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File: 82 KB, 1000x664, Prosciutto-e-Melone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20104444 No.20104444 [Reply] [Original]

prosciutto e melone edition

previous: >>20097446

>> No.20104469
File: 174 KB, 1533x961, 1423990825156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your latest interest/hobby/phase?

>> No.20104474
File: 63 KB, 220x124, Pekora confuse:sad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you guys keep making a new thread on 310? Why not just use the other thread until it’s bumped off?

>> No.20104494

My boss asked me if I wanted to be promoted to manager. I said no. He said he was very disappointed. I feel guilty for some reason. I also feel that feeling of self loathing again for how I handled the conversation, when I looked away, grasped for words.

>> No.20104500

What is the bump limit? I thought it was 300

>> No.20104507

Why don't you want a management position?

>> No.20104520

I guess the sort of work involved. I don’t like what I do and the aspects which would increase if I did become a manager are what I like the least, not to mention the increased time and effort that would demand. I’ve never been interested in a career if that makes any sense at all.

>> No.20104566

I hate Satan.

>> No.20104588

>why do you need to tell me?
Whilst your point may imply it being an attention whorish thing, in general I don't think it is bad to communicate what kind of person you are.
So I think they genuinly believe they are
>sensitive and in touch and shit,
but they are just mediocre and mediocrity is also the majority, meaning that any real intense emotion is already too much for most people communicating that they can deal with it, when they in fact mean: I can deal with emotions on a similar level to me.
They probably mean well, but when your life is actually rough shit you'll find out that most people aren't equipped to deal with that, even when they're willing to.

>> No.20104601

I read about 20-50 books per year, but I only find 1-2 authors I really like. I also found that preconceptions about them judged from /lit/, critics, other writers, etc. are almost arbitrarily connected to quality. It's strange.

>> No.20104607

Reading. Oh wait I've been doing this all my life.

>> No.20104608

I just think of it as a subculture. it's a way of putting forward the goods.

>> No.20104618
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I like Ridley Scott. Even his new stuff.

>> No.20104625
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>> No.20104627
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Ruminating over things and constantly vacillating over whether or not they were my fault, and under what conditions I would ever try to interact with humans on purpose again.

>> No.20104638

>I just think of it as a subculture.
Most definitely but this one has the unfortunate consequence of misdirecting people who are in big need of a listening ear to people who can't really deal with it.
Which in turn gives it something very fake, but that might be me being too cynical...

>> No.20104698

Still listening to All Time Low. Also been exploring all the local hiking trails.

>> No.20104700

I’m struggling to pull myself away from politics and Ukraine news.

>> No.20104704

What are some things you're trying to replace it with

>> No.20104715

For 30 seconds I experienced an interruption of my depressed primitive social deepfried algorithm influenced repetitive thought patterns and experienced genuine reconnection with my position in this universe with an almost childlike wonder and interest for everything

>> No.20104721

You were affected by something.

>> No.20104726

I can’t shake this deep feeling of regret that I wasted my life in the past 2 years since the pandemic began. It’s like a black hole where nothing particularly interesting happened in my life since I spent most of it home.

>> No.20104758

could you inform me- usually there are basically two extreme claims on death tolls, the russians will say low, the west will say high. no one really knows afaik, but I'm curious if you know either of those figures at this point? I've been trying to avoid the war but it's bigger than I expected it to be, and so.. that's my first point of curiosity. I tried to ask pol but they're really flinging the shit in there desu

>> No.20104762

what would have been an interesting event?

>> No.20104772

this would be kind of a funny stunt, kind of a throwback thing. you take a book that you think is satanic, some commie shit, and then you take the arm off of a record player, with the needle and everything. you pull the needle across the words the right way, and it just plays a reading of the words. this is on video, so you go "hm". then you pull the needle the wrong way it plays Stairway to Heaven.

I think this is funny, but I don't know if anyone remembers this any more.

>> No.20104783
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>> No.20104794

it's an old meme but it checks out

>In a January 1982 broadcast of the Trinity Broadcasting Network television program Praise the Lord hosted by Paul Crouch, it was claimed that hidden messages were contained in many popular rock songs through a technique called backmasking. One example of such hidden messages that was prominently cited was in "Stairway to Heaven".[58] The alleged message, which occurs during the middle section of the song ("If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now...") when played backward, was purported to contain the Satanic references: "Here's to my sweet Satan / The one whose little path would make me sad whose power is Satan, / He'll give you, he'll give you 666 / There was a little tool shed where he made us suffer, sad Satan."[59]

>> No.20104823

Haha thats the past 6 years of mine

>> No.20104827

I post on this board everyday but I havent read a book in a year

>> No.20104828

I know the feeling.

>> No.20104853

Oh wait it's 2022 now. I'm at 7 years.

>> No.20104880

This world has lolis and babas, but no lolibabas. It's messed up, if you ask me.

>> No.20104971

A man walks into a bar, he's sweating profusely and quickly rushes over to a barstool.
"Hi, what can I get you man?" the bartender asks.
"uhh h-hey. what do you have on tap" the man asks nervously.
The bartender proceeds to list off many beers but the only things that interest the man are Blue Moon, Newcastle and Guinness.

The man thinks for a moment and responds with:
>A) "Blue Moon"
>B) "Newcastle"
>C) "Guinness"
>D) "Do you have anything Mexican in bottles?"

>> No.20104989

Everyone is feeling the same way anon don't worry. Don't be harsh on yourself.

>> No.20105034

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.20105038


>> No.20105096

imagine chocolate with no sugar. sugarless chocolate. imagine the debauchery.

>> No.20105113

Optimism. Foolish of me but I figured I'd try it for once.

>> No.20105120

No one wants to post at the end of the thread because they never get read.

>> No.20105137

I think I'm only now appreciating the damage done to me by having taken the people who told me to treat black people and women different. Probably I saw it as a part of an arcane transaction for how to receive love. "Adults say these people are special and if you don't silk glove it with them you won't be loved". It's possible I am taking the red pill in real time. Not being radicalized but being de-neuroticized. I don't think average children internalize this stuff this hard, there's gotta be more to it. I have really, really feared messing up in these areas, to the point of some paralysis and MUCH neurosis.

>> No.20105154

>taken the people who told me to treat black people and women different

>> No.20105161
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Mea culpa.

>> No.20105240

The man asks if there is any Mexican beer in bottles
"Yup, ive got Modelo, Dos Equis, Corona and Sol. What can I getcha?"
The man quickly chooses Corona but then realizes he also wants a Sol, so he orders one as well.
"Do you want me to open both of these?" the bartender asks.
"Y-yeah! yes please." the man says strangely, almost as if his mouth is salivating for the beers.
The bartender hands over both beers. The man immediately takes a huge gulp from each.
"AAAAhhhhh. Man that's good! WOOO!. I fucking love Mexican beer. I used to have like 12 of these a day back when I lived in down there."
"You used to live in Mexico?"
"Yeah, back in the 80s I was living in Guadalajara"
"Cool. What were you doing down there?" the bartender asked

The man paused for a moment to decide if he will tell:
>A) The Truth
>B) The Lie

At this point I will pass on writing duties to another anon. I will leave them to decide what the strange man was doing in Guadalajara in the 80s.

>> No.20105326
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Vampire girl sex. Intimate sexual contact with a vampiric being who derives nutrients from my fresh blood preferably drawn through direct vein-mouth contact making use of her noticeably large canines. The weight of a cute but kind of scary vampire girl sitting on my lap with her mouth clamped on my neck while I try not to move out of fear of being torn limb from limb by her bizarre vampiric magic if I accidentally displease her. Noticing too late that the vampire girl in question is not even five feet tall and probably looks like a child to passers-by even though she told me she's 400 years old while in a haze of confused thoughts exacerbated by my increasing blood loss. The sensation of hot drops of blood dripping down her chin and falling onto my collarbone which for some reason is the trigger for sexual arousal even though I should be trying to avoid an increase in blood pressure due to my imminent blackout. Smug vampire girl teasing me for getting a boner while my life is in danger wipes her chin on her hand while reaching for the zipper of my pants with the other ha ha. I weakly protest even though deep down I have already given in to the desire to become a dried-out corpse found by the police 3 days later in a bizarre bloodless state with a look of contentment on my face which causes a local media sensation that never produces any solid leads and years later my only claim to fame will be being featured on those top 10 unsolved mysterious deaths lists on plebbit. Btw I am an obvious virgin and the vampire can tell because she giggles when I make a small nervous noise in the back of my throat every time she bounces up and down and laughs even harder as she locks her actually pretty slender legs now that I'm randomly focusing on them around my torso and forces me to blow my load inside her which also causes me to produce funny half-choking half-moaning noises and then another big gasp as she bites down on me again causing me to have tunnel vision and ultimately black out at the height of my hrrngnghghNNGNNMGGHHMMMGHGMM but strangely I wake up the next morning to find that she has moved in to my apartment and demanded that I take care of her in exchange for more blood because she likes the taste.

