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/lit/ - Literature

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20112680 No.20112680 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about how corporations and the elite use media and culture to propagandize the masses? I want to actually read something that actually uses examples and events in history not just talk about the concept itself

>> No.20112700

Society of the Spectacle by DeBord
Propaganda by Ellul
Manufacturing Consent by Chomsky & Herman

But these are all "leftist" anti-state critiques so guessing from the image, maybe not exactly what you are looking for.

>> No.20112704

>maybe not exactly what you are looking for.

>> No.20112712

The Great Reset chapter on surveillance

>> No.20112716

stonetoss is a nazi

>> No.20112722

Hate Inc. by Matt Taibbi echoes Manufacturing Consent a lot, but with more of a focus on events that occurred after 2015.

>> No.20112750

>these are all "leftist" anti-state critiques so guessing from the image, maybe not exactly what you are looking for
It’s retarded to throw out valid or useful critiques simply because they are written by left-wing thinkers. Good ideas are good ideas, it shouldn’t matter where they come from. If you insist that every writer you read has to be in perfect alignment with your political framework, you’ll end up reading very little at all.

>> No.20112753

People aligned with your framework are generally taking about the topics you're interested in while the opposing side is doing the opposite.

>> No.20112759

>opposing side
Brainlet detected

>> No.20112770

If you only ever read people who agree with you, you will never challenge your viewpoint and build a strong foundation for your beliefs. Its not rigorous and quite anti-intellectual to do so. Absolutely read about what you’re interested in, but don’t be afraid to grapple with ideas or thinkers you might thoroughly disagree with. If you can overcome the challenges they pose, then the justification for your beliefs will be all the more stronger for it. And if not, then at least you will have the honesty to admit when you are wrong and be willing to improve your thinking as necessary.

>> No.20112771

Sorry english is my second language what should I have said?

>> No.20112775

I can't tell if this is bait or not. If it it's bait it's pretty good

>> No.20112785

Interesting hypothesis but corporations and the so-called elite are too incompetent to influence the masses in any meaningful way.

>> No.20112786

What’s bait-y about it? Where is my logic amiss? I am willing to accept when I am wrong for the sake of improving my approach to truth, so please, do explain.

>> No.20112788

It's really not hard

>> No.20112807


Based and non-brainlet pilled

>> No.20112810


Sucks to be you then since anti-capitalists have been criticising this shit for about a century and

>> No.20112815

I'm still 80% sure this is bait but I'll answer in case it's not. Why would you think everyone over the age of 18 would not already know this? Also have you never looked at any of the /pol/ book charts. It's half filled with leftist books. Also the field of propaganda and really almost every topic you can think of is close to 100% leftist or liberal authors because right wingers don't get published.

>> No.20112818

Oops this was for


>> No.20112827

If I'm not mistaken the early books like Bernays and Lippman were not leftists and then you have Goebbels and that whole crowd and you know about those guys

>> No.20112833

The bait is thinking that "grappling with perspectives" is actually worth anything. At best it's an idle curiosity, at worst it distracts and dissipates one's life into "questions" and "problems", rather than affirmations and living.

>> No.20112843

Don’t limit yourself so narrowly. I swear half you retards want confirmation bias when you ask for book recs here

>> No.20112845

Ok this one is bait

>> No.20112847

>Why would you think everyone over the age of 18 would not already know this?
Because 4chan is an 18+ website and there are still people here who refuse to read books written by people that don’t align with their beliefs, as this thread demonstrates. Stating the obvious? Sure, it might seem like that to someone like you or me who isn’t so ideological that they can’t appreciate a good idea regardless of its source. But clearly some people don’t get this.

>right wingers don't get published
This is a myth. Right-wing viewpoints might be harder to publish in this day and age, but to state in such an overgeneralised way that “right wingers don’t get published” is retarded when there are so many counter examples to your point.

>> No.20112848
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>Interesting hypothesis but corporations and the so-called elite are too incompetent to influence the masses in any meaningful way.

>> No.20112857

So what you’re saying is that you read to surround yourself with yes men? That is weakness, plain and simple. You are afraid to challenge your beliefs because you fear that the foundations on which they rest are not as strong as you would like to admit. It is not an “idle curiosity”, it is the means by which we learn to build better arguments and stronger justifications for our beliefs. Without it there is no closer approximations, finer gradients of truth, only biases and dogmatism.

>> No.20112860


Fake translation on image. Not even machine translation could get that result. It actuallys says:
"The image is too beautiful; I don't dare look at it"

>> No.20112865

It's a meme Chang.

