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/lit/ - Literature

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20076936 No.20076936[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Symbelmyne Edition

Previous Thread:>>20067176

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.20076954

Will this thread survive?

>> No.20076959

The OP of the other thread probably reported it with several IPs and the newest thread was just deleted without regard to anything else.

>> No.20076960

Who is the greatest sci fi author?

>> No.20076973

I have no idea why they don't ban him.

>> No.20076977
File: 53 KB, 571x618, KIkMDIM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you do this? Can you not make a normal op with normal picture (NO TRANNIES)?
I await for the anon who read current year progressive feminist garbage ( sf setting) and rated it 10/10

>> No.20076986

Orson Scott Card

>> No.20076996 [DELETED] 

>The OP of the other thread probably reported it with several IPs
At this point, I believe it. Honestly, it's all sad at this point.
He's probably ban evading by using multiple IP. Just report his shitposts and the other thread. It should fix it.

A shame I couldn't reply to the review on time, !SFFG, I always looked forwards to these. Also, thanks for making them, is it too much to repost the review again for this thread?

>> No.20077006
File: 530 KB, 639x731, cool smug smoking saber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good progression systems worth copying?

>> No.20077010 [DELETED] 

A shame I couldn't reply to the review on time, !SFFG, I always looked forwards to these. Also, thanks for making them, is it too much to repost the review again for this thread so others can see it as well?

>> No.20077014
File: 87 KB, 646x1071, AD5303E0-22D4-4E62-9B95-6992E73A767E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually really fun and pretty good. I’m about half way. If you have knowledge of the games you’ll like it a lot better I’m sure, a lot of the NPC’s from D2 act 2 show up.

>> No.20077024
File: 465 KB, 2500x2500, 8CE9E342-7594-42A5-A2A5-722C1EA13409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book fucking sucks, gave up around 30% in. It’s so fucking slow and generic, I don’t know what I expected

>> No.20077029

I'm not going to repost it because it'd be doubled in the archive but, it can be viewed here or on GR:

Edgedancer, The Stormlight Archive #2.5 - Brandon Sanderson (2017)

>> No.20077032

dual cultivation

>> No.20077055

Well, it is a self-published book. I tried reading it and considered it for a bit, but it wasn't quite enough for me to do so. A few others in the group have really liked it though, for whatever reasons they may have.

>> No.20077064

I want to write a fantasy novel but I’m worried it would be considered too derivative, and that it would inevitable not sell a single copy

I don’t care if I’m not the next Tolkien or Brando Sando, but what’s the point in spending so much time world building and writing if nobody will ever read my book?

>> No.20077070

Group? What group?

>> No.20077075

Tolkien is derivative (of British and Norse legends). Brando Sando is derivative (of diarrhea). There's nothing new under the sun.

>> No.20077094

It might just be me, I’m not really a fantasy reader but damn does it read like the most generic fantasy of all time

>> No.20077095

Just write first and find out what (if anything) went wrong afterwards. Don't let fear having to improve stop you from trying at all.

>> No.20077102
File: 734 KB, 1192x1693, EarthSea trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you guys reading? I'm going to start reading Le Guin's Earthsea trilogy soon.

>> No.20077109

I really like the second book in the series, the Tombs of Atuan. The first and third are also good. Le Guin is peak comfy.

>> No.20077123

Refer to the OP.

>> No.20077124

Generic is not necessarily bad. As long as it is not pozzed it might even be good.

>> No.20077129

This was discussed in previous thread, the series is terrible, literal womens fantasy, I suggest you avoid it.

>> No.20077142

Oh, the womens history month group? Opinions from that group should be discarded.

>> No.20077143

I read the first book, but never really bothered with the rest.

>> No.20077144

Isn't this just feminist schlock? The midwit feminist bitch in my junior high was obsessed with this series

>> No.20077149

You're getting way ahead of yourself worrying about that. You should actually try writing a novel first then worry about selling it.

>> No.20077162

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.20077163

If there's one thing you should not be overly worried about in fantasy it is a lack of originality. It has never stopped anybody determined to sell their book. Just ask Christopher Paolini.

>> No.20077165

Since when are 13 year olds allowed on /lit/?

>> No.20077172
File: 830 KB, 1650x2550, F292E3E8-1C85-4DEC-9452-E649308DA7A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to start this, just came in the mail. It’s been about 6 weeks since I finished claw.

>> No.20077176 [DELETED] 

>with a new introduction by Ada Palmer
That's an odd choice.

>> No.20077179

I was obviously speaking in the past tense

>> No.20077183

Yes, but, for it to be relevant to you, it can't have been that long ago.

>> No.20077184

Yea I have no idea who that is

>> No.20077187

I didn't think about it very long. It's actually a fine choice because of the similarity of the narrators.

>> No.20077193

I'm re-reading A Canticle for Leibowitz.

>> No.20077203

Fair comment, just worried about putting all my free time into it for nothing.
Also true. I suppose as long as I steer clear of tropes and cliches it’s not too bad.
Thanks for the motivation.

I’ll start planning and writing then, what’s the worst that could happen?

>> No.20077204

You talked about a "midwit feminist bitch" in middle school with such vehemence that it seems unlikely it's a distant memory for you, more like something you experienced recently.

>> No.20077207

Most people cannot even write a novel at all, so if you think you're actually capable of it you should do it.

>> No.20077209

You literally cannot "steer clear of tropes and cliches" if you intend to write in fantasy, because that is what it means to write in a genre.

>> No.20077236

I mean more like not including things that have been done to death, like a setting with humans, elves, and dwarves.

>> No.20077254

>more like something you experienced recently.
Yeah, have you been ouside recently?

>> No.20077256

You should worry more about writing what interests you, and less about trying to be original, it truly does not matter in fantasy. You can always tweak the story later to be more original if you want, anyway. Nobody writes a story in on draft except hollywood screen writers.

>> No.20077261

This should belong to /wg/ the writing general.

>> No.20077265

Nobody seriously writes in that general.

>> No.20077285

The quality of writing people post there is terrible. People who barely know basic grammar ask for critique, and then getting angry when nobody gives them positive responses.

>> No.20077301

Post a passage from page 94, 194, or 294 of what you're currently reading. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch here.

>"Eldritch is everywhere," he said to Anne. "Give me your Chew-Z," he said to her.
>He shrugged, concealing his disappointment, the acute, physical impact of deprivation. Well, Palmer Eldritch would be returning; he surely knew the effects of his product. Possibly even later today.
>"Tell me about it," Anne said.
>Barney said, "It's an illusory world in which Eldritch holds the key positions as god; he gives you a chance to do what you can't really ever do--reconstruct the past as it ought to have been. But even for him it's hard. Takes time." He was silent, then; he sat rubbing his aching forehead.
>"You mean he can't--and you can't--just wave your arms and get what you want? As you can in a dream?"
>"It's absolutely not like a dream." It was worse, he realized. More like being in hell, he thought.
>Yes, that's the way hell must be: recurrent and unyielding. But Eldritch thought in time, with sufficient patience and effort, it could be changed.
>"If you go back--" Anne began.
>"'If." He stared at her. "I've got to go back. I wasn't able to accomplish anything this time."

>> No.20077305 [DELETED] 


>> No.20077353

>Stumble across an online story whilst looking for something totally unrelated
>Start getting really into it despite the fact that it's basically your typical isekai nonsense
>Then the author decides to have an entire chapter about the MC having to cope with her period

>> No.20077379

>midwit feminist bitch in my junior high
It's actually written by her.

>> No.20077385

/wg/ also doesn't like sff

>> No.20077422

Stopped reading there

>> No.20077440

name fifteen examples