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20091511 No.20091511 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any anti-technology books that aren't schizo? I don't care about politics and radicalizing I just want a book that talks about slowly waning yourself off technology as much as possible

>> No.20091520

Discours sur les sciences et les arts by Rousseau.

>> No.20091741

literally anything by Ellul, personal favourite is Propaganda

>> No.20092233

>Are there any anti-technology books that aren't schizo? I don't care about politics and radicalizing I just want a book that talks about slowly waning yourself off technology as much as possible
There's nothing wrong with technology as long as you can maintain a healthy lifestyle with other humans. Also it is schizo to say technology bad but think a typewriter isn't technology.

>> No.20092266

Rousseau was the original pretentious anti-social madman-artist. He's hardly the kind of person OP's looking for.

>> No.20092506

the best techno-skepticists don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. try mumford or virilio

>> No.20092529

Fling yourself off a bridge, preferably beautifully. It would help if it was a nice rustic wooden bridge or maybe an iconic one like the Golden Gate; preferably in Summertime, on a temperate evening after a delightful light lunch. Maybe after Church.

>> No.20092791


>> No.20092805

Technopoly by Neil Postman

>> No.20092809

This is probably the best one though I don't agree with Postman on computers

>> No.20092913
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The Revolutionary Phenotype. JF Gariépy thinks that all gene editing technology should be completely banned, since it will inevitably result in human extinction.

>> No.20092922

I'm eternally grateful I live in the age of the Internet. I pity the faggots who can't handle God's greatest ever gift.

>> No.20092988

Same, coombro

>> No.20093004

I have a gen x uncle who's a good example of what happens to people who never got into going online. smart guy but he's plateaued since his teens, same interests, lives in a tiny restricted intellectual world determined by what's in the library and what he hears about on tv.

>> No.20093023

What does tobacco have to do with the internet?

>> No.20093025

You can buy fancy tobacco off the internet.

>> No.20093040

The fanciest of fancy pants fags won't ever best the pleasure of smoking what a man himself has labored over. Now what computer-brain?

>> No.20093046

The internet doesn't stop you from growing your own tobacco... yet you don't, curious! In fact, you can learn how to do so on the internet. And many more things too!

>> No.20093063

Well sjit. You got me beat... I am sorry
Meow :3

>> No.20093068

that Neil Postman book...Amusing Ourselves To Death, is that the one?

>> No.20093153

Smoking is bad for you. Frog.

>> No.20093398

It's been a while since I've read it but I must say that he didn't seem to be that much of an original thinker. The book is written in a popular science style which is nice to read but don't expect any deep insights.

>> No.20094056

Are you talking about Ludd books? If so, there’s plenty of those.

>> No.20094385

But it makes me feel good :(

>> No.20095003

Sounds like a personal problem not one lacking an online experience.
If he went online he'd probably be just as limited by what his favorite TV channel's YouTube channel would say

>> No.20096147

Into the shallows by nicholas carr and you are not a gadget by jaron lanier

>> No.20096183

Ivan Illich's Gender. Not explicitly anti-tehcnology but discusses the effects of technology making us all genderless apes, pretty much.

>> No.20096205

Use technology as an asset instead of a lifestyle. Always make sure that you always have a backup method of doing things that aren't dependent on computers, like having a banking app but still knowing how to go to a bank and write checks and such, or having a smart watch send you notifications from your calendar but still writing to-do lists on paper or a day planner.

It's a bit frightening how quickly we can become 100% reliant on modern tech without realizing it.

>> No.20096231

The idiots here are you in claiming all primitivists are schizos. Organization-dependent technology ultimately strips man of his autonomy, self-reliant skills, and more. It also leads to deterioration of local communal cultures, invasion of one's private life, tremendous biodiversity loss, loss of self-sufficient skills, and so on. We are moving in the direction of "Internet of Bodies". It is in the very telos of technology:


Everyone who believes technological "progress" can coexist with authentic traditions, individual autonomy, or nature should genuinely kill themselves or let me do it in a legal setting in Minecraft.