>> No.20112869

Not a single person here will be able to recommend a book on propaganda written by a right winger. It's 99.9% dominated by leftists and your recommendation is to say read leftists? How about read some right wingers?

>> No.20112879

>is retarded when there are so many counter examples to your point.
Post 3 books on propaganda written by right wingers

>> No.20112884

I never said to read one way or another, all I said was to read regardless of the author’s political leanings. Why you feel the need to keep compartmentalising writers into left or right-wing I have no idea, but it’s immature and silly. Maybe there are good books on propaganda written by right-wing people, but their political framework has absolutely no bearing on the quality of their work.

>> No.20112898

He didn’t specify books about propaganda by right-wingers not getting published, he made a broad (and patently untrue) statement about all right wingers not being published. I’m going to stop replying now since I made what I thought was a fairly uncontentious point, only to be met with a group of highly combative and ideological replies. Just read books and stop paying attention to politics ya dumb monkeys

>> No.20112914

You realize different groups write about different things right?

>> No.20112920

You realize different groups write about different things right?

>> No.20112948

My beliefs cannot be challenged because they are my beliefs. They are the form which I have created and which no one can refute or destroy, except by killing me or forcing me physically to renounce them through torture or violence. There is no such thing as "true belief", "objectivity", "universality", "The Truth", and other such superstitions. There is only the truth for me, and there are others with their truths.

>> No.20112953

It’s not your language that is in error, but your view that intellectual thought is to be understood like a team sport.

>> No.20112957

Good because English is my first language I just wanted to know if I made a mistake. Also


>> No.20112962

>Not /lit/

Also Orwell's books sure to deal with the theme at hand.

>> No.20112968


>> No.20112969

Me team good and smart
Not me team bad and dumb
Not me team write dumb things me no like
Me only read me team things unga

>> No.20112975

Damn can't respond to the point huh you're going full retard

>> No.20112981

Sadly porn, by edward teach

>> No.20112982

Baudrillard's Consumer Society elucidates it. Bernays actually put his propaganda to use in advertising, so I guess read him.

>> No.20112994

Not bait. It's just hard for some to accept. The transvaluation of truth has not yet hit home for most people.

>> No.20113001

>There is no such thing as "true belief", "objectivity", "universality", "The Truth", and other such superstitions
Correct, that is why I specified “closer approximations” of truth, not Truth with a capital T. Objectivity doesn’t exist outside of the satisfaction of abstract linguistic constraints, but that doesn’t mean you can’t cut your teeth in order to sharpen the bite of your arguments.

If something is true because it’s true for you, that kind of thinking won’t improve your PURSUIT of truth one iota, since truth is irrevocably bound up with narcissism rather than truth for its own sake.

>> No.20113007

If you want to just be confirmed in your current beliefs and to get some hits of outrage dopamine, watch Tucker.

He cherry picks constantly, but you'll get what you came for.

>> No.20113009



>> No.20113011

Approximation implies that there is an objective standard to judge the approximation by (otherwise there would be no "closer" nor "farther" approximation), do not pretend to be stupid.
>but that doesn’t mean you can’t cut your teeth in order to sharpen the bite of your arguments.
It most certainly does. Arguments are useless unless you're someone desperate for others to agree with your opinions, or for opinions to "harmonize" between peoples.
>If something is true because it’s true for you, that kind of thinking won’t improve your PURSUIT of truth one iota
Au contraire, it will complete my journey while yours will remain ever unfulfilled.

>> No.20113020

>Approximation implies that there is an objective standard to judge the approximation by (otherwise there would be no "closer" nor "farther" approximation), do not pretend to be stupid
Why should that be the case? I am interested in degrees of realisation, things that are always in-becoming and never reaching a final state of being. 0.999999 does not equal 1 because 1 does not exist. If this is stupidity, then I will gladly embrace it.

>Arguments are useless unless you're someone desperate for others to agree with your opinions, or for opinions to "harmonize" between peoples.
You are literally arguing with me right now (poorly, I might add). By your own word, that means either you’re seeking validation for your opinions, or you’re looking to synthesise my ideas with your own. So which is it?

>it will complete my journey
It’s not YOUR journey if all you’re doing is parroting Nietzsche (probably the most un-Nietzschean thing you can do). You’re completing his journey, not your own.

>> No.20113023

Bro, it's the manichean, good vs evil mindset. It's for kids.

