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20092611 No.20092611[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>finally read 1001 Nights
>BBC cuckholding in the first 5 pages
Et tu Arabs?

>> No.20092637


>> No.20092667

Almost every Arab is about 1% black, but they learned pretty quickly to castrate all their male slaves. It was so effective that most people today have completely forgotten how huge the Arab slave trade and colonisation of Africa was.

>> No.20092726

>finally read 1001 Nights
>No white people
>I’m scared now

>> No.20092756

The Arabs enslaved lots and lots of Africans, so their almost as obsessed with BBC as the Americans are.

>> No.20092795

The descriptions are hilarious, don't children read this? Lol
>big slobbering blackamoor with rolling eyes which showed the whites, a truly hideous sight.
>the filthiest of filthy slaves
>a black of loathsome aspect and foul with grime

>> No.20092834

It's a funny story. King Shahryar and King Shahzaman are brothers ruling over their respective kingdoms. Shahryar wants to see his younger brother Shahzaman so he sends out his vizier to get him. The vizier arrives, and Shahzaman leaves his palace with him, but then returns to collect something he had forgotten. Upon entering the palace again, he finds his wife fucking a black slave on his bed. He kills them both in a fit of anger and departs.

Shahzaman arrives at his brother's kingdom and avoids telling Shahryar about the cuckolding, although he admits to being sad. Shahryar invites his brother to go hunting with him to cheer him up, but Shahzaman rejects the offer and Shahryar goes hunting alone. Being left alone, twenty male slaves and twenty female slaves enter the garden, and Shahryar's wife is among them. A giant negro runs at her, throws her on her back, and starts fucking her. At that point the rest of the slaves start the orgy and it continues until dawn.

Shahzaman witnesses all of this. He first tells Shahryar about his own cuckolding experience and then tells him what he saw. Shahryar doesn't believe him, so he disguises himself and enters the slave tents to see for himself, and he witnesses another orgy. Shahryar returns to his brother and they depart to a meadow to summon a djinn.

The djinn produces a box, and inside the box is a young girl. She asks the two kings to fuck her and they do. In return, she gives them a ring necklace and advises them never to trust women because they are all liars. The brothers depart to their respective kingdoms. Shahryar has his wife and slaves beheaded and orders his vizier to deliver him a virgin girl every night for him to fuck and kill. Shahryar fucks and kills virgin girls every night for three years until there were no more virgins left. The vizier's daughters are the only two left, and the story ends with the vizier telling one of them, Scheherazade, about everything that had happened to the King. Scheherazade says that she is willing to marry the King, and the vizier begins telling her the Tale of the Bull and the Ass.

>> No.20092855

>ring necklace
oh yeah this necklace had 570 rings from the men whom she had fucked before her marriage night

>> No.20092865

>Tale of the Bull and the Ass
Possibly not the best choice considering the king's recent experiences with bulls and asses.

>> No.20093158

Based thotkeeping genie

>> No.20093172

Wtf I love the Orient now

>> No.20093187

Yet another proof that women have always been rotten whores.
Don’t fall for their tricks, Anon frens. Pump and dump or take the volcel route to enlightenment.

>> No.20093843

What the fuck I love arabs now!

>> No.20093848

Best translation?

>> No.20093855

Wtf I love sand niggers now

>> No.20093867

kek wtf

>> No.20093875
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There is a secret redpill about being cuckolded that no one will tell you.
Rich sheiks make their teenage sons witness whores being degraded for this exact reason.

You will only see women true nature when you see her getting gangbanged and begging for more. That is when you understand something few people understand.

>> No.20093883

>Collected by non-Arabs from non-Arabs imagination

>> No.20093909

My father has been a womanizing Chad since his late teens - still does it in his early fifties - and not ONCE did he warn me against the vaginal menace. Obviously, I ended up cucked in my first and only LTR and scarred for life. Pretty sure he knew what the whore was doing. Thanks, dad.

>> No.20093944

You have learned an important lesson. Some take far longer to learn it, be thankful of that.

>> No.20093946


>> No.20093954

I am, that’s exactly what I tell myself when the whore haunts my memory: many (maybe most) men learn too late, when there’s more than naivety at stake.

>> No.20093973

I dont get what youre trying to say. You think he made you learn for yourself?

