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20084180 No.20084180 [Reply] [Original]

Where should one start with Joseph Conrad?

>> No.20084190

The Secret Agent

>> No.20084200

Heart of Darkness

>> No.20084208

??? it's gotta be Nostromo

>> No.20084228

The Nigger of Narcissus

>> No.20084238

The greeks

>> No.20084262

A favorite between the ages of 8 and 14. Essentially a writer for very young people. Certainly inferior to Hemingway and Wells. Intolerable souvenir-shop style, romanticist clichés. Nothing I would care to have written myself. In mentality and emotion, hopelessly juvenile. Romantic in the large sense. Slightly bogus.

>> No.20084300

Filtered by an ESL of all authors

>> No.20084305

Heart Of Darkness. If you want to be super autistic, I guess start with "Youth".

>> No.20084306

>inferior to the war of the worlds
I have no idea what Nabokov was talking about. That was the first real book I ever read at like 10 and I even thought it was cheesy

>> No.20084396

The Secret Agent and Under Western Eyes are both great. But really all his known novels are worth your while -- with IMO the exception of Lord Jim -- its when you get into his later work, with things like Victory that he becomes much more uneven. .

>> No.20084520

Start with Conrad's short stories first.

>> No.20084564

I had no opinion on Conrad till I read your post. Now I conclude he must be great.

>> No.20084585

An author once told me to understand Lord Jim and Heart of Darkness, it's best to first read the Lingard Trilogy.

>> No.20084941

Has this retard never read Nostromo?

>> No.20085009
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kek the nabakov fag is becoming completely unhinged after being thoroughly BTFO, and now hes spamming every thread he can, not just dostoyevsky ones

>> No.20085130

heart of darkness obviously