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20093624 No.20093624[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books on the contemporary phenomenon of anti white racism and its justification by society?

>> No.20093642

Turner Diaries

>> No.20093648

Sir im asking about literature now please actually contribute to the thread as you are wasting both of our times

>> No.20093711

Mein Kampf

>> No.20093718
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Nah. People with the intellect to write a novel usually view class as the determining factor in prejudice and oppression.
Inb4 you start crying or posting wojajks, you weak cracker

>> No.20093813

>anti white racism
Truly the failure to understand that there's no such thing shows you the full extent of 4chan autism and lack of humor. Insulting minorities is not funny for the same reason why a stronger person making fun of weaker person is not funny. Ridicule is the only weapon the weak can use against the strong, which is why satire is only fun when directed to someone who is more powerful then you (politicians, celebrities, etc.) but is rarely fun when you make fun of someone weaker than you (poor people, sick people, minorities) and it grows ever more disgusting the stronger person is. Humour, like everything else, does not happen in a vacuum: there are power dynamics at work which are incidentally the same you experienced in school yards as you were a kid. It was fun to say stupid stuff about teachers because they are powerful and you can't do anything about it. It's not fun to pick on the weak, poor and autistic kid which you likely all were before ending here. The only people who find that stuff funny are usually cruel and violent idiots. Yet you insist in defending your the right to inflict that same cruelty on people who are weaker than you (ethnic minorities, LGBTQ people, etc.) rather than directing your hate and edgy humor against people who are more powerful than you - and who are likely fucking you in the ass while enjoying the sight of poor and weak people making fun of other poor and weak people.

>> No.20093818

Slave morality at its worst

>> No.20093827

Ironically, by focusing on conflict with those below you instead of those above you, you are ensuring that you stay enslaved.

>> No.20093886

Ironically, a lot of those who criticise racism do not understand this principle as well. Most of them being middle class black Americans who make blanket statements about all white people, not knowing that there are a lot of white people that are below them on the social rankings. When they say shit like 'white people need to check their privilege' they are exactly inspiring in those below them the kind of hate they are trying to get rid of.

>> No.20093915
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Columbia linguist John McWhorter's latest book is pretty good. It covers the subject with some nuance without devolving (too much) into dumbass culture war mudslinging.

A lot of books on the topic are sensationalist, preaching to the choir political polemics filled with cherry picking, misleading statistics, and poor analysis.


Another way of going about it is to read Ibrahim X. Kendi, Tahensi Coates, Dairy, etc. and get an idea of what the popular/more sophisticated arguments are on racism and where they have some faults. A shortcoming of many of these is that the authors don't come from social science backgrounds, and so the entire research program of defining the effects of racism seems to turn on throwing cherry picked studies into a text and using them to justify the original agenda.

The 1618 Project is worth reading, with critiques from historians. What had been lost in the public discourse of culture war point scoring is that while a central thesis of the project, i.e., "the primary political concern sparking the American Revolution was protecting the institution of slavery," is poorly supported and researched, and number of other points made actually held up very well in critiques by historians (e.g., New Deal social policy being crafted so as to exclude blacks from full benefits).

Michelle Alexander's The New Jim Crow is another good example. It has powerful evidence of racial bias in the justice system. At the same time, the thesis, that powerful white racist interests used the justice system to reimplement Jim Crow, is fairly open to attack (look up critiques).

The problem for the book is that it relies on a handful of scattered quotes demonstrating racist intent in justice reform to support a claim for a nationwide conspiracy that lasted across multiple administrations, for decades, which is implausible.

It also neglects countervailing information, such as the fact that federal drug prosecutions represent a very small number of incarcerations. There is also the fact that most US prisoners are in for violent crimes, and that violent crime did rise drastically from the 1960s-1990s, before plunging to the second lowest levels ever seen in the US (this occured as there was a huge surge in migration, contrary to /pol/ and now mainstream GOP ideology).

