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20098828 No.20098828 [Reply] [Original]

Was the Hegemony of Man a dystopia?

>> No.20098855

everything is a dytopia if you look at da parts you dont like dat are de consequence of an ideal proported by de societeeeeey's structure dattebayo.

>> No.20098880

Stop talking about this piece of shit lie of a book. KEAATS OOOOHHH KEAATS IM IMTO POETRY. Shut the fuck up. OHH KEATS.

>> No.20098904

can we discuss how good the first book is compared to the second one. I cannot belive what a falloff.
Second book wasnt even worth readying to find out what happens to the characters because you already assumed their fate based on their stories.
First book is a masterpiece, really enjoyed it, might read it again while i try and drink myself into a state where i forget about fall of hyperion.

>> No.20098932


>> No.20098933

i recently read Hyperion and this is the impression I get. I loved 90% of it, all apart from that stupid fucking blade runner spinoff with the female detective who fucks a cybrid of John Keats.

this guy gets it

How bad is the second one? Can you give me a rundown on the plot? A friend of mine told me that the shitty priest becomes an eternal Pope in the third book and I just refused to listen to the rest of what he told me.

>> No.20098943


utterly fucking unbearable though, that trannys robot detective was one of the worst written characters in the past several decades. Right along with the faggot soldiers story… keaats… can love bloom on the battlefieeld?..?

>> No.20098953

also, to respond to myself because im retarded and didnt answer the thread's question:
sort of but not really. it's not explicitly a dystopia but it has several aspects one would associate with a dystopia, two examples being [spoilers]:
- martin silenus' chapter references near-slave conditions juxtaposed with the upper classes being either managerial freaks like his editor or memory junkies
- colonel palestine's chapter where he calls down the wrath of allah and kills 15000 people in the blink of an eye, terrifying military authority against rebellion

>> No.20098954

>all apart from that stupid fucking blade runner spinoff with the female detective who fucks a cybrid of John Keats.
i thought it was fine in the context of a short story, even felt bad when keats died. But man why would u take that story arc and drag it out into a whole book. Though the part i dropped fall was when they met with the fury Ousters jesus christ what a shitshow. The war was the least interesting part of Hyperion, it was just a backdrop to give more importance to the pilgrimage.

>> No.20098957

I agree wholeheartedly. Wish I stopped after book1

>> No.20098964

couldnt have said it better myself, this is exactly how i feel when i've heard about excerpts of the second book
it just feels so jarring to go from a compelling intersection of stories to ACTUALLY SPACE WAR or whatever the hell happens there
keats inserts are very cringe but you have to feel bad for king billy : )

>> No.20098978

Its impossible to feel bad for a 1 dimensional character with no interesting story, book fucking sucked and it just gets worse. The few good lines in thst dudes child reversing age story were flukes. Probably written immediately after he busted a nut into a dirty week old tissue on his desk.

>> No.20099038

Did Dan Simmons run over your dog and fuck your wife?

>> No.20099084

I thought the first book was just quirky garbage. There were a few interesting stories in it (especially the jew's story), but all in all it was incredibly shallow schlock. I'd rather read Niven than this.

>> No.20099134

Dan doesnt have the mental fortitude to fuck my wife or kill my dog, he doesnt even have the mental fortitude to write more than one or two decent lines. Guy is a fucking hack. KEAAAATS OOOHHH KEAAATS.

>> No.20099171

>but all in all it was incredibly shallow schlock
id agree the stories are not anything ground breaking or new, id call them simplistic at worst. But its wrapped by the mystery of the pilgrimage and the hope of reaching a Stalker like zone where their desires will be fulfilled (or not). It elevates their individual stories and you end up finding common understanding with the pilgrims as they learn about each other. It really feels like lightning in a bottle for Dan especially since he doesnt seem to understand what was good about the first book, i.e. the characters and their journay together.

>> No.20099206

Yet, even the characters feel too shallow. Like I said to the exception of the Jew, It's all very by-the-numbers. The worldbuilding feels very very off, like Simmons picked and chose from different sci-fi to fit his array of short stories.
To compare to something recent, they all feel like Black Mirror episodes, where the sexyness of the story is more important than the substance of it.
At the end of the warlord's story I'm not one ounce wiser as to who his character is, except a faceless guy who sexed an AI. It's very robotic.

