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/lit/ - Literature

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20123037 No.20123037 [Reply] [Original]

Post /lit/-related results of your recently wasted money and rejoice in others' poorly made choices.

Got all these for about 10 bucks. A few of them were quite battered and dirty but hey

>> No.20123041

Rest assured...
My penis gets the bird

>> No.20123049
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Picked these up the other day

>> No.20123054

Isn't Nana part of a long as fuck series?

>> No.20123055
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also these

>> No.20123062
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>The amount of sperms in these

>> No.20123077

Yeah Zola was a complete autist but the books tell standalone stories, even though they are about characters related to each other in one way or the other

>> No.20123083
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last month

>> No.20123084

>de Sade gets a clickbait cover
He would be proud

>> No.20123086
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last month (cont)

>> No.20123109
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last one. so probably a total of 34 or more books

>> No.20123114

scratch that, 58 books

>> No.20123130

and how much did that cost you

>> No.20123138

a total of possibly 350 dollars

>> No.20123199
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These are for my brother in prison

>> No.20123202

Why is he in prison?

>> No.20123335

You are entering the mental breakdown part of your life. I wish you the best

>> No.20123658

I actually find him hard to read, but ok

>> No.20123670

Beiser has a few entries concerning him in "Weltschmerz". Maybe that'll help you out.

>> No.20123680

Think I did okay. These days I mostly just read stuff I want to. I haven't paid attention to any /lit/ recommended stuff in a while. Feels good

>> No.20123684
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>> No.20123783

Why does Bloom suck Shakepeare's cock so much

>> No.20123859

You are confusing books with your mother's uterus again

>> No.20124096
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>> No.20124269

You can't imagine the covers of old spanish editions of his novels, bait at its finest, even for The Marquise de Gange, a gothic novel without a single sex scene.

>> No.20124292

He didn't reach his monthly quota of sucked BBCs and the PC police arrested him, or he torrented an uncensored version of Wolfenstein.

>> No.20124307

Why do you purchase ugly, worn books?

>> No.20124334
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A few used books I picked up

>> No.20124353

What is it about America that so efficiently and consistently breeds mental illness like this?

>> No.20124374

Because you can read them just fine you consumerist cuck

>> No.20124391

I was unaware that they made a book out of that video game

>> No.20124404

You could read them just fine on your phone. If you're going to make a purchase at least get something of high quality instead of some used bargain bin trash.

>> No.20124405


>> No.20124414

I'm not from the US.

>> No.20124422


>> No.20124432

Lol for real how many people that played the game read it?. It was like two dollars. Had the ps1 version back in the day absolute classic

>> No.20124466

Reading from a phone is cumbersome and strains my eyes. And no I'll not buy the latest apple product™ or an amazon cuckdle either thanks

>> No.20124496

I'm guessing there's also a Splinter Cell book

>> No.20124508
File: 151 KB, 750x1004, B94E4E2B-7998-4BD1-BCF5-43A899C000D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good book. Not holocaust denying but an analysis of how Jewish elites use the Holocaust narrative for politics and money. The part about how the World Jewish Congress extorted the Swiss banks out of 1.25 billion is like something out of a mafia film. Truly amazing. Even if you’re not interested in the Jewish question it’s a good example of how power and politics work in this world. The author (himself Jewish) writes in a caustic, unapologetic tone, so it’s perfect for a 4chan audience..

>> No.20124518

I see that Sophocles book all the time in thrift stores. Is it worth a read?

>> No.20124526

I just googled it. Theres a whole series of books that popped up around the time the splinter cell game first came out in the sixth gen of consoles. But they are not written by clancy. Someone named raymond benson wrote them.

>> No.20124540

I've never been one to purchase second hand goods, but I guess if it works for you go ahead. I think screens make my eyes tired even after waking up in the morning, so I take a nap for a couple hours because they're too tired. Maybe I should stick with paper.

>> No.20124597
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Last night about 15

>> No.20124633

I assume you are a native German speaker, so why did you feel need to read an introductory (if the title is to be taken literally) German history?

>> No.20124650
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>> No.20124751

The suspicion is that he might have something to do with a certain amount of criminal money whose source is unknown. It's still unclear whether he is guilty or not but he might have to stay there for a few months in custody so I figured he'd appreciate these.

>> No.20124766
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Getting through Doostoevsky's work this year

>> No.20125033


>> No.20125098
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I got these 3, chose the english versions since the translations were not on stock and I didn't want to wait for shipping. Ah well, never read Dickens in english for example so it's a first I guess.

>> No.20125429

Not that guy, but I don't mind reading used books if I'm borrowing them from a public library or from an acquaintance for a week or two at most, but if I'm gonna read once and not read it ever again in my life, I'd rather download it and read it on my phone (or even on my computer) than to buy a used copy. I'd only buy a used copy of an extremely overpriced textbook or reference book that I'd know for a fact I would use for a very long time.