I live in rural Kentucky. We never elect Democrats. No libs. Is it utopia? Fuck no. Not even the best place I've lived (that was Utah, which is a political odd ball). It has good parts, cheap land, good gun laws, lowish taxes.

We also have corruption because one party rule means no one gets competition. Kentucky elected a Democrat governor because our Republican party takes winning so for granted that they run absolute shit bags. No one likes Mitch here. It's sort of like how Massachusetts has Republican governors all the time.

Crime is high, drugs still a problem. Young people leave by in large. Economy is highly dependant on gibs because the population is old so pensions are a huge share of income (state or Social Security). Cancer is everywhere. Literally counties where 1:4 adults have had cancer or have it. I'm all for not having costly regulations, but you can't spray Roundup by the gallon on to fields, all sorts of pesticide, dump trash all over the woods, have unsealed pits for trash, and then pump water right out of drainages from these areas and act shocked that everyone gets cancer. It's fucking retarded. We're told any attempt to have us not get cancer will crash our economy, but really it's so richfags can't make .05% more profit.

Yet /pol/ thinks I live in a paradise of bearded men with ARs standing in wheat fields with their trad wives saying "yes." It ain't that simple. Problems have complexity.

>> No.20113033

And just to add to my point about Nietzsche- for someone who insists on the transvaluation of values, you sure do seem stubborn to re-evaluate your own.

>> No.20113035

Lying shit bag detected. Lmao

>> No.20113041


>> No.20113058

>Why should that be the case?
Approximation has no meaning unless it is an approximation of something. That something being "The Truth." If that something, The Truth, does not exist, then it is an approximation of Nothing, and therefore immaterial. Disagree with me? That's fine. It is immaterial. Everything I've just said is hypothetical and provides no hint of The Truth.
>You are literally arguing with me right now
I'm not trying to change your mind. I'm explaining my own, and that is all, whether or not you are convinced is not of any relevance to me. If you choose to believe in The Truth it is of no concern to me, I will only see it as your truth, and not mine.
>parroting Nietzsche
I am not a Nietzschean, my thoughts happen to coincide with some of his.
>you sure do seem stubborn to re-evaluate your own.
They've already been reevaluated by my own standard, and not any so-called "objective" standards which are not my own.

>> No.20113091

Yeah dude, come down to Appalachia and see what an extreme utopia it is.

It's better than the Rust Belt city I grew up in, better than NYC, which I lived in for just a year (although, there is some cool shit there), very similar to where I lived in WV. I would say overall, Upstate New York where I lived, in the Northern Adirondacks (south of Plattsburgh a bit) was in some ways nicer (less crime, beautiful nature) and in some ways worse (more expensive, cold as fuck most of the year). Utah out west of Grand Junction and eastern Washington around Spokane are the best places I've lived, only here for family. Rural Western Massachusetts is surprisingly nice, I've only worked there for long periods, but the whole state isn't Boston like what you'd think, feels more like what you'd think Maine would be.

>> No.20113122

it's hilarious that people still try to be nazis

>> No.20113171

Not only are you lying a shit bag. Youre a total hypocrit to. Which makes you an even funnier bag of waste.

>> No.20113178

Then you're a cuck. You should only read what /pol/ tells you to read and never change your opinion unless it becomes cringe on /pol/.

>> No.20113191

Awww look how mad and stupid you are.

>> No.20113197

Whatever libtard, I know my posts won't end up in someone's cringe compilation and that's all that matters.

>> No.20113215

Nazis are literally the result of zero critical analysis ability lmao go roll around in the dirt

>> No.20113216

Yes but the problem with leftists is that they don't apply what they say to reality. For instance, the acceptance of homosexuality was obviously manufactured with the methods they outline, yet they will never even dare to suggest it.

>> No.20113227
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the problem with people who use terms like leftists on 4chan is that they never escape their tiny meme bubble yet pontificate as if they've seen the world

>> No.20113230

Prove it generalizing retard.

>> No.20113239

>Approximation has no meaning unless it is an approximation of something. That something being "The Truth." If that something, The Truth, does not exist, then it is an approximation of Nothing, and therefore immaterial
It is an approximation of something illusory, yes; but it does not deny the existence of the way towards truth (objective or otherwise). If I am chasing mirages in the desert, I am still moving, and even if every oasis I encounter is not real, I still have a greater chance of finding water than I would were I merely standing still. There is no functional difference between the non-existence of objective truth, and not knowing if objective truth exists- so struggle on we must.