>> No.20093997
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Shahryar and Shahzaman didn't summon the djinn, they literally just wandered into the desert in despair after finding out they've been cucked. They found the djinn and peeped on him while he took out his personal fuckslave sealed in a box locked with 10 different locks. Then while the djinn was sleeping after sex the woman lured the two kings in and basically forced them to fuck her or else she would wake the djinn, and the djinn would kill them. After they had sex with the woman, she told them to give her their rings. She added their rings onto a string of 1000 rings, and she said that every ring on her string came from a different man she had sex with. Then she basically says "Look at me, the most well protected woman in the world, who is locked in a casket which is locked in a box which is locked with 10 different locks which is carried by the most powerful djinn in the world, which box is only opened for 1 hour every day, and I am still the biggest whore in the whole world. If you think you can keep your wife chaste better than my djinn can, then you are fucking retarded."

tldr all women are whores

>> No.20094013

Suspecting he just didn’t care enough. It doesn’t matter now, I’ve adapted to celibacy perfectly and don’t need his guidance anymore.

>> No.20094034

> niggers

>> No.20094039

No way this is real kek

>> No.20094041
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>I’ve adapted to celibacy perfectly


>> No.20094046

Real and 100% truthful.

>> No.20094064

Celibacy > cuckoldry
If I ever desire a woman again, I’ll just pay for a whore. It’s cheaper and more honest than relationships.
>b-but my gf would never
She’s not even your friend, let alone a loyal one.

>> No.20094084

If you get cheated on, move on. Most women will not cheat on a good boyfriend. The “I don’t want to lose, so I won’t play” mentality is a projection of how you see yourself as a romantic partner. Get some confidence and self esteem

>> No.20094106

Holy fucking shit I FUCKING HATE women

>> No.20094107

I refuse to believe that isn't a reference to cuckoldry. Surely people were into it back then as well.

>> No.20094110

>Most women will not cheat on a good boyfriend
oh to be young and naive

>> No.20094113

>The “I don’t want to lose, so I won’t play” mentality is a projection of how you see yourself as a romantic partner. Get some confidence and self esteem
Kill yourself, I will never talk to a woman ever again

>> No.20094132


Fags. I mean, you 3 are literal fags. Thats how fags think, brother.
You will end up sucking dicks and taking it in the ass.

>> No.20094134

>Most women will not cheat on a good boyfriend
Besides my early humiliation, I’ve witnessed (and turned down) countless instances of college/campus girls whoring themselves out with no consideration for their partners. Were they all bad boyfriends? Not to mention that I’ve had 5 different female flatmates later on and learnt more about women than a young man should.

>> No.20094140
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Stop projecting nigger, I will probably end up popping a bullet in my brain but I will never become a faggot or talk to a woman ever again, I already made up my mind

>> No.20094143

How many times have you been cheated on and how good of a boyfriend were you? Not everyone is deserving of loyalty. It must be earned

>> No.20094149

A good boyfriend is someone who tames his girl.
If you dont tame her, you're not a good boyfriend.

Simple as that. Read some Hemingway you fucking retard.

Read "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber"

>> No.20094151

one need not touch flame to know it burns

>> No.20094204

That’s just willful ignorance. You can’t tame the female, she only respects the most masculine presence in her social circle at any given moment and even then that’s no guarantee, unless you actually threaten her physically. I won’t do that.

>> No.20094223
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I remember there was a time when I used to believe women and men were equals, I think that fucked me up and made me the mess I am now
Once you grow up you find men and women are vastly different and I never knew how to deal with that, everything I wanted was to have a partner and an equal, turns out the only way that could ever happen is becoming a faggot and start to date men
Women want to be tamed or they will act like feral dogs, they will constantly subject you to their shit tests to see if you're a strong man, they will treat you like shit until you show them you are strong enough whatever that means
Yet, a man always rules superior once he tames her, women are weird, are they really that mysterious or is it the animal flesh talking? Have you seen a little girl whose parents always fight? Whose father neglects her? Have you seen how she acts and talks like her mother but in a better way to keep her father from leaving?
Why does this happen?
Why did god create women?
Why did god make me weak?

>> No.20094244

>she only respects the most masculine presence in her social circle

So be it.

>> No.20094259

>at any given moment
Meaning it’s temporary.

>> No.20094272

>BBC cuckholding in the first 5 pages
And in the last 996 pages. That's pretty much everything.

>> No.20094280

That's actually a great story.
Gonna have to read the 1001 Nights I guess.

