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20111775 No.20111775 [Reply] [Original]

Are men in the 21st century required to suppress their instincts in order to survive?
>Freedom means that the manly instincts which delight in war and victory dominate over other instincts, for example, over those of "pleasure." The human being who has become free — and how much more the spirit who has become free — spits on the contemptible type of well-being dreamed of by shopkeepers, Christians, cows, females, Englishmen, and other democrats. The free man is a warrior.
- Nietzsche
A modern man cannot be a warrior (no, you being passive aggressive to your peers and subordinates at your faggy white collar job while brown-nosing your boss in hopes of a promotion is not a demonstration of "manly instincts"). The vast majority of work is either stupid and useless, or requires someone to sit at a desk for the overwhelming majority of the day focusing on one or several tasks. The fact that the vast majority of people do that into their 40s, 50s or 60s is unfathomable to me. What authors/books focus on this idea? I'm familiar with Kaczynski's work, which analyzes these ideas explicitly.

>> No.20111859

Please guys

>> No.20111872

I want Makima to peg me

>> No.20112150

>Are men in the 21st century required to suppress their instincts in order to survive?
Of course. How many times have you had to restrain yourself due to consequences that did not exist even 20 years ago? Everything 'manly' is either illegal or socially frowned upon.

>> No.20112182

>Everything 'manly' is either illegal or socially frowned upon
Explains the trans pandemic

>> No.20112185
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There is only one way for men to reclaim their freedom from the feminine world..

>> No.20112206

The world has become this monolithic slave collective. Even if by some miracle one possessed the faculties for transgression against the modes that rule and organize everything they will be an absolute pariah and killed within moments of their separation. At the root of the western psychosis is knowledge of this fact, that rebellion is totally futile. You quote Nietzsche yet you don't equate the west with the last men? Very odd.

>> No.20112212

Throughout history many great warrior men existed and then died when they were still teenagers, so it has always been the case, our current society is just more efficient in killing those men, or at least displaying them.

This is partly what Cormac McCarthy's Border Trilogy is about. Billy's brother and John Grady are expressions of great men, who are eventually killed for their greatness.

>> No.20112222

Greatness cannot take a single step today.

>> No.20112250
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>Are men in the 21st century required to suppress their instincts in order to survive?
This has always been the case. You think Caesar could be Caesar if he fucked and killed everything that moved?

>> No.20112260

To all the I LOVE WAR AND VIOLENCE faggots here, there is a major war going on RIGHT NOW, both sides of which are recruiting foreign volunteers. Words are cheap, if you really believe that war is great, go "self-actualize" yourself on the battlefield. But before you, take a selfie so we can identify you when you pop up in an Azov or Chechen snuff film.

>> No.20112272

>self actualizing consists of submitting yourself to and dying in the service of the powers that control the world on a scale unthinkable from Alaska to Beijing and of which you will be quite literally the absolute lowest and most disposable part
seems legit

>> No.20112273

>This has always been the case.
No, not really.

>> No.20112286

>Go kill for a corrupt oligarchy!
I want to kill for my own gain, not the gain of billionaires.

>> No.20112290

Will... You don't fight a war that does not concern you, do you? you fucking loser

>> No.20112317

Never forget:
Reddit went to war in the Ukraine. 4chan didn't.

>> No.20112339

This thread is full of people referencing and posting shit from reddit. Not least of all yourself, you transparent imbecile.

>> No.20112346

Aristotle said "through discipline comes freedom"

>> No.20112348
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>virgin gullible disposable retards
>chad intransigent useless contrarians

>> No.20112362

Well at least reddit has balls, unlike you fucking dweebs. You had a perfect opportunity to shoot slavs, and you let it pass.

>> No.20112374


>> No.20112386

>all of them who get a single taste of reality immediately try to desert and post it online for upboats
No anon, they are just less intelligent, not unlike yourself and this subpar bait of yours.

A retard isn't brave, they are unaware.

>> No.20112399

Imagine dying for literally no reason lol.

>> No.20112406

Still a bigger adventure than you've had this year.

>> No.20112415


>> No.20112417

>/lit/ in a Nietzsche thread
>warfare and power!! conquest! manly instincts!
>/lit/ in the prospect of going to war
> lol I'm not dying for no reason lmao

>> No.20112419

Mate falling for globalist propaganda isn't an "adventure." Those Redditors are idiots. Fight for your beliefs or at least for self-interest. Don't fight because CNN encouraged you to.

>> No.20112421

>self actualizing consists of submitting yourself to and dying in the service of the powers of which you will be quite literally the absolute lowest and most disposable part
>Go kill for a corrupt oligarchy!
So, just like every war, ever?

>> No.20112425

Unironically true. I will die for something that matters but not for globalist billionaires who hate me and everything I believe in.

>> No.20112433

Imagine being this brainwashed. Mark Antony was a plebian thug and he nearly became emperor of Rome.

>> No.20112435

Hmmm lets take a look at some of the posts in this thread:
>and yet he passes an opportunity for wartime heroics
>"Everything 'manly' is either illegal or socially frowned upon."
> "Modern man cannot be a warrior"

It seems like all this talk of wanting action and danger is all just a show. The minute someone points out there's a war on, you all change your tune

>> No.20112436


>> No.20112443

I thought freedom to fight and kill is its own reward? What do you care who benefits in the end if you get to exercise the ability to murder and dominate? Stop making excuses and join the fray already, dishonest faggot.

