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File: 209 KB, 850x850, spring-spring-180087217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20097446 No.20097446 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy Springtime edition

Previous >>20090494

>> No.20097448

My prostate is a half deflated sand-filled balloon, swelling and pulsing, somehow turgid and desiccated both. My tiny flaccid penis shrivels up inside me, red and numb. My butthole puckers and sighs. 25 ejaculations on this blessed Lord's day. My carpet is caked with dried cum. I haven't worn a single piece of clothing all day. My computer monitor buzzes cheerfully like a shell shocked soldier slightly unaligned with his surroundings. My right palm is calloused by the flame of a million fires, all day racheting at lightning speed my half erect phallus, fast and hard enough to create sparks. I've spent every waking moment cooming, edging and cooming... Another day well spent.

>> No.20097450

My this is another thread. m

>> No.20097451

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.20097452


>> No.20097462

It's very late at night. I wish I was dead.

>> No.20097474

Woke up about an hour ago.
Over the past few months I've come to realise how much I love sleeping. Getting into bed tired and drifting away might be better than sex at this point

>> No.20097499

SAGED in favor of based true detective one: >>20097488

>> No.20097504

No fuck off I like comfy springtime

>> No.20097509

add line breaks and you have yourself a poetry slam career
dry it up
early to bed and early to rise
makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise
enjoy getting old

>> No.20097512

mass repliers deserve the death penalty

>> No.20097513

No rhyme, no meter, no poetry. But thanks anyway for the compliment

>> No.20097518


>> No.20097519

Dubs decide what I'll read next (300 pages tops, please).

>> No.20097521

Dead souls by Gogol

>> No.20097524

List of the Lost by Morrissey

>> No.20097528
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>> No.20097533

50 shades of grey

>> No.20097536

Autobiography by Morrissey

>> No.20097538

I feel like everything i’ve read about propaganda, from Orwell to Chomsky to Edward Bernays, doesn't explain what im seeing around me.

In the age of social media, and everyone having relatives abroad, people seem just as, if not more so, determined to believe in the stuff as they would have been if no alternative intimation was there.
I’ve got relatives in Russia insisting that Ukraine was days away from launching an offensive into Crimea, while developing secret nuclear weapons, while my US friends accuse everything of being psy op.

Who can explain this? Freud kinda does in civilization and its discontents, but I want more.

>> No.20097543
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>> No.20097546

Propaganda is pretty self-explanatory, is it not? What confuses you?

>> No.20097549

"A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest"

>> No.20097564

>4 is a mass
stone age mathematics right there

>> No.20097566

I hate women and wish I could get rid of my sexual desire permanently without losing the benefits of testosterone.

>> No.20097571

Forgive your mother

>> No.20097584

I should stone you

>> No.20097585

There’s no problem there, I don’t doubt that women can genuinely love their children.

>> No.20097589

How do you decrease libido and increase testosterone ? Is it possible ? I don't want to be a coomer, I want to be celibate, so the day I die I can look down on my dying body and know that the flesh never conquered my spirit

>> No.20097597

That's sad to hear. I thought most mothers genuinely loved their kids. Mine did.

>> No.20097601

You misunderstood, so does mine. The hatred comes from experience with relationships and sex.

>> No.20097609
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I mean this is a fairly natural outcome of social media IMO. It's pretty intuitive. But if you're trying to understand the basic roots of this dynamic then "Understanding Media" by Marshall McLuhan is the best recommendation I can give you. Both abstract (psychological) and socially applicable. The book is dated (1964) yet his "medium is the message" quote carries on. He also predicted the evolution of the medium as being akin to the modern internet in a more prescient, accurate way than any of his contemporaries. "Propaganda" by Ellul is good too, but McLuhan's writing transcends the confinements of a generation's respective technologies.

Also picrel is relevant to your post AND Russia/Putin/Ukraine. It's pretty much a Baudrillardian analysis of Putin's Baudrillardian control of Russia. There's an excerpt on this strategy from Curtis' Hypernormalisation:

Vladislav Surkov is a very enigmatic, crucial figure not only in Curtis' clip but in both picrel and "The New Star" by Steven Lee Meyers (I'm only like 100 pages in but he's already mentioned a couple times)

>> No.20097618

freud's Madonna/Whore complex is the default state of all men. It explains so much.
>It is possible that such a split may be exacerbated when the sufferer is raised by a cold but overprotective mother
ah fuck

>> No.20097633

Had a dream about a girl I had a crush on in high school last night and it's affected me all day. Looked her up and she seems to be in a very happy, long term relationship with a guy she will probably marry. I am happy for her, but the dream still left me feeling a bit forlorn.

>> No.20097634

McLuhan is surprisingly hard to read. Insightful, dense, yet zigzagging and often tough to keep pace with. You feel like he must be more informed on the topic than anyone else just by the way he writes about it.

>> No.20097664

Also same. Lockdowns fucked me right up.
I don’t know how to act to not get pigeonholed into the loser/scapegoat/heel position in social groups. I don’t know if it’s something mental&fixed like autism, mental&malleable like self-esteem, physical&fixed like height, or physical&malleable like needing to get /fit/ter or get plastic surgery. Therapists won’t help since they want you to just cope with being treated like garbage, and the people that “detect” it and start treating you like shit obviously refuse to say what it is. I refuse to deal with people until whatever it is is made clear and resolved, or I determine it to be unresolvable and remain a hermit.

>> No.20097668

sounds like you need a close friend. a role model and guardian in social situations.

>> No.20097759

Are all gays nonces or are all nonces gays?
Who knows! Who knows! Who knows! I say

>> No.20097778

I know what Curtis thinks and frankly im not convinced. As someone who watched Russian television during during 2014, and as is watching a fair bit of it now, I think he has a rather conspiratorial and one sided understanding of how it operates.

It’s unevenness, it’s contradictions, it's constant 180 degree turns are not not a sign of some plan, or mission to induce people into a schizophrenic trance, but rather a sign of how badly the state apparatus actually operates. I have no doubt they get their orders from upstairs, but those orders are mostly on a euphemistic level of calling the war a ‘special operation’ or referring to the Ukrainian resistance as ‘Nazi battalions,’ not on the level of immaculately planned grand strategy.

No one could have been more ani war then the Russian news right up until the day it happened, hence the public shock when it turned on a dime. As a case of public relation this was massive blunder.
Rather then the politicians influencing the media (which no doubt happens) the media influences politicians in return. So much of the shambles of what happens in Russia on a policy level forms out of dozens of rants by various talk show stooges. So many of Russias mistakes, from failed economic and social reforms to the current military blunder, is the result of a feedback loop of politicians drunk on their own propaganda refusing to see the world in any other terms.

You can see it in the language in which these things are discussed, just as you can see US republicans channeling Fox News or Democrats sounding like SMNBC.

>> No.20097807

Eh I guess you're right but his message is more convincing and less abstract than what you'll find reading Baudrillard. McLuhan is a lot more accessible to a layman. I wouldn't advise anyone to go into "Simulacra and Simulation" without reading some kind of supplementary material. He draws on too much theory. McLuhan makes more relatable examples to get his point across. The lightbulb metaphor at the beginning, unpacking figures like Tocqueville and C.P. Snow (sp?) to show the transition of the medium in a more relatable way. He sort of makes his point using historical precedent. Slightly ersatz writing style but digestible to anyone who tries hard. Unlike Baudrillard and all those French post-structuralists like Derrida or Foucault.
(I think "The Gulf War Did Not Take Place" is better intro material than S&S because he actually APPLIES his point to a modern issue that made sense to me even as a brainlet.)