>> No.20094340

So you are just a coward then. You resent women so obviously you desire them on some level, but you refuse to play the game. That is why you are a loser. Dating is about finding out if you are compatible with someone. Every partner plays their part and not everyone needs to be “the one”. I’ve learned a lot and have become a better person because of some bad girlfriends

>> No.20094343

But this isn't actually from the book. Right?

>> No.20094353

>you refuse to play the game. That is why you are a loser.
Why am I supposed to play the game in first place?

>> No.20094372

You're not.
Go be a faggot and stop complaining about women you dont want to even touch.

>> No.20094373

you're not "brave" - just pathetic
>resent women
i'm entirely indifferent to them
>you are a loser
lots of projection coming from you

>> No.20094395

Why not? Let’s say you get rejected, cheated on, or embarrassed…so what? Are you so fragile you can’t handle those things? A lot of women are loyal and great; a lot of women are sluts and bitches. It’s a numbers game. Also, there is a lot of confirmation bias when it comes to cheating. How many normal couple do you see everyday that you never notice? Even if you get your heart broken, that is a great learning experience that everyone needs to go through. Honestly, women aren’t so bad and I get along with them much better than most men(yes, men have generalized faults too).

>> No.20094438

You aren’t indifferent. You wouldn’t be in this thread arguing if you were.

>> No.20094440
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Call me whatever you want niggers, as if I cared what a bunch of anons in 4chinz think about me, hell, even in person, I don't care about what you wanna call me, I chose the way out and I shall seek liberation from this disgusting game before I go apeshit

>> No.20094451

i'm indifferent to women, not naive idiocy

>> No.20094461

It is and the amount of people discovering this for the first time in this thread is delightful but also depressing considering this is a literature board.

>> No.20094493

Maybe you could be happy instead. Wouldn’t that be better. I used to have a negative mentality and it clouded my life and made me miserable. Life is better when your optimistic. It’s all about perspective

>> No.20094544
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> Fags ITT thinking the moral of the story was "all women are whores" instead of "your wife *will* be BLACKED sooner or later so don't bother fighting it :)"

>> No.20094619

Incel ideology is defeatist hedonism

The current society has removed all means for beta males to control women in a positive way and they're too much of a pussy to confront the society so they just embrace distractions until they die

>> No.20094638

Stfu lol why are you on /lit/ I can tell you don't read

>> No.20094713

So marry a black woman. That way she's getting bleached every night.

>> No.20094744

Whites are far more into BBC cuckolding than any other race though

>> No.20094758


>> No.20094785

I found a Norwegian movie yesterday about a hillbilly Norwegian guy whose wife gives birth to a black baby and obviously realizing he's been cucked he kills her and throws the baby in the sea. The rest of the movie is him being haunted by African ghosts and finding out the baby survived and is now his neighbor. It's hilarious, a fucking Norwegian film and it's about BBC cuckolding. Indeed Whites subconsciously fear Black bulls, it's not a meme.

>> No.20094787

Americans are not white, fren.

>> No.20094805

See >>20094785
You can find plenty of BBCs in French cinema and literature, it's extremely easy. Whites have a pathological fear of Blacks, every races does in fact

>> No.20094820


>> No.20094874
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I am replying to tell your bait is weak, chang. Here is your (you). If in the chance you are not just being a retard, I am 4% native American, 50% Anglo and 46% Scandinavian. Raping negroes in my blood. Your posting does not work on me.

>> No.20094908

Alright you've convinced me, I'm gonna read 1001 Nights. What's the best English version?

>> No.20094956


>> No.20094964

Houellebecq, so frequently shilled here, has a massive inferiority complex with Blacks and fits all stereotypes with his Asian wife.

>> No.20094976
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Tyrone! Come here boy, time to be broken once again by massa.

>> No.20094979

Here's the movie just to prove I'm not lying. Released in 2003, when there were virtually 0 Africans living in Norway.

>> No.20094984

lol, I bet reading this at young age was a factor in making Lovecraft a racist

>> No.20095041


>> No.20095058

most based man on lit

>> No.20095077

You think I give two fucks about white women? They can go die for all I care. I care more about colonizing.

>> No.20095097
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Why do people always spell cuckold with an H.
There's no H in cuckoo.

>> No.20095117

I just realized this wtf, I swear I read op's post as cuckolding and not cuckholding

>> No.20095121

BBC is a porn myth created in the 1970s. Cope, chang.

>> No.20095129

Chang is also pushing a film directed by a jew. Giving this faggot (you)s will only fuel him more. I need to learn this lesson still.