>> No.20112444

>wait a minute...so you won't play in the middle of the street or climb into the bear den at the zoo!? Not even if I give you like 4$? Wow, what a coward!
seems legit

>> No.20112449

Imagine being so weak-willed you don't understand the difference between killing for personal gain and killing for someone else's gain.

>> No.20112450

The cognitive dissonance must be painful. The true war is between your head and your ass

>> No.20112455

>Stop making excuses and join the fray already, dishonest faggot.
I'm not dying for Israel, my dude.

>> No.20112456

As another anon pointed out, almost every war in history was for someone else's gain, and not for the people fighting it

>> No.20112460
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>Fight for your beliefs or at least for self-interest.
So, like...
>"No, that was Jewish interests!"
Name a historical war that was not eventually fought for some jewish or plutocrat interests.
>Based Rhodesia
Was fought for (((American))) interests until USA discarded the Rhodesians like a used condom.
>Based Winter War
Was fought for (((Anglo))) interest until Anglos discarded Finns like a used condom in the Continuation War.
>Based American Revolution
Really? The war that is responcible for the creation of the contemporary secular globohomo international corporatocracy? Did you even read anything by the Founding Fathers?
>Based Civil War
I thought most slave owners in the SOuth were literally Jews.
>Based Crusades
Yeah, because (((Papacy))) had nothing to gain from disposable white Europeans dying in a fucking desert at best, besieging Constantinople at worst.

>and he nearly became emperor of Rome
So, he nearly became a plutocratic oligarch that had others die for his interests? Big IQ take here.

>> No.20112463

This is why I always say the Nazis were retards, if any of them had any real balls they would have fought each other, ideally while on the march to Moscow. Fighting one enemy is good, but fighting two is better, especially if it helps the first enemy you were fighting.

>> No.20112468

That's not true. War was a way for nobodies to become rich and powerful. Look at Artorias. Look at David. Look at Mark Antony.

>> No.20112469
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>> No.20112471

Damn I almost forgot
>Based WW2 the wrong side won
Yeah, because dying for (((Krupp))) and (((Goebbels))) is very much in your own interests.

>> No.20112473
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>42 replies
>13 IPs
This is some serious samefaggotry or what? Can you guys pretend to be retards somewhere else?

>> No.20112475

>So, he nearly became a plutocratic oligarch that had others die for his interests?

Unironically yes. Power is the ultimate freedom.

>> No.20112476

>War was a way for nobodies to become rich and powerful. Look at Artorias. Look at David. Look at Mark Antony.
So, you should only fight in a war if it is a way for (you) to become a tyrannical plutocrat who forces others to die for his own gain?

>> No.20112477
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>Yeah, because dying for (((Krupp))) and (((Goebbels))) is very much in your own interests.

>> No.20112479

And how many other nobodies bleed and died for their rise to power? Mark Antony didn't fight by himself. But you probably think you'd be the shooting star who rises to power, instead of a for soldier bleeding for another man's cause.

>> No.20112480

>heh, I'm only killing for personal gain not for kikes lmao
Alright, start today? Killing for personal gain is what all serial killers, organized crime members, and gang enforcers do all day. If one truly discards moral restraint regarding the right to take a human life, the world becomes your oyster. You're all talk, BITCH

>> No.20112482

Isn't Holocaust a huge hoax, meaning that the German ruling class wasn't actually doing anything about the JQ?

>> No.20112488

See >>20112475. I want the freedom to kill and steal and build and conqueror. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar.

>> No.20112490

Is a concept of an ongoing discussion something foreign to you?

>> No.20112492

They were deporting the jews to Madagascar. They were handling the situation humanely.

>> No.20112493

>Killing for personal gain is what all serial killers, organized crime members, and gang enforcers do all day.
Why do you think those people are so appealing? Everyone secretly wishes they could be Jesse James or Blackbeard.

>> No.20112505

But in reality, (you) will get paid peanuts to steal and conquer for another guy who is stronger and smarter than you

>> No.20112506

Seems like this realization of freedom necessarily destroys much more freedom in order to sustain itself. In other words - your realization of feedom from the slave society only serves to reinforce the slave society and it's morality further, since it's very function is defined on subservience and slavery of others. I'm starting to see a pattern here.

>I want the freedom to kill and steal and build and conqueror.
Join organized crime, then?
Oh wait, that just means you get to be your gang boss' bitch.

Damn it, it's almost like through the entire history the only ways to become a based free conqueror on the top of the world were:
>Being born as one of those.
>Stumbling into a one in a billion chance (and still typically failing).
Without even adressing the issues with that by itself - it is quirious that this was ALWAYS the case, and not some sort of a XXI century novelty. If anything, XXI century broadens your opportunities, since now you can not only fight but also buy your way to towering over other people.

>> No.20112513

>Seems like this realization of freedom necessarily destroys much more freedom in order to sustain itself.
This is not a profound observation.

>> No.20112515

>They were handling the situation humanely.
Read: like little bitches. How is it not retarded to treat the inhuman cancer murdering your society from within in a humane way? Do you support the idea of treating niggers humanely as well? Black Lives unironically Matter?

>> No.20112521

>This is not a profound observation.
Then Nietzsche's take on slave morality is not only not profound in any way - it is entirely pointless, as your interpretation of him unfolds the slave-centered hierarchy as literally the ONLY possible hierarchy.

>> No.20112522

He who fights monsters must take care that he himself does not become one.

>> No.20112528

I thought it was an existential fight. Have fun going extinct then.

>> No.20112529

Quit trying to confuse me, Jew.

