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/lit/ - Literature

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20127077 No.20127077 [Reply] [Original]

Fog Lady Edition

Previous Thread >>20121515


Reads related to honing the craft:
>pastebin.com/krJFfUfK (embed) (embed) {embed} (old reading list)
>pastebin.com/1KA24gny (embed) (embed) [embed] (new reading list)

Aditional related reads:
>pastebin.com/dXtFsTUh (embed) (embed) "embed"

Youtube playlist on storytelling:

Self publishing websites:
>pastebin.com/zcKB1gN9 (embed) (embed) =embed=


/wg/ author pastebin + anon flash fiction anthology
>https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ (embed) (embed) |embed|

Previous flash fiction anthologies

>> No.20127117

First. I broke this thread's hymen. Everyone after me will forever have my sloppy seconds.

>> No.20127124

That's okay, no one even writes.

>> No.20127129

its too fucking hard and everything I write is boring and sounds retarded.

>> No.20127135

post excerpt

>> No.20127137

Post it.

>> No.20127218

Had to DeepL it, cause I write in German. Supposed to hand in a book of 12-17 very short chapters (2500ish keystrokes not including spaces). Hate it and basically already trashed the thing to make room for new ideas that have yet to come.

The Golden Texas is located behind the Commerzbank building Sonnenwedes, a swanky new construction whose façade incorporates elements of the century-old building that previously stood on this spot, and so screaming Medusa heads hang beneath floor-to-ceiling windows and weathered angel faces gaze into forgotten eternities on pillars next to the automatic doors that open after twenty-two o'clock only when their sensor registers the chip of a Commerzbank card. The entrance to the building is right at the apex of the triangular structure, and you can walk past it on either side to get to the Texas, though the right leg is more than ten meters shorter than the left, so you can reach the Neumarkt behind it more quickly along it, but that makes no difference to getting to the Texas, since you then have to cover the saved distance by walking across the Markt instead. Despite the same length, most guests of the Texas prefer the right way when coming from the bus stop at the bank building, as it leads through an uninteresting and therefore quiet alley full of supplier entrances for the adjacent department store, and not like the left one past well-attended cafés, in front of which the chatter of groundlessly excited tourists and small families blazes day and night. The Texas itself is located in the basement of an old building whose first floor is shared by a Fielmann branch and a donut franchise, and during the day only a narrow, scuffed plastic sign on the railing of the basement stairs, with the golden lettering Golden Texas, next to which a squat comic cowboy with a devil's face and horns blows angry clouds of smoke out of his nose, indicates the location of the Texas. At night, the sign disappears, but the filthy light of the Texas spills into the market and gathers there in the grooves of the cobblestones, standing, stinking and leading the way for seekers. The light grows abruptly denser as soon as the door is opened, and jerks back as soon as it falls back into the lock. Again and again, an indeterminable drone shakes the small, rectangular panes of the Texas, and the echo of their movement flees in growing steps across the market, settles into the house entrances, and waits there for the morning. So it seems from the outside. Once you go down the stairs, placing your feet at a slight angle so as not to slip off the narrow steps, the Texas makes new sense. What seemed repulsive before is revealed as a collection of somewhat awkward gestures of affection, and at the bottom of the door, with your hand on the handle, you are already part of the metabolism that knocks against the windows from the inside. Nothing is easier than opening the door. Nothing more natural than entering Golden Texas.

>> No.20127228

Möchtest du den Originaltext posten? Hab Interesse

>> No.20127233

Idea: Litrpg isekai where the protag gets levels for suffering and causing suffering. If they get enough levels, they can go home.

>> No.20127255
File: 992 KB, 1250x735, Soviet alcoholics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I'm really drunk right now but just wanted to say everyone in this thread is gonna make it and I'm proud of you keep writing

>> No.20127287

Klar, gerne. Erst war der Focus des Projekts eine bestimmte Figur, nun tendiere ich zum Texas selbst, aber fühlt sich alles hohl an.

Das Golden Texas liegt hinter dem Commerzbankgebäude Sonnenwedes, einem protzigen Neubau, in dessen Fassade Elemente des jahrhundertealten Gebäudes, das vorher an dieser Stelle stand, integriert wurden und so hängen schreiende Medusenköpfe unter bodentiefen Fenstern und verwitterte, in vergessene Ewigkeiten blickende Engelsgesichter an Säulen neben den automatischen Türen, die sich nach zweiundzwanzig Uhr nur noch öffnen, wenn ihr Sensor den Chip einer Commerzbankkarte registriert. Der Eingang des Gebäudes liegt genau an der Spitze des dreieckigen Baus und man kann zu beiden Seiten daran vorbeigehen, um zum Texas zu gelangen, wobei der rechte Schenkel mehr als zehn Meter kürzer ist als der linke, sodass man an ihm entlang schneller den dahinterliegenden Neumarkt erreicht, was für den Weg zum Texas aber keinen Unterschied macht, da man die gesparte Distanz dann stattdessen auf dem Weg über den Markt zurücklegen muss. Trotz der gleichen Länge, bevorzugen die meisten Gäste des Texas den rechten Weg, wenn sie von der Bushaltestelle Bankgebäude kommen, da dieser durch eine uninteressante und daher stille Gasse voller Zulieferereinfahrten für das angrenzende Kaufhaus führt und nicht wie der linke vorbei an gut besuchten Cafés, vor denen Tag und Nacht das Geplapper grundlos aufgeregter Touristen und Kleinfamilien brandet. Das Texas selbst befindet sich im Keller eines Altbaus, dessen Erdgeschoss sich eine Fielmannfiliale und ein Donutfranchise teilen, und tagsüber zeigt nur ein schmales, abgewetztes Kunststoffschild am Geländer der Kellertreppe, mit dem goldenen Schriftzug Golden Texas, neben dem ein gedrungener Comic-Cowboy mit Teufelsgesicht und Hörnern wütende Rauchschwaden aus der Nase bläst, die Lage des Texas an. Nachts verschwindet das Schild, aber das dreckige Licht des Texas schwappt auf den Markt und sammelt sich dort in den Rillen der Pflastersteine, steht, stinkt und weist den Suchenden den Weg. Das Licht wird schlagartig dichter, sobald die Tür geöffnet wird, und zuckt zurück, sobald sie wieder ins Schloss fällt. Immer wieder schüttelt ein unbestimmbares Dröhnen die kleinen, rechteckigen Scheiben des Texas und das Echo ihrer Bewegung flüchtet in wachsenden Schritten über den Markt, legt sich in die Hauseingänge und wartet dort auf den Morgen. So scheint es von außen. Geht man erstmal die Treppe hinab und setzt die Füße dabei leicht schräg, um nicht von den schmalen Stufen zu rutschen, ergibt das Texas einen neuen Sinn. Was zuvor abstoßend schien, offenbart sich als Sammlung etwas unbeholfener Gesten der Zuneigung und unten an der Tür, mit der Hand an der Klinke, ist man bereits Teil des Stoffwechsels, der von innen gegen die Scheiben klopft. Nichts ist leichter, als die Tür zu öffnen. Nichts selbstverständlicher, als das Golden Texas zu betreten.

>> No.20127298

Thanks, anon. There are times where I believe things will work out fine, but they are few and far in between. Just gotta keep going, I guess.

>> No.20127311

How hard is it to make money from writing non-fiction in the vague motivational or /biz/lit/ genre?
I've noticed there's a lot of books that seem to propose dichotomies, often where one side is implicitly better
>The Scout Mindset - Scouts vs. Soldiers
>Mindset - Fixed vs. Growth Mindset
>Insanely Simple - Apple (Simplify) vs. everyone else (Complicated)
>Give and Take - some people are 'givers' and some people are 'takers'
There's hundreds of these! It seems silly to me to just lump the whole world into two groups. And yet there's a never ending supply of these published books.
How easy must it be to write a manuscript around some arbitrary metaphor (Hawks vs. Doves. Cake vs. Pie.)? Could you get it published? Could it be profitable to self-publish? Simply find enough anecdotes that seem to agree with your conclusion, write it in a really TED talk inspirational way.
How would you go about this?

>> No.20127325

Das Texas ist eine Art Diskothek? Ist es bewusst als lebendiges Etwas beschrieben, oder ist das nur dein metaphorischer Stil? Ich finde die Vergleiche und Metaphern sehr anziehend und ungewöhnlich, der lange verschachtelte Satzbau hindert den Lesefluss aber sehr. Vielleicht könnte man das umschreiben, der Gesamteindruck gefällt mir aber. In welche Richtung wäre die Idee denn gegangen? Und hattest du eine Veröffentlichung im Sinn?

>> No.20127328

I don't know enough of the isekai genre to say it with any authority but is "going home" really that good?
That being said I think it's a good idea.

>> No.20127330

I suppose it's somewhat easy. Specially the prof*nity subgenre of it like that one book with a yellow cover and a censored f*ck.

