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/lit/ - Literature

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20098235 No.20098235 [Reply] [Original]

If you aren’t as dedicated to writing as Balzac was, then you’re never gonna make it.

>> No.20098251
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>> No.20098283

Tell me about his dedication anon

>> No.20098291

post the graphic of his absolute beast daily routine. I will not take that glory away from you.

>> No.20098299
File: 60 KB, 900x624, D12C1523-D7BE-45DD-918F-F47DE70790BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek just kidding im taking that glory

>> No.20098318


>> No.20098324
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He was the marky mark of his day.

>> No.20098326

I tried this recently and my retard neighbors woke me up by blasting music. Need to have earplugs if you live near anyone and want to do this

>> No.20098330

gotta get rid of that bathing and taking visitors shit though. thats an hour and a half that could be writing.

>> No.20098333

or you could kill him. murder is good fodder for creative endeavors.

>> No.20098336

also with the nap you could probably cut a couple hours of that sleep. balzac is actually a huge time wasting pseud.

>> No.20098339

Honor my ballsack lmao

>> No.20098346

How does caffeine help people write?
It just makes me unfocused and jumpy.

>> No.20098348

Neither of you have acknowledged the pointless exercise time. Balzac was a fat fuck, who was he trying to fool? Writing time being wasted.

>> No.20098355

He was a daddy bear, he and Rimbaud would have liked each other.

>> No.20098400

didn't he also edge while writing

>> No.20098409

Based if true. I do the same.

>> No.20098413

oh shit you are right. fuck it. Im going to have at least 3 more hours than balzac. see you cowards on barns and noble bookshelves. Ill be the fat dirty dude printed in black in white with a turtle neck and pipe looking off in the distance, just inside the cover of my volumes of god tier literature.

>> No.20098528


>> No.20098552
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>> No.20098572

It's euphemism for fucking.

>> No.20099097

How large were these cups of coffee?

>> No.20099202

Ive heard he only wrote when he needed money tho and just chilled otherwise

>> No.20099308

All that effort, but he still got logged by Trollope:

> Every day for years, Trollope reported in his “Autobiography,” he woke in darkness and wrote from 5:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., with his watch in front of him. He required of himself two hundred and fifty words every quarter of an hour. If he finished one novel before eight-thirty, he took out a fresh piece of paper and started the next. The writing session was followed, for a long stretch of time, by a day job with the postal service. Plus, he said, he always hunted at least twice a week. Under this regimen, he produced forty-nine novels in thirty-five years. Having prospered so well, he urged his method on all writers: “Let their work be to them as is his common work to the common laborer. No gigantic efforts will then be necessary. He need tie no wet towels round his brow, nor sit for thirty hours at his desk without moving,—as men have sat, or said that they have sat.”

>> No.20099335

Based edgecoomer.

>> No.20099340
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>> No.20099343

>50 cups of black coffee per day
imagine the shits

>> No.20099364
File: 815 KB, 1200x1920, erik-satie-hotel-de-la-suzonnic3a8res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An artist must organize his life. Here is the exact timetable of my daily activities:
>I rise at 7:18; am inspired from 10:23 to 11:47. I lunch at 12:11 and leave the table at 12:14. A healthy ride on horseback round my domain follows from 1:19 P.M. to 2:53 P.M. Another bout of inspiration from 3:12 to 4:07 P.M. From 4:27 to 6:47 P.M. various occupations (fencing, reflection, immobility, visits, contemplation, dexterity, swimming, etc.)
>Dinner is served at 7:16 and finished at 7:20 P.M. From 8:09 to 9:59 P.M. symphonic readings (out loud). I go to bed regularly at 10:37 P.M. Once a week, I wake up with a start at 3:19 (Tuesdays).
>My only nourishment consists of food that is white: eggs, sugar, grated bones, the fat of dead animals, veal, salt, coconuts, chicken cooked in white water, fruit-mould, rice, turnips, camphorated sausages, pastry, cheese (white varieties), cotton salad, and certain kinds of fish (without their skin). I boil my wine and drink it cold mixed with the juice of the Fuchsia. I am a hearty eater, but never speak while eating, for fear of strangling.
>I breathe with care (a little at a time). I very rarely dance. When walking, I clasp my sides, and look steadily behind me.
>My expression is very serious; when I laugh it is unintentional, and I always apologize most affably.
>I sleep with only one eye closed, very profoundly. My bed is round, with a hole to put my head through. Once every hour a servant takes my temperature and gives me another.
>I have subscribed for some time to a fashion magazine. I wear a white cap, white stockings, and a white waistcoat.
>My doctor has always told me to smoke. Part of his advice runs: “Smoke away, dear chap; if you don’t someone else will.”

>> No.20099444

he must have wrote at least half of his best work on the toilet.

>> No.20099452

I imagine little espresso cups, how could one survive with more than that?

>> No.20099458

In those days, they wouldn't use a fresh batch of coffee grounds every time. They would reuse them so it would gradually lose potency. Coffee was very expensive.

>> No.20099966

It's similar to how these days, your mom must always use a fresh pair of dirty panties to delight my cock, since the stains and stink after awhile are effaced.

>> No.20100181
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>> No.20101614

That's why I'm never reading anything this dipshit wrote. It's a guarantee he never wrote anything worth a damn only that it was financed.
This is like a career politician who spent years being useless and counterproductive by winning elections but not writing good policy.