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20111298 No.20111298 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.20111309


>> No.20111325

I might like to go to art school but I’m already 29 and did not study art in undergraduate.

>> No.20111351

There's a fan in my room that blows cool air and when it hits right it reminds me of summer days when I used to go swimming with my friends. Around that time I discovered manga and began to read it constantly. It's kinda fitting because manga is all about sentimental shit like that, hanging out with your friends and enjoying the weather and food and stuff. Manga really captures that period of life when there's a special feeling in the air. No wonder it's so popular

>> No.20111360
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I wonder if I have no interest in manga or anime on account of never havjng experienced that

>> No.20111398

That went away for me when I got older

>> No.20111453

How do you guys deal with being dead inside

>> No.20111457
File: 455 KB, 1917x1280, F952C702-3C7D-4957-90ED-D2531C7F99BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comfy pub edition
This is what pubs look like where you’re from? They serve nachos there?
Nice. Better luck next time.

>> No.20111463

I either brought myself back to life or I never “died” inside.
Maybe you people read the wrong philosophy

>> No.20111465

This is especially true considering how working life is for the Japanese.

Hoping it makes it way to the outside.

>> No.20111466

Yeah it's a hotel and pub. You probably couldn't afford it.
What's with the weird elephant? And number two, what's that a reference to? How many aspergers do you have, exactly?

>> No.20111476


>> No.20111482

your honor, for the record is 2 the number of aspergers you have?

>> No.20111483

idk but try to avoid dying even more inside, believe me it can happen

>> No.20111488

I occasionally feel anxiety or sadness.

>> No.20111498

I'm hungry

>> No.20111499

I would give anything to be just a few years younger.

>> No.20111533

Saw two highland cows nuzzling and sleeping together on my commute. Made me smile.

>> No.20111557

What flavor is aspergerous?

>> No.20111620


>> No.20111652


>> No.20111659


>> No.20111678

I just want to run away from dealing with people.

>> No.20111730

My wish is that I could have at least some semblance of grounding in myself, without feeling that some other part of me, which could very well be the most important / true / original part of my own being, atrophies from this attempt to reel in my mind into something manageable. For every day, week, month that I attempt to ascribe to some sort of set of values, I have another day, week, month in which I view this period as regressive and hallucinatory. And the cycle continues henceforth. It is hard to develop into anything worthwhile when the very center of your being is an eternally moving target. Perhaps not being, as it implies something I think many search for, but maybe the nucleus of that thing responsible for your assurance in the most basic view on reality. I feel fraudulent.

>> No.20111737
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Standing on the bare ground, -- my head bathed by the blithe air, & uplifted into infinite space, -- all mean egotism vanishes. I become a Transparent Eyeball.

>> No.20111751
File: 436 KB, 600x466, alcoholic bird.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

work trmw mornign and i went to the bar andgot drunk. im so fucked up. ive bee n fucking up. mayebe releapsing wasnt such a good idea. ivve bee drinkign so much.and smokkign weed ever y day since then and ive been fucking up.
tonight it was hailing so bad and hurting so much. it was like the world was trying to tell me sominthjing.

>> No.20111783
File: 196 KB, 800x1014, 800px-Mille_-_Shepherdess_Seated_on_a_Rock_-_Metropolitan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to apply to a school of letters which is certainly the most reputable in my country, in the department of philosophy, because it reserves places on file for students who cannot participate in the competitive examinations which form the main way of integration and which are not accessible to me.
To apply, I have to submit a motivated research project, a letter of motivation, a CV, and my transcripts from higher education.
I am able to compose a research project and a cover letter that I assume will interest the reviewers, but the main problem is that I have only studied physics and mathematics academically, so my CV might seem very empty in relation to what I am applying for.
I was wondering if I could lie on my resume by claiming to have taken classes in my school's humanities and history classes when I have never taken any classes other than those assigned to me. I doubt that self-directed learning will be satisfactory to reviewers. I'm also considering inventing a participation in the life of an intellectual and poetic organization in my city when I've only sent in a few poems to participate in a poetry contest they hold annually.
Does anyone have any experience or advice on the subject?

>> No.20111795

I'm gonna tickle your ass with my tongue

>> No.20111798

Fragmentation gives them soul.

>> No.20112139
File: 121 KB, 1278x993, 1617578848838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I doing with my life

>> No.20112238

Here is a strong poem that I wrote.

I'm a powerful guy who looks really fly
Yeah, yeah, the only limit is the sky
I'm such a cool dude with a hella sick 'tude
Yeah, yeah, and I look great nude

>> No.20112365

I worked in a pub that looks very similar to this. Quintessential bongcore. And yeah, most places capable of serving food offer nachos because it's zero effort

>> No.20112373


>> No.20112396

Playing Cyberpunk and really enjoying it so far. This might even replace reading for me for a a week or so

>> No.20112401

Does it give that legitimate cyberpunk feel? Is it as chill as it feels when reading about cyberpunk?

>> No.20112441

It did for me, but I primarily read cyberpunk, not watch it. A lot of people complained that it didn't look like Blade Runner or Ghost in The Shell, which it doesn't. However it reminded me very much of Snowcrash and the North American/Sprawl sections of Neuromancer which have a very much a West Coast NA aesthetic and feel, not Asian.

>> No.20112459

i came back after a 14 day cold turkey block, what do you have to offer frens ?

>> No.20112543

This is the youngest you're gonna be from now on, so... you know... figure out what you can do to minimize future regret

>> No.20112556
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Okay, that's it. No more internet for a while. Fuck 4chan I hate this fucking place.
bye frends

>> No.20112559

yeah, it kinda does, I haven't read that many cyberpunk or science fiction novels tho, so I may be a bit biased

>> No.20112565

see ya tomorrow mate

>> No.20112702

>the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.
I dont understand what's the blasphemy against Holy Ghost.

>> No.20112730

Being like, "fuck you holy ghost, I hate you." It really pisses him off

>> No.20112739

>nooo you can't upset the heckin spook
Meme belief

>> No.20112742

He has feelings, you monster

>> No.20112778

Man am I tired of being dubbed a haughty cunt. I am relatively 'fine' for my age, which is just twenty; a polyglot, audited several local newspapers, translating manga/erotica in my spare time, major in psychology and managed to take care of my personal life (mental and physical health, hygiene, etc...). And in spite of all the aforementioned, everyone I get to interact with seems to be hateful of me and how I am managing my life.

What I'm alluding towards is the fact that I have lost my commitment towards forming relationships; I seldom adorn myself with the enthusiasm that I have accumulated in that regard, making friends, that is -- I could only wish to elude a secular life, one that appertains to solitude, but I am afraid that it'd not come to fruition. I'm desperately averting loneliness and it seems that I have failed at that, too.

