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/lit/ - Literature

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20085526 No.20085526 [Reply] [Original]

I have just finished the web serial called Worm by Wildbow. Its a "realistic" take on super hero stories. I takes super hero tropes and makes realistic or universe explanations for why their reality works that way. It was written in 2011.

>This has been one of my favorite modern works of the last decade.

>> No.20085551

Man I've been thinking about reading this for a while, I have it saved as an epub on my kobo and everything, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I know I'd love it, but it's so fucking long.

>> No.20085565


Just take the plunge.
It has a universe as big as marvel and DC but it has a higher quality all the way through.

>> No.20085571

i don't look at inclusive cartoons

>> No.20085574

Capeshit deconstruction is just as tired and stale as capeshit itself.

>> No.20085576

It also seems you don't read at all.

>> No.20085583

it has really nothing to do with inclusive tumblr shit. This is just some of the better looking fan art I could find.

>> No.20085589

>Fans of Worm praise it effusively, often drawing comparisons between other superhero works (such as Marvel Universe or The DCU) and portraying Worm as far and away the better of the two. Many recommend it as a must-read work that skillfully handles themes of trauma, racism, and government corruption, among others, praising the characters as more realistic and likable than any they've encountered in other works. A number of readers drawn in by said recommendations have not found Worm lived up to the hype (especially in its handling of social issues) and some may have critiqued it more harshly than they might have had they not been told it was the greatest work of fiction since Harry Potter, or at least a superior superhero story to anything in the mainstream.

>> No.20085593

It is neither reconstruction nor deconstruction.
It is a quality story made by one passionate man.
2011 was a lot less of a political atmosphere for media being made. So it doesn't have big nose small hat syndrome

>> No.20085612

>takes super hero tropes and makes realistic or universe explanations for why their reality works that way.

Alan Moore did it 25 years earlier. Despite him writing the definitive "it's capeshit but grittier, gorier and with the occasional rape" story, the concept has still been done to death since then: the Boys, Kick-Ass, Worm, Invincible, etc.

>> No.20085619

I've read it and its just too fucking long. The entire background plot with cauldron and scion is just unnecessary for a good capeshit deconstruction.

>> No.20085625

While you could say its been done to death, you can't say that those interpritations are overtly sexual and violent for for little reason other than shock value. Worm has large sections that are dedicated to the smaller quiet moments of having a life with powers. Also I think it is miles more tasteful than the Boys or Invincible. Invincible isn't even a commentary on super heroes, its just super heroes that swear and get bloody. And the Boys is just "ha ha 2000s corporate America is bad"

>> No.20086211
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I read it, and found it okay. Never understood why /lit/ hates it other than some person writing his passion project while /lit/ does nothing.

>> No.20086324

Is it realistic? I didn't get that sense. Gritty and grimdark yes, but not "realistic". Realistic would be a lot more boring, with the superheroes waiting around with no one to fight.

People complain about the length but it works. You can skim through really fast, and the plot clues get hidden in plain sight.

>> No.20086380

Never heard of it before this thread, can it be categorized as fun genre fiction, then? I don't really mind length

>> No.20086576

it could be.
I like to think of it as a super hero setting with a much more defined set of rules.
Unlike marvel your not going to get a revolving door on people being dead and coming back.

>> No.20086597
File: 89 KB, 1200x958, 1647573857574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gay black man/girl/cant tell with emo mask and hair
>smug hapa
>gay whiteboi with anime goggles making le black widow ass pose
>strong black man surrounded by nerdy, flirty white girls
>ALL HERE TO BRING YOU LE REALISTIC GRIMDARK TALE OF SUPERHEROES, TOTALLY NOT DONE BEFORE OR ANYTHING (watchmen, the boys, all the evil superman twists DC has done, the evil xmen and avengers etcetc)
yea miss me with that shit

>> No.20086613

this was literally just fan art i found

>> No.20086617
File: 115 KB, 1365x2048, eid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yah its pretty great, not perfect of course (especially on a thematic level), but its probably the best take on gritty superheros since watchmen. Just don't read the sequel unless you hate yourself.

>> No.20086618

He doesn't care, he's from >>>/pol/

>> No.20086627

well it sucks find better fanart
ill judge it by purely artistic measures then: its still shit. toddler drawings. gay anime goggles and fucking dated scene haircuts and masks.

>> No.20087281
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>one of the main protagonists is an actual rapist
How did he get away with it?

