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20123350 No.20123350 [Reply] [Original]

When life gives you lemon , you make lemonade

So books on how to embrace sociopath and pyschopath live style ?

>> No.20123454

i would also like to know

>> No.20123475


>> No.20123510

Do you perceive sociopaths as making lemonade out of life? Why is that?

>> No.20123527

basically any stoic philosophy i'd assume

>> No.20123547

The psychopath’s bible by Christopher Hyatt

>> No.20123681

>”When life gives you lemon , you make lemonade” they say. Well, life has given me shit! What am I supposed to do now? Make SHITADE?
A little joke I made in my youth.

>> No.20123768
File: 3.87 MB, 4029x1670, gang weed review collage uncensored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something something gang weed the movie

>> No.20123775


>> No.20123814

That's congenital. If you try to fake it you're going to make yourself suffer terribly because you can still feel emotions psychopaths can't feel.

>> No.20123824

Torah with commentaries of Rashi and Rambam

>> No.20123830

I don't think true pyschopaths read books about how to be pyschopaths. It sounds like you're trying to resolve an ongoing identity crisis by embracing a pattern of behaviors you deem to have deviated far enough from the norm such that you can comfortably believe your persona is unique and makes you "better" than normies.