>> No.20112784

effectively, frankly, from lovelessness and polytheism. That is to say: from personal desperation giving rise to a symbolic, but ultimately unsatisfying, struggle. Some object of knowledge is supposed to speak to and mend a lack, likely symbolically. Either the aim is to substitute the love not gotten in some form of symbolic ritual (likely much of whorish behavior comes in here, or just generally unbalanced social behaviors really meant to enact), or to fix what one perceives to be wrong with oneself so that one can then get the love one wants (likely much of neurosis- why am I like this, why am I like that, etc). It requires two things then: feeling a need to be saved from something, which probably much of the time is not possible to verbalize what it is and likely belongs to the realm of something subconscious; and looking for salvation in places that don't help. This is the focus of all monotheism as far as I gather, of all real religion.

>> No.20112796

>This is the focus of all monotheism as far as I gather, of all real religion.
namely that man is subject to forces beyond himself- his subconscious in this case- and very, very deeply so, much more deeply than he can comprehend or control; and that trying to chase the tail of all of that just leads to more bewilderment and pain. God is the option to this struggle.

>> No.20112814

and if this is so, then it doesn't matter what lunar cycle your archetype is in, or what have you; these are just seemingly deeper satanic games. Uncle Remus can't save you and neither can Santa Claus.

>> No.20112873

This was interesting.

>> No.20112876

>his subconscious in this case
I think it is fair to say that by this could be meant the devils which one has invited in, wittingly or otherwise. it's somewhat problematic to assume that the elements of a subconscious are actually "personal".

>> No.20112895

Normalise drink driving

>> No.20112924
File: 147 KB, 351x458, rub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning. Are you ready for the next stage of capitalism embeded in video games?

You WILL pay extra for 90% of the game content and you WILL be happy.

>> No.20112926

nah I won't, I barely pay for the games that I own now

>> No.20113086
File: 34 KB, 623x186, conventions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I have been thinking about recently is how shallow and inorganic Game Design is. The theory behind it. So much of it is received wisdom, convention, 'tradition', masquerading as something on par with Literary Theory, Film Theory, etc. All these Video Game diploma mills popped up 15 years ago, cobbled together some ad hoc rules, and ingrained them in impressionable retards and we are now seeing the result.
I think the shallowness comes from the fact that while it has a pretension toward being something like lit theory, and so is held tightly by the "Games are art" folk, it is really just a kind of consumer testing that has ossified in to received wisdom. It is less Howard Bloom and more Save The Cat.

I found the reaction of Western Devs to Elden Ring surprising and illuminating in how outraged they were. It wasn't that some didn't like the game, it was that some seemed deeply upset that it didn't hold to certain sacred cows yet was very successful regardless.
The most egregious I found was pic related who was terrified that their muscle memory would be tainted by playing a game with a deviant controller set up
This is really telling that value has been placed in the homogeneity of the gaming experience, that skills required for one game should have a frictionless transfer to any other.
It is as though they are all just labouring to converge upon the realization of some Platonic idea of a video game, the ultimate game, the perfect product. An eternal substrate that one can swap various narratives and settings in and out of. This is a notion that simply isn't found in the theory of other mediums which contrarywise seem to celebrate the diversity of execution of the concept.
This is how you know that it is primarily a shallow, market driven, body of work, and ultimately not worth paying attention to.

>> No.20113220

Politics are secretly metaphysical
Right-wing = Belief in God
Liberal = Belief in Self
Left-wing = Belief in Satan

>> No.20113223

I’ve lost all interest in careers which lend themselves to my degree, but what am I supposed to do now?

>> No.20113366

Stupid joke

>> No.20113372

Why do you want to fail

>> No.20113373


>> No.20113384

Not a joke at all

>> No.20113392

You're supposed to have the full title in the OP so people can find it in the catalog by searching "mind".

>> No.20113405

I havn't read manga regularly in a long time, but reading this makes me want to get back to it. It was a lot of fun.

>> No.20113421

>This is how you know that it is primarily a shallow, market driven, body of work, and ultimately not worth paying attention to.
I kind of agree with this, regarding not just the modern game industry, but the mainstream media in general.
>It is as though they are all just labouring to converge upon the realization of some Platonic idea of a video game, the ultimate game, the perfect product.
Well, this happens with series and movies too. See Netflix for example, making "masterpieces" that gets replaced every 2-3 year as most watched series (Queen's Gambit then Squid Game).
>An eternal substrate that one can swap various narratives and settings in and out of.
Death games and battle royale are premises that are present and are highly used in most media; again, just changing the narrative and setting.
>This is a notion that simply isn't found in the theory of other mediums which contrarywise seem to celebrate the diversity of execution of the concept.
So, according to what I said, I think you're overestimating other media as they are similiar regarding what you criticize.

I think I agree with everything else you said.

>> No.20113428

Most people don't get jobs related to their degree, best try to find a job where the management isn't crawling up your ass, I did and that's why I don't feel awful and dead all the time like in college

>> No.20113484

Similar situation, so I started getting jobs related to my hobbies. They are two very small part time jobs but have got me to some interesting positions with interesting people and may lead to something full time one day. I'd suggest starting there.

My personal example, I enjoy playing sports. Decided to start coaching very young kids about the sport, simple enough for anyone who has a few years in it. Have had a good time, been offered coaching positions with a few other places. Continue to coach and get better, working up the ages and skill level. Now in direct contact with a director at the club I coach for, he thinks I am a good coach with good potential. I was offered a future position on his personal staff at this club when the spot opens, basically secretarial/janitorial stuff for the tournaments my club runs. This director specifically wants to open his own club and run it better, pay more then the current club we both work for, said I would be welcome to work at his new one.

You just have to put yourself out there for something you believe in. I love playing sports, and I believe that sports are good and teach people valuable lessons that extend to all reaches of your life. Led me here. Best of luck anon.

>> No.20113490

Oh. You’re incredibly ill informed. Your head is full of liberal and christian propaganda.
Everything in that post is wrong. It’s not a secret, it’s just wrong.

>> No.20113504

Return to twitter immediately

>> No.20113512
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>you suddenly remember that the priests in Brothers Karamazov talk of some prophecy that salvation will come from the east, which they take to be themselves

>> No.20113541

This childish rebuttal changes nothing.

>> No.20113542

can I ask you a personal question xi?

>> No.20113547

6.7/10 worth reading. it's an interesting character.

>> No.20113553

what's the most important thing to know about men?

>> No.20113557

If it was wrong you'd have refuted it, but you're a Satanist upset you've been revealed. That's exactly how Satan acts.

>> No.20113581

I wonder what manga is popular in Cuba, i thought they would have banned it for being imperialist propaganda or just not had any access

>> No.20113589

Everything is about sex except foe sex, sex is about trauma and insecurity

>> No.20113596

Most feel unloved and unliked by the world.

