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/lit/ - Literature

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2009995 No.2009995 [Reply] [Original]

So WHAT can you actually do with a degree in English, Literature, Communication or Humanities?

>> No.2009997

Teach English, Literature, Communication, or Humanities.

>> No.2009998



>> No.2009999

Go on to law school.
Or suffer.

>> No.2010002

With Communication and English you can go into Media and Journalism work of various kinds.

With anything else you either go into teaching or get a generic office job in the employ of your state's/province's government.

>> No.2010003

PROTIP: double up your major with a pre-med curriculum. Then go to medical school.

>> No.2010005

Pretty much any job that doesn't involve hard math or working in a lab.

>> No.2010011

law scur, broacassing, a kin stoof, ynow

>> No.2010045

this. seriously, does NO ONE who comes to /lit/ to ask this STUPID. FUCKING. QUESTION. not know how the job market works? If you have a degree, a fucking pulse, and a necktie, you can probably find a nice job somewhere. now, please, shut the fuck up.

>> No.2010049

You can't do shit with most college degrees. It's all about making money. Just like the real estate bubble we wil have a college bubble.

There are however still worth while degrees in things people don't want to read. Such as Medical Lab Assistant. It doesn't sound fancy and isn't. But unlike Molecular Biology it will give you a job in a lab.

>> No.2010053

>If you have a degree, a fucking pulse, and a necktie, you can probably find a nice job somewhere.
a nice job? really?

>> No.2010055

>You can't do shit with most college degrees

You can literally do anything with nothing. I swear to God, /lit/ is the biggest bunch of defeatist pussies ever. So when some asshole comes here saying how liberal arts degrees can only get you service jobs, you can laugh because that person has no concept of how reality works. However, I will say this, if you are unfortunate enough to need loans and student aid to finance your degree, then, by all fucking means, do no major in liberal arts. Beside those poor souls, have at it, and enjoy your life until you finally do the world a favor and die.

>> No.2010056

If you really want to go to college to train you for a job, go to community college for two years and get an Associate's degree that will let you work as a paralegal or veterinary assistant or some shit.

>> No.2010057

YES, not a doctor maybe, but a fine job. Unless, of course, you think you're special and deserve a six figure job that comes with a big house and a wife with even bigger tits - which, by the way, not going to happen, and, no you're not special - you can get a nice job that pays maybe 60,000 and lead a perfectly normal and happy life...swear to god, everyone on this board is fucking stupid.

>> No.2010058

Normally you're right. Nobody's hiring now though.

>> No.2010059


Hey you cunt. Where are we defeatists? Bill Gates was a college drop out. And it certainly is better to finish college.

College was valuable before everyone went there. When college was for 10% of White kids only it was gold.

Not today when even gang bangers go to state colleges.

If there is more of something it loses value. If 90% of all people had gone to medical school, doctors would not be what it is today. Is that concept hard to understand?

>> No.2010067

Yes that is hard to understand because...
>If 90% of all people had gone to medical school, doctors would not be what it is today.
...that is a dumb fucking sentence. Here are more like that...you cunt.

If 90% of people bought ice creams, ice creams would not be what it is today!
If 90% of people had gone into pirating, pirates would not be what it is today!
If 90% of people had gone into crystal meth, crystal meths would not be what it is today!

>> No.2010069

Go study law.

>> No.2010070


Shut your trap mister!

If 90% of people ate ice cream today, it would be good for the ice cream vendor. If 90% of people where ice cream vendors, it would be bad for the ice cream vendors.

>> No.2010071

i dont care about six figures. i just mean enough for security without the job being stressful. but like id probably want to be a nice computer as a one-off spend.

>> No.2010072

No, do not go study law. Why does everyone think that becoming a lawyer solves all problems? In fact, it probably creates more problems than it solves.

>> No.2010073


Then you should have taken some crappy science. Medical Lab Assistant is a good deal. You could actually choose where to work.

If you don't know what they do, they get blood samples from nurses, analyze them, give it to the doctor who gives the diagnose.

It's a bigger shortage than doctors.

But who wants to learn about lab assisting when there is fun stuff like humanities?

>> No.2010074

He doesn't understand the most basic principles of supply and demand and likes spouting random nonsense.
Don't argue with the boy.

>> No.2010075

ice creams just isn't what it used to be...:-\

>> No.2010076

A law degree does not make you an actual lawyer, as in, you start going into court as soon as you finish it. Only a few of JDs actually become actual lawyers and are not doing some retarded paperwork. If op feels he is a charismatic, smart and garrulous individual he might look into law, because if you are the right material being a lawyer can make you a god among man.

>> No.2010077

go into econ then, faggot.

>> No.2010078


There are too many economists in todays economy. And no one of them understands todays economy.

Financial instruments are made by physicists and engineers. They can only be understood by hard math. Economists can only pretend to know.

>> No.2010080

I just can't stand how gloom and doom everyone gets when this question gets asked (which it does on a daily basis). Life sucks if you want it to, or it's pretty cool and sooner or later you'll get lucky and die. Stop being fags who take themselves too seriously and just enjoy yourselves.

>> No.2010085


Who is the fag here? Fags sees the world as one big party. That's why they have that damn parade. Showing their cocks to kids cause it's their right to do so.

>> No.2010087

>work in a convenience store
>new application on manager's desk
>education: bachelors in english
>have a good laugh

Even with one of these useless degrees you could do better than that.

