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20075214 No.20075214 [Reply] [Original]

books that help you developing an attractive personality?

>> No.20075224

>bitch with no ass

>> No.20075235

God naked people are so unappealing to look at, it’s disgusting really.

>> No.20075237

Lmao she's built like a square. Absolutely no ass

>> No.20075249

I like that I have a conventionally unattractive ass. As a man, it's not a selling point I want to hold.

>> No.20075260

That Carnegie book

>> No.20075292


>> No.20075334

don't care about having an attractive personality.
be a decent human being, and have your own personality. people pick up on when you're trying to trick them into liking you.

>> No.20075336

You've clearly never had the pleasure of parking it behind a nice round butt

>> No.20075346

>man ruined by pornography deems fertile woman beneath him

>> No.20075356

Keep projecting ;v)

>> No.20075360

Beggars can’t be choosers

>> No.20075362

>attractive personality
No such thing. You're just a vain narcisist and don't know how to satisfy your instincts.

>> No.20075376


>> No.20075536

Bump for interest

>> No.20075595

resentful incels

>> No.20075607

>observing that a woman has no ass is le incel
whoa you really showed them, bor.

>> No.20075624

das rite mang

>> No.20075628

But is true anon
She built like a water bottle, no curves whatsoever.
I don't think pointing that out is inherently misogynistic.

>> No.20075632

It's not even niggersims at this point. Her ass is indeed flatter than a grassy plain. Like that's small even for a white woman.

And it's not even just the ASS. Hips? Is it a nigger trait to like fertile-looking hips? Well this girl's hips are squarer than square.

>> No.20075727
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This is all you need

>> No.20075740
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Ever since I've read this book I've been trying to think like Levin and act like Vronksy

>> No.20076623

When individuals say: "opposites attract", they usually mean: "(certain) apposites attract (each other).

When individuals say, in remorse: "what was I thinking?", they usually mean to say, either: "why was I not thinking?", or: "why was I not thinking of 'that'?"; the formermost generally implies unselfawareness on the part of the exclaimer.

>> No.20077701
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Why do you wish to be attractive ? Why do you want please others ?

>> No.20077765

You don't need porn to have noticed there's women out there with better hip to ass ratios.

>> No.20077773

>I am immune to all criticism

>> No.20077779


>> No.20077788

girls like a nice ass on a man, glutes play the biggest part in thrusting.

>> No.20077804

I'm a man and I get told by women all the time that I have a nice ass. They compare it to Channing Tatum's ass. I don't really get it (what's a girl going to do with a guy's ass anyways, though perhaps >>20077788 is on to something). The shape of it is actually a little annoying because it seems to make my dress shirts flare out on the back a bit when I tuck them in, though I suppose there's worse things to put up with.

>> No.20077821

Imagine this kid with nothing to say but sperging like a sperg got the digits... man that bullet sure was dodged

>> No.20077856

they want to enter your asshole

>> No.20077874

Me on the right

>> No.20077940

I like a small ass on a woman. I'm not trying to conceive a child, I'm trying to make music. Objectively a woman looks more attractive with fertile features, but the pure act of sex itself is not driven by looks but by form. You can get a lot more penetration into a small ass than a big one which just gets in the way. Would bang, would not conceive with.

>> No.20077970

hank hill ass

>> No.20077974

This man gets it. Unless you're somehow really good itll only backfire.

>> No.20077977


A book can't, anon. That's like asking "how do I get fit by sitting on my ass?"

You get personality by interacting with people, trying things out, trying your sense of humor on others to see what works, etc.

>> No.20078049

you like small ass because you like small children.

>> No.20078152


>> No.20078164

Your personality is just a collection of ideas and memes stolen from your environment and people around you

Interact or observe other people, consume more literature and information, this will develop your personality

>> No.20078191

Siddhartha is an answer anons here might glean something from

>> No.20078269

I was told once that women fall into your lap when youre most focused on yourself, and are sparse when you go looking. Now go read Marcus Aurelius and get some bitches on your dick

>> No.20078306

attractive to whom?
>people pick up on when you're trying to trick them into liking you.
No they don't. At least not before the age of 25.
Good question.

>> No.20078319

> attractive personality?
I'm going to assume you want this because you want to attract women so my advice will be based in this assumption. I will also let you know that most people that ask this type of question "how to become more interesting" / "how do I attract more people" are already too far gone, or they are autistic so any amount of advice probably won't help.