>> No.20097821

Here are things I want to improve upon. I've already started doing some of these things to some success, others need more improvement.

1. Get out of bed as soon as my alarm goes off
2. Spend five minutes stretching and practicing mindfulness before anything else
3. Take a shower as soon as I'm done my stretches, rather than waiting until the whim takes me
4. Make breakfast as soon as I'm finished my shower, again rather than waiting until I feel like it
5. Spend no more than 10 minutes checking my phone at breakfast
6. Get to reading as soon as I'm finished washing my breakfast dishes

Currently I waste so much time in the morning between these tasks. Its so easy to lose 15 minutes between each step faffing about and then suddenly in a whole one or two hours behind my schedule. I'm not unproductive I just waste a lot of the and I'm trying to work on that.

>> No.20097828

>300 pages tops, please

>> No.20097859

Good points, but you sort of have it in reverse. Russian propaganda controls the media. The blunders and failures are part of the same trend we've seen for ages: authoritarian rulers only keep around those who agree with them, quashing anyone from inside their government who seems to counter their beliefs. Putin obviously surrounds himself by people who are fully supporting the invasion. If an aide publicly questioned Russia's dominance their career is over.

>No one could have been more ani war then the Russian news right up until the day it happened, hence the public shock when it turned on a dime. As a case of public relation this was massive blunder.

Sort of a necessary evil, the invasion was a surprise to everyone. The Europeans were telling the Americans to quiet down the war rhetoric. What was the media supposed to say? An invasion of Ukraine seems more likely?

>You can see it in the language in which these things are discussed, just as you can see US republicans channeling Fox News or Democrats sounding like SMNBC.

Yeah you're right but it's lopsided in favor of the left. Consider the January 6th doomerism that made immediately followed. Almost every Republican Senator denounced Trump... only for them to become more lukewarm when the media consensus starts to settle down and break apart months later. Watch them support him in 2024 after thrashing him that day. Now Republicans who voted to impeach Trump are dropping out of races like flies. Right after the Capitol attacks, saying the election was "stolen" would be heresy. Over a year later? There are candidates openly running for public office who question whether Biden won. Only because he's doing poorly in office and Fox is being more vocal about the once "forbidden" attack lines.

Best examples: Kavanaugh and Barrett nominations. Legacy media (obviously tilted towards one side) ran stories about the inevitable end of Roe v. Wade ad nauseam. Not only would these justices have NEVER overturned Roe v. Wade in the first place... but the media pressure made them more likely to make their opinions moderate and non-offensive. The news has actively influenced their opinion. Name ONE time a liberal justice crossed sides to join a 5-4 ruling with conservatives. Now think of all the times Republican justices have crossed over with the other side in 5-4 decisions in favor of the liberals. This is because people like John Roberts are deeply cautious of their reputations, so the (90% liberal) media narrative is the consensus. Kavanaugh was the first justice to hire an ALL female clerks. We all know this wasn't a coincidence. Conservatives have always been pariahs in the culture war on mainstream sources, so they think the CNN-tier hysteria is how the public actually feels until later, when they're already given up too much ground. BLM is another example but I'd rather not go there.

>> No.20097872

Unironically mk-ultra

>> No.20097902

I just saw a woman so beautiful that I feel physically ill. It pains me knowing she’s just random face on the internet a million miles away and I’ll never have contact with a girl as beautiful and interesting in real life. I’m surrounded by mediocrity.

>> No.20097948
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>> No.20097954

I continue to be baffled by simps online.

>> No.20098031

>i don't understand what you're saying
>therefore it's nonsense
>"wow, a lot of words to say nothing"
How did we get here?

>> No.20098058

Im gonna skip the US policy bullshit and just say I disagree about who follows and who leads, in as much as I think they both lead each other . So much of what the Russian media does works against the express, stated interest of the government. Don’t imagine TV as a world of unremittant praise, Russia has too many obvious problems for that. The people writing (or speaking) see their medium as instrument by which to steer the political conversation just as much as politicians see the writer or the artist as a tool to get their message across.

An odd example , but for years state TV ran a virtue crusade against the ‘liberal technocrats’ that were supposedly everywhere within the existing Russian AI and high tech initiative, started by the government in order to grow a domestic technology scene. Not because they had that much against them but likely because it was the old story of new media replacing their existing radio and cable dominance. You cannot imagine how much money and time was devoted to censoring entirely apolitical Instagram stars, DJ’s and startups , such that Russia eventually established whole ministries to make sure none of these people get bigger then their competition. The same politicians that started the multi billion Rub initiative then spent millions more to make sure it never develops into anything at all.

This make seem like an odd example, and nothing unusual, as self sabotage is in the nature of all sates, but it’s just one example of many. Heck, the last few years were being devoted to smoking out the liberal agents that found themselves working in the financial world, with particular emphasis on the current head of the central bank.

And while democracies have some mechanisms to punish such complete incompetence, in Russia it just continues with everyone pushing against each other until the big man upstairs decides to lob a grenade into the situation.

In truth these shambolic policy changes have left Russia with no evident footing; reliant on the same oil and gas, with no transition plan. An export economy, that cannot export. All this has been a push and pull battle between 'media and politics, without the corrective ingredient of public opinion and elections.

>> No.20098064

>decide that maybe i should go outside an do something
>remember women are given "equal" rights, accepted in politics and are not even expected to remain virgins until mariage
>decide i'am doing nothing instead
What's a good way to remain as big of a detriment to my state as i can be? I think even if i become homeless i'am providing the state with something.

>> No.20098076

Man I really don't like going to class.

>> No.20098150

I don't know of any reason to believe that human beings can handle just tossing around the forces involved in particularly sexual pair bonding. It seems there are only two outcomes: destruction or callousness, of which arguable the latter is worse. The world will not be ruled by big dicks, it will be ruled by people who decided it was fine to stop believing in love.

>> No.20098159

no man wants to be married to a whore, this is a concession to the fire. maybe sex should have an element of fucking, but anyone who marries to fuck over making love, I gotta wonder man.

>> No.20098169

she's probably a grandma by now

>> No.20098178

I discovered I enjoy being sad, does it makes me happy?

>> No.20098180

the only possible resistance is becoming a muslim anon. but you gotta realize that anger is highly unislamic, and as far as gender-roles it is or can be more nuanced than you might think. Everything in its right place, everything truly good is moderate, do not be angry.

>> No.20098181
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>the only possible resistance is becoming a muslim

>> No.20098185

truly being sad is very healthy, I think. people think a person crying is the one with a problem, but it's 100% the opposite. actually being sad is healing.

>> No.20098188

One Light and many darknesses, friend.

>> No.20098196

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.20098200

my brain has been hung, drawn and quartered

>> No.20098222
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>One sneed and so many feeds, friend.

>> No.20098226

recognizing digits is sorcery and ruins your prayer, just so you know. strictly haram.

>> No.20098230

we must fast be approaching the time when people will wonde rwhat they ever saw in soulsbourne-games

>> No.20098260

I hit that point with Dark Souls III, and realized the only one I ever really gave a shit about was the first dark souls

>> No.20098275

This. I feel like the only people soi-mouthing about Elden Ring are newbies who never played a souls game before
>Waow! The boss is so hard!

>> No.20098287
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maybe she won't be that important over time.
>even though she saved your life?
this has been an exposition on my thoughts in the style of the inner dialogue of Squall from Final Fantasy VIII.

>> No.20098352

I think I will quit my job and just be homeless.