>> No.20127350

Eine Kneipe, ja. Und die "Lebendigkeit" des Texas ist durchaus intendiert und soll eine Art unheilvoller Atmosphäre schaffen. Originelle Metaphorik und möglichst klischeefreie Sprache sind mir tatsächlich sehr wichtig, teils wohl zu wichtig, da mir oft ganz normale Ausdrucksweisen als abgedroschen erscheinen und ich mir so beim Schreiben selbst im Weg stehe. "Sich selbst im Weg stehen" ist ein ganz gutes Beispiel dafür. Das ist so eine Metapher, die ich stundenlang überdenken müsste, bevor ich sie in einen Text packen könnte. Dabei nehmen die meisten Leser sie wahrscheinlich kaum wahr und scheren sich nicht im Geringsten darum. Die langen Sätze sind auch so ein Ding, ja. Meine natürliche Ausdrucksweise ist extrem verschachtelt und unübersichtlich, sodass der gepostete Text schon eine eher milde Version dessen darstellt. Ich bin mir auch noch nicht sicher, was genau ich als guten Stil bezeichnen würde. Ich merke beim Lesen anderer Texte oft genug, dass mir auch lange, verschachtele Faseleien (sagen wir z.B. T. Bernhard) gut gefallen können und dass kurze Sätze schnell parataktisch und unmusikalisch erscheinen. Aber ich habe auch einige Texte, in denen ich mit bewusst reduzierter Sprache arbeite. Nur einen mir passenden Stil habe ich, wie gesagt, immer noch nicht gefunden. Die Idee war es, den Text collageartig nach ungefähr folgendem Muster anzulegen: A. Szene im Texas mit Vorstellung von Figur. B. Eine Leiche wird gefunden und als Mordopfer erkannt. Teils werden die Fälle aufgeklärt, teils bleiben sie im Dunkeln. Alle Fälle sind irgendwie mit dem Texas verknüpft. (C. evtl. Fokus auf einen Ermittler, der versucht, eine Verbindung zwischen den Morden herzustellen.)

Die Implikation des Ganzen sollte sein, dass das Texas die Kundschaft zu Mördern macht und sich quasi davon nährt. Dies sollte aber im Subtext bleiben und nicht zu sehr in eine offene Fantasyschiene gehen. Und ja, die Idee war für eine konkrete Ausschreibung. Daher auch die eigenartigen Formvorgaben.

>> No.20127376

great example. Repackage common sense with a fake-edge
I've given this some more thought. I think I know how I'd do it, it basically involved starting a Youtube channel which I'd use as a way of A/B testing individual chapters and anecdotes. After a few episodes, I suddenly start offering my brand new ebook for sale with a limited time only discounted price

>> No.20127386

do you have a strong jaw? I feel like you either need that or a beard to make those tough-guy turn your life around books work.

>> No.20127414
File: 95 KB, 900x750, eckhart-tolle-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I don't think you really need either

>> No.20127551

>I used my qi to make everything work properly
Fuck this genre.

>> No.20127584
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I think my problem with /wg/ is that people here write and then justify it afterwards, instead of being inspired to write after exposing themselves to new ideas. It's okay to have influences but if you're always following what someone else is doing then you won't have anything interesting to say. In the real world nobody gives a shit about who had the best litrpg on Royal Road, I can say with confidence that even the highest rated ones like Mother of Learning would be rejected by trad publishing. Don't be afraid to aim higher

>> No.20127588

I’m not clever or funny. How do I write a story with twists and humor?

>> No.20127604

I think the people here see everyday schmucks like them being successful on Royalroad while traditional publishing seems like a gated community that doesn't even justify aspiring toward anymore, considering it's not demonstrably lucrative.

>> No.20127612

>I have no hands. How do I play piano?


>> No.20127628

>Die Implikation des Ganzen sollte sein, dass das Texas die Kundschaft zu Mördern macht und sich quasi davon nährt.
Erinnert an The Shining, kenne aber nur den Film

Generell ist meine Meinung, dass Prosa nicht umständlich oder unnötig komplex sein sollte, solange es nicht als Stilmittel den Inhalt oder eine Thematik untermauert. Die Problematik, keine abgeschmackten Worthülsen zu nutzen, kann ich gut nachvollziehen. Für mich macht den Reiz des Schreibens auch eine gewisse Innovationsmacht aus, neue Worte und Zusammenhänge zu erfinden, anstatt auf alte zurückzugreifen. Das würde ich also unbedingt beibehalten, die verschachtelte Syntax würde ich persönlich allerdings überarbeiten zugunsten eines kompakteren Stils. Auch ein knapper Stil kann eine musikalische Qualität besitzen, finde ich.

Meine Kritik ist natürlich auch nur meine Meinung, und du hast da bisher mehr vorzuweisen, als ich in den letzten Monaten zu Papier gebracht habe, von dem her.

>> No.20127739

wechsel auf phoneposting, daher nun verkrüppelte syntax. ja, ich stehe auch sehr auf literatur, die auf themen der genre-lit zurückgreift und diese "anspruchsvoll" bearbeitet. jakob nolte hat mir zb freude gemacht. bzgl. der stilsachen gebe ich dir prinzipiell recht, aber ich habe gemerkt, dass ich etwas abstand vom theoretisieren nehmen muss, da ich sonst gar nicht mehr schreibe.

>> No.20127755

The Scout Mindset is the culmination of a decades-long online autistic intellectual tradition. That doesn't mean it's good, but the ideas weren't shat out in an afternoon.

>> No.20127787

But from a marketing perspective how is it any different form all these other arbitrary meme dichotomy books?
If the rationalist community wasted decades to only come up with a two sides paradigm, that's just a damning statement about them.
The point is that there's hundreds of these books that classify people into these neologisms.
I mean this 'love languages' shit, what the fuck is that? (rhetorical question: it's later day astrology). The point is I think that while the Scout Mindset obviously has the advantage of being written by someone who has been part of an online community for a long time, the basic principle is still highly marketable: create an arbitrary dichotomy or paradigms. Sell sell sell.

>> No.20127821

I came across a sentence in my writing that I'm wondering is understandable to others.
>The unusual silence had made her remember a story she was once told by her grandmother, who had herself first heard during her time living among the elves.
It's structured kind of weirdly but I don't know how else I could explain it.

>> No.20127863
File: 1.55 MB, 1536x2048, angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else get the urge to doodle certain scenes upon writing/editing them? I feel it helps with concretizing my visions and catching little details.

>> No.20127916

I feel theres an "it" missing towards the end. Apart from that it's intelligible albeit causally questionable as the silence doesn't make her remember, but gives space to the memory. A silence could only remind her of another silence. That's very nitpicky though.

>> No.20127920

nah, but I think its really cute so keep it up, anon.

>> No.20128112

I'd break it into two sentences for clarity.
Wrote a script recently, so it's a bit different. But I spent about 15 minutes drawing a woman's fringe to get the right physicality of the character. Particularly her eyes and her posture.

>> No.20128167

I appreciate your drunken positivity, thanks anon

>> No.20128183
File: 280 KB, 565x476, do_it_or_else.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will write everyday.
You will find books YOU enjoy reading and consume them with vigor.
You will improve your characters, plot, prose, setting, and themes.
You will not allow yourself to stand for mediocrity.
You will step forward into the rising sun.
You will make it.

>> No.20128186

mister please don't shoot me

>> No.20128198

I've been thoroughly discouraged going through agent profiles and realizing that unless my work checks off woke boxes it'll never get picked up. Looking at recent releases only confirms this. If it has a male protagonist he's either gay or the author is already established. Maybe my query sucks, maybe my opening sucks. But it also doesn't have a BIPOC trans lesbian protagonist and there are many agents that are very open that they flat out won't rep anything that at the very least doesn't have a feminist bent. You can almost set your watch to it, if they have a twitter they're probably insane, and some of the men are worse than the women about it. I can’t afford an editor, otherwise I would self-pub, but I don’t want to add to the unedited dreck on Amazon. Trad publishing is a dumpsterfire but other than just throwing it up for free somewhere out of spite I don't know what else to do.

>> No.20128230

You're just blaming your lack of talent on buzzwords

>> No.20128239

I hope you're right, at least that's something within my control.

>> No.20128265

My Adah book is feels like it's going nowhere

>> No.20128308

I've been lurking watching your story get posted. All I really want to tell you is read some more books. Not out of spite or "You're so bad it's obvious you haven't read anything", but because I think reading what masters have done, in your genre or not, will give you a good direction with your story. You have an interesting concept that needs strong plot direction and stronger prose. I think reading even one book can get you a little closer to where you want to be.

>> No.20128364

It depends, really. Often the protagonist will have had a crappy life and relish the new world, but sometimes they'll desperately want to get back home to what they left behind, and you can even do the conflict of them wanting to stay with the new friends and wanting to go back to their old life, etc.

>> No.20128374

Thanks. I'll drop it for now and come back when I get more experience.

>> No.20128378


I watch advice from youtubers and take their suggestions to heart do you

>> No.20128398

Thanks bro, you too.

>> No.20128401
File: 79 KB, 1420x800, 1493065109225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good, sir.

>> No.20128409

That gun is looking really tempting.

>> No.20128411

>aber ich habe gemerkt, dass ich etwas abstand vom theoretisieren nehmen muss, da ich sonst gar nicht mehr schreibe
Aus dem Grund schiebe ich schon seit Wochen zwei Projekte vor mir her, die in meinem Kopf relativ fundiert ausgearbeitet sind, aber aufgrund von Details (und aufgrund großer Unsicherheit, dass es doch schlecht werden könnte) komme ich nicht über die Planung hinaus

>> No.20128415

Do you guys want to read another misadventure featuring the boy and the girl?

>> No.20128423

Only if the girl is sufficiently quirky and is leading a hapless boy who doesn't want to admit he's in love with her because it might ruin their relationship

>> No.20128581

Thinking of writing a novel from the perspective of escort diary entries and testimonials. It would crib something like the following which I found on an escort website:
>OMG this girl is amazing, I only spent 1/2 hr with this super hot girl, wish it was 4 hrs haha, when she opened the door for me had a little kiss, I was thinking straight away we are going to get along very well xo, & I was not wrong went to the bed room 69 er is wot I like best, her pussy tastes amazing yum yum , if you have not seen Valerie she is a must , thanks babe had amazing time with you such a cool chick , thanks love you Matty Perth

>> No.20128599

Not a terrible idea, though what would the story actually be? Would it involve a repeat customer gradually befriending one escort, various testimonials exposing the shitty situations some of these girls are in, etc?

>> No.20128624

>I can say with confidence that even the highest rated ones like Mother of Learning would be rejected by trad publishing
Good. Why would you go to traditional publishers? So they can steal your money?

