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/lit/ - Literature

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20078996 No.20078996 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

Art heaux edition

Previously: >>20072671

>> No.20079009
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>That both can vary just as little as intension and extension, that the one cannot decrease in extension but increase in intension, while the other, conversely, is supposed to decrease its intension but increase its extension - this stems from the same notion of an empty antithesis, the real intension is absolutely as great as the extension, and vice versa.

Lol fucking Hegel.

>> No.20079040
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>Spinoza says that if a stone projected through the air had consciousness, it would imagine it was flying of its own will. I add merely that the stone would be right.
Was Schopenhauer retarded?

>> No.20079046
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What’s stopping you from having sex today, Anon?

>> No.20079047

A willing partner

>> No.20079048

disgust for women is a major factor

>> No.20079051

What do you find hard to understand?

>> No.20079052

You could fuck a man then?

>> No.20079057

/brokenbot stared longingly at the human body, so much so that you should consider when choosing to be there. The same time as you can simply be a little bit more than the original version, you can appreciate the only thing that matters. Some funny looks were received from today's announcement, but the original series will start in the history of the world. What did they say? We can simply be there, but the original series of it was just thinking about the whole thing. What did they say? We have some time now, but you end up feeling sorry for the whole thing in performance. The most likely explanation for it will be a good place to look.
Schopenhauer gazed upon the rest. Quit smoking and drinking water, he said, but the original series is not clean. What time do you have?

>> No.20079063

Do you think that Chads actually like and respect women?

>> No.20079065

Detective Conan should just end, main plot has been stretched to impossible lengths, individual cases are getting worse, Conan himself is barely a character anymore, and the romance is vomit inducing.

>> No.20079066

Uhhh how would the stone have free will?

>> No.20079071

No, disgust for women doesn't imply I like men.

>> No.20079075

I don't give a shit what hedonistic retards think

>> No.20079082

Fucking braindead art hoes is the most /lit/ pastime.

>> No.20079091

Actually it does imply it quite strongly, which is why I inferred it. It appears I inferred incorrectly.

>> No.20079092

>it’s an ’incel attempts to explain how ”chad” views women’ episode

>> No.20079095


>> No.20079097

im short fat and balding with crooked teeth and im a little retarded

>> No.20079120


>> No.20079128

I know this is semantics based on current internet vernacular but I hate the phrase "make a meme" that you often see used by normies because it just bastardizes what memetics actually are or what they were before normies flooded the internet with their vapid takes and useless words

Make a meme is up there with support the troops or trust the science to me just an easily repeatable fart of air or a casual typing where autocorrect takes over because the simpleton retards will have typed it often before

>> No.20079149

No it implies it

>> No.20079168

I don't know where to meet women in my town. This place is a dump.

>> No.20079176

Being self aware=free will?

>> No.20079181

I wish I was born a cute girl, life would be so much fun if it wasn't for this ugly fat and old husk of a body

>> No.20079184

consent laws

>> No.20079185

I'm now imagining one of those bad Eastern-European stereotypes where they drop pronouns and articles. With "meme" pronounced "m'ehm"
>Come Koysta it time make meme!
>First make party together Sergei with much coke, then make meme

>> No.20079189

phrase I hate is "critically support" or "critical support" just fuck off

>> No.20079191

in a way, yes. most determinists are solipsists. ethical solipsism, however, requires free will

>> No.20079199

I’m a volcel

>> No.20079208

...The same way humans have free will

>> No.20079217

….and what way is that?

>> No.20079233

Not him. They don't. But we reconcile our 'will' to match actions. The stone obviously didn't will itself to be picked up and flung, but it convinces itself "this is what I wanted".
Humans to one extent or another do the same is what he's saying, we create a fiction that we 'chose' to take the actions we took. (Even if this is constantly subverted by our own choice of language - "How'd you think of that?" "It just came to me", "Why did you choose that cake?" "I dunno, I just felt like it", "Why can't I stop thinking about her!?" - does this sound like free will to you?)

>> No.20079237

I feel overwhelmed by my feelings, thoughts and ideas and can’t properly express them. Any suggestions on how to do so? Writing is cathartic, but it doesn’t really flows, barring some occasions when I’m melancholic and tired as fuck.
The most expressive I’ve ever been was when I used to hit a punching bag with a steel pipe as port of my boxing training or the few times I verbally confronted someone. Fuck, I was so eloquent back then. It was like channeling some external force, the right words simply came to me.

>> No.20079270

holy shit this song hits when you've actually lived it. the crazy thing is I was drumming in a band and we played this song as they were just about to fall away, as it was all just about to happen, and I only now realize. This was a long, long time ago, but this is precisely what was happening as I was practicing getting the hi-hat hits and pedal work down.
I want to quote lyrics but it's all of it really... "Mildewed and smoldering". And this crazy power, this force as it opens up.. Playing this on drums is an unbelievable experience and now, realizing this.... shit.

>> No.20079277

>this is precisely what was happening
and it is precisely what has happened since then
>No fault, none to blame it doesn't mean I don't desire to
>Point the finger, blame the other, watch the temple topple over.
>To bring the pieces back together, rediscover communication

>I've done the math enough to know the dangers of our second guessing
>Doomed to crumble unless we grow, and strengthen our communication.
I've finally been doing that math desu.

>> No.20079293
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Honey, when are you gonna be all mine?

>> No.20079300

one of the coolest things I know is to play drums in a jazz orchestra, cus in a way you're about half the orchestra. everything everyone else does is is hung up like ornaments on the christmas tree that is your fundamentals. and when you get to the solos, you shift down to being maybe a 5th and the solist is 4/5 by which I mean: it's all them, but you genuinely get to meet them in th ecraziest flow of communication. no one else in the orchestra gets to do this with the solist, but you do it with every one of them. yo ujust punch in a little flair here and there, you become subdued, you punch it once.. it's crazy. you feel it all throughout your body. it has to be by far the best way to hear jazz, because it lives off of you and really.... it's all in your body man. your posture shifts with the paceyou set, but you set it in motion, you're driven. Crazy.

>> No.20079338
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24 and still in college
Not even in the same country
No friends

>> No.20079343


>> No.20079352

brappa the rappa

>> No.20079387
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I feel like cow tools. Everything is cow tools. People try to talk to me. Cow tools. Walk around perpetually observing cow tools. Everything. Its all just cow tools.