>> No.2010090

What are you babbling about now, you goofy fuck?

>> No.2010091

that's because the assholes who go into hard science and finance to make money or to have prestige ALWAYS fuck things up worse than they were because, in their monomaniacal quest for a big paycheck they forgot human values. Complexity breeds confusion, and the cocksweat automatons who go into these fields without actually gaining some perspective outside them just fuck things up for the rest of us.

>> No.2010095

You must work in a 5 star convenience store then, if you're that selective about your hiring pool. Tell me the name of it; I want to get my girlfriend's tampons there from now on.

>> No.2010096

I doubt that people who go into hard science do it for fucking money. Look at all the top scientific intellectuals, no one really cares for money.

>> No.2010101

They do it because they think they're really smart and can solve...something. Then they become engineers and work for Boeing to design weapons that kill people.

>> No.2010105

Anyone who's ever labeled himself an intellectual, I promise you, has never done anything to help anyone ever in their lives. Even Noam Chomsky. The best he does is get worthless 20-somethings riled up.

Here's what you should do, think about your best friend, the one who's helped you through good and bad times in your life, call him/her on the phone and ask them how they're doing. There, and you don't even need a job to do that.

>> No.2010106

Weapons don't kill people, people kill people.

>> No.2010108

The people who design the weapons because their bosses told them to, and because they learned early on that it's best to always do what you're told and what's expected of you, kill people.

>> No.2010109

Platitudes aren't boring. People who say them are boring.

>> No.2010112


'English' as in 'English language'? Nothing.


"A number of English graduates (about 7%) choose to undertake research, while many more use the communication and analytical skills they develop at Oxford in careers ranging from advertising to acting, including publishing, teaching, librarianship, public relations, journalism, the legal professions, management consultancy and finance. Recent English graduates include a projects coordinator in education for a London theatre, a trainee solicitor, and a teacher."

If you go to a good university, any kind of non-specialist professional career you like!




'Humanities' isn't a subject, but, if any of the numerous subjects contained by that umbrella are done at a good university, then, again, pretty much anything.

>> No.2010113
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>this is what americans actually believe

>> No.2010114

People kill people with weapons designed to cause death.

>> No.2010115

>implying I am getting a degree so that I'm more employable.

I love it when all you self-righteousfags get boners over prospects of a six figure sum working on an oil well with your degree in whatever. I am studying literature to further my knowledge in litarature, and hopefully make a worthwile piece of art that just might immortalise me, or at least leave me remembered for a few centuries. You fucks can have your big bank account, house and all other comforts to disguise the general misery which consumes all of our lives. In the end, you will die, and considering the predominantly atheistic views assumed by people so called ''worthwile'' degrees not a single fuck will be given. So bullshit to your employment prospects.

>> No.2010131


>big bank account, house and all other comforts to disguise the general misery which consumes all of our lives
>he thinks I'm going to use all my money to spend on some cookie cutter house instead of underwater cities and zoning a rural area of land to build a village for myself within a dome.

>> No.2010154


>I have no chance of making it big through hard work, therefore art is superior.

>> No.2010159


>implying art isn't hard work
>implying it doesn't take years to write a book

If you are going to make a point, make it relevant.

>> No.2010160


But if you go to fucking Oxford you could do anything because people will foam at the mouth if they see Oxford on your resume. For us normal people, it isn't quite that simple.

>> No.2010172

>hopefully make a worthwile piece of art that just might immortalise me, or at least leave me remembered for a few centuries

Yeah, that's where you're going wrong.

That probably won't happen. That's a dream.

Don't criticise people and call them "self-righteous" for getting "getting boners over prospects of a six figure sum" and then claim that your reason for going to university is better - namely, to be 'immortalised'.

The only sensible reasons to study a degree are these:
1) to train for a sensible and decent career path once you leave which will get you reasonable money with maybe the possibility of higher salaries later on
2) pure intellectual enjoyment and broadening of the mind

If you just said "I am studying literature to further my knowledge in literature", without that other bullshit, that would be okay.

But you didn't.

You're an idiot.

Enjoy working in Tescos.

>> No.2010178


>Calls others self-righteous
>Is a giant self-righteous prick himself

>> No.2010181

Enjoy living in your bed-sit, drinking tap water and eating cheap bread while wanking over your shitty novel

>> No.2010184


Whatever. I'm just saying that pursuing a degree for financial reasons is bullshit, IF you are going to immerse yourself in a hedonistic and materialistic lifestyle, which most people do. This isn't only my opinion, but also the opinion of many intellectuals throughout history (not implying that I am an intellectual at all so don't even start with that shit).

>> No.2010195


>maybe I am. But I'd rather be like Andy Warhol than Richard Branson.

>> No.2010223

>comparing SCIENCE DRONES to world famous entrepreneur
you're stupid. if this is how you stereotype science majors then what do you think of people that go into business and accounting?

>> No.2010224

Studying to become a translator and I think my degree is included in Liberal Arts category.

>> No.2010227

90% of the asshats in lit right here

wanna be writers that suck at everything including writing

just reading his post makes you want to punch his mother

>> No.2010230
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I gotta eat, pay for my books, pay for my Xbox games, pay for my apartment, and make enough to not work everyday of the week because I hate doing that.
I think I'm going to get a nice job.
You fucking faggot.