>> No.20128628

why is it always a woman

>> No.20128665
File: 362 KB, 750x694, 3D8C9A7C-9AA8-4322-91AF-C30637236D78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20128666

mb read whores for gloria by vollmann to get your juices flowing. v enjoyable book.

die herangehensweise funktioniert für mich leider gar nicht. daher: schreiben, schreiben, schreiben und erst denken, wenn die seiten randvoll sind.

>> No.20128690

What's a good quality notepad?
What's a good quality pen?
Amazon preferred.

>> No.20128747

Not only is it not demonstrably lucrative, it's governed entirely by woke idiots who will reject you based on factors that are completely out of your control. At least on Royal road whether or not you succeed is a function of how much your writing actually appeals to the audience of idiots who use the website. In-trad publishing, whether or not you succeed is almost entirely a function of how well you match the ideal political profile of a writer according to the publisher putting out your work.

>> No.20128756

>read more to improve your writing!
>Ends up reading only comic books and manga
>Not even light novels
I'll never make it

>> No.20128759
File: 308 KB, 970x1461, Cerebus 67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on which comics you read.

>> No.20128793

Capeshit and Isekai

>> No.20128805

In my experience those books are often loss leaders/components of a larger business plan. The book is put out summarizing healthy human group behavior and is then pitched to organization leaders as the solution to their team's existential angst (actually unaboidably caused by the nightmare world of post-industrial white collar life). The real money is made by trainings, executive coaching contracts, and coaches/trainers paying you to be certified in your made-up shit.

They're actually not all bad though - typically there is some wisdom at the core of it and people really do need to be reminded to be human sometimes.

>> No.20128842

Only if you improve your terrible dialogue

>> No.20128913

Wage slave bros, how do you find the motivation and energy to just write for fun? I think my confidence has hit rock bottom over the years.

>> No.20128922

Get a less draining job, if possible.

Get back to your roots and rediscover why you wanted to write in the first place.

>> No.20128941

I found it a lot less stressful to write when in the wage cage. Your livelihood doesn't depend on it, so you can literally do whatever the fuck you want.

Too bad, I was so tired and burned out all the time, what I wrote was borderline senseless

>> No.20128948

Welp, guess you have no excuse. Practice harder

>> No.20128951

Read novels to improve your prose. It's usually the weakest thing I see posted here. Most everyone has a decent grasp of characters and plot and their ideas are usually unique (things you can get from other places besides books), but their prose is amateur and uninspired (something you can only get from books).
Cerebus is on my list of things to get from the library after I turn in Moby Dick.

>> No.20128955

I feel having to serve people and do paperwork at the same time is really draining because of how taxing it is on my memory. As for why I want to write, it's to take care of all these little ideas that blossom in my mind and to share it with others. Few things are as satisfactory as making a world live, but finding brain power and isolation even for a short story is a real problem.

>> No.20128971

Yeah, guess I have to live with writing first and then wrestling it into something better later.

>> No.20128980

You work an office job? I've found office jobs pull from the same energy-pool as writing, which is unfortunate.

>> No.20129004

I don't write but I make (made) comics and I've lost every shred of motivation years ago. When you publish things that take you tons of work on the internet and you are greeted by bots because actual people do not interact beyond the initial follow if they're interested, it just drains your soul no matter how positive you're trying to be.
Even if people say something it all just feels so hollow. It feels like you're removed from the world doing this dumb entertainment thing for faceless people whom you'll never meet. I constantly asked myself why the hell am I pouring all this work into this? What am I even accomplishing? I am just providing a second of entertainment to people, I won't get paid, why am I doing this?
I have tried changing a few things, tried new angles, but always went for interesting ideas that I believed in and it all felt so useless. So for a time I told myself, all right I'll just remove the public side of it, I'll do things for my own enjoyment, but it just doesn't work. It's just impossible to go through the lengths of working on a complex thing and assembling it, revising it and finishing it when you know there's nothing to be done with it, that it's not aimed anywhere. When I finish a project in my other hobby at least I get a bit of use out of it, there's a tiny bit of purpose to it that keeps me going and makes me want to improve and finish the thing. But with consumer oriented stuff I just can't find the right approach. On top of this I see all the people that just draw smut or spam fanart and I think, well this is definitely what people want.
So over time I ended up just doodling things to vent my frustrations but I had days where I just saw no point in doing anything more and more frequently, until drawing was just a mechanical habit. I am just so drained. Stories, ideas, I know they're there but I just don't have that baseline energy to get up and do it again. I just feel so old and alienated and I no longer believe in any of it.

>> No.20129010

Kaijuanon here.
I'm trying to make monsters from as many alternate cultures as I can. But I feel I have too many Asian ones. In case you're wondering
>9 from Asia (A genetically modified frog monster, a cyborg mantis, a trio of guardian spirits, a mutant corpse created by the Fukushima disaster, an angry bigfoot sunovabitch and literal dragon from China, and a fuckhuge tiger from Nepal)
>1 from Brazil (A giant snake)
>1 from Russia (A mutant wolf infested with alien parasites)
>1 from Ireland (Technically 2. It's a pair of massive rabbits)
>1 from Spain (An unfrozen dinosaur who's basically unstoppable)
>3 from Canada (A giant raven, a spirit bear, and a weird plasma-powered humanoid)
>1 from India (Fucking huge sea creature)
>3 from Africa (A giant sapient tree, a lizard covered in rocks and gems, and a Frankenstein's monster hyena.)
>2 from Germany (A living statue and a bigass walker mech)
>1 from Greece (An alien that shoots EMP lasers)
>2 from Mexico (A selectively bred bull and big armadillo who came from South America)
>1 from Sweden (A weird spiritual entity who's also a jerk)
>1 from Australia (Technically 17. Bunch of massive rats in some guys' basement)
>2 from America (A huge alligator who's a friend of the 'hood, and a guy with such severe gigantism that he has to be strapped into a special suit to keep him alive)
>1 from France (A fucking ADORABLE alien bug who loves the world)
>1 from Czechlosovakia (An interdimensional traveler who looks like a WW1 soldier)
>And a couple others who don't come from anywhere
I feel like I did too many Asian ones

>> No.20129024

Yeah, I'm mentally exhausted by the end of it and a job like this makes me want to not look at words even if it's my own.

>> No.20129039

Yeah, I get that. I quit my last office job a couple years ago and never looked back. It's up to you where your values lie.

>> No.20129100
File: 396 KB, 618x875, sanderson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just binged all of Brandon Sanderson's creative writing lectures on Youtube. Say what you want about his books, but the man has an ironclad grasp on the mechanics of storytelling and is capable of conveying that info with effortless lucidity.

Are there any other good, publicly available lectures on writing out there?

>> No.20129109

I used to fear the writing
As if it was some insurmountable wall
Thinking of a coming plot point or scene with dread
Gradually though, i learned to marvel at the world that unfolded
While the challenge is still real, I now draw solace from the things that spring forth from the mind unexpected, yet delightful
Half of what i write may still be unintelligible twaddle that is in dire need of refining, but what is one more challenge to create with?

>> No.20129113

Does he take off his shirt and do the truffle shuffle at any point during the lectures?

>> No.20129145

A teacher at the St. Luke’s all girls academy recently quit after a girl from the school was killed in a mysterious murder, so the protagonist, a twenty eight year old Private Investigator, who happens to be a friend of the teacher who quit, is asked to be a replacement teacher and investigate what happened as he’s also hired by the police to find the serial killer. When he starts teaching at the school, his identity as a private investigator is leaked to his younger sister’s friends and he’s asked to be the adviser of the Detective Club, a small club for mystery novel fans. One girl in particular takes keen interest in his night activities and asks to be his junior assistant.

>> No.20129162

It'd be nice if I could at least get a work from home job with less contact, I don't have a choice but to at least try writing and getting back into the groove though. What do you do now?

>> No.20129168

How does this premise sound?

>> No.20129210

Went back to my old job as a bartender. It's great. I work less hours, make almost as much money (and better hourly), and get to listen to stories from all sorts of people. And it doesn't drain me intellectually.

>> No.20129250

this is porn isn't it

>> No.20129256

I wrote you ungrateful degenerates a poem.
I hope you like:

Tranny's tranny's everywhere
Donning women's underwear
Claiming that their not a man
Slathering makeup best they can
Vainly they hide their pee pee
Their true gender plain to see
Forever in undue distress
Mental illness they must confess
So when you witness tranny post's
And moral ethics they do boast
Tell them its medication time
In hope that they no longer whine

>> No.20129257

>Went back to my old job as a bartender
I have been considering doing this but they only hire women here for this sort of job. did you take a training course on how to juggle bottles of vodka? do you need to be a high energy sort of person with a hip hairstyle?

>> No.20129259

Not bad. Avoid any semblance of jailbait and make the mystery actually good and you've got yourself a novel

>> No.20129276

How much have you actually written? You seem to be stuck in worldbuilding hell. Like, do you really have the time/bookspace to do justice to even half that list?

>> No.20129282

You have to subscribe to his onlyfans for that.

>> No.20129304

Kek no real bartender does all that stupid shit unless you're working at a tourist resort or something. The job itself is easy. There's about 6 main drinks formulas to memorize and almost every other drink is a variation of one of those. Some degree of charm is required but the bar isn't terribly high.

If you have no experience you'd probably have to start as a barback or busboy and work your way up, which is grueling. Sometimes shitty places like Red Lobster or Appleby's will hire you straight to bartender if you seem even remotely competent, then in a year apply to a slower-paced fine dining restaurant.

Stay away from college bars and trashy places where people get shitfaced. It's not worth it.


>> No.20129333

I'd change it around so the president of the club is the protagonist and around the middle of the second act play up the idea the she doesn't realize how serious things are with an actual murder involved.

>> No.20129353

I read a fair bit, but I'm still unclear what qualifies as "good prose".