-Be average looking or attractive
-Have at least 1 interesting hobby, interest, or job
-If you want to be "interesting" to a large amount of women you need to "neg" them, some people will tell you that "negging" doesn't work but that's because they don't do it properly, you have to find the perfect balance between being mean / being a simp and how hard you can "banter" with them will depend and change depending of the woman. Women don't want someone who will be completely "obedient" or mirror their ideas, like any human they want a small amount of conflict. I would recommend you to read some PUA or Manosphere shit but the problem is that while the "red pill" circles get the descriptions right they very often are completely wrong on the prescriptions so in the end you will end up being a more miserable incel.
-READ "How to Win Friends and Influence People", kinda infamous book because there's an equal amount of people that say that it's bad and doesn't help as there are people that say it's life changing, it describes many things people intuitively as they grow but put's it into words, I think it's a worth while book.

-Lastly I will put it a second time: be physically attractive, good looks sadly are the biggest priviledge in life as people are extremely shallow so work in your appearance and you will leave a positive first impression on people and they will consider you have a "good" personality due to the Halo effect.

And if this isn't only for women but also for creating "friends" then still read "How to Win Friends and Influence People".

>> No.20078330
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Lead the Field

>> No.20078333

One last thing, what's considered an "attractive personality" completely depends of the person you are wanting to "impress" or "attract", there is no universal truth as to what makes a good personality, someone who knows a lot about politics and debates these topics could be the perfect match for certain women while be a completely turn off for others, find the kind of people you desire to be around or more importantly who you desire to be and you will find the answer to your question.

>> No.20078340
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Looks are important but it's how you carry yourself. How many guys do you know that weren't attractive but acted like they were hot shit and were successful because of it. Have the attitude of 'you don't want to be near/hire/fuck me? What the fuck is wrong with you? I'm incredible' Yes, you'll come off somewhat arrogant but after a while that dies down unless you're an asshole

and as much as they say they don't, women love arrogance. They have to know why you are so full of yourself and they get jealous. They want to know why you think you're so incredible while she, a potentially attractive woman thinks she's not big deal. *You're* a big deal and she wants to be around you because of it.

I don't want this to become some PUA how to win women bullshit so I'll end it there. Think you're hot shit and you'll become hot shit.

>> No.20078668

>No they don't. At least not before the age of 25.
yes they do, even if subconsciously, and it just so happens that you spend 3/4ths of your life after the age of 25

>> No.20078688
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Strong glutes are a very good indicator of a man's physical fitness. For most of human history, very long distance running and walking were what a man had to be good at to protect and feed his family and tribe, as well as driving spears with lots of force. In most combat and athletic sports today the legs are still the main source or your driving force. Calves are another good indicator, and medieval europe were seen as attractive parts of a man (if you look at paintings of kings from that time, they are normally wearing big flowing robes, but with the lower legs sticking out, with their calves only covered by revealing tights.)

>> No.20078691

It is so ez to spot schwarze untermenschen, once they opened their disgusting mouth.

>> No.20078704

wow this is so deep bro
did you come up with this yourself?

>> No.20078733

why would you want to think like Levin? even at the end of the book, where he has everything he has ever desired, he is still suicidal. he's only saved by Tolstoy's self-inserted formulation of God, and even then he's not truly satisfied.

i identified hard with Levin, and i hated that i did. ever since i've been trying to think like Oblonsky and act like Vronsky.

>> No.20078747

Don't give me that sappy "goodness always finds away" horseshit. I used to trick people into liking me, and it worked. They liked me, they longed for my company. Maybe that was just the case when I was younger, and now I'm lazy and stopped trying cute little tricks. But the point is I was intentionally trying to be something I wasn't, and it worked: it got the things I wanted.
The moral of this isn't "I'm so smart and manipulative" hell no, because by the same token - who similarly performed to me? Who was I suckered in by?
However I know that's not persuasive, but this is: there's literally thousands of examples of this at work: politicians and actors. These people's entire jobs, they pay P.R. agencies who have media trainers specifically for the purpose of tricking people into liking them.
While there is a degree of abstraction - you cannot say that the mechanisms of "liking" that exist with people on the media are totally divorced and have no overlap with people you meet face to face.
Politicians are fake, yet people love them: that alone pours water on your statement that you can't trick people into liking you because there are countless people who make careers out of it!

