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/lit/ - Literature

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2012512 No.2012512 [Reply] [Original]

Whores and bitches

>> No.2012522

Sonya was the only perfect woman in the whole book

>> No.2012526

> whores and bitches

That's the best part.

>> No.2012534
File: 839 KB, 1235x1600, Annex - Hepburn, Audrey (War and Peace)_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2012535

Even Maria was a fucking bitch.

>> No.2012537

None of the women in that book are at all interesting. They all act like panicked grandmas, even the young women.

At least the male characters have a little personality and do interesting things with their lives.

>> No.2012539
File: 49 KB, 450x311, MV5BMTI2ODQ3NzI0OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNDMyMjM2._V1._SX450_SY311_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be courted by a charming handsome prince.


>> No.2012540

Even at the end, did Pierre and Andrei really learn anything?

>> No.2012541

More like, you will never cheat on your handsome prince

>> No.2012542
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>> No.2012543

Is this book worth the read?

>> No.2012544

Tolstoy's anti-Napolean tendencies get a bit old, but yeah.

>> No.2012545
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I just have too much love to give, ok!

>> No.2012549

> anon reads Tolstoy
> female characters are bitches and boring

It's like screaming to the world that you are a virgin and have never interacted with women. You neckbeards better stick to your Derpstoevsky with his saintly hookers and other 1-dimensional female characters.

>> No.2012553

Why are girls named Sonia always so perfect?

>> No.2012556

Books don't get famous because they suck, hipster.
War and Peace was insightful as hell, even though it's a bit hard to understand for people who have never experienced war first, or even second hand.
The female characters could get a little over bearing.

>> No.2012568

When it gets to the point where he argues that military strategy is completely useless, as a soldier who has a passing familiarity with his Sun Tzu, I find that a little hard to swallow.

>> No.2012601

Agreed, I also did not enjoy the way he tried to merge morality into warfare. Two separate damn things. Oh well, we just have to take into account how long ago was this book written.

As for the women, I kinda liked Natasha. She was complex and interesting, at least by comparison.

BTW, anyone else disappointed with what Pierre became? The guy seemed to have potential.

>> No.2012612

In the end, at the risk of oversimplifying, Pierre was happy and Andrei learned to not care. Which was what they wanted in the end.

>> No.2012645

I wished he would die on the next page, always.

>> No.2012648

That's because most of /lit/ is like Pierre. Fat neckbeards who are pretentious as fuck and forever alone.

>> No.2012652

Pierre strikes me as slightly annoying but mostly cute as heck. must be why i like you so much, /lit/

>> No.2012969

Haha, not to mention trolls. I will never forget how he trolled everyone right at the beginning, that was both ballsy and adorable. Still... I do believe there was more to him, he won that duel after all. I think Pierre had the wits and the courage, just lacked strength of will, a key ingredient to any form of success. Oh well. He got the girl in the end, lol.

>> No.2013007

> implying Pierre was bearded
> implying he wasn't tall as fuck and could hide his weight well
> implying he was forever alone