>> No.20129370

Sanderson is clearly a guy who has a very "workman" approach to writing. He knows his tools very well, and he can use them very effectively. He doesn't necessarily write from inspiration, he just writes, and it's good writing because he knows how to just write. It can leave his work feeling a little soulless, because they're just disparate parts he's welded together, but they clearly are well-written. Not to say he's entirely uninspired, he clearly has a lot of passion for some specific things (Hoid and Dalinar are apparently some characters he REALLY wanted to write for example).

>> No.20129377

Skyrim fanfic Anon recently posted a story here. I found the prose shockingly good. Give this a read and focus on if you liked the prose, and why.


Good prose is some combination of originality, charisma, cadence and clarity.

>> No.20129394

See, I have an issue with how I read is that I don't really think of how something is written as much as what is actually being written about, unless there's a REALLY clunky sentence or something. That feels less like me noticing bad prose and me just noticing bad sentence structure, though. I don't even know if my own work has anything approaching reasonable prose.

>> No.20129417

Post something you've written and I'll give you my thoughts on it

>> No.20129420

Like an harem manga.

>> No.20129435


>Perverted guy dies in freak accident and is sent to late stage capitalist industrial future hell
>Offered unique opportunity to escape an eternity of wageslavery no different from his life on Earth in the form of becoming Federally employed Succubus
>Earns commission from the value of the souls "she" makes sales on while working on Earth, and comes to find meaning in her new identity.

>> No.20129449

Been posted a bit, and I'm only moderately happy with the second version (it was sort a test to see what worked better for me with perspectives and stuff) so maybe read ahead to that (it's halfway through).
I am looking over it and realising it is a little 'dry', but I don't know if that's necessarily awful.

>> No.20129465

Oh, lol I've already given you a line-by-line of your first draft of this.

I'll give it another skim

>> No.20129475

It's only mildly been tweaked since then, as I've since sort of gone back to the drawing board because I had no idea where to really TAKE the story from there, so I should probably create an outline.

>> No.20129530
File: 29 KB, 199x260, aVZPnk3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job, Anon. It looks like you've made more than minor tweaks. It reads way better this time around. It's not great prose, but it doesn't have to be. What you're aiming for is simple clarity and ease of reading.

There are still quite a few places that feel kinda clunky and awkward but I expect you'll be able to iron those out on your own as you continue to write. Read you work out loud to see if it sounds right.

>> No.20129537

Any specific hang-ups, things that really feel like they bog it down? I did a second chapter before but it was WAY clunkier and I just scrapped it entirely, so I'm worried all I really have is a strong opening.

>> No.20129548

I have an idea for a book where Earth's oxygen is much richer and mega fauna hasn't gone extinct. Large insects and other animals still inhabit the Earth. The book takes place in the 1500's, hundreds of years following the crusades which drove out much of the mega fauna out of Europe (or at least Western Europe). The British empire has been trying to set up a trade route with the people of India and Asia for the last century but the mega fauna in Asia is so much more extreme and dangerous that it's hard to send messengers back in forth between the 2 isolated groups, let alone large caravans of traders. Armies have been deployed in an effort to kill most of the wildlife (which has been very difficult due to the landscape and nightmarish creatures). So the protag is looking to sail across the ocean in hopes of finding another way to India, he takes crew of himself a Priest with high morale standards, a borderline retarted Alchemist who only pretends to be intelligent, and an old friend who's also in the business of exploration and Cartography along with a crew of 96 other men. They accidentally discover the new world thinking at first they have found India when in reality the found America. They have to deal with the dangerous wildlife, natives, diseases, and infighting while they try to brave the new world. It would be comedic, expecialy the interactions between the noble Englishmen and the native people.

>> No.20129714

So, for example, this sentence:
>All I saw was a lazy-looking sprawl from a too-pale man with dark hair cascading around the side of his head
Is kinda weird because it describes the man's posture before it describes the man. So reading it is really confusing. Generally, always lead with the object, then describe the traits of that object.

There's a lot of redundancies, too. For example:
>I looked at his deathly pale hand and met it with my own, my healthier pink hand making his nearly emaciated fingers look downright corpse-like in comparison
You say the same thing like 3 times here. You have
>deathly pale hand
>healthier pink hand
>nearly emanciated
>downright corpselike
It's not terrible but its using a lot of words to make 1 comparison, and you describe his hands literally 3 times in 1 sentence! Try:
>His hands were shriveled and corpselike compared to mine.
Less words, same information.

There's more but I gotta run. Good luck have fun.

>> No.20129734

Right, thanks. That second bit was something I genuinely just threw together after some last-minute feedback and I didn't realise how bad it read out. I'm reading a series right now and it has a problem with repetition, so I'm trying to be more cognizant of it.

>> No.20129745

I never do this shit where I bring attention to my own posts, but does someone have a tip on getting out of this absolute tar pit?

>> No.20129764

Your feelings are completely valid and relatable. Try a change in lifestyle to thrust yourself into a new mode of existence. Idk.

>> No.20129820

>I'll do things for my own enjoyment, but it just doesn't work
Well, that's the only way it's going to work.

I've been writing and drawing shit online for a longass time and gone completely ignored for most of it. If I really needed engagement, comments, and appreciation, I would've killed myself years ago. Some people just weren't meant to get any. But I still keep at it, because I honestly think what I create is that fun and good. Putting out another work that I've polished with tears and blood, and seeing that it's a bit better again than the last one, I feel satisfaction I wouldn't get by doing anything else.

It would be a lot easier to give people what they want (porn), but I know I'd hate myself forever if I took that road.

>> No.20129828

not him but do you have examples of how much effort you're putting into these things?

>> No.20129949

Can't really post samples without doxxing myself, since everything I write is online and simple to google. Maybe there'll come a day when I have to beg anon's attention, but I still want to pass for a normalfag a little longer.

>> No.20129963

>everything I write is online
why do you put it online if you don't care about it reaching anyone?

>> No.20129977

I am not trying to be aggressive, I just legitimately want to know how you can separate these three factors
>writing for yourself
>putting your work online publicly
>not caring about anyone reading it

>> No.20130028

You have too many period.
Unless you have like ten battle royale's or 5 books planned pick about four or five of the kaiju you like the most.
They are huge.
The fallout from their fights will be huge.
Ergo the amount of words to describe said fights and the implications of them will be huge.
If you doubt me write just one fight and you'll see what i mean.

>> No.20130030

Where did I say I don't care if it reaches anyone? Nowhere. Of course I care. I hope other people find and enjoy my work too. But I can live with it if they don't, since I'm doing it mainly for my own enjoyment. I don't depend on getting a reaction. As simple as that?

>> No.20130036

So I'm trying to put together a planning document and I'm sort of not really sure if what I'm doing "works". Is it generally a solid idea to just effectively list the broad story premise, major characters and a quick rundown of them, some worldbuilding stuff and a plot outline?

>> No.20130062

A stronger planning document would be to focus on the plot outline, "X happens, then Y, then Z" and so on, so you're never at a loss of what to write next. Other key information is worth writing down if you forget, but few things will put a crimp in your writing like not knowing what to write next.

>> No.20130075

Fair enough. I tend to write character-driven stuff, I've found, so I was focusing on the characters first to try and flesh them out and then basically do a "throw them together and see what they do" within a broad plot outline.

>> No.20130091

If you don't depend on it then why do you care?
I swear I am not being smug, I literally cannot understand how is it possible that someone would post his work online for free and care that it reaches people, but at the same time not feel drained because if you do care, you are at least driving your work toward it being appreciated in some way. I believe that creative work is practically a sharing of human things, so for me it really matters a lot that I can reach someone, otherwise I can just be content daydreaming and keeping everything in my head. How do you do it? Like, I sincerely need to understand how to unlock this property.
And how do you not grow resentful toward people when you see what they gravitate around and how they adopt entirely different standards depending if something's porn or some other low hanging fruit? I swear I have tried going to a therapist about this shit, I can't budge.

>> No.20130150

>How do you do it?
I said this in the first post. I just enjoy doing it.

When I write, I don't think about who it's for, will anyone read it, or like it, or will it make me any money at all. I'm 100% focused on making the best story I can make. The kind of story I personally want to read. It's pointless to blame other people for having their preferences and being dumb or easily manipulated, or whatever. They're who they are. I can't change them. I can only focus on being me, the person I want to be.

Whenever I feel depressed about not getting the response I was hoping for, I pick up something I've written before and eventually find myself smiling again. The feelings I had when I wrote the story are still captured in the lines, and the story has become something that stands on its own, without me. And that idea keeps me going.

Hope this helps.

>> No.20130163

>reading a new novel from royalroad
>enjoying it quite a bit
>check his patreon
>guy makes 15k+ a month
He earns in two months what I earn in a year. I'm going for a patreon scam.

>> No.20130171

I know this feeling, watched all three semesters and still put them on sometimes as background noise while doing dishes. There is just an enormous derth of quality writing themed content so I'm always looking for suggestions as well. Other bits of informative content I've seen:
>Pullum on passives
blew my mind, must watch

>Reedsy Live
Ignore their "top 10 tips" shit and check out some of the author and editor interviews. Hit or miss since each one is a different speaker.

>Writing Excuses
Also from Sandersoy, terrible 15 minute format. Starts out decent but goes completely to shit over the million episodes they put out until you'll start skipping entire half seasons at a time.

Agree with the other anon, best thing to focus on would be making it more concise through different word choice, removing duplicates/near duplicates. Also many of the granular details can be cut - for example describing the dimensions of the throne room is cluttery/pointless. I know because this is a challenge I have and I now try to always second guess myself when I am about to include shape, color, and detailed size descriptors - asking is it really necessary?