>> No.20113602

>thats le heckin Christian propaganda!
You are childish and you need to go back to twitter where you belong

>> No.20113615


>> No.20113636

This is a terrible place to ask. All thats here are emotionally damaged males and turbo progressive females.

>> No.20113639

I'm neither.

>> No.20113645

You ever hate your personality?

>> No.20113654

That they can be just as "hormonal" as women and you have to appreciate how testosterone can at times cloud their judgement / overpower them.

>> No.20113656

When I was a teenager yeah, I've made my peace with it now

>> No.20113657

Yes definitely. But hating your personality just wounds it and makes it less likable.

>> No.20113666

Leftists are generally people that want freedom from oppression in governments. The state has pounded your soft little mind with garbage equating satan and stalin and every person trying to make a more just world without the soldiers and sociopaths ruling over us with terror. A sane person would see things quite the opposite.
Rightwing = rightwing liberals that will virtue signal to the religious
Liberals = reformist capitalists, racially inclusive imperialists and fascist
Leftists = ordinary people continuing the freedom project. Started by the contradictory signals found in christian texts, but advanced like everything else during the revolutionary age

Christianity has us believing in Santa Claus. Don’t call me childish. And I seriously don’t understand the Twitter mentions here. You frequent the thing and have found some people criticizing you I imagine.

>> No.20113674

Yeah, it's nice for conversation but makes me ill-suited for life in general.

>> No.20113678

Have you tried to change it?

>> No.20113681

>no discussion of metaphysics just some commie mumbo jumbo
Ooof this is embarrassing anon.

>> No.20113685


>> No.20113690

You're here so theres something wrong with you

>> No.20113693

Humanism is satanism
>God is like heckin santa claus!
Whoa so deep, are you like 15?

>> No.20113694

Nope, I just like discussing literature, and there's no other forum that encourages free discussion of classical works.

>> No.20113698

I've tried, but my conclusion was that the worse parts of my personality are aggravated by my poor fit with most people. If only it was possible to re-roll personalities.

>> No.20113699

I dont believe you

>> No.20113704


>> No.20113705

something about freedom of speech being a mistake

>> No.20113706

I really don't

>> No.20113728

And you are like 6

>> No.20113729

I think it's possible my personality was shoved away as a result of trauma, but nothing really went in its place creating a situation where the boundary of my experience of myself and my experience of other people was blurred, which made it largely unbearable to interact with other people. This happened in my late teens. It got somewhat better but is still more or less a thing. It was not treated in any way. I am now 30. I only now think this. I wouldn't go so far as to call it a realization, who knows. More like a hunch. No boundary. I pretty much feel raped all the time and can't stand people. This was not the case when I had a personality. I think my personality is beginning to be re-integrated after 12-13 years or so. I do not think I will ever become a well-adjusted individual, maybe never even actually an adult.

>> No.20113730

Implying you’ve discussed metaphysics for having typed the word.

>> No.20113732

I'm pretty convinced the internet is my personal toilet and I have nothing but utter contempt for people online.

>> No.20113738

God is metaphysical, so yes, my initial post was about metaphysics. You seem to be over your head.

>> No.20113754

So what specifically don’t you like?

>> No.20113759
File: 289 KB, 1080x1350, 8FC2B081-5611-44BB-B367-8517139CA8E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I briefly met Jeff Bezos at a party a few years ago (my uncle is a high ranking corporate lawyer and is an acquaintance of his). I was a little starstruck to say the least, also a little tipsy, as was he. After exchanging obligatory greetings I asked him what gave him the grit and determination to achieve so much, and this was his response:

‘Believe me when I say every last thing I’ve accomplished since I was a young man: founding and growing Amazon, engineering the Kindle and fire stick, buying The Washington Post, learning rocket science, all of it and not a jot less, I did to get my dick sucked. You have to really want your dick sucked to do what I’ve done. Recently however I realised this wasn’t the noblest raison d’être, so I’ve amended it to this: getting my dick sucked in space.’

With this he laughed heartily, gave me a friendly slap on the back, and walked away.

>> No.20113782

The ability to bear with the mundane or just social pleasantries in general. It's infuriating to deal with everyday life and all the maneuvering through such situations, it's draining and the only solace I find is with online people.

>> No.20113785

My head is squarely on my shoulders. But your being a six year old and much shorter is the issue.

>> No.20113798

Anon, you're just proving my point. You can't grasp metaphysics, so you're probably a physicalist or an atheist which is functinally equivalent to being a Satanist. Therefore, my point stands and all you've done is corroborate it in your ignorance.

>> No.20113869

Yeah. That’s me too. Ironically, I do it to myself somewhat because I’m very even tempered and by-the-book, people say in analytical, but I don’t want to be that way. I want to be like creative and even a little edgy or crazy, but I come off as normal and boring as possible even though I hate the mundane in life.

>> No.20113879

>ugh God is like, santa claus
>yeah I'm really versed in metaphysics

>> No.20113893

Living is kind of a drag too when it's so humdrum, and it doesn't help with the problem of feeling unfulfilled.

>> No.20113904
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Why did Plato have children if he realized that only the soul can experience the true essence of knowledge and thav souls themselves are are not unique?

>> No.20113948

I dont think Platonism is anti natalist. Surely he saw some Good in ensoulation

>> No.20113949

I dont. Its just so much harder to not fail.

>> No.20113969

Man it's extremely easy to not get drunk on a weekday. It seems like every time yoyou have a job interview or an important day you get drunk the night before. I'm tryinn to understand your motive

>> No.20113986

His brain's reward system is fucked up by alcohol abuse obviously

>> No.20113997
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Women in their late twenties still listen to EDM because it recalls their fondest memories of being 16 years old, rolling on ecstasy and getting pounded in nightclub toilet stall.

>> No.20114014

>Women in their late twenties still listen to EDM
Do they really?

>> No.20114017

how do you get on with your family?

>> No.20114021
File: 2.00 MB, 540x960, 1647975917601.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it recalls their fondest memories of being 16 years old, believeing something would eventually matter, enjoying literally anything at all, having optimism

>> No.20114066

What country (not language) has the best poetry?

>> No.20114080

Even at 16 I was a miserable cynic

>> No.20114088

I drink too much. Been drinking too much since i was 15. I can still go through a work week without touching alcohol. I think Xi is self sabotaging. Maybe I'm a little too comfortable in my armchair here, but if I had to guess I'd say he's apprehensive about adulthood and responsibility so he self sabotages as to remain in perpetual adolescence.

>> No.20114120

That's when I actually realized how pointless things were, fuck.

>> No.20114121

found out an acquaintance had a late term abortion at 15. I don't know the circumstances but I don't think it was because of a pressing medical situation (she has a kid now). I think you can be granted it here just because you're young and single, basically. She knew the father but he did not intend to help at all.

