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20080597 No.20080597[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Having fun IS pretty hard
when the library's filled with homeless retards

>> No.20080628


Went in the big downtown branch the other day and sure enough within five minutes, some rough-looking ethnic schizo lady started raving loudly until security forced her into the elevator. The building has a large, acoustic atrium that seems to have been specifically designed to disturb as many people as possible once one asshole starts shouting.

>> No.20080685

Having fun is nice and easy
when what I want is on z-library.

“But I don’t have an e-reader!”
Then cope, broke-ass city-slicker.

>> No.20080755

Real talk why can’t we just murder all homeless people?

>> No.20080767

if your shit country had sufficient support for homelessness, then it wouldn't be a fucking issue, now would it?

>> No.20080774

America has many homeless shelters, unemployment insurance, reduced cost housing programs, many charities, places like California make it so you can’t bulldoze homeless camps

>> No.20080814

It does. There is no such thing as "homelessness," hobos are just a stable underworld society of voluntary gypsies, because the law refuses to treat them as vagrants (which is what they actually are). And now sheltered pussies from California and wannabe California regions have turned them into their latest protected class and fetish object.

>> No.20080824

And obviously all that is insufficient if there even needs to be rules about bulldozing homeless camps. why the hell are there huge homeless camps if there's so much support?

>> No.20080857

The problem is crazy people/junkies, not economic hardship for most of them. Reopening mental institutions would get them off the street, but boomers closed them all.

>> No.20080895

Because some people really, really like drugs. Others are severely mentally ill.

>> No.20080958

the fact that that many junkies and mentally ill people even can congregate in groups that size is also proof of failing. Every place has severely mentally ill people and junkies. Not every place has huge homeless camps.

>> No.20081224

Try living in Northwestern Europe and/or Schengen areas… gypsies fucking everywhere. They use the libraries to charge their phones, fill their water bottles, stash their 10+ bags of personal belongings and useless shit, loiter and smell bad. Oh, and they always FaceTime their relatives in Romania and play loud music as well. Of course the idiots working in the libraries won’t do anything about it, so we’re stuck with gypsies shutting up most metropolitan libraries (and other public spaces as well)

>> No.20081244

>open library book
>its full of markings that 100% didnt help the culprit
I hate all of you faggots

>> No.20081257

Drug addiction and mental illness is a direct result of economic hardship.
Except for the ctual schizos.

>> No.20081268

Just wait for the 3 million ukrainian retards to finally settle in, they'll add a whole new layer of loud and obnoxious behaviour everywhere you go

>> No.20081291

This. Addicts are not always homeless, often times they're even your neighbors, they're obnoxious when they shout and bring people over and get high as fuck or drunk as fuck sometimes. Has nothing to do with whether they live on the streets or not, some of them are vets and seem to get free housing from the looks of it.

>> No.20081297

The function of American libraries is socialized pornography

>> No.20081581

enjoy your soulless words, devoid of any significance and connection to the world around you and the life you live in it, anon

>> No.20081583


FP here, I see them every day and I'm down. "The poop people", I call them. Life unworthy of life.

Best thing to come out of covid was that they took all the library chairs away. You could actually browse the good stuff in peace.

>> No.20081599

>he wore the mask
>he took the jab

>> No.20081654


Missing the point. Regardless of one's feelings on the rest of it, taking the chairs away in a public library-for whatever reason-was an objectively good step which has now sadly been reversed.

>> No.20081678

speak english, retard

>> No.20081722

People always say this is common in America but I have lived in half a dozen different cities from mid sized to major metros and have never encountered it. Sure the occasional drunk or homeless but they get the boot if they are being disruptive. Is this a west coast thing? I have yet to go west of the rockies.

>> No.20081737
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>Bro, there's homeless shelters bro. It doesn't matter that there's no social security for homeless or otherwise it's their fault for not pulling themselves up by their bootstraps in a system playing against them bro

>> No.20081742

I work in a library and plan on writing a book about my experiences with all the crazies that come through our doors. If I make it big and it gets the same kind of traction as other public service memoirs like Adam Kay’s This Is Going To Hurt, I need some kind of code to signal my /lit/ frens in the thank-you section. What should I say?

>> No.20081814

It's kind of like the "gun problem" in the US. Take blacks with unregistered pistols out of the statistics and America has comparable gun issues to Switzerland. Which is to say none.

The problem is upstream of "these people don't have houses." Actual homeless people, in the sense people mean when they say homeless, do exist, but those people almost always get off the street within a couple years because there are opportunities for them. The ones who don't are people who refuse help, refuse the extremely generous terms of what help exists (like having to work toward supporting yourself in some way). These people are mostly stable drug addicts who have a very well established routine on the street. A lot of them are in and out of shelters and even have places to live sometimes, they just don't mind being semi-vagrants.

