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20101458 No.20101458[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How come black authors don't get enough love here? Ta-Nehisi Coates is great

>> No.20101469 [DELETED] 

non-american here.
Why didn't you guys just send them all back to Africa?

>> No.20101470

They are just too good to talk about, we don't have the words.

>> No.20101474

You're not allowed to not be racist on this website

>> No.20101475


>> No.20101476


>> No.20101516

Black authors are so good they stole all the words outta my mouth!

>> No.20101517
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He's retarded and a pile of trash.

>> No.20101589

based Yakub


>> No.20101606

He's not actually advocating for the NOI's mythology. The problem with what he's saying is the fact that such topics are both mainstream within the black community and are commonly found in mainstream media made by black entertainers, particularly in hip hop music.
The real answer is what yes we should debate the story of Yakub because a sizeable part of our population believes in it, and they regularly express those beliefs without being challenged.

>> No.20101615

Because they're whiney narcissists like your op pic.

>> No.20101624

This guy was p good as commissioner Gordon.

>> No.20101626

This is true.
They gang up on us and call us “redditor” or “normie” and “tranny” and they try to make us commit suicide, failing that they try to dox us.
They’re horrible people! They came here years ago from stormfront

>> No.20101636

yeah, Coates is a fucking fraud intellectually, and a fucking sociopath (go look up his passage about 9/11 for instance)

>> No.20101642

He reminds of a cool black gamer in terms of visual aspect. One that would play Guilty Gear or Persona 3.

>> No.20101709

That was just his personal thoughts, at least he is honest

>> No.20101720

There were multiple attempts.

>> No.20101732


Move to Liberia or stop fuxking whining you criminalistic tax burdens

>> No.20101736

it’s the hat, every black dude that wears that hat goes to smash tournaments and owns dakimakuras

>> No.20101741
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It's honestly interesting how Amerindians got the worst brunt of it all yet the level of complaints you hear from them, while completely justified, is nowhere near the level of blacks who by almost every conceivable measure have proven they can rise in society.

>> No.20101744

Thomas Jefferson wanted to do that. He knew they would eventually cause problems for the nation. But people couldn't do without their slaves.

>> No.20101752
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There are quite literally not enough of them for their complaints to be heard, but I assure you, they do complain.

>> No.20101770

What I really think he's trying to do with those tweets is defend the ongoing discourse of different types of afrocentric lunacy that is occurring within the black community today. He very well knows that actually debating these ideas in intellectual or professional settings wouldn't go very well for their exponents, but he finds these ideas useful for whatever reason, and because of that, he would like them to persist.
I bringing these ideas up he can both advocate for the suppression of white supremacist discourse while shielding the black supremacist discourse that is commonplace in our society and regularly expressed in mainstream media.

>> No.20101772

not true, also the glasses as well

>> No.20101785

lincoln was going to after the civil war but a southron who just loved them too much assassinated him before he could get around to it

>> No.20101850

its truly a pity. since they don't have anything besides how contemptable and pitiable they are. and pity can only go so far before it becomes patronizing and hollow in itself. but its literally all they have. I guess they have food. But even that is downstream of some southern fair. Its not even that they were a defeated and once great people, or even a people. they were a bought motley group of produce from various places in Africa brought to till the land cheaper than an indentured servant. Dont even have the pride of the Hatians who can say they fought and gained their polity, no longer requiring pity as an identity, but actual pride. American Blackness can exist only in two forms: as a plain American, or as a specter of resentment and an object of pity.

Maybe if the Harlem hellfighters were a larger thing this could have been a point of pride, or if there was like a black state.

>> No.20101861

It's arguably extremely prideful to go from a slave to a full-fledged citizen and potentially lead the nation that once held you in bondage. But blacks here are just... they just don't shut up.

>> No.20101905

Maybe because we experience over 200 years of slavery and then continued oppression without white acknowledgement? That people are still trying to take our rights away in states like Georgia?

>> No.20101910 [DELETED] 

bait, but its still FUCK NIGGERS everyday, you fucking filth.

>> No.20101913
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For me, it's Dr.Matthew Harris.

>> No.20101919

>what yes we should debate the story of Yakub because a sizeable part of our population believes in it,
Rational people don't give credence to nigger bullshit.