It seems to me this would be murder. Sanctioned murder by a desperate person in a mad culture; assisted murder for sure, she was by no means alone about it and was surely met with every hospitality by the social services people. But it seems like it would still be murder. normally 3 months is accepted here, after that it's a human being. this was like 7 months. I'm not really sure what to do with this.

>> No.20114153

It doesn't even have to be murder to be immoral and unethical.

>> No.20114190

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.20114199

England, obviously: Shakespeare (the GOAT), Milton, Wordsworth, Blake, Keats, Byron to name a few.

But actually none because great poets come from everywhere and it’s individuals not countries who write great poetry.

>> No.20114207

Started based ended in incredibly cringe. Overall, cringe post. Please don't pos again.

>> No.20114231

To be fair my fondest memories consist of my first times doing drugs, so I can't really blame them.

>> No.20114245

Okay, I promise I won’t post again.

>> No.20114250

I'd say it was for the best, that kid would have grown up in terrible conditions which would most likely lead him to live a horrible life.

>> No.20114258

That baby could have been the next Steve Jobs.

>> No.20114264

Trannies are crypto-theists. If you admit the existence of consciousness as an unchanging substance that can exist in contradiction with the physical reality, then there's no logical reason to reject God which is also an unchanging substance that exists in contradiction with the physical reality. If you accept the possibility of it, you should also accept it is the more rational option that a world was created by something rather than the world was created out of nothing, which is a concept we can't perceive or experience. Therefore, a tranny armed with reason should accept God. Once they do that with all honesty, they will find God, understand their errors, be embarrassed, and repent.

>> No.20114272

And I could win the lottery tomorrow.

>> No.20114282

that's not usually how we treat the dignity of human life.

>> No.20114295

the point being that medical consensus is that after 3 months it is a human being in every sense of the word.

>> No.20114300

who cares?

>> No.20114305
File: 170 KB, 1422x1626, 1598614601322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>medical consensus

>> No.20114312

who cares that I'm pals with a murderer? I'm not even sure but it just... it seems like some pretty heavy "we live in a society" shit to me
who knows but a point about that is that her society would be telling her this is a complete human being. the decision is being made about a human being. The point is that BY THE TERMS OF HTE NORMS OF THE SOCIETY I can't see how this would not be murder. It's PC gone madd I tell ya!

>> No.20114320

Also could have been a decent regular person, the kind you’d want as a friend.

>> No.20114325

>It's PC gone madd I tell ya!
cus I imagine it's about two, maybe three things-
she is a more efficient laborer this way, so taxes;
her feelings should be protected;
maybe population control.

neither of these normally are taken to be good reasons to kill someone.

>> No.20114333

>I'm pals with a murderer?
So you're a NPC who takes his morals from the norms of society. You don't have any dignity to speak about. If the medical consensus is that we can kill babies 7 months in, you'll have to agree with that because you have no agency of your own.

>> No.20114344

what I think is that the system has gone mad out of a desire to cater to young women and produce taxes. the question is what this does to a person. does she think about it? will it resurface at some point? as far as she knows she killed her first born. what does this mean to her, and in turn, to me? What in the fuck am I looking at.

>> No.20114362

You should first have principles outside of social norms and medical experts, and then you can figure out the answers to your questions. Right now you're just a dumb NPC so just do whatever you're programmed. Go ask a expert.

>> No.20114391
File: 57 KB, 720x480, 2d6a4313b72c717b35f391af17b0a3c4--sorority-pictures-friend-photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell us about nietzsche anon

>> No.20114397

A moral dilemma is a dilemma precisely because there is no good option. A dilema always entails some kind of loss. The best course if action is always to prevent a dilema which is what morality really amounts to. We eschewed morality which has forced horrible decisions upon the young.
Yea, the act of abortion was murder. And she backed herself into that corner by her bad decision making. And yet, we have to be sympathetic. I wish we would protect the young. I dont see why our parents generation thought it right to throw us to the wolves

>> No.20114405

You're basically an anti natalist at that point

>> No.20114411

NPC mind, NPC replies

>> No.20114830
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Pic is my waifu. She's not normally damaged.

>> No.20114933

thank you for this post, this was a very helpful response.

>> No.20114948

>I dont see why our parents generation thought it right to throw us to the wolves
I think a big, big thing is that afaik in traditional societies you would be ready to marry more or less at puberty. I know this is still a thing in parts of central asia. It works because the young couple stay with the boys family, and everybody helps eachother. Maybe even 3-5 generations in one household. I think this norm ended because with industrialism, people are forced to move to work. In my country you get benefits for so long at your place of residence if you're unemployed, then you have to take any job anywhere in the country or lose the benefits. Also work is not tied to land. I think this is what shatters big households, meaning that a married couple must fend for themselves. Realistically in order to do that, both parties would have to be at least 18, but likely significantly older. Because the other thing is that you need skilled labor for the whole of the economy to work, meaning people can't just skip out of school to work bottom-tier jobs and be parents at 14. This means people are at best, maybe, ready to marry at 25. It is not realistic to expect human beings to be celibate until 25. This is my theory.

>> No.20115077
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>read any sort of competent philosophy
>can't make it through corporate meetings without seeing right through everything

Decoupling from normalcy is painful. Go freelance bros.

>> No.20115087

>seeing right through everything
What did you observe?

>> No.20115146


How modern man has been reduced to an entirely economic being, rapidly so over the last twenty years. We've been taught that we are all naturally selfish and must be restrained by the state. Only with the state's interference in our local economy, culture, religion, and family can we be free and achieve our modus operandi, namely financial maximalism. Of course, once freed we help achieve the same for others. Open as many offices in backwater nations. Bring their "brightest" into our program and convert them. Eat away at their chains and economically, socially, and spiritually liberate them.

It's so effective and self-correcting. The more that join, the harder it is to stay afloat. The system is reinforced by fear, poor imaginations, and social conformity.

>> No.20115161

Happiness is a feather

>> No.20115172

>The system is reinforced by fear, poor imaginations, and social conformity.
Wasnt it always the case?

>> No.20115250


Yes, but those systems were reinforced by virtue and microcosmic applications of virtue in roles of the family, the village, the church, etc..These in turn reinforced virtue and freedom.

Now we have one remaining shackle which is money and us being shackled is necessary to how the system runs. The only way to truly escape is financial independence, ironically.

This system is not sustainable of course and will collapse for many reasons which I won't get into here. What will come after may be a renaissance or it may be brutal as there are no more virtuous beings when money and its utility disappears.