It also doesn't explain why conservative states, many of which has almost no black population, had the harshest drug laws and have kept marijuana prohibition and harsher sentences the longest. Mountain States and others such as West Virginia did all this to implement segregation for their 2-5% black populations? And yet they still enforced the laws for whites with great deal, putting huge numbers in prison for political cover? It doesn't make a lot of sense, and a few racist quotes by policy makers is hardly enough evidence to show such a complex conspiracy.

>> No.20093951

*Darity at Duke, not Dairy lol. He does have a social sciences background although he's shown pretty extreme bias in some situations, namely attacks on human biology/cognitive science that show a biased worldview and lack of understanding of the fields.

The point here is that these works make very good cases about the way society is structured to disadvantage blacks, but then tend to shift these patterns into a narrative about intentional harassment by powerful elites. This is paired with calls to action that single out white complicity in these patterns, and can lead to racial bias in many readings.

The problem isn't that evidence for such explicit intent doesn't exist, it is that it is insufficient to explain a lot of the phenomena and if you actually want to dismantle "structural racism," you need to understand how such dynamical systems emerge from without some sort of hiding teleology of racist intent, and how feedback loops can perpetuate racial disadvantage even in non-racist systems. Also how maladaptive behavior and trends in black culture (particularly violence related to honor culture, something seen in Arabs, Central Asians, and Southern American whites) also leads to bad outcomes. This is dismissed as a cause as victim blaming, but victim blaming, while perhaps a morale problem, isn't a logical fallacy. There is definitely a causal relationship between black culture and bad outcomes, even if the causal influence is bidirectional with intentionally and non-intentionally racist systems.

Despite his Twitter being full of brain dead culture war takes, and his latest books being very "meh," Steven Pinker has an excellent book analyzing human biology and evolutionary psychology through the lens of Left/Right politics (exemplified in the book by Rosseau and Hobbes respectively). It is a pretty good analysis of the deep flaws in Leftist thinking on biological differences in human populations (more sex than race) and how the Left's.embrace of Rosseau's Noble Savage and Locke's Blank Slate undercut their policy efforts and arguments.

>> No.20093963

Who We Are from William L. Pierce.

>> No.20093966

>Are there any books on the contemporary phenomenon of anti white racism and its justification by society?
Yes, anything pushed by the liberals.

>> No.20093975

>You can't make fun of black people because you're superior to them!
Interesting take.

>> No.20093983

Extremely based, image and post. Cultural shit is a distraction. A poor whitey is equivalent to a poor nigger in every sense. Blacks are just less okay with the status quo and more predisposed to buck it via criminal enterprise. Not defending that, by the way, but if you've ever met a white from Bumfuck, Appalachia you know that there's nothing black or white about the current issues. It's all just shades of green.

>> No.20093990

While some books popular in liberal circles are certainly "anti-white," to varying degrees, it is certainly also the case that conservatives have tended to look at any research that shows the effects of racial bias, let alone tries to offer solutions to it, as intrinsically "anti-white." Then they begin histrionically screeching about how they are being oppressed.

>> No.20094019

The irony here for me is that the most openly /pol/ people I know are simultaneously from shitty left behind areas, the rural South or Rust Belt cities, and so have more in common with blacks. They are also all intermittently employed, the two full on 1488 guys have been to prison multiple times, are addicted to drugs, and have out of wedlock kids they don't support at all. Basically everything they rail against. But they have Tucker, who is just like them (despite being an elite heir), to tell them all their problems are due to the other races and evil scheming elites (but certainly their New York billionaire God Emperor will save them).

They don't save up for homes or things to make their lives better because they need to drive a truck for the image, and they need expensive rifles (toys practically) for when SHTF, but don't seem to think that being obese or addicted to smack/meth might be a major liability for their role as soldiers in le ebin civil war that is, no doubt, immanent and will transform them from thirty yearolds with records living off their parents into moral heros with self discipline.

It's like mirror images in some ways.

>> No.20094022

Power dynamics, dim-wit imbecile. He's talking about power dynamics.

>> No.20094031

so what happens or rather what should happen when satire escalates to violence as it is now and according to fbi criem statistics?

