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/lit/ - Literature

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20077982 No.20077982[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The Judge is the most reddit character in literature

How is /lit/ so blind to this?

>> No.20077992

In the sense that he is the spirit of the time yes today he would be a raging take the vax and submit to the corporatocracy redditor. Why? Because that maximizes the power seeking behavior of those who have power.

>> No.20078003

I think the guy from Confederacy of Dunces is more reddit

>> No.20078008

The underground man was pretty reddit

>> No.20078030

I hate this place.
I said I would stop coming here.
I wish I had friends irl so I could leave.

>> No.20078037

Same breh

>> No.20078047

I have friends irl and I still come here. Learn to filter

>> No.20078065

I used to have friends irl and I stopped coming here nearly so often for years. It was nice.
Austin if you're reading this tell kayla to eat a sandwich and take it easy with the vyvanse

>> No.20078075

McCarthy is poppin today!
I haven't read anything of his!

>> No.20078104

Ignatius was a virgin catholic NEET who bullied his mom for tendies.

>> No.20078108

What is it with us litfags and having Vyvanse crunching bitches for friends
Are they the only ones who tolerate us
The only ones that can keep up?
Probably the only ones who are actually interested in what we have to say bc Vyvanse makes everything interesting

>> No.20078125

Sounds fun to be around for awhile, where do I meet a Vyvanse-gf? Preferably one that won't share her Vyvanse.

>> No.20078276

Ignatius is the living embodiment of wizchan

>> No.20078388


>> No.20078393

hal incandenza was a bit of a redditor

>> No.20078394

He's just a real person bro


>> No.20078627

>The Judge is the most reddit character in literature
That’s Patrick Batemen.

>> No.20079188

being reddit means being a little edgy but all in all wholesome with boring humour and pleb taste.
the judge is well-mannered and cruel with a sick humour and excellent patrician taste.
STOP raiding my Bangladeshi book-binding forum!

>> No.20079197

I only come here because most people IRL hate me. so its "here", I guess.

>> No.20079206
File: 641 KB, 1280x1164, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Sundowner took inspiration from the Judge or is perhaps outright based on him?

>very tall
>very pale
>very bald
>abducts children
>honest warmonger

>> No.20079212

you might just be paranoid. you might think most people hate you, but in reality, most people don't know you. then there are the people who do know you, a small minority in a small community. probably 80% ignore you, 10 % really do hate you, and another 10% have some sort of sympathies for you. in other words, go outside more.

>> No.20079574

when I worked a restaurant job for a year I got some normie friends, started hanging out, drinking with them partying etc. All I got from those relationships were hangovers, less savings each month, banal conversations, narcissistic, histrionic behaviorisms, vanity. All for some recognition and some drunk laughs. I'm glad I cut contact with the after I quit.

This is my experience with normie friends:. First you enjoy the recognition of being accepted as a friend, it's mildly amusing getting to know someone, hearing their individual life paths, learning about their unique qualities, pet peeves, interests (if they even have any) etc. But learning to know them is like drinking a sip of fruit juice -- the first sip tastes good when you get to know them, they seem friendly and interesting for a while. But as soon as you've taken the sip, which tastes good, the glass is empty. There's nothing there anymore. There isn't any depth, any wonder, anything interesting. You know their entire world, their identity -- which is just the jobs they've had, what they studies in school, what products they like buying, what movies they watch. It's all external. They have no inner life, no inner monolog, no own thoughts. They talk about things, vain experiences, the latest tik tok videos they've seen. The experience of speaking to them just feels empty and vain. Their talking ponts, their opinions all become predictable once you understand what types of media they consume, which they parrot.

Hanging out here I read more and once in a while have an interesting discussion about lit. The laughs I get from shitposting, and I don't get tangled up in normie drama and banality. I do however long to meet interesting people, which I don't know how to do

>> No.20079575
File: 60 KB, 419x505, 54d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20079618

>They have no inner life, no inner monolog, no own thoughts. They talk about things, vain experiences, the latest tik tok videos they've seen. The experience of speaking to them just feels empty and vain. Their talking ponts, their opinions all become predictable once you understand what types of media they consume, which they parrot.
keep telling yourself that if it gives you some sort of self-worth. no wonder you don't enjoy companionship when you view everybody else as intellectually inferior to you. most everybody has an inner life and things that worry them, you are just too much of a narcissist to recognize that

>> No.20079646

your thought patterns do not substantively differentiate you from them. your internal delusions are completely irrelevant. I could place you in society and you would not do or threaten anything that others do not do or threaten

>> No.20079655

Part of the appeal of McCarthy’s fiction is that he takes pop fiction and makes it literary, so the critique that his fiction is genre-esque, or YA-esque, or “Reddit” doesn’t make much sense.

>> No.20079667

>no wonder you don't enjoy companionship when you view everybody else as intellectually inferior to you
I view myself as pretty dumb actually, I just like discussing theory, religion and lit which normies are incapable of doing. They have no interest in understanding the world beyond mainstream media, and I don't believe it's because they're dumb, but because they're vain.

>most everybody has an inner life and things that worry them
Yeah no shit, that's actually another thing I forgot to mention about normies, they love to talk about their insignificant problems, complain and bicker about them. I feel like I'm acting as a psychologist to normies moping about how sad it is that they can't find anything good to watch on netflix.

>dude your inner life doesn't matter -- only external actions do
yeah I'm not a nihilistic materialist and don't care about such things. I don't see myself as a snowflake either, I just can't understand how normies have such little interest for truth, for exploring ideas, to learn more about themselves and their world. All that matters to them is food, sex, money and their appearances.

Anyway forget it, we're way of topic. The judge is cringe

>> No.20079696

>your thought patterns do not substantively differentiate you from them.
they do tho
its about your depth as a person
teenagers for example lack depth, but this shouldnt be common in adults

>> No.20079734

who cares about depth all that requires is digging. transforming others and the world requires talent and work. those who can't retreat into the self.

>> No.20080159

Can you be a reddit character if you say nigger like the judge?

>> No.20080231

If reddit existed I the 1800s they would say nigger

>> No.20081689 [DELETED] 

Having like minded friends is great. It seems very difficult to do though if you haven’t known them since school.
I kind of envy the way normies are able to talk to eachother and the way we feel about them is probably pretty similar to the way they feel about me, unable to always engage on a similar wavelength, effectively stupid. I think it basically comes down to considering difficult, non-practical things as boring/a waste of time. From the perspective of someone very engaged with life, stuff like that has no bearing on their reality.

>> No.20081710

go back

>> No.20081713

this is the most reddit post ITT

>> No.20081725

kill yourself

>> No.20082661
File: 82 KB, 680x768, 6FDE644B-C2F7-4890-B3F6-F76156CA8087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go back