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/lit/ - Literature

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20122897 No.20122897 [Reply] [Original]

Has there ever been a screenwriter with the talent of a great novelist?

>> No.20122901

Peter Greenaway, John Cassavettes

>> No.20122921

Has there ever been a novelist with the talent of a great poet?

>> No.20122926

All poetry is bad except for narrative poetry and that barely counts as poetry

>> No.20122938

Joyce, Saurraute, Christine-Brooke Rose

>> No.20123196


>> No.20123216

Has there ever been a comedian with the talent of a great podcaster?

>> No.20123224
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He wrote the Great American Novel and it aired on TV.

>> No.20123228
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you tell me

>> No.20123252


>> No.20123310
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movie thread? I loved this movie and I think it's very /lit/ go watch it

>> No.20123314

The great decadent America novel

>> No.20123575
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>> No.20123586

Unironically whoever wrote The Wire, that show is the closest thing to a great social novel on screen that I’ve seen

>> No.20124057

h-hello femanon

>> No.20124272


>> No.20124369


>> No.20125062

PTA sucks ass

>> No.20125129

Chris Terrio
S. Craig Zahler

>> No.20125898

Andre Gregory and Wallace Shawn (Though they're technically playwrights and not screenwriters.)

>> No.20125914

Guillermo Arriaga, who coincidentally also writes novel

>> No.20125921

Flaubert, Tolstoy

>> No.20125993


>> No.20126015

I watched it a while ago and the only feeling I had afterwards was that it was a tribute to Christopher Lasch's Culture of Narcissism, but I doubt he actually has read it.

>> No.20126410
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Paul Schrader comes to mind

>> No.20126708

That would be David Simon >>20123224

>> No.20127759

if a screenwriter had the talent of a great novelist he would write a novel.

>> No.20128995

>feet on the cover

>> No.20129029

neone genesis is novel quality other than idk. his two other main shows (Nadia and Kare Kano especially) have alot of novel quality ideas and moments but they are too unfocused and lacking in a point like NGE

>> No.20129041


>> No.20129049

David Milch

>> No.20130068

William Goldman

>> No.20130098
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why would you watch that war and peace when the other one has audrey hepburn?

>> No.20130107

so cute

>> No.20130422

different art forms don't exist in a hierarchy with regard to each other

>> No.20130438

oslo 31. august is way more lit

>> No.20131355
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Oh yes.

>> No.20131399
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>> No.20131591

filtered beyond belief

>> No.20131593

Tarkovsky had the talent of a great poet.
>inb4 pseudcore

>> No.20131941

>inb4 p-please spoonfeed me who is it

>> No.20132023

Lars von Trier

>> No.20132037
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If John O'Brien would have lived longer, I think we would have seen some cool stuff from him, but Leaving Las Vegas is enjoyable. I don't know about "Great Novelist", but I like him.

>> No.20132210

The end results of Ceylans are as good as it gets, but he often takes plots and characters from different books and rearrange them into new stories, so he has less merit than someone who comes up with something wholly original.

>> No.20132212

I don't know anything about it, but the trailer makes it look like one of those movies that twitter and reddit say are SO RELATABLE and then you watch it and it's just about rich people being dissatisfied with life.

>> No.20133572

>I don't know anything about it
stopped reading right there

>> No.20133778

No, it's not like that at at all. It's working class kino

>> No.20133905


Faulkner, who famously said that all novelists are failed poets

>> No.20135725

Cassavetes is a great director, but his scripts were very loose and had the actors improv a lot, so I wouldn't saw his screenplays were that novel-like. And Peter Greenaway is trash

>> No.20136047

The Draughtsman's Contract is a great flick

>> No.20136676

Howard Hawks
Ernst Lubitsch

>> No.20137792


>> No.20138351

McCarthy, obviously

>> No.20138798
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>he hasn't seen scarface

>> No.20138810

a filmmaker will never have the exacting control of a novelist, but a novelist will never have the breadth of expression of a filmmaker.

>> No.20138834

tarantino is a hack

>> No.20138862

the only good movies are adapted from actual literature

>> No.20138876
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>> No.20138878

All these replies and not a single mention of Graham Greene, who was both a great screenwriter and a great novelist
Robert Towne also wrote one of the best screenplays of all time (Chinatown), wrote substantial amounts of some other very respectable ones (The Firm, Mission Impossible), and wrote for several other good ones, often without being credited (he can even lay claim to having written a scene in The Godfather).

>> No.20138894

>THE CORONER covers her face with a white veil as a crime scene photographer SNAPS the final shot of her modeling career.
I liked that line

>> No.20138919
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I wrote it for you

>> No.20138969
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Jewboy over here

>> No.20139062

he has the talent of a novelist, but a very bad cringeworthy one

>> No.20139106

Antkind would have been a masterpiece if he'd had a stroke somewhere half way

>> No.20139134
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>> No.20139179

His work is very uneven, even his best films having some pretty annoying qualities (perhaps most notably the bugman aesthetic), but I'd still say he's much better than most screenwriters and novelists working today.

>> No.20141250
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Although no novel. Sergio Leone's Once Upon a Time in America pretty feels like a novel if it wasn't cut from its original 10 hours long. It was so kino film that I've watched it 5 times and everytime it really feels like a novel. It was so good. I've watched the 4 hour long movie and it still is pretty kino. Although I wish there was 10 hours but it's now lost in time due to greediness of those people who release movies to the theaters to 2 hours.