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20086629 No.20086629 [Reply] [Original]

will studying the men in women’s romance novels make me better at dating?

>> No.20086632

Depends. Are you attractive? If you’re ugly and you try acting like Christian Grey, women will call the police on you.

>> No.20086833

only if you are already a handsome billionaire like mr grey

>> No.20086902

In real life Anastasia would come back in five years and claim that Christian "groomed" her and she was "mentally underage" in order to ruin his life and/or extort a bunch of money. This would be followed by a bunch of other whores who didn't even know him to "come forward".

>> No.20086906


>> No.20087028

roasties hated schizo jesus because he spoke the truth

>> No.20087238

Yeah if you're hot at which point it doesn't matter to begin with just fucking suffer

>> No.20087246


>> No.20087316

i havent read the book but watched the movies but this was a strong theme throughout all 3. its remarkable that the book that most famously normalised sexual deviancy(bdsm) is also a staunch critique of the people that engage in it.

Christian takes part in the act because hes fucked in the head and he has a long list of ex's similarly mindfucked or manipulated into being mindfucked. though of course this is bypassed by the self insert MC being too hot and independant to be buck broken and instead the rich billion bends his own mindfuckedness to become normal

>> No.20087447

no. it's a fantasy, and it's fun to imagine for some women, but very few want a relationship like the ones portrayed in romance novels.
think of it like this: you might watch incest porn, but you probably wouldn't actually fuck your sister

>> No.20087467

how hard is it to get good sales for independent KDP romance titles? Asking for reasons.

>> No.20087497

it's hard to start. if you find a niche where not many other people are writing and stay within that niche, you can build a small but loyal following that might be just enough to keep you afloat financially
>t.strongly considered writing smut on amazon for extra income

>> No.20087501

t. O'Connor and Morrison afficionado dripping in choccy kween poonani

>> No.20088025

Just go to Tumblr and look up `x reader' fics, that's all you need to know. There are entire fandoms dedicated to particular celebrities, consisting of married women who write porn about other men. And yes, it will make you better, in fact, if you interpret it correctly.

>> No.20088329
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>but you probably wouldn't actually fuck your sister
yes.. it is correct that i do not want to fuck my sister at all..

>> No.20088351

Read Egomaniac and "normal" erotic novels, dont go reading 50 shades cause this shit will get you in prison.


>> No.20088415

A woman only wants a vapid life of fads & to keep men competing for her, with the euphemism of being a princess seduced by princes, only to end up in bed where she wants to talk dirty, to be fucked raw while squirting everywhere, exclaiming ''omg this never happened to me before'', succumbing to a convulsive orgasm, the highlight of her life, the legendary vaginal holy grail heard about during the regular sex gossip at the spa with her girl friends giggling in unison.
For years she dreamed it was HERTURN, yet for years she put up with subpar self-glorifying sexual partners hooked up from work, hobbies & bars, conveniently avoiding thinking her sex-based existence. She's not ready to accept it & keeps in the back of her mind a vague fantasy of merging the vaginal duality of the princess at day & whore at night: the state of a glorified Liberated Lady, all the time, where her cognitive dissonance would've no beginning & no end. No more hysteria, no more schizophrenia, pure non-duality. Diana would be proud of her enlightenment.

At this stage, women prefer to let the men do the first step, let them think they're in control & the stronger sex, as a bonus she doesn't view herself as a total slag & gets the harassment card if the orbiters are too repulsive. Men love this, falling hook, line & sinker.

Willy-nilly, the little minx ends up pregnant, it's what happen after years of bending over. She debates for a few days whether to keep it, whether to tell whoever she thinks fertilized her these last few weeks.
She fancies playing the helicopter mom, feeling like protecting & providing for a tiny kid, taking it in her arms & feel the heartbeats; exactly what men dream of doing to women.
Women love their kids, remain faithful to them. Women never love men & aren't faithful to men. They don't even need to anyway. Women practice love like a banker at JPMorgan performing a cost-benefit analysis.