>> No.20099237

I dont agree, soldiers tale was interesting enough his obsession with the women mixed with his lust for combat, unsure which was driving the other. Ends up giving up his military duties to persue the shriek and the women unsure if they are one and the same. Like i said its elevated by their desire for reconciliation at the end of their pilgrimage. I never thought the women was ever an AI, though always assumed it was some kind of personification of his lust for war.
Also if its not obvious i definitely think Hyperion should of ended ambiguously. it completely misses the point if you explain in detail each characters fate with the shriek.

>> No.20099294

You are just completely wrong here, you have to factor in the fact that pilgrimage has no real consequences or meaning or literary merit or anything, because it was used as a shit device for carrying mediocre stories WHICH THEN gets even worse when he expands on the concept of the pilgrimage in the subsequent books.
Simmons is a fucking nigger who cant write, fuck every faggot who enjoys this schlock garbage.

>> No.20099300

Thats not interesting at all, turns out you are just jewbrained. Fucking idiot degenerate.

>> No.20099304

Except it doesnt end ambiguously, so your entire defense of this tripe falls apart. Do better.

>> No.20099307

calm down m8, pilgrimage has significance to the characters. And im with you in shitting on the second book it retroactively makes the first book worse.

>> No.20099313

it ends with them holding hands and signing a song, while they walk to their unkown fate all you have to go on is what the characters think will happen to them.

>> No.20099317

I cant be calm, in most other situations I can be calm, virtually all of them. But this book is just such dog shit that I cant stand to see people defend that stupid hack. Nothing about it was interesting or fun. I read it over the course of a couple nights a few summers ago and ever since when I see people talk this up I just think "you need to read more". And its true, the people who think this is anything more serviceable than a pornography magazine is just retarded. Sorry man but the book is bad and its never not going to be bad. This board fucking sucks sometimes.

>> No.20099322

but then he wrote the sequel. retard. You dont get to say how a story ends and then award it for that ending when the story actually continues.. he took away from ANY value the first had (which wasnt much) by writing the sequel. Dude is a hack and a faggot.

>> No.20099331

Alright i take back claling you a retard, that isnt nice, but the book sucks. the writer sucks. i wish it did not exist.

>> No.20099344

It was fantastic. Seethe.

>> No.20099347

It really wasnt, fucking jewbrain faggot. KEATS OHHH KEATS OHHH MY MY KEAAATS, fucking idiot.

>> No.20099348

lol, okey, if you dont like it sure. but i havent heard any clear criticism then its shallow and i dont agree.
>You dont get to say how a story ends
yes i do, in my headcannon it ends after the first book.

Also on the same not, has anyone one read Endymion, im slightly curious if its as shit.

>> No.20099356

Nope, OOOOH MY HEAD CANON OHHH KEATS KEATSS IS IN MY BOOK I CAN INTO POETRYY, yea you sound like a fucking autist faggot, jewbrain.

>> No.20099359

Sub Saharan level reading comprehension hinders you from understanding the fantastic novel. Frothing at the mouth with severe seethe will not help you.

>> No.20099361


>> No.20099679

prolly a retard bait but what is wrong with Keats?

>> No.20099714

Nothing is wrong with keats, its just his weak ass inclusion into the book. simmons wanted to appear literarrrry so he threw in a fucking retarded KEATS BUT IN DA FUTURE AS A ROBO. Seriously, how the fuck is that interesting or good at all. Its a boring terrible character. Which makes sense because of his characters are fucking terrible and boring.
OOOOO KEATS KEATS IS IN THIS MUST MEANS ITS LITERARRY OOOOO KEAATS. Godawful slime of a fucking book. As well you can note by /li/ defense of it that its a fucking piece of trash beloved by zoomer garbage,

>> No.20099754

I read it when I was 15 and yes, it made me actually check out some of his poetry. Is that really so bad? I don't remember the book that well and I actually completely forgot the part about Keats character but the stories of Rachel or Paul Duré got stuck in me.
I might be a litlet in the eyes of well read fags like you but I don't mind some intertextuality.
But if you keep hating on it, at least share some better works.

>> No.20099773

If someone wants to include a poet in their work, try not to make it a copy of a poets works turned into an artificial intelligence, its just not interesting. That is what im getting at, the prose sucks throughout as well clearly showing simmons doesnt give an actual fuck about poetry or prose, its embarrassing. If you want good SCI FI although there is very little read The Roadside Picnic, its short and sweet and does something to make you feel or think. Not that rat kike simmons and his pornographic bullshit.