>> No.20098361

Give me bizarre story ideas

>> No.20098368

a vampire that eats buildings

>> No.20098370 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20098381
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You ruined my thread for underwear man.
Now we have a Kinkaide edition

>> No.20098394
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>everyone on penpal sites is religious

>> No.20098430
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>Everyone on this literature board is a frog poster

>> No.20098448
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Bros. I haven't coomed for 30 days and I sort of succumbed to the temptation, but when I opened the usual porn video I felt more disgust and boredom than anything and closed the video. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.20098567

Rupi Kaur? Nah, bitch, I wanna listen to schizophrenic tortured genius music...

>> No.20098580

>had a dream where some girl a few years older then me had offered me sex, but i turned her down because I wasn't interested in her
>finally decided to give into her advances
>spent the whole dream trying to find a good place to do it but always got interrupted
>only kissed a little bit
>never ended up having sex, but I enjoyed spending the time with her
>went to her house later in the dream after some time
>told her I couldn't stop thinking about her and I loved her
>she said she loved me too

Dream ended there. It was nice while it lasted.


>> No.20098622
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The bird feeder is empty but the birds keep coming by looking for food. I'll refill it soon today, but it's making me wonder whether I haven't done something unkind by offering them food at all. Now I've created in them a dependency on my generosity. I think if I just stopped filling the feeder and took it down, they would all be fine and go back to eating ants and chip bag crumbs like they'd been doing before I put it up. They'd be in more danger if I did it as winter ended, so I must know at least not to do that. By taking it down, I would be doing another unkindness just like the first one. I'd be taking away something I fully have the power and the resources to give.

This kind of logic paralyzes me in other areas of my life too. Every action has its negative consequence, every selfless act has its selfish motivation. That's the thing that bothers me the most about this whole thing. I didn't put the bird feeder up because I wanted to feed the birds or help them live easier lives and make nests and lay eggs in the springtime, I just did it thoughtlessly because I wanted to see pretty birds. And now I've created a small pattern of disruption in their lives, and in mine, because of a selfish desire.

All action is corrupt. I wish not to act.

>> No.20098633

The internet has allowed everyone to be a passive agressive faglord

>> No.20098637

Sounds like the birds are disrupting you with their actions as well
Fuck them

>> No.20098670

it's been over a month since my grandma died, still feels a bit surreal

>> No.20098685

I just queefed. Can you guys smell it?

>> No.20098700

the world has fallen and i feel an obligation to address and confront those who make it unbareable with their tyranny and indulgences.

>> No.20098844

Try to get welfare and disability and food stamps and section 8. They won't punish you for trying. Just don't lie. You're likely to get something. Go to a shrink and get diagnosed with some bullshit made-up nonsense like adhd or anxiety, and then apply for disability again. Squeeze everything you can from this corrupt system. Niggers feed on our taxes, you might as well too. Fuck the system, NEET4life

>> No.20098860
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Why do girls take ridiculously long to reply to my messages but get mad at me when I don't have the time or don't feel like messaging them?

>> No.20098863

You call that schizophrenic and tortured?

>> No.20098869

Because women are children who need to be disciplined

>> No.20098950

Will taking walks and visiting a cafe or restaurant once a week in the historical city centre of my town improve my status as a degenerate?

>> No.20098965

I am really enjoying the Adventures of Huck Finn. American Don Quixote.

>> No.20099039

a guy walks into a bar...


>> No.20099172

And then he left.

>> No.20099234

birds know how to be birds. people know how to be people. it's alright anon. you're not responsible for them. you didn't mean them any harm.

>> No.20099239

The most attractive woman I know is in a relationship with this guy that's not attractive, not athletic, not intelligent, not tall, not rich, not famous, he's just a completely average and mediocre turbonormie consoomer. He is pretty sociable and extroverted but most people are. To me this is proof that the doctrines of the incels are false. Women don't have high standards, they will date whomever they happen to, and they can be persuaded like children.

>> No.20099243

it sounds profoundly healthy anon

>> No.20099247

>he's just a completely average and mediocre turbonormie consoomer
I think a lot of people are like this because they are secure in themselves. we're on the broken market anon, we have stuff to prove to people. God knows but I really suspect this may be the case.

>> No.20099265

I told my guidance councelor I want to work close to animals. As close as possible. She told me there were some career choices geared toward helping animals in various ways. I told her I really couldn't give a fuck, I just want to hang with them as much as possible. She's supposed to check around a bit and let me know.

>> No.20099270

I realize now that my problem with writing isn't a problem with writing at all, it's a problem with imagination.
When I was younger it used to be so easy: If I wanted to write about a man in his apartment smoking, I could easily visualize every little detail of the apartment almost immediately. Far from being a problem of being able to write, my problem would be to not detail every little thing in the building, to commit to the page in one long stream of consciousness exactly what I could see in my head. But somehow, despite spending just as much time daydreaming now as I did then, that's faded. I can still imagine "a man" in "an apartment", but that's it. There's nothing but the words. I cannot "see" a man, I cannot "see" an apartment. I have to consciously think a bit - what kind of a man? what kind of an apartment? what would such a man look like? what would such an apartment look like? Instead of the simple task of writing, there's now a constant series of tortuous little thoughts and decisions.

It reminds me of those posts about whether you can imagine an apple visually or not. I would say that there was a time I could, or at least, could do so well enough to describe the apple. But as time has passed I've lost that. Now I can suggest to you any variety of adjectives to describe an apple, but to sit down and actually do so - to imagine the apple and then describe it - that's another task entirely. It's an apple, that's the main thing I can tell you.

>> No.20099273

Does reading/writing poetry make you a better novelist? Many of the great writers seem to have started with poetry, or at least short stories.

>> No.20099281

I think modern society is very mechanical and digital, which stifles creativity. The main ways it does through conditioning your brain during work, education, and the hours upon hours of mindless internet browsing.

>> No.20099426

Am i really about to steal Pinocchio from the used book store?

>> No.20099464

And it hurt when he bumped into it.

>> No.20099505

Pay the two bucks

>> No.20099658 [SPOILER] 
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You’re not her

>> No.20099661

Why though?

>> No.20099734

Although the last few days had almost perfect weather with no clouds and rain, it's still about 5 degrees outside. I truly want to enjoy nice spring with at lest 15 degrees, being able to go outside with no coat and maybe do a barbecue with my friends, but the real spring time is yet to come.

>> No.20099790

This post has been rigorously peer-reviewed in several open-source randomized triple-blinded studies across multiple countries and under every adaptable disciplinary standard applicable.

>> No.20099933

watching Licorice Pizza, it's kinda underwhelming a bit desu

>> No.20099942
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>> No.20100007

i didnt end up stealing it or buying it, but basically i didnt feel like paying 3$. in the end i just decided ill pick up a copy some other time
had the exact same experience

>> No.20100061

now i think of relationships as settling down with people no longer do i think of the love that i had in college and i miss that spark and i wonder if it's ok that that spark is gone and more appropriately if 24 is too late, if i should hurry up and just settle with someone, if this is all a reflection of my inability to ever really love a single girl ive been with, dozens of them all girls i turned away and now find myself alone, but every time i go and walk with one of them for any time weeks or months i feel that i can't stand them and then the cycle repeats and i feel that soon the entropy of this passion will burn out and i'll be left with nothing, no romance at all

>> No.20100089

the One and Ein Sof are the same thing, they're incomprehensible in every sense of the word, and they are the explanation for all unexplainable things. They are also the thing as things in themselves. There, I just saved you hundreds of hours of reading philosophy

>> No.20100109

>Leibniz stopped in The Hague where he met van Leeuwenhoek, the discoverer of microorganisms. He also spent several days in intense discussion with Spinoza, who had just completed his masterwork, the Ethics.
I would sell my left eyeball to read that conversation

>> No.20100145

what does it mean when she sends you a pic of her in her sleepwear?