>> No.20079389
File: 39 KB, 474x867, 484e798c-aed2-4e45-83f7-3218aa364632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wrote about 450 pages about a schizo beggar that lives in the woods and im too afraid to post any quotes of it, since the thing im most afraid of is someone stealing it

>> No.20079398

>Actually it does imply it quite strongly,
This guy failed his Intro to Logic class for sure

>> No.20079402

why do /lit/tards like these girls?

>> No.20079404

Their mental illness makes them seem attainable, at least for one disappointing night.

>> No.20079410

>Reflecting on the cartoon's reception, Larson suggested he had erred in making one of the tools resemble a crude saw, which misled many readers into believing that to understand the cartoon's message, they needed to decipher the identities of the other three tools
This is exactly what happened to me just now, I was looking at the stick and the two... other objects. Wondering if the one closest to the cow with the protrudence was meant to look like an udder, in that "if cows had gods, they'd look cows".
What an excellent specimen for Affordance/Semiotics/Visual Processing.

>> No.20079413

They're literally doing the woman equivalent of basedfaces.

>> No.20079422

this should be the banner for this century

>> No.20079442

Middle-eastern women are unironically the hottest women on earth overall, but the women with the highest potential for hotness are black women. The hottest black woman is absolutely untouchable.

>> No.20079461

came here to post that. wow.

>> No.20079466

Ashkenazi women mog all.

>> No.20079479

In that case I really must stop visiting this site if we're developing any hint of hivemind

>> No.20079493

Armenian women you mean

>> No.20079519
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>> No.20079545

American culture is almost completely unrecognizable to me today.

>> No.20079553

Understandable but I'd be curious to read some of it if you end up publishing it anywhere,

>> No.20079591

if i kick the bucket a friend of mine will anonymously publish it, otherwise i doubt i will ever fully satisfied with it. i appreciate it tho brother.

>> No.20079597


>> No.20079603

Someone should take note of how as america declines it becomes more and more mongrelized. It's almost ghastly trying to imagine what the average american would look like in 20 years.

>> No.20079609

Do you really want me to start cherry-picking Khazars?

>> No.20079614

America doesn’t really exist in any meaningful sense. The dollar and the military are all that matters. We are an economic zone with powerful mercenaries

>> No.20079636

I want a /lit/ friend who is similar to me. I want them to read a lot, and enjoy similar books to me. I want them to write and to want to write similar things that I do, and I want them to be competent and for us to talk about our writing progress and read each other's work and spur each other on: a free flow of ideas. I've reached out to people before here, and other places, and every time I hate you. God, I hate you. You have no style, no thought, no talent, and I can tell you just aren't the one.

I need my writing buddy.

>> No.20079640


>> No.20079645

Only people who say this live in like, Latvia. 99% of the 'qweens' I see are morbidly obese.

>> No.20079647
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>> No.20079654

I am genuinely grateful for the life that I have.

>> No.20079659

Chads are a meme. There is no archetypical chad in reality

>> No.20079660

Oh interesting. Is that where Nietzsche derived his idea of slave morality?
>I CHOSE to be weak because it makes me virtuous

>> No.20079675

Not quite. More like, they ourwardly express how I inwardly feel. I'm also pretty sure they'd let me do weird stuff to them

>> No.20079683


>> No.20079687


>> No.20079717

fuck shit up and start a riot

>> No.20079725

Can't, I'm white

>> No.20079744

It used to though. I was born in the early 90s and I’ve even noticed that certain things that were seen and felt then have totally disappeared from America but still exist in other countries, and I’m able to identify with those things greater than what’s replaced it in America. Nowhere is this more obvious than in music, for example.

>> No.20079796

I find no joy in life. I am over 30 and depressed and there is nothing to look forward to. Will be drinking until I die.

>> No.20079797


>> No.20079805

The culture of contemporary America and contemporary Britain are one and the same.

>> No.20079810

what about hookers?

>> No.20079817

They bring me no pleasure.

>> No.20079828

maybe in the fact that they are both fucked but Britain is still hanging on, US is past the point of no return

>> No.20079837
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All the pigs are all lined up
I give you all that you want
Take the skin and peel it back

>> No.20079840

>Britain is still hanging on

>> No.20079843

>t. euro who learned English from watching American media

>> No.20079872

I can see the disdain they have for American culture now though. Everything here has become so superficial. My entire region has been replaced by foriegn peoples. All that hangs on of original american culture has been commercialized and commodified. It's very alienating. I meet immigrants all the time who tell me that America isn't what they expected. Immigrants love me because I'm the stereotype they were raised with. I have to drive a few hours out of the city to experience real America, which I often do. I feel like I'm escaping when I do.

>> No.20079939

Was Hegel Christian?

>> No.20079943

I wish I was born a cute boy

>> No.20079957

1. I don't want to fornicate.
2. I don't want it to be transactional (massage parlor, escort, etc.)
3. There are other pressing matters on my mind right now anyway.

>> No.20079973

what is "original" and "real" to you

>> No.20079992

Obviously what he >>20079872 personally likes and what specifically applies to his personal values is "original" and "real" and everything else is unoriginal and not real.

>> No.20079998

I think contemporary culture is in a great state. I am the real outcast, among the left AND the right.

>> No.20080002

There’s nothing to hate because they correspond to each other. It’s like one tree branch hating another bigger branch from the same tree because it’s leaves fall on it every year.

>> No.20080003

>Chads are a meme. There is no archetypical chad in reality
My boyfriend...

>> No.20080027

I know you’re digging for a racial notion, and a component that is that exists but it’s not the whole thing. If you want to argue that America never had a culture you can make that argument but it seems to me obvious that until fairly recently America at least had a coherent identity which was the remnants of a culture and that was an essentially Western overlay of American land. That identity recently seems to have totally dissolved. I think this is the case in a lot of places no matter their ethnic makeup, but no where is this sense of lost culture and dissolving identity and confusion greater than America. I sincerely believe that.

>> No.20080038

you really should talk to God about what you want tho

>> No.20080040
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I hate my girlfriend, and, naturally, all women

>> No.20080052

i want to be them

>> No.20080061

America never had a coherent identity. It is built and has always been built on a multiplicity of subcultural identities. Not to mention immigration has always played a part in the history of America, for better or for worse. You are a fag.

>> No.20080065

What fucking coherent American identity are you imagining in your head when America doesn't even have the same culture from state to state? Are you insane?