>> No.20099775

>As well you can note by /lit/ defense of it that its a fucking piece of trash
Damn, I guess Dosto is trash too.

>> No.20099793

/lit/ loathes Dosto, if you go into any Dosto thread the majority of the conversation is people saying he is utter trash and not worth reading.

>> No.20099795
File: 43 KB, 680x513, d8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Loved the book, shared with friends and coworkers who all loved the book. Solid start for someone interested in Sci-Fi but intimated by the density of the more popular stuff.

Hey Keats poster, why not write your own genre-fiction shlock if your cock is so big and thick? I'd pay 19.99$ to get 800 pages into that schizo mind.

>> No.20099799

Nice, thanks.I have never heard of the Picnic before. Looks interesting.
Simmons is a jew as well? Damn.
I actually started Dosto recently, I don't hate it, it's just not bed time reading.

>> No.20099850

oh wow! the redditor shared it with all his reddit buddies and ooooiee they LOVED IT WOWIEE!! Keats being included was SO LITERARY AND POETIC WWOWIE!! KEATS!! MY FAMILY LOVED ITTT!!!

Big surprise huh, a bunch of his books feature kikes as pivotal characters as well, the guy just loves pornography and jews, and KEATS of COURSE right, because simmons work is so literary and poetic. You will enjoy Roadside I can assure you. Dosto is good stuff honestly, you cant exactly go wrong. This board hates him, dont listen to faggots who defend the board and try to puff him up, they are the minority. Good luck though I think youll grow up to b e awesome.

>> No.20099906
File: 375 KB, 1600x1114, Dosto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good luck
Yeah I only recently started browsing lit to get more into reading. the sffg is fucked up. bakkerfags circlejerking all day.
I am finishing the third book of Dune, as I heard the God Emperor of Dune is the best so I wanna get to it, even though I am still not sure why it's seen as such a masterpiece.
Brothers Karamazov is the other book I read now. Pic rel. is the cool version I have.

>> No.20099922

Wow thats a gorgeous edition, really neat. How are you liking it? /lit/ is still probably one of the only places on the internet where you can discuss literature with people and have some be serious about it. intersting about Dune as well that book is somewhat controversial here occasionally in that it is also loathed and loved, and people place a bunch oif importance on its sequels as well. I tried the first one once but didnt make it far.

>> No.20099976

It also has great illustrations inside.
It's definitely not a light read so I'm taking my time, I'm only in 15% of it, thus I can't truly rate but so far it's enjoyable.

>> No.20099979
File: 430 KB, 1200x1600, Dosto2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.20099988

What edition if you dont mind my asking.

>> No.20099992

Fuck the haters. I greatly enjoyed the Fall. It was worth it just because the end of the world final war taking place in the skies above Hyperion.

>> No.20100002

It's a recent Czech edition.
>czeched the digits

>> No.20100038

dag yo i cant read Czech, well im glad you are enjoying it my friend, keep it up.
>>> fuck the haaaaaters you guuuuyyys, my reddit friends enjoyed this series with me and FOURCHAN cant take that away, its a literary masterpiece, KEATS. for fucks sakes, KEATS. is in it. I posted about it on r/books.

>> No.20100411
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 1647544128878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic post, when you called him from reddit I LITERALLY PEED XDDDDDDDD and then you said KEATS OMFG bro have you ever heard of 4CHAN board and SECRET FAR RIGHT NAZI HANG OUT SLASH POL SLASH??? its full of RANDOM and CRAZY guys like you and they even say the word NIGGGER LOLOLOL can you believe that?
I read about it on a post on R/Hilldogs2024

>> No.20100739

KEATS, the guy put fucking KEATS in the book,

>> No.20100783

i like keats :)

>> No.20100797

Who published it? Looks sick.

>> No.20100808

your opinion is disqualified if you type like a retard

>> No.20100810
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Uuuuooohhh!! Keats erotic!!! Endymion belly and chest!! Erotic...
>this is what getting filtered by a 6/10 scifi novel does to your brain

>> No.20100816

oh ya? blow me, dipshit.

>> No.20100828

nothing wrong with keats, if you read my posts,

>> No.20100873

I liked the book, I think it could constitute a dystopia, look at Martin, dude partied way too hard right? And the wealthy can afford treatments to live longer but where does that leave the underclasses we really don't see?

>> No.20100887

wow, absolutely SAGE wisdom written in those words in that book, the underclasses got shafted again!! thanks simmons for elucidating us to that point!!!