>> No.20094036

Not the hair napping up

>> No.20094042

Glad this lunatic died from cancer, a very painful one I hope

>> No.20094068

Absolutely. From an outsider's perspective it becomes apparent... but only from an outsider's perspective. That's the problem, really. Politics and race are easy lightning rods for human tribalistic impulses. This tribalism is essentially a psychological vestigial structure which acts as a backdoor into our brains, where intrusions can easily latch on like parasites. It creates poor whites versus poor blacks to the point where the "poor" part loses significance... which logically it might not even have, since the focus is on differences rather than similarities. To drop into kitsch for a second, without light, darkness has no significance. Without death, life would be indistinguishable from anything else which exists. When the issues are successfully rooted in identity politics, everything but the differences in those politics and cultures tends to fall by the wayside... and we forget that all of us are, in one way or another, thralls to the people pitting us against each other.

It is, of course, useless to be aware of this. The masses will never be allowed to become aware of it. I'm extremely demoralized.

>> No.20094100
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You guys do realize I’m talking mostly about the social aspect of racism right? Society don’t give a fuck if you make fun of whites online but will absolutely do everything to protect non whites. IYou guys can deny what’s happening all you want but it’s clear our society is pushing white = evil. Atleast in social media culture. And you may say who cares about that, but that is what influences the next voters, the next leaders, the people who could decide your fate. What is now just ressentiment will end up turning into actual oppression once whites become a minority. You don’t have to be a /pol/ yard to realize that whites are becoming a minority in most countries they inhabit and when you’re a minority you should have some sense of group consciousness and will to live.

Anyway thank you for the actually good contributions so far. I may read mcwhorter though from his interviews he seems a little too soft on the issue

>> No.20094126

Going Free is a pretty good read that never panders to edgy NatSoc larpers.

>> No.20094131

See exactly you proceed to call me cracker but I bet wouldn’t dare actually call a black person nigger, you have a subtle anti white bias. Those subtleties do end up manifesting into motivations followed by deliberate actions

>> No.20094226

Start by calling random people irl racial slurs.

>> No.20094277

Everyone on the planet is a stupid nigger. I’m sorry, rich poor it doesn’t matter. Esteem nothing faggots.

>> No.20094291

You're retarded if you ever thought the nigger word was ever a joke on anyone but you, faggot.

>> No.20094301

>Too soft on the issue
If you only read people who agree with you your thinking suffers.

>> No.20094357

I here you, I here you—but what about this?

>> No.20094364

This book bleached all the rot that's been accumulating in my soul. Nobody understands human nature better than a linguist, and he's a Chomskyite to boot.
I've been following his work for years, I couldn't believe he wrote something like this, especially after all the shit he gave J Peterson.

>> No.20094376

Truly the Diogenes of our time.

>> No.20094392

Income inequality and shit social policies affects all races.
Blacks make it more visible because they've always been egotistical, tantrum throwing children in the body of testosterone ODing adults, even the women, throughout their entire existence in America so retards like (You) think they are the only ones to be affected.

>> No.20094416

Whatever lol

>> No.20094458

You're so smart and educated dude, I don't know why policy makers aren't using your opinions to make their decisions. They really should give you a job at the White House because you've such a deep understanding of society and men. Just by reading your post I can tell you're truly one of the greatest minds of our time.

>> No.20094468

I would vote for him. Look at where we've ended up under the "great minds" in Washington

>> No.20094482

You should be the president.

>> No.20094492

Why do leftists call themselves historical “materialists” yet refuse to acknowledge biological differences between ethnicities? No, a poor Anglo American has nothing in common with a poor Filipino just because they’re both poor. Fucking idiots

>> No.20094497

>Ironically, by focusing on conflict with those below you instead of those above you, you are ensuring that you stay enslaved.
>implying I cant hate politicians the same as I hate openly degenerate "people" who compromise a vocal majority of "minorities"
>implying I dont hate politcians the same or more
>implying i cant find them both to be problems
Faggot, I have two hands I can swing up and down at the same time.