>> No.20080079

>no where is this sense of lost culture and dissolving identity and confusion greater than America
NOWHERE GREATER THAN AMERICA says guy who's statistically never been to a country outside of America or at best has been in like a few countries

>> No.20080085

Oh shut the fuck up. America has a longstanding tradition and the fobs and border hoppers are obviously not part of that. I swear /lit/ is infested with progressive twitter fags

>> No.20080096

Provide an example of longstanding American tradition that is specifically white American and applies to all American states not just your state and your idea of America

>> No.20080098

I ordered from Abebooks and it's just sitting at the courier OSM's warehouse for seven days now. I am not happy.

>> No.20080103

what if God is coming for america for all the crime against the blacks. they literally had everything about their cultures and identities tortured out of them, and that's just the boatride. people think they're fucked- if they are, what are they supposed to be? based on what? you think YOURE losing your fucking identity? the best they have is to try to copy the people that systematically raped grandma in front of grandpa. if you attribute literally any degree of humanity to black people.. I understand people are tired of SJWs but fuck man.

>> No.20080113

>what if God is coming for america for all the crime against the blacks. they literally had everything about their cultures and identities tortured out of them, and that's just the boatride. people think they're fucked- if they are, what are they supposed to be? based on what? you think YOURE losing your fucking identity? the best they have is to try to copy the people that systematically raped grandma in front of grandpa. if you attribute literally any degree of humanity to black people.. I understand people are tired of SJWs but fuck man.
Lmao... The discourse...

>> No.20080123

Digital art is half-art. If I think of an original painting in my head, that is not art until it's physically painted. Art are physical artifacts. 0s and 1s of art aren't considered the art itself. So, the art doesn't even exist until the file is open.

>> No.20080137

while *at the same time* calling itself the biblical shining city on a hill

>> No.20080142

0s and 1s physically exist. What you see on the screen physically exists.

>> No.20080145

Stunted social skills and the fact I'm an ugly skinny manlet

>> No.20080146

It absolutely did.

Western, Christian, specifically Protestant, Americana, all obvious aspects of American identity. You are delusional if you think states differ that much. Regions don’t even differ that much. You could pick up and move to any region with virtually no perceivable difference in your life at all.

Shut up with you “statistically”. You have no idea who’s on the other end. If you disagree, say it and explain why. Don’t hide behind lazy assertions based on perceived statistics.

>> No.20080152


>> No.20080155
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I have no social skills and I am therefore unable to approach them, let alone be able to tell if they like me.

>> No.20080161

I said the 0s and 1s are not the art. The art literally no longer exists as 0s and 1s.

>> No.20080180

Whatever is said, you’re just going to point out how [Native Americans/Blacks/whatever non-Western immigrants which arrived en masse after the 1960s] also took/take part in it, but that’s only disingenuous. Thanksgiving would be a perfect example.

>> No.20080245

My thoughts are also "physical", but the art in my head doesn't exist until they're projected in reality, like when you open a jpg on your computer and the image is " physical" as in the actual art itself being seen.

>> No.20080327


>> No.20080334

why is black american english non-rhotic

>> No.20080342

>let alone be able to tell if they like me.
Don't worry, they don't.


>> No.20080393
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Can anyone recommend some books on homesteading or self-sufficient living? I'm not a "the end of the world is coming" person. I just like the idea of it.

>> No.20080406

How do I get a gf like Emma Vigeland?

>> No.20080422

I would like to oppose the popular among older generations doctrine that there are only two forms of irony: plain truth and plain irony. Plain irony being but a lie under trivial, usually grotesque or funny cover. I would like to introduce two other types of irony welcomed to our vast world of literature. Post-irony and absurd-irony shall they be called, for they are somewhat relevant to those prefixes.

Post-irony, which some people may be familiar with would be a state when the truth is told by the speaker in the way the second person usually perceives as irony, therefore a sentence "I am stealing your car as we speak." which happens to be truth the person receiving the information that their car is being stolen will treat as a non-truth or straight-up false.

Absurd-irony, as I called this state, would be an attempt to say that the sentence is maintaining two states of truth at once. Some parts of dialog if corrupted by this godawful disease completely lose their sense and become no informative at all. So if a part of a monologue: "I am stupid and he is a genius." would be, thanks to a bunch of folks interpreting in different ways, contaminated by absurd-irony it would lose all information it contains and change into a form which is both in the state of truth and irony. Moreover humankind wouldn't be able to create universal interpretation for these words and the text may have far different meanings, only differing by personal experiences of a reader.

>> No.20080436

Anger and misery is hereditary in my family, so I'd rather not bother anyone anymore.

>> No.20080447

Also we can never retrieve true meaning of a sentence in any text, unless a reader explicitly knows that something is true or false.

>> No.20080449

having a big dick is all that matters, it will bring happiness into your life

>> No.20080451

that can help

>> No.20080456

You can be an atheist when you’re young in the same way a child doesn’t have to believe the world exists.

>> No.20080471

the nyc /lit/ community approves of this neologism

>> No.20080485

i done rolled with the blows like AIDS

>> No.20080503
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4 months of weed sobriety.

im relapsing tonight im so fucking excited. 1/3rd of a yeasr is long enough and quitting didnt change much in the end. sure im somewhat happier and have a job now and im more productive now but socially speaking notjing is the same anymore. i miss the old me. everyone does. when i hjang out with friends now i justy overdrink and smoke a bunch of cigarettes. nothings the same anymore. you fuckers gaslighted me into gaslighting myself into thinking i had a problem. you bastards! you never cared at all! you just like punching down. you guys are bullies. i listend to you all for 4 months and not once did any of you conrgadulate me. no "wow nice man" or "good job bro" or anything. you twofaced bastards! fuck you! you spineless sadists! you never cared at all you just llike picking on people! i got problems? fuck you! you have problems too. im the degenerate? fuck you! youre a degenerate too! you fuckers ruined me! im not gonna listen to you anymore! im a free man now! im gonna drink and smoek and do coke and do wbatever the fuck i want now! and you're not gonna do a thing about it.

>> No.20080507

Yeah this is based

>> No.20080544

what response do you think would be most conducive to you quitting this posting habit? imagine that's what I said

>> No.20080555

>have to move out of parents place as a 30 year old
Its such a shame. Besides I dont really see the point of doing so besides of letting parents free. For me, its going to be more responsibility and worry on top of me being an anxious mess. Cheers to pointless suffering.

>> No.20080650

where is the chi /lit community

>> No.20080667

I've just stopped arguing with those types since they aren't actually interested in arguing for the sake of truth or reflecting on their ideas but just to gaslight you.