>> No.20112540
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So when are you booking your ticket? The opportunity is yours, if only you have the courage to grasp it

>> No.20112550

What else am I supposed to do? We never even come up with this shit (as we are incapable of creation, obviously), we just ponder and deconstruct the dumbass shit that the goyim come up with, and in every single case it leaves them either angry and confused and awed and showering us with Nobel prizes and shit.

t. a Jew

>> No.20112566

Just stop existing, lmao

>> No.20112570

But I do enjoy being admired by the goyim. I enjoy making them angry and confused as well.

>> No.20112572

You're not even Jewish. You're just pretending, to scare me

>> No.20112579

When is it finally going to hit /pol/tards that war is an outdated concept? Modern warfare is invisible: information manipulation, cultural subterfuge, economic domination, population control, ethnic displacement etc. War today is just another cog in the economic machine, a proxy activity to move goods around. Clinging to war is a childish delusion when your enemies can obliterate you in a million other, more effective ways. Ofcourse this simple truth is something internet edgelords will never admit because it shines a spotlight on their failure to compete. It's much simpler to clamour for some pipe dream of hecking gathering a crusade and punching globalists in the face, then to engage in comlexities and risks of fighting for the heaets and minds of humanity, that requires boring stuff like education, toilsome work, and incremental, evolutionary victories that will stretch for centuries.

>> No.20112582

You better start using your Jew powers to help the white goyim breed. China alone has more people than the entire western world combined. I think it's in your best interest, because we tolerate you better than chinamen and negroids

>> No.20112586

That is, we have more tolerance for Jews than Chinamen and Negroids do

>> No.20112590

I legitimately am a Yuro kike, with a natural Jewfro, doting Jewish parents, STEM and musical education, nepotism-fueled academic career and a banker uncle included. Why do you find it so hard to believe? I though (((we))) were behind every other post here.

>"but you must not admit it"
Why? What are you going to do about it anyway?

>> No.20112596

>I think it's in your best interest, because we tolerate you better than chinamen and negroids
Nah, we can integrate with them just fine (I legit spent 2 years in Shanghai, they can't tell a Jew from any other whit-ish Yuro person). Any hard-working goyim is as good as any other hard working goyim. If anything, Chinamen are better as they are more inclined to work instead of shitposting on 4chan or having an existential crisis due to >no gf.

>> No.20112597

Why did you address a statement I never made? Typical Jewish neuroticism

>> No.20112600

>Typical Jewish neuroticism
That's true, I do have some of that. Probably mom's influence.

>> No.20112603

Yeah, but just wait until troubled times come about, and the Chinaman hive mind insectoid us-vs-them mentality comes out. You'll get expelled again, or worse.

>> No.20112604

le based homosexual Greens had nothing in common with modern day gays. Gays are fucking degenerates, they have no concept of "live", on average they habe 1000+ sexual partners. they're men with a feminized brain

>> No.20112622
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I've been reading a bit of this guy charles sledge. I don't really know who he is or what his background is but I stumbled upon some of this books on masculinity not too long ago and have been reading them. He really emphasizes a type of old fashioned masculinity where you prioritize strength, dominance, and self mastery. Becoming a dangerous man not because we want to but because we have to, since life is just a survival game at the end of the day. Some of it reads like he's a fucking /pol/lack but I still like the content.

>> No.20112625
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>le based homosexual Greens

>> No.20112637
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If the work you do is stupid and useless then you are stupid and useless, either because you've been duped into it by better men or, if you want to strip away all the cope, that's all you're truly capable of.

>> No.20112639

>and the Chinaman hive mind insectoid us-vs-them mentality comes out
That's actually a curious subject. Chinese hive mind is actually extremely divorced from the genetic approach. They are autistic about Han being the greatest, but being Han has literally zero connection to your heritage - it is entirely about collective identity. I think it's rooted in Confician principles, according to which heritage = nothing, manners and behavior = everything.

The principles of 孝 teach that if you are rasing your own son and your wife's son, and the former is a disrespectful little shit while the latter is obedient - then you are in great dishonor as a bad parent for allowing your blood connection to ruin your child, and to clean yourself from this dishonor you should kill (or at least disown) your actual son, and make a lesson out of it for the remaining adoptive son.

The familial approach (intermarriage) in Chinese ethnic expansion has nothing to do with the interest of propagating bloodlines, and is intead connected with Chinese view of the family as the central cultural nexus of filial education - they don't care who actually reproduces, as song as children are raised in the "proper Han" way in a "proper Han" family.

In other words - Chinese would declare literal Kongo niggers to be Glorious Han as long as they read the little red book daily and properly kowtow.

>> No.20112650

Is there a specific thing you suggest we all do in order to pay rent and buy food? What would you have the vast majority of employed people do exactly? You act as if most people like this arrangment. They probably don't. In fact, when you ask them if they'd continue to "work" on volunteer basis, provided they had financial stability, they would absolutely refuse to do so.

>> No.20112661

>think it's rooted in Confician principles, according to which heritage = nothing, manners and behavior = everything.

Sounds based I like it.

>> No.20112670

Very interesting, thanks for that little write up

>> No.20112677

Is there a book about this?

>> No.20112685

There is one problem, however, with Jewish survivability in these circumstances. The Jews are a race famous for their refusal to integrate culturally with their host nation. As long as you're a proper Jew, you can't be a proper Han, so my previous warning about Chinaman hive mind turning on you is still relevant.

