matter what you say or do, you are always wrong as long as you are white and you exist.

>> No.20135746

I didn’t say that until after they said the contrary though.

>> No.20135763

How is it possible for one man to be so assblasted, permanently, all the time? It would wear me out.

>> No.20135777

>The Joy Luck Club
I actually enjoyed that one. For some reason I find stories about Asians growing up on the west coast with immigrant parents really comfy.

>> No.20135792

anon, this shit is guaranteed audience and money from SJW white girls. You don't have to be creative or anything, just look at literally anything and think "how can I make this look racist?" and bam you have a new page

>> No.20135809

kinda based ngl... she is opposing race-mixing.

>> No.20135820

>Persians are not westerners
I guess if you're only claiming northwestern Europe as the west, sure. But that is an ahistorical and synthetic creation invented by anglos.

>> No.20135842

The thing about the anti-white hysteria sweeping the Anglosphere is that it’s completely institutional. These countries are deliberately throwing their majority white demographics to the wolves just to appease the non-white populations who are certainly going to become the central workers in the future. You can’t stop white decline because white people don’t have children. Whites will be mocked and hated around the world for years to come and there’s nothing they can really do.

>> No.20135845

I love the fucking smug laughing Uncle Sam in the background, would make a great reaction image. Seems like it was traced from a reaction image.

>> No.20135861
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>There’s also a subplot where the white fiancé is a Japanese-to-English translator even though he doesn’t know Japanese.

>> No.20135866


Man face and bad hair

>> No.20135871

If she's xenophobic she can just pack up and go back to Asia

>> No.20135879

I 100% agree, in fact I would be willing to fund one-way trips out of America to anyone who hates White America this much, if I had the money.

>> No.20135888

like the great appeal of joining the tranny side for money and easy social climbing is that it's also fucking easy to pull it off, you only have to understand the mindset and then regularly exercise trying to make things racist, sexist and what have you. I imagine the very best ones just look at things from this angle all the time. You know if you are a photographer you have to look at ordinary things trying to "frame" them the right way, like why is this object or scene attractive? is it the light? is it the color? and so on; similarly the SJW just exercises malicious thinking upon everything he or she sees. Why is this person racist? Why is this picture sexist? Can I dig up something problematic about this person? It doesn't have to be a bulletproof argument, it only needs to hold up on a first pass or two by other leftists, see how that guy failed in >>20135643. Only leftists matter because obviously they are competing against you in the climb, so you will be the prime target for the "why is this guy a Nazi" line of attack. On the other hand if you can tell that the person replying back is the enemy (not a leftist) you can just call him a racist, incel and so on, so you don't need to worry about that. It's all ephemeral because it's over social media and you can just delete shit anyway. Even if you really fuck up, that only sets you back for a while and then you can jump back in, like you're spending time in jail in Monopoly. It's all like a game. Just imagine looking at everything thinking, why is this problematic? This person has a pet, is he abusing the pet? Can I find proof that he is doing that? If he is heterosexual, can I prove that he is a misogynist who sees women as sexual objects? Was that joke earlier on actually offensive and why? You can't be really angry if you do this shit, it's all a very cold blooded exercise because these people are literal psychopaths. This is why they're winning the discourse by a landslide; they understand everything about the platform, how ephemeral it is, how it can be revised, how many steps it take to win an argument with fallacies even if nothing you said holds up to scrutiny. They have 0 interest in truth or justice or what have you, so they cannot become hot-blooded over any of it; all that matters is that little mental game where you look at a pair of glasses and you think how can I make wearing glasses a feature of white supremacy?

>> No.20135908

It's the warranted fear of unwanted attention. If chad does it then it's a good thing. It definitely seems silly to men who would love if women expressed a fetish for us.

>> No.20135914

It's impossible to have a fetish for men. They don't look like anything! They look like blobby chicks you wouldn't fuck!

>> No.20135917

Gay men have other thoughts on this subject.

>> No.20135936
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Unironically true, to some extent. Not even like 20% of men are considered physically attractive to women. Women just date men and pretend to love because it's a way to get resources, but you can bet that one night with Chad gives her more orgasms then she will ever get with her average-looking boyfriend.

>> No.20135952

You were close, but you tripped up at the end. Why would sexuality suddenly matter when it was so diminished before? She's not getting great orgasms from chad, what she is getting is his image and the high status it imparts to her when she shows chad off to her friends and hierarchies she is a part of. The sexual satisfaction of chad is a completely irrelevant secondary to the desire for status.

>> No.20135960

I'll play devil's advocate for once, I think this stat is skewed.
one thing right off the bat, even ugly girls who aren't mentally ill will at least try to do some makeup, dress well, work out weekly, etc. to compensate for being ugly. On the other hand there are relatively a fuckton of ugly men who do zero grooming, exercise, do not dress fashionably, etc. but put themselves on the market anyway. Of course the female side of ratings will be harsher.

>> No.20135970

>author's husband is white


>> No.20135976
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>on okcupid.com

>> No.20135977
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is the aesthetic redeeming? is the prose any good? from what you described, the racially-charged sadomasochistic shit doesn't sound like anything new that hasn't already been written and then transcended by Faulkner or Toni Morrison
it's a crowd favorite on /sp/

>> No.20136010

Lol they mention Ezra Pound

>> No.20136015

>is the aesthetic redeeming? is the prose any good?

It's pretty obviously written by a creative writing MFA.

>> No.20136020
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so like this guy?

>> No.20136030

Also, the central mystery, that the Chinese American poet (Who, btw, is seen as like the Father of Chinese American poetry) is actually a white guy, is pretty obvious from the get-go.

>> No.20136072
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Canadian Asian girls aren't like this, they go on loving white boys

>> No.20136095

>Chinese American poetry
Something about all these "[nationality] American" references everywhere in contemporary American discussion just feels off. As in, by adding the extra nationality on top of American they are stating that they are not fully American, which disproves the notion that America is a cultural melting pot. It's strange because it's mostly pro-diversity liberals/leftists that place such an emphasis on [nationality] American culture, who are also the same people that push the melting pot narrative. It's like they subconsciously think that American means white, English-speaking Christian, and in America, and that nonwhites will never be able to fully integrate into such culture, which goes against everything they want and believe.

>> No.20136128
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wow. this book reads like a meme from /pol/ or /lit.

are they really trying to push this shit? even the spa shooting shit? even the fucking Biden Justice department concluded race had nothing to do with the shootings, he shot other non-asian people too, but i guess their names won't be lionized?

>> No.20136485

Honest question: is there any hope for hysterical women who write things like this? The author is clearly mentally unwell. Is there anything that someone in her life, a parent or close friend perhaps, can do to snap her out of these bouts of mental illness? Or is she so far gone that she needs drugs or to be institutionalized? It's sad to see such a potentially great mind go down this dark hole, and I've personally seen similar cases in my life and I always wonder if there is anything that can help them out.

>> No.20136497

Who is the father of Italian-American, Irish-American, German-American, or Polish-American poetry? The only somewhat justifiable hyphenated American is African-American, but most of their stuff should be grouped in with Southern American literature.

>> No.20136595

Many women ruin their life pursuing a PhD. Seriously, they forego marriage or really any sort of relationship. She apparently dropped out of hers and got a MFA.

>> No.20136602

Would Don DeLillo count as an Italian-American writer?

>> No.20136643

Seems like a wop to me.

>> No.20136673

How about Thomas Ligotti ?

>> No.20136695

His Polish blood prevents him from writing true Italian-American literature.

>> No.20136715

>>The first man expressed his frustration about a recent date with a Taiwanese woman that didn’t result in sex. His friend gave him advice. “They use a code,” he said. “When I was living in Japan, I went out with this Japanese girl. The conversation sucked but at least she was nice to look at.” Though it wasn’t late, the girl kept saying how sleepy she was, he told his friend. “So I finally took her back to her place and well, she wasn’t sleepy, if you know what I mean.” The two men laughed. “See? They won’t actually tell you what they want.” The first man nodded seriously, his expression one of a child trying to memorize an important fact.