>> No.20115296

I'm acquaintances with a guy who is going to art school in his 40s. Never formally studied, but he has been making art for his whole life and is pretty good. He likes it well enough, complains about some classes/professors/classmates but that's to be expected. He also has a very particular goal in mind with his degree, and it seems that's an important part of it. Don't go just because you can, you won't be able to tolerate the inevitable bullshit

>> No.20115312

I'm getting married this weekend. I brewed some of the beer for the reception myself, about 25 gallons worth. I'm excited. We've already been living like we're married for the past few years, and initially hadn't planned on it. But for now we stand to benefit on our taxes and in other legal ways, so here we go. My wife's mom and grandma fucking hate me, and as of now they are my only source of anxiety. Anyway wish me luck bros

>> No.20115328

Why do they hate you? Genuinely curious.

>> No.20115427

They have hated all of her previous boyfriends for various reasons. There's definitely some weird family psychodrama shit going on that I've really only scratched the surface of, perhaps originating in her parents' messy divorce (though after talking to her dad about it, it probably goes back further than that). No one could ever possibly be good enough for her, they need to be the center of her life, the strongest relationship, that sort of thing. While at the same time they are incredibly mean to her. But anyway, for me it initially manifested in really superficial ways -- basically they hate the way I dress and that I have long hair, and were very rude about it, to my face and behind my back. Eventually I started pushing back, and it escalated from there.

>> No.20115477

Paradoxes... study parado- *dies*

>> No.20115542

i usually dont drink on weekdays. its always just bad timing lol theres no real motive or anything.
disappointment. im the black sheep of the family. they dont party or go out much. they're good people but i just dont share the same values as them.

>> No.20115605
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I'm dealing with a terrible affliction that may kill me or leave me wretched and decrepit. In a way I might prefer the former. I've had a good life. I'm at peace...although a little afraid.

>> No.20115612


>> No.20115621

>basically they hate the way I dress and that I have long hair
Well maybe you should stop looking like a fucking hobo you degenerate.

>> No.20115634

i shat my pants at work today

>> No.20115637
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even you guys don't get it. nobody gets it. I guess I guess my brain just doesn't operate in this century. I have a strange bloodline as half peasant and half nobleman with cult leaders and advisors to kings in my list of notable ancestors. Even my own family members don't get it because this history is weak in them. It's strong in me and that's why I don't fit in, why I don't belong here. I inherited it all as the firstborn son, all of the tradition of my bloodline is in my genetics, but at base my family is still stuck in the 13th century. So when people talk to me, I don't understand. My subconscious still sees things from the perspective that it's the height of the bubonic plague and I have to ensure I harvest enough this year to feed myself and pay the tax to my lord. So when people talk to me, I think they're mad. Why are you talking to me about this? What are you even talking about? I still live in the era when the stars were gods, not balls of hydrogen, and we had souls, not brains. Intellectually I know we are just animals, but deep inside I still believe everything is divine and I still carry the divine legacy. That's why I can truly understand the force of the revelation that God is dead. This modern life is absurd to me, and at this point I am just along for the ride, nothing provides so much interest and wonder to me as observing the development of the modern human. I'm not smart, but there is no great genius who could possibly understand my perspective on life, due to how absurd it has been, and how this world has made me a schizoid freak, so that I constantly think the most insane and bizarre things. But it's still everyone else who seems mad to me, I have no beliefs, they are the ones who are delusional. But the fact that I have no beliefs means I do not belong here, in this world, but purging belief was the only option when faced with the lack of divinity in this world

>> No.20115646
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I have a date with a very nice woman tomorrow and I am happy about it.

>> No.20115677

I physically can't understand or sympathize with fat or ugly people. It's disgusting just to look at them walking around. I swear, anyone who claims to sympathize with these people must be lying to virtue signal. I mean, they don't even sympathize with themselves. They hate themselves, and I'm sure deep down everyone hates them. I'm not psycho, I'm just honest with myself.

>> No.20115692

Dubs of truth.

>> No.20115709

Find God, he's still with us alive and well.

>> No.20115720

My ambitions are far fetched and embarrassing.

>> No.20115727

Nah you’re just brain damaged in a way that impairs your ability to self-regulate feelings of disgust.

>> No.20115732

t. fat and ugly anon

>> No.20115733

I know God exists but the god that exists is not God and the best arguments for God allow nothing to be predicated of him so that “God” is just a name and all that you know is that whatever it is is transcendent.

>> No.20115737

No. It’s called not having brain damage. Sorry you’re retarded.

>> No.20115768

t. fat, ugly, and mad anon

>> No.20115774
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t. retard
Sorry your mom drank during pregnancy and you came out worthless.

>> No.20115807

If you don't have sympathy for people who struggle in life, then you might be a little psycho.

I have an uncle who used to be an athlete. He would do marathons, triathlons, and the Alcatraz swim for fun. A little later in life, mid 40s, he apparently had some traumatic event happen to him. He never told anyone about it, I'm not even sure his wife knows, and I can only guess what it was. There was a sudden shift in his personality and his outlook. He was suddenly a completely different person. Now he's an obese marijuana addict, a shell of his former self. It's like he got raped or something, but who the hell would rape a 40 year old man?
Anyway, my point is, sometimes bad things happen to good people, and it throws their life sideways. Humans are a bunch of broken robots, and you should try to have compassion for the ones a little more broken than the rest. You have no idea some of the fucked up shit that happens to people in this evil world.

>> No.20115816

Perpetual adolescence is a bad place to be Xi. It isnt fun.

>> No.20115821

I know he's with us and in everything there's the act of God.

>> No.20115834

God is an abstraction. A personification of the universe itself. Ancient peoples would personify nature to help understand it - Neptune is unpredictable, like the sea. Monotheists went a step further and personified life itself. The truth about life, soul, and what exists past the edge of our universe is too alien and complex for a human to understand. Asking for proof God exists is like asking for proof anime girls (idealized females) exist. They're both tools to express and understand truths of life.

>> No.20115860

How do you escape it?

>> No.20115865

My father said I'm an unlikable person. He's probably right. I don't know what others think of me.

>> No.20115872

if I die unmarried will I be alone in the afterlife or can I still find a spouse there?

>> No.20115879

you got it backwards. the universe is an image of God not the other way around. nature is nothing without God just like you're nothing without consciousness. your understanding of life is puerile.

>> No.20115890

You know for all 4chan talks about normalfag this and normalnigger that, they really do fucking freak out and give me 10 plus replies when I make a post about my feelings or thoughts, calling me deranged, autistic etc

>> No.20115901


>> No.20115904

Maybe it’s (You) that is the normgroid

>> No.20115918

These two things are compatible.

>> No.20115924

That's because 4chan was taken over by normies years ago.

>> No.20115929

cute girl likes me but she has fucked up teeth and no ass. just my luck. anxious all day about how i'm going to reject her

>> No.20115930

You're describing the universe using your concept of God. You're doing exactly what I said.