>> No.20101921

...yes, but you have to understand the mental, psychological progression there. they didnt even free themselves, they where freed when public opinion and politics deemed it to be so. and at that point, they really werent an integrated people. the non anglo euros had an idea how things worked, hell, even muslim arabs probably or maybe even those from a sub Saharan nation would have integrated better. But the afro slaves werent a people group really, they were a slave society like the mamaluks, but the mamaluks had actual power and developed a refinement and culture rather than just a dispersed property. Once the American blacks got there freedom, what then? most were individualized rural farmers use to little to no real macro agency. At that point they where just a nation without even a real sense of nation beyond the fact that they were of low shared social rank and of no real accolade or pride of being. even their freedom was given to them. then they essentially acted very little different from there slave past as they were mostly rural farmers for actually established white land owners and white skilled labor. they didnt have the basque pride of being at whalers, or the Texan pride of staking their soil with steal and self sufficiency. Essentially still being slaves in all but name. then when cities needed workers, you got droves of people who are not much different from their slave ancestors in mentality without principle or character or social standing or skill or anything for merit coming into the centers of society and actively being citizens de facto rather than just de jure with no real transitionary period(reconstruction like I mentioned basically doing nil).

leaving them with nothing but mediocrity.

>> No.20101923

Meanwhile Jews are 2% of the population and their complaints are very heard. Maybe natives just need to get more money.

>> No.20101925

tldr niggers want gibs because they were gibbed their own freedom aka life. they were born of the white man, now they suckle at his teet.

>> No.20101931

Yes, the only way to deal with these people is to have them publicly embarrassed. Until the they will continue to spread their messages to vulnerable youth through the media they produce and which mainstream labels and production companies happily distribute to society at large.
If they just believed it in their own isolated spaces, I wouldn't care. the problem is that they're constantly preaching without any sort of pushback.

>> No.20101936

there is little respectable in blackness besides its capacity to be on the receiving end of a bad deal (which simply requires existence). And in that instance, you don't respect blackness for any real quality, you pity it.

>> No.20101938

Ta-Nehisi Coates? More like NIGGER

>> No.20101954

So brave, let them have it you articulate king!

>> No.20101983

based patron of the fine NIGGER arts~

it takes a fine pallet to savor.

>> No.20102005

Iceberg Slim and Miles Davis' Autobiography are both very entertaining.

>> No.20102067 [DELETED] 


>> No.20102455

Two hundred fifty years of niggers. Ninety years of riots. Sixty years of disintegrating white society. Thirty-five years of racist rapes and attacks of white people. Until we reckon with our compounding skin problems, African Americans will never be equal.

>> No.20102473

They did and it went to shit. They turned into cannibals. Look up liberia.

>> No.20102500

He's satirizing bell curve readers, or thinks he is.

>> No.20102528
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We tried. Didn't work out well

>> No.20102608

Why do people with low self-esteem always make out their enemies to be incredibly powerful AND grossly incompetent at the same time?
>/pol/tard: “Jews are a bunch of conniving backstabbers! But they’re also in charge of the entire world and have never made a single mistake”
>NOI: “Whites are foul chimeric devils who are literally retarded and cannibalize one another! But they also control America, kept blacks enslaved for 200 years, and cannot be beaten.”

>> No.20102752

>83% of population below poverty line
>corruption on every level
liberia doesn't do too bad in comparison to Detroit

>> No.20102845


>> No.20102853

They mostly died from disease, can't really blame anyone for that.

>> No.20102864

tldr literally has not studied any American history

>> No.20102868

They tried, look how it turned up.

>> No.20102871

Cant find archive or twitter.
So fake?

>> No.20102925

I think it has more to do with they way they see themselves as righteous. They don't fail because they are intellectually inferior to their enemies, but they do because they are so morally superior to them that they would never resort to the underhanded tactics regularly used by them.
The problem with the kind of criticism you're doing (anyone whose hung up on psychoanalyzing people like you do is always going to be misguided) is that you're dealing with people who understand weakness and strength differently than you do and are often viewing social relationships in terms of good and evil rather than just strong and weak, even if strength is a component of it.

>> No.20102980

Think blacks kind of mix up acceptance and respect

>> No.20103130

Wow, what a compelling counter!

>> No.20103162

Black authors do get respect, I've seen threads about Franz Fanon and CLR James, but Ta-Nehisi Coates and all these other class strivers are just the worst racial hucksters.

>> No.20103192

Probably because too many of them write about being black. It's as boring as YA books about a girl finding love.

>> No.20103207

I don't care to "counter you" You came here to get circle jerked for your "Black people have done nothing!" critique. All I'm here to tell you is that one person in the thread knows you have no fucking clue what you're talking about in a purely historical sense. The idea that blacks had nothing to do with their own freedom/social climb is absurdly retarded and demonstrably untrue.

If you're that dedicated to being dishonest that you'd say something that fucking stupid you're not worth conversing with. Take a 9th grade history course instead or if you're a euro stay out of American talk

>> No.20103208

Ok anon, please enlighten us about the psychological history of the general American Black population.

>> No.20103234

Maybe you could actually read novels written by black authors? Why are you pretending you actually care about having this discussion? You came here to parrot "Niggers are DUMB LOL!"