>> No.2010237


I was comparing somebody who was a self righteous artist (because I was called self righteous) with somebody who's life is about making money. I'm also not stereotyping science majors. I respect anybody who wants to go into science, which is just as important as the arts. I just have a problem with people who come onto literature forums and downplay literature degrees because they don't provide as many financially viable career prospects.

>I never downplayed science.
>I also never convicted anybody of being stupid.

>> No.2010240


>implying I employ stylistic devices in my posts.

>> No.2010255


How can you blame a person for wanting a degree that almost guarantees a secure job? There are plenty of people that went and got a STEM degree who are also talented writers, like Coatzee.

By the way, the whole "phd in mathematics, 300k a year" thing is just a trolling tactic. If you think people become physicists or engineers because of the money, you're being trolled

>> No.2010260


>I gotta eat

True, you have to eat to live.

>pay for my books

False. This is not required. This is something you want to do, not need to do.

>pay for my Xbox games

Also false. See above.

>pay for my apartment

While technically not necessary for survival, I will grant you this.

>make enough to not work everyday of the week because I hate doing that

Also not required. This is something you want, not something you need.

>> No.2010269


Exactly. Science majors end up middle class if anything.

>> No.2010271

>Graduate with a BS
>Get a job
>Just do your job, don't change anything, just continue the same bullshit that millions of people before you have done
>Cease caring about improving yourself as an individual, devolve into an entertainment consuming ape
>Watch reality shows all day long to console yourself life has meaning
>Slowly lose grip on religion, allow beliefs to turn into whatever you want it to be, stop going to church, stop reading bible
>Get married
>Have kids
>one kid is successful, the others are vacuous and uselessly materialistic
>watch as your children pick up the facsimile of religion, don't read the bible or go to church, but call themselves "christian"
>Get old
>Get cancer
>Try to kill yourself out of fear of becoming a burden to your family

>> No.2010282

>This is something you want, not something you need.
There are no needs; needs, and the want/need distinction are metaphysical abstractions

>> No.2010285

So I want things. I cannot begin to understand why this is such a horrid thing to you people.
I don't even want that much. The only entertainment I spend my money on is Xbox, books, my computer, and Magic the Gathering. It's not like I'm going to go out and buy a yacht or a Ferrari. Although I do have a future dream plan.
Get a brilliant job that pays very well. Well enough for me to afford a used Catamaran in five years or so. Quit job, sell everything, and sail around tropics writing. New places, traveling around. I want to sail and write. Is that a terrible profligate thing to want?

>> No.2010287


But you need food, water, and oxygen as well as several vitamins and minerals (hopefully taken care of through your food).

Also one does actually need mental stimulation, believe it or not if you were born in a sense deprivation tank, you would not come out well adjusted.

And it also turns out that psychologically speaking people have certain amounts of excitement that they need to achieve on a regular basis, so if they can't get that, they do drugs.

>> No.2010289


I've got nothing against those people. I just get pissed off when struggling artists are perceived as parasites. If people want to switch of and pursue stability for the rest of their lives they can do, in fact, they will probably be a lot happier (but ignorant).

>> No.2010292

That is spot on.

>> No.2010294

> I just get pissed off when struggling artists are perceived as parasites

That's because every individual in the united states is required to hold an office job, anything else is for subhumans.

Remember, individuals attempting to better themselves is verboten and culture is our enemy.

If you graduate as a doctor and spend the rest of your life writing prescriptions for drugs you know nothing about (lol vioxx) for boo boos and owies you are the paradigm of America.

>> No.2010296

money is nice but it's not enough. when i'm on my deathbed i want to remember being happy doing what i wanted to do, and not what i felt obligated to do. and i don't plan on ever having children so i have no reason to build up my wealth, own property, and all that other stuff.

>> No.2010299

>you need food, water, and oxygen as well as several vitamins and minerals
Even the fact that you use the 'need' concept-word here demonstrates its true function in language, that you have to precede its utterance with a specific subject. There is no "need", there is some entity which "needs", some action or disposition (further signs in language, nothing more, nothing "real") is demonstrated in "needing" rather than any concrete fact about the body or the world. And this dichotomy of need/want is by no means some sort of natural formation, insofar as we think of natural as ideologically-free etc, it is, to quote, rather that "the system of needs is the product of the system of production". Your notion of a "need" is simply more puerile capitalist sign-code metaphysics in motion.

>> No.2010302

>money is nice but it's not enough.

It's never enough, if you aren't doing your part by acquiring massive amounts of debt to pay off for the rest of your life, then you aren't an American.

Go to college.
Buy a car.
Buy a house.

>> No.2010303

Why do you guys let STEM troll you so badly? A BS in a Hard Science is about as 'useful' as a BA in a Social Science/Liberal Arts. Engineering Majors face a shitty economy, continual downsizing and outsourcing along with droves of Indian/Chinese/Vietnamese Engineers coming in on H1-B Visa's. Engineering is an incredibly ageist profession with a extremely high burn out rate.

Besides, the average person changes his career at least five times during the course of a life, stop putting so much emphasis on needing a hard set path in your early twenties. Also intern/volunteer like a motherfucker throughout your undergrads and you to can be a middle management cubicle driver! I work for a insurance company (make around 46k starting) and I majored in English. They could have given a fuck about my degree, they cared more that I had done basic clerical work for five years while in school.

So tl;dr, go get a job, get a degree and stop bitching.