>> No.20105357


>> No.20105402

wherefore thou art speak therefore thou art spake for there speak thou for where art

>> No.20105413

> have things I want to do
> lack the energy to go do them

>> No.20105591

I eat it all the time

>> No.20105742

What things are you ruminating over? Why do you think they were your fault?

>> No.20105758

>"What a shit selection of beer. Guess I'll take a Guiness because its march."

>> No.20105873

Do you ever stop and reflect about the role 4chan played in the shaping of your personality, if any?

>> No.20105912
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people who work at museums always look like they work at museums? On top of that, just by looking at picrel, you can already HEAR how this woman talks, can't you?

>> No.20105915

That's the thing, they get read the most. It's just that noone will reply to you at post 1, or post 50, or post 300. You never get replied to anyways

>> No.20105930

Look into Chaos Theory

>> No.20105952

I'm thinking about prosciutto e melone right now

>> No.20105969

positively? negatively? have you ever had it? do you want to try it?

>> No.20105974

The people I know in real life see me as a spectacle, someone to observe or to arrange situations around to see how I handle them, and then talk about me, and it sounds paranoid but I know people treat me like that because of things I've overheard and times when I got brave and directly asked about it.

I want to make internet friends, and I often find people I would like to talk to and be friends with, yet my anxiety about socializing is so bad I either don't even try or I do try then ghost them after a day or a week or a month. There's this constant disconnect between what I want and what I feel capable of doing. Sometimes I want to leave to a new city but I'm so uncomfortable with myself I don't know how I'd deal with it and I'd likely end up in the same place, alone in my room and rarely leaving.

>> No.20106008

I like it! Had it in the past, it's been a couple of years since the last time now. I want some

>> No.20106011

What personality?

>> No.20106028

try changing up your vernacular

>> No.20106034
File: 37 KB, 820x713, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you should make some for yourself by going to a deli and picking up some fine prosciutto and then picking up a nice ripe melon. Otherwise I'm afraid you will have to wait until you go to an Italian restaurant or wedding.

>> No.20106061

Good idea! It just feels so out of place making it oneself instead of finding it on a wedding, but will do anyways

>> No.20106095

To what end?

>> No.20106129

Anon, just be happy it's not three of these at 35 posts each. Also, if an anon comes by accusing you of being in a gangstalking mafia, don't worry, your gif triggers his weeb PTSD.

>> No.20106144

so there is no feeling as if you said anything wrong

>> No.20106176

I miss the WWOYM thread wars, hopefully they are back this summer

>> No.20106201

All things must pass all thing must pass and so they come to pass us by

>> No.20106226

>"What do you mean dragon ball z?"
>"the thread hasnt even reached the bump limit yet"
>"Guys, I found butterfly's obituary"

>> No.20106245

rather not make a thread about this but what are some books that speak in favor of sex trafficking?

>> No.20106258

musically, gorenoise again since a long time. for books, not sure, possibly philosophy of education or technology (thanks to the board)

>> No.20106274

I think I accidentally convinced my mom to be an atheist or agnostic and it feels weird.

>> No.20106280

IDK about that specifically, but there is a book by a woman who is very sick, in my opinion, called The Myth of Trauma, in which she claims childhood sexual abuse is actually fine. That's along the same lines, if you consider sex trafficking to be wrong because of the trauma it inflicts on its victims.

On its face it seems so wrong that I never gave it a chance, and neither did I bother to look up any counter arguments.

Now of course, I have to ask: why are you interested in finding a book in favor of sex trafficking?

>> No.20106283

Whenever I'm intimate with a woman, I feel an urge to bite into her neck. I have no delusions that I'm a vampire or anything weird. But the urge is very strong. To bite and squeeze and feel the warmish blood on my stubble. Sometimes, when I am in public and see an attractive woman, I feel this urge.

>> No.20106291
File: 63 KB, 700x930, Blyatman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pooping my pants infront of everyone at 5 years old in my first day of school ever legitimately traumatised me. It was the first time I was without my parents supervision. The teacher at recess wouldn't let me go to the bathroom because "recess was ending soon", probably just a lazy bitch who didn't bother going to the bathroom with me. I tried to hold it in as long as I could but eventually it just came out. One of the mot vivid memories of my childhood is the feeling of shit coming down my leg and me desperately trying to hide the piece of poop falling out of my jeans under the sands. I felt so humiliated.

Considering my family history, I was probably destined to have anxiety, but I do think this event played a role in the severity of my social anxiety.
It's embarassing to admit that this potentially affected me that much to the point that I still have lingering effect today. I'm still scared of ppoping my pants

>> No.20106295

I've never had hobbies. As a child I would pace back and forth and imagine I was a knight. I had a stick, a piece of wood that I would swing about. When I was a teenager I stopped this playing and started running. When I ran three miles, I could enter the nice part of the city and watch the well dressed attractive people go about their lives. Yuppies in lofts. When I ran seven miles I could watch people in business suits, with nicely combed hair. Yuppies in skyscrappers. As an adult I drive down lake shore drive at midnight and imagine having a passenger in my car.

>> No.20106301

>imagine having a passenger in my car.
Too real

>> No.20106315

dude most kids have shit their pants. thats like the joke about kids. kids shitting in their pants. so maybe you just suck and havent outgrown your childhood fecal complex

>> No.20106324

Not only am I alone, I am lonely.

>> No.20106330
File: 5 KB, 275x183, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be jewish
>make it your lifes work to disillusion christians from their religion
why are they like this?

and dont come at me about how he goes after muslims. thats a compensation, and hes clearly bored when he talks about islam. nothing gets his shekels shaking like hating christians. and he never talks about jews.
i know a guy who left the church because of this sophist midwit shithead

>> No.20106336
File: 139 KB, 926x576, mangas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This comics scholar uses the word "mangas" in an academic book about comics. Sorry about the pic, I took it with my phone then added a bunch of effects for fun.

>> No.20106346

religion provides social support and family structure

by destroying that, it allows the jews to take power

>> No.20106348

I want to learn German. It is something I’ve wanted to do for a while now, like 3 years. But I struggle with justifying learning a language which is on track to die out and be replaced by English. Not to mention they’re currently rewriting the language to make it gender neutral, so it’s a good idea to wait until they define what the language’s new grammar is going to be. Still sometimes I think just learning the language as is, despite the imminent changes and extinction, would make me happier than just thinking about it.

>> No.20106351

I know you're getting set to leave, and I hate to see a friend go. I've never met a friend like you.
We barely speak, and we have barely spoke but please, you should know i have loved you as a friend loves a friend, life long.

>> No.20106354

>why are they like this?
Cultural warfare. Either get on board or get steamrolled. Don't like it? Make some antisemitic memes or, if you really have brass, spend a few years researching and writing an antisemitic book. WWIII is information warfare.

>> No.20106358

do what makes you happy

>> No.20106360

As if christians need help destroying themselves. The reason I'm not christian is because of how insufferable and retarded the average american christian is.

>> No.20106370

I watched a documentary about the fbi hunting down some lone wolf terrorist. At one point the fbi agent said something like
>not only is a lone wolf, he's also a lonely wolf
That line really resonated with me

>> No.20106372

The rest come, and they go. Why are you here still?
Oh, if only we were to have just one night.
If only just a moment!
Where will you be when all of this is said and done, each day that goes by without is doing me in.

>> No.20106386

I've lived a very solitary existence and it haunts me. Only 22yrs old yet I appear and feel worn out by life. I do desire companionship and am discontent with isolation, but I bring it on myself because I avoid interaction to an extreme. There have been a few people over the years that tried to get to know me but I never gave anything in return. Looking back I don't understand how I could be so cold. Now though I've been alone so long I feel very little for people no real sense of gratitude, preference, or interest. The desire to be seen, acknowledged, is still strong inside me, but when I'm actually given attention it only brings me pain. I'm starting to think if I'm in it for life I better start learning how to cope with solitude.

>> No.20106394

I had my first
Who I loved like no other
I had my second
Who I had to leave
And now, you.
You are my third love.
And like the two who came before you, never will I stop loving you, and never will I forget to take pause to remember you when we do inevitably part.

>> No.20106403

Agreed. But having a system of values and guidelines on how to live your life definitely helps. Religion supplies people with that. By destroying that, it allows (((elites))) to control the world.

>> No.20106404
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It's not like I accidentaly sharted my pants when ripping a fart like most kids do

I knew I had to go, I was just denied and forced to do it infront of everybody in a way. That's the humiliating part. Also the fact that it was the first time I had spent the day away form family.