>> No.20087285

The better question: how did he managed to make it seem justified?

>> No.20087391
File: 105 KB, 850x1001, LRSGw3u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck was wrong with the powers in this series? They made me afraid of shit I hadn't even realized I should be afraid of. There's shit like Taylor shoving bugs down your urethra and Alec hijacking your body, but then there's nightmare fuel that takes it further.

Literally nothing you can do matters, it's all part of the plan so just give up, no way to win save submitting to their will—and you could be submitting without knowing it.
Standard mind-rape powers, but with the added effect of pinpointing you inside a city full of people.
Fuckton of powers that keep on building, plus if you kill it you become part of the schizo hivemind.
>Grey Boy
This one makes me piss my pants the most—you're just left in an infinite loop of agony or whatever he feels assed to do with you until the sun burns out and no one can do shit about it, and that's that. How did heroes ever fight this kid if they knew one wrong move meant a fate infinitely worse than death? I'd put a bullet in my head if I ever came across his line of sight.
Franken Fran murder loli on steroids, just fucking stitch your brain into a public urinal and have you feel mind-melting agony whenever you get flushed or some shit. Fucked in the head. Suicide would be preferable to running across the S9 in general.

And I've only read a couple chapters in the sequel, but I'm sure things take a turn for the worse there too, the tone was already gloomy and depressing. Living in that universe must be hell.

>> No.20087514

sounds like naruto but worse

>> No.20087517

Funny how people that claim it's a "realistic" take on superheroes have read exactly zero comic book universes to know how realistic they are and instead get their info from watered down Hollywood adaptations.

Take for example:
>higher quality
How would you know? Have you read a single literary comic before?

>> No.20087755

If you want all that read Astro City

>> No.20088203

Narushit is toddler garbage

>> No.20088212

Fitting thread then.

>> No.20088247

>capeshit but liek realistic
Wow, original

>> No.20088292
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My favorite genre shit "book", desu. I love the main character.

>> No.20088332

She's like 14 anon

>> No.20088359

She's like 18 at the end. I'm only 25.

>> No.20088632

She also has no tits, no ass and is a gigantic edgelord

>> No.20088637

She's not even close to an edgelord lol.

>> No.20088727

>ooooh the darknesss woe is me the government is corrupt fuck heroes fuck society
>fuuuck I miss my dead mom why do I get bullied in school :(
>I cover myself in bugs, I am the darkness, I am vengeance

>> No.20089753

>what if superman was...LE BAD!


>> No.20090188

There wasn't a single LE SUPERMAN in the series, the closes was Scion and he was more like a Jesus figure

>> No.20090253

The problem with both Worm and Ward is that almost every Arc is a tedious slog through long, drawn out fights that almost come across as a military campaign with superpowers as opposed to anything else. The ABB takeover of the city isn't that different from the Brockton Bay anarchy, which isn't that different from the Slaughterhouse Nine arc, which isn't that different than Ward's fight with the Fallen or the battle with Teacher's forces.

There is no variety in the action, only a repeated cycle with slight variation and increased stakes each time. I don't have a gripe with Wildbow's writing or his formula. My gripe is his singular narrative structure makes every Arc devolve into a slog, to the point where when I read the next Arc I'm rolling my eyes and thinking "not again, please".

>> No.20090277

The better question is why do you always make snarky off-handed remarks about /lit/ users over what you perceive to be "snobbery" like an emotionally discharged girl?

>> No.20090296

>Person writes his passion project
>/lit/ can only seethe while using pseud cope to feel better
He's kinda right.

>> No.20090314

>passion project
Buzzword. All books are "passion projects", the only difference now is that it's easier to attract cult followings than ever before. This doesn't mean anything.

>> No.20090317

All of that isn't to say that I don't enjoy it. I do. But I can't grind through it in one long series of sittings anymore.

>> No.20090320

>Keeps proving him right

>> No.20090337

I know your type, you flock in from /wg/ and attempt to demoralize the whole board with your "I am fucking superior" attitude because no one wants to give your amateur milquetoast dime novel tier trash the time of day. I'm not even mad at you, I just pity you.

>> No.20090355

lame murrican pomo bullshit for nerds with too much free time, patiently awaiting for the next "hype" arc not unlike a marvel fan excited for the new avengers movie. you should have grown past this when you became an adult, instead you ended up like:

>> No.20090364

I read half of it in like 2016 or 2017. I thought it was pretty okay for the most part. I lost it wherever the metal guy gets introduced (maybe not even halfway through, I can't really remember)

>> No.20090538

> he’s shallow enough to dislike something for being “dated”
I’m kinda glad I missed the emo years, I might have bought into it and ended up cringing at myself like anon here.