>> No.20112689

I lowkey like it too, would be actually based if they were not so fucking autistic about it:
>"How dare you not give all your earnings to grandpa! It's not your business in the first place whether he puts it all in a pyramid scheme or not, he orders you so you must obey! The fact that you are a party-approved executive and he's an uneployed retard doesn't mean anything at all! Besides while you say it's a pyramid scheme, he says it's not a pyramid scheme, and he's your grandfather, so he's right by defaut! Now give up even more of your money as an apology, or you'll be declared a Disobedient Son (the worst thing to be, they literally won't let your career develop beyond the lowest positions if the company knows that your parents talk shit about you)!"

One of the reasons why Chinese youth strives to move abroad for education or work in foreign offices of Chinese companies is that it finally frees them from living most of their life subjugated to the autism of their parents.

>> No.20112693

> The Jews are a race famous for their refusal to integrate culturally with their host nation.
Nah, only the orthodox autists really like to stick out. The rest of us don't mind celebrating Christmas and shit.

>> No.20112760

They do have balls... in their mouths!

>> No.20112977

Aristocrats of the soul sisters... Not like this...

>> No.20112993

Mass hysteria.

>> No.20113050

>Yeah, because dying for (((Krupp))) and (((Goebbels))) is very much in your own interests.
Overwhelming majority of German people thought so, and they all died. Goebbels too.

>> No.20113060
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>What else am I supposed to do?
You listen to someone like Mussolini when he gets into power. He will take care of you.

>> No.20113063

And now the overwhelming majority of Americans think that dying for Israel is in their own interests, too. Because obviously, the lie is not longer a lie once the majority believes it to be true, right?

>and they all died. Goebbels too.
Because they lost.

>> No.20113071

>And now the overwhelming majority of Americans think that dying for Israel is in their own interests
Overwhelming majority of americans wouldn't die for anything, lol.

>> No.20113096

It's countless idealists like you playing the long game that got us into this mess

>> No.20113106

You seem to be one of them.

>> No.20113111

Idealism is thinking that you can solve the mess by having an epic Marvel-style battle of good vs evil.

>> No.20113117
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Imagine living for literally no reason, lol

>> No.20113118
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Like your name

>> No.20113123

>War today is just another cog in the economic machine, a proxy activity to move goods around.
Always has been.

>> No.20113125

Yes, if your instincts are those of a nigger.

>> No.20113126
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>> No.20113157

>t. beta "male"

>> No.20113757
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>uuuugh if you don't always want to steal and kill you're a beta

>> No.20113760

I'd wager suppression of it is why the world is the way it is today

>> No.20113769

>i'm too weak to adapt to the modern world


>> No.20113858
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Most embarrassing thread on /lit/. There's nothing more pathetic than a bunch of jobless outcasts on 4chan circlejerking each other about masculinity.

And social hierarchy has always existed. If you aren't at the top now, you wouldn't be at the top back in the good old days. If anything, traditional societies would find your maladaptive uselessness even more repulsive.

>> No.20113908

>the freeman is a warrior
>in order to be free you need to kill people

Why are Germans like this?

>> No.20113926

Ironically, germs have one of the most pathetic military histories ever. Conquered and raped by the entire Europe.

>> No.20113928

Indeed, it requires one vast leap.

>> No.20113930

Why is war always axiomatically taken to mean some kind of glorious and often righteous violence when usually it is cowardly and decadent?
I seriously don't see why being a "Warrior" is such a noble thing, and I say that as someone who's been in the military, done martial arts/fencing and been in fights. I'm just fucking sick of the subhumans and idiots who retort to violence as anything but a last mean.

>> No.20113960

Anyone ITT who has ever read Nietzsche's aphorisms on war and taken them to mean explicitly the brutality of war and violence, alone, is a retard straight up. Nietzsche's stuff has always been about psychological sensations and their corresponding effects. so, for example, "the manly instincts of war and victory" are instead meant to allude to the value of the struggle in the individuation experience. Juxtaposed with pleasure, the contrast is that pleasure is not aiming at anything and is a state of experience in which there is no growth. That is what he has always seen as degenerative. If he were thinking about some vulgar ego gratification and satisfaction of baser male instincts, he would have supported rather than revolted the proto-Nazis.

>> No.20113987

I think a lot of people forget that Nietzsche really wanted to be in the army, he served 1 year compulsory service and tried to enlist again but then was discharged due to an injury after he fell from his horse. That big mustache he cultivated was styled after the Prussian officers that he served with. I think the fact that his foiled attempts to serve in the army in conjunction with never having served in active duty must have created a sort of fixation on the idealized glories of war. One wonders how he would've felt about war if he'd seen the last 2 world wars.


What makes Nietzsche so compelling is his seemingly contradictory statements about various subjects, such as when he includes women in the attainment of the ubermensch.

>> No.20114002

Nietzsche was talking about a state of mind. The will toward growth instead of sitting around, degeneration. A goal to sin at and the sensation of the attainment of the goal. War is merely one of the most primitive expressions of a deeper psychological need.

>> No.20114026

Come to Somalia !!!

>> No.20114039

>Most embarrassing thread on /lit/. There's nothing more pathetic than a bunch of jobless outcasts on 4chan circlejerking each other about masculinity.
Based and correct
>And social hierarchy has always existed. If you aren't at the top now, you wouldn't be at the top back in the good old days. If anything, traditional societies would find your maladaptive uselessness even more repulsive.
Cringe and wrong

>> No.20114060

Everyone in this Thread should come to Somalia. I can and will accommodate you all.

>> No.20114065

Have you ever pooped inside of your own mouth tho?