I don't expect you to get it, since it never happened to you but I still clearly remember how I felt that day

>> No.20106409

God has put an almighty task ahead of me. It will crumble, destroy and reduce me to absolute net zero.
I will face this
and I will find you.

>> No.20106421

You push people away because you are afraid of rejection. You have low levels of dopamine, serotonin and nor-epi. Exercise, sunshine, diet, water, social interaction. Leil Lowndes book will help with the last one.

>> No.20106438

His app makes it clear that if anything he's a buddhist who doesn't want to admit it.

>> No.20106439

you are living a life full of joy and novelty;
and i have the guts to come here, rotting and reaching out. but babe, i'm nowhere near you.

>> No.20106459

>You have low levels of dopamine, serotonin and nor-epi. Exercise, sunshine, diet, water, social interaction.
I'm not very depressed. There are many things that interest me, and I exercise frequently, but around people I only feel anxiety. I have plenty of motivation for the activities I enjoy but all that motivation dissipates the second I enter a classroom.

>> No.20106481

what about people gives you anxiety? what about classrooms causes your motivation to drop? there is a root cause, there is a solution. For a temporary answer; if alcohol helps, then a low dose of benadryl can also work - 50mg for a 170lb male

>> No.20106501 [DELETED] 

I quit drinking after ten years of alcoholism starting at age 16. I quit smoking cigarettes, I quit smoking weed, I quit a brief meth habit, I even quit coffee... But despite all that, I still struggle with lust. It's the strongest human impulse after thirst and hunger. Those who can master lust are truly a step above the rest.
The mind conquering the flesh: That's what I want humanity's story to be. The spirit conquering the beast. I think that's the true meaning of Christianity, based on its symbolism. The serpent, for example, is a simple creature with no limbs, no intelligence, no social nature, and I think the serpent represents a potential outcome of human evolution, one of utilitarian bestial ugliness, simplicity, and stupidity. To conquer the beast and become an angel is the best possible outcome of humanity. Of course, modern Christians will tell you this is all wrong and the bible is to be taken literally, despite the fact ancient people expressed meaning through myth, despite the fact Jesus spoke in parables and the whole bible is likely a collection of semi-historical parables.
I don't know what point I'm trying to make. I just don't want the world to be a dark place, but it certainly seems like one, and I can't find the light casting the shadows.

>> No.20106542

For sale
One cock
Never used

>> No.20106551


>> No.20106557
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Extremely important job interview tomorrow morning and instead of practicing I spent the whole day fucking around and watching documentaries and now I'm gonna get high and do nothing.
I have no self control or respect for myself.

>> No.20106562

STOP. Don't get high. Go take a shower and get a snack and go lie in bed until you fall asleep. You'll be much better off tomorrow.

>> No.20106567
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>Is the notion of the unconscious mind somehow 'knowing' what's best for you true at all? Or is it a Freudian myth?
Obviously if you ruminate or obsess over something it is indicative of something needing to be fixed. But are the subjects of these thoughts significant, or is it more like signs and symptoms in medicine? Speaking for myself, it's only in the last 5 years or so I've been able to trust my intuition on anything. If you ask me 'what does your gut say?', I reply 'it says: "ask an expert!"'
I don't know if this just means I have a poor understanding of my own unconscious mind (I do have bad procedural memory) or if I'm fine and normal, and that most stories of intuition and ambiguous prescience are just post-rationalizing?
There seems to be three schools of thought, the Nudge Theory school which says that humans are filled with unconscious biases that can easily be exploited by used car salesmen/psychopaths and politicians to make you choose irrationally. The Bounded Rationality school that almost supports the High-IQ/Low-IQ are right, Midwits are wrong meme, that people with a good record of intuition are trustworthy. Gerd Gigerenzer doesn't dismiss complex analysis, but says complex modelling should be left for "low uncertainty, few alternatives, and a high amount of data" situations. Third is the aforementioned Freudian/Jungian and sometimes New-Agey school.
I've also been thinking about this in terms of spiritualism, the oracles, and the tendency of Schizos to externalize the 'voices' in their head - why is this personification of our own thoughts so common? And is it's ubiquity a sign of how useful it is? Julian Jaynes had some thoughts about that.
Related Books:
The Bicameral Mind
Risk Savvy: How to Make Good Decisions
Socrates Apology
Thinking Fast and Slow

>> No.20106575

To the Pasadena anon: I would like to be your friend.

>> No.20106585

Drawing, but it’s making me depressed again.

>> No.20106588
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it was already over before i even wrote the post.

>> No.20106593
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Fuck that, practice, imagine how good a victory toke after the interview will feel if you put the effort into practicing! You're not going to be able to enjoy watching documentaries because in the back of your mind is going to be this guilt over not practicing anyway.
So fucking do the practicing, even a little bit.
You do have self control, you've been sober for like 4 months.
it's normies who have never developed a habit who don't have self-control.
Stop crying for help and do what you already know you have to do.

>> No.20106600

Just the stuff that i occupied before. I don’t typically care about politics or news.

No idea, but much of the stuff you’re seeing online seems to be from various points over the last 8 years presented as if it’s recent.

>> No.20106608

>check book
>this is not what anon says it is, of course, because he didn't even read what he googled
I guess you're really invested in thinking those kids are really sick too. Like how you think the woman who wrote it is very sick. And you probably think you should treat them like how you'd treat her. Kids pick up on being treated differently by adults who view them as stigmatized. If you acted the way you act around sex trafficking victims with victims of car crashes, I think they'd sustain some psychological damage too. Rethink your need to be in these conversations, and your need to feel contempt.

>> No.20106618

holy shit its me. you live in pasadena? i usually go there once a month to go to blick and copa vida on green

>> No.20106630

I only know the book from a conversation I read on some other website. From what I know she's basically arguing against a strawman, and claims sexual abuse wouldn't be traumatic if society didn't say it was. But I didn't read the book, just a conversation about the book. Did you read it? Or are you sperging out while being just as uninformed as I am?

>> No.20106631

I’ve started feeling negatively about literature so I’ve been exploring other creative outlets besides literature.

>> No.20106695

but the other option is so much easier. anyways, I appreciate the advice. ill try to be more serious tomorrow.

>> No.20106698

Look, you nigger, this is from the book's description:

>... in this explosive new book, psychologist Susan Clancy reports on years of research and contends that it is not the abuse itself that causes trauma—but rather the narrative that is later imposed on the abuse experience.

If you don't think that's controversial even to psychologists with nuanced thinking, then I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.20106712
File: 115 KB, 701x900, 1950s-deep-sea-fishing-boat-man-pulling-vintage-images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought Sun Also Rises today, in a small fishing town on the coast of Oregon. I took the book to a small cafe on the pier, talked to the cute tall barista and went outside.

I sipped black coffee, reading and smelling dead fish from the docks. Watching seals huff and puff as they swam in front of me.

>> No.20106715

Is Disco Elysium worth reading?

>> No.20106720

I wasn't aware there was a book. The game, however, is definitely worth playing.

>> No.20106736

>claims sexual abuse wouldn't be traumatic if society didn't say it was.
It's not a weird claim. Borderline Personality disorder (now renamed and reworked to emotional instability) was always viewed with suspicion of being "your daddy/uncle/priest raped you and now you're a trainwreck who is actively trying to get pozzed or beaten". CPTSD is gaining in popularity against it, because it emphasizes the repeated trauma that spirals out from that.
A kid who gets raped and their parents fall apart and divorce is going to be more traumatized by the knock on effects. People will react differently if they find out. That can shift your personality as much as racism, or poverty, or rape, because being a known rape victim changes your public perception.
Kids who have to spend a lot of time in hospitals because they are physically sick get flagged as risks for institutionalization. You can cause children to become speech delayed by giving them therapy they don't need for a non existent stutter. Having a kid delve to find traumatic reactions which they might not be having because you want them to follow what you think is the course for a rape victim is an equal kind of monster experiment. That's one of the reasons in the dying days of borderline, it was highly recommended to keep them out of hospital wards and give less attention to suicide attempts, because it was teaching them trauma and triggering themselves was the route to care. On the face of it, some find it cruel. But repeating the pattern of horrendous trauma exposure followed by special attention is functionally the same as them still living with their rapist dad saying "I'm sorry honey I'll buy you something nice today" the morning after.
Ultimately, assuming the kid will be traumatized being a form of secondary trauma is very hard to get past for a lot of people because they've given up on the kid's own expression of experience. That's not good for the kid. Assuming the kid will feel guilty or fearful or angry or worthless and then telling them with no prompting from the kid that they feel that way is harmful priming. It's also pretty rude; if you wouldn't go to a funeral and tell the chief mourner out of the blue "You shouldn't feel guilty", don't do it to a rape victim just because you think you know how they should feel. Trauma is different for everyone, and you certainly shouldn't write off a kid as permanently or irrevocably damaged.
You too.

