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/lit/ - Literature

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20077649 No.20077649 [Reply] [Original]

Which books do you reread the most and why?

>> No.20077664

The odyssey because my mother read it to me and it is excellent

>> No.20077723
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Gravity's Rainbow it gets better every time

>> No.20077873

Gene Wolfe's works of course

>> No.20077904

Madame Bovary. All the illusions Emma Bovary creates for herself add up to a novel about stripping life of its illusions for ourselves. Love will not be what you expect. Neither will vocation, parenthood, etc.. But what did you expect? And why did you expect those things?

Emma is like the Dostoevsky quote, "[hu]man, a creature that walks on two legs and is ungrateful." She is a particularly selfish and odious protagonist but she is simply the selfish nature of human beings (yes, men and women) turned up to the eleventh degree. I think the message I take is to be mindful of fantasizing, to try very hard to look at the day in front of you instead of the days ahead, the people in your life now, rather than the people you wish you had. And remember there is nothing that will truly rescue you from happiness, unless it is yourself.

>> No.20077906

Probably So the Wind Won't Blow it all Away. The way he exploits the structure to show the losses of growing up/old and how they shape who we are always gives perspective and insight on the past and how I have changed.

>> No.20077944

The Lord of the Rings. I reread it every year in late fall. Maximum cozy.

>> No.20078378

Harry Potter. I know it isn't good, but it makes me feel young again for a little while

>> No.20078410

I've probably read the catcher in the rye the most times out of any book. I read it every now and then to feel like a teenager again. Yes, I realize this makes me a faggot

>> No.20078415

Same, but I never realized this makes me a faggot (bc it doesn't)

>> No.20078417

so when you're rereading right, does it ever come to a point where you're like not trying to make sense of the words you're reading anymore, instead doing it because subvocalizing the prose is in and of itself pleasurable?

>> No.20078420
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Prince of Nothing. It's a shitty try hard pseudointellectual series with an author seething he couldn't make it to real academia and had to resort to using genre fiction to try and shill his reddit philosophy. It's quite laughable really.

>> No.20078449

I don't reread books that often, but most notably the Illiad

>> No.20078453

Anna Karenina. Every one of its short chapters are iconic and beautiful

>> No.20078457
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Probably this.

>> No.20078821

The best works will have the prose play off the meaning so you can have it all as one gestaltic feeling

>> No.20078824

So why reread it?

>> No.20079694

The Book of Disquiet is comfy.

>> No.20079850

I don't read.

>> No.20080235

I read excerpts from it every now and then

>> No.20080257

High IQ poast.

>> No.20080260


>> No.20080294

not even a kike-on-a-stick worshipper but do you niggers not read the bible?