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20093104 No.20093104 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite russian authors, /lit/?

>> No.20093114

dat w&p do be kinda thicc doe

>> No.20093116

good selection and funny pun :)

>> No.20093141

Little do they know that Ukrainians claim Gogol to be a Ukrainian writer, lol.

>> No.20093151

Faux Cyrillic is cringe, always, no exceptions.

How would you even read that, it looks uncomfortable as fuck.

>> No.20093166

as a norwegian claiming holberg as a norwegian writer, i respect the hohol gogol claim

>> No.20093168


>> No.20093255

>You woi’t be Putin dowi these Yaussian Klassiks! (woyast pub eveya)

>> No.20093259
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(p.s. Sologub)

>> No.20093271
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The introduction of the Bulgarian alphabet to the Eastern Slavs and its consequences have been a disaster for the European race.

>> No.20093323
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> Ack-shoewally, you're using those letters wrong, saweety; that "backwards R" really makes a "ya" sound and the "backwards N" really makes an "ee" sound! Your ignorance and anglocentric cultural approation and slavphobic racism is actually so fucking disgusting that I can't even rn.

>> No.20093412

>All the collected Gogols are translated by P&V

Are they actually good when it comes to him or meh as usual?

>> No.20093470

>Worried about translations

>> No.20093479

I really enjoy 19th century Russian literature. My favourite is probably Turgenev's Nest of the Gentry. Maybe I liked the place where I read it or it hit the romance/drama aspect on its head, I don't know. But I really enjoyed it.

>> No.20093560

Unironically Vasily Grossman.

Tolstoy, Dosto, Gorky come after my taste. Nothing can be compared about them.

>> No.20093575
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i read the slynx recently
i liked it
that's probably my favourite at the moment then. i dunno

>> No.20094055

I've just heard P&V are constantly shit.

>> No.20094696

If we ignore the classic great ones: Bulgakov, Strugatsky, Grossman, Platonov

I've read some of their Dostoevsky translations and they seem to be fine, though I prefer McDuff or even Garnett. I am planning on re-reading Gogol in Pevear to compare more directly.

It was okay, some fun moments of social satire and decent world building. Strugatsky brothers do all of those aspects immeasurably better though.

Little do they know Gogol himself claimed to be a russian author who wrote in russian and that the neo-nationalist russia/ukraine divide is imposed backwards in time to justify current political goals. It is on the same level as soviet historians viewing ancient greece through the prism of 19-20th century marxist class struggle between proletariat and bourgeoisie.

>> No.20094736

that war an peace finna make me ack up on god

>> No.20094831

turgenev is poggers

>> No.20094848

Correct, by far the worst option. There are an illiterate horde here who either can't tell or refuse to accept they wasted their time who will defend them like blood relatives. They're wrong.

>> No.20094867

They aren't. This >>20094848 retard can be dismissed. If you want a decent translation, they're perfectly fine.

>> No.20094884

Has anyone here actually read War and Peace? Is it any good?

>> No.20094885

t. russian

>> No.20094904

P&V Are fucking awful. This article compares them to other translations.

>> No.20094919


>> No.20094939

It is 1200 pages long, guess for yourself.

>> No.20094944

He is bad in every quantifiable way except for showing the finger to globo-homo america. I appreciate that he does so, but that alone doesn't make him good.

>> No.20094968

My favorite I've read so far are the Strugatskys.

>> No.20095060

>I've just heard P&V are constantly shit.
You've heard right

>> No.20095061

how to bypass paywall?

>> No.20095090
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Besides the great classics, probably Eugene Vodolazkin. Pic related was kino.
What's the best Strugatsky book?

>> No.20095124

Lev Shestov

>> No.20095126

>Has anyone here actually read War and Peace? Is it any good?
I read it but I'm Russian. I liked the battle scenes and the campaign description, but the personal plotlines didn't captivate me.

>> No.20095208

Can't go wrong with Bulgakov

>> No.20095214
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>> No.20095241

Roadside Picnic is most well known in the west, The Doomed City is considered their greatest work. Hard to Be a God could also be a good starting point.

>> No.20095249

How is P on Italian though?

>> No.20095256
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Should we really be supporting Russian authors when they're commiting genocide in Ukraine?

>> No.20095259

Most slavic scholars praise P&V as the best one. I've even emailed some for recommendations and they all said P&V. I love how anti-PV fags cling to Morson, their one contrarian scholar, whose article isn't even taken seriously in academic circles, which is why you only ever see it spread on 4chan and reddit. Anyone can read them and see it's fine. The fact that anti-PV rhetoric is so full of hyperbole, condescension, and attacks on their popularity says a lot about you idiots.

>> No.20095273

Just say Russian. I doubt some Poles or Croats or whatever expressed an opinion about English translations of Russian writers.

>> No.20095363

The inconsistent switching between Latin and Cyrillic is so obviously atrocious that I refuse to believe it wasn't done on purpose as an ironic joke.

>> No.20095515

It's "slavophobic" not "slavphobic". Uhm... maybe leave speaking on behalf of minorities* to the professionals, sweaty ;)

*Russians don't count as minorities anymore because they voted for the guy the media told me is literally Hitler.

>> No.20095533

Suggestions for russian authors who write about villages?

>> No.20095549

Does the village he a depressing coal mine or is in the middle of a large war?

>> No.20095556

I'm boycotting russian literature until Russia pulls out of The Ukraine and apologizes

>> No.20095787

P&V are good on Anna Karenina. not great on others

>> No.20095860

is.. is that a heckin punirino?

>> No.20096055

Macbeth of Mtensk

Do you mean like Village life? Turgenev. And I guess to a degree Gorky, Chekhov, Tolstoy (short stories/novellas).

>> No.20096535

Life and Fate may be the closest we will ever get to an objectively perfect novel.

>> No.20096786

>fake cyrillic is cringe
Hey guy idk if you realized this but OPs pic is that of a joke— it’s not meant to be taken seriously. Just didn’t want you to think they actually were seriously trying to write in cyrillic. It is, in fact, humorous.

Have a nice day frend

>> No.20096949

Laurus was pretty fucked up at points. Was reading that on an airplane when it got to the attempted delivery of his son and the deaths. It was pretty disturbing as my first son had only recently been born


>> No.20096986