>> No.20106747

oh yes, also I fucked the tall barista in a sailboat nearby when she was on her break. hmm yess.

>> No.20106771

Look, obviously what you're saying is true, and I think most would agree. If rape victims are being mishandled, then that's something that should be addressed.
But there's a huge difference between saying rape victims are being mishandled and saying rape itself doesn't cause trauma, which is exactly what the book appears to say, if the description on the back cover is any indication.
This kind of black-and-white thinking is so tedious, because you're making a good point about the after-care of abuse victims, but you are directing it towards an argument which is extremely controversial and probably wrong, which is that rape doesn't cause trauma without "the narrative later imposed on the abuse experience".

>> No.20106776

Most atheists are pretty retarded. Everything they state requires a first cause and suffers from the replication crisis

>> No.20106777

and this is what i meant when i said "strawman"
>Trauma is different for everyone, and you certainly shouldn't write off a kid as permanently or irrevocably damaged.
When did anyone say that they should be written off as irrevocably damaged? You're out of your mind.
The book says, and this is my issue, and I once again I quote, "it is not the abuse itself that causes trauma—but rather the narrative that is later imposed on the abuse experience." That's the part people have a problem with. Shake your head around, jesus fucking christ

>> No.20106780

I want to find a counterargument

>> No.20106793

What music have you been listening to? I need some new recommendations

>> No.20106810

been following her for a couple months and her new EP just came out today. great crystal-castley rock/electronic fusion and interesting lyrics/themes. Top energy


>> No.20106813

To be honest I've been listening to a lot of 80's pop, which I find pretty comfy.

Here's one that's /lit/ relevant because the music video takes place in a library.

>> No.20106821


>> No.20106824

Rape is a trauma. Not all traumas end in psychological damage, and social perception of the trauma can mitigate the effects a lot and exacerbate them a lot. The book seems to be contending that rape causes further trauma through social perception, which is very reasonable. You seem to think that the trauma must change the person, and I think you would be willing to try to argue down someone who had experienced a trauma and didn't agree trauma was a psychological long term state necessary to follow that trauma as equally "controversial and probably wrong".
The reason why people now view rape victim trauma as a long term thing which is their psychological wound, but in other context they don't, is because of the broad social stigma assigned to that one type of trauma and its implications which focus far more on the victim being damaged in some way which is long term and psychological, if not fully pathological. It's not a way to guarantee long term traumatic reactions, just like being in a car crash is not a way to guarantee long term psychological distress. That social expectation to be guaranteed psychologically traumatized for one trauma but not the other is as encompassing as the stigma associated with rape in cultures where women are blamed for rapes. Society waiting for you to have a breakdown with baited breath because rape victims must be long term psych patients is not a socially compassionate response. Insisting they must possess the long term consequences of someone else's actions is not therapeutic, even if the therapist feels they are doing the right thing.

>> No.20106833

I started writing a little recently and felt happy, until it was time to sleep and wake up to yet another mind-numbing day.

>> No.20106836

I do always enjoy Tears For Fears!
I'll give this one a listen! It sounds interesting!
I typically enjoy music like Esquivel, so hopefully I like exotica too!

>> No.20106841

I'm saying that insisting there must be a long term traumatic reaction through social and psychological pressure to fill a victim role is far more guaranteed to produce long term traumatic effects than any singular trauma. The abuse itself or your parents divorcing will not weigh as heavily as if someone in a caregiving role asks the kid every day "what's your long term trauma?". And ascribing long term trauma as a necessary outcome from the abuse to the kid is writing off the kid.

>> No.20106846

Again, I agree with everything you just wrote. A good summary might be, "Treatment for childhood sexual abuse victims is overbearing and only serves to compound trauma".

But, again, that's a far cry from the what the book appears to say, which is summarized by the line I quoted several times already, and here it is again for posterity, "is not the abuse itself that causes trauma—but rather the narrative that is later imposed on the abuse experience."

To be clear, we're in violent agreement. Everything you've said is 100% accurate.

>> No.20106853

You will enjoy it if you enjoy Esquivel

>> No.20106857

>insisting there must be a long term traumatic reaction through social and psychological pressure to fill a victim role is far more guaranteed to produce long term traumatic effects than any singular trauma
Isn't it also flawed to insist the opposite? I think the truth is in the middle, and depends on the circumstances. I agree with you in principal.

>> No.20106903

folk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEMXYJeCNPY

>> No.20106923 [DELETED] 

As I look up her head dips in magma which melds my head the gears no longer have ability to use looking up at her head dipped in magma.

>> No.20106926

>Treatment for childhood sexual abuse victims is overbearing
It's not just treatment, though insisting on treatment because they must be damaged is a broad social stigma among many. On a more basic level, abuse being found out, investigated, socially discussed, all change the perception of abuse. Even with non sexual abuse, functioning adults who find out their parents were maybe subpar often only realize it was abuse because they have grown up and have enough distance to see they have never had to have an argument over gravy which resulted in broken furniture, while their siblings might have grown up to burn down their partner's house in an argument over the remote, and there isn't a reason other than luck that they went either way.
The narrative imposed on the abuse is a large part of it. Many kids who were sexually abused, though not all by a long shot, don't realize that was not a "good" memory but an "abusive"/"weird"/"illegal" memory until they have social context. And depending on the social context they get a new perspective on it, that will tint how they reinterpreted it. Some who viewed it as a bad memory upon finding out it was illegal are overjoyed they think they can do something about it, especially if the legal system runs smoothly. But for most, the awareness of the illegality of the abuse in itself is burdensome trauma. The options it opens up for them means any action or inaction in face of the new legal status they have to place that memory in has great consequences. And that's just when they gain legal knowledge. The social reaction of those around them who might change their perception of the child is going to cut into their narrative more than a stranger's abuse, and in cases where the abuser comes from within their social circle, how other people react to both them and the abuser are going to cut deeper still.
That's where you get stories like "I told mom, and she said it never happened". Or "I told mom, and she believed me which is why we're living in a shelter". Or "I told nobody, and everyone acted like he was great and I should be very happy". Those are all traumatic events which can make for long term problems, which develop out of sexual abuse, but which can be more traumatic to the child than just sexual abuse.
There are too many possible narratives to discuss individually, but the general social narrative which insists on childhood sexual abuse survivors being traumatized is in itself traumatic to experience as society's perception of you, and devalues the experience of people who don't view it as integral to themselves, which is one of the best possible narratives they could develop about being the victim of a crime.

>> No.20106929 [DELETED] 

I'm almost finished a novel loosely based on a girl I vaguely knew 10 years ago in highschool. Its only very very loosely based on her, but also if she ever read it I think she would know it was her. I would never expect her to read it except that we have mutual friends and that's the only way I would expect it to fall into her hands. Is there anything ethically wrong with that?

>> No.20106963

To get an answer, we'd have to stop living in a society. The narrative is always going to be changed by social pressures, and we can tell this because society changes its mind on how rape victims should be perceived every thirty years. Most everyone falls in the middle of what the new social perception is, and there is always the new perception claiming progress and the old perception claiming established fact. If you even look at how the idea of traumatic triggers has morphed from the early days of PTSD in Vietnam to now, you can see how different the expected traumatic reaction is along with the expected trigger. Long term stress reactions are pretty common in humans, but the social focus and expectations of them are often the cause of overly stereotyped ones which often victimize anyone close to the stereotype. WWI veterans with shell shock were stigmatized as more cowardly than people who came back and didn't have those reactions, Vietnam PTSD links with a lot of waking up and killing your partner in a flashback. If you got a long term stress reaction from either of those wars and didn't fit the stereotype, you still carried the stigma, but also don't fit any treatment which is designed for the stereotype's symptoms. People who weren't traumatized as deeply or in the same way would often distance themselves from those that did, and validate the stigma society placed on them as a way to prove themselves not part of the more stigmatized group.

>> No.20106964


>> No.20106976

>though insisting on treatment because they must be damaged is a broad social stigma among many
I'm not sure most childhood sexual abuse victims are treated that way. I think most people understand these things should be handled with care. I think this might be a massive strawman you're flailing around.

>abuse being found out, investigated, socially discussed, all change the perception of abuse
Right, undoubtedly true. So tread carefully, be sensitive. Or are you saying abuse shouldn't be discussed at all? If so, then I disagree completely.

>there isn't a reason other than luck that they went either way.
There are many more reasons than that. The person's individual traits are probably in play more than sheer luck.