>> No.20114139

I was wondering this as well

>> No.20114147

I think it's a little bit of both of these posts
>>20113987 but mostly >>20113987.

Nietzsche absolutely glorified war and admired the soldier's lifestyle, but not war just for the sake of war; it was a part of a greater approach to exciting the deep psychological processes of men that lie dormant during peace time, and which inevitably leads to stagnation, something that Nietzsche abhorred in principle.

>> No.20114172

Yes, but it has been thoroughly dehumanized.

>> No.20114181

>How many times have you had to restrain yourself due to consequences that did not exist even 20 years ago?
Like what?

>> No.20114183

>goes to war
>uploads pics that can be geo-located
>gets vehicle and ammunition depots blown up
probably better if they didn't go there at all, war only provides you glory for your deeds and so far their deeds are... disappointing

>> No.20114187

Dying for rich people is the essence of war.

>> No.20114203

suppressing your instinct to survive is what being a rational animal has been about from the start. the shift is more that the kinds of instincts we are asked to survive are often not reflective of facts about the world (if you go against your retarded impulsive animal nature by storing food and preparing for the winter you'll survive) but reflective of the meaningless conventions and outright malicious biases human being impose upon each other.

Man is born in chains to nature, but as he frees himself from these he only comes up with ways to torture himself.

>> No.20114265

/lit/ is not for ongoing "discussions"

>> No.20114273
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I think the direction the thread went is interesting and good but I also think it's worth clarifying what I initially meant. I don't believe Nietzsche was literally (necessarily) talking about combat, violence and bloodshed in that passage, but about disagreeable instincts, tangible demonstrations of a will to power as >>20113960 mentioned. I think much of the modern process of earning high paying careers, and the process of "moving up the ranks" once you're there involve a lot of activities or attitudes that could be considered feminine, passive, or receptive ("be in this place at this time doing this task in this specific way for this amount of time"; this is especially true for careers that require a university education, and probably less true - but still true to an extent - if you're a businessman or entrepreneur).
Now that I'm thinking about it, success probably requires a unique combination of a strong primal drive towards domination - an "instinct to victory" as Neetcheese put it - and the ability to temper that intensity for inevitable, necessary periods of tedium and receptiveness as you're moving up, as >>20112250 mentioned.
Intelligence, discipline, a deep, intense competitiveness, and the ability to selectively demonstrate temperance; in some order of importance. It's probably been that way forever.
The question that remains is whether the reward is still worth the effort in the 21st century. That's subjective. I definitely think so.

>> No.20114274
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Come to Brazil, we need gringo soldiers

>> No.20114351

Lol. The problem is that our "elites" are bumbling retards who can't properly incentivize/propagandize war anymore because nobody has a connection to blood and soil, and the "elites" are more concerned with stamping out any possibility of a connection to blood and soil than they are with any wars they wage. War may have always been an ultimately pointless exercise waged for the benefit of elite interests, but that used to be an inevitable fact of citizenship and inextricable from one's individual interests. Modern wars are transparently obvious in their aims, and returning "victorious" gains nothing for a man. Not socially, not materially, not even in some illusory pride. You're just risking death to enable further oppression of your family's interests at home.
Imagine a war fought to claim land for a "based anti-globalist state". Of course it would still ultimately be fought on behalf/for the benefit of that state's wealthy elites, but at least the supposed motivating ideals would be something that /pol/tards could also feel motivated by in their support. Russia/Ukraine is an irrelevant war on the other side of the world fought between two parties demonizing the other for being what a /pol/tard valorizes. Why the fuck would you expect them to volunteer for that. Whenever leftists try to point out /pol/ hypocrisy it just shows how little they understand their ideology.
>You're a bad, stupid person right?!? So why don't you support this bad, stupid thing?!? You're a fucking hypocrite incel loser!

>> No.20114409

>war is an outdated concept
so why is Russia invading Ukraine right now? It clearly still works for them and is still in use in the modern world.

>> No.20114420

This person will die at the hands of a Slav.
I am not a Slav.

>> No.20114426

>It clearly still works for them
It doesn't look that way.

>> No.20114470


>> No.20114476

Oh, you're one of those people that thinks masks work

>> No.20114486

What has Russia accomplished aside from losing a few thousand of their own men, empowering the hawks in Europe and North America, and losing a tonne of money due to sanctions?

>> No.20114491

This has been a pretty common observation since at least the time of Hobbes. Being in society means a limiting of freedom in this view, so this suppression is therefore at least as old as organized agriculture and the like. Nietzsche is pretty good on the implications of this, Freud is also worth a read (civilization and its discontents), and to some extent Foucault touches upon it in a lot of what he writes (start with birth of madness, read Nietzsche first).

>> No.20114494

Ukraine is crippled and will not be a nuclear armed NATO-aligned country any time soon.

>> No.20114507

This hasn't happened. It might happen in the future, but Russia will pay a heavy price for this. Perhaps it could've been avoided if Russia pursuer a diplomatic course.

>> No.20114548

the shills are in the building

>> No.20114588

Nietzsche was suicidally depressed even though he lived the exact life he wanted. He was a slave to his passions, like all the worst men.

>> No.20114625

>Everything 'manly' is either illegal or socially frowned upon
This was also true 20 years ago. And to a lesser extent 50, 100, 200 years ago. In "Civilization and It's Discontents," Freud talks about how people in his time had to repress their violent and sexual impulses, and Nietzsche said similar things before him. Civilization requires that people behave in a certain way.

>> No.20114635

But you can't say nigger anymore. How can men be masculine without saying nigger and other racial slurs?