>> No.2010309


I've seen some interesting responses to questions before, but that is some hefty philosophical handwaving there.

My favorite part is how you place words with no serious meaning between other words, as if it spices it up.

Would you have liked him to dictate how the human body requires each individual form of matter in order to continue it's function?

>> No.2010310


>> No.2010311

>people still playing video games after the age of 18

>> No.2010312


>So I want things. I cannot begin to understand why this is such a horrid thing to you people.

You have a materialistic and hedonistic addiction that I personally find disgusting. What's hard to understand about that?

>> No.2010313

>stop putting so much emphasis on needing a hard set path in your early twenties

You've completely missed the point where this isn't something one puts on themselves. This is part of the culture of the United States, it's ingrained into the national psyche. What I'm saying is that OTHER PEOPLE put it on other people.

In short: "if you haven't planned out the next 60-70 years of your life by the age of 17, you are a failure"

>> No.2010314

>Would you have liked him to dictate how the human body requires each individual form of matter in order to continue it's function?
No, besides the fact requirement is not at all the same thing as need, and that bodies don't "need (people or entities such as robots and animals that we personify or come to understand by reference to our own behaviour do), because that would not tell us anything about the concept of need; what we would be saddled with instead would be a reductive explanation, or if you know anything about reductive explanations, it would not be an explanation of the concept of need whatsoever.

>> No.2010317


Humans need entertainment to function properly. An infant who grows up in a sensory deprivation tank will not become a healthy adult.

>> No.2010318


Don't compare anyone around here to your typical irresponsible consumer. I'm actually pretty confident that he doesn't buy TF2 hats or goes to see pointless movies like Transformers 3

>not pirating everything

>> No.2010319


Being entertained does not mean "buying shit" nor does it mean "owning shit".

>> No.2010321

Except I really don't think it is. I think most people over the age of thirty will admit that often times 'life' happens in ways we couldn't possibly foresee. I mean yeah, it helps to have a general plan and a goal but this overly regimented attitude I see espoused on /lit/ and /sci/ about knowing EXACTLY what you are going to be doing for the rest of your life frankly bizarre.

>> No.2010322

Go to a college campus, 90% of the kids are studying to be Engineers or doctors. What do you think happens when they all graduate? Then the job market is full of these guys (not even including the asian immigrants who will take over this field soon enough) and there will be a shortage of teachers, lawyers, etc.

>> No.2010324

>besides the fact requirement is not at all the same thing as need

Lol, yes it is. They are interchangeable.

>and that bodies don't "need

Yes they do. If you don't believe this, why not walk in front of a bus or cease eating an drinking?

>and that bodies don't "need, because that would not tell us anything about the concept of need

You are really good at writing much and saying little.
I like this statement, because it's completely stupid. Bodies don't need because it doesn't teach us about need?

>> No.2010327


But you need to buy entertainment or own entertainment in order to use entertainment in this world of capitalism.

Let me know when we hit some magical post-currency society and this isn't an issue anymore.

>> No.2010329

There already is a shortage of teachers. The people in those classrooms are more like babysitters than anything else.

>> No.2010330


Both good posts. Come to think of it, this is a good thread.

Now it's become tainted by me posting here.

To answer the original question, I don't know. There are probably some fairly good careers you can get, I guess.

>> No.2010331

Wow, there's like four conversations going on in this thread and they're all retarded.

>> No.2010335

My favorite part about college is how it seems like everyone has given up the concept of education by then, as if lecturing is the pinnacle of imparting knowledge.

>> No.2010337


Why don't you bless us with your intelligence then Lord Intellectual!

Or you could make useless shitposts like your own while the rest of us contribute in a way that is superior to your own regardless of quality.

>> No.2010338

I wish we had *more* lecturing, I hate 'participatory' type classes where I have to listen to the student who just finished Said's Orientalism repeat over and over about the skewed western view of Middle Eastern politics.

>> No.2010341

That money = happiness is the great lie of our time.

All memes aside, I really do hope that you guys don't do this.

>> No.2010342

I'm pretty sure "degrees" is not "literature" so this whole thread is one big shitpost.

>> No.2010343


You don't necessarily have to buy the sort of entertainment your talking about, which includes everything that engages the senses. A simple walk would cover that nicely, and would be quite free.

>> No.2010345

>Lol, yes it is. They are interchangeable.
No they're not; the requirements on the back of a video-game box do not impart the same sense as a discussion of a student's special needs

>Yes they do. If you don't believe this, why not walk in front of a bus or cease eating an drinking?
Because I would just be dealing with the same issues in language except I'd find it a lot physically harder to do so i.e. I would be impaired.

>Bodies don't need because it doesn't teach us about need?
you forgot the comma signifying a shift in point, you stupid shit

make another zero content response whining about how you think I'm saying x or y instead of addressing what I'm actually saying and you can go fuck yourself, I have better things to do. Actually, you can go fuck yourself in any case because I do have better things to do than humiliating some moron who's best response is to ignore my commas and cry over how he thinks I'm saying little in a lot.

>> No.2010346



>> No.2010350

>I have better things to do

I don't have enough Costanzas for this

>> No.2010352


Unfortunately, educators disagree with you. Lecturing is largely based off rather archaic principles like the assembly line that arose from the Industrial Revolution. Teachers and schools have fought long and hard to keep the current system even though service-based learning is a superior method.