>Many kids who ... until they have social context
And many people don't realize they had a deprived childhood until they're adults. That doesn't mean they aren't stunted by it. Some trafficking victims, especially young ones, think their experiences are normal until later when they've managed to escape and have a normal life. That doesn't mean their painful physical abuse, the trust-violating sexual abuse, and the humiliating verbal abuse didn't leave their own scars.

>Some who viewed it as a bad memory ....
>But for most ...
I think you have your "some" and your "most" backwards here. Though of course I agree re-living their experiences for the legal proceedings must be unpleasant.

>don't view it as integral to themselves, which is one of the best possible narratives
In theory, but the situation could easily be reversed. In an alternate universe where child sex abuse isn't stigmatized, their rapists aren't punished, there are no unpleasant legal proceedings, and no one is concerned with the kid's welfare, there might be a hypothetical kid who is traumatized by the act itself, and feels they have no support.

I'm a little shocked at people's willingness to downplay something like this, but I guess it's just human nature to explore possibilities. I agree that the clumsy handling of abuse victims is regrettable and should be addressed. I'm not sure what your point is otherwise. We shouldn't prosecute sex predators? We shouldn't assess the kid's welfare? We shouldn't remove victims from abusers? It's like you're focusing on things that can't really be helped, and criticizing the thing as a whole. It's like you're sitting in a car and saying "the engine hum is annoying, the air conditioner smells funny, my seat is uncomfortable, therefore cars shouldn't exist".

>> No.20106982
File: 624 KB, 987x610, 1611044249949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pen name is for sale as a .com domain name, and it's super cheap. Should I buy it?

>> No.20106994

>To get an answer, we'd have to stop living in a society
Lol, I guess so.

It seems like here you're taking note of some unfortunate things, but I'm not sure what the alternative could be besides not living in a society, like you said. I guess you're not trying to prescribe a fix for these problems, you're just thinking about them and taking note on them.

>> No.20107005


>> No.20107009

Yeah I think you should. It's just one less thing you'll have to worry about later on in your career. Makes it easier to promote yourself now too.

>> No.20107050

>I'm not sure most childhood sexual abuse victims are treated that way. I think most people understand these things should be handled with care. I think this might be a massive strawman you're flailing around.
I think you're being dishonest that most people's first reaction wouldn't be "therapy". The people in the western world who don't think the answer is "therapy for trauma" are religious nuts who think the answer is "prayer".
>So tread carefully, be sensitive. Or are you saying abuse shouldn't be discussed at all?
I'm saying the usual reaction to disclosure is "you need professional help" which is neither treading carefully nor being sensitive, but is generally socially considered as both being sensitive and caring.
>. The person's individual traits are probably in play more than sheer luck
Luck plays a part. You probably do not want to argue that a person's individual traits play a part as the implication carries from person to person, and stigmatizes one of the two outcomes more easily.
>many people don't realize they had a deprived childhood until they're adults. That doesn't mean they aren't stunted by it
This sounds like you're saying they must be stunted by it, and scarred by it. People can experience trauma and be neither stunted nor scarred by it, and it does not make the trauma less real. The proof of trauma is the traumatic event, but it is not necessarily going to end in a scar. Treating them like they must be scarred is a secondary traumatic event.
>I think you have your "some" and your "most" backwards here
I don't. Many childhood victims of sexual abuse are groomed to believe they are doing a very good thing. For most it develops into a bad memory, and what form that bad memory takes is influenced by what they learn later. For a lot of abused children they have to be taught it is wrong for adults to do that to children. Most children aren't aware of the legal implications, and I'm not just talking about the legal implications if you go through an investigation and trial or plea. Just knowing it was illegal and not having disclosed it to anyone is not going to earn you any good boy points from society because you're going to be seen as shielding a rapist to some extent.
>child sex abuse isn't stigmatized, their rapists aren't punished
You do not have to stigmatize the child victim as automatically traumatized by the abuse for it to be abuse and punish the adult perpetrator. You can stigmatize the abuse and the abuser and still punish rapists without demanding the child be traumatized. You don't demand a child who was traveling in a car which was hit by a drunk driver to have life long scars to prosecute the drunk driver. It's wrong even if the child was unharmed.

>> No.20107055

Don't pathologize kids would be my solution. It is not popular.

>> No.20107089

I bought it. Wasn't even that hard.

>> No.20107104

*big* / <if: true>

>> No.20107131

I wasn't saying they *must* be stunted, just that they usually are, from the act itself and not the social connotations.
I'm not involved in any kind of activism or whatever for this, I'm not up to date on this debate in psychology, and I haven't done any research. It just seems like what you're saying is completely bizarre. I'm trying to meet you on a middle ground, but I no longer understand your point.

>believe they are doing a very good thing ...
What is your point?? It doesn't somehow become harmless if we just ignore it and let the kid live in ignorance. There are few things more sinister than one human preying on another human sexually -- STDs aside, it can hamper development, cause unwanted pregnancy, and in extreme cases actual bodily damage. It takes something special (young love, losing virginity) and turns it into something ugly. The kid would find out it isn't normal when they find a significant other, have sex for the first time, and realize the other person never did this before because their fucking uncle didn't sodomize them. There's no way you can remove that realization, because this abuse will (hopefully) never become the norm.

"don't pathologize kids" You're nuts, my man. Our system isn't perfect, and there is a lot of room for improvement I'm sure, but the point you seem to be trying to make is one I can't agree with. Good day, sir.

>> No.20107157

my life gets worse everyday passes, in other words, nothing new

>> No.20107163

Reading Ulysses for the first time, bout 60 pages deep. Having fun! The first description of Millie made me wonder if Leopold Bloom lowkey wants to bone his daughter.

>> No.20107168

or if my mind has been spoiled by pornography and can’t conceptualize a father’s unique appreciation for his daughter’s beauty.

>> No.20107176

>>20107131 (me)
Just to be clear, I'm arguing against the premise of the book that started this conversation. I don't know where the goal posts moved to, but my only contention is that this statement --
>it is not the abuse itself that causes trauma—but rather the narrative that is later imposed on the abuse experience.
-- is almost never true, except maybe in a few specific circumstances when a mild situation was overblown. Anyway, I'm out of here. G'day.

>> No.20107209

I feel so awful and alone right now. I’m on vacation away from my girlfriend and I woke up to a terrible dream can’t go back to bed it was about her. Started looking at old pictures of her it fucking hurt more than anything, I’ve never felt more thrown into the abyss , like I was free falling deeper and deeper. When my girlfriend first started talking we were far apart, hadn’t seen each other since we were childhood friends so we would FaceTime each other every night and talk for hours. This went on for months until I finally got to come home from school to see her. Every call I would take a picture of her and she just looked so happy with the biggest fucking smile you’ve ever seen and so was always so excited to see and talk to me. Now she just looks sad, as if it’s tiring to talk, her face doesn’t look like it used to, whenever I talk to her I can sense I’m burdening her in some way. So looking at those old pictures I took of her on FaceTime just fucking killed me.. idk I’m usually not like this at all but holy fuck it’s just unbearable

>> No.20107235

And English will die out when the sun explodes.
Duolingo is an easy “I don’t really know if I want to learn but it’s okay for five minutes right now” thing.

>> No.20107248

Just about everyone has some humiliation experience in childhood caused by a random set of circumstances like that. The teacher didn’t know what they were doing. It was not out of malevolence, just ignorance.

>> No.20107278

Most women would unironically be better off saving themselves for marriage for no other reason that most are unable to bring the requisite big-time-whore energy to back up their big-time-whore rhetoric. Instead they do a pathetic, half-assed job of it, then take a bunch of SSRIs to cope, before blaming everyone but themselves.

Anyone can be a whore, but it takes a certain kind of person to be a Whore, and we should stop disrespecting the craft.

>> No.20107294

I really liked Modest Mouse’s new album, and was surprised that they were still a band desu.

>> No.20107377

Under a lot of pressure from my family to get romantically involved with a girl from my home country who likes me. She’s cute and all but I really don’t want someone from another country. It’s not as easy to communicate with them because I speak English better than all of them, and most of them are hardly educated since my home country is generally poor. I’m just so irritated and upset by the fact that I can never find any girl good for me in America no matter how much I hope I will meet her one day. My biggest fear is marrying someone from my home country just because it’s easier and then being unhappy

>> No.20107491

Is there a chance you can meet her / get to know her a little bit before making a decision or is it all or nothing?

>> No.20107509

This is true - to be a Whore you need some masculine elements. You have to have the sexuality of a man and you need to act like a man. Which is why most Whores are in male spaces - barkeeps for example. Some of the best characters in literature are the Whores. But yeah most girls don't have the temperament. It reminds me of a girl I used to sleep with who used to do the whole leopard print thing fish net stocking whorish makeup shtick. But it was a LARP. She caught feelings straight away and revealed that she wanted desperately to find someone to marry and got upset when I didn't want to date. Well then don't paint yourself like a whore. I only slept with her because she gave off the appearance of no strings attached fucking. But I was wrong. My bad.