>I'm not trying to change your mind. I'm explaining my own, and that is all
I didn’t ask you to explain yourself, you imposed your perspective on me as a challenge to my own. You replied to my post in order to dispute my point, that is the textbook definition of an argument. Thus the question remains: by your own admittance you are either trying to validate your perspective, or seeking to, as you put it, harmonise your thoughts with mine. So which is it? Do not try to wriggle out of this with semantic nitpicking, there is no escaping the fact that you are making an argument, and so you should state explicitly what your intentions are in accordance with the definitions you yourself have already set out.

>They've already been reevaluated by my own standard
Then your standards are weak, and you have already accepted stagnation, dehydration and inevitably, death. I will likely die too, but at least I will die a good many steps ahead of you on the journey towards truth.

>> No.20113246

It's literally a thousand times harder to cultivate and educate someone so as to instill critical thinking in him, than to manipulate him with whatever message you please.
The latter is actually very easy. It was easy during the medieval times, easy during the Renaissance, and even more so today that he's inundated with messages and information 24/7.

>> No.20113251

you already did :)

>> No.20113252

Coping with Schizophrenia

>> No.20113253

Left/Right divide is wrong is the midwit position.

>> No.20113256
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pic related.

So then weaponise their own logic against them. Be the first right-winger to write a book that applies left-wing ideas on propaganda to the left’s own propaganda machine. I believe in you anon :)

>> No.20113259
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Noo me calling you a retard. Doesnt defend your position. That just makes me right. that youre an even bigger retard than i thought lmao. Even the capctha just called you a retard.

>> No.20113260

Books? Nigger just look at the covid hysteria, thats all you need if you are not retarded.

>> No.20113325

closest thing of what you want that I know
>Machiavel Pédagogue: Ou Le Ministère De La Réforme Psychologique

>> No.20113336

Corporations don't do anything but chase trends and follow the culture. All this begins in universities.

>> No.20113345

Ignore the crypto marxists who think they are right wing. The truth is corporations don't do jack shit but follow the mainstream and the media is only the tail of the dog.

>> No.20113355

>posts 0 books

>> No.20113356

I know of one such book being written right now, there's also several case-specific books on it(Transgender-Industrial Complex for instance).

>> No.20113369

>So then weaponise their own logic against them.
that's a dangerous thing, it only ends up with
>no, you are the real racists
kind of stupid shit than only gives them more power about everybody being afraid of being racists due to any bullshit
if you are playing on your enemies home you are fucked

>> No.20113377
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>> No.20113403

>Be the first right-winger to write a book that applies left-wing ideas on propaganda to the left’s own propaganda machine
Alot of other Right wingers, most prominently Moldbug, have explained that this is counter productive and doesn't work. Also this: >>20113369

>> No.20113412

To add: using the left's ideas on propaganda would be giving them to much credit instead of just calling those ideas what they ironically are: propaganda meant to uphold a certain narrative that binds those who'd dare defy progress

>> No.20113418

what do you want me to say? You complain about the lack of rightwing writers writing about propaganda, but refuse to offer any solutions. Even appropriating left-wing ideas has more value than this nonproductive kind of whining.

He’s a hack. Can’t say I’m familiar with what he’s said on the subject though, can you give me a quote?

>> No.20113425

>propagandize the masses
Learn to write properly, retard. The direct object of propagandize is the message you propagandize, not the person or group of people among which you propagandize it.

>> No.20113430

You should look into Cambridge Analytica, allegedly a lot of the data profiling involved in the elections drew on thinkers like Foucault and Judith Butler. You say it isn’t effective, but those strategies actually brought about things like Brexit and Trump’s election to office. See:


>> No.20113431

>He’s a hack
>Can’t say I’m familiar with what he’s said on the subject though,
Of course not, because you haven't read him. If I remember correctly he talks about it in his Open Letter.

>> No.20113447

Yeah, it sucks and ended up accomplishing nothing of value. I don't care much for brexit considering europe is just Americas backup save

>> No.20113462


>> No.20113469

>you haven't read him
I’ve read some of his writings on patchwork/neocameralism, which is certainly an interesting alternative to the libdem deadlock. But he’s still a hack-y sack. Instead of just telling me to read him you should be able to paraphrase his ideas- clearly you yourself don’t understand him well enough to do so. Just pointing at him and thinking that is a valid point in of itself is cringe.

Doesn’t matter if you don’t see the benefit, that is a clear example of the right weaponising supposedly leftist thinkers and ideas against the left. And it worked. even if brexit and trump were failures in themselves, you can’t deny that their campaigns were successful.