>> No.20100180

I honestly had the perfect girl and if I didn't fuck the date up I could have married her. It's amazing how the choices that you make on one day can affect the rest of your life. Just some more confidence on that day and I would have had a happy future.

>> No.20100200

Didn't meet my wife until I was 25, and our relationship has been the most passionate one I've ever had. Don't give up, anon. A negative attitude is far more damaging than your age.

>> No.20100211

just lied to get out of jury duty. it wasn't hard since my excuse was mostly correct. only about 15% of the array actually showed up to the zoom call for impaneling anyway.

idk how to feel. kind of bad.

>> No.20100214

Cant think about things this way Anon. Whether thats true or not, its in the past and you can't live in that past.

>> No.20100216

I'm 31 and still haven't met anyone, not even texting anyone atm

>> No.20100235

>not even texting anyone

texting someone is about as filling as eating potato chips. you should only text to arrange plans or other small little things like that.

if you put serious weight into conversations with a girl over texting, youre setting the stage for an unhealthy relationship.

>> No.20100241

Everybody does it, and they purposefully call way more people than they need to make up for that fact. You shouldn't feel bad, just normal. I kinda like jury duty though, I've been called for it more than anyone I know and have sat on juries twice. It's a window into both the bureaucratic process and the lives of various petty criminals. The one case was about a fistfight over a parking space, everybody involved was an absolute piece of shit, including the lawyers, who were both so blatantly trying to manipulate the emotions of the jury. It is a disgusting, fascinating experience that you can't get anywhere else.

>> No.20100251
File: 42 KB, 570x371, il_570xN.1840828435_31v4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today was my birthday. I have to visit my parents every march because my mom and my brother have theirs in this month too and I'd be the asshole for not showing up. I fucking hate it. Nobody even gifts me anything worth keeping, it's just some money. We never do anything, just eat junk and sit for hours talking about nothing. Everything is so half assed. I'm starting to dread my bd. Time is moving faster and faster. I'm 22 now. A real lad but with no real achievements to show. No friends or gf either, just a lonely virgin majoring in philosophy in some big business town with no-go areas and anonymous individuals all going their own way. Society just doesn't exist and neither do I. I'm starting to feel like that guy from Taxi Driver. Fuck.

>> No.20100253

this wasn't prelate though, it was grand jury, so it seemed like i was just going to spend a ton of time seeing if cases were worth going to trial. i did want to learn more about the processes involved but a 40 minute commute 3 times a week for 3 months sounded absolutely awful.

>> No.20100261

Aren't you interested in it? It seems like it would be fun.

>> No.20100266

Oh yeah fuck that

>> No.20100274

>big business town with no-go areas
Lol pussy. Also cash is the best gift, you can do whatever you want with it

>> No.20100298

what I meant to say is I do not talk to anyone atm and this town is shit for meeting new women

>> No.20100321

what you have just described in your post doesn't sound all that bad at all, there's people in far more shittier situations than you are

>> No.20100330

shhhhhh, he's 22 and able to study philosophy while only getting money from his family. Didn't you see Lenin in his picture? He OBVIOUSLY deserves waaay more....

>> No.20100342
File: 710 KB, 566x642, 1618601250810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i basically tried to skip out on free legal education through first hand experience. my life is way too boring to have a valid excuse or personal value stopping me from it. basically i'm a lazy fuck.

>> No.20100365

>No friends or gf
>just a lonely virgin
>No achievements
>A real lad
One of these doesn't quite fit with the rest.
Maybe you should start with that little obvious piece of delusion, fren

>> No.20100391
File: 2.01 MB, 1500x3002, werewolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20100400

I feel myself mellowing out and I'm only 22.

>> No.20100407
File: 35 KB, 385x800, Alice_Teennager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20100438

Good for you. It may take a little practice still, but try to remember how to maintain it now.

Also, I’ve been riding a ten+ year long mellow period. But recently started getting antsy and troubled with dreams. I think it’s high time I chase after passions for a while. You may feel the same some years down the line

>> No.20100444

why did you stop? I haven't ejaculated yet

>> No.20100465

Imagine porn with a beautiful young girl sucking his hairy cock

>> No.20100531

Ok ok I'm getting it, yes I'm a midwit, I got a glimpse into a schizo rabbit hole and the overlap of patterns in every scale of this universe is existential terror and humbling any statement about reality, I'll shut up from now on

>> No.20100546

It saddens me how little interest there is in American comic books.

>> No.20100575

> family is messed up when I’m younger
> don’t treat me very well to say the least
> have the chance to leave and never look back
> decide to keep relationships
> years later
> they are much better
> still feel something like regret that I maintained ties
> feel guilty

>> No.20100578
File: 3.05 MB, 1920x1280, 1647824278345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you figured that out with psychedelics you didn't actually figure it out

>> No.20100738

I feel like I'm converting to Anglicanism but I can't actually do it because my orthodox church would forever consider me an apostate and I'll have no future in any conservative public circles at home.

>> No.20100755

Why am I so gullible and easily groomed into believing random bs made-up by questionable people and ignoring all of my critical thinking skills just because I like an idea

>> No.20100758

It’s literally never too late. Tell girls who are skeptical of you that you are trying to live optimistically and positively, and are new to dating

>> No.20100762

I'm 24 and I've just met a woman I could easily spend the rest of my life with. It can still happen to you.

>> No.20100769

I've read this part from Schopenhauer (?) once about banning sword fights or whatever....

Just wanted to say, that I cringe hard, whenever I see male political enemies in the street going at each other, just yelling each other in the face, like gutless chimpanzees.

World would be better, if people could just draw their sabre like Hume against his publishers

>> No.20100772

What possible motivation could you have to become Anglican?

>> No.20100832

I really don't think I think I can do this much longer.

>> No.20100834

>be me
>drunk texting my ex with whom i had a short-lived fling before she moved out of state
>call her ugly
>text her "answer me whore"
>she laughs it off
>texts me back the next morning to tell me mundane shit about her life and how she's not happy with her boyfriend
did i just crack the code?

>> No.20100850

Yeah, but it won't make you happy, if that were your goal

>> No.20100872

This is just bd related stuff, I'm not here to talk about my entire scope of being, but yeah obviously some people are always worse off, can't deny that. 90% of the rants in these threads are not actually that bad, not sure why you decide to pull that comment on me.
The money I got for bd was like 50 bucks. I'm not complaining about the amount, it's just that I'd rather have something actually meaningful, like a real object that I might appreciate years from now as an important memory. If my parents died rn I'd have nothing at home that would remind me of them. I never said I deserve more money you witty smartass r*dditor. They don't finance my study either, I'm doing that myself.

>> No.20100898

Very nice

>> No.20100940

all fromsoft games are at least above average, not sure what your deal is, would you rather play shitty ubisoft sequels or a dark souls sequel

>> No.20100952

Do you know how many people have bird feeders? They'll just go to the house next door

>> No.20100958

But why the inclination to steal at all? Your motives are an enigma

>> No.20100966

What whore mongering does to a mf

>> No.20100968

I feel my power growing for the first time in two years.

>> No.20101056
File: 193 KB, 500x571, external-content.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive never been particularly religious or anything, but man, I really wish this world wasn't an overtly Satanic hellscape. I am just... completely mentally exhausted from perpetually watching the absolutely sublime beauty and goodness that exist here being fed into a vile machine by twisted, cackling, mentally stunted goblins who think it will fill the void in their tormented hearts

>> No.20101075

Welcome to Earth.

