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/lit/ - Literature

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2009838 No.2009838 [Reply] [Original]

Not quite so into it as last year, when I read dozens of books from it, but it's still great. What's your favourite genre?

>good thread

>> No.2009842

Same here bro

>> No.2009849

Yo Sunhawk, im going to be in London in two October.
How about we meet up and you let me clap dem cheeks, bro.

>> No.2009866

Please respond.

>> No.2009875
File: 11 KB, 400x254, picaresque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.2009893

>Bildungsroman is my favourite genre


>> No.2009898


He's a kid.

>> No.2009902

dude wtf im trying to bait a specific respond dont screw it up

>> No.2009904

Sorry for not being able to read the minds of faggots.

>> No.2009907

if you can't read a faggot's mind then how can you expect to deal with more complex brains

you must be gay and/or stupid

>> No.2009910

I'm actually not a faggot and I even have evidence to the contrary and that evidence is that i fucked ur mother

>> No.2009915
File: 35 KB, 371x450, 1265082005267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What has summer done to you /lit/?

See you back in winter.

>> No.2009916
File: 9 KB, 259x194, summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2009918

Th-thanks for another quality thread Sunhawk...

>> No.2009926

He posts the shitty, conceited post of "he's a kid" and follows up with "can't read faggot minds" and I respond with equally numbskull posts albeit without pretentious dressings like punctuation and contempt, yet i'm a "summer" symptom.
Fact is that he represents the norm for /lit/ and he's no better than any meme-spouting retard from /b/.

>> No.2009930

been here long before you kids showed up, i've read more shit than you have, + a bachelor's in english lit

it's like he said, when people post retarded shit it's time to respond in kind

you'd need a space shuttle to get above the pile of shit in this board and since we don't have that we just have to do the best we can

>> No.2009933

just go away you dumbass delinquents

you're ruining /lit/ for everyone!

>> No.2009939

says the tripfag who does nothing but talk about himself and piggyback the notoriety of the other more irritating hemorrhoids that plague this board

i'm here to enjoy myself, not impress you

sage because off-topic

>> No.2009940

>you're ruining /lit/ for everyone!


>> No.2009960

you're so selfish!

all you care about is your own "enjoyment"

don't you ever stop to think about other people?

>> No.2009970

>been here long before you kids showed up, i've read more shit than you have, + a bachelor's in english lit
>he thinks his own ego stroking in an anonymous imageboard adds to his credibility in any way

Summerfags, fuck off. Please?

You too, prince faggot

>> No.2009973

who are you to tell who to "fuck off" and who not to "fuck off"

you're so self entitled!

you're the one who needs to leave!!

>> No.2009979

Lesbian S&M erotica.

>> No.2009980


Favorite Author is Tom Clancy, probably because he only writes in this genre

>> No.2010012
File: 55 KB, 520x534, 1275876685063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's post reminds me of a hilariously racist bildungsroman that's part of the obligatory curriculum here in Romania. It's called Harap Alb, which basically translates into White Negro. Basically, this aryan Prince Charming is tricked into becoming a slave by some bald dude, who names him White Negro because everyone knows that the natural position of the negro in society is that of a slave.

>> No.2010026

Anything that plays on convention really

>> No.2010033

Oh that OP image. I regret how often I mention "I'll just get it in Amazon" when I go to chain book stores. Don't do that shit at mom and pop ones though.

Anyhow. I don't really define my reading to genre specifically, but I do really enjoy introspective and symbol-heavy existential lit. Self-hating narrators tend to be pretty prominent too.

>> No.2010041

>says the tripfag who does nothing but talk about himself and piggyback the notoriety of the other more irritating hemorrhoids that plague this board

>> No.2010463

What happened to this thread?


I don't think meeting up with someone from 4chan is a good idea, somehow. I don't know why I think this.

>> No.2010649


Your loss faggot.
Sherlock Holmes Guy would totally be down for some consensual homosex.

>> No.2010664

Haddad you dog