Replace some of those visual "movie" type details with smell/tactile feel, and single sweeping details that perhaps make the point for you in a space effective way (e.g. "the throne is faded against the far wall, obscured by clouds of cinnamon insence" - that gives us a sensory experience and vague but sufficient sense of size)

>> No.20130181

>I just enjoy doing it.
I enjoy doing it too, in the sense that I enjoy the process, but I do not have the same will to complete things because I know there is no point in turning what is a pleasurable activity into a finished work.
>When I write, I don't think about who it's for, will anyone read it, or like it, or will it make me any money at all.
Neither do I? Obviously I do not have any such thoughts during this phase.
>I'm 100% focused on making the best story I can make. The kind of story I personally want to read.
Can't you just imagine it? Why are you not happy with unstructured daydreams? It doesn't matter if it's structured or not if you're not concerned if it reaches anyone else. I could write absolute nonsensical gibberish based on a few keywords and I would definitely know what I meant, because those are my thoughts and I recognize them. I edit and revise when I am sending these things to someone else.
>blame other people for having their preferences and being dumb or easily manipulated
I do not blame people, but if I try to read my thing to a drove of pigs and I understand that they care nothing, why would I keep reading to them?
>I pick up something I've written before and eventually find myself smiling again
>The feelings I had when I wrote the story are still captured in the lines, and the story has become something that stands on its own, without me.
But why, you are not reaching anyone. It's all just lost. I understand that nice feeling of having completed a thing, but how far can you go fueling it? How much have you done so far? I would've agreed with you years and years ago when I had just started. Then yeah, I would've agreed. How many years have you spent in this state? What's that longass time? 5 years? 10 years?

>> No.20130190

I saw some suggestions of Royal Road, but is it really worth it? I am seeing so many shitty authors with rave reviews, and so many other authors who have absolutely no views. #
How do I use this site successfully?

>> No.20130195

Ah, thanks for that feedback as well. I tend towards visualisation as the initial thing, but I suppose other senses matter too, and especially with a first-person POV you want a clearer 'personal' feel of the scene.

>> No.20130196

>look at picture
I think I'll write about a guy that gets a robot waifu but realizes she's not real and goes out to explore life.

>> No.20130207

>How do I use this site successfully?
my guess is social media (((magic)))

>> No.20130208

Thanks for the sources, based Anon

>> No.20130229

what novel?

>> No.20130294

beware of chicken. great short stories.

>> No.20130315

paranoid mage

>> No.20130345

You guys shit on RR writers, but they're making hundreds of thousands, thousands of readers and earning more than trad published.

Don't ever complain about their prose, ideas, or plot. They're doing it right

>> No.20130368

your smut story has a disturbing lack of smut

>> No.20130392

I'm ESL trying to write in english. Can someone explain to me how to properly use commas in a simple way?

>> No.20130437

yea prostitutes also make hundreds of thousands

>> No.20130499

Robert Olen Butler's playlist in the OP
>But why, you are not reaching anyone. It's all just lost. I understand that nice feeling of having completed a thing, but how far can you go fueling it?
NTA but I'll chime in anyways because I feel similarly. I don't care about reaching others either. It's about enjoyment of a hobby. I might as well be painting thousands of canvases or composing hundreds of pages of sheet music. I don't do it for recognition. I do it for my own personal mastery and enjoyment. I wouldn't send my paintings in to an art gallery for addition to a gallery. It's not that I'm unconfident, I just don't see a point to it. I'm a writer for fun. What I write is fun to me and my steady increases in mastery and composition are all I need out of this hobby in the end. I can look at a book I wrote in 2015 and compare it to now and they're on entirely different levels. Another comparison is martial arts. I don't compete. I just train and train because I know the mastery of the technique is the key enjoyment I get out of it.
The way I see it, the thing you and him don't see eye to eye on is why you write in the first place. He writes for himself and the others are ancillary. I do too. I think you write to communicate with people, so your values in this hobby are different than mine on the basest level.

>> No.20130510

>I think my problem
>Don't be afraid to aim higher
Right lit rpgs

>> No.20130514

I'll be back tomorrow to shill lit-rpg's again

>> No.20130523

there are a billion tutorials on the internet

>> No.20130525

How do I write a time travel story?
What are the stakes?
What are common conflicts?
What are some things I should know?
I've seen steins;gate before

>> No.20130530

whats your go to playlist to listen to while writing?

>> No.20130537

You have to really establish what SORT of time travel story.

>> No.20130539

What do you mean? What are the different sorts of time travel stories?

>> No.20130548

Well, what are you using it for? Is it like Terminator, where it's "thing from the future causes the future to take place in the first place"? Is it some sort of time jumping journey, some sort of exploration of the consequences of haphazard time travel? Is time fixed, do alternate timelines happen or what? It's a broad thing.

>> No.20130550

It sounds like you don't have the faintest clue what your story is about. Why don't you work on that and then come back when you have actual ideas to talk about.

>> No.20130551

final fantasy music

>> No.20130563

I was thinking more of alternate timelines and the consequences of haphazard time travel

>> No.20130580

So, what, your protagonist takes a trip or two into the past, and comes back to find the present drastically changed? Time travel is a pretty variable tool, you probably need to establish what it really is. You can go full butterfly effect and have even the slightest change in the past have some far-reaching consequences in the present, or you could have it so only significant alterations actually change things. You probably need to just think of what your plot really is, first, though.

>> No.20130599

>need to describe the smell of cum
>nut and sniff it
>wash it off
>now really sleepy
>don't remember what i smelled
That didn't work out

>> No.20130601

nier automata music

>> No.20130618

Thank you for your service

>> No.20130621

>I think you write to communicate with people
Ok, we strangely got to a point where this is not painted as some kind of evil. For some reason I get a lot that being moved by this is narcissistic and whatnot. Maybe it's just that; I think it's pretty obvious that people create things for different reasons.
Would you say that this difference in values impacts the merit and quality of one's work? Do you think people who write "for themselves" are creating better, purer art so to speak, while people who wish to communicate an idea or an experience unto others are corrupted by this functional approach to art in some way?
I've never treaded this territory before; I have been in this discussion quite a few times and it generally ended when others said "you are wrong for being moved by communication, stop being a narcissist (?) you should do it all for yourself", which always read to me as, you know, just entertain yourself with this activity. The people who told me this were usually neophytes who were living that romantic/motivated phase of being all hyped up and believing they could take on the whole world, or people who made things to jerk off to, so it was almost always a hostile exchange by that point.

>> No.20130622

salty milk and coins

>> No.20130628


The first chapter of my LitRPG.

It follows everything RR does.
>Shitty names
>Info Dumps
>Random Battle Tournament
>Onomatopoeias everywhere
>Anime cliches
>Random Elemental Magic


>> No.20130635

how do we feel about stories that don't follow an overall conflict arch and instead tackle smaller arcs one after the other? does it detract from the weight of the conflicts in question, or is it a strength in allowing constant progress and development?

>> No.20130638

>all these fucking it's instead of its
Fucking autocorrect. What the fuck.

>> No.20130648

It can work, so long as there's some sort of consistent throughline besides just the characters, I think. It probably needs to cap off in SOME way, perhaps just simply a grander arc, but it can work.

>> No.20130649

>need to describe the taste of cum
>to make sure it doesn't taste disgusting, start doping with pineapple juice and fruits
>save up for weeks so at least it will be high quality, even if it is disgusting
>psyche into it by dirtytalking about blowing a huge, milky load only a cum-hungry slut could enjoy
>eventually orgasm and turn face into a semen canvas while laying helplessly on the floor
>new fetish acquired
>still tasted bad, but it's tasting better each time
Well... now we know, huh?

>> No.20130651

why does the flesh change his mind because the loli wants to sleep? this is fucking retarded anon, I know you're doing it on purpose but I still fucking hate you

>> No.20130664

you're a virgin aren't you? it's inevitable that you'll kiss a girl after a blowjob at some point in time

>> No.20130668

To fuck with the loli. It's exactly what litrpgs do to seem deep . Like Kazuma with Aqua. O:

>> No.20130673

The pacing is too slow - you're zeroing in on tiny details like a traditional writer would. You need to have to things happen faster and cut the fat to be a true litRPGartist.

>> No.20130674

I'll help you out with scenes begining to end.
>Enter guy talking about how he is average or some boredom in world
>Gets summoned
>Is excited to battle for the fate of the world (different nations see each other as evil and their respective gods only push that delusion)
>Turns into horror as he soon realizes that he is nothing but a toy on the board for the gods
>Seeing that the gods get their power from the system, he is urgent to find a power in order to break free of the system and defeat the gods
>Etc etc

Yeah, here's a genuine template for you. Honestly, I might write something like this so be lazy and don't take my litrpg idea.
I'm the best poster

>> No.20130676

zoomers actually read this shit don't they? where did everything go so wrong?

>> No.20130677

Assassination of Jesse James soundtrack

>> No.20130678

Eww! I'll never kiss a girl.

>> No.20130699

no! That's just generic fantasy. LitRPGs today need stupid comedy that is filled with nonsense.

>> No.20130709


>> No.20130712

Debri's on deez nuts!

>> No.20130739

Let me add the "s".

>> No.20130744

The sad thing is this is oddly better written then some of the stuff on RR...

>> No.20130746

why do people read this shit? how are they old enough to give the authors money? I don't want to go and see with my own eyes but I know it will be far worse than what I imagine.