There is literally nothing racial about this; men comparing notes in an effort to figure out what the fuck women actually mean instead of what they say is a conversation as old as language itself.

>> No.20137689
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its hilarious to watch Asians try to claim some kind of "oppressed" status in Western nations.

>> No.20137703

Sadly it is proof of them successfully assimilating to the culture

>> No.20137731

The point is that institutional White supremacy isn't actually real. Why would such a system allow Asians to publish racial power fantasies, but not Whites?

>> No.20137738

I'm not saying this book is good I've never read it and I never will but /pol/ is nothing but incels with closeted yellow fever despite being "racist" of course they would hate a book like this

>> No.20137812

C'mon let those asian males get one win at least, wouldn't wanna be one of em in the west

>> No.20137832

Stop noticing things.

>> No.20138241

No wonder she's boiling with resentment. What a dog.

You're welcome for letting you live in our country, btw. Imagine how much it would suck to have to live among your own people!

>> No.20138364

nice to see that fiction still has the ability to rile people up :^)

>> No.20138431

T. has never watched fox news

White power fantasy literature may not get published but there are plenty of outlets for people like you

>> No.20138477

>When I was 17, a 22-year-old white man took me to his bedroom and produced a box of photos of his ex-girlfriends. He flipped through them while reciting their respective ethnicities: “Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, Japanese …”

I wish I could say I ran. I wish, like Chris in Get Out, I understood I was in a horror movie. When Chris sees Rose’s box full of exes, his face contorts in fear. If my expression were captured on film, it would have been dreamy, even wistful. I wanted my photo in that box. I wanted him to choose me.

Unironically tells you everything you need to know about this type of woman.

>> No.20138711

This is the equivalent of a sitcom, you shouldn't be surprised it's being picked up by a major network. This isn't coming out from FSG, it's Penguin-Random House.

>It's written transparently and funny so anybody can read it

>it has a clear set of readers it can be marketed to

> it has a bunch of clear issues that can be written about in reviews, lists, etc, publicized easily

>the author has baseline credibility from an MFA, litmag publications and a small profile from journalism.

>> No.20139078

>doyyyyy why do you care about the world you live in
Fucking retard.

>> No.20139119

>seeing past your racial differences.
>a revelation that maybe the person's race does not really matter
Get with the program, anon. Equality was a last-century ideal. The message this century is white people bad, discrimination good.

>> No.20139211

>a single normiecon cables show that makes all its employees get the jab and worship Israel

>> No.20139303

>this uproarious and bighearted satire is a blistering send-up of privilege and power
Translation: it's a slanderous anti-white screed published by some jew

>> No.20139353

because the system still values angry racial and sexual catharsis. i mean just look at this thread, i'm not going to lie and say i've read her novel (only the essay) but it's clearly supposed to be satirical and if you got upset at a book you haven't read, you're already ngmi. i date a hapa and i showed her the essay and we ended up laughing at it for the plebbit citations but recognized that we aren't as mentally shattered as the author, those redditors, or any human that rapes and murders. i mean, she could've wrote about white men torturing black girls or chicanas but she wrote about asians. she could've wrote about any ethnicity of males being sexually violent towards any ethnicity of females but she didn't. the essay is just a hilarious freudian slip. if the novel gets good reviews i might read it too for the comedy.

>> No.20139367

go back

>> No.20139685

I hate chinks. What a dead end corrupt talentless race. Japanese are the only good race in all of Asia

>> No.20139689

But he's right

>> No.20139722


>> No.20139870

Why, so I can wade through an ocean of shills?
It's not like I'm wrong.

>> No.20139876
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It's easy to do, indeed.
>Your framing betrays an internalized orientalism. By constructing a scenario with limited applicability and projecting into the asian sphere from a presumably white perspective, you're instantiating a violence network and perpetuating stereotypy that exists psychosocially and paradigmatically.
You want preferential treatment that's predicated on coalitional retribution and reputation savaging to be unidirectional.
A Baudrillardian point can be made - it isn't that shallow culture exists. It is that a system of signs of reference to nothing have acquired meaning; these signs are the only available objects in existence with which one can interact. There is no neutral space.
see picrel - nationality isn't a factor

>> No.20140294

Seriously, what’s some good Asian-American /lit/ ?

>> No.20140301

John Fante

His most famous book being about falling in love with a Latina woman.

>> No.20140320

If you want to read it yourself:


>> No.20140363

These questions obsessed me because they spoke to my own latent fears. When I was 17, a 22-year-old white man took me to his bedroom and produced a box of photos of his ex-girlfriends. He flipped through them while reciting their respective ethnicities: “Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, Japanese …”

>I wish I could say I ran. I wish, like Chris in Get Out, I understood I was in a horror movie. When Chris sees Rose’s box full of exes, his face contorts in fear. If my expression were captured on film, it would have been dreamy, even wistful. I wanted my photo in that box. I wanted him to choose me.

Jesus Christ lol

She’s just mad she’s been rejected by white men

>> No.20140374

100% she only fucks white guys

>> No.20140381

No, she's mad that she was socially conditioned to think this was an acceptable outlook, highlighting the latent white-supremacist rhetoric within her given milieu. It's not difficult stuff, but people don't seem to get it.

>> No.20140398

>white male is the ideal in a white society
Ah geez dude I went to Asia and everyone thought Asian models were the most beautiful men ah geez. People recognize as a stupid idea on sight.

>> No.20140425

Yeah, you'd be mogged by any member of a K-pop boyband. Obviously. Features aren't universally attractive, hence the preoccupation with neoteny only in select locales. Whites in Asia score by novelty, not attraction. Most are just paying prostitutes.

>> No.20140692

No they're not, simp fag

>> No.20140737

You mean Ezra Pound.

>> No.20140804

I know this. I'm saying it was a missed chance to say something positive. I do see some people occasionally say something along the lines of "hey it's not good to hate white people either. It contributes to a cycle of hate." That doesn't sell as well as victimhood, though.

>> No.20140817

why are american such mentally ill racists
it gets worse every year

>> No.20140827

and the worst thing is that they try to intellectualise their very simplistic and incoherent obsession with race as something more than it is

>> No.20140833

>Penguin has no literary standards. Penguin wants to sell profitable products.
This isn't how big publishers work. This isn't how streaming platforms and films work. This isn't how the news works.

>> No.20141049
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No, this happened recently.




>> No.20141055

Lol there's a part where the main character has a dream of being put on trial where she's basically found guilty of dating white men for the purpose of being shielded from racist whiteness basically.

She also has a memory of calling another Asian kid in elementary school a chink.

Jesus Christ this author has so many insecurities.

>> No.20141062

It's a memoir, not a novel, but Jay Caspian Kang's The Loneliest Americans was good.

He's critical of the recent wave of Asian Social Justice Warriors but he isn't some normie Conservative who gets mad about political correctness.

There's also Wesley Yang's The Souls of Yellow Folk which also the same (Although it's more of an essay collection). Yang is a bit more conservative though.

>> No.20141064

asian women stop being racist to other asians challenge

>> No.20141070

>List of WMAF Violent Crimes that Made the International News

I tried finding this but it seems like it's been deleted off the Internet with no archives.

I going to bet most of these were boomer dudes with girls they got from the Philippines. Which shouldn't be surprising.

>> No.20141081

Yeah, I want to see domestic violence statistics with Asian-American women (By that I mean Asian woman born & raised here) and white men marriages.

I bet you its low.

Black Male, Asian Women relationships on the other hand...

>> No.20141083
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We still don't have any Asian authors that acknowledge this.


>> No.20141088
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Look into her eyes...

