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/lit/ - Literature

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20088772 No.20088772 [Reply] [Original]

imagining this sperg milton memorizing this crap thinking its gods gift to literature is really cringeworthy

>> No.20088910

>reads like a christian fan fiction self insert into the iliad

Tell me your opinion for when you've actually read it

>> No.20089462


>> No.20089470

reads like a christian fan fiction self insert into the iliad

>> No.20089474

It literally is fanfiction for the bible, there is no way to fairly deny this.

>> No.20089557

people hyped this up way too much for a cynical asshole like me desu, maybe i had too high expectations

>> No.20089580
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The Pilgrim's Progress > Paradife Loft

>> No.20089601

what even is the problem with fanfiction?

>> No.20089856

I am reading book VI right now and the register of images feels like an anime. Milton’s rhetoric is too thick, and the characters too lofty for it to have any effect. He seems to be under the impression that repeating or referencing old tropes with “loftier” subject matter makes his material more grand or more effective than the materials he references or attempts to surpass but usually the effect is the opposite (the Iliad for instance is much more immediate and ime effecting). Milton is at his best, and contrary to the lot of people who criticize his “latinisms,” when he strains his syntax to perform the action that it describes. That is probably his greatest contribution to the language. But as a whole it feels like Paradise Lost is continually dragged down by its subject matter and the ambitions (often tastelessness) of the author.

>> No.20089877


>> No.20089907

John Milton
Like Ossian but not as good

>> No.20090063

itt retards attempting to read poetry

>> No.20090884

Whose paradise was really lost in Paradise Lost?
Was it Satan? or was it Adam and Eve?

>> No.20090898
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>> No.20090915

Finish highschool before posting here, if only to spare us your banal bullshit.

>> No.20090924

you will never be a woman

>> No.20091013


>> No.20091132

itt a bunch of cringe zoomers throwing words like "anime" and "fanfiction" around dismissively because they can't read/ think properly. Every male 23 and younger should just fucking kill himself

>> No.20091146

This entire board is this. I've given up trying to help. I try to give good advice on here too and get called a larp every single time.

>> No.20091193

How do I learn to think properly?

>> No.20091221

That's why it's called Paradise Loft.

>> No.20091241

You're projecting your own buzzword-addled mind onto others.

>> No.20091453

Actually this is the reason why it's so based

>> No.20091767

So you would defend the sort of person I'm criticizing? If so, provide a defence. If not, you're simply a triggered faggot zoomer