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20116472 No.20116472[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he reads books to """challenge""" himself
reminder that the only truly challenging books are scientific textbooks(particularly Math and Engineering ones), everything else is delusional and pseud tier.

>> No.20116554


>> No.20116570

I read books to challange myself to poop out really really hard chits when I eat nothing but carbs and I feel it stretch out my asshole painfully, but the challanging book allows me too attempt to exerience the whole process more theatricly, as if I may be in a sitcom with a camera facing my strained face with a big BULGING vein on my head as I try to labor my labor as reading a challanging book I do it to do and the wife is good at with that and.

>> No.20116578

>STEM books

>> No.20116590

>he thinks philosophy is nietzsche

>> No.20116600

Nietzsche is honest. Feel free to hold up some dork like Kant or Hagel as the peak of philosophy but they're all just german spegs playing around with fancy words.

>> No.20116602

>all replies are substanceless cope or (literal) shitposting so far
Not a great showing, /lit/

>> No.20116616

We responded in kind.

>> No.20116621

when the poop finally comes out it feels like I have delivered a baby and it stymies my impulse towards transitioning.

>> No.20116678

>the only truly challenging books are scientific textbooks(particularly Math and Engineering ones)
maybe for you, retard

>> No.20116688

>Neetshe is honest
>wrote exclusively in aphorisms

>> No.20116715

holy cope

>> No.20116722
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another stemlord filtered

>> No.20116793

0.01% of those who study STEM are visionaries with potential to change the world. The other 99.99 are just reading instructions and doing labwork. They're little more than glorified accountants.

>> No.20116809


>> No.20116810
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>says the coping humanities nigger

>> No.20117039

Frustrated much?

>> No.20117056

That goes for everyone though.

>> No.20117062

ok brainlet here. why should we care about philosophy anyways? just seems like different ways of old/dead people telling you how you should live your life when it's all down to the individual and their experiences anyways?

>> No.20117246

Challenge this, bitch *grabs dick*

>> No.20117263

This is correct. What you failed to mention is that 0% of humanities majors are visionaries with potential to change the world.

>> No.20117265

Why are stemfags so cringe? A lot of confidence for virgin social outcasts.

>> No.20117317

Did you get rejected from grad school or something? All of you're posts are seethe.

>> No.20117357

You know the vast majority of people currently running nations, whether that's politically, financially, or culturally, are humanities or social science majors right?
The ceiling for stemtrash is always a wagie unless their startup is funded(and then fails)
What the fuck is this board with such little self awareness and disdain for the very subjects it was made to discuss?

>> No.20117358

give this man a booker prize

>> No.20117368

Your entire existence is dictated by law majors, economics majors, and whatever media heads major in

>> No.20117395

>frogposter makes a terrible post
reminder that you will remain a virgin forever.

>> No.20117641

>law major
Reading instructions applies to them way more than scientists.

That's a math heavy science.

>> No.20117643

What if I want to be a pseud?

>> No.20117652

Why do you obviously bullshit about something you yourself know you know nothing about? Who are you fooling? Yourself?

>> No.20117674

Nope. Media heads (and other influential men) usually major in maths or other intelligent fields, law majors and economics majors generally just work to earn the former money and exercise very little discretional influence that isn't dictated to them by more powerful men, if any.

>> No.20117680


>> No.20117686

>Media heads (and other influential men) usually major in maths or other intelligent fields
Kek, what are you basing this delusion on? I literally majored in math in a university that has tons of the children that go into these nepotistic industries, NO they are most definitely not majoring in fucking math. Neither did their father and their future boss. All of the other students in my department were hyper autists, academia bound ass kissers, or pining for a finance job
>law majors and economics majors generally just work to earn the former money and exercise very little discretional influence th
This goes for every single degree and almost every single person. The point is in response to how "humanities majors produces no influential people" when the vast majority of people who hold that exclusive definition majored in the humanities. Those "powerful men" are looking to manipulate laws, money, and minds(and basing it on works of the humanities, in pursuit of ideals discussed in the humanities)

>> No.20117687

Uh dude, you don't go to university to learn lmao you can do that on your own time

>> No.20117690

In what universe are media controllers math autists?

>> No.20117691

>when the vast majority of people who hold that exclusive definition majored in the humanities.
What are you basing this delusion on? They either don't major in anything or major in STEM.

>> No.20117692

>What are you basing this delusion on?
Enter name:
Click wikipedia:
Scroll to "early life and education":
Please point to me where I can find producers, owners, writers, and directors with math degrees, because i can find 10 million with the opposite

>> No.20117696

Wait, are you basing this on Reed Hastings?

>> No.20117704

The controllers majored in business or economics, the content creators in a wide variety of things. Seems obvious

>> No.20117720

Who does that?

>> No.20117958

Imagine unironically making this argument, the reason that the world is so shit is exactly cause it is run by people who majored in kike sciences. If the world was a technocracy run by top STEMies we'd already be colonizing the galaxy.

>> No.20117971
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Ahem *ting ting*


>> No.20117982

>What the fuck is this board with such little self awareness and disdain for the very subjects it was made to discuss?
Stemfag autist anime site.. remember?

>> No.20117990

This thread and everyone in it has been deemed cringe

>> No.20118015

If the world was run by stemies you'd be scraping to buy bread while these faggots waste trillions on colliders and space rockets to detect some meanigless gay nigger subparticle or a distant galaxy and pat each other on the back for this incredible discovery. It's almost like intelligence without ideological convictions to guide it can only do harm

>> No.20118029
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> If the world was a technocracy run by top STEMies we'd already be colonizing the galaxy
Techno-utopians are even more delusional than communists.

>> No.20118049

>ideological convictions
If you had said ethics grounded on solid metaphysics and epistemology then yes, but since you said ideology you ousted yourself as a frizzy-haired mulatto gender studies undergrad that believes there is such things as African math versus colonial/white math

>> No.20118054

You’re also delusional if you think the majority of stemites aren’t IFLScience bug men and it would be any different. Just look at Big Tech now to get an idea.

>> No.20118092

I hate stemniggers so much it's unreal