>> No.20130752

Jesus Christ

>> No.20130764

hold on guys im going to shit something out and publish it on royalroad

>> No.20130767

I think writing in general is at least egotistical like any creative art. That's why getting critiques that rip your work to pieces can be so devastating. You remember exactly where you were sitting, what you had just thought about, what you had for dinner, when you wrote that line or phrase or piece. It's all part of you.
The whole purer aspect of writing is something I can't comment on besides what I'd think from an amateur critic perspective. They are clearly different only in how they approach the problem, but the outcome is the same. Let's say you want to write a piece about the yearning for parental love in a neglected child who is now an adult. If you write the piece with the intent to tell others about this yearning, assuming a general audience and not a specific one, you're going to approach it as "How do I convey this idea so that it is clear and well composed?" Assume the introspective writer has the same idea. His approach will be from the perspective of how it should be done, regardless of what others think, and how it will best convey the themes even if other people can't understand it at all. His idea is his own perspective of how art should be mastered. Clarity in communication might never enter it at all, but it must for you. You're both drawing off emotions and trying to structure the piece accordingly, but he aims to find his idea of art, even if it's completely muddled to others, while you may aim to convey the idea to others with absolute clarity. This is just an example, mind.
I think the reaction of "You write for others? Nigger" is most commonly (at least in me, because I'm guilty of it sometimes) a defensive response from people who want to be recognized but don't want to be attention whores. Communicating and connecting is an animal thing and humans are animals. So if you've got something to say and you want other people to see it and hear it and talk about it with you, you should 100% be writing "for other people". There's no shame in that at all. If you've got something to express and you want to hammer it out and tweak the idea and spend 15 years getting it exactly right because you want to see mastery of your artwork for yourself, there's no shame in that either. That's writing too.
Whether it's narcissistic or not, if you want to communicate an idea with people, get out there and do it. Nothing is worse than forcing yourself to do things for others or for yourself if you really don't want to. You might as well do what makes you happy if you're going to put your self into a piece of creative art.

>> No.20130785
File: 48 KB, 605x364, Screenshot 2022-03-28 000444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I'm the guy who decided to put his actual writing on hold to make a planning document, is this sort of way a good way to have major characters planned out, or what? I'm worried it's a bit lacking in some respects (content aside), but it feels like it'd work for me.

>> No.20130809

Most patreon doners are 30 years of age, with disposable income coming from their 30 hour work week. They also receive bi weekly disability money, covid stimulus, which they call "passive income" and paying for zero rent due to living with their parents or their parent's home.

This is why communism works. They stimulate the economy in such a way that they allow for subpar mediocre crap to be shared with the world.

>> No.20130810

Why would anyone want to read about this? "Th-th-the execution of it," you say. But where is that execution outlined? What is the story about? (That isn't your own unsubtle masking of personal inadequacies).

>> No.20130811

Just fucking write.

>> No.20130817

I tried that and then I realised I had no concept of where to take my story.

>> No.20130823

Yes, I think that is a great way to plan your characters. Many writers also write a monologue from the point of view of the character to help them affix the character's voice, psychology, motivation and backstory clearly in their minds.

Ignore the other Anons, planning is good and necessary.

>> No.20130824

Not laughing at you. Laughing with you. Hahahahahaha!

>> No.20130826

i-iwant to know what happens next... When's the next chapter?

I'm sorry /wg/... LITRPGs are interesting.

>> No.20130828

Why are you a piece of shit?

>> No.20130842

Isn't the whole point of outlining to resolve the problem of having no concept of where to take a story?

>> No.20130844

Right. The content is something I'll definitely refine (feel like that as-is is a little too flawless), and I also have specific subsections for each of my three main characters' relationships with each other (as three pairs and as a trio) to get a solid idea of how they all interact and where they'll go in the future. I've yet to do much of a solid plot outline because I'm unsure where I want events to take it, but I'm pretty character-driven so I wanted to flesh them out before making the outline. I already have a lot of these things about the characters in my mind, but it's nice to put them down to examine for issues, etc.

>> No.20130848

Yeah, that's what I'm doing. I thought it best to put down the stuff I DO have decently well in mind, to get a good idea of the characters and their overall endpoints, then see how to incorporate that into an overall plotline.

>> No.20130860

You're doing the right thing. My planning document alone is 32,000 words.

>> No.20130861

Now it's time to either come up with a plot, or just write. Clearly you've put a lot of time into the character(s), but these people need to do something. Anything!

>> No.20130864

That seems excessive to me, as I think I'm more likely to have "major characters, premise, some key world building elements, and a plot outline with start, end, and key events in between".

>> No.20130870

Yeah, I've unfortunately sort of hit the block even with all this stuff put down. I have an idea of where I want these characters to end up, but I don't have much of a world for them. There's at least a more immediate goal for them to approach, but an overarching story isn't something I've got in mind yet.

>> No.20130881

>Still hasn't written anything
Time to start write lit-rpgs

>> No.20130884

It's getting there, I'm laying the groundwork for the smut.

>> No.20130885

I'm working on a series for the long term. Most of that is reminder text, ideas for the next books all the way through the end, text I've written in advance because I didn't want to wait so long, etc. I'm expecting to be done in about 12 years.
Book 1 is at 93k right now and climbing.

>> No.20130886

>Isn't an litrpg
Time for you to give up.

>> No.20130891

Ah, I see. My own story is probably just gonna be a single novel (if I actually make it) but we'll see. Mostly doing this as an idle hobby.

>> No.20130899

No. I'm gonna make it. fitzgerald-with-a-gun.jpg
My other planning docs are a lot smaller. I didn't even have one for the book I just finished and I don't have one for the book I'm about to start.

>> No.20130902

Fair enough then. If I had a clear story in mind I probably wouldn't have even made this, it's being done just to get myself something to put down.

>> No.20130917

>Whether it's narcissistic or not, if you want to communicate an idea with people, get out there and do it.
What if it's obvious that it can't be done? Back to the first post in this conversation, anon said
>Well, that's the only way it's going to work.
And he seems to be right in this. It's without a doubt that if you are moved by an outward desire it's practically impossible not to burn out unless one starts inevitably founding his work on what the market desires, which defeats the point of communicating anything, if it's not what you want to deliver. I don't even know if it's possible to switch to another mode of thinking. If I could make things with another attitude, by all means I would. I guess there's a widening divide between people who do creative work as a service industry and people who do it purely as a pastime (in that they have no aim about the work whatsoever) with everyone who's sort of outwards oriented but not motivated by success or some other shit just getting pushed into the two groups or out of the picture completely. I guess I either find a way to gain another source of motivation or I quit entirely. I genuinely don't believe anymore that it's possible to make something, even a product of real labor and love, and get it out there and actually reach someone. Maybe I've too little faith in people but I've tried too many years.

>> No.20130940

It's a series of short stories.

>> No.20131138

Now post it on RR and claim your 10k+ a month from patreon.

>> No.20131183

Do you guys rely on archetypes and tropes when writing? Like if you had a gang of 5 would you make the 5 characters fit the https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FiveManBand ?

>> No.20131194

It's moreso that a five man band tends to come about naturally if you want to make a decently balanced quintet of characters. Writing just from tropes is a pretty easy way to make stories feel like they're just built from pieces you've put together. Every thing HAS tropes, obviously, but the better writing tends to be more than just the blocks itself.

>> No.20131198

I don't search for archetypes and tropes but I end up using them as I'm just used to it from what I've seen, heard and read.

>> No.20131224

Something I wrote about a buff intelligent super jew professor who has to deal with arrogant parents and their dumb kids. Whole story tackles whether educating is worth it/future of people/generic big questions that ultimately settle on "Well we do our best and shitpost along the way". Thanks in advance for reading.

“Pretentious. Cliché. I’m reading a hodgepodge of every book-turned-film teenage fantasy.”
Small, unconscious jerks like the teasing of a fisher’s line overtook Mr. Rosenstein’s movements. On the cusp of filling the room with Yiddish profanity, each page turn promised a firm, yet justified backhand.
“Don’t you read? Why did you show me this?” His nervous energy was so fervent that other students sat ready to intervene, as if referees to a catch weight match between Jack Dempsey and Samwise.
“It’s a creative writing class! What else would inspire me?” croaked the shadow. Unfortunately for the shadow, there was no place to hide. His professor’s large stature, and even larger presence, promised ridicule at every corner of the room.
“This is a four hundred level class. I would expect this from a high school senior. Who wrote your application essay?” His nervous energy was gone, with only an efficient paper grader left to fill the deafening silence.
“I-I wrote it, I did. I wrote my essay, what do you mean-“
Mr. Rosenstein quickly put away his work and the paper, and briskly walked to the door. It was a waste of time to get an answer from the thing now trailing after him. Somehow, yet another ill-suited student made his way into the fellowship, and once again some rich parents had outwitted the great Mr. Rosenstein.

>> No.20131245

wow well that was a shitty little article that said nothing at all.

Tvtropes is stupid. Don't go there. Storytelling archetypes are good for the writers to think about in general, though. You should know archetypes when you see them. You don't need some slicknuts film major to explain them

>> No.20131250

Without looking at the 5 man band:
- heroic leader
- wise intellectual
- loose cannon/jokester/streetwise
- dumb muscle
- 5th wheel aka fucking loser nobody likes

>> No.20131251

TVTropes isn't awful, but it's very broad-strokes and it's not really for people who want to create. It's more for people who want to categorise bits of media they experience. But, yeah, familiarise yourself with the archetypes and tropes you're likely to tread.

>> No.20131255

Nah, five man band is more:
>Leader/Hero (frontman, usually the protagonist)
>Lancer (secondary to the Leader, usually a rival)
>Big Guy (most reliable one, typically)
>Smart Guy (what it says)
>Heart/Chick (emotional center of the team)

>> No.20131270

how is it possible that this shit makes money? does it end up in smut or something?

>> No.20131271

Sounds like every DnD party I've ever played in.

Consider building your characters from the ground up instead of relying on cliche tropes. Start with core character traits then build up from there. Right now you're doing a top-down approach, which can be fine but tends to lead to boring, predictable characters.

>> No.20131277
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>> No.20131305

This doesn't quite fit does it

>> No.20131311

It's not a strict thing, very often you'll have a five-man group with every character fitting a couple roles, one primarily, one secondarily (Cyborg is Smart Guy and Big Guy, Raven is the Lancer and the Smart Guy, Starfire and Beast Boy are both The Heart, etc.)