>> No.20107514

she sounds based and you sound like a losers

>> No.20107527
File: 48 KB, 700x862, EEA22BD3-33EC-4A4F-9F07-72D37E7383BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds stupid written out. Condensed: I had a shitty job, left for a better one, got paranoid that the same shitty dynamics were developing again and that they would always develop anywhere I go because something about me screams “low-status heel”, so I quit without notice and they got really mad. I haven’t read any of the emails/texts/chats they’ve sent me since then, and don’t know if I should. My savings should last a long time, but maybe not forever. I can’t get myself to get another job knowing it’s just a time bomb to the same shit. There’s something wrong with me, but I don’t (can’t?) know what it is. I’m just done being the Bill Dauterive of every group dynamic when I know for a fact that I’m not actually stupid or incompetent.

>> No.20107582

She wants to talk to me. I know who she is but I’ve never had direct contact with her before. Somehow she got in contact with some of my family members though so they’re all basically expecting me to get with her now, and it would look bad if I decline immediately. They frown upon me wanting a girl from America but I just can’t relate to anyone who isn’t that literate in English or intimately shares my interests

>> No.20107585

The Simpsons were a much more culturally valuable product than 90% of the anime trash I was watching 7 years later

>> No.20107589

>leader of france, from some random italian island
>leader of russia, from georgie
>leader of germany, from austria
>leader of russia, also secretely from goergie
>leader of america, from africa
>leader of ukraine, from israel
>elizabeth ii
>leader of britain, from germany
why is this?

>> No.20107621

Meeting your online friends in real-life so you can't be mean or assertive towards them afterwards ever again

>> No.20107663
File: 34 KB, 1024x465, 08DAA111-241B-4269-9BF9-54BA6B7EFF4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The type of people that immigrate are disproportionately psychopaths and soulless social climbers. Normal people find being the cultural/racial minority discomforting or threatening, but psychopath-spectrum individuals have malformed brains that have trouble perceiving threats.

>> No.20107671

When cultures stagnate and weaken they become susceptible to external pressures that they otherwise wouldn't.

>> No.20107748

this applies to none of these cases.

>> No.20107808
File: 129 KB, 750x933, 9956A825-682E-4B8A-97E7-B67F2DEC0C83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do Idealists view God?
Is God even necessary as an idealist?
Are there syllogisms that support this?

>> No.20107835

The majority of if not every person on that list is undoubtedly on the psychopath spectrum.

>> No.20107917

Your words ring hollow in empty halls, I am already departed

>> No.20108080

that may very well be true, but they are not your typical immigrants as that anon made them out to be.

>> No.20108098

I genuinely believe the answer to your questions is in this quote

>Allah, the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting by Whom all subsist, there is no god but He. Neither slumber seizes Him, nor sleep; to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. Who is there who might intercede with Him save with His leave? He knows what lies before them and what is hidden from them, whereas they cannot attain to anything of His knowledge save what He wills them to attain. His Dominion overspreads the heavens and the earth, and their upholding wearies Him not. He is All-High, All-Glorious.
Quran 2:255. No translation is perfect: I am very partial ot the work and the person of Abul Ala Maududi, but if you're curious it could be adviceable to make comparisons.

And God knows best.

>> No.20108149
File: 118 KB, 1180x590, 1644431273694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had a revelation: if you don't believe in God you're retarded.

>> No.20108153

it's possible this is a very difficult time to be a woman after all.

>> No.20108163

>most of them are hardly educated
give it a shot anon. whoever actually wants to be educated into the west? deep down? maybe you can take what's best in your western super-seriously lunacy and spin it for little Vikram when he can't sleep. Maybe. Boy what I'd give to be enhanced folksy: folksy with a touch of jewish cultural neurosis/over-intellectualism.

>> No.20108170

sounds like you have time then.
You are worthy of respect and love anon. don't pressure yourself.

>> No.20108181

One Hour of the Greatest Waltzes of All Time.

>> No.20108186

Are you sure you're replying to the right post? There is nothing at all in there even remotely relevant to the Unconscious mind, Freud, Intuition, or anything I said. Not only that you have failed to show how even tenuously it might answer my questions. Either explain why it's relevant or shut the fuck up.

>> No.20108201

i really hope this job interview goes well even though i dont deserve it

>> No.20108216

Why do you want to fail?

>> No.20108239

Awesome bro. You wanna meet up on Colorado Blvd on Sunday

>> No.20108241

how fleshed out is the concept of the subconscious anyway? it makes sense that you'd believe there is one, but how would you really make claims about it? why would those claims not be culturally tinged and if they are, are later freudians just supposed to assume they master the tradition and run with it?

>> No.20108255

How do I find hobbies and how will I know if I enjoy what I am doing? And not doing it to just fit in

>> No.20108258

You should start digging tunnels.

>> No.20108262

I mean if you're looking for a hobby rather than just having one- aren't you just trying to fit in? it's fine if you are. You could think of it in terms of what kind of person you think a particular activity would attract. If you really mean it though just make a list and start at the top.

>> No.20108277

What if I dont have a hobby because of passive addictions like porn and internet
I will have to look for stuff right?
How do people find their shit

>> No.20108281

What are your answers to these questions? Do you believe it's "fleshed out" theory - where do you think obsession come from? How would you make claims about it, or do you believe that the evidence isn't there to make claims? Cultural tinges aside - do you run with Freud's theories or do you have disagreements? Do you reject his theory outright?

>> No.20108360

5 days from the booster jab (Janssen). Nothing has happened yet.

>> No.20108372

All Time Low. Remembering Sunday has been stuck in my head for days

>> No.20108416

>he doesnt know about the rootless international clique

>> No.20108429

Supreme entity of the greatest possible thing

>> No.20108446

Hmmm...Last Days Of Humanity, Karel Husa (composer), Inhume, November's Doom, Puissance, Nile, Deeds Of Flesh, Born Against, Current 93, Disembowelment

>> No.20108449

Isn't BPD really common in females?

>> No.20108452

I asked two questions.
1. How would you make [generalized, credible] claims about it? I accepted something like it seems to exist.
I have absolutely no answer to this question other than at best a large, large quantity of clinical experience, but I don't really accept that that could generate generalizeable conclusions in any way, in particular in such cult-of-personality fields as Jungian and Freudian psychology (I assume, I'm not trained or anything, but why do I know what both these men look like? the point is it doesn't seem like this would generate much dynamism)
2. Why not assume cultural bias?
I see no reason whatsoever not to assume all sorts of bias desu.

These are my answers to the questions I posed. I don't see why any of this should have to be up for mans control, and I really very significantly doubt that it is. Some general patterns of some cases perhaps. I think psychotherapy is more about feeling an artificial form of love desu.

>> No.20108456

A good way to figure this out is to recognize the thing(s) you go out of your way to learn about/practice irregardless of w/e else you could be doing (out of necessity or otherwise).

>> No.20108467

>generate generalizeable conclusions
for one, clinical experience is not generalizable.

>> No.20108468
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Through a mixture of cowardness, shyness, and indecisiveness, I've made decisions that placed me at the mercy of an indifferent bureaucracy in a country with no hope, putting my life and future at risk. For something like six years I've lived in constant anxiety. At night I could not sleep, and during the day I would be painfully restless. During that time, I've developed something of an addiction, which did not exactly help things. Each year I would manage to squeak by by the skin of my teeth, but the years of unceasing anxiety have etched themselves into my brain. Nowadays, just the prospect of receiving bad news is enough to induce a physically tangible bout of panic in me, and the thought of having to deal with state bureaucrats sends me into bitter despair. I'm just too shy for life. I'm too shy to live abroad and start all over (how do you ask for a job in a country where you don't know the language? How do you tell the barber to do your hair? These things are painful enough to do in my own native language), and I'm appalled by the idea of having to deal with my neurotic tics on foreign soil. I don't know if I'll ever go back to being somewhat normal. I just don't want to live in fear anymore. I want to face setbacks and challenges with something resembling fortitude.

>> No.20108487

Trannies too

>> No.20108495

Hmmm I read literature, history, been trying to learn farsi, watching fitness videos lately

>> No.20108518

I wonder why Socrates assumes it is necessarily true that the just life is the best. He takes this as an axiom yet never seems to get at the core of why this is, without arguments that seem to circle and say the same thing, e.g. the just life is the best because the just is what's good for the soul, you get the idea.