>> No.20141095

Also, the K-pop friend admits to fucking a black dude from Ghana after she's accused of only dating white guys.

>> No.20141097

And the friend's white bf is techbro type who's making an app that was like that one that makes your face into different races.

>> No.20141104
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I can think of one Asian woman who's more insane...

>> No.20141107
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>> No.20141111

Its one thing to become a marxist larper after college, it's another thing entirely to be so deluded you praise north korea lmao

>> No.20141119

/pol/ looked into her, she's a South Korean adoptee who claims her uncle molested her. She was also a huge slut that let white men do anything to her, including incredibly rough sex.

It's sad, she seemed like intelligent girl. She used to call herself a Christian too.


>> No.20141160

i'm starting to think that I should not fill out social constructs when asked. just my name and my credentials. everything else is superfluous. if gender and race have nothing to do with my job, then why do i need to satisfy these archaic and trivial practices?

>> No.20141165

Why do people read this bullshit?. Seriously, with all the literature out there why would you stop to spend even 5 minutes of your life on this. Ik, "don't judge a book by its cover.", but c'mon, I havent eat shit either and I can say firmly that wont taste good in any scenario.

>> No.20141167

Your name itself can tell a lot about your race and gender.

>> No.20141174

People here? Out of a morbid sense of curiosity.
People outside of here? Something to better ingrain their programming.

>> No.20141258


>> No.20141478

Can I interest you in an iota of reflection about how this is the case with Asian women in the west?

>> No.20141485

Go on.

>> No.20141519

Asian women in the west are seen as a novelty and get a bonus to attraction based on that alone. Pretty self explanatory.

American women are unironically garbage. We sent their mothers to work and all the skills that should have been passed down to them were lost. We didn't know what we lost until it was gone. They can't cook, clean, or even fucking party plan anymore. Obviously they are capable of learning and performing these tasks, but they have zero experience. They haven't put in the time to make such tasks second nature and so it is very difficult for them to commit to starting later in life. You're signing yourself up to look after a child rather than entering into a partnership with a competent adult.

Women used to be so much more active in our communities. A vital source of grace, connection, and support with their activities. Now they are just another burden to bear. The "ideal" woman is one who earns enough money to pay some stranger to do the tasks her mother neglected to teach her. It's fucked. Other cultures with skilled women who have not neglected the homemaking skills for the pursuit of money are in huge demand in the west. It's a massive culture shock to experience a skilled woman's grace in your life.

>> No.20141573

>Homemaker=Real Woman (asian)
>Career=Pseudo Woman (white)
You could just call yourself a misogynist. Save yourself the time.

>> No.20141613

That's called mukokuseki. It's not only in Japanese pop culture. Many international Japanese companies do it too, using non-Japanese names, non-Japaneseness in ads, etc., like Bridgestone (the average person has no way to know they're Japanese).

>> No.20141627

lol sure.

>> No.20141720

Americanized asian women are just as skilless as white American women. It's a cultural thing not a race thing. Men are on equal status or often times more skilled at homemaking skills in the west than women. You have to see how this is fucked given the precedent that has been completely neglected. Men self taught themselves these skills whereas women missed out on learning from their mothers. It's a greater tragedy for women to be deprived of such a common and unique transfer of experience across generations. A male's self teaching has none of the human connection of a mother teaching a daughter.

Yeah, I'm a [buzzword] for actually valuing these skills. I think women with these skills are superior to women without them. I believe these skills should be highly valued and praised for their importance. I guess that makes me a bad person for not supporting corporate slave drivers and their dictums about what human skills have value. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.20142364

Also, I think they also mention the friend getting double eyelid surgery…

>> No.20142367

Most East Asian countries expect there women to get careers now too. I think only China is trying to change that.

>> No.20142442

Why are /pol/tards obsessed with black people? A thread about an asian book, talking about asian women and white men, and you still have to bring black cock into it. Please take your fucking meds

>> No.20142447

Any country that modernizes will do this.

>> No.20142454

sounds kind of pynchonian desu

>> No.20142458

62 posters itt… i wonder how many of them has read the book in question

>> No.20142489

Modernization implies a transfer of allegiance from the stable family unit to the stable political party, governments achieve this by destabilizing the family unit. Expropriation demands it. That's how it happened in the UK and US - plant the seed of oppression, redefine roles and reduce the value of domestic labor to devalue women generally, generating ennui and resentment for literal centuries. Until, men are women and women are men and everybody is loyal to the same corporatist state that would love to subsidize every surgery and sell every product.

>> No.20142563

I don’t read books by women

>> No.20142570

go back

>> No.20142623

I earnestly answered your question

>> No.20142642

it's not really the world we live in, it's a tiny forgettable slice of hyperreality that you won't remember in a month, let alone a year. for all practical purposes it's ultimately no more real than fake videogames found in TV shows.

>> No.20142655

Because there’s been a recent wave of black-on-Asian crime and (((they))) are trying to blame white supremacy on it.

>> No.20142673

It's literally the opposite. Whites commit more anti asian hate crimes, and racism in general, than blacks but the media is constantly showing black on asian crime. Really makes you think about who (((they))) are

>> No.20142682

Lol everytime we hear news of a black-on-Asian crime that results in a death is always a black.

>> No.20142702

No, not really. You'll forget, certainly, but others will remember. Why? Because it's actually representative of a phenomenon embraced, processed and disseminated by a managerial class that believe themselves to be "our" social superiors. You can define "our" however you like (white, cishet, educated).

>> No.20142704

Yes, I'm not saying blacks don't commit crime on asians. What I'm saying is that it's kind of funny how disproportionate the news coverage of those events is. The shit is pushed in the media constantly. Despite almost every one of them resulting in the quick capture and trial of the suspect it's still "BLACKS ATTACK ASIANS BLACKS ATTACK ASIANS BLACKS ATTACK ASIANS" It's delusional to think that somehow whites are catching the blame for any of this. The closest thing was Trump catching flack for the "china" flu shit

>> No.20142713

only long-forgotten articles will attest to this specific book's existence. the things it represents might well endure, but the book itself will mean nothing to nobody who matters. a few people might find it personally meaningful, but you'll no more know her (plural) than you know some guy in botswana trying to get by selling shoes, and you'd have more fun thinking about him than her anyway.

>> No.20142721


>> No.20142724

Go back where? Most of the people don't read books by women newfriend.

>> No.20142725

The Atlanta shooting was started the whole #StopAsianHate movement. Before that everyone was on edge and didn’t know what to do because it was mostly blacks doing the hate crimes.

>> No.20142733
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That's interesting

>> No.20142818
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The marketing campaign is in full force




>How Disorientation Author Elaine Hsieh Chou Wrote the Funniest, Most Poignant Novel of the Year


>March 29, 2022

>To call a book necessary reading often connotes a certain prosaic fussiness, calling to mind a long-avoided homework assignment rather than a pleasurable romp. Taiwanese American writer Elaine Hsieh Chou’s debut novel, Disorientation, however, manages to tell a deeply vital and insightful story about Asian experience and identity in post-Trump America while still being absurdist to the point of IRL laughter.

>In Disorientation, 29-year-old PhD student Ingrid Yang experiences a rupture in her calm, orderly life of writing her dissertation on late canonical poet Xiao-Wen Chou (and coming home to her doting fiance, Stephen, a white literary translator with a penchant for mansplaining and Japanese-schoolgirl costumes) when she discovers that Chou is—wait for it—a total fiction, a character invented and embodied by one white man and propped up by another. Suddenly, Ingrid is thrust into a world of high-stakes espionage, book burnings, and campus protests and is forced to question the things most fundamental to her, including her field of study, her relationship, her friendships, and her identity as the daughter of Taiwanese immigrants living in the U.S.

>Recently, Vogue spoke to Chou about dealing with fetishization, the cathartic possibilities of anger, and her desire for Asian writers to “get free to reach the point of just writing what we want.” Read the full interview below.