>> No.20080671


>> No.20080675

30% of protestants believe people can go to hell but not heaven
i think i might be one of them

>> No.20080680

counterarguments aren't "gaslighting" you pussy

>> No.20080702
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>> No.20080706

Too much sex man gotta take a break
just kidding- it's a lack of social skills, but I ain't bending over for no pussy
I come first

>> No.20080718

he atleast had a nice beemer

>> No.20080761

I mostly enjoy people's company from a distance because getting too close frightens me. Most people appear hollow after enough encounters and I start to despise them for how bound they are to social norms and opinion. Conversations drag around in circles and the only thing that becomes enjoyable is thinking up jokes and generally wildin' out to soothe my poor brain.

Why is everyone so domesticated?

>> No.20080791
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I want to be free of my vices and petty trifles.

If I was unplugged from the internet, would I be able to finally read? to write? to live a real life?

Is the only recourse to train myself to become a zealot? A zealot who cries out for God. A zealot who hones his body for work and war. A zealot who rends everything of the modern in hope of a return to the land.

>> No.20080794

I am from Khazakstan.

Much love.

>> No.20080804

i wanna have hug my boyfriend

>> No.20080807

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.20080812


>> No.20080816

I don't get the image whatsoever, but, likewise, I thought of the udder and Xenophanes' line
(I had taught it a few weeks ago to my students).

I haven't been to /lit/ in a long time.
There is still enough of a personal essence that no basketing-weavers forum can alter.

>> No.20080877

Kant and the great Dinesh disagree anon.

>> No.20080900

my kidneys have been calcified

>> No.20080913

There weren’t any counter arguments.

>> No.20080924

Posting quality has been excellent across the board, today.

>> No.20080932

i am attempting to purchase a first english edition of Forbidden Colors from the library
i checked it out a few months ago and was stunned to find a first edition in such beautiful condition, and even more stunned that it had only been checked out twice before, the last time many years ago
so i think they might sell it to me

>> No.20080978

Cogito ergo CRINGE

>> No.20080995

Transcendentalism, The Great Awakenings, Christimas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Federalism, country music. Fuck the magic negro as a trope is a uniquely American motif. There's a particular American way of life. Yeah you can be super reductionist and say ummm ackshually theres regional customs blah blah blah but it doesnt serve as a real counter argument. I could say England had a civil war or that each German city has its own dialect and type of sausage to make the same point. You're a giant faggot retard who probably lives in an insulated white neighborhood. Meanwhile I interact with orientals, Mexicans, and Armenians every day so I can actually identify cultural bubbles.
The funnier part is that all these immigrant groups also have a specific idea of what American culture is. All groups have said exactly as much to me what I said a few posts aho. It's plain as day to them, but retarded twitter progressives are so hell bent in deconstructionism that they cant see the forest for the trees.

>> No.20081027
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>> No.20081042

I want to wait until marriage.

>> No.20081091


>> No.20081095

You can find a greater degree of difference from traveling between England, Scotland, Wales, and N. Ireland than you'll find between american states. You could have found a greater degree of difference between Bavaria and Prussia back in the 19th century. Your argument is to say that sub-cultures disprove a general culture. Its fucking retarded. America isnt formless clay and it's not a blank slate. You have to be genuinely stupid to even think that

>> No.20081107

You'd also have to be genuinely stupid to deny that the culture of the Mid-Atlantic is drastically different than that of the South

>> No.20081112
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the extremely prominent fordyce spots which cover half my penis. it has stopped me from having sex today as well as the 26 years prior to today.

>> No.20081113

im sorry but im too deep into this now and i need to see it through to the end.
it will stop someday. i just dont know when.

>> No.20081116

I forgot to add the point that the differences in British regions does not negate a British identity

>> No.20081125

>freshman year I go to school in a different town because I'm an awkward fuck with a shit reputation
>develop a stable group of acquaintances, we talk every day
>cute girl who sits next to me in classes seems to like talking to me. I have no chance of getting with her or asking her out but I enjoy chatting with her, look forward to seeing her every day as she's pleasant and intelligent
>turns out they were just using me to help with class/homework because I was slightly intelligent
>when they're around their friends, they don't even acknowledge me
>as soon as I fuck up once they move to a nerdy fuck who also got good grades
I think that was the point where my confidence took a big dip. I'm constantly paranoid people, especially women, are just using me. I'm 26 and I'm immediately apprehensive if a woman is nice to me for no reason

>> No.20081176

Qualify that term

>> No.20081192

Shouldn't have taken any advice here seriously. I tried to convince you to start smoking again but you reacted with hostility

>> No.20081195

i hate you all. every one. without exception. you are scum.

>> No.20081197

Qualify these nuts

>> No.20081202

This is what happens when you outsource your personality to drugs. You're a stunted person and you dont even know yourself

>> No.20081205

>no "wow nice man"
I congratulated you on your job you bpd fuckwit

>> No.20081214

>whoa the South is kinda different from the North! Better import 50 million spanish speakers because that'll change nothing
Tremendously stupid just like I said

>> No.20081229

i apologize. it is hard to know who is on my side. i probably should have been listening to you the whole time.
you dont know me
i do remember you and i did appreciate that. i am sorry

>> No.20081243

The fuck are you talking about with Spanish speakers? I didn't say anything about that and it's not relevant anyway. You're going to deny this because you can't bear lose an argument, but people in the South have different ideas of etiquette and what constitutes proper behavior, the dominant strain of Christianity is different, the staple foods are different. If formal dancing was still an important part of American social life and not largely a niche interest, you would also find that the dances are different. Even comparing people who live in cosmopolitan cities, there is a huge cultural difference between NYC and Miami.

>> No.20081247

what is the endgame of the russians?

>> No.20081272

Having more space to protect themself if an invasion from NATO happens but they are fucked anyway.

>> No.20081278

I don't buy it. no one's gonna invade russia. has to be something else

>> No.20081280

i do this shit for the people

>> No.20081284

maison margiela my sneaker

>> No.20081298

They won’t “invade” in the traditional sense. They will subvert.

>> No.20081314

And how would "more space" help then?
You make no sense.

>> No.20081318

Yes, consiousness is not a point of existance. The rock would start to fall, then become aware that it can't do anything to stop the plummet, and realise that it isn't flying, not by its own means, and probably start to fight with God.

If, however, it is perpetually aloft, there would also be a time, due to consoousness demanding novelty, that it would wish to stop flying, and come to the same realisations as before, but probably go insane because of the complete inability of anything to change, and the eternity of rocks

>> No.20081370

I'm probably very wrong but I guess from my limited knowledge Schope is maybe talking about "transcendental" free Will.
Which in my understanding is that the stone is a representational phenomenal object that has no free will of its own, but fundamentally the stone as well as everything else is just an appearance of nothing but Will.