>> No.20113503

you literally just say the thing you want people to believe, and pay other people to say it

>> No.20113508

the masses propagandize themselves numbnuts it's called enculturation and it happens every time there is a language

>> No.20113522

why limit propaganda to the corporations and elite and not the anti-state propaganda that has become especially rampant during the trump era and after?

>> No.20113523

"You're a nazi" is the same as "you're an incel" are the same thing and basically means "white guy with an opinion I don't like" its essentially meaningless. Moving on..
Come on the right's gotta have something. It can't be this dire.

>> No.20113526

There's a reason right wingers don't get published. Its corporations stiffling freedom of speech

>> No.20113527

it's because the right made good use of propaganda for centuries

>> No.20113528
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>> No.20113530

Good thing I'm third position

>> No.20113532

do you know how the french revolution happened? it wasn't because revolutionaries sat at home complaining about how they couldn't get published

>> No.20113535


>> No.20113536

>Even appropriating left-wing ideas has more value than this nonproductive kind of whining.
you just ignored everything I said here >>20113369
>but refuse to offer any solutions.
I don't have any ideas but self-publishing, fuck, even just creating a blog and letting people download .pdf s

>> No.20113545

That kind of person does not wear Chad's clothes. Bad meme, poorly drawn.

>> No.20113551

That's his worst work, amounting to speculative fiction, and he never talks about it anymore so I'm not surprised it's the one progressives find most the compelling.
>But he’s still a hack-y sack.
I just mentioned that he has talked about it before how leftist tactics don't work for right wingers.

There clearly was no benefit. Until people start firing state employees and revolving the unis it will always be detrimental as it ends up serving the regime

>> No.20113563
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Good evening sirs, I DON'T READ but would nonetheless like to ARGUE ABOUT POLITICS on the designated LITERATURE BOARD.

>> No.20113577
File: 984 KB, 1199x666, olavo books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have 3

>> No.20113585
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the funniest thing is, he looks like a stereotypical jew

>> No.20113599

Good point

>> No.20113768

Is that the mf zodiac killer?

>> No.20113790

It's not the corporations that dictate belief.
Weak and sympathetic monarchy. Also, alot of its leaders were already prominent figures and lawyers to begin with

>> No.20113954

>since anti-capitalists have been criticising this shit for about a century
Yeah too bad they decided stop after 2016.

>> No.20113971

Propaganda by Edward Bernays is the book you're looking for

>> No.20114874

Propaganga by Edward Bernays

>> No.20114888

total bullshit.

>> No.20114893

>Why are you saying market socialism and classical marxism are different?

>> No.20114896

Oh look another retard who just puts whatever he wants in the mouths of """/pol/""" and then totally owns them with facts and logic.

>> No.20115000

You have it upside down. Who put money in the pocket of those universities? Who employs university teachers as highly paid "consultants"?

>> No.20115006

I mean is it this hard to always follow the money?

>> No.20115062

I read a lot of Chomsky in my edgier younger years. I always found Chomsky to be a little outside the left/right paradigm, he criticized politicians and bureaucrats generally not just right wing ones. Although his personal views are certainly to the left of centre, you don't need to agree with him on those in order to get something out of his political writing.

That said the one book I'd recommend to OP is Manufacturing Consent.

>> No.20115079

wtf! i love nazis now!

>> No.20115100

>I always found Chomsky to be a little outside the left/right paradigm

>> No.20115112

Our system is inherenetly left wing though. If you read people like Chomsky you should be aware he was ultimately aiming at conservative america not necessarily at the government itself.

>> No.20115126
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it's ok he's a Ukranian nazi

>> No.20115233

It seems like big business does well enough to say that our systems are not inherently left wing. It's more that profit motive won out over traditional social values.

>> No.20115389

r/antiwork is gone, anon.

>> No.20115432

What a faggot.

>> No.20115441
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>Any books about how corporations and the elite use media and culture to propagandize the masses? I want to actually read something that actually uses examples and events in history not just talk about the concept itself
Art of Memetics you fucking newfag.
>ignoring Ellul
>ignoring DeBord
Look at this fucking brainlet.

>> No.20115442


>> No.20115534

Yes because they have no original thought of their own

>> No.20116532
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Who isn't a Nazi at this point?

>> No.20116565

>yes goy, be confused and uncertain
>it's intellectual!