>> No.20078779

what exactly do you consider "tricks"? because making concessions and compromises is just how relationships work. they're not tricks.

and neither actors nor politians count; you don't actually have a relationship with any of these people that aren't deeply parasocial, which isn't what we're talking about. nevermind that actors are basically idols. nobody actually cares about the person and no one is tricked by politians because everyone knows that politians are all lying fucks.

>> No.20078805

Models by Mark Manson. How attractive you are is determent by how much vulnerability you are able to display and how non-needy you are.

>> No.20078822

People remember more how you make them feel then what you actually say. The art of being likeable is to make people feel good without them noticing you doing it.

>> No.20078982

>what exactly do you consider "tricks"?
Doesn't matter because you're so stubborn, that anything I say is a 'trick' or disingenuous you'll just say "doesn't count". But obviously it's faking the way I feel, faking my manners, expressing sentiments and ideals I genuinely don't believe in to ingratiate myself. Superficial Charm. I dunno... the normal shit.
>and neither actors nor politians count;
Just because you don't like the implications of it doesn't mean they don't count
>nobody actually cares about the person and no one is tricked by politians because everyone knows that politians are all lying fucks.
Are you fucking joking me? K-Pop Stans? Beatlemania? Trumptards? And you actually are saying that "nobody actually cares about the person"!? Then what do they care about, some sort of intangible idea? No.

>> No.20079361
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Mirin that back

>> No.20079524

hope she sees this

>> No.20079670

Small ass are not very pretty to see, although it depends. However, it feels owning them, in rear entry position.
Tall, chubby girls feel very hard to dominate.

>> No.20079689

Couldn't tell you. I have a mouldering, muted, brooding, vindictive, erratic, elusive, aloof, solitary, changeable, flat, pessimistic, suspicious, distrustful, borderline personality.

I'm nice enough until you hit a nerve, then I become a nightmare. More likely I won't trust you enough to get close in the first place.

>> No.20079915

Small ass bitch.

>> No.20079976
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You aren't special, your personality is centered around getting attention

>> No.20081036
File: 779 KB, 1950x2250, FJGAOumWYAAWOSp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Dune and become the Muad'dib.

>> No.20081270

>ass with no bitch

>> No.20081288


>> No.20081440

>redditor on the wrong website

>> No.20081668

the true and final form of any man is to be oblonsky in every aspect

>> No.20082719
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>I'm nice enough until you hit a nerve, then I become a nightmare. More likely I won't trust you enough to get close in the first place.

>> No.20082741

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.20082745

this is bad bait, but i still laughed

>> No.20082755

You don't understand, anon, I almost killed a man today. My machiavellian tactics nearly were brought full to bear upon a hapless fool that had the temerity to honk at me in traffic today. I am of a different and sterner stuff than you are, with your insipid basedjaks and greentext(nice cope, by the way). You are but a pale shadow of the man that I am and you should learn your place.

>> No.20082760

Way to miss the point of the series, Joseph Campbell

>> No.20082853

>wow this is so deep bro

Not really; it is obvious, but generally ignored.

>> No.20082878

literally boring incel: the book

>> No.20082895

It’s small and not to my taste but it’s still shapely and attractive, stop watching so much porn

>> No.20083014
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PUA and the daddy issue angle are bullshit for cultivating an attractive personality. Be nice but not a push over. Compliment but do not be needy. There’s always this kind of shadow quality that arises — like peaceful versus harmless or armed versus defenseless. They all appear to have similar meanings but they don’t. And most importantly — DO NOT OVERTHINK IT. Feel it. Act on it. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, be confident to be right. Don’t internalize. Don’t dwell. The most successful personalities get over hardships by cultivating new challenges. PUA and red pill is personality cope. Bropsychology. You end up like bald and bankrupt. Creepy weird guy that does not fit in anywhere. Caring what others think is almost certainly the path to the dark side. Think for yourself. Be greedy but don’t be a prick. Don’t be Martin shkreli. All that being said, I wish you luck. And don’t forget to smile.

>> No.20084050

Cute butts desu

>> No.20084064
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Any book that describes plastic surgery and ratios in depth.

>> No.20084183

it's perky and has a nice shape, which stands supreme over size.

>> No.20084349

>I'm not trying to conceive a child, I'm trying to make music.
One of the faggiest posts I've ever seen on this board. You've probably had sex with no more then three women and now feel like you're a sex god.

>> No.20084386

That means she's a keeper, you naive child.

>> No.20085723
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