>> No.20090646

Never include me in your dimwit posts again dipshit faggot I'll beat the shit out of you

>> No.20090662

t. nigger consciousness

>> No.20090721

It's fine, a bit too long and overgory but it's American so it really doesn't surprise. Overall it's the trite "save the cheerleader save the world" type of plot that doesn't really do any bad, the main protagonist is deliciously flawed tho and her shenanigans are at least entertaining for a decent portion of the book.

>> No.20090725

>but it's American

>> No.20090800

While I would love to entertain about the differences between French and Provencal literature I bet absolutely no one on this board would even try to stomach my rambling- not because that would be boring mind you (or at least that wouldn't be why I would get scorned) -no, it's because the variance between the two is minimal compared to what differ between two entirely separate nations literature. Yet, I would argue that in comparison they might as well be Ancient Mandarin Mythology and modern North African Transhumanism if put against American and Canadian literature.

>> No.20090840

Read Greg veder vs the world it's much better then this grim fantasy nonsense.

>> No.20090910

>another european colony in the North American region completely divorced from its origins
Who cares

>> No.20090993

im from /pol/ too, you know why? because we're on 4chan.org

>> No.20091010
File: 549 KB, 1860x2508, scion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the dust has settled, what the fuck was his problem?

>> No.20091042

Literally came to destroy the world as part of his mating process. Mate died because fucked too hard with a dangerous stranger. Hung around larping because there was nothing else to do because he was maidenless. Author wanted Jack Slash to be the Joker, so he snaps out of nowhere because of a few words, kicking off the final arc. Wildbow needed an editor and a few more drafts but sadly that's not what we got.

>> No.20091171

Total dreck.

>> No.20091264

Jack setting him off isn't too crazy, considering that Scion starting acting like a hero after a couple words from a hobo. Also the twist that Jack's power is actually for broadcasting is a decent explanation for why Scion would listen to him over other people.

>> No.20091290

It’s trash. I’ve never called something reddit during my entire life, but Wildbow is reddit incarnate. Most of his characters even talk like redditors.

>> No.20091300

This, just read this:
>"I envy you, that it’s so easy for you to think of things in terms of black and white. I’d like to think I’m a good person, believe it or not. Everything I’ve done, I did because I thought it was right at the time. In hindsight, some of the ends didn’t justify the means, and sometimes there were unforseen consequences.” Like Dinah. “But I don’t think of myself as a bad person.”

>> No.20091583

Can you niggers go back to /co/ please?

>> No.20091995

>Black BF

>> No.20092530

Is talking in strings of clichés a character trait or the sign of the author never having read much anything?

>> No.20092862

It's the protagonist puffing themselves up, the next line is the other person in the dialogue rightfully dismissing them:
>“Then you’re either ignorant, deluded or you have a very twisted perspective.”
I think people are forgetting that the protagonist starts off as a shithead teenager that fumbles consistently, and improves incrementally as time goes on. The original line that poster took from is very early on. I'm not gonna pretend Worm is anything above basic, but as a page-turner it serves its purpose adequately.

>> No.20094028

Sounds about right.

>> No.20094052

male protagonists?

>> No.20094951

I've been meaning to give it a try for years
I should just take the plunge

>> No.20094995

Not gonna read it.
Fuck capeshit
>b-but it’s le epic deconstruction!
Shut up

>> No.20095173
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>Interlude 10

>> No.20095625

>she becomes a cuckquean to black bull
Based as fuck honestly

>> No.20096266

Only based if he has a small pp
Anyways, I stopped reading the story halfway through because the pacing is horrendously sloooooooow and the interludes, more specifically the donation ones, are uninteresting.

>> No.20097428

I just started reading this after seeing it discussed here. It's not fantastic, but it's definitely more entertaining than anything else I've read published in the last 10 years.
Keep in mind that I'm not very far in yet, but it's refreshing to see white supremacists portrayed as something other than cartoonishly evil nazis or shitty dumb Trump analogues. So far, Kaiser and Purity are well written (and based) and the author is realistic in the portayal of white supremacist orgs as just gangs for white people, not existential threats to democracy or whatever reddit believes. I'll probably drop it if they go full retard on that.