>> No.20115935

teeth can be fixed
ass can be exercised
don't think of what is - think of what could be. like a beautiful muscle car that needs a little body work and a paint job

>> No.20115939

they can't be fixed because she's genuinely poor

>> No.20115957

Do you ever think about how all the things you take to forget the drain on your life are bad for you, but society will insist that the things that make you tired in the first place are good for you?

>> No.20115963
File: 1.99 MB, 960x1200, cutie coomer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any books about fat people, who are delusional about their weight, and keep eating and eating and eating and lose all of their friends because they are so fat and lose their job because they are so fat and have like 100 different medical problems because they are so fat and at the end of the book they kill themselves and no one cares or mourns their suicide because they were so fat?

Asking for a friend.

>> No.20115966

Expected this response. You guys are old ladies at heart, a bunch of brittle pearl clutchers

>> No.20115969
File: 147 KB, 1080x1011, 4A90075E-540D-4E71-B4E2-E411B1C4F3C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is God necessary in a idealistic worldview.
What would make him necessary?

>> No.20115973

Can you genuinely do better?

>> No.20115976


>> No.20115978

poverty can be temporary
love isnt

>> No.20115987

This anon is going to get depressed and fat later in life.

God has a way of making you become what you hate the most.

>> No.20115999

God's gonna turn me into Robert Downey Jr? I'd fucking kill myself

>> No.20116011

You could save time and just kill yourself right now

>> No.20116020

Why? Because I asked for a novel about fat people? That makes me a bad person?

What if I asked for a novel about a war? About two sides fighting to the death? That would be cool? This is why no one likes fat people like you. Also my previous trips outrank your dubs

>> No.20116027

When I was a freshman at boarding school, I experienced a sense of tranquility unlike anything else in my memory. The window was open: it was a hot day in the late spring, so I had my dinky Walmart box fan running. I was listening to an hour-long loop of two Mudkips saying half of their name. Birds were chirping, trucks were driving over a gravel road. My bed was set up so that my Taiwanese roommate and I didn't have to look at each other. And then I drifted off...

>> No.20116032

Your trips compliment my dubs. Kek wants you to kill yourself.

>> No.20116037

imagine being this mad because some stranger on the internet wants to read a book about a fat fuck who doesn't take care of their health and ends up killing themselves in despair and loneliness. Why are you so mad? Or are you RDJ and mad that I hate you?

>> No.20116043

Are you schizophrenic? You sound exactly like a schizo I know

>> No.20116052

>self-regulate feelings of disgust.
That doesnt even make sense. You're supposed to be repelled by disgusting things. Thats like saying someone who avoids dog shit is impaired in their ability to self regulate disgust. It's just dumb

>> No.20116059

This is a lot of seethe. Just lose weight

>> No.20116063

This hit close to home, even that bit about the bloodline is similar to my own.

>> No.20116065

Get your shit together

>> No.20116076
File: 71 KB, 500x784, B26BE089-357D-442D-BFCB-110896BF0F36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look at these guys. They want the Christian caliphate sooo bad.
>Pence will be placed in office by divine right! >>20114021

>> No.20116079

There are reasonable and unreasonable levels of disgust, like with most feelings.
As an example, the random food gunk and sludge that gets stuck in the drain in a sink. Children and retards don’t have enough self-regulation abilities to just grab it out, and whine and squirm and have to use gloves. But it’s more sanitary to clean it out, even though the disgust response is normally supposed to keep you sanitary.

>> No.20116091

Are you really so stupid that you can’t comprehend the idea of someone having an opinion on something not directly related to some kind of in-group preference/status? Go back.

>> No.20116096

and fat people are disgusting

lol Im gonna screencap this for the FPH thread on /fit/. Thanks fatty

>> No.20116108

Probably yeah, but if I reject her then word will get around and ruin my reputation because she is pretty well known and liked in my community

>> No.20116111

Again, you’re parading around banging a drum and proudly proclaiming that you have brain damage and neurological defects. This isn’t the own you think it is.

>> No.20116120

Imagine being a fatty sympathizer lmao.

>> No.20116130

Who are you quoting

>> No.20116136

impressive. very nice trips. now lets see your weight.

different guy. I just joined the thread. but I enjoy fat shamming and I agree with the other anon. fat people are a harmful towards society.

>> No.20116139
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how the FUCK do they put the pepsi in the bottle/can?????? i dont understand

>> No.20116147

id like to think im making some improvements

>> No.20116153

All you’re signaling is that you have poor impulse control. Maybe BPD. It doesn’t matter.

>> No.20116157

Well it seemed like you were until you started smoking and drinking again. Do you feel better or worse now that you're back to smoking and drinking?

>> No.20116160

How is thinking fat people are ugly a form of brain damage?

>> No.20116170

me? have poor impulse control? but I regulate my diet, exercise and sleep schedule very carefully. That indicates I have excellent impulse control.

While you and other land whales shovel food and candy and chips down your gullet every chance you have. You don't find the perfect macro and micro nutrient balance in your diets. You probably can't cook. When's the last time you lifted a weight? Went for a run? Took a stroll around the block? What do you think your arteries look like? Can you still stand or do you get wheeled around because of your obesity?

>> No.20116176

And again you are so mentally undeveloped that you can’t even get past comprehending the idea of a fit person that doesn’t waste time seething about strangers.
You have a tangibly stunted mind.

>> No.20116182

You seem to be seething about other people seething about other people.

>> No.20116183

post body

>> No.20116198

Post W-2

>> No.20116213

>Fat People Are Disgusting
> or
>The evening redness in the east.
>By Thomas

Fat people are disgusting. Everything about them is wrong. They smell. No- they stink. They reek of forgotten food trapped in their moist folds. They reek of unwashed ass because they can no longer reach around to wipe themselves, they can no longer shower with ease. Their arteries are clogged with cheese, their folds are littered with crumbs, their teeth yellowed with sauces.

Would you like to know the funniest part about fat people? It's not when they fall down and can't get up. It's not when they brake a tire swing or collapse a bed frame. No. The funnies part about fat people is that no one likes them. No one. And deep down they know it.

Rate my poem /lit/

I'm not wealthy. However, unlike you, I have about thirty years to live, lift, work and gain money. You have 10 years to lose weight or die. But go ahead and buy another seven Big Macs.

>> No.20116222

Again, I’m not overweight and all you’re doing is very loudly sharing that you have mental defects.

>> No.20116223

You can watch videos of pepsi factories on youtube

>> No.20116225

4chan users have "coping" backwards. Not coping is a mental trap. Problems are as invented as copes, perhaps even more invented. A truly intelligent being would cope to have a healthy mind for better survival.