There's plenty of novels/essays/etc written about and from the black psychological perspective. You have access to a fuckload of them, free, on the internet. If you haven't chosen to engage you're not going to engage on 4chan

>> No.20103240

Was the point of Reconstruction and the struggle for identity wrong? Or the conflict when a bunch of rural disassociated blacks coming into cities wrong? I know there were attempts that fell to the wayside like government positions.

>> No.20103259

...I never said niggers are dumb. I simply talked about their societal position and the pychology that comes from that. nothing innate. Do you really think the vast majority of blacks were all that influenced by Douglass or Du Bois pre 1900? or that reconstruction was a success? Or that the very insitute of Slavory made identity hard to establish?

>> No.20103276

I think your point is fair enough about rural populations, but once black populations moved to the city/had access to better education from middle class blacks there were a lot of movements for the sole purpose of developing that unified sense of identity. Like the cultures of Harlem, Atlanta, and, to a lesser extent, even the south had pockets of blacks looking for a unified identity and often finding one. Slavery is a big part of black identity, no doubt, but not the sole unifying force or identity.

No just like most whites aren't influenced by their thinkers, black academics/middle class very much were though. Just like whites.

>> No.20103295

Zora Neale Hurston was cool.

>> No.20103331

the same reason we don't send all the crackers back to europe

>> No.20103332

Before the drug war etc, Black americans also had pretty strong communities, families were together, and they were forming groups for the soul purpose of self identity, for pro racial reasons of course but still. It's the same thing pre 40s. Black authors were writing for white audiences because they knew that Black Americans already understood the material, innately. Even to this day most whites can't comprehend something simple like the difference between ethnicity and race.

Psychology was stunted obviously but the way you type implies it stagnated entire, which isn't true. Black understanding of these issues has transformed since slavery, most whites have the same fundamental "understanding" of black psychology and race ideas that they did in 1900

>> No.20103340

lol dumbass I got you to explain your points.

>> No.20103353

>No just like most whites aren't influenced by their thinkers, black academics/middle class very much were though. Just like whites.
yes, and my point was that a large part of the actual black sources speak to this waywardness of belonging and identity. like listening to those post slavery recording or journals. Or hell, whats it called, a Raisin in the Sun. Im saying that The anglo could and did often point to some founding father or American ideal as their ideal, or something to live up to. Im not necessarily talking about high falutent philosophical bases, but one of self establishment and esteem. I think MLK and to a lesser extent Malcom X were the only really big figures to offer a sense of respectability, but in the latters case, his whole life story is about this identification, and the former started to build something that disintegrated.

>> No.20103376

>Even to this day most whites can't comprehend something simple like the difference between ethnicity and race.
I would apply that to blacks as well. Its probably because in America there two kind of developed very closely at the hip. In Early America there were esentially 4 groups: Anglos, White others (germans, dutch, a few irish), Black Slaves, and Natives. That later cataogory on occassion became slaves as well, but not en mass. So for Blacks, race and ethnicity where pretty clossely tied as a particular social class.

>> No.20103382

The way I would frame it is that Blacks have the figures, but lack of education/familial structure stops them from actually engaging with those figures. I think it's improving, especially among college age blacks but I agree that most don't "have" a black ideal. But they easily could if they learned more of their history. Shit even Frederick Douglass is a great one. He wrote a "slave narrative" in technicality only. The real purpose was to make himself famous and seem elevated above the rest of the slaves/manipulate white female readers to promote abolition.

There's a lot of black authors that seem like their focus is one thing but they're playing at their white audience

>> No.20103412

the typical audience for these types of writers are victims or people who identify with victimhood. there's not a lot of that here.

>> No.20103420

>Maybe you could actually read novels written by black authors?
At the end of the day, you don't have to. At the end of the day it will always amount to something approximating the following: "society causes me to suffer and it shouldn't". The art of the "oppressed" will only be compelling to you if you care about the artist's suffering before going into it. That the "oppressed" will always be narcissistic is a rule of the universe as much as any of the most solid laws of physics and chemistry are.

>> No.20103423

>not a lot of victimhood here
Im guessing you've never seen a thread outside of this one? 4chan is a swarm of white dudes crying about how life has fucked them. Take one step to /pol/ /fit/ /r9k/ etc. Even here you have people bitching about how writing doesn't pander to them anymore etc. Joke post

>> No.20103426

You might as well read the diary of a zoo animal lol

>> No.20103436

Okay so you haven't read any black authors. Just say that. There's an entire historical black literary movement predicated on not engaging with the "old negro" which is a rejection of "victimhood" agriculture, and the south.

