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20119503 No.20119503 [Reply] [Original]

I found a book with poems in it and i flipped to shakespeare and they all suck ass. Seriously, fuck Shakespeare. This shit is gay and cliche.

>> No.20119589

It's only cliche because every other english language poet to come copied him lmao. Ask a random guy off the street to recite a poem the only thing they might be able to muster would be "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day"

>> No.20119601

Imagine being filtered by the man who practically invented the language you used to make this post lol

>> No.20119609
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sonnets are boring

>> No.20119780

no u

>> No.20119789

the sonnets are subverting the love poems of there day and are still unique now, but ppl just skim the language and decide theyre boring, when in fact theyre hilarious just like his plays.

>> No.20119791

also if you dont see how great this poem is just in terms of aesthetics and flow ur stupid

>> No.20119792

this poem is literally so fucking good and u are retarded

>> No.20119909

That poem is subversive of the cliches and tropes of love poetry. He is calling his lover homely by juxtaposing her with more beautiful things, as opposed to saying she is like them in her beauty.

>> No.20120048

I may have sympathized a little more if you actually posted a straightforward blazon conceit sonnet, but instead you posted one of his best sonnets.
This. Some of his less inventive sonnets come across as 'cliche' because they are the foundation for all subsequent english sonnet writing.

>> No.20120117

Maybe “Shakespeare” or whoever actually wrote the poems, was wrote this as an insult of someone else’s mistress?

Their was a blind item on the CDAN gossip forum, that implied Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez liked to have rim jobs performed on her.
I haven’t watched ‘Girls’ on HBO, but a rimming scene with discreet references that hinted at a particular person for those in the know, is one way Hollywood occasionally waves the middle finger at particular people.

>> No.20120301

Your thumb is disgusting and it looks like you have the onset of onycholysis.

>> No.20120309
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Per usual, OP is retarded and has no taste.

>> No.20120315

Sonnets are boring and lame.

>> No.20120322

That time of year thou mayst in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
In me thou see'st the twilight of such day
As after sunset fadeth in the west,
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death's second self, that seals up all in rest.
In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the death-bed whereon it must expire,
Consum'd with that which it was nourish'd by.
This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well which thou must leave ere long.

>> No.20120348

Is he describing an African woman?
>dark eyes
>purple lips
>brown nipples
>black wiry hair
>can't blush
>bad breath

>> No.20120363


Fucking sick of liberals like Shakespeare forcing diversity into his 400 year old poetry.

>> No.20120376

I'm not a liberal and this isn't about diversity. There are many theories about the dark lady of the sonnets. Fiction has been written about it (See: Anthony Burgess' Nothing Like the Sun).

>> No.20120552

>getting filtered this hard by poetic devices

>> No.20120598

shakes fucked a negress.

>> No.20120624

Is this the first diss track?

>> No.20120723

That sonnet is a send-up of love poem cliches.

If you want gay, go for sonnet 20.

>> No.20121570

shakespeare plays were mass produced marvel flicks back then. they needed to appeal to the lowest common denominator

>> No.20121781

A sonnet is simply a 14 line poem, but there are multiple ways you can write them. Shakespeare followed the courtly Italian concerns of passion and wit. However, his rhyme scheme notably differs. If you have any interest in poetry whatsoever, you might want to read a few sonnets by later poets for comparison.