>> No.20101087

To jump on your comment, I think having a communist professor was pivotal in my conversion to Christianity. The man was truly sick and vengeful, and carefully crafted an activist social justice persona as a way to make his uncontrollable urges palatable. The fact that he preyed on young people, and so clearly hated God, and hated the truth, literally gave me nightmares. Meeting with him in the hall a few times, and having a few particularly odd moments with him, and seeing the paranoia in his eyes, made me see how truly possessed he was to "revolutionize the world", and what that really meant for his unconscious religious beliefs. He believed the world was evil, that people were evil, civilization itself was evil. He believed in communism like a religion, totally driven, like Satanism, by a disgust of the world and Creation.

>> No.20101124

Idk man. Sometimes when something is really cheap and I only kind of want it, I consider stealing it.
Maybe stealing is sort of a Dunning-Kruger thing. People are either stealing small things or big things(e.g stealing candy from a store vs robbing a bank). If you're stealing something small its because its easy to get away with and worthless and if your stealing something big its because its rewarding.
I think I'm just retarded though. Anyways, I didn't steal Pinocchio.

>> No.20101129

You ever feel completely lost?

>> No.20101158


>> No.20101161

Is it fair to characterize your behavior as self destructive, generally?
One time I was literally lost in a forest

>> No.20101277

i busted super hard and now my penis freaking HURTS

>> No.20101294

just finished Deschooling Society by Ivan Illich, his ideas on a "web-network" of learners is pretty cool and would be nice to be implemented in place of diplomas, schools and other learning institutions. I could actually get certified then.

>> No.20101299
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>> No.20101302
File: 159 KB, 1080x1034, 675d109865c48c243f9ff96808e1ea01fce2cdb14a8811af4312dc201d42cd2a_1~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image in its entirety his true art.
I often come back to it and reflect on it.

>> No.20101309

I try and stay optimistic. this place is crawling with cretinous "antinatalists" and it would be better if they fucked off somewhere else.

>> No.20101335
File: 193 KB, 1023x829, 1024px-Joris_Hoefnagel_-_Animalia_Rationalia_et_Insecta_(Ignis)-_Plate_II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 of his 7 his kids (4 of whom were hairy)


>> No.20101341

German researchers recently found that there is an association between the number of hours of pornography someone consumes each week and less grey matter in their brains.

Simone Kühn and Jürgen Gallinat, “Brain Structure and Functional Connectivity Associated With Pornography Consumption: The Brain on Porn,” JAMA Psychiatry (2014): 827–834.

>> No.20101360

You're making the same mistake Microsoft made when they unleashed Tay on the internet. Not everyone is voting based on artistic merit.

>> No.20101389

Not sure about your first point, but people voted as they did and I find the winning picture to be fascinating.

>> No.20101408

Bad karma follows you around.

>> No.20101411

Microsoft made an AI called Tay. It learned speech patterns by talking to people. Microsoft assumed everyone would participate in good faith, but instead people trolled it.

In your drawing contest, it's assumed everyone will participate in good faith and vote for the best drawing. It's clear that many people chose the most retarded drawing for laughs.

>> No.20101416

>asian guy i used to room with
>slob, manchild, doesnt groom himself and wears basketball shorts every day
>mamas boy
>mom divorced dad and married some mexican guy
>marries a rich 9/10 korean woman
>they run several businesses together
>according to another friend, she only dated white guys in college
>now theyre getting divorced because she cant stand living with him
>shes dating some lower-middle class white guy now
this is every asian guy on the west coast, perhaps the world. how long until asian incels form some sort of ISIS-like beta uprising?

>> No.20101444

I cum to porn daily at 10am, 1pm, 5pm and about 9-10pm, 2am - each session consisting in exactly 12min edging while browsing and 3min of squeezing and scrathing til ejaculation.
Yet my brain is as grey as the ash of Mount Etna according to my Nephrologist, so suck it....

>german researchers
I only watch scat porn in my fourth window anyway, so what do they even think

>> No.20101459


>> No.20101464

>kidney specialist
Kek I think I see why the doctors scanned your brain

>> No.20101467

Well yeah German porn is fucking crazy

>> No.20101472

is this you?

>> No.20101477

his brain had to escape to his kidneys to escape all the cum

>> No.20101478

Man I'm an underachieving white guy with a good face. I live on the West coast. I need a gook wife

>> No.20101487

you rice burning whore

>> No.20101502

fuck, no... I should have gone for this one for maxx-shitposting

>> No.20101508

Half the white guys in my office married asian women.

>> No.20101519

I don't like politics much, but this genuinely depresses me. China alone has more people than the entire Western world combined. White people are going extinct and I can't pretend to think it's a good thing.

>> No.20101527
File: 4 KB, 300x168, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try and stop me, chud

>> No.20101532

West Coast white women are horrible. I'm eurasianist pilled

>> No.20101538

Happas are unironically the master race

>> No.20101539

I wish I was more like Stalin or Kissinger, someone with real strength

>> No.20101541

Elliot Roger would be proud.
Also, justifying genocide... yikes. You really are a cuck

>> No.20101546

What? Hapas are like turbo white women, full BPD karen energy.

>> No.20101547

I'm looking for a foreign wife on the internet.

>> No.20101549
File: 23 KB, 600x395, 8ef3c54db3f5e3b35f30af7221605550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like politics
>White people are going extinct and I can't pretend to think it's a good thing
what is this, 2015?
every soul with soul went through this exact process like soon a decade ago...

welcome aboard anyway

>> No.20101550

There are no girls on the internet

>> No.20101553


>> No.20101555

Not on 4chan definitely.

>> No.20101557

And nothing has changed since then. It's not something to which you can say "just get over it".

>> No.20101558

this is 4channel, trips-sir

>> No.20101560

Nah man, I've met a lot of happas and they're all really cool people.

>> No.20101562

Aight, I guess my bias is that i live on the west coast and most hapas/asians i met were in uni. being biracial generally skews people toward the left.

>> No.20101563

never claimed that, just welcomed him on exactly the side of those who "can't get over this exact thing"

>> No.20101566

Yeah but the code expires after 48 hours

>> No.20101569

I see, my mistake

>> No.20101582

that's also a product of university environments.

>> No.20101593
File: 6 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i genuinely love neil breen movies. hes been memed to death, but i consider him in the same tradition as jodorowsky and folk art in general

>> No.20101613

can we watch some of his movies together?
cytube has great chan-streams, but not one of them is /lit/-themed as far as I can tell....
would love to wake up in the middle of the night just to shitpost with you neurotic faggots

>> No.20101635

If you guys decide to, I'd be happy to join

>> No.20101644
File: 11 KB, 259x194, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tech illiterate so picrel. Anyway Neil Breen has an affinity with folk artists because he's totally committed, uneducated, and shameless. It's a real insight into the fantasies of ordinary men, a view totally overlooked in nearly every level of media.

>> No.20101690

i feel like even just in my life time we have slid a mile down the slippery slope and the entire fucking time things have gooten more and more unhinged and deranged and there was certain people screeching about how slippery slope is a fallacy and everyone who talks about it is just some paranoid lunatic, there is no slippery slope blah blah blah, every god damn step of the way, and its been the exact same type of people, just smugly lying to my face, and its like, shocking how blunt and unphased and shameless they are about it, like, they just lied to your face 2 seconds ago, and you know they were lying, and they know you know, but they just look you in the eyes and lie again with complete shameless, effortless comfort, as if the lie is their natural habitat, or a warm home where they come in from the rain and lock the door behind them and warm themselves by the heath with a feeling of safety and security

>> No.20101691

Bros my depression just lifted all randomly and I feel happy again.