>> No.20114641

>Unironically yes. Power is the ultimate freedom.
Yes, and the people with Power made it impossible for losers like you to claim it. Stay fucking mad and seething.

>> No.20114659

Your wars are gay. My wars are sexier than Troy.

>> No.20114664

Explain Hitler

>> No.20114671

> Gayy lmao

>> No.20114675

Jews love war too

>> No.20114678

The fact that you are completely ignoring his brief military background, his desire to be a soldier, and his own admissions that he admired the army enough to emulate their physical appearance is really irritating. Yes, he glorified war and combat, but for physio-psychological reasons. He literally said all of this himself. You literally cannot refute this. Saying that he wasn't really talking about violence and bloodshed is intellectually dishonest if there's direct evidence in which he admits that he was indeed talking about violence and bloodshed. Besides, how else do you think that someone can, according to Nietzsche, derive the physio-psychological benefits of war without actually drawing blood? By playing cops and robbers for fun? No. The entire point is coming face to face with it. All of this leads me to believe that you've never actually read Nietzsche front to back at all.

>> No.20114681

Show so your sodomite scout eagle badge you made out of plastic trash then, Urban chieftain

>> No.20114687

"History memes" are so fucking awful. It's so obvious the people who make them don't read anything apart from Wikipedia.

>> No.20114691

Ugh. We're basically fused at the hip at this point. Well I don't have to love my family or myself even at this point if you fucked my ancestors this hard. I can love the Dhamma and extinguish your defilements from within when you take my things and kill me.

>> No.20114697

>Why is war always axiomatically taken to mean some kind of glorious and often righteous violence when usually it is cowardly and decadent?
You mean why people who have spent their entire youths in academia, buried in books, or at best a competitive sport might have some idealistic views on war and combat? It's literally people looking at their lives
>hmmm, I don't like this, I bet the opposite of this would be frigging EPIC though

>> No.20114699

You know sports are simulated war but we arent supposed to sit and watch niggers kneel on the shameful shit show of our forefathers' blood bath erasure either, professor nosenberg

>> No.20114706

Why should I give a single fuck about Neetzsche?

>> No.20114716

Because youre a straight white male right? Im sorry maam this thread isnt for you. You will be a real woman just keep doing drugs somewhere else.

>> No.20114721

Implying most Nietzsche fans aren't trannies

>> No.20114723


>> No.20114728

Why does faggot OP identify with japanese school girl avatars?

>> No.20114747

why would i want to shoot the only white people left on earth?

>> No.20114750

Butters being based? Awwww
Wait isnt it a tranny?

>> No.20114758

both true unfortunately. quo vadis, modern man?

>> No.20114766
File: 200 KB, 884x1024, grasseson1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 feet apart gentlemen.
Its time to looxmax from within

>> No.20114776

Like 30 people have access to the trip lol

>> No.20114786

2smart5me tech /g/ods of 30

>> No.20114827

Exactly. His philosophy has the fatal flaw of ignoring human emotions and empathy. He wants men to be some sort of caricature like the chad memes. Pursuit of "power" is basically just the same as trying to pursue pleasure which makes you miserable in the long run. Pursuing joy while also obtaining independence in whatever form that takes be it emotional, psychological (or physical independence from a bad society) and helping others to obtain that will bring you joy.

>> No.20114832

Actually Makima is supposed to be an office lady

>> No.20114839

It’s literally not a tripcode just a username

>> No.20114847


>> No.20115141

emphatically yes. the elites are killing middle easterners and are stealing from you.

>> No.20115202

>Are men in the 21st century required to suppress their instincts in order to survive?
Men have always had to suppress their instincts. When we were hunter-gatherers, the men needed to suppress their fear in order to hunt dangerous prey. When we were farmers living in tightly-knit communities, men needed to suppress anger to avoid spiraling into revenge. Goes on and on.

Of course, men also have the capability to suppress their instincts. Which is why we have things like civilization, technology, philosophy and the ilk. This capability is what differentiates men from animals. The only reason why men complain is because women don't have the capability, and as such don't exercise it. Weak men feel like this is "unfair", while failing to see what a privilege it is to have this power.

>> No.20115226
File: 24 KB, 473x546, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, you should only fight in a war if it is a way for (you) to become a tyrannical plutocrat who forces others to die for his own gain?

>> No.20115310

nice try anon, but literally we can't even call people retarded anymore

>> No.20115365

Identifying with Japanese school girl anime avatars is a /lit/ tradition

>> No.20115416

So you want a fight, not a war.
Go outside, fuck shit up, call a random man a fag, beat and rob him.
But you won't do it because all war-craving faggots are faggots. Lmfao

>> No.20115418

Makima is an office lady in her 20s.

>> No.20115490

In today's modern age men can't exist anymore, everything has to be done for "efficency" , "equality" pain/pleasure maximization is the only guiding light we see in these dark ages. I hate thinking about these things so much since there's pretty much no way out. it's going to get worse before it gets better, and the worse part is those that try to set things right are given blanket terms such as "incel" or "alt-right" when it's just a group of lost men trying to find their own worth.

>> No.20115507

not him, but I actually box quite the dozen of niggers and spics in my spare time. my experiences with violence have only affirmed the fact that long standing peace harms us. there are very few legitmate wars worth fighting, this is a true statement and it wasn't always this way, his perception is perfectly fine

>> No.20115511

I made an allusion that everything is ends based. Deontology is out of the picture
Sjws don't care about the disabled. Femoids and faggots take first priority with them

>> No.20115515

then were does the "neurodivergent" shit come from? muh mental elf' and all that other vague nonesense

>> No.20115522

our ends in the modern age are ones that want to get rid of any requirement for any more ends

>> No.20115526

>How many times have you had to restrain yourself due to consequences that did not exist even 20 years ago?
You mean how many times you pussied out.