>> No.20142825

>Vogue: Did you have experiences in academia that mirrored or informed Ingrid’s PhD journey at all?

>Elaine Hsieh Chou: Well, I was in a PhD program for two and a half years, and I dropped out; there are a few reasons why, but one of them was this disastrous seminar I gave on intersectionality that people just did not want to hear. They were basically like, “You being a woman and being Asian does not change your experience of the world.” It was very strange, but this was happening in France, where race is officially not recognized. So yeah, I had some issues with academia! Not to the extent Ingrid did—I didn’t uncover, you know, a long-held secret—but I did have that feeling of my experiences being erased and being expected to fall in line and repeat what they believed in.

>In the book, the parts about the protest against the play Chinatown Blues are inspired by that time; when I lived in Paris, I started protesting and organizing, and I just felt exposed to this whole new world. I felt I had a lot of catching up to do, even though I had identified as a liberal my whole life and faithfully voted Democrat. That moment really changed me, and I just realized there was so much I didn’t understand about institutional racism and systemic inequality. Unfortunately, I—like many Asian women—have been subjected to being fetishized, and that’s something that has deeply impacted me. I never really read about it in a book before; I read nods to it but not something that really dived into: What does it feel like to grapple with that? I wanted to read about that, and I wrote it thinking that maybe somebody else would want to read about it too.

>> No.20142833

>You depict the poet Xiao-Wen Chou as succeeding almost because he’s playing into a very familiar and arguably stereotypical portrayal of the Asian American experience. Have you ever felt pressure to write in that way or try to make your experiences more legible to a white audience?

>I’m so glad you picked up on that, because I really did want to show that the reason Chou could become the most famous Chinese American poet in America was because he did not write about being invisible or about how he had suffered due to white supremacy. He wrote about rivers and teacups and ying and yang and just kept exoticizing the East and keeping it very distant so that American readers wouldn’t feel uncomfortable in any way.

>When I was in undergrad, I was taking creative-writing classes for the first time in my life, and I didn’t really know how to write beyond parroting what I was reading. Great literature was people like Raymond Carver and Flannery O’Connor and a lot of rural white writers, so I wrote this story about these two poor white boys who worked on a wheat farm in North Dakota. I remember my teacher absolutely adored it, and after class a white male student came up to me and asked, “How did you write this?” I remember feeling sort of prickly and defensive, like, why can’t I write it? I think it’s different for every Asian writer, and I don’t think any of us should be expected to write about being Asian or a certain kind of character. But for me, I had to work through things before I could write Asian characters the way I do now. I think it does show that there’s this weird “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” attitude, because if you write about your people and for your community, you can be told, Oh, you’re not being universal. And it’s like, well, what does that even mean? But then if you’re like college-aged me writing about rural farm boys, you get criticized: Oh, well, you’re self-hating and are doing a disservice to your people. I think it is hard to navigate all these expectations, but we want to get free to reach the point of just writing what we want.

>> No.20142838

>Both in Disorientation and in your recent viral Cut essay, I was struck by the role that anger plays in your life. Can you speak on that a little bit?

>Oh, absolutely. I was very angry writing this novel as well as the essay—just a lot of anger and sadness at the same time. Anger can be effective. It’s okay to embrace our anger instead of being forced to tamp it down or gaslight ourselves, right? There are these little aphorisms in American culture, like “take the high road” or “turn the other cheek,” and a lot of those ideas can put pressure on POC and all kinds of minorities to downplay and swallow their pain. Our role in life is not to just bear things. I was almost giddy to wield power over people like [Ingrid’s culturally appropriative turned all-out-xenophobe PhD advisor] Michael and Stephen because I felt that men like them had power over me. It was really delicious and freeing to be able to turn the tables and be like, No, now you’re under my thumb. Anger can be nourished; it gets a bad rap when in reality doing justice to anger is me holding people accountable. Because if we downplay the anger, we’re saying, “What you did to me is excusable.”

>I was really struck by the trinity of Asian women at the novel’s center: Ingrid, her best friend Eunice, and their academic rival Vivian. It seemed like Ingrid gained so many different things from her relationship with each of those women, and it made me wonder about the role that friendship with people who share some of your life experiences has played in your own life.

>Oh, those friendships have been so important, especially this past week as the book and essay have come out. Being in the public eye can be terrifying and very isolating, and I am just so grateful for my friends, particularly the ones who are Asian women or other women of color. Those friendships in my life have taught me so much. Something I wanted to explore with those three characters is that we’re obviously not a monolith, but when we take ourselves out of the white gaze, we can finally look at the nuances between three women who may seem similar but only on paper. As I was writing, I was also in these groups online where everyone was Asian but there were so many different political beliefs and backgrounds and identities there.

>> No.20142843

>I’m so curious about the character of Timothy Liu, an Asian conservative who falls in line with far-right ideology on campus. How do you feel about men like that these days?

>In the beginning, I approached the character of Timothy with a lot of anger, just like I did his real-life counterparts, because I was like, “How can you be a conservative when these policies hurt your people?” We cannot find communality as minorities if we are actually propagating white-supremacist ideas, like the notion of the model minority and the “you can do anything if you pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality. It was painful to see Asian Americans very publicly be like, Well, my family made it, I went to college, I’m doing well. All of that is anti-Black rhetoric.

>There’s a moment where Ingrid is looking through the window and sees Timothy sort of performing this identity, and her heart breaks for him because she sees in him a remnant of her past hunger to be accepted. I feel frustration, but it’s important to me now to lead with empathy. There are conservative people in my family, and that was difficult when Trump was elected. Those of us protesting Trump had to look at ourselves and really confront: Why is there this divide in our community?

>At the end of the novel, we see Stephen move on from his relationship with Ingrid by rebranding as a vocal opponent of anti-Asian racism, but he doesn’t actually atone for how he treated her or stop fetishizing Asian culture. Ideally what do you think we would do with men like Stephen?

>I wanted zero redemption for him, totally. There is just no excuse for fetishizing a race; it is not a preference, and it is not a compliment, as Stephen tried to claim in order to defend his interest in Asian women. I’ve heard that so often, and at the end of the day, fetishization is always dehumanization—there is no way out. I think these men have to work on themselves to understand why they have dehumanized Asian women and reduced us to a set of traits because that’s what it comes down to. If you are harming us with your Asian fetish and you purposely seek us out on Tinder or whatever, you are actively exposing us to an abusive situation where we’re not fully human. I know this is a hot take...

>> No.20142846

>trinity of Asian women
no self-awareness at all

>> No.20142847

>No, please go on!

>...but the part where Stephen moves to L.A. and reinvents himself is very real because this has happened to other friends and me. There’s this anxiety about being fetishized that can make a whole relationship get thrown into question. Stephen’s goal was a Japanese girlfriend, right? And Ingrid was like a stepping stone for him; I’ve had friends who are Korean or Chinese who date white men who are obsessed with Japan, and it’s like, But I’m your girlfriend, and I’m Chinese. Are you not interested in visiting or learning about China? Okay, cool, good to know.

>On a more personal note, how have you been doing since the book and essay came out?

>Thank you for asking! It was quite overwhelming trying to prepare for the launch because I didn’t have the time or energy to fully process what was happening or respond to every single person, but I remember a lot of Asian women writing to me and saying, “I’ve had this trauma, and I feel this way,” and I was just so full of gratitude and emotional. I’m honored that someone would share that with me.

>> No.20142851

i wish that were true, strangers call me like they're addressing a mexican chick

>> No.20142866

>There is just no excuse for fetishizing a race; it is not a preference, and it is not a compliment, as Stephen tried to claim in order to defend his interest in Asian women. I’ve heard that so often, and at the end of the day, fetishization is always dehumanization—there is no way out. I think these men have to work on themselves to understand why they have dehumanized Asian women and reduced us to a set of traits because that’s what it comes down to. If you are harming us with your Asian fetish and you purposely seek us out on Tinder or whatever, you are actively exposing us to an abusive situation where we’re not fully human. I know this is a hot take...