Will isn't coerced or determined by any factor external to itself because it is all that there is, and if the Will isn't free then there must be something that wills it to will, in which case you get "willing the will" into infinite regress. This universal Will however is unimpeded and free to will whatever the fuck it wills and it wills what it wills because it is what it is.

And in this way the stone (if it has consciousness and is aware of its willing) must will according to its localization of Will because it is nothing but Will. The conventional "I" is merely a phenomenal representation of Will. So the stone is willing itself through the air in the same way we (as the conventional phenomenal "I") will ourselves through life, we have also been "projected through the air", and we have as much control as the stone actually has, but it is also true that we will and our localization of Will—what we actually are—is free to will whatever it wills, but we can't freely choose what we will.

>Man does at all times only what he wills, and yet he does this necessarily. But this is because he already is what he wills.

Now that I've typed this I feel like either Schopenhauer IS retarded, or I'm retarded. And it's probably the latter.

>> No.20081387
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So I'm messaging with a girl (she's from Germany) whom I was matched a while ago

How do I proceed from here?

>> No.20081402

touching before marriage is haram

>> No.20081425 [DELETED] 

Oy vey, only viral on virtual orkan vitriolic organic visage on Venusian organ.

>> No.20081462
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>> No.20081464
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jesus is she retarded?

>> No.20081476

you are fucking up already

>> No.20081479

Her English sucks
Making that many mistakes in such short sentences is a major red flag

>> No.20081512

>How do I proceed from here?
How should we tell you if we don't know WHERE you want to proceed to?
Or do we also have to tell you, what you WANT?

>> No.20081514

If she knew fluent English it would be a red flag but she speaks awful English so green flag.

>> No.20081520

post more like this

>> No.20081554

t. 2nd-gen "Americans".
Also you have to go back.

>> No.20081557

>23andme came back
>1/4 Ashkenazi
It's over.

>> No.20081575

Just go the Fischer route

>> No.20081588

nta, but why's it gay?

>> No.20081592

Apple pie, open roads, John Deere, bald eagles, the Civil War, the frontier, Thomas Jefferson, Daniel Boone

>> No.20081595

for real though you absolutely 100% should be talking to God. Just know that God is One, not subject to knowledge, unfathomably kind, merciful, forebearing, affectionate, well-meaning, just; is all powerful and that He hears you. You won't understand Him; He will listen and meet you exactly where you are with a Love you couldn't even... I mean I'm telling you you really should be talking to God.

>> No.20081601

it's not, he's memeing or he's being an ass. either way he's wrong.

>> No.20081603

Send dick pics

>> No.20081628

If you as a man are "saving yourself for marriage," you are just trying to reconcile the fact that you're gay with your internalized homophobia. If you ever marry you will not enjoy sex with your wife, and will merely treat it as a solemn duty

>> No.20081642

did you forget your meds again?

>> No.20081643
File: 1.15 MB, 1233x924, Screenshot 2021-12-25 at 15-47-53 C More.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile you yourself have nothing to prove

>> No.20081646

>it is nothing but Will
Thanks for typing this. I don’t understand it and think shope is tarded. Why call it “will” if control is not involved? Does will imply control? Like God willed the universe into existence. He didn’t have to and also controlled that course of action.

>> No.20081658



>> No.20081680

Wow I really want to understand this. Can someone explain this simply?

>> No.20081695

>invited to pub crawl with coworkers
wish me luck anons

>> No.20081729

I am not well read enough in Nietzsche to say.
I suppose he would say it really is a choice, and they do have free-will. They've just chosen wrong.
So you suggest he's saying it's not the stone has it's own individual free-will, but it's "will" is a fragment of the whole goshdarn big old cosmos' will that inhabits and wills anything and everything?

>> No.20081732

This is already explained simply.

>> No.20081752

>Will isn't coerced or determined by any factor external to itself because it is all that there is.
What is the definition of “will” exactly here?

>> No.20081754

try to have fun man. be open minded

>> No.20081867

Not the anon you just replied to but I am the anon who wrote the 3 paragraphs.
Schopenhauer has an idiosyncratic use of "Will". It's more akin to a singular blind endlessly striving subject. Where the world is merely an objective representation of this subject.

Unfortunately I've probably just about exhausted my knowledge on this that I'm confident in and I got shit to do so I'll let other anons take over and hopefully you can get some good answers or resources.
I know wikipedia is meme but this might be an ok place to get started on the free will thoughts of schopenhauer.

>> No.20081876

I unironically hate women

>> No.20081900

Thanks anon. You don’t have to but maybe someone else can respond but doesn’t this imply some sort of pantheism? Or am i retarded?

>> No.20081970

>Or am i retarded?
Now shut the fuck up and stop attempting to fit stuff you didn't even try to understand (or even read) yet in your stupid little boxes, holy shit.

Just read Schopenhauer, GODFUCKINGDAMMIT.

>> No.20081974

seek help, friend

>> No.20082001

I don’t have the time to read him at the moment and want to know and try to fit it in little boxes. So telling me to read him doesn’t help. So explain it, preferably in a creative way.

>> No.20082065

It's already been asked but, how does that stop you from fucking men?

>> No.20082128

You know what? Fuck it. You've done your time. Go have fun xi. Just be more moderate this time.

>> No.20082141


Civility is as big of a lie as civilization is.

>> No.20082211

The mechanical philosophy of Descartes was refuted in the 17th century by Newton. When Newton showed the existence of occult forces, interaction without contact, he made irrelevant the mechanical philosophy. Rather than exorcising the ghost in the machine, Newton rid us of the machine. Ever since, Science has been reduced from trying to find an intelligible world to trying to find ineligible theories relating to a humanly unintelligible world.
We've known the world to be non-material for centuries. We have mathematical models, many of which are deterministic, but there is, as there always has been, unaccountable behavior and incohesive theories that cannot absolutely coexist. Science does not depend on "determinism" the same way that science does not depend on the mechanical philosophy. We study and search for accurate models, but the world has proven to be humanly unintelligible.
As for whether I "feel" in control and my thoughts on human behavior, I think the question is meaningless. Personal introspection is a futile exercise more fit to be labeled "navel gazing." Neuroscience is certainly a worthwhile field of study, but one would be amiss to say it is humanly intelligible. The fact that we've debunked determinism has nothing to do with "free will."
We have an innate sense of determinism and we have an innate sense of "randomness" which shape our view of the world. This enables us to construct models such as the impressive works of Descartes, but it also limits us from comprehending the nature of our world. Being reduced from finding an intelligible world to finding scientific theories is significant and cannot be understated. It is clear that we cannot conceive of anything other than determinism.
Personally I think that "free will" is a concept riddled with problems of undefined and incomprehensible to science notions such as "self" and "choice" which are probably just artifacts of our introspective mechanisms and our need to model our organism within our model of the world around us. Compression artifacts, if you would. However it is abundantly clear that determinism is a false assertion.

