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20079266 No.20079266 [Reply] [Original]

If Oedipus really didn't want the prophecy to come to pass why didn't he just remain abstinent or castrate himself?

>> No.20079268

His mom was hot

>> No.20079315

Because his subconscious wanted it to pass.
Masochism and the death drive.

>> No.20079320

Haha what man can abstain from sex bro?

>> No.20079331

What's the point of anything without smashing pussy?

>> No.20079332

Reminder that Oedipus was a tranny and him cutting out his eyes was actually a mistranslation, he just got top surgery instead

>> No.20080010

You're missing the point. The prophecy would have come to pass anyway. Mankind was not in control of its own destiny according to the worldview of the ancients. You can see the same sort of thing in the Homeric Epics and in the Bible, things only happen because God or the gods willed it to happen.

>> No.20081535

the rule of cool

>> No.20081820
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Well think about it the the reverse: I would really like to fuck Teresa Palmer, but I don't keep a jar of lube with me on all times because I want this to come to pass. Why? Because the likelihood of me crossing paths with her, let alone managing to fuck her upon first meeting her is about as unlikely as unwittingly meeting your biological father who lives in another polis, killing him, and then marrying his grief stricken widow who turns out to be your mom.

>> No.20081835

No. He should have taken a vow of non-violence. Can't marry mom if dad is still alive. Can't kill dad unless you resort to violence.

>> No.20082731
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Bitch . Why didn't he just trust himself enough to not murder his adopted dad and dick down his mom?

>> No.20082738

He thought he knew who his parents were.

>> No.20083772

cut eyes out vs cut dick off

Which you prefer?

>> No.20083773

He was a man. All men are coomers. End of story.

>> No.20084038

Yeah, why didn't he just give the other traveler right of way? Was that really too much to ask?

>> No.20084046

He had royal blood and was prideful.

>> No.20084068

He left for Thebes because he didn't know his parents weren't his parents
He also couldn't be king if he was a eunuch

>> No.20084075

Heh....yeah life’s impossible without that

>> No.20084192
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Imagine thinking there was anything Oedipus could do to stop the phrophecy

>> No.20084443

Yes but not killing people or not fucking are the only 100% sure fire ways to avoid the prophecy.

>> No.20084694

Or just sleep with younger women and not fucking kill someone