>> No.20125436

I bought a copy of the Decameron that I read fragments of for a literature class back in college. It's still sitting on my shelf, left mostly untouched.

>> No.20125699

>Reading a book on a computer

I can’t think of anything worse

>> No.20125706

Epic book selection Justin

>> No.20125711

The idiot is in my stack, lemme know if u like it

>> No.20125726

New to reading. Starting with Greeks. Just got the Iliad and Odyssey. What am I getting into?

>> No.20126059

not OP but Antigone is a really good short read, and super influential, Hegel and Freud talk about it alot if thats ur thing too

>> No.20126066

mutts law

>> No.20126452

t. /pol/tranny

>> No.20126457 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20126524
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Not native, I like Reclams and they're dirt cheap at my shop.
It's a pocket book and the title is "little German history"

>> No.20126813

On rare occasions I've downloaded books that had unusual file formats which I needed a Windows-specific programs to open. You gotta do what you gotta do to read whatever you wanna read.

>> No.20127558


>> No.20127561

For sure, go for it

>> No.20127569

>von Hartmann
How are you finding him (aside from the difficulty)?

>> No.20128483
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Got these except the Lovecraft one which was a gift

>> No.20128587
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I can't remember which are more recent so here's some from the past few months. I have read 5 of these, listened to one, and I'm halfway through another one. Also have a kindle and 2 library books out. Also also unemployed.

>> No.20128590

why can't /pol/ not think of BBC for two seconds

>> No.20128592

>13 KB, 275x206
Apparently can't afford an internet connection either

>> No.20128602
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yeah I don't know why that was so low quality.

>> No.20128611
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>keeps buying overpriced paperbacks

>> No.20129784

why bother

>> No.20129933
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Ironically purchased from a check recieved from my insursnce company who 'made too much this year'

>> No.20129956

>Ironically purchased from a check recieved from my insursnce company who 'made too much this year'
How in the fuck

>> No.20130017
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At least technocapitalism funded my further understandings of such systems. Unraveling of metafoundational constructs that I seem to be bound by. Or at least fun reads.

>> No.20130020

based and boomer pilled

>> No.20130704

Incredibly cringe stack

>> No.20130781

Would you care to explain further, fellow anon? A better insight into your perspective?

>> No.20130854

auster and delillo suck ugly turds

>> No.20130868

>michael kohlhass

>> No.20130896

It's 100,000 pages of postmodern jargon. It's why some people have trouble defining what a "woman" actually is.

>> No.20131031
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You deserve to be disemboweled for posting your hideous fucking legs anywhere where another human being has even a slight chance of seeing them. Kys

>> No.20131102

The castle was a very boring read

>> No.20131179

There's three books in this picture which I dropped less than 20 pages in (mostly because they were too full of weird terms and difficult to follow arguments).

>> No.20131185

I don't see a problem with reading Garcia Lorca in Spanish

>> No.20131209
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I got in the mood for reading a history book after reading a few of Montaigne's essays, so I picked this one up.
It's supposed to be new, but for some reason the spine was already kind of dirty by the time I took the plastic wrapping off.

>> No.20131426

If anything they're just semi schizoid fragmented scifi tangential rants similar to the anime Steins;gate's okabe character. Or with the delusional seriousness of Serial Experiments Lain. I had fun.

>> No.20131444

Postmodern, yes. But I wouldnt go as far as to say jargon. It decides to use false vocabulary to illustrate some dark horror science fiction based in again, schizoid tangential esoteric possibility. I think theyre fun critiques on society. I live in California and feel it burning by the way.

>> No.20131550
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Breddy gud even if somewhat "deboinked"

>> No.20131652
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I should have gone with the Everyman as well I could have bought a few for the price of the Pleiades. I have the first edition American Translation from Modern Library and it's a fine translation.

>> No.20132586

Are you diabetic

>> No.20132780

Ah yes, the non-sense machine stack. Why do people love blowing their money away reading "2obscure4u" shit like Nick Land?

>> No.20133627

Why is there so little water in the bath?

>> No.20133781
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>> No.20133932

I masturbate to Nin daily

>> No.20134000

How disgusting

>> No.20134038

what do you mean?

>> No.20134800

Nice cpap machine

>> No.20136239

I read one or two. They are good / ok. Splinter cell

>> No.20136253

Im reading that now too. I am about 13% through. How far are you? I am finding it hard to want to read it. Not like C&P where I couldn't wait to finish it. I do like the idiot (the prince) a lot so far as a character.

>> No.20137336

There's also a helium tank lying around for sure