>> No.20115529

Nietzsche spoke very highly of joy, laughter, and friendship. Read The Gay Science.

>> No.20115558

>say bad word
>lose everything you've worked your entire life for

>> No.20115576

men are dumb

>> No.20116084


>> No.20116131

Being a redditor is a tragic fate.

>> No.20116141

They either immediately deserted or got their whole squad killed by posting videos giving away their location. Being a redditor should be the same as being an Indian untouchable or medieval outlaw.

>> No.20116177

>You think Caesar could be Caesar if he fucked [...] everything that moved?
What do you think he did for the first forty years of his life?

What part of defending Ukraine is conquest?

>> No.20116204

From us actually. Touch grass sometime

>> No.20116240

HELL YES! I think we should start raiding like vikings used to do!

>> No.20116266

Yes. Every day is a struggle for man to not free himself from the chains of society, run into the woods, and take his destiny into his own hands.

>> No.20116272

I want her to crush my balls desu

>> No.20116278
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men won't be free until rape becomes mandatory

>> No.20116373


>> No.20116384

It is much easier to die for a cause than to live for it.

>> No.20116387

>So, just like every war, ever?
No. You are wrong and pretending you're right is stupid. Additionally, how something benefits an individual is totally relative. The notion that you must self-sacrifice for something you don't care about or didn't agree to, that you must feel fervour, is basically unique to modernity. At any other time people weren't so stupid and owned by the state. They had enough room and the will to bargain for their own interests.

>> No.20116555


>> No.20116947

>your kek sir

>> No.20116967

I always love seeing wood furnitured G3s/G3-types in these kinds of pictures
It's like seeing a good friend in a totally random picture

>> No.20117076

>men won't be free until rape becomes mandatory
Yes. Homosexual rape, that is.

Spartans knew the true foundations of freedom.

>> No.20117090

This is such cope lmao.

>> No.20117102

that's the entirety of /his/ summed up

>> No.20117349

>Clinging to war is a childish delusion when your enemies can obliterate you in a million other, more effective ways.
Americans were the best at war, that childish delusion your talking about, and they invented nukes (hard power still at the very top to back up soft power). mutually assured destruction is what creates the playground for your jewish shit, and they were also the best at the economic/subtle shit(the anglo jew). the west in general and america in particular shot itself in the foot and threw their own men under the bus, guided by the hand rubbers, whom they fought the evil nazis tooth and nail for.
tldr: the west created it, the west fucked it up. ww2 was a colossal mistake for them.
I am NOT american btw (thank fuck)

>> No.20117668

Winning wars in ancient times usually got you cash, women, and land. I'm hardly one of those le wars are trad and based types but stop pretending to be retarded by equating wars where there was actual incentive to risk your life to wars where the only thing you're getting out of the same risk is the possibility to give your life for israel, the globohomo world order, and tranny rights.

>> No.20117694

who's stopping you from joining the military or living innawoods? there are plenty of wild areas around the world where you can larp as a caveman warrior all you want. or become homeless and live outside of the comfort of your house if the modern civilization is so oppresive to you. but nope, you'd rather read some s0i book and lament about le days of olde like a sorrowful maiden because your life doesn't feel exciting enough

>> No.20117700

You're misunderstanding it like many others. Power is first and foremost a psychological phenomenon.

>> No.20118043

I don’t get it.

>> No.20118062

Aaaand real quick you faggots show your faces once again

It always devolves into faggots with gay fantasies, doesn't it?

>> No.20118075

>fat autistic 4chan neets on a fucking literature board trying to talk about MANLINESS and WARRIORS

comedy, you know that if Ancient Spartans saw an average 4channer they would kill him on the spot for being a walking failure that somehow escaped the wacky cliff childhood moment

>> No.20118493

>wahhh I can't say the n word in public without losing my job
Boo hoo you fucking troglodyte

>> No.20118509 [DELETED] 


>> No.20118534

Just called the cyberpolice and you've just lost everything you've worked your entire life for. What are you going to do about it, le epic manly warrior?

>> No.20118574

Literally 1984

>> No.20118584

Literary 1984

>> No.20118767

Instincts ain't shit. If you're a slave to your instincts, you're just a hedonistic pleasure-seeking idiot. Men should - now and always - exercise and follow their reason instead.

>> No.20118911

>instincts don’t pay bills wagie

>> No.20119071

>spits on the contemptible type of well-being dreamed of by shopkeepers, Christians, cows, females, Englishmen, and other democrats

Nietzsche was just wrong. I say that after years and years of reading and loving his work, but there is simply a threshold that Nietzsche stops at. I don't think he ever understood how bad it really gets. You can whine about being sick or injured all you want, or never getting some Salome pussy, grandstand over your teachers and your teachers' teachers (Schopenhauer, Kant, etc.), say as many edgy things as you want, it all amounts to peacock feathers. Nietzsche himself could not square the world with his youthful, boyish dreams and went mad because of it. This isn't to say that there is no depth to be found here, there's plenty. But Nietzsche simply could not cross certain thresholds. He's nowhere near the end.

>> No.20119180

If you had used your reason in school, picked a career based on prestige and wealth, and gotten a lucrative job as a result, you could've already saved enough to live off of the interests in Portugal or Chile or whatever.