>> No.20095142

Cope cope and cope

>> No.20095153
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BBCspammer bros... I dont feel so good....

>> No.20095155

Invented by Whites, yes. But okay then, just don't read what Gobineau and Evola wrote about Africans and you'll be safe. Also don't google negrophilia hehehe.

>> No.20095224

The quote about negroid sperm is fake retarded nigger

>> No.20095261
File: 8 KB, 242x250, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Evola quote is a /lit/ meme. Holy fuck. You outed yourself you absolute fucking mong retard. This entire thread is filled with chinks and jews. Fuck off and die.

>> No.20095267

cringe, niggers are a lot more feminine than you think.

>> No.20095732

Cringe losers

>> No.20095739

Wtf are you talking about? It was literally compiled in the 12th century Baghdad, then in the next few centuries added upon in Damascus and Egypt. When euros translated it into French they added some other stories they heard from a maronite arab to it

>> No.20095923

That's why it's called the 1001 nights.

>> No.20095949

They tell you to read the Classics for a reason.

>> No.20095954

No shit.

>> No.20095972

The questions that prevent us of sleep at night.

>> No.20095980

That's the problem of fags that like Taylor Swift.

>> No.20095985

They are all kinds of white you can ever imagine off. No surprise they how they act when unrestrained when they have all the bloodlines packed up in one.

>> No.20096005

what do you mean? anytime you see the word "Mamluk" it's referring to a white slave.

>> No.20096013

Based arabs

>> No.20096020

You're kidding me. Have you niggers seriously never read the Arabian Nights? What the fuck are you freaking out about? Everybody knows this. Everybody knows the beginning of the Arabian Nights. It's fucking common knowledge.
>ummm does it le ackshually start like this?
Yes it ackshually starts like this you fucking morons, how is it possible to be this uninformed about world literature? You have to be kidding me. How are there SO MANY OF YOU who don't know this story? Seriously? You don't know the classic, age-old beginning of the fucking arabian nights? SERIOUSLY? WHAT ARE YOU ASKING ABOUT? YES, THIS IS HOW IT STARTS.

>> No.20096043 [DELETED] 
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>You're kidding me. Have you niggers seriously never read the Arabian Nights? What the fuck are you freaking out about? Everybody knows this. Everybody knows the beginning of the Arabian Nights. It's fucking common knowledge.
>>ummm does it le ackshually start like this?
>Yes it ackshually starts like this you fucking morons, how is it possible to be this uninformed about world literature? You have to be kidding me. How are there SO MANY OF YOU who don't know this story? Seriously? You don't know the classic, age-old beginning of the fucking arabian nights? SERIOUSLY? WHAT ARE YOU ASKING ABOUT? YES, THIS IS HOW IT STARTS.

>> No.20096243

Its origin is actually in “racial science” from the 19th century which asserted that blacks were more lustful and therefore had larger genitalia than whites. BBC posters are literally just propagating a racist meme with no strong basis from centuries ago

>> No.20096253
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>> No.20097175


>> No.20097208

>Everybody knows this. Everybody knows the beginning of the Arabian Nights.
In school, we were given a summary that skips over that part. All we learned is this:
>king has a different woman every night and kills her afterwards.
>One woman tells him stories and says she'll continue them the next night in order to survive
>Among these stories are Aladdin and Ali Baba
That's everything I learned about it in school.

>> No.20097425

>A new English language translation was published in December 2021, the first by a female author, which removes earlier sexist and racist references. The new translation includes all the tales from Hanna Diyab and additionally includes stories previously omitted featuring female protagonists, such as tales about Parizade, Pari Banu, and the horror story Sidi Numan

>> No.20097476

My team winning = good
My team losing = bad
Why is this so hard for leftards to understand?

>> No.20097477

very cringe

>> No.20097487

Women are garbage

>> No.20097577

The female attempting to whitewash age old timeless warnings on the nature of women passed down through generations

>> No.20097771

So don't pretend Jews are evil or whatever if you admit your view isn't objective but completely cynical.

>> No.20098002


>> No.20098309

Hardest redpill

>> No.20098425
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>it's always been this way

>> No.20098534

Damn anon I feel this so hard

>> No.20098871
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>Laugh while reading this thread
>Pick up my book before going to bed
>Read this in first 5 pages
I can't escape the BBC cuckolding! I'm going insane!

