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/lit/ - Literature

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20097804 No.20097804 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to start writing poetry without having any previous tangency with it?

>> No.20097833

yes, but it will suck, /lit/zo

>> No.20097844

Modern poetry - yes
Good poetry - lmao nope

>> No.20097866

Not at all. It probably won't be as good as what you may write once youve had more experience. But as for "objectively good" quality when it comes to poetry: anyone who ever tries to sell you on the idea that there are objective standards for quality in art, is a fucking loser and you should view them as someone who doesn't understand themselves at all.

>> No.20097958



POOH: Yes, Piglet?

PIGLET (nervous): I wonder if I could ask you something?

POOH (avuncular): Of course.

PIGLET: Well, yesterday, or it might have been the day before, I decided to have a go a writing poetry myself. But it wouldn't come out right. So I went to Wol, and asked him if he could help. Because Wol knows things. And he said, he suspected I didn't have the Required Tangency. So I thought a Tangency must be something you need for writing poetry, and I don't have one, and that's why my poetry doesn't come out right.

POOH (stalling for time): Ah.

PIGLET: But then I thought, Pooh can write poetry!

POOH (modest): Well, you know.

PIGLET: So you must have a Tangency and I was wondering if — if I could borrow it?

POOH: Ah. Well, the thing is, every poet needs his own particular Tangency. Mine wouldn't suit you at all.

PIGLET: Would I need a smaller one?

POOH: Probably quite a bit smaller.

PIGLET: Do you know where I might find it?

POOH: I imagine it will be lying about somewhere.

PIGLET: So I should just keep my eyes open?

POOH: That's right.

PIGLET (after a pause): Pooh?

POOH: Yes?

PIGLET: What does a Tangency look like?

POOH: Well...


POOH: Well...


POOH: You'll know it when you see it.

PIGLET: Thankyou, Pooh.

POOH: Not at all.

>> No.20097982


>> No.20098015

You should probably read some Shakespeare or Homer first

>> No.20098033
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What does 'tangency' mean

>> No.20098038

>anyone who ever tries to sell you on the idea that there are objective standards for quality in art, is a fucking loser and you should view them as someone who doesn't understand themselves at all.
Back to dilation station redditboi

>> No.20098057

Better poetry than the Eclogues.

>> No.20098645

tangency? i'll tangent these nuts over that froggy face of yours

>> No.20098658

Anyone can practice and get relatively good, just because the mainstream is retarded doesn’t mean genius doesn’t still exist in thd world

>> No.20098659

I imagine it’s like a tangent in geometry when say a line briefly touches a circle. he means previously touching on the subject, I assume.

>> No.20098669
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Bippity Boppity Boo
A man in a dress raped you.

>> No.20098674

Of course, after all Baudelaire and Racine and their lot shot out of their mothers, feathered pen in one hand, ink-pot and paper in the other, already having written countless sonnettes.

Fucking idiot.