It's not a black and white issue.

>> No.20081818
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the problem is that there are no more wars, famines or plagues.
people like these would've been wiped out by marauding forces or would've died of starvation / exposure.
something like the black plague or 30 years war or polish occupation during ww2 needs to be applied to california

>> No.20081874
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>there are no more wars or plagues.

>> No.20081888

not on the scale of past centuries

>> No.20081899

>not on the scale of past centuries

>> No.20081949
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>> No.20082776
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Did anybody read pic related? I read it around the start of 2022 and found it interesting. Agreed with most of what he says although it seems like he's dishonest about certain bits of information. Curious what other people think

>> No.20082899

~50% of homeless men suffered some form of traumatic brain injury before they became homeless https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/04/140425104714.htm.. It's a complicated issue that govts are not equipped to handle and no amount of programs or shelters are going to fix it. There will always be a portion of the population that struggles to function. It's just one of those things. Just take care of yourself and your loved ones so they don't end up on the streets inconveniencing the public

>> No.20082932

>>20081742 Here is your thesis. Just as the public has a universal expectation to use the public library, an organ of the state, so too does it have a reasonable expectation to be able to use that resource without undue disruption. The very presence of homeless poop-people and belligerent schizos constitute undue disruption, thus warranting their exclusion, or else security wouldn't be needed in large urban libraries such as the one I've described earlier. It is legitimate to bar such people from a public library altogether, based on a consistent pattern of being stupid, in order to safeguard the peaceful availability of the library to the good taxpaying public.

But then SCOTUS gets things wrong all the time. I'd have to look it up, but I think they made some old ruling which allowed the poop-people to go about and which let the bag ladies on the streets.

>> No.20082935


Governments are well-equipped to handle the problem. Identify them and shoot them dead.

>> No.20082958


America has a huge vagabond retard genetic mutant underclass. Among and homeless and in bad parts of the country the amount of hideous inbred retards spikes dramatically. They really are their own distinct social class, probably has to do with welfare, subsidized housing, and other factors that allow people like that to congregate together and reproduce. In a healthy society they would either be locked up or forced into financial dependency to relatives or charity. And it wouldn't be viable for them to have kids much less their own separate class subculture

>> No.20083130

I'm planning on reading it so maybe in a week or so I'll make a thread about it. It looks interesting

>> No.20083299

why do middle class seethe about the homeless so much. it is not indifferent and aristocratic contempt for a lower form of life, it is some kind of actual resentment.. as if they are being victimised by the mere existence of hobos.

>> No.20083320

>Oh, and they always FaceTime their relatives in Romania and play loud music as well
As a non-gypsy Romanian I can assure you they do the exact same thing here and we hate them just as much.

>> No.20083330

Homeless people cause a sort of visceral disgust and discomfort. Part of it is that they see homeless people as less than human for being so pathetic as to become homeless, but the other part is that it assaults their sense of comfort. For homeless people to exist at all is a failure of institutions, it "says" things about crime and mental health and the social safety net and most of all the tenuous nature of that middle class comfort. Obviously, they do not want to think about those things.

>> No.20083567

Blame Regan. He got rid of indefinite institutionalization with the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act and then when he was reelected he reshuffled funding that was already fucking working in the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act.to the states and reduced federal spending on mental illness. It was working and then a republican conservative happened and now we don't have state asylums and these people are either shitting on the street, getting criminalized, or ruining public areas like the library.

>> No.20083577

Would you not be resentful if I came into your favorite house and pissed all over the furniture, or tore up the garden and took dumps in your favorite park?

>> No.20083603

Homeless people are ugly and I want them to be hanged.

>> No.20083608

Yeah, let's just take more from hand working white men and funnel it to leeches who've never done a damn thing for this country in their lives and never will no matter how much "support" you give them.
"Support" is effeminate.
We need less compassion and more accountability.

>> No.20083756

This is blatantly false. Cope and seethe Am*erican.

>> No.20083764

Try using libgen and a phone. I have about 1000 books in my library. People still wasting money and natural resources on books boggle my mind.

>> No.20083829

people like you are some of the most retarded people on the planet, and actively make everything worse.

>> No.20083937

Been having this problem lately too, some crackheadady keeps telling on her phone about her train tickets or whatever shit. Can hear here with headphones. Fucking libraries have turned into trash heaps. God damn disgrace

>> No.20083939

no u

>> No.20083974

The government should just start collecting homeless people into Alabama. Eventually they would start living off the land and taking care of themselves. From there they would be easier to treat