>> No.20098889


>> No.20099296

Wow I hate women

>> No.20099887

I don't remember there being a mention that the slaves were black.

>> No.20100032

maybe you read some modern ultra-sanitized translation
Haddawy: a Black slave
Burton: a big slobbering blackamoor
with rolling eyes which showed the whites, a truly hideous sight
either way it's put he's black

>> No.20100127
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By Allah you were warned. But none listened. You would rather give in to the Whore of Babylon, even though she is merely a sinister mirage crafted my a mad Jinn.
Many men, great men even, have wandered vast deserts to find such sirens. Perhaps only Allah knows if this is the sad fate of all men...

>> No.20100135

The jews of sexes

>> No.20100141
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>> No.20101015


>> No.20101074
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Jews are evil they are the biggest human traffickers on earth, push drugs, usery and porn. Responsible for some of the most vile shit in all of history.
They probably wrote all this cuck fetish shit in every society too.
They are a demonic race of golem honestly. Niggers at least I think are just following base human instincts.
Jews are exterior to actual humanity.

Me being on a team and them bring on a team is irrelevant, but you're probably arguing in bad faith anyways.

>> No.20101497

>The descriptions are hilarious, don't children read this? Lol
>big slobbering blackamoor with rolling eyes which showed the whites, a truly hideous sight.
>the filthiest of filthy slaves
>a black of loathsome aspect and foul with grime
This is the Burton translation from what I recall.
He added a lot of detail that was not in the original text.

>> No.20101594

I dont see why npc jack is angry here. Wouldnt he agree?
myopic universalism. The concern of an anti-Semite would be that the Jews discourage others from doing the same to their own benefit through subterfuge. That they are a powerful oppositionary force. Literally read any anti Semite writing like mien Campfire or the Marx-Engels reader.

>> No.20101634

>Rich sheiks make their teenage sons

>> No.20101801
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Define "good boyfriend" nigger

>> No.20101807

OP wait until you get to the story about the fat girl who shits herself while taking a bath.

>> No.20101818

The same sons then end up paying tranny hookers in London to shit on their chests. Many such cases!jsdas

>> No.20101832

I'm Muslim now.

>> No.20101852
File: 172 KB, 1079x1134, 1642038692579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a chad yet not a single one of my gfs has ever treated me like shit. I haven't had to prove anything to them, I'm not a strong man, in fact, I've broken down a few times, and not one of them gave me shit for it. They were most supportive and tried to help me

Don't listen to 4chan, they're basically sad losers who think they deserve pussy simply because they have a dick, and when they don't get any, they blame women and accuse them of being cheating whores. Ironic that they claim to be surrounded by whores yet can't get laid at all

Most women are nice. A bit on the dumb, emotional side. But they're not the whores that 4chan posters will tell you they are, and no they won't cheat on you the moment you look away. Some might, but I doubt the majority of them do.

>> No.20101863

France is almost as black as America and more or less invented importing negroes to Europe in the 18th century.

>> No.20101873
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I don't feel anything anymore

>> No.20101892

Are you saying this while you are locked in your basement, eating the same unhealthy food day after day, watching the same stupid television shows over and over?

Do you spend enough time in nature? Do you spend enough time helping other people? Volunteering at your local food bank is a great way to feel good because those hobos are definitely worse off than you, so it makes you realize how good your life is when you don't have to worry about having to find an atm to sleep at night

These two books I find very informative and their techniques are p straightforward, none of that new age law of attraction bullshit, just science
- Feeling Good http://libgen.rs/book/index.php?md5=C125D95C465F61F9D97A1F7A8709B82A
- Psycho Cybernetics http://libgen.rs/book/index.php?md5=527760FFEA5C21B29EAB110D8290CC58

>> No.20101945
File: 566 KB, 1692x1269, E02B52A5-46CF-4483-A7C6-312327DA8DD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simp fag
"M-maybe you could just be happy" shut the fuck up lmao. Sitting here on a chink cartoon forum trying to make yourself feel better about the shallow fantasy you're maintaining. Go watch netflix with your hole if you feel this strongly about it. You fags trying to convince people on 4chan of your simp worldview are unutterably retarded.
Zoomer dipshits need to go back to r*ddit and stay there. If you have a girlfriend and can successfully delude yourself that she isn't a whore, good for you, go live your blessedly ignorant life away from this terrible place.