>> No.20094501

Because they don't exist, no matter how many IQ charts you spam

>> No.20094505

Except we've never been run by great minds. At best they represent a large share of federal middle management.

Top level leadership and the people who actually write laws have mostly been demagogues who can maximize on the culture war and simplistic, manichean explanations of complex phenomena.

The world today is portrayed by populists as the fruits of technocracy, but technocrats are routinely ignored.

The world of today is literally the result of the populism that claims it will fix everything.

>> No.20094520

Unironically mentally retarded anon.

>> No.20094522

Class and culture overlap

>> No.20094539

You're the one left behind here if you still belive in early 20th century race "science" and "realism", midwit

>> No.20094595

I'm not the anon you're replying to, but the only reason it was discredited was because of its association with the Nazis.

That's the only argument against it. That its Nazi. You haven't realized how political academia is yet have you?

>> No.20094602
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>Because they don't exist,
>no matter how many IQ charts you spam
Cope, seethe, and, naturally, dilate.

>> No.20094614

> You haven't realized how political academia is yet have you?
Kek how new are you? You're arguing with a bunkertranny. They promote the views they want to be true like marxists always do. Better catch up with the times because you're even behind the 19th century.

>> No.20094615

See this is why I stick on /lit/

/pol/ BS has infested every other board but at least in a few small corners people can see that shit for what it is

>> No.20094618

Black people aren't exactly weak. That's the liberal mindset to think minorities need "help". That they're on level of tiny children.

>> No.20094623

Marx and Engels certainly did, it’s cucked Westerns who are just “anti-Fascist” reactionary pussies who indirectly fight for the status quo. Plus, they don’t even know what National Socialism is, to them it’s just “jim crow” or some other pop history reddit shit.

>> No.20094626

Its literally the opposite way around.

>> No.20094629

I guess this explains why you're so bad at sports, cracker

>> No.20094630

I felt the same way about Mark Fisher and his suicide. We are not the same

>> No.20094637

because the top 10% thinks every poor person is the same, and they want to use poor people as cannon fodder against the top 1%
it doesnt even matter if the differences are biological or cultural, they are not the same

>> No.20094650
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>he thinks white people find this offensive

>> No.20094705


>> No.20094712

Rubbish thread.

There’s no such thing as anti-white racism

>> No.20094726
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I love black girls

>> No.20094731


>> No.20094833

kill yourself american

>> No.20094902

>a stronger person making fun of weaker person is not funny.
It very well could be. The fact that you can't see this only shows your failure to understand that humor is downstream from politics and how your totalizing worldview renders you incapable of genuine empathy.

>> No.20094912

It isn't based. Its cringe and idealistist. Marx would see no contradiction. There are antagonisms throughout society and people won't magically get along. Society will only resolve itself after all opposing groups and classes clash.

>> No.20094921
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Read René Girard. Once humanity runs out of scapegoats (we only have 2 or three scapegoat's cycles left) we will all violently dismember each other and go extinct

>> No.20094923

>No, a poor Anglo American has nothing in common with a poor Filipino just because they’re both poor
They are both poor. They have that in common.

>> No.20094929

It's not even something that needs that much education to figure out.
That you are trying to shield your flawed political snapshot of the situation tells me more about how "educated" you are about this stuff.

>> No.20094952

>Once humanity runs out of scapegoats
We'll never run out of jews

>> No.20094961

>people with intellect
you mean pseuds who never lived in a city

>> No.20094971

Kill yourself shitskin.

>> No.20094972

Peaceful separation is the only answer.

>> No.20094978

>We'll never run out of jews
we already used that one. Thanks to our longer collective memory we will expend our scapegoats faster then we can get new ones. . the primary means for avoiding total escalation is the scapegoat mechanis. uniting against an arbitrary other yet once you kill a scapegaot it becomes holy and unotherable

>> No.20094989

Kill yourselves redditors.

