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20105579 No.20105579[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What mythology is it mainly based on? What are its other historical and cultural influences?

>> No.20105583

eldenfags you can't escape. /lit/ is not your safespace.

>> No.20105588

There's barely any lore in this game at all, how could it possibly have any kind of deep historical or mythological influences? The entire "story" boils down to "go here and get this plot item" or "go here and kill this guy".

>> No.20105596

The merchants are essentially inspired by jews and the frenzied flame is moloch

>> No.20105601

That's what makes a good game anyway, people who play video games for 'story' and 'lore' are idiots.

>> No.20105608

Do you think lore and plot are the same?

>> No.20105609

Because it was written by GRRM who favors Anglo legends. We should keep finding its other influences.

>> No.20105619
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It's based on the potty thoughts of a fat old son of New Jersey, honed to a razor edge by a fat otaku edgelord who built his career off directly plagiarizing Miura. Morrowind and the Witcher are the /lit/ approved RPGs.

>> No.20105620
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>There's barely any lore in this game at all, how could it possibly have any kind of deep historical or mythological influences? The entire "story" boils down to "go here and get this plot item" or "go here and kill this guy".

>> No.20105643

>What are its other historical and cultural influences?

>> No.20105646

Sure yeah it's a fun game, one of the best to come out recently desu. But this thread is retarded. The game is specifically made with a very little storytelling in mind.

What plot? You get an incoherent blurb of random shit at the beginning and then you randomly run around killing things, coming across a random NPC every so often who gives you a paragraph blurb that always amounts to "kill this boss for me". There are no literary influences here because there's no substance. It's a game for the sake of playing and nothing more.

>> No.20105650


>> No.20105654

sorry my post here >>20105620 meant to quote OP with that picture since elden ring is a onions game like dark souls

>> No.20105664

It's a Japanese take on Gnosticism. Demiurge, puppet-gods, body-soul dualism and the implications of, the slow corruption of the physical, etc.

>> No.20105741

kek it was not written by GRRM, the fat fuck literally just sent a page with notes that Miyazaki only used as a sprinboard, his name was used for marketing purposes to fool dumbufucks like you

>> No.20105750

Literally just Wagner, whole thing is basically ripping off Das Rheingold.

>> No.20105751

Fuck off

>> No.20105766
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>Fuck off

>> No.20105784

fucking clueless, not even any point arguing with you.

>> No.20105789

I am absolutely befuddled when I come across people who think this shit which is happening on a regular basis now isn't just literally using someone's name for marketing. How the fuck is everyone so gullible? Are zoomers really this fucking stupid?

>> No.20105798

>What mythology is it mainly based on?
Dark Souls
>What are its other historical and cultural influences?

>> No.20105810

It doesn't matter whether you believe there is or isn't a point in whatever, there's no argument in the first place. If you disagree with me you're probably wrong.

>> No.20105830

Post Roman Britain. You literally join a round table and navigate the ruins of a complex and defeated civilization.

>> No.20105847

Good, this is a step in the right direction.

>> No.20105849

All souls games are like this, you're basically exploring an already-dead civilization

>> No.20105879

Yeah but like he said, this one is more Arthurian. DS is more generally European.

>> No.20105914
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>alchemy, hermeticism, astral magic derivative of the former (7+2); a little Norse
Martin has some early scifi schlock novel involving a post apocalyptic world where radiation's formed a hive mind fungus psychically influencing all life, and people trying to break free of it. Something like that appears to be informing The Outer Gods/Greater Will.

>> No.20106109

Miyazaki as directing the "souls-like" genre of games is almost undoubtedly influenced by the "Dying Earth" subgenre of speculative fiction. Just read through Book of the New Sun, sprinkle in a little Dying Earth, and then the equipment homages to more recent works like Berserk begin to crumble and fall away as you're exposed to the solid core of patrician fantasy.

The cyclical universe, bleak dying/dead world, intervention from higher powers beyond human understanding, critical lore and information slightly obscured in item descriptions and one-off dialogue lines (the equivalent of Wolfe revealing major plot points and obscuring the action) link Elden Rings and related works to the great science fantasy writers.

>> No.20106210

>Generic fantashit one and two
Doesn't even hold a candle to Pathologic.

>> No.20106213

You mean that game they designed so retards could stream it on twitch and pretend to be le epic intellectuals?

>> No.20106223

Filtered. Gamers really are anathematic to artistry.

>> No.20106227
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>Filtered. Gamers really are anathematic to artistry.

>> No.20106234


>> No.20106243

you have almost no knowledge of the games you are talking about, it's a guarantee that you're spreading falsehoods in your original posts so stop arguing out of your fucking ass.

>> No.20106244
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>> No.20106248

>It's a Japanese take on Gnosticism.
It's Buddhist, retard. Get your pop-spirituality straight.

>> No.20106255

God I fucking hate people who gush over story in games.

>> No.20106270

why? what's your reason for limiting the mediums for storytelling?

>> No.20106271

I've literally only talked about Elden Ring up to this point. I've put tens of hours into it. You have no arguments, that's why all you can say is "DURRR IM A RETARD DURRR U HAV N ARG U MENT DURRR U DONT NO WAT U TALKIN ABOUT DURRRR". You might as well put your fingers in your ears and scream. Don't know why you're so assmad in the first place, it's a fun game OP is just a blathering retard.

