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File: 30 KB, 350x520, stalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20114404 No.20114404 [Reply] [Original]

Have you really studied philosophy if you haven't taken the Stalin pill?

>> No.20114412

what has stalin got to do with philosophy?

>> No.20114413

Honestly Stalin wasn't a great writer compared with Lenin. Anarchism Or Socialism by Stalin is worth reading though imo, but not as good as State and Revolution.

>> No.20114419

he was a philosopher.

>> No.20114423
File: 127 KB, 1380x1080, 1622963499477-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the answer is no
after a lot of french post-structuralism, new kantianism or landian thought you just end up again with marxism-leninism

>> No.20114432

everybody is

>> No.20114433

Materialism is the pinacle of philosophy. Stalin is the pinacle of meterialism. Therefore, Stalin is the pinacle of philosophy.

>> No.20114437

He wrote works of philosophy. Even if you don't agree with him, he is a philosopher.

>> No.20114453

i'm not judging him as a philosopher. you started a thread about him as a philosopher, but i still haven't got the slightest suggestion of an original idea from him. if you haven't come up with anything to present of his, then i don't suppose there is anything good to be had here

>> No.20114455
File: 147 KB, 1000x480, Guide to Stalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read. A. Book.

>> No.20114459

you haven't sold me on him, so no.

>> No.20114482

Funny that there are three plain grammatical errors in the three-sentence blurb on the bottom of the picture. It really does wonders in convincing me of the erudition of the compiler.

>> No.20114530

Stalin mostly just said stuff that had been said before and then vulgarised it. Some of his work is decent but nothing is particularly note worthy and some is pretty shit. Sure, Dialectical and Historical Materialism is ok-ish, but you’re better off reading what Bukharin had to say about DiaMat.

>> No.20114614

He didn't write them

>> No.20116044

I don't read works by communists or pedophiles like Stalin. I have standards.

>> No.20117049

Stalin literally hated philosophyfags.

>> No.20117097


>> No.20117176

Looks like Tengwar script

>> No.20117203
File: 187 KB, 634x845, Stalin's granddaughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karlinpill > Stalinpill


>It’s no exaggeration to say that the Bolsheviks lost Russia its century, and in all likelihood its future for all time. This is a point made all the more painful by the fact that it was largely self-inflicted, whereas Germans could at least reconcile themselves with the thought that they made two “honest” attempts to achieve world supremacy.

>No Bolshevism means no Russian Civil War, no famine, no collectivization, no Great Famine, no Great Terror, no World War II because they left the job unfinished in the first one, no post-war famine to mark Stalin’s “gratitude” to the Russian people, no alcoholization epidemic. It would not have had a population of 600 million, as Dmitry Mendeleev (yes, that one) projected for the end of the century. But it would be vastly higher than today.

>It is equally obvious that a country with Europe’s second largest number of university students in 1914 after Germany, which was spared “philosophers’ ships,” the abolition of university entrance exams in the 1920s, Lysenkoism, Stalin’s mass murders, sharashkas, and subsequent decades of ideological orthodoxy would have generated much more science, culture, and soft power.

>What could have been: A half-billion population continental superpower with a GDP comparable to that of the United States producing vast amounts of science and culture.

>What the Bolsheviks created: A 145 million population rump empire with a GDP comparable to that of Germany (if measured on a PPP-basis; otherwise, Spain) producing as much science as the University of Cambridge; in the long-term, probably destined to be a mere resource appendage of China, with little more than the sight of Germany “doing away with itself” and an America turning into Greater Mexico to console itself with.

>> No.20117336
File: 52 KB, 958x768, d151fe69b5c47da401c43cc3a6e681761080ae36bdf7f4290e1da4d44f141b40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, imaine looking at Russia crushing nazis in Ukraine and thinking this

>> No.20117420

this, unironically

>> No.20117448

What a massive cope. Slavshits always boast about how strong their military is, and now they can't even beat a much smaller and poorer country than them. Absolutely embarrassing. Also, the left can't meme.

>> No.20117457

I don't think anyone can truly understand Stalin if he isn't a Georgian and hasn't had a lot of interaction with our boomers. It is fascinating how stereotypically Georgian he is while being so unusually psychopathic when Georgians are renowned for being too soft and naive. Men of his type are not intelligent, they are very zealous but they adopt simple beliefs and do not value nuance. Socialism of course is a belief system that is attractive for such people. It "makes sense", but is it really accurate? That doesn't matter that much. Maybe that is why Stalin was so good, because he understood that everything must be simplified in order to function most efficiently, hence why he just decided to boost production without all the Jewry connected with controlling the value of money.

>> No.20117500

Putin himself said Stalin and Lenin were to blame for the situation in Ukraine. So, Lenin and Stalin are responsible for the so called "nazis" there, retard.

>> No.20118313

Lenin, not Stalin. Lenin wanted the USSR to be a union of republics whereas Stalin wanted it to be a "federative republic" like the RSFR.

>> No.20119482

Any recommendation on Stalin biographies? Not so interested in communism but in his life, personality and rise to power.

>> No.20119570

Kotkin's three volume biography.

>> No.20119597
File: 144 KB, 1368x1026, 1647231864376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*makes stalinniggers seethe uncontrollably*
Yeah, I'm thinkin' just read picrel's Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.

>> No.20119649

Communism is cringe, Stalin is based.

>> No.20119650
File: 89 KB, 199x293, magnetic mountain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books on the USSR in general?

>> No.20119684

The Gulag Archipelago.

>> No.20119705

ქართველი ხარ ძმაა?)))))

>> No.20119710

Check out "A World Apart" by polish writer Gustaw Herling Grudzinski. USSR was a weird place for humans.

>> No.20119716

>What a massive cope
Germany lost anon
>smaller and poorer country than them
The red army doesn't exist anymore
> Also, the left can't meme.
This is the only real cope

>> No.20119728

dummie leftoid can't even quote the right post.

>> No.20119730

>retard can't even quote the right person
Germs lost with far less casualities.
>The red army doesn't exist anymore
The red army was great in a sense of sending human waves to their enemies, the same tactic that russians use now. Also, most old bolshieviks (or let's just call them gommies) are still in russia, as corrupt oligarchs.

>> No.20120188

Looks like politics, economics and such.

>> No.20120528

Of course not, he's probably more influential in actual political philosophy than anyone who came after but he's too scary to confront for both analytical and continental philosophy.

>> No.20120574

>He wrote works of philosophy

by that definition then yes every single person on earth is a philosopher just like stalin.

>> No.20120578


lmao obviously made by 1 person

>> No.20120713

>So, Lenin and Stalin are responsible for the so called "nazis" there, retard.

according to Putin...

not according to reality.

>> No.20121360

The only bad thing about USSR was planned economy.

>> No.20121396

>Anarchism or Socialism
Not philosophy.

>> No.20121420

I remember when University of Cambridge's space program landed first man, woman, animal in space and a drone on Venus.

>> No.20121441
File: 6 KB, 274x184, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're confusing Stalin pill with gimpy hand paranoia. Unironically, take your meds.

>> No.20121463

All philosophy leads to and ends with marxism-leninsm, so no.

>> No.20121747
File: 34 KB, 871x277, 6febcf3d68b30130d79163dd0b0375a8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, philosopher, sure