>> No.20096232

Check out Martin Heidegger if you haven’t already. He develops a sort of theory of the way in which the ‘present-at-hand’, a sort of abstract, theoretical apprehension of Being that is fundamentally tied up with technology has eclipsed a more ‘primordial’ mode of being in the world. For him the implications of this process, which can more or less roughly be identified with ‘modernity’, have very far-reaching consequences. But as a disclaimer, he is considered ‘schizo’ by plenty of people.

>> No.20096242

>not schizo

>> No.20096263
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>technological "progress" can coexist with authentic traditions

But they can, fucking dumbass. To suggest that using a polaroid in place of a digital camera on your phone is somehow superior, or that NOT using a calculator provides some sort of advantage is to simply refute progress.

And stop telling people to kill themselves; you never know who you're talking to online, and believe it or not, there are people so close to the edge that something as miniscule as an idiot like you suggesting suicide can be enough to convince them to do it. If I had it my way there would be a damn filter on this website that IP bans anyone who tells someone else to end their own lives.

>> No.20096270

>technological "progress" can
technological "progress" cannot*
I wanted to correct my typo before responding.

>> No.20096294

It's okay, you didn't write anything of much importance anyway. Go hang out somewhere else dumbass.

>> No.20096310
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>simply refute progress.
There is no such thing as progress. There are only trends in human behavior, and the trends were largely similar in pattern prior to industrialization. For example, American farmers lived largely similar lives before and after the American Revolution when compared to Americans before and after industrialization. The technological-industrial civilization brought such drastic changes that went against human nature that it forced man to accommodate the system rather that the other way around. The industrial system itself has primacy and strips man of autonomy and freedom by forcing dependence on its "innovations". Many future technologies may be optional at first, but then it is expected to have them. Likewise, activists may protest Big Data and Azure/AmazonAWS data mining our sensitive data or funding invasive technologies like "neural meshes", but this only defers the issue and the technocratic oligarchs will eventually come back to push their policies when people are distracted, such as by the scamdemic. Everything from the Green Revolution to social media and modern "medicine" have had more negative damage than positive.
Moreover, infant mortality served a role in the past. It served as a form of genetic winnowing, and I can give more complex evolutionary argument if further interested. The human species is heading towards cretinization and infirmity, and we already see it with growing surrogate activities, normalization of debauchery, and more.
>And stop telling people to kill themselves
People always type "kys" on here, idiot. If you don't like that manner of speaking, then you shouldn't be here either. Complaining of verbal abuse on 4chan is stupid.

>> No.20096318

>you didn't write anything of much importance anyway
You are an overly socialized cretin who is fine with being slaves to the industrial-technological system. We are heading in the direction of genetic engineering and "Internet of Bodies". The scamdemic involved one of the biggest wealth transfers to the technocratic elite.

>> No.20096351

>Moreover, infant mortality served a role in the past. It served as a form of genetic winnowing, and I can give more complex evolutionary argument if further interested. The human species is heading towards cretinization and infirmity, and we already see it with growing surrogate activities, normalization of debauchery, and more.
I wanted to post my argument for this:

The problem is today's world is all geared around skills and employment, but warfare was needed because it offered “get rich quick” opportunities for young males to support their families and the human psychology shows this.
That is actually what our evolutionary design is: it kept the village safe, the enemies knocked up, the population under control and sufficient resources for young breeding couples when it was needed.
We are now in some Indianization, like what happened in India during and after the Raj, the young have little money at their peak breeding ability and as a consequence children are growing up subtly malnourished and mentally impoverished, the old are living longer and retaining resource control, infant mortality is too low to permit any genetic winnowing, the species is creeping along the path of cretinization and infirmity.

Note, immunological health correlates with neurological health, so infant mortality did serve as a form of genetic winnowing in the past.

>overly socialize

>> No.20096479
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>nick garr

>> No.20096492

Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Right Now

Weapons of Math Destruction

Industrial Society and its Future

>> No.20096852

Why do people spam this midwit and ignore the guy he copied?

>> No.20096924
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>> No.20096931
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Is antitocquevillefag okay?

>> No.20096991

I keep seeing autistic /pol/ users saying ‘overly socialized’. What is this supposed to mean? Is it just a cope for autistic people who fail to make friends, get pussy, etc? Is it linked up with some wider worldview/theory about socialization? I would really like to know.