>> No.20116228


>> No.20116230

Fat fucks easily live to be at least 60 all the time

>> No.20116239

You know, I've never heard of an author who is a good writer and fat. Not a single one. Fat people can't even write. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.20116249

Youve yet to explain how being disgusted by fatties is a mental defect

>> No.20116252
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5 ways? More like 5 weighs lol

>> No.20116254

I did multiples times. It’s not my problem that you have zero reading comprehension or retention abilities.
Good night, sweet retard.

>> No.20116260

Retards. There are two of use here fatso.

>> No.20116287


>> No.20116306

This thread seems a little more autistic than normal. It must be the green elephant.

>> No.20116309

No you didn't. You just asserted it with more words when pressed. Fatty

>> No.20116314

Didn’t mean to link >20114021
The tards who want a christian caliphate/rightwing fascists.
Seriously bad shit developing with these two flavors of fascism emerging

Gene Wolf

He said good

>> No.20116333

Lol. Less good Fat writers than women authors.

fatties btfo

>> No.20116350

>from God and metaphysics to margret atwood and mike pence
Twitter really fried your brain

>> No.20116363

Ah, the guy from Twitter who tells everyone they’re from Twitter, again.
Jump off a bridge

>> No.20116365

better or worse? not sure. for the record i never stopped drinking. but in terms of smoking i didnt really ease back into it at all. i have been smoking heavily every night and i cant really say im not having fun. i fucking love weed.
i have been making some bad decisions(i.e. spending $100+ at the bar last night) but i think ill be able to bounce back. i hope...

>> No.20116366

You're not fooling anyone. Go back.

>> No.20116372

You need to get back to your old Twitter account man. Fuck off.

>> No.20116379

>no YOU'RE the twitter user
Really stay there and cry with your tranny friends about muh heckin christian fascists and santa claus God

>> No.20116393

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.20116394


>> No.20116396


>> No.20116402

Uni students here, rank all your courses right now in terms of how much you enjoy them

Systems Programming
>Pretty good
Linear Algebra
>Screw this
Engineering Decision Making

>> No.20116409

drugs and exercise

>> No.20116594

By talking about it with your doctor if it prevents you from living a normal life.

>> No.20116626

Whats a doctor going to do?

>> No.20116677

This. I'm not going to get excited about wage slaving or my life being wasted just by going to a doctor.

>> No.20116720

What syllogism proves God?

>> No.20116723

Why is it so hard to just take it on faith

>> No.20116727

None. You’ll find none.

>> No.20116737

>There is something
>Something can't come from nothing
>Something created something

>> No.20116742

That's what I don't understand. What makes faith difficult or not difficult? Why must it be so instead of just is? For what reason is it like this? This complexity brings into question everything and yet people simply treat your questions as drivel and insanity despite the core itself being incomprehensible. Why?

>> No.20116764

Depends what you consider 'personality'. I've certainly adopted many of the manners and been more of the social butterfly I wished I was when I was younger, but I've also since developed different values and realized the person I aspired to be when I was younger was kinda "cringe". I don't know where the line between 'personality' ends and 'habit' or 'profession' or even 'values' starts?
>Go freelance bros.
If I knew how to generate leads and close a substantial percentage of them, I totally would.
Probably who he's fucking, and who's paying him, and if he has children. When you go out into the world, your interactions with men will hinge predominately on these factors

>> No.20116766
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>> No.20116786

I'm reading some French comics theory books. They really like shitting on the Anglophones, and honestly they might be right.

>> No.20116805
File: 59 KB, 736x497, 1512131038306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had an interview for a job recently. During it they complained about being short staffed. To get to that point I had to apply for the job then take an online assessment then do a phone interview. I emailed them for an update and received this reply.
Hi Anon!
At this time, we are moving forward with other candidates.
Thank you for your time!
A lot of effort and hoop jumping for nothing and I haven't really learned anything from this failure. I left the interview feeling confident which rarely happens. I try to learn something from failure but I don't know what to tale from this.
Perhaps learning is irrelevant and it's best to just ignore and repeat.

>> No.20116861
File: 168 KB, 400x168, b9eea4ee-6fdc-4768-b681-169ef1231ea9_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hear antisemitic shit on the internet for years
>noooo you cant just say the hecking jewerinos are bad thats antisemitic
>work for a small company with a jewish cfo and jewish boss

>> No.20116872


>> No.20116894

As if.
Their antisemitic mythos stretch to ridiculous lengths. Yeah, there’s jews in power, yeah they funnel money and weapons to Israel, yeah they corner the media. Duh.
Some are actually trying to undermine all that.

>> No.20116897

basically that hitler quote about just HOW jews reason and think. a deep impulse and knowledge to undermine, gaslight, and de-legitimize any appeals to reason. theyre excellent at rhetoric. its fascinating to see in action. the best working theory i have is that jews hate the truth. all is doublespeak. they have absolutely no problems lying, on such a deep level, that it reveals something fundamental missing from their religion. even without being an antisemite, its unavoidable to admit the serious culture shock when in any situation when one must reason or argue with a jew. makes you wonder just how understated truth as a value is to the christian world.

>> No.20116906

Sounds like any capitalist enterprise’s ethos
That is a religion after all.

>> No.20116918

>That is a religion after all.
no it isnt. christians can at least level with you for a moment and say "hey, its just work, its just policy". Jews are the only people ive ever worked with that actually BELIEVE in lying and deception as a lifestyle. No jew ever invited me to a barbecue. Its all secrets.

>> No.20116965

Because i can take anything i want on faith. Feels arbitrary and fake. If i have good reasons to believe, then it feels real. Without reasons to believe, it won’t feel real.

>> No.20116971

That doesn’t logically follow.

>> No.20116983
File: 4 KB, 269x188, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks reason informs faith

>> No.20116984

Letting lit know I'm giving up my near (I read maybe 2 books) book reading hiatus that I voluntarily underwent for the past 4 months. The transformation has been great. I'm more impulsive and reckless which is exactly the effect I was looking for. Anyway I dont want to devolve comeptlely into a baboon so I'm picking where I left off.

>> No.20116998

Reason informs my faith. Without reason guiding me, i would be completely lost.

>> No.20117012

thats vanity

>> No.20117017

I'm a contemporary artist, i don't understand why the public does not discuss actual contemporary artists in great length anywhere online that i could find. You see great discussions online about literature, music. All of the arts, except actual art. I guess because art doesn't really serve anyone anymore like it used to its sort of been discarded. All great men of letters used to talk about art, im sure the intellectuals still do in their circles, art is prestige, wealth, culture. But ya idk.

>> No.20117025

youre a painter?

>> No.20117032

How so?

>> No.20117033

ya im a painter, ive been doing it for a little over 4 years now, which is a very short time, i started late, 23/24

>> No.20117036

culturally speaking painting is no doubt a dead medium. its a small market. im a painter too. what kind of style do you have? post something?