Tell that to all the Asian women who fetishize white men>>20141083

>> No.20142868

it's satirical you retards

>> No.20142887

Lol that fag got so btfo he couldn't even shitpost a response

>> No.20142907

Read this interview and tell me she didn't put all her beliefs into this book.


>> No.20142908

She is totally mad that a white man didn't choose her and got married.

>> No.20142913

On the other hand, it's going to be hilarious if it turns out she has a white bf/husband.

>> No.20142914 [DELETED] 

Nah, they admitted they were a misogynist, which they are. No need to reply further.

>> No.20142934

To be totally honest I don't disagree with this author's take on how white men view Asian women. I think the bigger issue here is why the Asian communities in general are so addicted to white cock. Every mixed race asian couple is Asian female White male. Pretending like Asian women don't have an entire subculture revolving around fucking white men is just dishonest.

"These men fetishize us and it's messed up"
Cannot exist without questioning why so many asian girls are like "omg I can't wait to be in his collection of asians he's fucked

>> No.20142940
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There's no such thing as an "Asian fetish." Fetishes are for fucked up things like diapers, feet, scat, S&M, and shemales. When you say "Asian fetish" you are indirectly calling an entire race of people as unattractive as a foot.

>> No.20142961

This is a really retarded post.
To answer you, fetishization doesn't mean "I find asian women attractive" it means "I'm going to seek out asian women because they are asian" I'm attracted to some asian girls but I don't go out and hunt for asian pussy because it's asian

>> No.20142984 [DELETED] 

But you do though, preference is preference. There's no such thing as an Asian fetish, you're just attracted to Asians. A fetish implies sexual deviancy, which implies an act associated with a desire. Desiring vanilla sex with Asian women is a tame inclination that doesn't imply deviance.

>> No.20142997

>a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc.
Unless you're asian, being hyperfixated on fucking asian women is a deviancy

>> No.20143000

She explains in the novel as Asian women wanting to shield themselves from the horrors of white supremacy.

>> No.20143007

It's ok to be afraid of the truth, but don't deny it. Have you ever heard of someone having an "Australian fetish" or an "Italian fetish" or a "French fetish?" No. Although you probably have heard people talk about how sexy their accents are or some other stereotype about them. We all know Asian girls love white guys, and gushing on about how cute hapa babies are but has anyone ever accused them of having a "white fetish?" No. Ever heard of a "black fetish?" No. Even though blacked porn is its own subgenre, I have yet to see anyone getting called out on twitter for fetishizing black people, or being called evil for dating black men. It just doesn't happen. It seems as though it's impossible to fetishize anyone based on their race or nationality except for Asian women. Can you explain why? No, you can't. Because the whole "asian fetish" thing is just cope from women who aren't getting the white dick that they want.

>> No.20143009

If you don’t care or participate you will be ruled by inferiors

>> No.20143024
File: 3.87 MB, 4029x1670, gang weed review collage uncensored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile gang weed the movie didn't win an oscar

>> No.20143030

That's fucking hilarious. I'd love to hear what she has to say about this >>20143007 Asian women are unironically a bigger champion of whiteness and white features than white women. Asian Masculinity movements are cringey as fuck but at least they try to champion asian features. Asian women are the ones constantly, and actively, pushing the Asian features are ugly meme

>> No.20143031 [DELETED] 

Don't think so, suggesting that asians can be fetishized implies that Asians are bound to the same normativity that delineates actual social deviancy (paraphilias). Meaning Asians must sex Asians, because interracial pairings are an act of anti-conformity (non-normative behavior) due to own-race biasing.

>> No.20143068

I have seen people on Twitter be mad about the fetishization of black men, saying that Blacked porn upholds stereotypes about black men.

>> No.20143084

This is true. It portrays black men as taboo animal stunt cocks. From farm equipment to dildo machine.

>> No.20143097

Years ago people were saying one is racist if they don't watch porn with blacks in it, guess this might be actual blacks trying to let themselves be heard over sjws, just like gays tried when they realized they are only popular in media cause fujos masturbate to them.

>> No.20143225

If you're not aware anon, it's the #1 way Americans get their "news." That one dweeb started doing a comedy show on it and instantly became #1 in late night beating out Two Scoops and everyone else just by virtue of not calling everyone west of Philadelphia a moron every 5 minutes

>> No.20143238
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>we are all one race, the human race
also libtards:

>> No.20143250

I like you anon

>> No.20143255

>central workers
>the non-asian ones don't work
bravo Anglosphere

>> No.20143270

>As in, by adding the extra nationality on top of American they are stating that they are not fully American, which disproves the notion that America is a cultural melting pot. It's strange because it's mostly pro-diversity liberals/leftists that place such an emphasis on [nationality] American culture, who are also the same people that push the melting pot narrative. It's like they subconsciously think that American means white, English-speaking Christian, and in America, and that nonwhites will never be able to fully integrate into such culture, which goes against everything they want and believe.
All of that is basically true and they know it, the fact that it appears so often as a current indicates the underlying truth of the sentiment at least in the eyes of so-called "PoC"

>> No.20143273
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so what would happen if a white guy asked her to autograph her anti-white book? Do you think she'd begrudgingly sign it? Or do you think reality would smash cut to a steamy hotel interracial sex scene?

>> No.20143274

Nobody talks like this. Nobody says anything about attraction unless you're exclusively attracted to the features of a single race and even then that's a small minority. Stop fighting strawmen for 4chan points

>> No.20143298

you know he was jerking off while drawing this

>> No.20143308

>nobody talks like this

>What White Men Say in Our Absence by Elaine Hsieh Chou
>At the English school where I taught, all my white male co-workers exclusively dated or were married to Taiwanese women. In the teacher’s room, as we graded homework and prepped for classes, they never spoke about Asian women. At least, not in front of me. But after hearing the two men on the train, I realized I couldn’t assume anything about what they thought. After all, it’s my absence that makes all the difference. In my absence, they feel free.

>> No.20143316

>if you write about your people and for your community, you can be told, Oh, you’re not being universal. And it’s like, well, what does that even mean? But then if you’re like college-aged me writing about rural farm boys, you get criticized: Oh, well, you’re self-hating and are doing a disservice to your people. I think it is hard to navigate all these expectations, but we want to get free to reach the point of just writing what we want.
I sympathize with this. I mean, I think she's practically telling us right here she had to write this piece of book first just to get on the map before she could do anything else because otherwise they wouldn't have even read her submissions

>> No.20143321

Yeah what you posted is not "YOU'RE ATTRACTED TO THE WRONG RACE" it's "Wow hearing these white expats openly talk about the best ways to fuck asian women and how to read them made me think of what my white expat male coworkers might feel comfortable saying when I'm not around"
You can argue that both are stupid but they're not the same thing

>> No.20143344
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you're splitting hairs. Elaine seems to get her panties in a twist over every white guy who fucks an Asian girl. She wrote an entire book about how WMAF relationships are racist and evil. Seems very much to me that she thinks white guys shouldn't be attracted to Asians.

>> No.20143345

is this even a question? You already know the author is white only

>> No.20143360

I always thought it was strange because it takes two to tango so to speak, all you asian bitches complaining about this problem are complicit in it

>> No.20143383

Asian women will talk about how ugly asian features are, get surgery to look more white, refuse to date asian men, shit talk asian men, and then complain about why they attract only white fetishists.