>> No.20082220

Sorry that the popular kids made fun of you for being a virgin again

>> No.20082221

As a child, I thought that stones were alive. How else could rocks and crumbling boulders get down from the mountains? As an adult I know this is wrong. I simply do not care. Now, I sit, typing to strangers around the world, sipping from a bowl of wine, my attention split between an Archcardinals letter, discussion with my family about the nearly filled moon and logging my thoughts. I wish the radiators were on; I wish I had a cigarette.

>> No.20082235
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>> No.20082262

>I thought that stones were alive
Kek, according to Schope, you’re right.

>> No.20082264
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I might or might not made fun of my friend for being a virgin two weeks ago hehe.

But that's not what I mean. I mean like whole civility thing. Especially today's "western" countries. Nationalism especially. It's all bullshit.

>> No.20082290

don't know who that is. which book goes into detail about the living rocks that crawl down from the mountains, through the fields, into the city streets, moving when no one is looking?

>> No.20082293

What is the significance of God 'seeing that the light was good' *after* creating light? Why didn't he know it was going to be good beforehand?

>> No.20082303

Because Time is OF THE ESSENCE, and Time is of the essence.

>> No.20082305

The Sun is God. It provides warmth, life, growth, strength and light. Worship the sun

>> No.20082316

The hebrew for "good", זין, means "that which stands upright", so not good as in like "oh wow that turned out well, how nice", but in a way that says "he confirmed that it was successful and moved on".

>> No.20082317

There you go again pointing to regional differences to imply there's no common nationality. They're not mutually exclusive as has been pointed out over and over.
To the original post that spawned this autistic conversation there is an overarching, genuine american culture that has eroded through mass immigration. Those cosmopolitan cities which are now more foreign than domestic are not genuinely american. Hence the reference to the Spanish speakers. You think a South Carolinian is so different from a New Englander? How about a Mexican to an American? The original reply to my first post meant to indicate that my claim to the American identity is no more legitimate than a Mexicans or a Chinese claim because there is no such thing as an American. It's a denial of my heritage and culture and it's wrong on its face.

>> No.20082326

The United States has spent the last decade staging color revolutions in every Russian satellite. The whole point is to box the Russians in and impede on their sphere of influence. Ukraine poses a vastly greater threat to Russia than say Armenia which is why Russia was so upset about the color revolution in Ukraine but not in Armenia.

>> No.20082332

I did already

>> No.20082349
File: 504 KB, 1792x1190, B8003447-6073-4E7E-9C85-94F0F0E48FF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sorry that it’s all so difficult for you. I don’t want to push you, but, please, no matter what, never feel that you are worthless. You are incredibly meaningful and beautiful, and I know that you have the heart to make it out of whatever darkness you’re in. I will be there waiting for you on the other side in this life or the next. I love you, F, and you’ll always be in my heart.

God, please, save her. I want nothing more than to give her a loving family, but, even if I never get to see her again, bring her towards the light.

>> No.20082361

Ive had a few internet girlfriends. If you cant actually meet her in person, just go no contact and nevere e date again. E-gfs are not real gfs and they wi bring only misery

>> No.20082384

You need to establish a date. It's that simple. A lot of guys will hark on and on about muh roastie, muh whores but at the end of the date, you have to show any girl you want a relationship with, what that relationship will consist of. Ask her out.

>inb4 roastie, I'm a nigger man.
captcha 4VAGS

>> No.20082433

Pretty sure she lives in Germany

>> No.20082436

>You think a South Carolinian is so different from a New Englander?
Yes. And a Mexican is different from an American, but it's a matter of degrees. Northern Mexican to an Arizonan? Not that different. And anyway a Mexican from the Yucatan is culturally quite different than one from Sonora. If there was a national border between New England and the South, you wouldn't bat an eye. The culture of the northern Midwest and the Great Lakes region has more in common with Canada than it does with the rest of America.

If your "heritage and culture" are only generically American, that only speaks to the poverty of said heritage. Learn your regional culture, embrace it.

>> No.20082472
File: 66 KB, 747x1328, 10887492_1513591632263835_3026668845649249379_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've flown to Munich for pussy before. A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do. pic related, near the christmas market at pots dommer plats.

>> No.20082498

Hate to say it but American regional identity has been absolutely decimated. It's basically larp at this point or soulless sportsball shit.

>> No.20082503

Get ye to a county fair

>> No.20082524

My mom made bread and it was delicious, but I ate too much of it.
Now I'm feeling bad.

>> No.20082529

post bread crumbs

>> No.20082553
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>> No.20082567

I just published my fourth book. Very pleased with it.

>> No.20082573

There is no poverty in my heritage and my regional culture has been given away to Mexico by people like you. You're disgustingly myopic

>> No.20082586

eating in bed is {Muslim word for forbidden}. but very nice crumbs. whats your mom look like?

>> No.20082587

From late elementary to middle school, I tried to fit in with people but absolutely failed in doing so. I didn't have much in common with them. I really only had at most three people in my life I could actually call friends.
In high school, I initially prioritized things other than my social life and withdrew from peers. In a way, I was pissed off at most of my classmates and wanted nothing to do with them. When I realized how lonely I was, I wanted to try again to fit in with people but I was so horribly shy I barely made an attempt to talk to people. I had no idea how. I never took any initiative.
In college and the short time that has passed since, I have lived in total isolation as I allowed to let my youth slip away.
I am 23 and I have barely had any friends for most of my life or any kind of normal experiences that shape most people. It was my fault very early in my life for not getting more involved with sports/clubs/whatever, and it was my fault later for being an autistic shut-in who didn't want to make an attempt to talk to people. Not that it would matter now. Kids relate to each other by mutual interests (e.g. video games, sports, TV shows, whatever). Adults relate to each other by their shared experiences and talking about things that either they did or people they know did. It can only snowball and get worse from here. Worst of all, nothing can stop time's drum from beating. I'm old and can only get older from here.

What are some books for this feel?

>> No.20082596

just be yourself

>> No.20082630

Maybe 0.5% of negresses are anywhere near attractive. Also >>20079645 this.