>> No.20103442

i'd say around 50% of /lit/ doesn't know writing exists after 1945

>> No.20103447

Invisible man seems pretty well regarded here even by more racist posters here as one of the better ones. Kind of agree even if some of the symbolism is a little obvious or cringe. Book made some commies mad too which gets a few BASED points

>> No.20103454

Invisible man is pure kino. Read it this year for the first time. Only reason it's obvious is because it's the current year. At the time it needed to be obvious for the audience.

>> No.20103456

>4chan is a swarm of white dudes
Go to your local college's engineering, math, or comp sci department. Those are the people posting here. The demographics of this evil racist anime hate speech website will astound you.

>> No.20103459

lol all i read is 19th century and earlier

>> No.20103466

Probably one the best first chapters ive ever read as well.

>> No.20103467
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of course he stole the idea of "The Invisible Man" from H G Wells, just like rap, it's just stolen ideas

>> No.20103475

Based retard

>> No.20103477

I've read plenty, and I've read amount plenty more. No matter what the proposed solution is, the issue is that black condition and the black concern is how society causes them a great deal of discomfort. It is the inescapable constant that underlies the African American existence.

>> No.20103485
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can confirm. i'm rich anon.

>> No.20103487
File: 15 KB, 560x624, F6BF3106-855D-4346-A5AE-9D7D875D874A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could we have forgotten such african literary classics as
>"Ooga Booga, a Snake Bit My Dick!"
>"Where Da White Women At?"
>"The Life and Opinions of Jamal"
>"Chucking Spears: A Step by Step Guide"
>"Black Panther: The Novelization"
>"Nuffin’ and Punishment"
>"Kang Lear"
>"One Hundred Years of Fried Chicken"
>"The Grape Soda of Wrath"
>"A Tale of Two Mudhuts"
>Blood Muhdickian
>A Finna to Arms
>Skin of Darkness
>Da Bruthas Kangazmaov
>Pride and Predjudice (the predjudice part being against NIGGERS that is)
>Annaynay Kareninquanda
>In Search of Lost Crime
>The Scarlet Durag
>Jane AYYO
>Finnegan is Woke
>As I lay Jivin’
>The Great Gatt
>Where da Little Wimmin at?
>The Count of MLK Boulevard
>The Incarceration Rate Also Rises
>To the Traphouse
>The Call of my Dealer
>The Wind in The Ghettos
>The Trial (but this time it’s anciry district court and the defendant is BLACK)
>20000 leagues across the Atlantic
>the unbearable aightness of being
>”muhbig dick” or “the jail”
>The Kang in YOLO
>infinite theft
>The Hood trilogy : Negromancer, Caliph Zero, Monaleesha Overdrive
>A Portrait of the Hoodrat as a Young Nigga
>Steal the tiger
>To Fry a Chicken-Bird
>The Mad-Smart Nigga Dishawn Quixotarius of L.A. Manch(ester Square)
>Joints of Grass
>A Mix-Tape for Leibowitz
>The Massa and Makemesquirta
>Patrick Leighricious Fermorius: A Time of Gibs, Between the Upper West Side and the Water, The Broken Home
>The Tragedy of Niglet, Prince of Newark
>The Compton Rose
>The Wind’s Four Quarter Ounces

>> No.20103492

Okay so you've not read any. Just say that. Again there was a popular african american movement which completely rejects all of the retard shit you're typing.

>> No.20103493

Being racist against White people won't solve the problem.

>> No.20103502
File: 33 KB, 466x621, m_toni_morrison_theironwriter_com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, /lit/'s favorite black author has the most cringe symbolism.
meanwhile picrel lambasts all abrahamic and western culture but this board just gets filtered because they're too fucking retarded to notice she's easily one of the most based authors of the 20th century

>> No.20103508

>The way I would frame it is that Blacks have the figures, but lack of education/familial structure stops them from actually engaging with those figures. I think it's improving, especially among college age blacks but I agree that most don't "have" a black ideal.
yah, but a lot of societies don't NEED traditional education to get there it doesnt need to be constructed. And I am saying it is now nearly impossible to make a "black Ideal" in the current societal climate without innate paradoxes. What separates it from the American ideal? why does it need to be separate? if it is separate, will it always be a reactionary identity in contrast to wider America? does blackness require a degree of victimhood to be blackness?

I think some kind of synthesis would be necessary for it to not be myopic and LARPish. Which I feel was kinda happening in the 90-2000s. but then the myopia train started chugging again in the 2010s.

idk, like I said before, if im being honest most writings about blackness has only every made me feel pity, or pity mascaraing as respect, rather than respect like one might have for the japanese or french, or like I mentioned before, the Hatians.

>> No.20103511

It really doesn't. It's just a different type of response to the same issue.