Bored with the helicopter mom, plus the kids grew up, she longs for the golden years of her 20s when she was kind of a looker. Why not go for a tattoo or a makeover?
She's spreading them even wider, in secret or not, this time dropping the prudish act for she knows what she wants after all those experiences & with little effort on her side, she still gets various bulls eager to be at her doorsteps.
The menopause really kicks in & all her aging orbiters have only a semi hard-on from her when she's nude. She thinks about a breast lift, some bottox but she feels bittersweet as the end is near. She's open about the swinger sex. Her official provider accepts to be one of her numerous cuckolds & is happy to make her happy, to be here day after day for her & her kids.

Hardly any man looks, now that she's a young grandma, a bit jealous of her daughter relentlessly becoming what she was.
Grandma finally dies & everybody says she was a saint. The daughter hits the wall, the teen gr&daughter bleeds & is active, it's her turn to embrace the cycle of the vaginal existence.

>> No.20088417


>> No.20088450

Doing this, you will mostly get kpop fics on top. Don't read them, you're never going to look as good as them. Read shit from ugly actors like that Mandolorian guy. Though be warned, reading these will make you so disgusted at women, that you will lose any attraction to them.

>> No.20088528

Interesting. Can you lay down some links for further reading?

>> No.20088752
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don’t tell me there’s actual women on this board
what man in his right mid wouldn’t fuck his sister if there’s no repercussions

>> No.20088823

I have met this woman supposedly, she's been to my house as my mum used to babysit her two children I think she is like 1/4 colombian or something some latin american country

>> No.20088833

Everyone not Jewish, or a sociopath.

>> No.20088863

come here to say this.
the gym will get you laid if your face isn't fucked.

>> No.20089130

Correct, but you also can't magically change your gender like a glowing unicorn color hug.

>> No.20089143

Not him, some of them are not that badly written, and do explore toxic complex relationships, which I like reading; the only problem is that the writers and its audience often fantasise about them. It's like if Lolita was written by a pedophile.
Follow one person and that should be enough to find your way through the fandom.

Honestly, though I can't hate women for this. Sure, I am not like them; I don't obsess about celebrities; nor do I want to fuck killers and girls half my age; I don't want to treat any women as a sex object (which a lot of these fics do); I definitely won't be fantasising about other women when I am married to someone---but it would be a fallacy to hate women for this. Because have you looked at the shit men do? Obsessing about all OnlyFans models, paying streamers, anime women pillows, all the sexes are the same. On retrospect, I do hate women for fantasising about shit like this, but I also hate men equally. Everyone in this concrete hellhole is the same dopamine addicted sex crazed maniac, and I despise them all.

Even if you're ugly manlet dicklet haircel wristcel coping asian currycel prey eye framelet, going to the gym is only going to increase you chances, or at least not decrease it, and it definitely is going to increase other qualities of your life. You should aim to be physically healthy regardless of muh women. I think the place you're looking for is >>>/r9k/

>> No.20089151

A fucked up tranny wrote this shit. I feel sad for that thing.

>> No.20089164
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>Even if you're ugly manlet dicklet haircel wristcel coping asian currycel prey eye framelet, going to the gym is only going to increase you chances, or at least not decrease it, and it definitely is going to increase other qualities of your life.
No it isn't.

>> No.20089203

And your point? In all those pictures except the neck and leprechaun dude, they probably looked hugely better than they were previously. And almost all of them look ugly because of their ugly hair, dumb facial expression, generic flexing pose, etc. Some of them don't even look bad.
>Jason Blaha

>> No.20089256

Because women don't care about muscles. They care about face and height (genetic), which can't be changed. Fit incel is still incel, there's no way to escape a ugly face and short height.

>> No.20090044
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So what I glean from this is that women only get wet for:
A super hot business man that, all while making six figures and regularly having to go on business trips, takes care of literally every last thing for her like she’s a fucking toddler, including all the housework and raising the kids. Also despite having not a single extraordinary quality that distinguishes her from the next woman and not doing *anything* for him except snapping at him sarcastically from time to time, he loves her to pieces and devotes his everything to her happiness because … reasons. Also he’s a sadistic psychopathic murderer but she is somehow the only person in the world he never harm because … reasons.

Makes you think

>> No.20090264

>choccy kween
Just say "apes".

>> No.20090405
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>tfw not attracted to humans and reading this thread

>> No.20090435
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