>> No.20101697

you should read Spengler..
cures your depression when it comes to "me me me me decline around me me me me"

(doesn't mean shit doesn't suck, just that it's what organic stuff does...)

>> No.20101702

What should you do if your goals feel totally out of reach?

>> No.20101703

smallen them

>> No.20101712
File: 71 KB, 647x389, 1_BoPx9avLZfnQO6HOj0iCdQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marshall McLuhan thought that having a sense of humor will far better serve the youth of the digital age in understanding their world than the previous model of the "serious student". Are memes prove of this in action?

>> No.20101713

the boom boom in think think =^.^=

>> No.20101714

And when that makes them undesirable?

>> No.20101722

Baby steps

>> No.20101733

incremental progress will kick your dopamine system into action, seeking more incremental progress.

>> No.20101748

Memes are absolutely a form of folk art

>> No.20101751

Damn, that's so odd, but you're right.

>> No.20101754

verify that your feelings are true, specify if it's a problem with the goals themselves or your current strategy to achieve them.
Then based on that either alter the goals to be more obtainable or diagnose what is wrong with your strategy, and create a sub-strategy to ameliorate those problems. One handy heuristic might be to determine if the problems fall into which of these categories
>Lack of Desire
>Lack of Prior Experience solving constituent problems
>Lack of Training or Skills
>Problem with the layout or sequence of the strategy

>> No.20101765

"memes as a form of folk art" is insofar right as the "folk" part should be a matter of concern..
are memes "art"?
how about we just call memes memes and art art?

Else I will pledge for calling dust food or whatever...
Familienähnlichkeit only makes for great aphorisms but not for great systems of terms

>> No.20101775

Why shouldn't memes be a subset of art?

>> No.20101777

why shouldn't dust be a subset of food?
etc. pp.

read again or read more (other books)

>> No.20101783

>why shouldn't dust be a subset of food?
You tell me

>> No.20101803
File: 62 KB, 753x753, sdasfwfge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am unironically addicted to weed again.

>> No.20101809

you can put dust on a plate, scoop it up, shove it into your mouth, yum yum yum....
body says no

you can print meme on canvas, put it into museum, people watch, laugh, it's not the same as the rest
holy fuck, now I have to argue against modern art galleries... fuuuuuck..... I fucking hate the fucking state of art.....

I wish I were never born in this retarded fucking timeline

>> No.20101812

Shh, no more tears. Only dreams now.

>> No.20101817

So something is only art if it's on canvas in a museum?

>> No.20101820
File: 128 KB, 581x443, 1436247491621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna go around applying for a copywriter job (for now). What should I expect? Never done this kinda work before.

>> No.20101823
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>> No.20101828


>> No.20101829 [DELETED] 

I suppose what lies at the heart of it all is real inappropriateness.

>> No.20101838
File: 86 KB, 670x503, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why you'd disagree that picrel is art. Mexican votive paintings were basically memes, made by uneducated people rearranging popular religious symbols. One is painted and the other (memes) are digital. The difference, I argue, is merely the means available. I'd agree, however, about the degree of commitment -- but I fear, again, that the low barrier of entry now is also a means of the environment.

>> No.20101845
File: 49 KB, 600x393, Prince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are memes "art"?
Only if they are put in an art space. Of which there are three main kinds:
>Art Galleries (Public and Private), these usually have white walls, special lighting as to not damage the materials, an expectation of quiet. They usually motivated by cachet rather than the aesthetic qualities of the works therein. Art House film theaters fall into this. There has been an attempt to create digital repositories and 'online art galleries' but I think they neatly fall into this analogy
>Public/Outdoor Art - abstract sculptures in front of office buildings and stuff like that.
>Informal Outdoor Art - Graffiti and shit, not legally sanctioned but by repurposing the surfaces it becomes a informal art gallery
I'm not sure where archeological museums fall, they obviously overlap with the first, but I'm not sure if we can consider them an 'art space' at all.
No. Framing determines art, not content.
re: Richard Prince rephotography, Duchamp's Fountain etc.

>> No.20101847
File: 853 KB, 1200x648, 1535320904402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah no, I'd argue on a basis of anachronism if you're just gonna call that meme while it has been art, etc.
The Mona Lisa sure has memetic force, etc.

Shit just gets very fucking messy if we start calling picrel art.
Not that I'd have the solution to all the distinctions here - but if you've studied art history, you surely know how confused things are.

blablabla, some students need to get paid after university, etc.
I don't know man

>> No.20101860
File: 37 KB, 220x293, 220px-AlexGraffito.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you mean with your picrel. Maybe we exclude from the category of art what's done for momentary entertainment, ie no soul. But then again, I guess that means ancient graffiti is not art? Well, I'm trying to look at things in a grand historical perspective, trying to eschew value judgments? Is a braindead rap song art? Of course. Right?

>> No.20101877

>I'm trying to look at things in a grand historical perspective
yeah no, breh... that's exactly the point where I cracked before

(excellent content btw)

>> No.20101878
File: 222 KB, 240x138, ShamelessWhoppingGartersnake-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no more books

>> No.20101883

anyone tried hanging? just need another half inch and i got the prefect peen

>> No.20101891

With upward gaze and upward fall
The heavens whisper song and call
And meet mine eyes with verdant plume
Whose windswept petals temper gloom
On other days cast over quilts
Dull herring-weaves Apollo gilt
And stacked up high those transverse rays
Lure weary anglers out to bay
That dusking sea keeps secrets hidden
Wispy shards comprise a midden
Which angels flung from far horizon
Further flung by old Poseidon
Their opalescent faces glance
Mine in their drifting twilight dance
In ink-black cool the curtains part
Their velvet form which heaves at heart
But that illuminated face
Whose beaming glow and warm embrace
Sedates the nerves and sharpens sense
Extraordinary recompense

>> No.20101909
File: 29 KB, 390x240, 1C0E035C-2F8A-4985-B4AC-0EF6B7066D5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how the world keeps turning

>> No.20101942

It's becoming increasingly apparent I don't know how to describe my own emotions

what I feel is something close to restlessness, but I don't want to do something physical, I want to do something mental. I'd call it boredom, but I don't want to be entertained, I want to invent things and solve puzzles in my head.

what I want more than anything else is to be constantly inventing these things and solving these problems. Every time I do I feel a rush of pride and excitement. It feels like I'm a genius. Every moment I'm not experiencing that I'm waiting to experience it again, but I experience it less and less often as time goes on. It makes me fear that I'm getting dumber and less creative; that the one thing that lights up my life is vanishing and soon will be gone forever.

what is this? how do I explain it to people so they understand? nobody seems to get it and the people that do get it either can't help me or try to convince me to cope without it. I'd rather die than cope without it

>> No.20101947

You sure you wouldn’t be happier feeding ducks by a frozen pond?

>> No.20101978

want someone to lick and suck on my feet toes and general pedal area which is usually a sign of increasing mental instability active libido and creative impulse which is not to say that I don’t have a constant underlying desire for someone to suck on the arch of my foot but usually I’m stable and repressed enough not to give conscious air to these ideations

>> No.20101992

A creative mind can be quite torturous. Usually when it is concentrated on the outside (or at others) you only ever hear the shells hit the floor and feel the kickback but as soon as you find the barrel pointing at yourself in moments of emotional turmoil, you feel the burn just as bad as those who are unfortunate enough to have crossed paths with you. I don't feel bad for how much I tear people down, twist morality and fit them in my frame when I speak but this last bout with myself has really shaken me up. Be weary of what is behind those eyes.

>> No.20102021

Why do you tear people down instead of building them up?