>> No.20103526

Okay so just say you haven't read any of it.

>> No.20103551

thats literally what most black authors are trying to escape, they dont play the victim shit, they know their history and their science--these aren't the same people screaming for reparations and WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIT! they're the ones asking for math textbooks and literature to give to their kids. if you're getting hung up on pre-contemporary social constructs like race, gender, etc. then you're getting filtered and missing the aesthetic--which is why those who read contemporary black authors know shit like invisible man is superficial, low-hanging fruit, even when compared to Derek Walcott or Jean Toomer

>> No.20103553

Give some examples, and tell me how they break from the problem which has been the main concern for of African American writing since it began.

>> No.20103554

Thank you, holy shit

>> No.20103582

*especially when compared to authors of the same era like Jean Toomer or later Derek Walcott

>> No.20103609

They don't make good pets.

>> No.20103649
File: 52 KB, 298x450, 9780812993547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think I would like pic related, but I did. I found it to be a surprisingly lyrical, poignant memoir of growing up in "the hood". It grapples with the complexity of being black without devolving into the mantra of "black people good, white people bad".

What other black authors are good? I'm looking for works of fiction, specifically.

>> No.20103655

>the complexity of being black
simply nauseating

>> No.20103672
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>> No.20103707

It's a hallmark of fascist thought. You need a reason to strip the people of their rights and freedoms. So you give them a common enemy. The enemy has to be strong enough to require people to band together, strong enough to necessitate these extreme totalitarian measures, but weak enough to give the promise and hope of victory if the totalitarian measures are enacted.

>> No.20103736

Look up General Mosquito and his arch-nemesis (I shit you not) "General Mosquito Spray"

>> No.20103743

>without devolving into the mantra of "black people good, white people bad".
Really? That seems like his only mantra. I read the section in thst book on 9/11 and he calloulsy uses a national tragedy to pontificate about the struggle of being black, and says that he viewed the 1st responders as not really human. He's a pos

>> No.20103748


>> No.20103751

ding ding ding

joke's on him though because black stupidity and savagery are real and Yakub isn't

>> No.20103767

I read it a while ago, but I have no memory of anything like that. I feel like I would definitely remember something like that if it was in the book.

>> No.20104032


Because "it's hard being black" is an uninteresting idea. That's it.


Greed. We're paying the price now.

>> No.20104037

>moral debts
How about you pay your debts for acting like niggers. Assuming something stupid like moral debts even exist

>> No.20104068

I don't think it's cringey. Elaborate?

I just did the same.
I love The Bluest Eye and Invisible Man and also Their Eyes Were Watching God. I really want to get to The Color Purple and something of Octavia Butler.

>> No.20104096


>Born in the Liberian capital of Monrovia to a Krahn family, Blahyi was handed by his father to several tribal elders who initiated him as a high priest in 1982 at the age of eleven. After Liberian military officer Samuel K. Doe staged a coup d'état against President William Tolbert in 1980, the new regime employed Blahyi to perform black magic rituals at the presidential palace to help him win the 1985 general election.

>During the conflict, Blahyi became a warlord, lead a unit of several dozen combatants (consisting primarily of child soldiers) known as the Naked Base Commandos and operated primarily in Monrovia. The unit, including Blahyi himself, frequently wore no clothing except for shoes and magic charms, earning Blahyi the nom de guerre 'General Butt Naked'. Blahyi claimed that this practice made him and his soldiers "immune to bullets." During the conflict, Blahyi's forces perpetrated numerous atrocities, including cannibalism and human sacrifice.

>Blahyi also made his soldiers consume psychoactive drugs in order to make them more alert and willing to follow Blahyi's orders. He would later recall that whenever the Naked Base Commandos captured a town, he "had to make a human sacrifice. They bring to me a living child that I slaughter and take the heart out to eat it." The rival militias, including the Naked Base Commandos, frequently fought with each other over control over Liberia's lucrative diamond fields and gold mines, and Blahyi traded gold and diamonds with Mexican drug cartels for weapons and cocaine

>> No.20104148

read this in Paul Mooney’s voice. it really captures the nigger soul and way.

>> No.20104154

Is there a name for these scapegoat people? It seems a special place in society, long overlooked since no one wants to admit to all of their good things being predicated on the sacrifice of a lamb.

>> No.20104165

Lol, learn how to tie a noose, your brainworms are getting the better of you.

>> No.20104176

I'm tying one right now. This kind is called a novel.

>> No.20104187

They literally have just one topic :slavery. Just like the jews only have the holocaust. A cheap 'whitey is bad literature is worth nothing and no excuse for being a nigger.

>> No.20104195

Ask me how I know you've not read a single black author

>> No.20104200

Dude literally wrote the /pol/ masterpiece and they won't read it because he is Black. No one could do better.