>> No.20106282

yeah you do speak about the game like someone who just played it and hasn't looked for the story, because it is there and you missed it. you need to calm down and look into the subjects that you argue against.

>> No.20106292

Good writers don't work on games and games that try to tell a story do it at the expense of gameplay. Constant gameplay interruptions, manually controlled walk-and-talks, and scripts written at the level of YA are all facets of story-based games and the games all suffer for it.

>> No.20106299

pathologic came out in 2005 zoomie we dont talk about the remake

>> No.20106303

a good writer cannot work on a game? why would you make that assumption, given how lucrative the industry is now and how the new generation of writers are very likely to be gamers. I also don't like story focused games where the gameplay suffers, but there are plenty of games that balance it well.

>> No.20106308

miyazaki is a far more profound artist than fagner

>> No.20106311

lit approved rpgs are pathologic and disco elysium, not those two

>> No.20106317

you are a tranny

>> No.20106333

you are inherently handicapped as a writer for games since video games are implicitly in the players control to influence to a large extent. the story HAS to take a backseat to the gameplay in order for it to be a game. otherwise its a completely fallacious experience

>> No.20106334

There's no "looking into it", it's a video game. You play it and it stands for itself. If you need supplementary material then you are not asking about the video game, you are asking about the supplementary material. Games with actual plot and lore like say, Skyrim or Red Dead, don't require you to go read some kind of secondary explanation that was released solely to please Marvel-tier fanboy nerds who need every little decision in the setting explained with a Wiki page. Go muse over your reddit-tier fan theories somewhere else faggot. The game is intentionally vague and poorly explained because it's not that kind of game. It's aesthetic, in the sense that it's a game that's really only concerned with gameplay. Anything else is just tacking on some faggot nerd's personal analysis of a few paragraphs of intentionally vague and ultimately meaningless dialogue.

>> No.20106344

I can't argue with you anymore man you're insufferable, your entire argument is based off of emotion and literal falsehoods

>> No.20106357

Saying "B-B-B-BUT YOU'RE JUST WRONG" for the third time really drives the point home. You haven't said anything the entire thread, and you have nothing to say.

>> No.20106361

It's actually very rare for the player's actions in a game to effect the story in any way, so I think what you're saying only applies to games which feature consequences/choices for the main character, and sure story should (not has) take a backseat to gameplay, but that doesn't mean the story isn't able to be appreciated, that's like saying you can't appreciate the colours of a painting because the main focus was the story that it is telling, or vice versa.

>> No.20106381

ok here i'll lay it out for you
>What plot? You get an incoherent blurb of random shit at the beginning and then you randomly run around killing things, coming across a random NPC every so often who gives you a paragraph blurb that always amounts to "kill this boss for me".

this isn't true, the "incoherent" (emotional argument) blurb isn't incoherent, you didn't listen to it. Your next sentence sums up exactly what you're experience was in the game, and why you're so clueless about it now. You ran through it, not even listening to the surface level plot, which I bet you can't even repeat now, and then you argue here that the game has no story, when it is your fault that you had that experience.

>> No.20106420

>don't require you to go read some kind of secondary explanation that was released solely to please Marvel-tier fanboy nerds who need every little decision in the setting explained with a Wiki page.
Characters literally explain what's going on to you. Items and spells flavor text expounds the world's lore.
>skyrim or red dead

>> No.20106428

Disagreeing with a factual statement doesn't make it "emotional", if anything this is itself an emotional lash out on your part. You already did the gay passive aggressive little "DUUUUDE JUST CALM DOWN BTW IM RIGHT UR WRONG HAHA" crap because you're more than likely a feeble, cowardly "man". My post sums up everyone's experience in the game, which is exactly why anyone who attempts to explain the plot of this game thoroughly ends up explaining it differently than the next person. Trying to explain any more than the bare mechanics of what you have to do gameplay-wise to move forward in the game is your own personal interpretation of a few intentionally vague fragments. This is not a story-driven game. I don't know why this fact makes you so assmad. It doesn't make it a worse game. It's fun for what it is. If you want to pretend you're playing a movie go watch a bunch of cowboy cut scenes or something.

>/v/ tourist sees the names of video games that immediately trigger his autism and he can no longer process the context within which they were brought up

>> No.20106441

>no I won't address that simply missed the story, I'll seethe with anger!

>> No.20106461

I'm not angry because I'm right. You haven't once addressed a single thing I've said in this entire thread. I don't need to wait for your reply, I know it'll just be another "IM RIGHT BECAUSE...BECAUSE...I JUST AM!" post. I'm removing this thread from my threadwatcher. You DO NOT have permission to reply to my post. I'll be filling this out under the "Win" column on my scorecard, I suggest you act in good faith and, unlike your argument, side with the truth by filling this out under the "Lose" column on yours. Nice talking to you, I look forward to bodying you again sometime :^)

>> No.20106465

>You haven't once addressed a single thing I've said in this entire thread
You said the story can only be found in wikia pages. I told you:
>Characters literally explain what's going on to you. Items and spells flavor text expounds the world's lore.
and you ignored it because it proved you didn't pay attention.

>> No.20106496

he doesn't know any story besides "um regeneration leads to degeneration though, remember?" extremely midwitted.