>> No.20102050

Voltaire once wrote that poetry is the music of the soul. Another man wrote that literature is like the music that plays on the chords of our soul. You can find several other quotes like this expressing the same basic point. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it's a function of seeing, and for the beautiful to resonate with each of us, it must first play upon the instrument of our souls to be understood.

This is what has been missing from my life. To put it bluntly, the strings of my instrument are broken, and I do not hear the music of life anymore.

>> No.20102061

there are plenty of people that think about that but you probably won't like them IRL

>> No.20102087
File: 126 KB, 800x769, 1583996732349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just hit me out of nowhere today that the big bang theory seems more compatible with the creationist logic/ideas in my head than it is with with the anti-creationst side of my internal debate

>> No.20102096

The big band theory was put forward by a Catholic priest / physicist

>> No.20102108

I started a blog recently and I'm thinking about writing a short story about a parasocial relationship between a shut-in guy and a shut-in virtual youtuber. I think it's neat but also very gay and retarded. This would be my first time "publishing" a fiction piece!

>> No.20102127

Sounds interesting. Those kinds of internet age microcosms are begging to be written about.

>> No.20102134

however it turns out please post it here, sounds very interesting

>> No.20102284

it's night time therefore are my distractions aren't here rn therefore i'm back to dissociating and having panic attacks like a fag

>> No.20102302

Never again can self-proclaimed Marxist-Leninists pretend they're in any way different from DSA soichuds. It's over.

>> No.20102303

Is there a distinct lack of community in the western world? What are the implications of this?

>> No.20102317

Just had a raw egg for the first time. The texture is pretty fuckin grim, just one big fuck off ball of mucus, but all in all its not as bad as I thought it would be, went down straight away. Might have to start doing several at once if I really can't be fucked with food or protein shakes after the gym.

>> No.20102465

Welcome to the world of slonking eggs brother. I add pepper to mine. surprisingly filling for how quick and easy they are. if you break the yolk you're gonna want to kill yourself.

>> No.20102484

how long can you store raw uncooked chicken in the fridge without getting any kind of bacterial infection?

>> No.20102529

Writing my ambivalent thoughts and beliefs on 4chan, the ones where I could go either way, with comic self-confidence is not an effective means of discovering the truth. At it will do is cause other anons to strawman them, which if they are successful will only work to dissuade me from the thought.
If however I do the opposite, and write a aggressive straw-man these thoughts, it may in rare occasions cause others to steelman them. This may, on the whole, be a more effective means.
Of course, if I was smart - which I'm not - I'd find a better fucking brains-trust to consult than a monngorian basket weaving forum

>> No.20102535
File: 187 KB, 1480x1080, Looney Tunes - Hot Cross Bunny (59).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one has asked me a deep introspection inducing question in quite a few months. Have I attained greater self-awareness, am not paying enough attention, or are people around me getting more superficial in their patter?

>> No.20102557

My mom has got me taking this heavy metal detox potion like 4 times a day. I had a disgusting migraine today and then I threw up. Pirates.

>> No.20102573
File: 103 KB, 1080x654, Screenshot_20220322-033014_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd find a better fucking brains-trust to consult than a monngorian basket weaving forum
I believe sincerely that there is no better environment in which to discuss certain things than on 4chan. There are tons of shitposters and idiots here, but the ultimate idiocy is to discount everything you read on the basis of its medium. There are some really, really smart people on 4chan. I have read some really blindingly intelligent and insightful posts here. I've read a lot of absolute garbage as well, of course, but separating the wheat from the chaff is a tradition as old as human nature. You'd be a fool to discount what you read here out of hand.

>> No.20102587

>but the ultimate idiocy is to discount everything you read on the basis of its medium.
It's a lottery though, your pic related is a very rare example. What are the actual probability that I can:
1. convey my thoughts or questions on a topic succinctly and clearly enough to engage relevant discussion
2. post at the exact time that a non-shitposting idiot sees it who has the relevant knowledge
3. is compelled enough to share their wisdom, and not write a cryptic, condescending reply that offers no illumination
3a. if they do write a cryptic reply, I can find a means of prying open their wisdom
Extremely slim, even if I manage to get perfect at point 1.

>> No.20102624

Alright nice one, cheers. What's wrong with the yolks breaking tho?

>> No.20102669

I have the wrong kind of negative vibe for Art Hoes. Turns out they want slightly sad pretty boys, not walking voids.

>> No.20103065

just wanted to tell someone I got a date this week. Pretty thrilled lads, chin up for anyone who feels hopeless that was me two years ago but God has changed much in me thus far and outlook is good. Take heart /lit/bros

>> No.20103095

I hate my fucking job so much but it’s difficult for me to give up this pay to time ratio.

>> No.20103114

I saw a thread earlier where OP was asking whether or not 4chan still endorsed free speech. Throughout the thread people were talking about how the jannies were oppressing their need for absolute freedom of speech. Then, the jannies moved the thread to /b/. Lo and behold, fucking IMMEDIATELY comes the scat porn, the loliposting. Confronted with the actual, real-deal freedom of speech—content that likely can't find a home in all that many places otherwise... and none of them probably have the reach and scope of 4chan—the freedom of speech whiners quietly fucked off... presumably back to /lit/, where moderation prohibits locally the posting of scat and loli and gore.

It struck me as a genuinely delicious irony, and one I want to share.

>> No.20103245

Look into SSRIs

>> No.20103322

Relationship of 2+ years is heading for a breakup. I don't think I can save it this time. We aren't talking, she said we're hurting each other and need to meet in person Friday. Just too many petty fights recently. If I had to pinpoint, it's probably because I have too many other influences in my life. School, work, very healthy social life. She wants me all for herself, and I can't be mad at that. We have a great relationship, and she doesn't have many support systems outside of me. When I spend a night with my friends, it kills her, whether she tells me or not. And when I blow off friends to be with her, that kills me. I love her to death and wish we could find a balance. We actually had one for a long time. But it seems she wants to take things to the next level and be almost exclusive to each other. We were gonna go to Maine this summer bros. I'm not ready to lose her

>> No.20103334

My wifes pussy. That bitch has pumped out 2 of my kids and it's still tight as fuck. What happened /pol/?

>> No.20103335

As a child I always wished for a normal life. To me then it meant that none of my family would die premature gruesome, or how I viewed as "abnormal deaths".

Now I wonder if that has anything to do with my complete mediocrity at everything I do and am. I am completely, utterly, average, or normal.

I guess I got what I wished for.

>> No.20103429

Bro she sounds psycho

>> No.20103433

I love that trannies are wrecking womens sports. Teach those cunts their place

>> No.20103441


>> No.20103446

Nah absolutely not. We just want different things.

>> No.20103448

Is there anybody like Kierkegaard? I love reading his musings, especially ones in Either/or

>> No.20103451

I like the idea kf kirkegaard

>> No.20103453

I'm a Kierkegaard stan! xD

>> No.20103457

You're a faggot. How old are you? Do you really wanna be 30 fucking years old and still "dating"? All good women are taken before they are 25. Don't screw this up idiot

>> No.20103465

more like Kierkegshite

>> No.20103500

You can tell the "feel" of a thread in the first 3-5 replies. I find on /lit/ people are generally agreeable to effort posters. You will get dumped on for pseud-tier/ shitposts no doubt. But you're probably not going to get intelligent discussion when the OP's image is a frog and the first post calls them a Fag/Nigger/Jew/Tranny/etc. Like the anon you're responding to said, you have to separate a lot of shit from the gems.

