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20117378 No.20117378[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literature about pic related?

>> No.20117409

People concerned with averages are average

>> No.20117485

Way to bring down my mood on this Freyja's night

>> No.20117505
File: 49 KB, 720x707, tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>losing virginity at 17
>first relationship at 18

>> No.20117631

>peak life satisfaction in the first quarter of your life

why would anyone want this?

>> No.20117647

No one wants it, anon. It's unfortunately how it normally plays out.

>> No.20117816
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>peak life satisfaction at 23
>about the age of the average 4chan user
is this place as good as it gets?

>> No.20117821

oh and Sorrows of Young Werther, anon.

and Demian.

>> No.20117825
File: 34 KB, 381x370, 1648197845257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blackpill: The average 4chan user in 2014 is around 14-15 years old, born in 2007

>> No.20117829
File: 84 KB, 1152x720, wojak-nss-magazine-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2022, not 2014
Freudian Slip

>> No.20117830

I dont take pills from strangers.

>> No.20117861

Why not? You can have a lot of good stories that way.

>> No.20118027

I'm about dead on for all that but the averages are not meaningful. I was in the "viable" group (can't think of any other way to describe it), but at the very bottom of that group. So despite being average, I was actually pretty much last in the viable cohort.
But for fatherhood and marriage it's the opposite. My cohort is super late on that on average, so me hitting those at 28 is early, despite being later than average. Because, not sure if you guys know this, but some other cohorts, with distinguishing characteristics, usually have kids and marry very young.

>> No.20118032

WHat da fuck r u talkin bout
Speek english nigga

>> No.20118064

This. Responsibilities multiply. Social opportunities decrease. Most people get obese and stop doing any sort of sports. The US is horrible at having any sort of civil society structure for recreation. Even what limited softball and basketball leagues existed are closing, no one is members of the American Legion, Lions, Rotary Club, Elks, Knight of Columbus, etc. any more.

People also don't go to church.

Instead they use social media. Anger driven, good vs evil politics as entertainment replaced religion for many. Like 14% of Americans dedicate 5+ hours to "politics" a week, but less than 1% actually are involved with party actions, volunteering, going to local council meetings, etc. It's almost all watching propaganda from either side and then posting on social media.

Kids have strong social ties from high school and college but these slowly die out.

Also having kids, while rewarding, sucks up your time for years.

Men don't do book clubs. I have a book club of all late 20s - mid 30s men and it's a anomaly.

>> No.20118071

Leave this site anon, youre losing the sense of time in your life

>> No.20118078
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If only I could brother

>> No.20118079

>losing virginity before marriage

Do people really

>> No.20118088

Universities are a great model for how society could be ordered.

I worked long hours remote at a tech start up for a while. Took a 67% pay cut to be a professor. Don't regret it in the slightest. Teaching is fun and social. In a random week I can listen to a renowned physicist discuss a new paper, see a former ambassador discuss Ukraine, go to a theatrical performance, and play a game on the faculty intermural basketball team, go to an after work prayer group through my church, and go to Sunday school on the weekend. There is also a pretty active outing club that a few faculty participate in with the students that does caving, white water kayaking, climbing, backpacking, etc. every week.

There is no reason regular society couldn't have shit like this.

>> No.20118093
File: 39 KB, 624x479, 1648163401873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do u teach, prof?

>> No.20118115

>There is no reason regular society couldn't have shit like this.

It does.

>> No.20118126

It did in one place I've lived. But rec leagues were all gone most places I've lived.

Pubic forum talks happen in medium sized cities but it's like a handful a year.

There is MeetUps, but those have varying quality depending on region. Good for finding board game groups though.

Economics and public policy (focusing on finance)

>> No.20118127

People unironically fall for the “just tired” talk no matter how apparent it is that there’s something wrong with you. It’s like it flips a switch on their heads. Even people to whom I once mentioned i’m lying when I say that still fall for it.
>they’re just respecting your privacy/they know you are lying and pretend to fall for it
Indeed, there are some people who act like this. But a ton of them are genuinely tricked by hearing something or someone is fine despite all evidence to the contraire.

>> No.20118132


>> No.20118143

Kys, loser.