>> No.20082633

no one on 4chan is worth knowing. no one in real life is worth knowing. you should just kill yourself.

>> No.20082657

I have restless legs. Tonight it is the right one. It just won't stop moving. I have to throw it around.

>> No.20082678

> Read
> See stories about Godel, Euler, Wiles, etc
> Feel the Pull of Passion, it's just something that tells you, "you need to be be like that," it's the same feeling I got years ago, when I...
> When I..
> Start going to the library on Saturdays to learn math
> Follow some college's assigned reading schedule
> Start doodling while thinking about problem
> When I...
> Years ago, when I decided I needed to do art
> After seeing what it was possible to create, I dove in and started practicing art.
> It is everything to me, when I look around I see things through the lens of someone trying to draw them
> At one point, I wished my mind and arm would be made into a machine to make art nonstop
> It's the only thing I'm good at, besides being a little intelligent
> The unthinkable: I start falling out with art
> I just don't like it any more. I once thought it was the only thing worth doing, now I see it's just nothing.
> The same thing is going to happen if I pursue math, or science, or any intellectual pursuit
> Worse, it won't matter. To be good at what I want to do you have to utilize your childhood years.
This is how it happens. I came so close, but I was a few rolls of the dice away, and now I am going to be swept away with the chaff. I just want to truly achieve.

>> No.20082768

Anyone else ever just get extremely fucking angry for no reason? Angry at absolutely nothing? I just flex my whole body as hard as I possibly can for a while and then I’m back to normal

>> No.20082795
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I'm going on my 3rd date with a girl on Saturday. I like her a lot and she's the best person I've met since my ex cheated on me
I overthink and get stressed about us when we're not together but when I'm actually with her everything feels very natural and nice. I think I'm just a sperg overthinking things
I hope the best for all you anons

>> No.20082796

I find reading fiction, even fiction for children, very difficult but reading even dense academic non fiction books not very difficult. Is it autism? Any advice?

>> No.20082802

I don't really like intimacy

>> No.20082809

ugly gf

>> No.20082813

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Al;l work andf no play makes jack a dull boy. Alll work and no play makes jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Ajck a dull boy.All work and no play makes JAck a dull boy. All work an dno play makes jack a dullboy. All work and no play makes JAck a dull Boy. Alll work and no play makes JAck a dull boy. Alll work and npo play makes jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes JAck a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy., All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Al;l work andf no play makes jack a dull boy. Alll work and no play makes jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Ajck a dull boy. All work and no play makes JAck a dull boy. All work an dno play makes jack a dullboy. All work and no play makes JAck a dull Boy. Alll work and no play makes JAck a dull boy. Alll work and npo play makes jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes JAck a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy., All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Al;l work andf no play makes jack a dull boy. Alll work and no play makes jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Ajck a dull boy.All work and no play makes JAck a dull boy. All work an dno play makes jack a dullboy. All work and no play makes JAck a dull Boy. Alll work and no play makes JAck a dull boy. Alll work and npo play makes jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes JAck a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy., All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Al;l work andf no play makes jack a dull boy. Alll work and no play makes jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Ajck a dull boy.All work and no play makes JAck a dull boy. All work an dno play makes jack a dullboy. All work and no play makes JAck a dull Boy. Alll work and no play makes JAck a dull boy.

>> No.20082818

Have you made out yet?

>> No.20082826

Post book excerpt

>> No.20082850

Jesus fuck that is pathetic.
Good luck anon, you'll need it.

>> No.20082910

I feel trapped with golden handcuffs. I have an easy, cushy job on my way to a pension that I’d be an idiot to give up but a life that I basically hate.

>> No.20082967

Yeah I kind of thought so. But that leads me to ask why, or at least what the interpretive significance of his confirming success is? Why is the creation-confirmation process not presented in reverse?

>> No.20083081

We had a quick goodbye kiss at the end of our second date

>> No.20083109
File: 38 KB, 352x288, Ryu_Murakami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get a gf that likes dark souls, literature, and vtubers?

>> No.20083118

youre asking the wrong questions, virgin.

>> No.20083123

Stand in front of the mirror and repeat this three times at midnight : "Trans Women ARE Women".

Then go on Discord.

>> No.20083132

then i guess i dont want a gf
im not about that

>> No.20083169
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We'd have more friends if we took God fr. On God

>> No.20083233

Push it to the limits. Don't rely on a girl to direct and lead what happens. That's a man's job.

>> No.20083265

I want to read Sci-fi
What I want in sci-fi is to have advanced technology and/or advanced civilisations and I want to read a story which essentially just asks 'what would it be like if x or y was true', explores what people would be doing, how people would think, what societies would look like, etc
I am not interested in deep questions on human nature or the nature of existence at all
Any suggestions?

>> No.20083268

dan simmons

>> No.20083287

you probably should have done a little more than that on or by a third date, if you're trying to take things slow I can admire that however
all of dfw
infiltrate them and destroy them from the inside, go to the island(s) and report back

>> No.20083327
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For some reason, I ended up watching a bunch of 50 cent clips on youtube tonight. I was initially just looking at his trolling antics and other fun stuff of that sort, but then there was one particular passage that really left a mark on me, as ridiculous as this might seem. It seemed like a video that was recorded in 2006, and he was up on the rooftop of what i'm assuming is a projects building in new york, on a rainy day, and he was basically aggressively detailing his mission statement and why he operates the way he does. It's when he said
>If you spend your day talking to a nigga that got nothing going on, what the fuck kind of information can he offer you? can he help you learn something? can he teach you something, in the conversation? leave me the fuck alone, man.
I realized that i am that nigga. I'm the dead end neet who has zero things to offer. I probably made the right decision by alienating everyone else in my life, because i would have been wasting someone's valuable time otherwise. I realized that i don't have this drive for excellence that people like him tend to have, the people that rise above. Same thing when i listened to miles davis talking. It's all suicide fuel. And the worst part is i don't even understand why i've done nothing at all with my life. Somewhere along the way, i let the core of my being get so deeply infested and turn to rot, and now it's irredeemable. Thoughts that are just fluff, never to be translated into the real world.
For those who want to see the clip reference above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8TTuu1uUNY&t=338s

>> No.20083351

I was fonan relapse tn but im so drunk

>> No.20083367

damn im so drunk i even fuckrd upnmy tripcode. Im truly too drunk to relapse

>> No.20083387

Your experience is very similar to mine. Had no friends in high school. I am finishing my last year of college and I've spent it alone. It is very hard and I would, in theory, like to get to know people, but whenever I find myself in a social situation in class all I want to do is get out of it as quick as possible. In conversations I feel my mind becoming slower, my responses simple and duller. As though around others I'm not really my own at all. I feel horribly repressed, like there are two people inside me; one seeking to break outside myself and once I do the other immediately feeling pain and withdrawing back into myself. I worry like you that isolation in adolescence has made me inescapably alone. The advice to just be yourself is useless because the problem is precisely that I am my self, that is to say an anxious and inhibited person. I have to become someone else or else I will be alone for the rest of my life. I feel as though an entire dimension of life is slipping past me.