>> No.20131314

i like this.

>> No.20131322

Can I add "The Sleeve" as a mandatory sex relief valve

>> No.20131324

This isn't as subtle as you think it is.

>> No.20131325

Like linden trees

>> No.20131397

>does it end up in smut

>> No.20131430
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Ironically, it reads like an undergrad creative writing submission

>> No.20131461

>buff super intelligent jew professor
the first thing that came to mind
A liberal muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx, known atheist ”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!” At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decision made by the United States stood up and held up a rock. ”How old is this rock, pinhead?” The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied “4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian” ”Wrong. It’s been 5,000 years since God created it. If it was 4.6 billion years old and evolution, as you say, is real… then it should be an animal now” The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Origin of the Species. He stormed out of the room crying those liberal crocodile tears. The students applauded and all registered Republican that day and accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Small Government” flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and God himself showed up and enacted a flat tax rate across the country. The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity.

>> No.20131511

Fucking lol

>> No.20131621

I wasn't hoping for it to be subtle but if you're getting something from it that I can't understand, please let me know
I mean yeah its going to be blatantly racist xenophobic and pretentious but in a funny way hopefully
my inspiration
thanks anon appreciate it
kek, well hopefully I can write better than that some years from now
might try to enter some short story competition for fun

>> No.20131713


Here's Chapter 2!

I have to admit, writing this LitRPG is kinda fun. Best part is RR readers don't give a single shit about editing.

Now to spend everyday or two writing a single chapter until I get to about chapter 50. I don't think I can write this for 300 chapters. But we'll see if the money rolls in.

>> No.20131753

With your feet.

>> No.20131795

reads more like an isekai

>> No.20131805

this made me feel depressed

>> No.20131810

why anon? why?

>> No.20131833

Here's my entry for the RR train.


When do I get my 15k/mo?

>> No.20131845

I think you went a bit far with the obvious contempt you have for the genre but I'm curious to see if people will be able to see the disdain reading it. Do post it on RR and see how much you can make.

>> No.20131928

Read Sandman.

>> No.20131945

I've a question for those that have either gotten published or have put something online. Where do you guys go for covers? Do you get stuff commissioned? Draw it yourself? If you commission stuff, would the artist be entitled to royalties or any other dumb bullshit like that?

>> No.20131968

A cursory Google search shows a plethora of options. They charge a flat fee upfront. And don't be cheap with it. You want your self-published book to not look like a self-published book.

>> No.20131972

/m/ anon here.... This feels a bit weird, buuuuuut I had interest in becoming a sci-fi author but kind of gave up on that around six years ago, partly because of burnout from college and fear of being review bombed and general fear of critics back when the Nostalgia Critic was huge, I always considered guys like that able to tank media in a single video. Some perspectives changes with time, part of me wants to get back into that and Amazon's self publishing kindle program might be of use. Before I do how do newcomers even find self published books on kindle?

>well anon can you at least not be lazy and share a writing sample?

Weeeeell I did write a few Warhammer mini fics as writing exercises over on /tg/ that actually got stuffed onto their 1d4chan wiki: https://1d4chan.org/wiki/The_Birth_of_Xenobane

>> No.20131985

I'm putting on a Doug cosplay and doing a 2 hour "The Wall" style review of your work.

>> No.20131992

There is an artist on DA I commission now and then for random nonsensical paintings who is looking to get his name out there. I don't know how he'd feel about doing a book cover.

>> No.20131995

I am pretty sure the client holds the copyright for commissioned art

>> No.20132001
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>“UNHAND ME, YOU GORMLESS DOG!” said the wizard, calmly.
you rascal

>> No.20132058

I draw my own covers but I wish I didn't have to.

>> No.20132067

What do you think when you see this sentence?
>"...Foolish man" said Death to the crumbling pile of bones huddled in front of a little grave, its fingers gently brushing upon cold, hard stone.

>> No.20132071

It makes me feel frustrated. The ellipsis serves no purpose. There should be a comma after the dialogue. The "its fingers" apparently refers to the little grave, which makes no sense.
Write harder.

>> No.20132086

Yeah, the last bit was an ill-advised afterthought and I'm having trouble thinking of how to accurately convey what image people should be seeing here.
>There should be a comma after the dialogue
Better get myself a proper resource for grammar then.

>> No.20132087

Ellipsis at the beginning of dialogue and to indicate silence "..." are the fucking worst. Just writes that he paused for a bit before speaking and that he was silent.

>> No.20132101

That would be the approach I'd normally have taken, but it doesn't work in this case because the character just finished hearing the last thoughts of the person in front of him and he actually knows who this person is. As such it's better to just drop the ellipsis.

>> No.20132105

>it's better to just drop the ellipsis
It's not but you're the writer.

>> No.20132129

Yeah, the main problem here is that there's two different things going on:
>The thoughts of the dead man are entirely in first-person format
>The transition into third-person happens after 'Death' is done listening to his thoughts
After thinking it through, if these two people knew each other it doesn't make much sense that 'Death' should have to pause. But I'm just rambling because I'm stuck on the part before it too lol.

>> No.20132155

Aside from the one RR-bait paragraph this mostly seems like a decent Discworld ripoff that tries to disguise itself with some Tolkien and Vance references. Overall, close to publishable already and based, keep it up.

>> No.20132224
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Did you really write this yourself? I was actually able to finish reading it and even laughed a few times, which already puts it above anything I ever tried to read on RR. This has a very good chance of becoming a real success. I'd definitely follow.

The only point of concern is, if you're taking the web serial route instead of trad publishing, can you sustain this level of quality too, or did you just blow your full load on chapter 1? Is there a story to follow the joke? If you can't write consistently and update regularly, it will still die despite the strong start.

>> No.20132241

>they're making hundreds of thousands, thousands of readers and earning more than trad published
Only like 0.001% of them does. OH WAIT just like in trad publishing!?

>> No.20132272

>I know there is no point in turning what is a pleasurable activity into a finished work
What an absurd thing to say. What is "the point"? What exactly do you want?
>Why are you not happy with unstructured daydreams?
Because I'll eventually forget about them and they'll disappear forever. When put into text, it's not just a vague fantasy anymore, it also has that structure, which I believe is more meaningful than the idea itself.
>I would definitely know what I meant, because those are my thoughts and I recognize them
Ten years from now, you'll no longer have any idea what that gibberish was supposed to mean.
>But why, you are not reaching anyone
Maybe not today. But in another year? In a decade? In fifty years? Two hundred years after I'm gone? Who can say? As long as the finished work is out there, it has all the time in the world to find its audience. But if I leave it as only a daydream, then it truly is pointless.
>What's that longass time?
I think I started gradually around 2011 or so. So 11 years? I went full-time around 6 years ago.

Honestly, if you feel that utterly crushed, why don't you just look up something more fulfilling to do? It wasn't for you.

>> No.20132283

>I was actually able to finish reading it and even laughed a few times, which already puts it above anything I ever tried to read on RR.
that probably means it's going to fail for being not dumb enough

>> No.20132284
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278 words a day. That's my average for the past month. It's not going to win any speed writing competitions, but if you keep at it you'll be a writer.

>> No.20132292

>"you are wrong for being moved by communication, stop being a narcissist (?) you should do it all for yourself"

Well, I should say doing it mainly for yourself IS narcissistic. I wouldn't try to deny that despite doing so myself. Wanting to communicate things is the most natural reason to write and the majority of authors out there are absolutely this category. Almost all of them.

But if you hate not getting across so much, then you should open your eyes and re-evaluate your whole approach. I think a more community-driven environment would serve you better than going at it alone. Writing circles, creative writing courses, online communities, etc.

>> No.20132295

All the irony may be lost on the younger RR readers, but I'm sure there are appreciating ones too.

>> No.20132302

it's pretty fucking good, would follow on RR for wizard goodness. just don't double down on the spell slot shit too much that takes me out of it

>> No.20132312

>Maybe not today. But in another year? In a decade? In fifty years? Two hundred years after I'm gone?
I have serious doubt that the future is ripe with this kind of opportunity.
>Honestly, if you feel that utterly crushed, why don't you just look up something more fulfilling to do?
Because I actually tried to quit and it's eating me alive. I can't quit but I am too burned out to keep going. I have another hobby which is fulfilling on a more personal level but that need to get my things out there remains. It's just that I fucking hate the internet so much that it drains all my mental energy as soon as ai step in it.

>> No.20132331

>I fucking hate the internet so much that it drains all my mental energy
Well, that's how it's designed. If you let the internet decide how to feel about things, then you're finished.

>> No.20132349

After thinking that sentence over I think it's better for elaboration of the skeleton's state to be in the next paragraph. Building confidence in my writing is hard, but at least I was right to have my doubts.

>> No.20132352

Maybe I should change my approach to the internet instead of my approach to art

>> No.20132359

Sounds like a good idea in general.

>> No.20132397

I just fucking hate it so much, and I hate the people on it. It's like an engine of evil that turns everything to shit. I wish it didn't exist. Outside of seething hatred I can't think of anything else.

>> No.20132409

I'm the opposite and hate people outside of the Internet more.

>> No.20132463

I have started hating people outside of the internet when I realized that they are the same dumb bratty cunts I hate online except in a social disguise.

>> No.20132489

>Be me
>Hate people on the Internet for being anonymous cunts
>Hate immediate relations for being named cunts you can't afford to piss off
>Hate yourself because you're frankly also a cunt
At least I can work on being less of a cunt given the opportunity.

>> No.20132507

Alright, here's part 2. Yeah, it isn't as good.

>> No.20132515

“Mortimer, what in gods’ name is this?”
“It’s your ‘living tribute’ my lord.”
“This is a little girl,” said the wizard.
“My name is Charlotte, sir,” said the little girl, curtsying. “I’m a virgin—but not by choice.”
“Oh dear god.”
“Kinky,” said Mortimer.