>> No.20143445

>asian woman seething about white men
Jarvis, look up her dating history

>> No.20143587
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This is true. It's sad that nowadays, being a woman who cleans up, raises kids, and can cook is seen as someone useless. I think this was the fault of corporations because now, sometimes one person working isn't enough to bring up a household. Now there is stigma to being a woman who does not work.
Both sexes need to have the ability to at least pick up after themselves, though. Modern Americans are some of the laziest shits. They import women from third world shitholes to be maids and cleaners. It's sad that grown people need to be told to clean up their own fucking room. Pic rel is a "internet streamer" because that's all anyone wants to do as a career nowadays. How did it get like this, bros?

>> No.20143634

It's probably depression that caused this guy to do this to his room, i can't imagine a sane person would be able to even walk in without retching.

>> No.20143646

seen way too many people like this, though. The least you can do is get up to clean your own living space, c'mon... One guy I knew said he had a "fart towel" on his computer chair because he didn't want to clean his own chair he sat in.

>> No.20143900

>he doesn’t want to suck an asian girls toes

>> No.20144247

This is just a psyop to make Asian women stop liking white guys.

Same thing with the Atlanta shooting, they want to pit Asians against whites.

>> No.20144284

There's a depressing amount of mangled nipponized English in conversational Japanese, on top of all for words that already existed in Japanese before. French has fewer English loan words.

>> No.20144537

goddamn you're so wrong about that. Men are beautiful.

>> No.20144549


>> No.20144584

> When you say "Asian fetish" you are indirectly calling an entire race of people as unattractive as a foot.
But they actually are, and everyone who isn’t a beta male with yellow fever sees that. There’s a reason they use so much plastic surgery and makeup.

>> No.20144644

>When I graduated from college, I moved to Taipei to teach ESL. One afternoon on the train, I overheard two white men discussing Asian women with an unfiltered openness achieved only under the guise of total privacy. They’d assumed no one around them could understand English.
Every man/woman from every race does this. My gf understands a few languages and people are so used to white foreigners not understanding anything but English that they say some pretty rude shit.

>> No.20144677

>Get with the program, anon. Equality was a last-century ideal. The message this century is white people bad, discrimination good.
I'd actually argue that the message I keep seeing is more racist and xenophobic than what it was decades ago. Except instead of it being the stereotypical racist dude throwing out slurs, it is an educated individual creating stories of good vs evil in the context of race that create fear to justify it as "Good racism".
Racism and irrational fear never really went away, it just hid itself in other forms to make itself seem rational

>> No.20144682

>you also said that they publish shit for a good buck when it is the complete opposite, they have no issues with money
Unironically one of the stupidest things I've ever heard

>> No.20144689
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Don't care , I don't read American authors.

>> No.20144735

>Grug bring honey to to Grugina and Grugina smile but then Grugina say she want sleep and leave door open, Grug confuse
>Grugmantha also leave door open when get honey, mean want snu-snu but no say it
>Grugothy wise, Grug know better next time

A tale probably older than language itself.

>> No.20144816

Oh yes people do talk about fetishizing black people, and I have heard it in real life too. Where do you live? It's ok to be afraid of the truth, but don't deny it. Fetishizing race happens allllllll the time, brother. And every race does it. I think it's all about to what degree do you do it, having self awareness, and not being a little pussy about it.

>> No.20144832

Yeah I think that is unfortunately true. Black men wouldn't be so lusted after if they weren't such a forbidden fruit. (white) women love the idea of sex with black men not solely because they believe that their dicks are bigger, but because they also subconsciously believe it's dangerous and that they're tainting their purity, that it's "wrong" in the eyes of the world they know. That makes it exciting.

>> No.20144840

It's one thing to watch porn with black people in it, and another thing entirely when its premise is "look at the white woman worshipping and desiring that nigger dick". The "BWC" reaction trend to this is also embarrassing.

>> No.20144842
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wow that is one sexy evil alien hybrid

>> No.20144849
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>> No.20144863

She also copped the title from the punchline to a joke Hawkeye told on M*A*S*H 40 years ago.

>> No.20144868

>a certain protastic fussiness, calling to mind a long-avoided jerk-off rather than a pleasurable romp.

>> No.20144903

>Black men wouldn't be so lusted after
But they aren't.

>> No.20144956

Their appendages are ..

>> No.20144973

You /pol/cels are the worst. And amongst them, the mutts are the lowest breed. I'm so happy to have read this thread because the upset colorless are flocking in, weeping in inexplicable agony. I'm a man and I agree with the crux of this article: fuck white people.

>> No.20144979

>Taiwanese American

Honestly, that's all I needed to read to understand this thread. It's always the fucking Taiwanese

>> No.20144985

This is just obvious evidence that she's a fed, lol

>> No.20144990

holy based

>> No.20144996

>this thread is still going
you guys just really hate women of color, don't you

>> No.20145104

Nah man she probably just went to UNC Chapel Hill. Look at her profile or whatever, it looks like she's from NC. There's tons of rancid harpies like that that come out of UNC. Especially Chapel Hill though. They scare me.

>> No.20145290

Someone in the /pol/ thread found her Master's thesis by searching her real name.

She went to North Carolina State University for her undergrad and Masters. She's apparently going to Virginia Commonwealth University for her PhD.


>> No.20145487

Also, her name, Hee Jun Suh , was her actual birth name before her adopted parents changed it.

>> No.20145824

>At the end of the novel, we see Stephen move on from his relationship with Ingrid by rebranding as a vocal opponent of anti-Asian racism, but he doesn’t actually atone for how he treated her or stop fetishizing Asian culture. Ideally what do you think we would do with men like Stephen?

>I wanted zero redemption for him, totally.

The main character’s ex fiancée ends up upgrading with a Japanese-American activist.

The main character works at a tourist trap because she didn’t complete her PhD.

>> No.20145849

wow that was such a good comment i almost forgot the chinese destroyed atlantis

>> No.20146109

As a group, women are controlled by tribally dictated emotional mechanisms. If they are sufficiently convinced a thing or action has a certain value they will act in accordance with the 'sign' that let them know - they will even hold onto that sign beyond it's being an impression of a physical projection from a dominant figure, and integrate that 'commandment' into their person as a 'core principle.' They can create rationalizations that are validated (one can test with socratic method) by referring to a nebulous presence of exponentially 'threatening' (not limited to physical) states of matter, which inevitably lead to 'I do it because I was told to.' A prime example, that I found on crystal cafe (surely an honest account of female consciousness if there was one) was an femanon saying she more or less wanted a guy to 'look rebellious by wearing a leather jacket without actually being rebellious.' This sentiment seems contradictory but this 'nuance' is the primordial aspect of female understanding.
Women exist like a poem which one can perceive to be constantly progressing in flow and alliteration, but after analyzing one sees that it was always determined within a creative feedback loop composed of seemingly mindless trial-and-error and 'divine inspiration.' They will confidently hold their position and will not shift until they are met with a prowess expressing more dominance over not just their own person, but their feeling in regards to the 'group nervous system', like a (collective) dog submitting to it's 'feeling' of body language.
Yes men as a group may have similar 'emotional' impressions but rather than being ignorant or stupified by them (like women claim) are able to internally refute their validity as emotionality is ultimately uncommunicable and thus detrimental for group cooperation. Men create more 'convincing rationalizations' which eventually supersede the original 'commandment obedience' - validating themselves in asserting a causal mechanism within which they are functionally autonomous agents.
if one were to judge using collective self expression as evidence: Men know they are conscious, women appear to be conscious. Consider (Philo:Love ; Philo ~ Phallus (reproductive attunement)(toward) Sophia:Knowledge) most possibly retarded breakdown of the word 'philosophy' as a working-telos of man who has founded his 'affection toward knowledge' or his development of a faculty to surpass a categorical 'thinking with your dick' sexual selection.

>> No.20146115

it's a reference

>> No.20146393

yes i read it. do you identify with those white men? i don't and I'm sure you don't either. so don't sweat it. she's not writing about (You).