>> No.20108590

So men and women. Got it

>> No.20108598

I'm a big fan of folk and blues:

>> No.20108612

Obama was from Hawaii

McCain was from Panama. Oh and that weird looking Republican isn’t from Texas, he’s Canadian. They can’t even be president

>> No.20108630

the pain of not knowing how an interview went is agonizing. interviewers are masters of deception. they know exactly how to put you in a state where you are unsure of the quality of your performance.
i cant wait to drink this pain away at the bar later. there is no pain in bars, only distractions.

>> No.20108703

Why do you bother leaving twitter

>> No.20108711

No. It's more prevalent in women than men, but it's not a common condition at all.

>> No.20109085

surely overthinking is as much a manly vice as it is a virtue

>> No.20109132

Why do they have to be manly?

>> No.20109136

I wonder if all those who passed away watch me when I masturbate. I hope they reached a sort of enlightenment that can look past it and not think less of me because of it.

>> No.20109146

well I mean in particular I meant the kind of behavior where someone gets interested in something and suddenly they know absolutely every in and out of that thing, and it becomes a significant part of what they are, whether it be BMWs or Nietzsche. I think that's definitely a manly thing. I was thinking that there are a lot of intellectual constructs that are probably pointless. Not everything that can be said should be said, not every thought that could be thought should be thought, not everything that can be demonstrated is really worth caring about. I think it's a male fault to think that just cus you put thousands of hours into something that means you have something to say.

>> No.20109161

i'm a based retard, yes

>> No.20109170

Haven't been here in about 3 weeks. Have I missed much?

>> No.20109176

Overthinking is a vice by virtue of its "over" prefix. Underthinking is also a vice, and thinking the right amount is a virtue. Philosophers should think more, others should think less. Everyone should think exactly as much as they are meant to think.

>> No.20109182

I'm a 27 year old man who is enjoying My Chemical Romance for the first time.
It's cringe but you like what you like

>> No.20109186

>Philosophers should think more, others should think less
BMWs > Nietzsche

>> No.20109197

Yes, Nietzsche is shit.

>> No.20109200

God, amateur.

>> No.20109204

Not much just the usual bickering. Also, Honor The Ballsack

>> No.20109206

That entire album is good stuff anon.

>> No.20109209

I’m turning 30 soon, but I never moved past emo/screamo/hardcore musically and it outs me as lower class every time it comes up.

>> No.20109220

I used to be into all kinds of stuff like krautrock and the more obscure post punk bands.
Over time I have started to enjoy trash like MCR and Blink 182 more than the more 'mature' music.
I still like it when I put it on but I only rarely do so anymore.

>> No.20109230

man I could really do with some more 4/4 somewhat softly distorted music with good pulse for a sunny day. presently I'm only working with the Pillows on an old ipod. uplifting stuff. could be blink 182 were the answer all along.

>> No.20109235

I started listening to emo at 22. Wish i appreciated it when i was a teen

>> No.20109242

I think it has probably always been a hard time to be a woman.

>> No.20109244

I am a slave. Smart enough to know people mock me, but too dumb to know why.

>> No.20109249

Can you give some examples?

>> No.20109256
File: 59 KB, 1242x852, kexkpe4sikl71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you gotta look beyond hun, no one wants to hear this shit

>> No.20109262

Oh yeah in the summer you want stuff like Blink 182, especially their last album. Father of the Bride by Vampire Weekend has been played a lot the past 2 summers as well.
If you like poppy J-rock this band is a good one. Not distorted or noisy at all but very catchy

>> No.20109270

shit this is nice. I was into this kind of thing up to my mid teens or so. this is really charming.

>> No.20109280

masturbating with a condom on

>> No.20109294

His birth certificate is fake. It was found to be fake by an investigation by law enforcement, but the matter was brushed under the rug because no one knew what to make of it. It's a conspiracy theory that's actually true.

>> No.20109308

Just listen to heavy metal like a normal adult man

>> No.20109322

it is possible this is the summer for Iron Maiden, finally. Out of the silent planet is an absolute beast of a song. Black Sabbath are getting a bit dreary for me, you can hear the misery. Alice Cooper is incredibly solid but the vibe is just a bit too slow I think.

>> No.20109327

solid choice

>> No.20109411

Music = games. You play music. You play games. You don't play books, so books =/= games.

>> No.20109434 [DELETED] 

I play with myself. Penis = game

>> No.20109438

That's crude. It doesn't belong here.

>> No.20109441

Just following anon's logic to its natural conclusion

>> No.20109466


>> No.20109480
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>> No.20109493

>it is not the abuse itself that causes trauma—but rather the narrative that is later imposed on the abuse experience.
>-- is almost never true, except maybe in a few specific circumstances when a mild situation was overblown
If I have the start of this thread right, anon contends that people treat kids who were diddled as very sick.
>I guess you're really invested in thinking those kids are really sick too. Like how you think the woman who wrote it is very sick.
And you've sort of proven his point. I don't think you want to admit that you think the kid is sick and needs professional help because you keep skirting it. You keep going back to saying that, and then when anon makes another argument why that could be harmful which you claim to totally agree with, you're back arguing for the thing you just agreed was harmful. You don't seem to see the irony anon pointed out in his first post- if anons are only two or three people in this chain. People are going to think you have a negative opinion of people who are sick and need professional help if the woman you're accusing of being a pedo apologist falls into the same category for you. You're giving the same judgment and treatment to people you think are excusing child abuse as you are giving to the victims of child abuse. Anon might be right that isn't going to do the victims much social justice, because
>You're sick and need help
is normally used as an insult like when you both used it first. You keep describing most these kids as fucked in the head, and I can see how that might fuck a kid up sort of like Munchausen by proxy.

>> No.20109506
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>tfw you can never go back
Oh well, at least I have the memories.

>> No.20109558

It was just the two of us arguing.

A few things:
1) I never claimed that child sex abuse victims are "very sick". This is another strawman.
2) I called the woman sick as an insult, not as an honest assessment of her wellbeing. I should have called her twisted, instead, so there wouldn't be any confusion.
3) I have no problem with the notion that society's treatment of abuse victims just makes things worse. I said that multiple times.
4) The only problem I have is the claim that child sexual abuse is not harmful except in the context of the social narrative placed on it. That's a huge generalization and oversimplification, and I can't believe it's controversial to point that out.

>> No.20109650

now that I got Cyberpunk 2077 my reading schedule will be seriously suffering lol

>> No.20109655
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This meme did not age well

>> No.20109658

Man i started making small bricks out of concrete. I really want to buy an old book on architecture and build a gothic cathedral with no internet. Wish me luck

>> No.20109662

haha such a vibe

>> No.20109664

kek, all we need is WW3 and we got em all.

>> No.20109670

Almost there with ukraine

>> No.20109691


>> No.20109765

Wouldn’t that mean there is a most inferior entity of the worst possible thing. Doesn’t this prove Satan as well?

>> No.20109820


>> No.20109842

Did your portfolio take a hit?

>> No.20109853

No, that happened last March(or was it April?), lost a lot that time, been struggling since.

>> No.20109907
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Whenever I see my guy friend gush about how cute our mutual friend is, I wonder if he knows she is trans. It's something that pops up as a curious question, but I'm not one to break the "balance" so to speak.

>> No.20109912

The most inferior entity is something of an oxymoron. The further from the ideal a thing goes, the less Form it possesses, finally until the point of nonexistence altogether. What you're proposing is dualism, which is contrary to ontological heirarchy.

>> No.20109923

What a nightmare your existence is

>> No.20109952

I don’t understand this but I’m going to try to.

>> No.20109999

My retard brain translated it as “the worst possible fox wouldn’t even be a fox anymore”.

>> No.20110000

Its privation bro

>> No.20110008

Nice repeating numbers. And yeah thats basically it. Draw a circle. Then draw a shittier circle. Then keep drawing progressively shittier circles. Eventually it will cease to be a circle. Now take that and apply it to existence itself.

>> No.20110012



>> No.20110020


>> No.20110045

I bought a fortune telling crystal ball for a pound at a charity shop and am having great fun learning contact juggling. I also recently started slacklining and will probably spend the entire weekend reading, drinking beer and slacklining in the park if the weather states this good

>> No.20110152

I feel less hungry on days that I do manual labor.

>> No.20110160

>never claimed that child sex abuse victims are "very sick". This is another strawman
Anon, I went back and read the argument and quoted the anon saying very sick in the post you just responded to. >>20109493
>>I guess you're really invested in thinking those kids are really sick too. Like how you think the woman who wrote it is very sick
It can't be another strawman. It's the second post in the argument, and yours is the first to bring up the book. It's anon's opening words to you. There isn't anywhere for a first strawman to exist for it to be another strawman. It's the thesis he keeps repeating.