>> No.20102043

>Why did God..?
This cut really deep anon. I wrestle with more or less this question too. I don't even want to have any negative thoughts about women. I just wish I didn't have to destroy my soul just to have simple, faithful love.

>> No.20102064

Why the are boomer and genX fathers so fucking selfish and self-centered? Why don’t they bother to give advice and guidance to their sons about shit they experienced themselves? It just baffles me how common this is. It’s their own fucking blood.

>> No.20102099
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hold my cuck

>> No.20102107

I like the sound of cope from your post anon it soothes my soul but how can it stand against ancient wisdom such as 1001 Nights?
Your post is the definition of bluepill.

>> No.20102110

There’s a reason why Paul said it’s better for men not to marry if they can help it.

>> No.20102112

I think about this sometimes. I think it's because the wwII generation was did as you say to a fault, not only smothering boomers, but also giving them bad advice in total ignorant of the drastic changes the social environment was going through at that time. So, when they had kids themselves, most of them decided the best thing is to let the kids figure out life on their own, at least unhampered by bad advice from an out of touch old man. And it's true - you've probably seen here on 4chan people complaining about boomer advice, like "just meet the manager, firm handshake, now you have a career and a mortgage". It was good advice in the 70s; it's not good advice anymore. When you have kids, if you try to give them advice, it'll probably be outdated and laughably irrelevant, because the world is still changing and it's not slowing down.

>> No.20102124
File: 253 KB, 1080x1672, IMG_20220322_134507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do whites shit on the yellow when they wanna counter BBC posters lol?
Reading whites seething at BBC posting on /gif/ of all places is hilarious

>> No.20102131

>advice about the true nature of women
That other anon’s chad father could have given him plenty of useful advice yet the selfish cunt never bothered.
I’ve seen this happen a lot irl. Chad womanizing fathers who leave all the education of the son in the hands of the mother while they only care about their own pleasure. Meanwhile the son grows up being a bluepilled beta soiboy with the completely bullshit wishy-washy unrealistic advice the mother gave him because it made her feel like a good person.

>> No.20102137

>biggest human traffickers on earth, push drugs, usery and porn. Responsible for some of the most vile shit in all of history.
sounds about white
>The AHA deplores any misuse of history that distorts the historical record to demonize or demean a particular racial, ethnic, religious, or cultural group. The Association therefore condemns as false any statement alleging that Jews played a disproportionate role in the exploitation of slave labor or in the Atlantic slave trade.

>> No.20102686

>being this buckbroken

>> No.20102696

"Actually fucks her well" is a good start.

Half the anoniggers who believe that all femoids are insatiable whores also unironically believe that women can't actually have orgasms.

>> No.20102723
File: 99 KB, 821x285, RFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh Nabokovbros?

>> No.20102731

in my experience the ones who aren't insatiable whores can have orgasms way easier. but by insatiable whore i mean daddy issues projected through sexual lives, not actual insatiable whores, i don't think there is any insatiable whores in a purely hedonist sense in the word and i hope any incels thinking that get their shit straight.

>> No.20102788

>shota X loli brosis rabu rabu
Never expected to see my fetish here on /lit/.

>> No.20103848

How is it possible that all this has been known for centuries, and yet men make the same mistakes as they have back then?

>> No.20103871

Cooming in hot woman is hell of a drug. It makes you blind to all her faults and shameless tricks. That has always been the case, but in the past few decades men have been conditioned to accept whores as the standard, even though only 20% get casual pussy. Gen Z is the most pussy-brained simp generation in history, they’ve been taught to worship e-whores they won’t even meet, let alone fuck.

>> No.20105757


>> No.20106113
File: 57 KB, 400x533, I fuck for satan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You would rather give in to the Whore of Babylon
Yeah. What of it?

>> No.20106137


>> No.20106396

No wonder the west latched so hard onto these stories

>> No.20106436

scherezade is the complete opposite

>> No.20106449

scherezade show the opposite

>> No.20106526

They take the blackpill early. They get paid whores to do what they want so they can see what women who arent muslims are.

>> No.20106651

call me old fashioned but i hate niggers more than i hate women

>> No.20107261


>> No.20108090

Ok nigger

>> No.20108111

Nabokov was based, and his opinions on nearly everything were turbo based. But holy shit, his writing sucks balls.

>> No.20108347
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>> No.20108362
File: 127 KB, 591x1024, pink-pill-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20108370
File: 135 KB, 678x566, pink-pill-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20108374
File: 50 KB, 885x544, pink-pill-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