>> No.20146792

Enlighten us how the Big Five operate. Literary quality is no priority. If it was, the world would be a different place.

>> No.20146810

White guy couldn’t get published because he was a while guy. The moment he wasn’t a white guy he got published.
Activates the almonds

>> No.20146924

Seems pretty based to have a white guy protagonist in a fish out of water story and have him fuck Asian chicks

>> No.20146946

I bet you this is, in some magical way, a proof of systemic racism against Asians.

>> No.20146954

I used to be sexually attracted to Asian women when I was a young teen , probably around 12-17 years old, but as soon as I matured a bit, I realised that I am not attracted to Asian women as much as I an attracted to European women (I am a white European),
After this bizarre period of fetishism - I have I think a pretty good grasp on what provoked this sexual interest, firstly it was porn-derived secondly its because Asian women have very petite figures in porn and have childlike faces - so essentialy it was just a compromise for my age - being under-age and a child to see other children who were under-age physiognomically in porn, that's all. It was all outgrown as I said, and after some introspection, I have come to the conclusion that all women who are not white European women, etc. Are not attractive and that miscegenation is a bad thing,
The whole muh IQ etc. Is a scientism cope.

>> No.20146962


>> No.20147084

With women, you invert. They use sex to gain power, to gain sex based on power, to cum, because of power, because sex... yada yada yada - because they are generally slightly less cognitively autonomous. A 'wmaf' asian woman doesn't think "I love white men therefore I love them" she thinks "how can I effectively spite my lineage; I love white men (as a heatsink)" just as white men often turn to asian women because white women won't fuck them.

>> No.20147132

can't agree more!

>> No.20147182

> blistering
when they use this word you know it'll be cancer

>> No.20147197
File: 52 KB, 450x366, 89602069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can I effectively spite my lineage; I love white men (as a heatsink)

>> No.20147555

Just use a Spanish sounding name to make it seem you’re Latino. When caught, just say you’re part Spaniard.

>> No.20147607

Asian women fetishize white men as much as vice versa and this is most likely just another fetishized humble brag sex fantasy disguised as contemporary woke sermon. Nothing new really.

>> No.20147628

I read it. There’s not really any sex scenes.

>> No.20147719

I genuinely believe that it bothers Asian women to be fetishized. I don't think it's for attention or "wokeness" I just think they don't realize that Asian women help perpetuate the stereotypes just as much as white men by constantly talking about how much they love "white" features

>> No.20147733

how can you fetishize a race though? it's like saying you have an "ass fetish". That doesn't exist, it's fucking normal to be an ass man. Now girls on a wheelchair, that's a fetish.

>> No.20148481

>her male feminist white fiancé turns out to be an Asian fetishist
why do people care
if a pertain is beautiful is obvious that their mate is a beauty fetishist, for example
I'd understand if she was disabled and he fetishized that
is the author ashamed of her ethnicity?

>> No.20148501

this sounds hilarious and bizarre, would read for sure
>t. hapa girl

>> No.20148514

I'm not sure why you fucking retards are so dishonest about fetishism.
>: an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression
IE you can fetishize a race. If you don't like the topic of the book or think it's stupid just say that. Why play the most retarded game of semantics and denial. Whether you faggots agree or not the public has universally agreed that people have fetishes for other races. Jungle fever, yellow fever, white worship, etc

>> No.20148559

you missed the point

>> No.20148566

>*if a person is beautiful it's obvious that their mate is a beauty fetishist, for example

>> No.20148620

they are more oppressed than blacks
jokes about them or slurs thrown at them don't result in ostracism
they need better results to get accepted into universities
simple as

>> No.20148780

There is no "point" Every aspect of the comment I replied to is fucking retarded "why do people care" because fetishists are degenerate weirdos and people don't want to wait and find out when they're in a relationship that their partner is a degenerate. Finding someone attractive isn't a fetish. So the whole wanting a beautiful partner shit is an incredibly retarded comparison

>> No.20148790

Tits or gtfo

>> No.20148804

according to your own definition from
>>20148514 liking good looking people is a fetish of you can't get off with someone fugly
there's nothing wrong with fetishizing your partner's good characteristics
simple as

>> No.20148831

Yes if you hyperfixate on "beauty" then it would be a fetish. Except beauty is a subjective trait. There's no universal beauty which is why we don't say footfags have a beauty fetish. Attraction=/=Fetish They have a foot fetish because they need feet specifically, aside from their partner's other features, to get off. An asian fetish isn't finding asian women fuckable it's her being asian as a necessity for you getting off at all. Again more semantic autism. But you still can't make sense of what you're saying.

>> No.20148897

For many people the partner being attractive is necessary to get off. Yet nobody would care if they found out. It's ridiculous to care that someone has a race fetish (I mean unless you are a SJW who cares about such things), this didn't really change anything.

>> No.20148931

"being attractive" is a sum of parts. Being attracted to someone's race doesn't equate to being attracted to their parts. You're attracted to the concept that they represent. It isn't monolid eyes, it isn't black hair, it's the "asian". Literally every non white cares about a racial fetish coming up because it means your partner could replace you with literally anyone of the same race and still be happy.

I'm not sure if you're intentionally being dense here or what.

>> No.20148944

To clarify I can not like someone's lips or eyes and still find them attractive. If someone is not asian an asian fetishist doesn't find them attractive. Just like footfags like attractive feet.

>> No.20148945

Doesn't quite work like this, but now I see what boogeyman they are afraid of.

>> No.20148954

yeah and most people could replace their partner with another good looking person with agreeable personality and be happy
one true soulmate in the whole world is a massive cope of incels

>> No.20148971

Please explain how it works then.
The point being that a fetish isn't the same as "omg ur so pretty!"

>> No.20148996

>>There’s the Asian SJW the mc hates at first but later becomes friends with, her male feminist white fiancé turns out to be an Asian fetishist (It’s pretty obvious from the beginning), her Korean-American best friend who likes k-pop, the brother of the best friend who’s an /r/aznidentity poster (But can still get white AND Asian chicks), a professor that turns into Jordan Peterson, a redneck that thinks all Asians are commies, an Asian conservative student, etc.

Sounds pretty good to me . Not even meming

>> No.20149005

>>The first man expressed his frustration about a recent date with a Taiwanese woman that didn’t result in sex. His friend gave him advice. “They use a code,” he said. “When I was living in Japan, I went out with this Japanese girl. The conversation sucked but at least she was nice to look at.” Though it wasn’t late, the girl kept saying how sleepy she was, he told his friend. “So I finally took her back to her place and well, she wasn’t sleepy, if you know what I mean.” The two men laughed.

If /lit/ is defending this then this board is dead

>> No.20149009
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>Unironically tells you everything you need to know about this type of woman.

She hates white yellowfever losers like OP and you? Dont blame her

>> No.20149022

She hates them but feels obligated to fuck them until she realizes they don't love her for her

>> No.20149034

according to the definition you posted yourself, attraction to good looking people is a fetish

>> No.20149045

Asian fetishists generally won't be happy with every single Asian girl, just with those that are visually appealing to them and don't annoy them too much. Same as any other relationship, really. Just with a lower pool of acceptable partners, but same is true for e. g. someone with high beauty standards or someone who can only accept an intelligent wife.

>> No.20149072

Genuinely not sure if dishonest or stupid. Either way im done getting baited. Fuck off retard

>> No.20149080

Just accept reality. Or keep coping, your brainless denial is funny.

>> No.20149106

Do you like white guys?

>> No.20149107
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Sounds a lot like PTSD to me, poor woman.

>> No.20149122

>Asian SJW the mc hates at first but later becomes friends with

The SJW character is a Vietnamese-American.

She is also dating a black bull dyke. There’s also a part where it’s exposed she was conservative as a teenager.

Also, she has conversation with the main character about how she thinks of a lot of light-skinned East Asians look down on dark skinned Southeast Asians.