It's the claim that anon made about how you view the kids and author. You're not helping disprove that claim by saying most of those kids are scarred or stunted- or whatever term you want to skirt saying you're sick and need professional help directly. It's not a very distant strawman if your objection to it is you said stunted and not very sick. I don't know if you think stunted or scarred is less insulting than sick, but I can see how telling a kid they are any of those things could fuck the kid up.
This is probably going to go around in the same circle I described in my post so I'm going to leave the explanation there instead of repeating it.

>> No.20110171

Damn bros, pickled herring is so good

>> No.20110177

>contact juggling
I can smell you from here

>> No.20110225

getting old music

>> No.20110233

I've been enjoying this album

>> No.20110254

I don't read atheists. The purpose of life is to get as close to God as possible. Reading atheists is counter-productive and a temptation from the devil, which is why liberals, marxists, and atheists insist on it.

>> No.20110257

that anon is obviously aristotelian

>> No.20110287

Gay as fuck

>> No.20110329

Ugh, I know, I know. I'm just not going to read atheists.

>> No.20110335
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>> No.20110340

You should consider why you think the goal of life is to get as close to the ideal father figure as possible

>> No.20110353

Sexualized violence triggers me. It makes me dissociate in a weird way and makes be really, really eager to self-harm. It's difficult because it makes me want more. The more I want, the harder it gets not to hurt myself. It's almost like masturbation, except entirely in my head. So I end up triggering myself, and then I have to control myself. I want it. I want more. Anime AMVs are the worst of all. Gesugao eyes turn me into a freak.

>> No.20110356
File: 41 KB, 420x641, 1646653420128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had found God you wouldn't have such a base and perverted mind.

>> No.20110361

I had no perverted intent. Talk to your real father before devoting yourself to an imaginary one

>> No.20110396

This is so frustrating.
I do not recommend calling a kid stunted. I was trying to explain that sometimes it's the abuse itself that's damaging, which the author appears to deny. This whole conversation is beside the point. The claim made in the book's description is false. Period. It's an absolute statement about something that can't be generalized because the specifics of each case are necessary to determine what should done. This is my last response to this ridiculous argument.

>> No.20110405

Anyone know the name of the book about a man who sees someone throwing a bag of cats in the river?

>> No.20110406

Opinion discarded. So long Satan.

>> No.20110608

Where do you think Obsession comes from though? If you had to guess - be aware that it would only be a guess and we both know that it's not the same as the collective expertise of clinical experience and that it will be the result of your own biases. But still, if you had to guess where do you think obsession comes from?
What do you suspect could be the cause of 'gut feelings' that turn out to be right?
Feel free to offer multiple theories if you don't want to give the sense you're proposing any one as being the answer. these are just guesses.

>> No.20110623

I notice this too. It's also the case that I have absolutely no appetite for hours after going for a long run.

>> No.20110628

will men get affirmative action now that they are a minority of college graduates? actually almost kind of a legit question at this point

>> No.20110634
File: 144 KB, 1458x714, catsdfwe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit i just googled it. nice

>> No.20110670

The relevant programs for white men now are for “””autism”””

>> No.20110697

Yeah I sometimes wish the anons here would have a shred more sympathy for women. I get why they often don't, because women these days have no sympathy for men, but they've been dealt a spiritually dud hand too and many of them don't know how to cope with it. Most of the time they are only doing what their society tells them to do and are winding up spiritually unfulfilled. No different to the men.

>> No.20110801

One more day, one more worthless pit of failure and depression. It is all hopeless.

>> No.20110850

I can't connect with people, I feel I'm a cold robot without emotions or feelings
I want to die, to be free of the burden of existence forever

>> No.20110857

Existing itself can be a pain, especially without meaning.

>> No.20110864
File: 84 KB, 728x546, 0FEFAA43-4E2D-4E92-9007-274BF7BDA0AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are one

>> No.20110901

Before this thread closes I want to say I share your pain. Solidarity.

>> No.20110906

Same here.

>> No.20110917

The problem is that compassion and empathy are seen as weakness and exploited, so either way you suffer harm. Give people the benefit of the doubt? Get used. Try to protect yourself from exploitation? Become paranoid, spiteful of others, and watch your soul turn caustic.

The only thing I have found that works is to detach yourself completely from the game and try to cultivate compassion for everyone without any intention to become involved in their lives. Its basically being an ad-hoc secular monk, and while it prevents you from being exploited, or becoming bitter, it is still a symptom of an unhealthy society as it has not scalable value.

>> No.20110927

The true horror of life is that you don't have an identity. Identity, values, beliefs, are all meaningless compared to one's material interests (food, water, shelter, clothing, rest).

>> No.20110937

Yet who are 'you' without an identity? When do 'you' cease to mean anything?

>> No.20110971

I know a couple of people who are in admissions for some really prestigious colleges. While I cannot speak for all of them, there are certain trends I've observed. First and foremost it is an overwhelmingly female department, even more so than the rest of college administration.

On a professional level, they want to recruit kids from poor backgrounds. Preferably minority. Getting academically qualified students that'll fit in well with their professors is a concern, sure, but what they really want is a news article with the headline '[college name] recruits record number of minority students this year' or 'this student was born in poverty and had a series of implausibly unlucky things happen to them, but they just got into [college name]'. Because that gets their college positive publicity, but more to the point it's positive publicity that can take credit for; most of the glory either goes to the upper levels of the administration, or to the professors.

On a personal level, they are all the vapidly liberal types who're not as vocal as the militant woke but share their general worldview. You can show them all the statistics you want, they will never internalize that men might be at a disadvantage in college admissions.

They do not care about men. At all. And they know no one else really cares either. They will pay lip service to the idea of gender equality but they will do nothing in practice. The only thing that might slightly motivate them to get more men is maintaining a reasonable gender balance on campus so you don't have to be a lesbian to enjoy your time there, but that is way down their list of priorities.

>> No.20111021

Affirmative action wawas never about equality

>> No.20111033

Such a sad truth.

>> No.20111059

lmao, fag.

>> No.20111106

do italians really think angels have spaghetti for hair? lollllll yall niggas obsessed

>> No.20111114

It's a weird feel when other people talk about having to study X hours a week to pass undergrad, but here I am learning the material in the hours leading up to each test and getting Bs and stuff on each one

>> No.20111116

Imagine if you actually tried.

>> No.20111137

Is there really a point in going through university like that? When your field is computer-related no one's really looking at your GPA

>> No.20111144

There's a spamming faggot who derails several threads. And Jannies haven't dealt with him. He even made his own thread

>> No.20111150

I suppose not, if the industry you are going in to has a different criteria of judgement.

>> No.20111277

You ever feel like things won’t get better for you?

>> No.20111287

Constantly. Today is nothing but yesterday's tomorrow.

>> No.20111297

It feels like being buried by time doesn’t it?

It’s like being born with the soul of a tortured artist, but without ability to make art.

>> No.20111301


>> No.20111303
File: 13 KB, 366x270, D40CB55A-0C77-4C28-BD23-2643B474FF8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm. We have nachos in the new thread!

>> No.20111308

I'm getting back into writing little by little at least, but it's depressing thinking about how life to so many is defined by simply being alive.

>> No.20111322

Or for the minority, staying alive…

>> No.20111326

Why are you like this?

>> No.20111337

Indeed. What does life even mean?

>> No.20111353 [DELETED] 

new thread, now 50% less gay than the aforementioned new thread


>> No.20111379


>> No.20111567


>> No.20111571


>> No.20111586

i think the girl i have a crush on has latched on to the 'grimes-shaped hole' in my head. grimes seems to fit the form of the ideal women in my head and I can confirm this as I look back to the only other crush I had back in high-school (before i knew of grimes). The form is essentially short, skinny (nearly flat), above avg. intelligence, likes art and reading. I know I'm describing an art hoe but even their faces kind of have a similar look despite the two (and grimes) being of different races. This most recent one is even more like grimes physically and temperamentally. jfc bros....

>> No.20111611

Just ask her out. Get the rejection out of the way before it can hurt too much.
Or, get the crush erasing reality set in on your date.

>> No.20111622

she has a boyfriend. im working on it anon.

>> No.20111776

Ah. Been there.
Another good time to go on some pressure free date with some random nice girl.

>> No.20111778
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University has been such a waste of time for me. It takes 5 years to graduate from a pseudo CS degree in my country for something you can just learn in 2 or maybe 3 years. All the non-math classes are taught by absolute hacks who don't know shit about anything.
I can't fucking stand classes anymore. I want to punch my faggot teachers. Absolute scum

>> No.20112388
File: 58 KB, 1024x768, AB52659A-C30A-4913-A6E7-D23FBF6284A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. And they didn’t. So what?