... breh.

>> No.20132601
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>> No.20133177

How stupid should an RR story be?

>> No.20133191

I've been thinking about it and I think my hatred for mongrels is too strong. It's even stronger than my need to share muh feelings. So I have to change my attitude about my work. I just cannot cuck myself like this when there's this litshit cancer for retards, smut, whores, trannies and every variation of fraud that makes money. I am petty, I don't give a fuck. If this cancer makes money I refuse to post my shit. It's either them or me. I just cannot take it. I don't understand how people have so little fucking dignity that they'd cope so hard, "y-yeah... I keep posting my shit online for free so that a bunch of spoiled brats can enjoy it... not that they do lol, they'd rather read fucking garbage and give it tons of money because muh COOM... it's not their fault... b-but maybe one day someone will appreciate my work haha" Jesus fucking Christ how can you possibly be this fucking cucked? Absolutely fucking never, I will never take this. I need to find some kind of unethical venue that fucks people over specifically, not nature, not the arts, only braindead normalfaggot cattle. I should work at Facebook or protect megacorps from civil rights. I want to do the most Jewish job imaginable and keep my work for myself, or quit, it's not like it fucking matters anyway. maybe I can channel my hatred for cattleniggers and my endless resentment into my job so I can become a rich person everyone hates, even if I'd do nothing with the money. Maybe this is why people become like this and just hoard, maybe they just know that all these billions of subhumans deserve nothing.

>> No.20133219
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> “I’m a virgin—but not by choice.”

>> No.20133227

>post work online
>dozens of people read it
>some of them leave nice comments
>be content
It's that simple
I don't think I've felt hate since high school, maybe I'm too schizoid to make myself miserable

>> No.20133235

I gave up hate in college. Now I'm trying to roll back my endless compassion and set boundaries. In all my stories of course.

>> No.20133325
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Is it a bad thing if all my characters are tiny fragments of my own personality? Almost all of them are the same. Gloomy, cynical, self-loathing, nihilistic. It's just that some of them hide their true self better than others.

>> No.20133363

Obviously all characters have parts of you, how could they not? But if they're all the same, then that's a different problem.

>> No.20133388

It's hard to make characters who're wholly different from you as a person, but it's better to try and keep those parts a little more separate and split-up. Take some small aspect of yourself, try and build a separate set of traits that complement it differently, make a character out of that. There's a point of commonality with you there, but it's further removed. That's how I try to make characters who aren't like me.

>> No.20133522

Is self-publishing works in the public domain cheap easy money?

>> No.20133730

>Almost all of them are the same
this would be the part you need to work on

>> No.20133801

It works for Hollebecque

>> No.20133891
File: 77 KB, 306x306, 1645455923361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a splash and she was gone. The dark river kept its secrets well; you couldn't see an inch below the surface. Not even the brightness of her dress could shine from below that dirty brown.
Running steps made the boards on the pier creak, as lanterns were rushed to the scene. Spotlights were lit, boats lowered into the water with men holding nets and hooks and from many mouths escaped the cry of her name, Dorothea, Dorothea!
A mist rose from the bogs, bringing with it the stench of their rot and decay, as if to mock our hopes of finding her alive. Yes, the river would keep its secrets, that fog seemed to say. It was the curtain that fell over our play with a sense of finality in its swirls, covering the tragicomic rescuers beneath it, covering up their lights and leaving them but pale spots, and soon all that remained was the fog and the still echoing cry of Dorothea, Dorothea!

>> No.20133896

>reads kindle guidelines
>no allowing graphic violence or glorifying people convicted of crimes and a bunch of random shit

Are there self publish places that aren't censorship happy pussies?

>> No.20133944

You read the guidelines? Why?

>> No.20133947

Some of us don't want to be on the altar of cancel culture

>> No.20133970

Dumb enough for teens to understand it but not sophisticated enough to chase them off

>> No.20133978

It's public domain so you won't be able to claim any extra money from copyright use. You're stuck with the exact sales from your works only on your store only.

>> No.20134022
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>implying anyone out there gives a single shit about what you put there

>> No.20134051

Why every storytelling self help book wants you to have a hero with goal? It’s just stupid.

>> No.20134059
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It's storytelling 101. People like proactive characters. Everyone has to be chasing something, elsewise where's the story?

>> No.20134073
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>> No.20134079

Everyone has a goal, even if they don't realize it. Their goal can just be "sit around and don't be bothered." You as an author have to know what your characters want and ideally what they need.

>> No.20134129

>"my goal is...just to have an easy life with my waifu"
the staple of anime writing

>> No.20134131

I've realized that I'm only able to productively write in the first few days after getting on or falling off the wagon. A week in either direction and I become a neurotic mess unable to finish a paragraph or even construct a basic outline. I don't think I'll be able to survive abusing myself this way for much longer.

>> No.20134134
File: 136 KB, 782x1024, deabe84d7a8af1c7a215c91effea3246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of writing self help is just people shamelessly copying older stuff. I also dislike even using the term "hero", even if you're writing about Superman himself the terminology just feels juvenile. If I hero another pseud ramble on about muh hero's journey and George Lucas I may snap.

Morrowind/Elder Scrolls tie-in fiction anon here again. Just finished my first edit on chapter 3 while on a break and it's a banger- hard to beat the feeling of one coming out right and it wasn't even anything I had plotted out. Hope you gents are plugging away as well, savor those small victories.

>> No.20134137

Sounds like you need to sober up for good. It takes 30 days of sobriety before you brain chemistry actually returns to normal. The clarity of mind will be good for you, I promise.

>> No.20134156

My periods of sobriety tend to last about two months. That's usually he point where I get frustrated enough with not making any progress and buy a couple bottles of whiskey.

>> No.20134169

Go to meetings. They work.


>> No.20134187

Kek. I can't quite tell if you're just messing around or if you legitimately stumbled into the exact same plot as Kara no Shojo.

>> No.20134198

I don't see how that can help my writing. I can stay sober, I'm ten days sober now. But I can't fucking write. In the first three days without drinking I outlined a novella, conceived and completed a short story, and got 4000 words into my novel. Since then I've managed 500 words, and it's all shit.

>> No.20134199
File: 697 KB, 636x640, 1644823731458.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit feels so good writing three POV characters, removing and adding POV characters, establishing plot threads, world building, like my narrative is a rotisserie chicken that smells more delectable as I progress the plot

I'm about to eat my story bros

>> No.20134200

I just want to write a novel and kill myself right after. Is that too much to ask for?

>> No.20134204

It can happen. I wrote a novel only to find out later it had the same premise as a well-known movie. But in this case I think he's just messing.

>> No.20134222

No, but you shouldn't kill yourself. Then you won't live long enough to see your own fame.

>> No.20134265

What's that ideation writers have with suicide? Romanticism maybe? Brain-washing propaganda that linked sadness with depth?

>> No.20134361
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Thoughts ?

>> No.20134385

I don't know what to tell you, Anon. You're a trainwreck and you know the cause. Are you gonna take the steps to permanently fix the problem or are you going to keep candy-assing around until you drink yourself to a miserable death.

Go to meetings. They're like therapy, for free. They work.

>> No.20134495
File: 162 KB, 1021x261, 9D51D2F8-8B41-4698-9FB4-4B9BC7BF30C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incoming: reddit writing advice

>> No.20134546
File: 47 KB, 300x289, 164-1643264_yui-yui-k-on-k-on-kon-kon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't engage with tripfags

>> No.20134567

Fucking lainposter BITCH go back to your substack twitter discourse art collective community fucking FAGGOT. I hate you bitches so much. Die

>> No.20134620

>Fighting him is like a mere human trying to fight a hurricane with nothing but their own fists. I'm aware you don't know what either of those are, but you understand the meaning of what I'm saying, don't you?
>You may endure and survive sometimes, but you may never emerge victorious, only lasting until it leaves.
>He's a force unlike any on this Earth, my friend. You're a smart one, and I don't want you to waste all of your time trying to figure out how to overcome him. Just live your life.

>> No.20134683

that's a lot a lot a lot of run on. When he gets to the I am the MAYOR line he should say
>I am the MAYOR of Burgertown. Mayor McCheese.
and he should threaten to make him into patties. this is a comedy, you're writing, right? because its ludicrous

>> No.20134688
File: 9 KB, 1170x110, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're so embarrassing, the last time I watched this anime was in 2003. stop thinking that everyone is a terminally online zoomer like you

>> No.20134750
File: 1.11 MB, 4508x2480, small and medium cytes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I basically never write, I am more visually minded and like to draw instead (picture related) but something possessed me to write this shit for my oc donut steel scifi setting.


>> No.20134813

how much would you charge to do several in page illustrations for book?

>> No.20134835
File: 1.64 MB, 3508x4385, cyte dissection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never done comissions so dunno. Depends on the workload I guess. I thus far have just drawn for my own entertainment and world building purposes.
You can find more of my autismal shit here to better gauge if you actually want me to draw shit for you.

>> No.20134883

Make sonichu the next thread theme you insufferable unwashed nerds.

>> No.20134895

you would love a french artist with a moebius-like art style that I saw somewhere but can't find anywhere. He makes strange sci-fi things with odd proportions

>> No.20134905

It's the final act of defiance for a free man. Money can be lost, success can be denied, fame voided, but your life is still your own.

>> No.20134906


New Thread


>> No.20134921

Still in first/second draft mode, but my multiverse has horror sc-fi elements that would benefit from a couple of anthropological style drawings per book. I'll definitly shoot you a line when i have finished the first fifty or so chapters and begin to post it online, to be able to see if your even interested.
Regardless of my fantastical machinations, keep up with the art my dude.

>> No.20135118


Yes, of course it's supposed to be funny!

>> No.20135161

Thanks m8