>> No.20096995

also, just to mention, I agree with you about the wealth transfer aspect of the pandemic. It’s really undeniable that this happened.

>> No.20097001


>> No.20097003

>ortega y gasset's history as a system
trash. yes ive read it.


junger based. this chart needs serious revision.

>> No.20097019

Lol have you read even a single page of anti tech works? Even Ted's manifesto?

Technology is not separate from us anymore. It's not separate from our relation to others. It is all consuming, hence "the technological society". It's not about trading your mobile for a rotary phone, or deleting social media.

>> No.20097046

That makes no sense. It's the essay closest to Junger.

>> No.20097065

read Marx and stop being a fag. we know u haven’t read him. if u want to be an epic based right wing intellectual u have to at least read that shit, jesus christ. mussolini, dugin, gentile, the list goes on, they all had a grasp of what Marxism actually meant, instead of some teenage screen-damaged allergy to Marx based on le epic SJW compilations

>> No.20097100

Mussolini was a communist, international proletarian revolution and all that shit, but he decided it was bullshit because Italy was a ‘proletarian nation’, dominated by foreign capital and military power, and that every stratum of Italian society should subordinate itself to the nation as an axiomatic, harmonious social fact. At least come up with something like that, you don’t even have to be a Marxist. If Marx is so potent in mobilizing evil in the modern world, and you reject his thought and every social formation that aligns itself with his thought, you need to stop being a pussy and read his work so you can understand more deeply why you hate le gommunism so much. Especially if you’re posting on the literature board.

>> No.20097116

The chart is fine. Heidegger, Marx, Camatte, Spengler, Jünger, plenty of material from very diverse angles. What additions / revisions are necessary in your opinion? Also, Jünger is certified midwit bait so i’m expecting a disappointing answer.

>> No.20097931

>There is no such thing as progress.
>proceeds to explain progress

>> No.20097949

>Are there any anti-technology books that aren't schizo?
That's an inherently schizo stance.
>anti thinking
Pick one.

>> No.20097994

Technology is tiresome. Constant updates, constant bugs and glitches, too many accounts and passwords to memorise, two factor authentication, big tech taking all your personal information, constant fear of data security breaches, throttling of devices, eye strain from using tech 16 hours a day for work, study, errands, and play, ads everywhere, cringe worthy social media, having to blow heaps of money every 3 or so years to keep your tech up to date, programs are all subscription based these days, simple tasks like getting a bank statement require liking a Facebook page and downloading an app, censorship, your work, friends, family, and government always knowing where you are and expecting you to be available 24/7 etc, etc, etc.

Enough already. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of great stuff that’s come from tech but fuck me it’s so tiresome.

>> No.20098034

Yeah, if only he was as cultured and worldly as you.

>> No.20098426

>waning yourself off technology

>> No.20098447

A Choice of Gods by Simak

>> No.20098454

Damn, he sounds so sad. If only he would inundate himself with more technology then he'd truly be happy.

>> No.20099656

Do it

>> No.20099662

It's probably the guy who sperged about Junger for years. Just look at the faggot trying to spam to 300 posts in the last thread

>> No.20099721

how old is your uncle? I'm 39

>> No.20099787

oversocialization means a plateauing of interests, knowledge and ethics based upon people who are usually (but not always) high verbal IQ, uncritical, and hiveminded. most women fall under this distinction, the majority of college graduates are women, because of supposed "quotas" women are able to digest information without problem, but are unable to critique the system effectively, thus leading to educational stagnation. philosophy of technology goes hand in hand with philosophy of education.

>> No.20100773

Spengler is better.

>> No.20100880

It's not my job to educate you

>> No.20100882

Have you read my diary yet?