>> No.20116668

You are limiting yourself, then. I am so far right that it's not even funny, yet I still recognize that Derrida was one of the best modern readers of the Phaedrus. Given the excerpts here [>>20115441], I'm stoked to read Ellul. Have enough confidence in your worldview such that it won't be shattered by an opposing perspective. If it is thus shattered, then maybe you should reform it.

>> No.20116708

If you're right wing you should know if you pickup a leftist book it's just going to be talking about leftist topics which are a tired topic

>> No.20116725

Not me

>> No.20116730
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>> No.20116734


>> No.20116746

You're dumb and/or trolling. French "leftists" are not the same as American neoliberals/"snowflakes." Most of them are far better readers of Plato than someone like Paul "Midwit" Woodruff. You know, Plato? The man who wrote the most influential critique of democracy ever? Nick Land, one of the most exciting actual right-wingers in the 21st-c., was raised on a steady diet of such French thinkers.

I'm not denying that there's heinous shit written by left-wingers. But many of the continentals forward arguments that can be detached from their political worldview. Usually, it comes in two parts: the diagnosis and the proposed solution. The diagnosis is the same, no matter if it's written by Ellul or Robert Filmer. Ignore the proposed solution if you wish. Or just read Kierkegaard if you can't handle an opposing opinion.

>> No.20116757
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Still true though

>> No.20116765

Not true

>> No.20116773
File: 890 KB, 1080x2096, french.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep larping as a right winger lol

>> No.20116791


He's as far to the left as one can possibly be.

>> No.20116796

Yes, and? The French are disgusting freaks and have been since dawn immemorial. That stale information doesn't negate their arguments.
Oh, you're trolling. Hah hah, good one bro.

>> No.20116797

Why do we need the French? Worthless people. I'm like 99% sure you're just a leftist larping as a right winger trying to get right wingers to switch sides

>> No.20116818

I love France.

>> No.20116824

There's plenty of great art from "the right." kek what a retarded statement

>> No.20116829

Are you OP? If so, you're asking for "books about how corporations and the elite use media and culture to propagandize the masses." There haven't been many right-leaning thinkers worth a damn who've written on this topic, because "conservativism" is a moving target that's constantly shifting to the left. Today's conservative is yesterday's hippy: they have no absolute principles. Meanwhile, the French won't shut the fuck up about corporations and elites weaponizing culture as propaganda, and some of them happen to be (ironically enough) more traditionalist than most conservatives, since they have a deep grounding in Classics.

All great conservative writers existed before the invention of modern corporations. You can try reading Moldbug, though he's more of a rhetorician than a philosopher. You can try reading Nick Land, but you'd first need a good understanding of Kant (a task which itself has a load of prerequisites) and the aforementioned Frenchies. You can try reading Kierkegaard, though you'll have to fill in the blanks yourself since he wrote just before the rise of modern corporations. Or you can stop being a little bitch who's afraid that their political views will wither up under the tiniest microscope and just read the goddamn French.

>> No.20116854

Was there even a single book recommendation after the one in like the first two posts? Or did it descend entirely into retarded cringy zoomers arguing as if they know anything going on outside of their fartstinking bedroom?

>> No.20116881

>Meanwhile, the French won't shut the fuck up about corporations and elites weaponizing culture as propaganda,
Yes but they're all pedophiles who admit to wanting to destroy the west. They all have far left views on politics and philosophy. There is no reason to read them over any other people

>> No.20116884

To be fair, the west has been corrupted for 2000 years.

>> No.20116905
File: 134 KB, 1160x770, 4A01D3C1-EA47-4BE1-8223-9929E6E0F57D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20116930
File: 17 KB, 450x343, jerry-seinfeld-whats-the-deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the deal with Nazis?

>> No.20116938



>> No.20118454

Unironically kys and your shitty thinly veiled bait thread, directionbrain.

>> No.20118528


No book recommendations. Just everyone sperging out because OP didn't want to read books by leftoids

>> No.20118544

More like no further book recommendations because OP is too much of a retarded directionbrain to read exactly what he asked for.

>> No.20118594

He's a dialetician.

>> No.20118647


>> No.20118874

I didn't ask for books about how we interfered in the election in East Timor or some leftist garbage. You know exactly what I was looking for in the OP you just can't help but be ideological

>> No.20118954

Retarded directionbrain making assumptions and refusing to think for themselves, what else is new?

>> No.20118966

You were asking for books about how corporations and the elite use media and culture to propagandize the masses and that's what you got.
>you just can't help but be ideological
kek the irony