>> No.20094993
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i was raised a poor white in a shit neighborhood surrounded by poor blacks. i slept on a dingy mattress on the floor, no bed frame. i didnt have video games, just a very old CD of warcraft 2. i barely ate and when i did it was garbage. while my parents were trying to murder each other over retard shit i was 7 and reading the hobbit. by 10 i had read the LOTR trilogy. by 14 i had read paradise lost.
i know niggers older than me, dudes around 30-40, who think that rust is just a thing that happens so they leave tools and metal shit out in the rain and mud. i let such niggers use my tools once (big mistake, never do this) and found them all left out in the rain rusted to shit. when i asked them why they left it out in the rain they just laughed and went "nigga aint no rain finna be damaging iron nigga, you see water damaging this fine melanin?" i know niggers that think the sun causes light, and the moon causes darkness. i know niggers who can barely spell or form complete sentences at adulthood and do nothing with their time but browse netflix watching shit like big mouth at fucking 30. i know niggers that have landed jobs at well paying places and gotten fired a day after because they stole something as worthless as a soap bar from a hotel room. and i know these niggers very well and they all went to the same schools as me, got the same education and the same opportunities. in fact, they were given MORE opportunities than me because of shit like affirmative action. i knew some nigger in high school that got accepted into harvard despite having an toddlers intellect. dont worry, he made the most of it and raped a white girl at a frat party and now hes in prison for 3 years

>> No.20095000

good morning from kazakhstan. I hate niggers

>> No.20095019

>we already used that one.
Nah, we've been using the same one for thousands of years and keeps working

>> No.20095044

Nice fanfic, try to make it believable next

>> No.20095049

send your kid to an inner city school. cmon. do it. prove me wrong.

>> No.20095059

white greek people are literally prisoners of war on this world you fucking degenerate

>> No.20095073

Nope, I'd very much prefer to get him homeschool'd on race realism and the dangers the White race faces these days, if you catch my drift.

>> No.20095080

>le massive wall of text about why they get to be racist, but not us
Every. Fucking. Time. What should happen, is that white people need to be more racist, because le wholesome BIPOC are getting real uppity and obviously aren't content with being equals.

>> No.20095093

>segregation is popular on reddit

>> No.20095096

liberals literally think of african americans as helpless animals, that is far more racist than anything so-called "right wingers" believe

>> No.20095106

thinking of them as helpless animals is insulting to animals. i am convinced that they are some form of demon given flesh

>> No.20095119

Oh no bros a black teenager is calling anon a cracka on Twitter again, what we gonna do now

>> No.20095120

communists literally don't give a fuck about black people, they just bribe them with skittles and purple drank to burn down privately owned businesses

conservatives would never literally launder their crimes through an entire minority

>> No.20095132


>> No.20095150

why are leftoids like this? Does immigrant cocks taste that good?

>> No.20095165

Log off 4chan. Using slurs and dehumanizing others is wrong regardless of who they're being used against.

>> No.20095171

the communists chose black people because of their inherent dysfunction in order to destabilize society. imagine if the commies were hard-working mexicans instead. the earth would be star trek in two days

>> No.20095177

Liberals are guilty of idealizing black people, treating them like fragile children to assuage their sense of guilt, and using then as a means to signal their social status, but if you think conservatives are much better you're delusional.

>> No.20095180
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Not him, but yes.

>> No.20095183

when black people were slaves they had healthcare, housing, and food. now even employed people can afford none of those things. leftist policy has doomed us all to serfdom

>> No.20095225

>a stronger person making fun of weaker person is not funny.
says who, characters who are exaggeratedly stupid have always been a staple of comedy because mocking the incapable is ingrained in our psyche.

>> No.20095383

I refuse to read anyone who unironically uses this term.

>> No.20095392

Fuck you, Thiel shill

>> No.20095571

nah at this point i have to disagree
ive never seen riots this bad under conservative gubmints

>> No.20095637

really any modern marxist theory just go to your nearest antifa chapter and ask them for recommendations

>> No.20095641

>making fun of weak people isn't funny
Nah making fun of retards like you is pretty funny

>> No.20095648
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>> No.20095674
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>Tahensi Coates
>sophisticated arguments