>> No.20149132
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>In 2017, Quyen Ngoc Nguyen, a 28-year-old Vietnamese mother of two, was murdered in Blackpool, England, by William McFall and Stephen Unwin. “Are we raping the chink?” McFall texted Unwin. How much was said in that line — about hate and desire and a racism so banal it’s inaccurate.

>After luring her into Unwin’s home, they raped and tortured Nguyen for five hours. The two then wrapped her in a sheet, threw her body in her car, doused the car in gasoline and burned her alive. Leaving the scene, they took a smiling selfie together.

I remember this, it was sad.


>Monstrous double murderers William John McFall and Stephen Unwin have been sentenced to whole life orders for killing a young mum for sex and money.

>The evil pair lured Quyen Ngoc Nguyen to a trap and subjected her to a heinous ordeal in which she was sexually abused, held captive, attacked and stolen from.

>As she lay lifeless on the floor the ruthless maniacs wrapped her in a sheet then cooked and ate a curry and messaged loved ones as if it was a normal Monday night.

>Then, in one final act of savagery, they threw Miss Nguyen in the back of her own car, drove it down a secluded track, splashed petrol over her and set her on fire - while she was still clinging to life.

>Unmoved by their horrific deeds, the cold-hearted killers then drove to a cashpoint to further plunder their victim’s back account as her body burnt to a crisp - McFall taking a chilling smiling selfie on the way.

>The pair were last month convicted of murdering the 28-year-old Killingworth mum-of-two after a five-week trial at Newcastle Crown Court.

>Unwin was also convicted of raping her.


>> No.20149201

No is gonna remember this book in a month. I don’t think it’s even appeared on the NYT’s best seller list.

>> No.20149208

Yep, just checked, it isn’t on there.

>> No.20149220
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Why are Asian women like this?

>> No.20149227
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She’s getting married to a white guy btw

>> No.20149231
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Lana Condor

>> No.20149239
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>> No.20149244
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>> No.20149251
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>> No.20149257
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>> No.20149261
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>> No.20149271
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This is why I choose Asian women

>> No.20149278
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>> No.20149284
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>> No.20149302
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>‘To All the Boys’ star Lana Condor engaged to boyfriend of 6 years


>Lana Condor has clearly moved on from all the boys she’s loved before, as she recently announced her engagement to long-time boyfriend Anthony De La Torre.

>The 24-year-old actor, known for her role as Lara Jean in the popular Netflix film franchise “To All The Boys,” shared the news of her engagement to the musician to Instagram on Friday.

>The announcement features a carousel of several engagement photos with the pair posed outdoors, with their dogs Emmy and Timmy making an appearance in one of them.

>On the second slide, Condor shared a video of her emotional response taken by her fiancé as she admires her newly acquired diamond ring on her finger.

>“You’re my fiancé!” she calls out to him in disbelief before telling him, “I love you.”

>In the caption, she talked about about how “lucky” she was to be engaged to De La Torre.

>“Saying YES was the easiest decision I’ve ever made,” she wrote. “I consider myself the absolute luckiest woman alive to live in your sphere. Aside from my father, without a doubt, you are the greatest man in the world. Emmy & Timmy said it’s about time mommy & daddy got engaged!!!”

>She went on to describe the details of her ring: “Anthony worked with the INCREDIBLE Vietnamese female owned @parisjewellerscanada to design the most stunning piece I’ve ever seen! The fact he knew how important it was to me that he’d collaborate w/ a Vietnamese company to help design my ring is a testament to just how truly thoughtful he always is. I cannot wait to be your wife, baby. I love you a million times over.”

>Celebrities have flooded the comments to congratulate the two, including Jenny Han, author of the original “To All the Boys” book series on which the films were based, as well as actor Noah Centineo, who played Condor’s on-screen love interest in the films.

>> No.20149310
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>De La Torre shared a similar post on Friday from his own perspective.

>“That moment when you ask your best friend to be by your side forever… I’ve wanted to do this for 6 years,” he wrote in the caption. “The easiest decision I’ve ever made was to ask this angel to be my wife.”

>He continued, “I’m so grateful to have designed this ring with the Vietnamese owned @parisjewellerscanada every detail of the ring has purpose and means so much to us both.”

>“P.S. yes that was my first time opening a bottle of champagne,” he finished off the message, in reference to some of the engagement photos featuring a bottle of champagne spraying over the two.

>On TikTok, where De La Torre has frequently posted videos with his now-fiancé, he uploaded a video revealing how they’d kept the engagement a secret for some time and sharing just how happy they are now.

>While the two have been dating for six years, they first met at a bar in Beverly Hills back in 2015. In a 2019 interview with Cosmopolitan, Condor revealed how it was during an Emmys event, her first-ever entertainment function, that the two locked eyes. She left without his number at first but quickly went back to grab it — a moment that marks the beginning of her “always and forever.”

>> No.20149318
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>> No.20149329
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I can’t help but think of the recent thread on /pol/ about that guy who went to Thailand and is now with a 19 year old Thai girl.


>> No.20149336


>> No.20149342
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Can she explain why Asian women from actual Asia still live white women even if they barely have any knowledge of our racial relations?

>> No.20149349
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Reminds me of Chloe Zhao

>> No.20149378

>*still like white men

>> No.20149380

This is probably just tangential to the argument that you were having but it's somewhat relevant and it seems like a point worth introducing: what if it's simply true, in some sense, that different races are more masculine or more feminine than others? This isn't something I necessarily believe (really, I'd prefer not to believe it, because I like to try and maintain some degree of idealism about human nature), but it seems like common sense would lead us to conclude that there is some discrepancy in the overall balance of masculinity and femininity between the races. I'm not a scientist of any kind though, and I'd be perfectly happy to be proven wrong, mostly because all of this makes me genuinely feel bad for Asian guys.

On a related note, I think I'd honestly feel weird being one of those guys in a WMAF relationship, I'm sure being fetishized like that would be hot in a casual setting but I'd have a hard time feeling love for someone if I felt they were abandoning their own community for base, mercenary reasons. Basically, it's ugly and animalistic, which is why I don't like the whole hierarchical idea in the first place, much as I find it hard to deny it.

>> No.20149412

The gamergate of /lit/

>> No.20149422

The conversation is retarded. Race absolutely plays a role in attractiveness. Jew noses are fucking ugly, nobody looks good with a jew nose. You can find certain racial features attractive, but how that is a fetish I don't understand. The retards crying about fetishization are usually actually crying about behavioral cultural expectations and stereotypes not even remotely related to physical attraction characteristics. It's two different conversations rolled into one by shitwits who just want to pin everything they don't like on the enemy all at once in a mindless exercise of anger.

>> No.20149512
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>expose systemic racism against Whites in the literary industry
>...you're the bad guy and people still seethe about you years later
In a moral world he would have gotten an investigative journalism award and an apology.

>> No.20149543
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>i-it's just a few crazies on the internet
was an okay cope ten years ago. Now it's just sad and deluded. Discriminating against White people is literal government policy. Hating White people is a mainstream social view. It's long progressed from a few crazies on the internet.

>> No.20149547

The fetishization can exist independently of physical features though, the other poster was correct in saying it amounts to an attraction to the concept of "asianness" which is a different thing that definitely does happen, but I guess I'm saying that the fetishization of the concept either does not explain the phenomenon entirely, or may stem in part from underlying differences in genetics/hormones/etc.; and of course there's no question of anything like this being accepted into the narrative, that goes without saying.

>> No.20149594
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>It's delusional to think that somehow whites are catching the blame for any of this
It's delusional to think they're not. Black-on-Asian crimes are being blamed on White people. That is, factually, the mainstream and academic narrative.

You are coping.

>> No.20150444

>/pol/shitters can’t even spell “waning” correctly
disappointed but not surprised