What lecture produce are bored, burnt out students who don't wish to learn on their own outside of classes. But don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it isn't successful, as long as you consider students we produce as successes.

>> No.2010356


As was said previously, each individual has a different level of necessary entertainment. For some this can be extreme like having to constantly engage in risky behaviors. For others, this could be just smoking weed on a daily/weekly basis. And yet for others they need only go see a movie once in a while or play some video games.

Their bodies are going to see the amount of entertainment they need by the easiest or most effective manner. Running and walking just isn't entertaining either in the right amount, or the right way for everyone.

>> No.2010358

But I'm not paying large amounts of money to listen to my undergraduate peers, I want to hear the Professor with the Ph.D.

>> No.2010360
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real mature

>> No.2010364


You mad? I'm not going to suck your cock over your useless sentences. You say very little with a lot of words. It reminds me of a lot of philosophers who while being able to discuss complex ideas, write in extremely poor quality.

>No they're not

Yes they are. My body needs water to continue functioning. My body requires water to continue functioning. Same meaning while having nothing to do with video games.

>Because I would just be dealing with the same issues in language except I'd find it a lot physically harder to do so i.e. I would be impaired.

Yeah but you don't need safety, you don't need water, you don't need air. And "physically harder" is just a bullshit excuse. Do it faggot, if you don't have any needs, prove this by living your life by this concept.

>you forgot the comma signifying a shift in point, you stupid shit.

Ah, so you were just spouting bullshit opinion as fact then? Cool story bro.

>> No.2010369

>My body needs water to continue functioning
circular question begging through and through

keep trying lil fag kiddo

>> No.2010375


>Actually, you can go fuck yourself in any case because I do have better things to do than humiliating some moron who's best response is to ignore my commas and cry over how he thinks I'm saying little in a lot.

Clearly you don't if you are still here. Why haven't you left sir? Is this discussion so important to your ego that you can't let it go?

>circular question begging through and through
Keep on not discussing the issue then!

Why not put yourself out there and tell me what the difference is between these two sentences:

My body needs water to continue functioning.
My body requires water to continue functioning.

>> No.2010382

circular question begging through and through
keep on keep on trying lil fag kiddo, i'll drop in every once in a while to keep laughing at your neanderthal attempts at reasoning

>> No.2010386

>circular question begging through and through

Keep on not discussing the issue then!

Why not put yourself out there and tell me what the difference is between these two sentences:

My body needs water to continue functioning.
My body requires water to continue functioning.

>> No.2010390

We are all duly impressed you've discovered Logical Positivism.

>> No.2010398

Dude, he's a notorious troll. Ignore him. He comes into threads and derails them with a seriously flawed but intellectual-sounding complaint and then bitches at everyone who responds.



Ignore the motherfucker. He will never explain himself in a logical or direct manner and he will never stop arguing even if you let him think he's right.

Ignore him.

>> No.2010402


Oh I know, I just felt like getting a rise out of him for a few moments before he ignores me like everyone else.

I was going to leave the tab open and continue responding with the same thing over and over as he did the same.

>> No.2010404

>He comes into threads and derails them with a seriously flawed but intellectual-sounding complaint and then bitches at everyone who responds.
I'd like you to point out anything I've said in the last 6 monts that has been "seriously flawed"

>> No.2010409


Keep on not discussing the issue then!

Why not put yourself out there and tell me what the difference is between these two sentences:

My body needs water to continue functioning.
My body requires water to continue functioning.

>> No.2010410

uh besides that

>> No.2010412

This. Lit deserved a better class of troll; we got D&E.

>> No.2010422

I'm sure you would.
Low-hanging fruit.
If he explains his argument you would actually be able to debate him. That would be unacceptable.
I know that feel, bro.
If you think you can get a genuine rise out of him I encourage you to do so, but I'm not sure he gives a fuck what anyone types in response except as fodder for more trollposts.

>> No.2010423

also lol@ that moron who thinks he's getting me to respond to him when in fact he's just responding to me, and to prove it I guarantee he'll respond to me again, and again, even though I haven't even quoted him or anything. Either that or he'll read this and he won't want to make himself look stupid by responding, so I've made him not respond to me just as easily. Lol what a chump.

>> No.2010426


Keep on not discussing the issue then!

Why not put yourself out there and tell me what the difference is between these two sentences:

My body needs water to continue functioning.
My body requires water to continue functioning.

>If you think you can get a genuine rise out of him I encourage you to do so, but I'm not sure he gives a fuck what anyone types in response except as fodder for more trollposts.

I'm sure I'll fail, but I'm bored.

>> No.2010434

There seems to be a lot of talk about people want out of there degrees but what about what people have gotten out of their degrees?

I'm guessing everyone here is like 20-21 and still living on food court shit or something.

I have a degree in humanities. I'm rubbing elbows with some powerful motherfuckers on a daily basis and am poised to pick up a job at a major institution in the East Coast doing something I love, because I put myself out there and proved that I was valuable.

No one gives a shit what my undergrad degree was in. They only know that I'm sharp, capable, and want to work hard. That's all they need to know.

>> No.2010436
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see what I mean? Adios retards

>> No.2010439

You're getting worse at this. But if this is how you actually think.... wow =\

Back on topic, English and Comm degrees help you gain skills and connections to do all kinds of work. You probably won't get rich, but most people don't. They're perfectly valid major choices as long as you network and practice your skills... you know, like almost any other major. You use your degree to supplement your experience, not to replace it.