>> No.20083651

i love Jesus

>> No.20083656

it was all so long ago
i can hardly remember it
maybe it never happened
maybe i imagined it

>> No.20083691

I'm against prostitution.

>> No.20083697

The girl I love told me I wouldn't be able to give her the life she wanted. But she still wants me.. Women cannot be understood.

>> No.20083774

give him a blanket

>> No.20083827

Jesus please help

>> No.20083846

my ex schizophrenic. after i left her she went wild and mingled with the satanists out in vegas. but she's come to God and i'm thinking of marrying her. she sinned and i sinned so if we get married we cancel out each other sins. she's a good woman in spite of everything

>> No.20083857

Why do christcucks always settle for sluts? Every single time. I know 4 "tradwives" in real life and they all rode the cock carousel in their teens.

>> No.20083865

i had sex with as many people as she did. she;s not a "tradwife". i'm not a "tradhusband". we're just two profoundly flawed human beings. that's how it is

>> No.20083866

Why has MacDuff always seemed beta to me?

>> No.20083877
File: 137 KB, 573x730, 1598804706540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you write short erotic messages? Every time I try it sounds fucking awful to me, like I'm explaining the logistics of intercourse. Example:
>I can just see it now haha
>mmhm what can you see?
>I can see you riding my erect and throbbing cock, your pale breasts gently rising and falling as I caress them in my large hands. Your hips move greedily of their own accord, driving you forward and back, forward and back. I can taste the sweat on your neck as I reach and strain to possess you to the fullest extent, kissing the beating veins. You cannot hide the pleasure you feel when I gently pull back your hair to expose your neck to my hungry kisses. I can smell our mingled sweat in the hot midnight air of summer. I hear the increasing rapidity of your shaky breath, your gasping, your sighing, your animal moans. As our locked and heaving bodies reach their limits as ordained by nature or creators, I feel your fervent throbbing pleasure as my cock pulses new heat deep inside you, filling you with the fruit of our labours. You fall on your back, exhausted, but I am still eager to know you. I kiss your supple thighs, your naval, your fevered rising breasts, your sweating neck, and finally your quivering lips. With fifteen minutes of rest, it is amply clear that our primordial lusts are yet to be slaked. My stamina is replenished and I want you all the more. We cast off the sheets and begin anew.

>> No.20083891
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Not only do I enjoy reading fanfiction, but sometimes I read fanfiction from fandoms I'm not even in. As long as I can vaguely recognize the MC, it's fair game. If I read enough, then I can puzzle together canon. This is how I "watch" tv shows and movies, or "read" comics, nowadays.

>> No.20083951
File: 301 KB, 2048x1535, 20210529_011133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want friends that I can be proud of. It's not that I'm obsessed with image or status, but I've come to realize that most of my friends are like me - burnouts with one-dimensional interests. Maybe this sounds kind of fucked up to say, but I wish I had friends who were smarter or more successful. The people you surround yourself with really shape your reality (your perception of the world, your motivations, behaviors, etc.) and I feel I am doing myself a disservice by surrounding myself with NEETs with mental issues (even though that is what I am too, and why I relate to them so well in the first place). A lot of their negative attitudes probably rub off on me in ways I don't realize, even though I'm careful to avoid letting other people's moods and behaviors influence me. I can't help it. Either it's fundamentally human or I am too empathetic. Regardless, it's not healthy and I feel that it's stifling my growth.

I also sometimes have the urge to talk with people about things beyond the realm of vidya, social media, shitposts and suffering, but very few people I know have either the head or the interest for it. I wish I had more friends who would encourage me to grow and give me things to look up to.

>> No.20084001


>> No.20084148

the book of fire

>> No.20084165

My husband‘s still at work

>> No.20084168

so many games to play and so many books to read and so many movies to watch it's insane.
those are my feels all the time

>> No.20084174


>> No.20084175

Do the best novelists start as poets?

>> No.20084178

Why is the board so much slower all of a sudden?

>> No.20084181


>> No.20084182

It doesn't matter how old I am, how much I sex I have, how many girls I've had, I jacked I get... I still feel like a child when I wake into a room. I'm cursed with the beta mindset and this website is not doing any favours. Get the fuck out if you can.

>> No.20084184

If this board was 80% Irish it would make a lot of sense

>> No.20084187

4chan is not the place to be authentic. It took me way to long to learn that (probably should have lurked more). I will keep this in mind going forward.

>> No.20084195

all Americans think they're Irish one day a year, very strange country

>> No.20084205

talk to God about it senpai

>> No.20084216

New Thread

>> No.20084218

the same as this anon >>20079168

>> No.20084221

>I still feel like a child when I walk into a room
and you should embrace that "childlike feeling". that's the one Nietzsche-pill faggots who only think in "is he right or left?" will never truly get.
overcome the weird adult feeling of helplessness and weakness in being like a child.

>t. roided dancing child of the sun

>> No.20084250

this is a repost

>> No.20084385
File: 92 KB, 640x632, 1645724655400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably going to be arrested soon, any books for this feel?

>> No.20084439

When he left the shores of his home, the mercenary was little more than a boy. He remembered watching through tears as the old village melted into the sunset, its memories the extinguished smoke of candlelight on a naval wind. He saw himself trembling beneath that amber hue as the water swallowed the boat, each deep rumble of the ocean shaking him against the waves. The more he watched the further the boy descended into the lightless depth of what he could no longer recall. 'Where are you going?' He could no longer hear the reply. When last the mercenary reached out, the boy had already faded into the deep lagoon. It was watched only by pale moonlight like the ephemeral visage of something that had only ever been a trick of the light.

>> No.20084444

the Quran.
it's gonna work out.

>> No.20084725

American Psycho
Industrial Society and its Future
FM 3-05.70 Field Manual

>> No.20086022

i'm kind of flirting i guess with this girl from college but i'm on the edge should i go for it. also an idea popped in my mind about writing a novel about poetry