>> No.20104204

how do you know >>20104187 hasn't read a single black author?

>> No.20104231

I know I'm being baited but black literature has not focused on slavery for (being generous) the past century. Which is easy to know if you've read any black literature from the past century

>> No.20104246

Wrong. If you are black you can't leave slavery behind. It will allways be there, as a shadow, looming on every single black author. If you ignore this fact, you're either dumb or you have to read more black authors.

>> No.20104249

oh yeah as I said the other topic is it's only the racist whiteys fault that i am a dumb and useless nigger.

>> No.20104258

non-? here.
Why didn't you guys just send them all back to ?

>> No.20104310

>I was just reading some posts from his former students, and I cannot believe this guy wasn't let go sooner. Apparently the "rare form of learning" he says he was "lynched" for at UCLA was horrible. Puts his whole "I was fired for nothing, because they don't like black people" rant at the end into perspective. He sent them his own porn, had them watch his misogynistic crazy Youtube videos ranting about killing feminists, sent pictures of UCLA cheerleaders to the women in the class, etc. He made students write 25 page papers about why Hitler targeted the Jews (that he later used in his antisemitic comments), things that had nothing to do with the class, and they were so worried about their GPAs that some of them did it. One former student wrote that a classmate's grade was changed 43 times after the class ended, and wrote that their own was changed 3 times. Excerpt:
"He assigned us to write a 21-25 page final on the “racialization of Jews” in Mein Kampf.
He also emailed us links to his Youtube channel which had videos with titles such as “Kill a Feminist for Islam”, “Beat a Feminist Unconscious”, “Soft Ethnocide”, many of which had very disturbing thumbnails, such as underage girls sticking out their tongues or photos of Ucla Volleyball girls. I took a picture of my laptop when he linked it. The channel was deleted within minutes after. He also linked to his own porn.
And he mentions his porn and sexual fantasies frequently in the last few books of his manifesto which he emailed to me and around 60 others (nearly all of whom, based on the names, are also women). The manifesto is incredibly violent and graphic. I received 7 emails in total. One which said, “sum of u liked the porn.. NA my uncensored lectures are here on jewtube”, to which he provided a link.
His assignments last spring were a LOT. We were expected to write 5-8 pages per week. And many of the assignments seemed incongruent to the aims of the class. In the span of the quarter, I wrote over 65 pages for him (including extra credit).
Reading my final paper now gives me a stomach ache. I wrote about Hitler’s negative racialization of Jews and it’s harmful impacts. Now it’s clear he just read these papers as fodder for his anti-Semitic views."

/pol/ is so fucking jealous of this man

>> No.20104346

You're being sarcastic but what you're saying is still largely true. Disagreeing with the reactionary groupthink is a surefire way to get ignored and called a tranny. Discussions about anything nonwhite are flooded by race-obsessed NPCs who attempt to flame you for daring to not hate blacks on their le epic edgy racism website.

>> No.20104414

I bet 99.90% of you have never read a book by a black author in your entire life. OP just posted some of the worst b8 I've seen in my life. I actually have read quite a few books by black authors, some of you on this board that actually read have probably read some of the same stuff.

>> No.20104453

Forgive me if I don't want to read about how much whites are devils and black people deserve special treatment ad nauseam. They tend to only write about being black and why should I read about an experience that doesn't apply to me? Nor do I care much to indulge in white guilt.

>> No.20104472

This may come as a shock but being a conniving backstabber and controlling the world fit together pretty well. Well meaning altruists have never done too well when it comes to global power struggles.

>> No.20104478

Thanks for letting me know you've never read a book by a black author, although I promise what I read in a month is more than you've read in your entire life.

>> No.20104487

Another idiot that has never read a single book by a black author,. Congratulations for gleefully admitting ignorance, fucking retard.

>> No.20104493

Reading only leftist ideological BS won't get you in touch with reality.

>> No.20104508

NTA, but after lurking this thread I'm very confident you don't actually read

>> No.20104516

You've only made assertions without backing anything up.
I requested some examples (>>20103553), and you never provided or explained.

>> No.20104525

>I don't even understand an anonymous board
I dont 'care what or how much you read only that retards like you better fuck off back to plebbit.

>> No.20104528

Do you know what NTA means drooling retard

>> No.20104531

I hate niggers so much sometimes I can't sleep at night

>> No.20104538
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>I dont 'care what or how much you read
Peak brainlet

>> No.20104545
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>I dont 'care what or how much you read

>> No.20104576

rent free

>> No.20104602

who is "we"?

>> No.20104610

Who said anything about leftist political anything? I don't read much nonfiction. Go to /pol/ if you want to talk politics retard.