>> No.20100963
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it's mostly autist cope that ignores how technological developments before industrialization changed how people socialized

>> No.20101078
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>Weapons of Math Destruction


>> No.20101392


>> No.20101802

It is actually

>> No.20101810

>Technology is not separate from us anymore
Never was. Humanity always depended on the tools to live. We are tool-based creatures. I'd argue that a smartphone is world's first transhumanist organ. Think about it. Modern human needs a smartphone. Lack of a smartphone would cripple your life more than lack of a kidney, or a missing limb. Smartphone is a part of a human organism now, it just doesn't reside within the body

>> No.20101815
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The Shallows - Nicholas Carr
The Technological Society - Jacques Ellul
Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man - Marshall McLujan
The Burnout Society - Byung-Chul Han
Amusing Ourselves to Death - Neil Postman

>> No.20101831

You only need to interact with boomers to have that proven wrong to you. It took me half a year to learn how to drive a car. My boomer dad still struggles with the concept of email 20 years later and needs to use a written instruction to torrent files. He's a lifetime driver.

>> No.20101853

sadly only half it is worth reading the rest he gets lost in neoliberal faggotry

>> No.20101932

Zoomers are almost as bad when it comes to technology. Most of them have no idea how to pirate and rely on streaming services or they actually buy things.

>> No.20101969


>> No.20103652

You're a brainless, worthless nigger and so is anybody who didn't address this:

>anybody I disagree with is schizo
>t. disingenuous retard

>> No.20103687

It’s more about your reliance versus your dad’s. Where as he never had to rely on computers for information, you’ve been heavily conditioned to, which breaks down any barriers for accessibility. Nothing to do with intelligence.

I would argue though, that this reliance on quick and easily accessible information has limited our attention spans and critical thinking abilities; but that’s probably going back to even the first instances of television.

>> No.20103770

The only possible answer.

>> No.20103828

>Where as he never had to rely on computers for information, you’ve been heavily conditioned to, which breaks down any barriers for accessibility.
Why is relying on external objects bad? Humanity has been relying on things ever since the first caveman picked up a stick and realised that it lets him reach further and hit harder. Any criticism of technological progress inevitably has to start drawing lines in the sand to separate good technology from the bad without any clear logic. Boomers relied on planes, trains, and automobiles to move around, unlike their badass horserider ancestors, did that ruin their precious self-reliance? Wait, horse is a kind of technology too, legs only or you're a slave to the basilisk.
>would argue though, that this reliance on quick and easily accessible information has limited our attention spans and critical thinking abilities;
Have you a single piece of evidence to back up this claim? Surely aboriginal african tribes and Sentinel Isles inhabitants should have superhuman critical skills and top every academic skill if that's the case, right? Surely we can pluck one of these sharp uberhumans and have him reinvent physics for us mentally deficient internet proles, right? Oh wait, african niggers still struggle with basic algebra, must be colonialism's fault...

>> No.20105252


>> No.20105258


>> No.20106480

cant think yourself jackass? What is schizo about reading practical philosophy for everything you can do in the real world? They are retards and too young at heart to post.

>> No.20107787


>> No.20107961

One Man's Wilderness, Sam Keith + Dick Proenneke

>> No.20109613

It's not about individuals finding a healthy balance in their relationship with technology, it's about a society so steeped in technology that it can't function without subjecting people to unhealthy levels of exposure to technology.

>> No.20109885

sounds so hecking cringe unlike us cultured patricians who skim random Wikipedia entries for trivia so we can appear to have a wide range of knowledge. People also never had wide knowledge before the internet of course.

>> No.20109893

I spened 1-2 hours on screens (mostly for school and some shitposting here), have a flip phone and don't have any social media. It's very comfy.

>> No.20109900

it's not about how many friends you have. Ironically, over socialized people often have fewer true friends.

>> No.20109908 [DELETED] 

Spengler is a major unoriginal retard. Only people who haven't started with the Greeks love him.

>> No.20109919
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Make reading a daily habit and you'll spend more time off of korean basketweaving forums. Don't force yourself to start with the Greeks, begin with authors or subjects you already enjoy.

>> No.20111149

i don't think technology is a problem, but heavily using social media and consuming whatever garbage the culture industry churns out is probably bad for your mental health, which is why i ignore all of that.

anyway, i recommend new dark age: technology and the end of the future by james bridle. it's published by verso (= commie publisher) so potentially "schizo" depending on what you meant by this.

>> No.20112555

comfy as fuck