>> No.20117057
File: 137 KB, 640x480, IMG_7696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in the day it obviously took the place of the photo so it was essential to society, a lot changed though ,i can go in depth but yes it is irrelevant except to the very rich. I wouldn't call it dead, contemporary art interweaves with public spaces, fashion, etc. Art always was in a way for the rich but it was found in every single church which was very important to the masses as well. It really has become SOLELY for the rich at this point and mostly as a status symbol. I don't really try to describe a style anymore, but i can show a picture of what i made recently. I've been doing oil pastels only the past 2 months, i got tired of paint. Btw i do follow a lot of art blogs/publications/galleries on insta that are contemporary minded, but its just odd desu how there's almost 0 public discussion about people who know about contemporary art.

>> No.20117070

not a bad sketch
the art world at large is too big a beast. focus on a local market and focus on getting better. ive sold a few thousand in paintings, and i dont pay any attention to the art world. youre 1 fella. no need to do anything more than what youre good at.

>> No.20117074

its not a sketch but thanks. i don't try to sell my art, i don't really put it out there anymore aside from insta, i'm not really talking about that though, i just wish people discussed art more.

>> No.20117256

>Seriously bad shit developing with these two flavors of fascism emerging
Yeah, it's best you leave white countries soon.

>> No.20117267

They're entirely different. There's no equivalence, there's a cause and effect relationship and God is the cause of the universe. That guy was talking about some pagan pantheism sophistry, I'm talking about Christianity.

>> No.20117462

I've heard and it's entirely credible that there was a book written in the middle ages by Fakhr al-din Razi, who was an ash'ari theologian (they lean scholastic you could say, they're into Aristotle) in which he provided 1000 syllogisms for the existence of God. After having written the book, apparently he said something like:

"I've now written this work, but what I really wish is that I had the faith of the old ladies who live next door."

I think that's nice.

>> No.20117487

I'm a muslim now but I started believing long ago because I had faith in Jesus. I read the Gospels and thought: "If a person like this exists, and he says God is real, I'm willing to take it on faith in his saying so. If anyone like this could exist, I'm willing to try. He is a credible witness." And so I prayed and I felt a response, and since then I've believed. Later I read the Qur'an and believed in it too. (I never believed in the "Son of God" thing, or really any trinity, to be clear. It's really not clear upon a first reading at least that these are necessary from what Jesus is recorded to have said imo. It's not really my place to do anything with christianity, but I just wanted to clarify. These are the two main gripes the Qur'an has with christianity afaik, God knows best).

The point is it was about belief in a proof. Jesus was the proof. The proof is not rational, it's... I don't know, about grace? about beauty? and then I tried, was willing to try.

Godspeed anon.

>> No.20117575
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What would you do if you were the president of your country?

>> No.20117581

Introduce a dress code

>> No.20117633

Make a rule to not disturb me until after 11 am at minimum.

>> No.20117649

All the best authors claim to be led by God. It's similar to how in games, you create systems and then you are surprised by what comes out of your systems. But yeah western gaming/film/lit is cucked and secular

>> No.20117951

It’s very difficult to balance a love for literature with other arts.

>> No.20117984
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>it is primarily a shallow, market driven
Anything produced for profit is market driven and any medium which is market driven is inherently shallow, since making a product as shallow and inoffensive as possible is the most efficient way to reach the broadest audience. Beyond just video games, the same can be said of any medium, including film and even literature. Exceptions within every medium are produced by those who want to make art rather than a product, and who have a vision rather than being motivated by profit. These people exist in video games, too, although some argue that there may be less innovators, independent thinkers and artists in the field than in others.

Video games mostly suffer from the problem of scale more than anything else. A book, which can be authored alone and self-published, more naturally lends itself towards production for fulfillment rather than the market. Something similar can be said for art and drawing. But when it comes to things like movies, and especially video games, significantly more people and money are involved in producing the end result which seriously restricts innovation and artistic direction for many reasons. While you can get away from this by going "indie," in both film and video games this leaves a very difficult to fill middle-ground. One one hand of the spectrum, you have studios with the budget and perhaps even talent to make something truly remarkable, but the environment stifles creativity and artistic vision in favor of the market. On the other hand you have small independent studios where artists can let their creativity thrive, but who lack the capital and often the talent to see their vision through.

This is never an issue for books, where the only cost is the author's time and most books, no matter how great or ineptly written, are all done by one person.

Personally, I see a lot of potential in video games and I hope that as technology advances, it becomes cheaper, easier, and faster for video games to be made, which will alleviate the issue and give room for more studios to break into that middle-ground of the spectrum.

>> No.20118077

I am not sure if you missed some of my point because your post doesn't really address it, being primarily focused on games as such. What I was saying was that Game Design Theory, the body of knowledge used in both the conceptual analysis and construction of games is primarily market driven in a way that film or lit theory isn't, likely for the the very fact that the same body of knowledge is used both analysis, critique, and construction which really isn't the case for other mediums where those all form separate, but interconnected, disciplines.
It is also telling that, in the west at least, this body of knowledge is so homogenised. There are genres in Games, there is company scale (indie, AA, AAA) but there are not really any movements of the kind you find in the arts.

In the case of critique and analysis of whatever narrative is present they simply borrow from the various schools of thought, and their terms and concepts, present in film and literature. Be it Marxist, Feminist, Formalist, etc etc. But as far as the constructive side of things go the style that is taught in game design schools in the west has a monopoly, and that means a monopoly on the concepts and terms which become the criterion upon which games are judged mechanically. You see what I am getting at? It has such a hegemony that people begin to take it for an objective science, something universal. Which was what I was getting at with the convergence toward some platonic gaming substrate.

Or to put it in the simplest terms, they have built a box around themselves and become convinced that there is nothing beyond it.

Anything that strays from it has to be not just bad but objectively incorrect by definition, not just experimentation, or rooted in another design philosophy but false and in need of repudiation.

>> No.20118104

I think it should be illegal to have backup in a fight, universally

>> No.20118111

New Thread
New Thread

>> No.20118205

is the queen still alive?

>> No.20118229

She was alive enough to call me daddy when I was fucking her last night

>> No.20118245

New thread

>> No.20118250

All beliefs are preferences anon. The sooner you lern this the better

>> No.20118302

How about a non shill thread with a link in it instead?


>> No.20118306

There’s already a thread up we don’t need yours.

>> No.20118310

Why'd you make a second thread?

>> No.20118319

You tried this yesterday. Stop

>> No.20118326

This is just getting pathetic, you know?

>> No.20118406

That’s an advert for a book. You can tell because it didn’t link back.

Can you read?

Lit is quiet pathetic. I know.

>> No.20118477

You're such a fag

>> No.20118610
File: 1.58 MB, 200x200, 6AF5E30F-4895-4FC2-9596-689438115385.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ass kisses Gardener