>> No.20104765
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>>As I lay Jivin’

>> No.20104792

Does this obnoxious nigger understand that all American white people are forced to read book after book after book in public education written by black authors? We get it man , i'm sure there is some small minority of black authors that don't write about oppression and being black. Exception still proves the rule.

>> No.20104800

>forced to read book after book after book in public education written by black authors
Such as?

>> No.20104808

>I bet 99.90% of you have never read a book by a black author in your entire life.
And that's a good thing!

>> No.20104829

>I don't read much nonfiction.
> retard.

>> No.20104836

I had to read Maya Angelou(horrible), A Raisin in the Sun, Things Fall Apart, tons of Freddy Douglass excerpts, Langston Hughes. We had to read black literature ever year. I love that you're actually skeptical of the claim when blacks are the subject of an enormous portion of school curriculum.

>> No.20105041

If you like being ignorant it is!! Fucking moron

>> No.20105068

Choosing not to read a nigger is a smart thing.

>> No.20105070

>Choosing not to read ... is a smart thing
Maybe another board would be more your speed, bud

>> No.20105072

What don't you understand? You brought up "leftist politics" or whatever bs you sperg out about and it has absolutely nothing to do with what I like to read. You should really take a look in the mirror before calling anyone a retard, you fucking imbecile.

>> No.20105085

How about you post a picture of your hand?

>> No.20105088
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>> No.20105097

Why so upset darkie? OP's pick does nothing but whine as I stated. James Baldwin, same story. Richard Wright, etc, etc

>> No.20105098

Timestamp, nigger

>> No.20105100

americans. your family left your "homeland" for a reason. i'd wager a pretty dollar you're not a descendent of King Henry VIII, your bloodline probably came from some famine riddled, shit stinking farm that your ancestors abandoned to come here. there are no pure races left on the planet and the purest races left are hunter-gather tribes--science proves this. eugenics never stopped because of some "libtard agenda," it's because they realized every civilization with plumbing and electricity had interbred and mingled with other races at some point.

>> No.20105102

You don't have the mental capacity to tell anyone what is smart or not, you deranged retard. Go shit up some other board because you obviously don't know shit about /lit/.

>> No.20105124

why are the niggers in this thread so mad? just ignore the clear bait/spam

>> No.20105127

I took a class on toni morrison, and there's a neat poem called we real cool. Guess that my preference for european literature is a product of the fact that there's not much of a history of black writing. But I really did like Toni Morrison's prose, from what little i read.

>> No.20105128
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I missed a zero, so sorry

>> No.20105132

Comprehension retard, use it! I never said I read the author in OP's pic related, it's just b8 and you fell for it idiot. Like I said, I don't read much nonfiction so those authors don't interest me, I read actual /lit/erasure. Something you and most of the people in this thread know absolutely nothing about.

>> No.20105135

I still see a nigger

>> No.20105141

It would have been more graceful to stop replying, rather than embarrassing yourself further.

>> No.20105143

Nigger is not a skin color, nigger is a way of being.

>> No.20105147


>> No.20105148

Not much of a fan of her's. I'm more of a fan of Ben Okri, Marlon James, Paul Beatty, stuff like that. She's definitely a great writer but most of her stuff is not for me, I've read like 2 books by here that were ok.

>> No.20105152


>> No.20105157

>this is the level of discourse whites function at
lol. lmao.

>> No.20105158

No need to post your monkey hands here bruh

>> No.20105165

>post skin color, nigger!
>uh, nigger is uh, a state of mind!
You're genuinely embarrassing

>> No.20105171

You did follow the orders of >>20105085
Like a nigger.

>> No.20105183

>Jews are a bunch of conniving backstabbers! But they’re also in charge of the entire world
How are these two points contradictory?

>> No.20105191

>Go to your local college's engineering, math, or comp sci department. Those are the people posting here
The actual state of /lit/. Stemfags fuck off.

>> No.20105195

The vice documentary where they interview general butt naked is kino

>> No.20105234

Holy SHIT how did I not know about this. This is fascinating. Really funny too. What's this guy's story?

>> No.20105250

>There are a ton of good books by black authors that aren't entirely about being black!
>doesn't list a single one

>> No.20105276

mental breakdown and sent out an email to UCLA students/professors that he'd bomb the school start a race war--i'm not sure if he attached his "manifesto" to the email but it got leaked on here somehow. he's pathologically ill

>> No.20105310

They mostly bitch and moan about whypipo and the world is depressing enough so why even look at the cover?