>> No.20103546

I hate to say it but >>20103457 is right. Every man experiences this when he is in his first serious relationship. It's time you grow up. Your friends won't be there for you once they settle down in their own relationships and start building families of their own. I suggest you recommit to her and don't do it half-assed. If you care about her and want her in your life then drop the bratty "I wanna play with my friends alone!" routine and make her the priority of your life.

source: married 29 year old with a family who was in the exact position you are in 4 years ago. i look back at when i was in your shoes and cringe. the social life that i thought mattered with my friends doesn't exist for anyone anymore- everybody grew up. you know what's still there every night? my wife and kids. The one kid that was left behind in our friend group that wanted to keep his independence is now all alone and has this new younger group of friends and desu its rough to see.

>> No.20103627

The late polarization in society, in all Western societies as a matter of fact, HAS PROVEN ME THAT THE MEMBERS OF HOMO SAPIENS HAVE THEIR IQ DROPPING ABOUT 50 POINTS WHENEVER THEY START PACK BEHAVING. It is FUCKING INSANE. I never knew it could be like this before the last decade and all the retarded shit it brought up in people's behavior. I did not know, that it could be possible to be judged as a representative as someone's enemy group just because you like same candy bar as they do or wear socks of the same color as they do. I did not know that someone could judge and condemn you as a representative of their enemy group just to be able to attack someone of that group. I did not know that people can support murder and rape just because their enemy does not.

I'm just so tired of this shit. It is disgusting to see how people lose half of their brain capacity just to be able to defend their own pack and attack their enemy pack. It is fucking scary. Makes me feel Homo Sapiens is not my species.

Just dropping by as this thread popped up as a result of making a G search with a certain search term. Haven't been reading much lately as I can't afford new pair of glasses.

>> No.20103701

>Makes me feel Homo Sapiens is not my species.
It arguably isn't. People like you and I who can detach from the tribalism run rampant are probably, at least in some way, more highly evolved than the people who are vulnerable to this atavistic, vestigial backdoor into the human brain. We'll of course die out like the Neanderthal did—outcompeted by the primitive, tribal humans who group together and consume everything around them in service to their ingroup.

>> No.20103720

brain feels fried

>> No.20103727

feeling bored

>> No.20103730

I think I'm slowly becoming one of those anti-Socratic philosophy fags like Nietzsche

>> No.20103732

this was a good post imo, very interesting question about humour and learning.

>> No.20103746

It's probably right. Sucking emotion out of the serious topics has only led to intellectual sterility.

>> No.20103775

>from third party country, although largely russophobic and extremely americanized
>was super upset about Iraq
>don't really care about Ukraine
I can't tell if what I want is to rebel against my people, it is to stand up for people no-one cares about (no one really cared about Iraq) or if I'm some kind of a hypocrite. I truly couldn't give a fuck about Ukraine, and I make excuses for Russia in my head. I really don't know why this looks different to me. I do think maybe it could be that I don't respect my own culture, or that it could be because everyone's scared of Russia all the time anyway, what's one more voice. But somewhere in my gut I feel like I don't really understand. Could be a degree of rebellion. How many dead are we looking at, roughly, in Ukro?

>> No.20103799
File: 1.12 MB, 267x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

das it mayne

>> No.20103813

>It arguably isn't. People like you and I who can detach from the tribalism run rampant are probably, at least in some way, more highly evolved than the people who are vulnerable to this atavistic, vestigial backdoor into the human brain.
I have always nurtured a belief, that part of the people, people like you and I, who are immune to the peer pressure to a noticeable point, are a sort of germ of a new upcoming human species. The shift has not happened yet, and it might never happen, if AI takes over, but we could be the start of it. And THIS is why I have been feeling as if I am of different species than my fellow humans. Also autistic people could be such a germ of a new, upcoming human species, even if not necessarily the same as us.
>We'll of course die out like the Neanderthal did—outcompeted by the primitive, tribal humans who group together and consume everything around them in service to their ingroup.
Neanderthals never developed the kind of cultural evolution as Homo sapiens did, because they were not interacting socially much enough between different groups like humans do. They lived in tight family groups or clans, and did not meet other groups often enough and did not actively share their inventions or knowledge with those others. This is why their culture never got to evolve with the same speed as that of humans. So there are good sides to pack behavior and tribalism existing, aside from the bad. I just can not get to fathom the inherent DRIVE that makes people behave the way they do when they enter the tribal mode. It's like a mass psychosis that I can't join takes them over, them believing in their own delusions and seeing things that do not exist.

>> No.20103834

you wouldn't even believe me if i told you

>> No.20103846

When's the last time you guys learned from a mistake?

>> No.20103893

I believe you.

>> No.20103898

bro that man from Crete lied to me!

>> No.20103915

Based, for me it's valium. Thinking it's time to end my sober streak ehehe x

>> No.20103931

I think being raised with feminism might ironically have severely dehumanised women to me. It gave me the idea that they were such frail creatures as to be effectively incomprehensible, as to be unhuman. The only sound thing to do was assume they were all victims all the time. This was what the social cues amounted to, I think this may be what I have been raised into. Ironically it made them a lot less human.

>> No.20103947

it's like what it means to be "empowered" to them is to have more space to whine. Arguably it is the origination of toxic positivity. on the other hand I think it's a little bit like with incels and porn: if the only women you ever see are whores and acting like whores, you're eventually gonna think that's what it all is. Same with women in public spaces: the sound ones don't make noise, so if you're in a culture that amplifies loud women it might skew the picture a bit.

>> No.20104074

Tell me about it. They start crying when I open up and then flee to comforts.

>> No.20104076

My boss just came to me with an annual performance review. It went better than expected because he said I was doing great even though I think I do the bare minimum, which is a little frustrating actually. He also asked me if I’m be interested in a management role. I said not right now.

>> No.20104131

My boss just came to me and said that I need to stop forgetting to flush in the office bathroom. I got angry and argued "how could you know its me?" and he said that he's already investigated it for months now and knows its me because he studied the usual times I go into the bathroom and analyzed the whether the toilet was flushed before and after. I was left speechless and he walked away.

>> No.20104158

You work remotely don’t you?

>> No.20104208

Art is under pressure because of our doubts over it's direct utility. Some think of capitalism and it's exploitative nature as the cause, others think it's an increasingly globalised and connected world knocking at us with it's urgent problems

>> No.20104399

arguably anyone whose persona is built on being emotional and sensitive should be put to some doubt. if you are sensitive and in touch and shit, why do you need to tell me?

>> No.20104408

The passage of time is agonizing

>> No.20104418

on no terms should you ever quit your job

>> No.20104422

it may be that people who work don't have any amount of time or energy for stuff. but also, surely art was always, relatively speaking, somewhat of a fringe interest?

>> No.20104429


>> No.20104449


>> No.20104597

>why do you need to tell me?
Whilst your point may imply it being an attention whorish thing, in general I don't think it is bad to communicate what kind of person you are.
So I think they genuinly believe they are
>sensitive and in touch and shit,
but they are just mediocre and mediocrity is also the majority, meaning that any real intense emotion is already too much for most people communicating that they can deal with it, when they in fact mean: I can deal with emotions on a similar level to me.
They probably mean well, but when your life is actually rough shit you'll find out that most people aren't equipped to deal with that, even when they're willing to.

>> No.20104652

Nword test.

>> No.20104654

hey anon your homie answered you there >>20104597

>> No.20104670

>this is your brain on drugs

>> No.20104674

Maybe you changed in the 20 years since we invaded iraq

>> No.20104843

Just watched Nightmare Alley. Pretty great film, liked it a lot.

>> No.20105506

but have you ever seen Nightmare on Elm Street?

>> No.20105769

Looks retarded