>> No.2010444

Teach, law, anthropology, archaeology, media production, advertising, business school, etc...

I know tons of people who have graduated with degrees in English, Communication, Liberal Arts and Humanities and the majority of them have done well in the above fields.

>> No.2010446

>i-it's not like I'm responding to you anon, you baka! I-I'm j-just trolling you!

>> No.2010452

I can't believe we won. He usually doesn't give up that easily. He must be tired.

Also, OP: see this post >>2010444

>> No.2010456

>> So WHAT can you actually do with a degree in English, Literature, Communication or Humanities?

I don't know about murrika but over here, if you substitute English for Local Language, you could be a whole number of things! A journalist, teacher, editor, spokesperson, a person working in marketing and advertisement, copywriter, proofreader... man, what's up with people thinking these degrees are worthless? As in not applicable in the job market? Sure, they are worthless in that as opposed to, say, astrophysics, you can usually manage to do a decent job in a given field without them, but this whole idea of not getting a job related to your degree seems way too overblown to me.

>> No.2010470

I think D&E is making a distinction between need in terms of a necessity towards a given end (need food to survive, for example) and the concept of need that is more subjective (or relative/culturally defined) which separates need, as that which we absolutely want or find necessary, from just "want", which is something that we could conceivably move on from, unfulfilled.
Which raises the question, what is the semantic difference from "I need to survive" and "I want to survive"? "I need to survive" is not the same as "my body requires 'x' to function and not die".
Why do you "need" to survive? What is more necessary about your survival than anything else in the Universe?

>> No.2010476


People operate under the idea that you as an individual who has grown up in that society, then owe society "your dues" before you are given what's yours. This is what people generally think degrees are, 4 years of boring "study" so that one can get a job.

Instead we are told that no, 4 years of accumulating debt doesn't count as "paying your dues" but instead you have to work for years at some shit level job AND work through 4 years of college.

And then what do we find out? Either you get another entry level job but with more money, you find out that the job market sucks, or you find out that, like the pharmacist shortage years ago, the job market shortage was completely artificial and didn't exist at all.

>> No.2010480

it's all semantics. Need is misconstrued as "want" or must" and vice versa.

>> No.2010485

>Why do you "need" to survive? What is more necessary about your survival than anything else in the Universe?

Why don't you need to survive? What is less necessary about your survival than anything else in the Universe?

Would you like to get into a discussion on what makes one human, one animal, one cell more or less superior than another?

>> No.2010486

>I can't believe we won.
I can't believe you're more than one samefag.
And you're one sad individual.
inb4 hi d&e

>> No.2010489

If you or D&E want to discuss semantics, and by all means feel free to do so, might I suggest starting a new thread so that

1- people who want to discuss this topic with you will be more able to find it

2- so we don't prevent this thread from discussing the topic at hand

3- so the tripfag doesn't get what he actually wants, which is a permanent thread derailment towards him.

>> No.2010501

>Why do you "need" to survive?
>What is more necessary about your survival than anything else in the Universe?

If you honestly believe that, can you please tell me why you couldn't kill yourself 20 mins from now? I think the answer you come up with will answer your own question.

>> No.2010500 [DELETED] 

I don't think you're D&E I just think it's amusing that you think this was one guy vs a tripfag instead of several vs a troll. For example, in another thread I greentexted and altered D&E's words to point out how stupid his argument was, and he's been bitching at other people ever since, asking why they greentexted things he didn't say. I haven't responded again because I don't have to. Tons of people hate his bullshit.

>> No.2010506

believe it

>> No.2010510

Deep is a douche and pretty childish, but at least he's not as stupid as you are.

>> No.2010512

Maybe because he doesn't WANT to?

>> No.2010515

>it's all semantics.
Semantics shouldn't be dismissed. Wittgenstein was all about semantics, he recognised the importance of semantics.

>Would you like to get into a discussion on what makes one human, one animal, one cell more or less superior than another?

It's not a hierarchy that operates in that manner. It's more a metaphysical distinction made where some conceivable state of affairs are "necessary" (i.e. they must happen) whereas other conceivable state of affairs are not necessary (and are merely wanted or unwanted). The difference is qualitative, not quantitative.

>> No.2010519

>can you please tell me why you couldn't kill yourself 20 mins from now?
I could kill myself 20 mins from now, unless it's necessary that I don't.

>> No.2010525

which is worse, a retard or someone who deliberately acts like a retard?

>> No.2010530

>a retard or someone who deliberately acts like a retard?
>someone who deliberately acts like a retard?

Hey, you just discovered Socratic irony.

>> No.2010532


I used to work in Tescos.

>> No.2010537

>I don't think you're D&E I just think it's amusing that you think this was one guy vs a tripfag instead of several vs a troll

For the sake of accuracy, it was one person. I'm a bored college student doing his laundry in my 85 degree apartment while browsing /sp/, /v/, and /tv/ and occasionally watching the television a few inches away.

But I suppose that's the point of being anon though, that people don't know who you are or what you've previously said/done. If I really cared about it, I'd get a trip.


superiority isn't always quantitative. 3 paintings aren't necessarily superior over 1 painting. A single painting like the Mona Lisa can, given the right perspective, be superior to 3 paintings done by the elephant at your local zoo.