>> No.20105361


>> No.20105381
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>> No.20105383


>> No.20105458


>> No.20105461


>> No.20105478

Has anyone read Fanon here? I'd like to see a talk on him next week, but I've never encountered him before

>> No.20105518


>> No.20105519

Being assigned something is does not mean you understood it my little high school scholar. You clearly didn't if you think that's what Langston Hughes and Things fall apart are about. Even Frederick Douglass' focus was on his own advancement you retard. If you actually could read the text you'd understand that.
Cry more, you wouldn't read the book anybody. Nobody wants to recommend your faggot ass a book you won't engage with or read. I already said Frederick Douglass' "slave narrative" Is really a work thats sole purpose is his self advancement. Also I like how you goalpost shifted from Slavery to blackness
Only excerpts but I'm planning to read Wretched of The Earth after Omeros

>> No.20105531

Post some man, its not hard then anons observing whatever tard fight is going on might get some good recs

>> No.20105546


How will that be possible? Do you know how much it will cost? Not even Hitler was able to exterminate all of jews.

>> No.20105548

what if we started saying "nicker" as a way of getting around the Anti-Nigger Laws? Then we could finally be free. No one could tell us "that's wrong".

>> No.20105574

I can get behind 311.

>> No.20105586

>I can't list any books by blacks that aren't about being black because you wouldn't read them anyway
Cope more nigger lover

>> No.20105592

That is the way of the nigger.

>> No.20105594

You gotta admit, at least a couple of those were pretty funny.

>> No.20105600

>>Pride and Predjudice (the predjudice part being against NIGGERS that is)

>> No.20105611

>A Mix-Tape for Leibowitz
this got me

>> No.20105615

Epic troll dude.

>> No.20105622

He is very obviously attempting to satirize white people who want to debate their natural superiority to whites. Hence the line "This seems totally legitimate".

>> No.20105639

Still waiting on your list of black authors that don't just write about how hard it is to be black.

>> No.20105640

some french sociologist talked about it a lot. fuckin...was it durkheim?

>> No.20105649

it was rene girard

>> No.20105656

that's their problem, once they're gone who cares what happens to them?

>> No.20105657

How about giving me the names of some that do. Because I can almost guarantee that they dont. But let me guess every story about black people is a slave narrative? Epic troll once again dude. Kill yourself

>> No.20105675
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>> No.20105681

So you can't come up with a list? I would have thought that you could come up with at least one book.

>> No.20105685

LOL little nigger did I touch a nerve?

>> No.20105710

Giovannis room by James Baldwin, now you.

>> No.20105716
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>genre: gay novel

>> No.20105734
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>He grasped me by the collar, wrestling and caressing at once, fluid and iron at once: saliva spraying from his lips and his eyes full of tears, but with the bones of his face showing and the muscles leaping in his arms and neck.
>‘You want to leave Giovanni because he makes you stink. You want to despise Giovanni because he is not afraid of the stink of love.
>You want to kill him in the name of all your lying moralities. And you--you are immoral. You are, by far, the most immoral man I have met in all my life.
>Look, look what you have done to me. Do you think you could have done this if I did not love you? Is this what you should do to love

>> No.20106464

If there is a generational guilt, then that proves niggers are genetically inferior due to its existence. Such broad look on inheritance is the most extreme form of race theory. If your ancestor being a slave in any way influences your mental development, well...

>> No.20106478

I don't know why you are all reading into this, it just seems like he's trolling to me.

>> No.20106533

Where can I find this guy's manifesto? I found a link to the internet archive but they took it down.

>> No.20106544

Never mind, I found a link that wasn't scrubbed.

>> No.20107584


>> No.20107667


>> No.20107736


>still wont leave

>> No.20107756

Let's debate whether Yakub created niggers by grafting a lump of dog shit to a chimpanzee, or a rodent and vomit. This seems totally legitimate.

>> No.20107833

He's terrible and you know it. This is bait.

Here's your (YOU).

>> No.20107878

I'm not white, from a poor shit hole. I could do without reading about some nig living in USA complaining about his ancestors or being oppressed.

>> No.20107884

Is he the one who claimed to have been brought over from Africa but scholars have found he was born in the States?

>> No.20107922
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There is no demographic in America more racist than blacks. I'm being 100% unironic when I say that. Blacks whine nonstop about how mistreated they are in America while mistreating literally everyone else, especially other minorities, on a regular basis.

The black man screams "racist!" while he hate crimes you.

>> No.20107923

Seeing as he's part native american, and he wrote an entire book about being born a slave in the US, I'm going to guess you're thinking of someone else

>> No.20107928

>Not being able to tell the difference between arrests and convictions
>Not knowing what an arrest means
>Not knowing that there are suspects who avoid arrest
>30 incidents
>Nobody else brought this up except you

>> No.20108378

You don't even read bit still you chose to shit up this board. You won't accomplish anything in your life, get used to it.