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20091784 No.20091784 [Reply] [Original]

*based general Edition

Previous Thread:>>20083206

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)


Goodreads canceled until further notice

>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent
>>>/t/1023504 #

Never going to be created

>> No.20091807

Martin sucks

>> No.20091828

he cute

>> No.20091829

Grum is love, grum is life

>> No.20091865

How do you make your imagination more vivid? I have a hard time creating faces in my mind that follow character descriptions, sometimes I have to look up actors or drawings to get a better feel. I have an even harder time trying to imagine medieval clothes. Then lastly it is impossible for me to imagine good-looking buildings, I would have a hard time imagining above if it was written in text. I would love to have detailed imagination but its hard.

>> No.20091894

This is going to sound horrible but have you ever considered the possibility that you may be slightly autistic?

>> No.20091904

Bakker chads, just finished the last book...
How can i ever read fantasy again after this?
I fucking loved the consult and their great reset plan. The floating corpses immortal dude, the scalded... everything was great

>> No.20091906

I can't create original faces but its pretty easy to create my face so i don't think i'm autistic

>> No.20091909

It's ok, anon, most people on /lit/ have no imagination.

>> No.20091915

Kek, you will be rereading alot

>> No.20091923
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It's basically over for you. I finished TUC two months ago and still can't force myself to start another series. Just switch to sci-fi.

>> No.20091931

Any recommendations?

>> No.20091933

Its not fair
Im trying to read book of the new sun rn but its like fucking a fat chick while thinking of your hot ex

>> No.20091951

Go back to the Darkness That Comes Before and re-read the whole series while waiting for No-God.
Did the Inchoroi jumpstart Inrithism? Was Inri Sejenus a consult spy? Possibly.

>> No.20091959

Read more Hugo award winning fantasy. Pronoun wars are somehow the peak of fantasy.

>> No.20091967

Who the fuck cares about some nigger award
I just want bakker to write more

>> No.20091987
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>> No.20091990

He's done.
You get one magnum opus and then you're braindrained.
The disgrace is how there hasn't been anything close in fantasy genre fiction since.

>> No.20092071

Any good scifi released in the last year? Obviously not talking about hugos and new york betsellers.
Surely must be at least one novel worth reading?

>> No.20092086

How to turn off the percentage indicator for calibre, does anyone know?

>> No.20092107

>You can change the number of pages displayed on the screen as well as page margins in Page layout in the viewer preferences.
>You can display custom headers and footers such as time left to read, current chapter title, book position, etc. via the Headers and footers section of the viewer preferences.
Change from progress to position in settings

>> No.20092143

wtf are we even using the same software? Where is this viewer preferences and this page layout

>> No.20092161

There's a severe lack of smart writers. I wish more Asian novels would be translated instead of only their pop trash like Three Body Problem. I bet there are tons of untranslated gems.

>> No.20092168

From the stuff I see at novelupdates I have to agree. The novel scene moves so fast with new tropes and innovations its pretty insane, in just a few years you get like a thousand different flavors for subgenres.

>> No.20092180

those are instructions copied directly from calibre website, check the version you are using, you may have an old version

>> No.20092197

What innovations? Webnovels in particular are plagued by a shitload of problems and too many of them are wish fulfillment shit.

>> No.20092240

Books about blonde haired, blue eyed mary sue CHADS that do everything right?

>> No.20092290

American web novels yes, Asian web novels no.

>> No.20092305

>Asian web novels no
How can you write this with a straight face when most of them are isekai and other wish fulfillment shit? That said, they're still better than western.

>> No.20092306 [DELETED] 

R. Scott Bakkers work is probably what you are looking for

>> No.20092313

R. Scott Bakkers work is probably what you are looking for.

>> No.20092332

>American web novels
do you mean litrpg?

>> No.20092389

Not chaddy enough for me. Kellhus gets cucked.

>> No.20092461

no they are not.
>Azarinth Healer Vs Overgeared

>> No.20093238 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20093629 [DELETED] 

>We rode on the winds of the rising storm,
>We ran to the sounds of Thunder.
>We danced among the lightning bolts,
>And tore the world asunder.

The Asha'man were way too based to deserve Sanderson's shitty ending to their plotline.