>> No.2010545
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>> No.2010547

pizza gets bored so frequently it's unhealthy

>> No.2010550


My point was asking to get him to see why he values his own life. It's easy to say "there is nothing to justify your continued survival over another" but live a life where you value your own life.

Ultimately you'll arrive at the answer that animals have a cognitive bias towards our own lives. It's just how we are.

>> No.2010553

Keep on not discussing the issue then!

Why not put yourself out there and tell me what the difference is between these two sentences:

My body needs water to continue functioning.
My body requires water to continue functioning.

>saying you'll leave twice
>come back anyway

>> No.2010559

This. I will copy and paste this on every troll thread about the English major from now on.

>> No.2010567

>superiority isn't always quantitative.

I'm not talking about superiority.
You are thinking of a number line or scale where there is a "bad end" and a "good end" and the worth of something is porportional to it's position along the line. That's what I mean by quantitive: measurable.
By qualtitative I mean there is something wholly different from "want" and "need". You can't put a list of things you want on a scale and choose an arbitrary point along the scale and declare, "pass this point things I 'want' become things I 'need'".
Want is quantitative, you can want some things more than others.
Need is not quantitative, you can't need things more than you need other things. You either need it, or you don't need it.

>> No.2010576


Ah, I shouldn't have started discussing with you to begin with, you messed up D&E's point from the first post.

The difference was between:

"I need food to survive"
"My body requires food to survive"

You changed it into:
"I need to survive"
"My body needs x to survive"

>> No.2010578

Devil's advocate here. I think what others in this thread are saying is that since you can't really "need" anything (all needs exist to fulfill wants), the word isn't that useful.

>> No.2010589

>you can't really "need" anything

Yes, you can.

>the word isn't that useful

It's perfectly useful.

"I need fruit to survive" implies a fundamental connection between consuming fruit and survival as well as a certain order of things.

>I consume fruit.
>My body obtains the necessary vitamin C it needs to function.
>I don't die from scurvy.
>I don't eat fruit
>I don't obtain enough vitamin c
>I die

>> No.2010591


>> No.2010594

You consume fruit because you want to keep living. We've discussed this.

>> No.2010601

I've got a feeling that this problem of metaphysics/semantics we are discussing was probably solved by Aristotle two and half thousand years ago.

>> No.2010606


And what is your point? Repeat yourself if you must.

All animals have a cognitive bias towards survival. It's a function of living.

>> No.2010609

>The difference was between:

>"I need food to survive"
>"My body requires food to survive"

No, I think D&E trapped himself into that argument because of poor wording that he refused to withdraw out of pride. The point he was trying to make originally is the one I made (more or less, though he would probably use more technical/precise terms).

>> No.2010611


To add to this if you are going to say

"Why must you live?"

I'm just going to respond with "Why mustn't you live?" They are equally valid questions.

>> No.2010612

I have a feeling that this isn't a semantics/metaphysics thread

>> No.2010621

no-one's understood a word I've said itt btw, not even the people who were actually trying

>> No.2010630
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Pic related.

>> No.2010633
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>> No.2010634

That's because you're a shit writer and your argument is so flawed that only you think it's worth typing.
“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough” -Einstein

>> No.2010637

I need fluids in my body in order to stay hydrated.

Surely this is correct. It is a fact that if my body did not receive fluids, I would dehydrate. Whether I wanted it or not.

>> No.2010640


Are you still here, I'd like a response to >>2010611

I don't think it's a want, I believe it's a need. The process of continuing to live isn't entirely mental, it's physical.

>> No.2010668

I know someone who majored in communications at a state college and became a fighter pilot because they were in afrotc.

>> No.2010674


Guns don't kill people; 3/4" holes to the head kill people.

I lul'd at OP's pic because I have an AA in Liberal Arts. I actually didn't set out to get one, I was getting ready to transfer out of my community college and saw that Liberal Arts was the degree I could petition and snag easiest on my way out the door.

I'm in law school now, so whatever. Eventually the liberal arts thing wil just be a humorous little thing from the distant past. (Not gonna hang that one on my office wall.)

>> No.2010678


Huh. My community college doesn't let anyone transfer to a state uni unless they have an A.A. in General Studies. All their A.S. degrees are non-transferable.

>> No.2010700

What state are you in? I'm in California. They have a general education outline you're supposed to follow to transfer out, but you don't always have to complete the entire thing or get an AA to go to a state school.

>> No.2010702

There we go, problem solved. We'll all become fighter pilots.

>> No.2010703

What's dumb about all this major-related-judgement is that we live in a society that is going through unprecedented change. There ARE NO SAFE BETS anymore. Venerable industries collapse over night.... and new ones are bound to be born.

So what are we students to do? I say, chill the fuck out, accept the uncertainty, and try to follow your passion while working hard to supplement your degree with practical skills and experience.

Hating on the liberal arts is shortsighted and stupid. STEM and "the trades" are essential to our society, but so are citizens that are well-versed in history, philosophy, language, and even art. Skills in those areas make for wise leaders, informed voters, and compassionate neighbors. To instill this frenzy for money and fear of uncertainty in young people will rob our country of a bright future.

>> No.2010704



>> No.2010706

Man, I fucking hate deep and edgy...I image him as a pale, four foot tall, ginger haired, greasy guy who talks in this irritating nasal tone. Every time I read another comment of his the character gets more detailed. I see 'joke' t shirts, squeaky shoes...pimples...God, I've never wanted to hit someone so much. Yeah....Imad.jpg

>> No.2010713

>I say, chill the fuck out, accept the uncertainty, and try to follow your passion

What of the students that lack a passion? How does one find a passion?