Instead you followed your instincts shittily, and got some kind of humanities or art degree, and can't afford to live, and blame others for your failure.

>> No.20119478

I wouldn't say suppress, but obviously a compromise is needed. This isn't unique to the modern landscape either. The Greeks referred to this compromise as being civilized.

We have institutional sports, formalized militaries, corporate capitalism, and various forms of entertainment to allow masculine drives to be creative in. Those for whom these aren't enough must resort to crime.

>> No.20119498

No it's obviously false. The only people who are "true" warriors in the sense talked about by Nietzsche here are the 1% of people who have anti-social personality disorders. The rest of us, both men and women alike, don't like murder, rape, torture, violence, aggression at all, and prefer peace, love, family life, good and decent work and tranquility.

>> No.20119737

but what if Civilization becomes less and less free both culturally and politicly?

>> No.20119744

>Of course. How many times have you had to restrain yourself due to consequences that did not exist even 20 years ago? Everything 'manly' is either illegal or socially frowned upon.
give me examples

>> No.20119767

The duality of man

>> No.20119796
File: 46 KB, 431x580, b8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have my own business
>call anyone I want a nigger
feels good man

>> No.20119879

>What has Russia accomplished aside from losing a few thousand of their own men
They lost less than 2 thousand so far.

>> No.20119911

Being a 'warrior' is fake and stupid. Humans were meant to fuck and eat whatever food wandered by, and little else. Nietzsche is a bitch that couldn't handle a life with enough time to contemplate existence and truly be happy.

>> No.20120293

Freedom in civilization is nothing more than the difference in the power quotient between the rulers and the ruled. The rulers do get more competent as they learn better modes of societal control - manipulation etc - and the ruled become more competent through networking and information sharing. This is always a competition, similar to how animals and diseases co-evolve to beat each other.

Besides, the plebs are comparatively on top right now. Internet made it so. This is why the more totalitarian regimes (Russia, China, etc) are disconnecting partially or wholly from the global internet. If you have a passport in a decent country, you can pretty much fly anywhere on the planet and probably immigrate there if you want to. You're free to own and operate a number of businesses. You just suck too much to make use of even those freedoms.

>B-but people look at me funny when I call people niggers, m-muh censorship!

>> No.20120629

This post >>20115558 isn't about you then, why are you replying?

>> No.20120677


>> No.20120683


>> No.20120959

There's nothing in Brazil worth fighting for

>> No.20120977

>Are men in the 21st century required to suppress their instincts in order to survive?
I'm the Hong Kong bartender dude from Deus Ex:


>> No.20122147

>wrote a book called the Gay Science
I never read this faggot Nietzche because I always knew he was a faggot but I never knew he literally wrote about book about being such a gay faggot and titled it after being a gay faggot HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.20122167

>Freedom means that the manly instincts which delight in war and victory dominate over other instincts, for example, over those of "pleasure." The human being who has become free — and how much more the spirit who has become free — spits on the contemptible type of well-being dreamed of by shopkeepers, Christians, cows, females, Englishmen, and other democrats. The free man is a warrior.
Nietzsche is fuckin boss. I forget to read him for a while and realize I've been wasting my time

>> No.20122180

>Americans were the best at war
Lmao what

>> No.20122304


>> No.20122309

>he learned to read for this

>> No.20122566

The idea that Ukraine was going to get into NATO after the invasion of Crimea is retarded, they don't want members with active territorial disputes in the alliance, hence why Moldova has stepped up efforts to get the Transnistrians to fuck off

>> No.20122776

Every time I read threads on this board, I imagine the OPs as people who cry themselves to sleep at night. I don't know why.

>> No.20123217

Ancient war was just a larp and a shoving match. Modern war is a senseless meat grinder where death comes from miles away. There is no comparison.

>> No.20123226

> ... cows, females,...
Why did he repeat himself?

>> No.20123828

Most truly manly things have been illegal and outlawed since the dawn of agricultural civilization / dusk of nomadic hunter-gatherers
>impregnating newly fertile wombs of teenager girls
Every single one of these will land you in jail for life

>> No.20123962
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How's /fitlit/ holding up?

>> No.20123998

Maybe hobos are the real Übermensch.

>> No.20124009

I’m not going to fight for a bunch of men who protected Jews inside concentration camps from the war and provided them with swimming pools while leaving their own people to die.

>> No.20124086
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>Unironically yes. Power is the ultimate freedom.


>> No.20124113
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so far I have been working out solutions

>own land: stuck paying land tax/property tax, forced to get a job to pay bills
>"cause a scene": freedom but you die
>live in a commune: most often get forced off land, if not jailed, cannot return to society
>blue-pilled: get job and suppress the pain with a few luxuries until you die
>burger-pilled: get addicted to the most pedestrian vices, pretend you are free, die
>schizo-pilled: become NEET, unsustainable, eventually a suicide case
>move to a country which allows male gestures: rarely exists a place in the world, plus most people have possessions and leaving a town is surprisingly difficult, let alone a country
>drug-pilled: freedom but you overdose and die in a shit town

none seem particularly favourable, unless there is a coup in your country that miraculously removes all the bastard opposition

>> No.20124164
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insanity due to alien occupation

>> No.20124348

No one will find you in the mountains but then again, it's pretty hard to fuck off into the mountains and never come back again

>> No.20124393

I almost felt bad for that mutt until I read...
>The incident took place in the neighbourhood of Jardim Roriz in Brazil's Federal District
Brazilians are not human.