>> No.2010723

Sometimes you have to be in school (or somewhere else) for a while before you figure that out. You'll eventually realize what it is you were meant to do, but that may only happen after doing something else instead.

>> No.2010724


Don't worry if you haven't found a passion. That's one of the hardest things in life do. I say, pick something you like, and make that your path. Either you grow into it and start loving it, or after a while you realize it's not the right thing and you have to abort (often though, those aborted paths still equate valuable life experience that makes you more well rounded).

Speaking from personal experience, you can often get stuck in an apathetic malaise of "I don't know what I love so I can't do anything." Just picking something and trying it can really energize you. Best case scenario, it helps you find what you want to do. Worst case, you learn what you don't want to do (which is valuable too).

>> No.2010836

I drove a forklift before going to school. After I graduate with my History BA in another year, I assume that I will be qualified to go back to do same, albeit a bit more educated.

>> No.2010851


You had to study to become a forklift operator in the first place, right?

>> No.2010867

Are you fucking kidding me? Yes, you need to take classes to be qualified to drive a heavy piece of machinery.

>> No.2010872


So basically there's a huge time investment and money dump even for attaining the most low class and blue collar jobs.

>> No.2010876

No, I learned on the job, then got my certificate. Not knocking forklift operators or any kind of work, actually, it's just not what I want to do as my life's work. However, I couldn't stomach getting a degree in something that holds no interest for me, like business or comp science or whatever, simply because it would be more marketable.

>> No.2010894

Went back for a masters degree.

Got hired as an archivist with moderate salary and small benefits. Not everyone else I graduated with has been as lucky.

It worked out in the end for me, but if I could go back I probably wouldn't get a History degree in undergrad.

Maybe would have focused on Computer Science instead, or learning a foreign language.

>> No.2010902
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English major + Med School pre-reqs + a handful of courses in Molecular/Cellular Bio+ Volunteer/Shadowing/Research Assistantship = Top Med School is the way to go


>> No.2010915

This same goddamn troll thread everyday.

>> No.2011098

I'm maybe getting a little off the topic but let's picture this:

You can learn most of the things in the English/Lit. program without going there. There are hundreds of literary theory books out there, the authors are in the internet and your uni's library. So, why getting a debt and taking classes with obnoxious frustrated teachers?

The "safe bet" since I remember is not Law. It's accounting, the math in there is high school math mostly.

That of course if you plan to be an author, if you want to be a teacher go ahead and get a phD in Literature but I think we don't live in the same time Hemingway, Faulkner or Virgil did and we can't impose the same way of living to us.

So, anyway... either way choosing Engineering or choosing Literature if it is not your thing, it will only give you frustrations.

>> No.2011107

You can learn every discipline by reading the textbooks and studying the trade or academic literature.

Joke post.

>> No.2011111

>You can learn most of the things in the English/Lit. program without going there.
No, you can't. You can learn other people's opinions and regurgitate them as you please while never developing your own because you've never been challenged by someone else with a larger base of information or benefited from interpersonal knowledgeable discourse.

>> No.2011114


Have you tried to learn organic chemistry or macroeconomics solely using a textbook by a chance?

>> No.2011120


Protip: Posting on /lit/ doesn't count as "learning".

>> No.2011124

Protip: /lit/ is a perfect example of the first part of my post and could/will benefit from the second part.
I'm talking about good teachers.

>> No.2011127

>Implying that's not all an undergraduate education is

>> No.2011128


Different person, but the science classes at my university are taught only through the textbook and the repetition of the textbook in lectures.

>> No.2011136

I got my degree in Engineering.

Now I make troll threads on /lit/ all day.

Good thing I didn't get an Arts degree like other faggots...

>> No.2011166

I'm going to start a 4 year B.A course in Philosophy/Psychology in October.

Don't give a fuck about the job prospects, I just want to do the course :V

>> No.2011205

1) get a humanity degree.

2) get a job in the medical device industry as a regulatory or clinical affairs specialist

3) Start out around $50,000 salary...work up from there.

Seriously, all industries that need engineers, also need people that can write well.... there are many highschool teachers, philosophy and english majors in the regulatory department at my company.

>> No.2011216

Tell me more sir.
I am very interested. Maybe I'll pursue an English degree after all.

>> No.2011236


don't know if that link will work on here... but that is a job posting at an orthopaedic company for an entry level regulatory affairs position. in that position you'd be writing 510(k) submissions for the FDA in order to get market clearance for products. the posting does say you need a BA/BS in lifesciences or engineering - but I work with a lady who was a chemistry teacher at the highschool for 10 years before working here in regulatory - and i'm getting my master's in regulatory and clinical affairs (I'm an engineer, figure if I wnat to move up higher I need to know better how we are regulated, since it is only going to get stricter), and there is a kid with a philosophy undergrad major in it, as well as another teacher from a school around here.

>> No.2011628
File: 155 KB, 355x599, troll4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are literally 6 trolls trolling 6 other trolls trolling the trolls of those trolls.

It's beautiful.

>> No.2011637

go to school to be librarian. get job as librarian before i even get my AS. whut do? meh, might as well just keep going to school.